
Organizational Structure

The Public Utilities Commission of Nevada (“Commission”) is divided into two general sections: Commission Policy/Administration and Regulatory Operations. Commission Policy/Administration includes the Commissioners, Executive Director, Administration, General Counsel, Utilities Hearing Officers, Policy Analysis, the Public Information Office, and Consumer Outreach. Regulatory Operations includes the enforcement and analytical staff of the Commission, containing the Director of Regulatory Operations, Staff Counsel, Resource and Market Analysis, Financial Analysis, Engineering, Rail Safety, and Consumer Complaint Resolution.

Commission Policy/Administration


The Commission is comprised of three Commissioners who are each appointed by the Governor to a four-year term. The Governor designates one Commissioner as Chairman.

In contested matters, rulemakings, and investigations, a Commissioner is assigned to govern the proceedings to act as the Presiding Officer. The Presiding Officer, in contested cases, acts in a quasi-judicial manner by receiving and ruling on the admissibility of evidence and amendments to pleadings, acting upon any pending motions which do not involve a final determination of the proceeding, issuing appropriate interim orders, ruling on all procedural matters, setting timeframes for oral testimony and making findings of fact and conclusions of law for the full Commission to approve. Witnesses are presented and are subject to cross-examination by the other parties, Commissioners and Commissioners’ advisors. Likewise, in rulemaking proceedings, the Presiding Officer receives public comment on proposed regulations.

All matters over which the Commission has supervision, control, jurisdiction or advisory power must be approved by a quorum of Commissioners during a public agenda meeting. Thus, during these meetings, the Commissioners vote on Regulatory Operation Staff (“Staff”) recommendations for resolution of matters which did not go to hearing, and vote on other recommendations presented by the Presiding Officer for final determination of matters in which hearings have been held. The Commissioners also vote on various administrative, legislative, legal and policy issues in state and federal regulatory matters, including those before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) and the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”).


Hayley Williamson Chair(775) 684-6101Carson City
Tammy Cordova Commissioner(775) 684-6101Las Vegas
Randy J. Brown Commissioner(775) 684-6101Carson City
Executive Director
The Executive Director serves as Chief Financial Officer and directs the daily operations of the Commission including without limitation, budget preparation, administration, human resources, media relations and consumer outreach, purchases and acquisitions made by the Commission and contracts and leases entered into by the Commission. The Executive Director also develops and implements policies and procedures to ensure the efficient operation of the Commission including Regulatory Operations.

Executive Director Contact

Executive Assistant(775) 684-6191
Communications Director
The Communications Director is responsible for coordinating all external communications with the public, media, financial community, trade organizations and other interested groups. The Communications Director monitors state legislative activities and produces reports as needed, and interacts with other state agencies and branches of local, state and federal government to increase understanding of Commission activities.

Communications Director Contact

Communications Director(775) 684-6118
Consumer Outreach
Consumer Outreach is responsible for managing consumer outreach efforts to include: development and dissemination of outreach materials, development and tracking of outreach activities, and attending and speaking at community events.

Consumer Outreach Contact

Consumer Outreach(702) 486-7214
Diversity and Inclusion Liaison

The diversity and inclusion liaison shall:

      1.  Assist the state agency with:

      (a) Promoting effective communication with minority groups;

      (b) Promoting cultural competency in providing effective services to minority groups; and

      (c) Establishing a method for notifying employees of a state agency of the provisions of NRS 232.0083 to 232.0087, inclusive.

      2.  Serve as a contact person who shall maintain ongoing communication between the state agency and members of minority groups.

      3.  Provide technical assistance to the state agency on new programs and services offered by the state agency that are intended to increase accessibility and inclusivity for members of minority groups.

      4.  Collaborate with diversity and inclusion liaisons designated by other state agencies to increase the accessibility and inclusivity of services to members of minority groups.

      (Added to NRS by 2021, 3227)

Diversity and Inclusion Liaison

Last NameFirst NameTitleTelephone
HernandezErikaCompliance Investigator II(702) 486-7235
Administration is responsible for the overall administrative operations of the Commission to include budget and fiscal management; assessments, fees and administrative fines; human resources and management services; computer systems and operations; and the Electronic Filings and Records Management System.

Administration Contact

Admin Assistant II(702) 486-7239
Business Process Services
Business Process Services is responsible for the Commission’s core business processes relating to docket management. This includes implementing processes necessary to support the acceptance and management of “legally defensible” electronic documents and records. Business Process Services also manages the master dockets, prepares agenda meeting notices and maintains the Commission’s master calendar.

Business Process Services Contact

Business Process Analyst I(775) 684-6144

Computer Systems Contact

Manager, Information Technology(775) 684-6192
General Counsel
General Counsel is responsible for representing the Commission’s interests in all proceedings in state and federal court. The division represents the Commission's interests before various state and federal regulatory agencies including the FERC; counsels commissioners and administrative attorneys on legal and policy issues; and reviews and approves notices, orders, notices of agenda meetings, regulations, legislation and other legal documents prepared by administrative attorneys and the legal case manager. The division is also responsible for case management and reviewing the Commission's administrative procedures to assure compliance with the Administrative Procedures Act as well as other statutes and regulations applicable to the Commission.

Commission General Counsel Contact

Executive Assistant(775) 684-6102
Administrative Attorneys
Administrative Attorneys are responsible for providing preliminary advice and counsel to the assigned Commissioner; interpreting relevant laws, regulations, policies and procedures as they apply to specific utility issues; drafting legally sufficient opinions, notices, orders and regulations for the Commissioners; and making fair and impartial recommendations to the Commissioners based on fact and conclusions of the law.

Administrative Attorneys Contact

Executive Assistant(775) 684-6191
Utilities Hearings Officers
The Utilities Hearing Officers hold administrative hearings on applications to provide utility services, tariff rates, financial practices, jurisdictional issues and consumer complaints, write administrative orders, and arbitrate disputes between telecommunications providers. The Utilities Hearing Officers schedule and preside over administrative proceedings including prehearing conferences, consumer sessions, workshops, mediations, arbitrations and hearings in rulemakings, investigations and contested cases. The Utilities Hearing Officers also research and analyze evidence while drafting orders and opinions based on the record as well as state and federal law, which is reviewed and voted on by the Commissioners. Finally, the Utilities Hearing Officers review petitions for reconsideration and draft appropriate responses. The decisions of the Utilities Hearing Officers are subject to appeal by the Commission in the same manner that the decisions of a Presiding Officer are subject to appeal and review by the Commission. The Utilities Hearing Officers, however, are not able to vote on any matter before the Commission.

Utilities Hearing Officers Contact

Executive Assistant(775) 684-6191
Policy Analysis
Policy Analysis is responsible for providing policy, technical support and advice to the Commissioners on various aspects of utility issues including telecommunications, electric, gas, water and sewer. This involves evaluating, analyzing and interpreting utility data; drafting opinions, orders and regulations and ensuring they are technically accurate, consistent and complete; and providing policy and technical assistance to the Commission during hearings and rulemaking sessions. The Policy Analysis also provides policy and technical assistance to General Counsel during all proceedings before state and federal courts as well as federal regulatory agencies.

Policy Analysis Contact

Manager, Policy Analysis(775) 684-6176
Regulatory Operations
Regulatory Operations Staff (“Staff”) appears and participates in cases before the Commission as an independent party, balancing the interests of ratepayers and utility shareholders to ensure safe and reliable service at a reasonable cost.
Director of Regulatory Operations
The Director of Regulatory Operations (“DRO”) supervises and manages all aspects of Staff, consisting of five technical divisions and Staff Counsel. The DRO ensures that all Staff employees perform at a high level of competence and professionalism; organizes and manages all Staff regulatory functions including resources to ensure timely completion of analyses and submission of testimony, comments, reports and other filings to the Commission; and makes recommendations to the Commission regarding public utility matters. Additionally, the DRO monitors public utilities’ compliance with applicable statutes, regulations and Commission orders.

Regulatory Operations Contact

Administrative Attorney(775) 684-6160
Staff Counsel
Staff Counsel performs the legal functions of Staff and is responsible for providing legal counsel and support to Staff management and employees. These duties include formulating legal strategy and legal positions regarding utility filings; drafting case discovery; reviewing utility filings for legal adequacy and content; and preparing pleadings, briefs, responses to petitions, stipulations and other filings applicable to the regulation of Nevada utilities. The division also reviews and assists in the development of Staff testimony and filings; ensures that Staff's positions are in compliance with Nevada statutes and regulations; represents Staff at Commission hearings and workshops; assists in the development of proposed regulations and legislation; and provides other legal support to Staff divisions. Staff Counsel is the only division within Staff that addresses, in some form, every case filed with the Commission.

Staff Counsel Contact

Supr, Lgl Secretary, Case Mngr(702) 486-7275
Resource and Market Analysis
Resource and Market Analysis is responsible for all economic analyses of electric, natural gas and local telephone utility performance; rate designs; CPC applications; merger and competitive issue reviews; interconnection agreements; and other tariff reviews, including compliances. The division also provides information to the public regarding installation of renewable facilities, participation in the renewable portfolio standard and any incentive or subsidy programs available.

Resource and Market Analysis Contact

Admin Assistant III(775) 684-6175
Regulatory Accounting
Financial Analysis is responsible for the project management and audit of general rate change applications and analysis of filings for electric, natural gas, telephone, water and wastewater utilities. Additionally, the division is responsible for the project management and audit of deferred energy and purchase gas adjustment applications and mobile home park filings, analyzing and processing applications for licenses, reviewing applications for certificates of public convenience and necessity and changes in ownership, reviewing annual report filings, tracking compliance for non-safety issues, and monitoring universal energy charge collections.

Regulatory Accounting Contact

Admin Assistant III(775) 684-6155
Regulatory Engineering
Engineering is responsible for monitoring the implementation of electric renewable portfolio standards and demand-side management activities as well as forecasting Nevada’s electric energy and capacity requirements. The division monitors water and wastewater utilities for quality of service, environmental compliance and financial performance; and reviews UEPA applications for construction permits for compliance with environmental requirements for new water and/or wastewater facilities. The division also implements a gas pipeline safety program in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Transportation, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration.

Regulatory Engineering Contact

Admin Assistant III(775) 684-6101
Rail Safety
Rail Safety in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration participates in the enforcement of federal safety regulations and orders applicable to railroad track, hazardous materials shipments, rolling equipment and operations in Nevada. The division also reviews applications to modify or construct new railroad crossings.

Rail Safety Contact

Administrative Attorney(775) 684-6160
Consumer Complaint Resolution
Consumer Complaint Resolution is responsible for responding to utility consumer needs, problems and inquiries. The division is responsible for receiving, investigating and mediating complaints that arise between customers and their serving utilities including electric, gas, telecommunications, water and sewer. The division also tracks complaint levels and apprises the Commission of arising problem areas. Additionally, it makes recommendations to the Commission and the utilities regarding possible changes in policies or practices relating to the improvement of customer service and complaint resolution.

Consumer Complaint Resolution Contact

Admin Assistant III(702) 486-7217Las Vegas
Admin Assistant II(702) 486-7239Las Vegas