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Electronic Filings and Records Management (EFRM) Overview

The goal of the Electronic Filings and Records Management(EFRM) system of the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada ("Commission") is to enable the Commission to accept and manage electronic filings and associated fees, and to enable utilities and other entities to submit electronic filings[1] and associated fees both "over-the-counter"[2] and "over-the-Internet".

In support of that goal, the EFRM project team is in the process of implementing the technology necessary to support:

  • Conversion of paper dockets into electronic records
  • Acceptance of electronic documents and records
  • Management of electronic documents and records
  • Improved accessibility to information contained in electronic records
  • Acceptance of fees via ACH funds transfers (electronic forms of payment)

Copies of both open and closed dockets are available upon request; such requests are currently filled from either our hard copies of paper files or micrfilm records. However, unless the person searching knows exactly what to look for, this process can require a tremendous amount of manual research. With the implementation of the Commission's EFRM system, anyone will be able to access these records efficiently.

The PUCN showcases the new Electronic Filings and Records Management (EFRM) system at Information Technology Day, February 15, 2007 at the Nevada Legislature.
The EFRM project team will also be implementing technology to leverage other advantages made available by the use of electronic records. The technology will support docket management (docket history, agenda meeting notice creation, agenda meeting minutes, etc).
Upon completion of the project, public information contained in both active and approximately 6 years of official historical records (dockets, notices, agenda meeting notice creation, and agenda meeting minutes) will be accessible and searchable over the Internet. Agenda meeting audio recordings will continue to be accessible over the Internet.
The new technology will enhance the ability of the Regulatory Operations Staff of the Commission ("Staff") and other interested parties to research public records on file with the Commission. Staff and other interested parties will be able to quickly access and search for information contained on the system 24 hours a day.
Over time, the Commission envisions using the same technology to support multiple disciplines including but not limited to resolution of consumer complaints, issuance of requests for information (data requests) and receipt of responses, compliance tracking, safety inspections and investigations, annual reporting and tariff book management.
Please direct questions to Rupert White (EFRM Project Manager) at (775) 684-6129 in Carson City.

[1] Utilities submit legal documents (filings) requesting action by the Commission.  Once the legal case manager authorizes those filings as acceptable, Business Process Services assigns a docket number to the filing. From that point forward, the Commission references the filing as a “docket” with an assigned docket number.
[2]Utilities currently submit hard copies of filings "over-the-counter".  Filings submitted over-the-counter generally consist of an original and nine copies and a filing fee submitted via a paper check. The Commission will continue to support the over-the-counter filing process after the implementation of the EFRM system.  However, the EFRM system will eliminate the need for nine copies of the filing and allow applicants to instead submit either a single hard copy over-the-counter (which will then be scanned into the electronic system) accompanied by a paper check, or an electronic filing accompanied by an electronic fee.

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