 Providers of Electric, Natural Gas, LP Gas, and Geothermal Heating Services

PLEASE NOTE: Although cooperative utilities appear in the following lists, the PUCN has limited authority over cooperative utilities. The PUCN does not regulate the rates or service quality of these utilities and cannot assist consumers with complaints. For more information on filing a complaint against non-PUCN regulated companies, please see the "PUCN Regulated and Non-PUCN Regulated Companies & Service Providers" section on the "Be Informed" page.

The following lists of electric, natural gas, LP gas, and geothermal energy providers are being supplied by the PUCN as a courtesy to the public. This information is updated frequently. However, the PUCN does not verify the accuracy or validity of this information. Members of the public are encouraged to seek verification from the PUCN by contacting the Financial Analysis Division at 775-684-6155.

Company NameDBAAddressAddress 2CityStateZip
Harney Electric Cooperative, Inc. PO BOX 587 HINESOR97738-
Mt. Wheeler Power, Inc. 1600 GREAT BASIN BLVD ELYNV89301-3134
Nevada Power CompanyNV Energy6100 NEIL RDS4A50RENONV89511-1100
Plumas-Sierra Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. 73233 STATE RTE 70STE APORTOLACA96122-7069
Raft River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. PO BOX 617 MALTAID83342
Sierra Pacific Power CompanyNV Energy6100 NEIL RDS4A50RENONV89511-1100
Surprise Valley Electrification Corporation 800 W 12TH ST ALTURASCA96101-
Valley Electric Association, Inc. 800 E HWY 372 PAHRUMPNV89048-
Wells Rural Electric Company PO BOX 365 WELLSNV89835