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 Dkt No.Date FiledDescription
View25-0302403/25/2025Notice by Southwest Gas Corporation of its intent to file a resource plan and notice of a scheduled meeting pursuant to NRS 704.991.
View25-0302203/27/2025Application of Edgewood Water Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 7, to revise Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View25-0302103/25/2025Application of Spirit Mountain Utility Company, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 10, to revise Water Tariff No. 2 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View25-0302003/21/2025Application of Steamboat Springs Water Works, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 8, to revise Rate Schedules to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View25-0301903/21/2025Application of Stimulus Technologies of Nevada, LLC d/b/a Stimulus Technologies for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View25-0301803/19/2025Annual Reports from providers of new electric resources detailing the adequacy of supply pursuant to Section 5 of LCB File No. R194-22 and the Order issued for Phase 2 in Docket No. 19-06029 for calendar year 2024.
View25-0301703/18/2025Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and CT Equipment, Inc. ("CT") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by CT.
View25-0301603/17/2025Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Green Image, LLC d/b/a GTI ("GTI") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by GTI.
View25-0301403/12/2025Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Southwest Gas Corporation ("SWG") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law and 49 CFR Part 192 of the Federal Pipeline Safety Regulations by SWG.
View25-0301303/05/2025Notice by Machaen Enterprises, Inc. on behalf of IDT America Corp. of a bond renewal.
View25-0301203/11/2025Application of Network Innovations, LLC for approval to add fictitious business name Nitel for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2905 Sub 1.
View25-0301103/10/2025Request of EVOLVE WIRELESS LLC to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View25-0301003/10/2025Filing by Cox Nevada Telcom, LLC of Annual Milestone Certification for the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund submitted to the Universal Service Administration Company pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 20-12033.
View25-0300903/10/2025Filing by Telrite Corporation d/b/a Life Wireless of updated Informational Tariff No. 2 that includes updates to Wireless Lifeline Program.
View25-0300803/07/2025Application of Verdi Meadows Utility Company, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 12, to revise Water Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View25-0300703/07/2025Application of Gardnerville Water Company for authority to modify Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 926 Sub 15 to expand its water service territory to include 2.72 acres of single-family residential property owned by Custom Craft Builders LLC contiguous to its existing service territory located in Douglas County, Nevada.
View25-0300603/04/2025Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 680-E, to implement Net Metering Rider-2025 Schedule No. NMR-2025 and to close Net Metering Rider-405 Schedule No. NMR-405 to new customers.
View25-0300503/04/2025Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to increase Business Digital (ISDN) Single Line Access monthly, 12 month, and 35 month rates.
View25-0300403/04/2025Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to increase Business PBX Trunk rates.
View25-0300303/04/2025Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to increase Caller ID and Call Waiting/Cancel Call Waiting for business.
View25-0300203/04/2025Registration of Switch Mobile LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View25-0300103/03/2025Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 21, to revise Water Tariff No. 1A and Sewer Tariff No. 1A to adjust rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View25-0203503/03/2025Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of natural gas expenses.
View25-0203403/03/2025Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of fuel and purchased power expenses, to reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development charge, reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rate, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Program Rates, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rates, reset the Energy Efficiency Program Amortization Rate, reset the Energy Efficiency Implementation Amortization Rate, and reset the Expanded Solar Program Costs Rate.
View25-0203303/03/2025Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of fuel and purchased power expenses, to reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development charge, reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rate, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Program Rates, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rates, reset the Energy Efficiency Program Amortization Rate, reset the Energy Efficiency Implementation Amortization Rate, reset the Expanded Solar Program Costs Rate, and refund the total amount of Energy Efficiency Implementation Rate revenue received in 2024, including carrying charges.
View25-0203203/14/2025Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the cost recovery of the regulatory assets relating to the development and implementation of their Joint Natural Disaster Protection Plan.
View25-0203103/04/2025Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc., for approval of its 2025 Integrated Resource Plan for wastewater services, for approval to designate certain system improvement projects as eligible projects for which a system improvement rate may be established, and for other relief properly related thereto.
View25-0203003/04/2025Informational Report of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy on the progress of their Expanded Solar Access Program Plan for the period 2024-2026.
View25-0202902/27/2025Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on Economic Development Electric Rate Rider Program pursuant to NAC 704.8958.
View25-0202802/27/2025Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on Economic Development Electric Rate Rider Program pursuant to NAC 704.8958.
View25-0202702/26/2025Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of Annual Greenlink Benefits Report and Analysis pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 20-07023.
View25-0202603/06/2025Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice, under Advice Letter No. 543, to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2025.
View25-0202502/26/2025Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Las Vegas Paving Corporation ("LV Paving") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by LV Paving.
View25-0202402/25/2025Notice by Windstream Communications, LLC, Broadview Networks, Inc., DeltaCom, LLC, McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, L.L.C., PaeTec Communications, LLC, Talk America, LLC, Windstream New Edge, LLC, Windstream NuVox, LLC, Windstream Holdings II, LLC, and New Windstream, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View25-0202302/21/2025Notice by Network Innovations, LLC, Nitro Bidco Limited Partnership, and Comcast Business Communications, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View25-0202202/20/2025Petition of Great Basin Water Co. requesting a waiver of the requirement in NAC 704.63435 to file an application recommending the continuation or adjustment of a system improvement rate by April 1, 2025.
View25-0202102/18/2025Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 25-01(E) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2025.
View25-0202002/18/2025Request of Clear Mobile, LLC to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View25-0201902/14/2025Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 25-01 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2025.
View25-0201802/14/2025Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 25-01(G) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2025.
View25-0201702/14/2025Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval to continue its Move2Zero Carbon Offset Program to its northern and southern Nevada sales customers and to continue the currently authorized regulatory asset treatment to track costs associated with the Program.
View25-0201602/18/2025Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to adjust its annual revenue requirement for general rates charged to all classes of electric customers and for relief properly related thereto.
View25-0201503/10/2025Registration of Worx Wireless, LLC d/b/a Stack Mobile as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View25-0201402/12/2025Notice by WANRack, LLC of a pro forma change of indirect ownership.
View25-0201302/11/2025Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, LLC d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Utility Telecom Group, LLC d/b/a Utility Telephone for approval of an amendment to the DS1/DS3 Transport Amendment of their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View25-0201202/11/2025Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, LLC d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Peerless Network of Nevada, LLC for approval of an amendment to the DS1/DS3 Transport Amendment of their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View25-0201102/10/2025Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("Nevada Power") requesting a waiver of certain meter installation requirements of Nevada Power’s Electric Tariff Rule Nos. 16 and 20 for the Symphony Park Project.
View25-0201002/12/2025Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Great Basin Gas Transmission Company ("Great Basin") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Great Basin.
View25-0200902/10/2025Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Aspen Developers Corp ("Aspen") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Aspen.
View25-0200802/10/2025Notice by the Regulatory Operations Staff of the 2025 range of reasonable returns on equity for water and sewer utilities.
View25-0200702/12/2025Application of Verdi Meadows Utility Company, Inc. for authority to impose a rate surcharge to fund the preliminary engineering report.
View25-0200602/11/2025Notice by QuantumShift Communications, Inc. d/b/a vCom Solutions, vCom Solutions, Inc., and AppSmart TGN, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View25-0200502/10/2025Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 677-E, to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to modify Service Connections, Meters and Customer’s Facilities Rule No. 16 to adjust a provision regarding meter location.
View25-0200402/10/2025Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 550, to revise Tariff No. 1-B to modify Service Connections, Meters and Customer’s Facilities Rule No. 16 and Types of Metering Installations Rule No. 20 to adjust provisions regarding meter location.
View25-0200302/07/2025Application of Calpine Energy Solutions, LLC for approval of the transfer of Alternative Seller License No. G-6 Sub 2 or, in the alternative, for a Declaratory Order that approval of the License transfer is not required.
View25-0200202/05/2025Filing by the Regulatory Operations Staff of calendar year 2024 accounting report for each utility authorized to collect a rate surcharge pursuant to NAC 704.600(6).
View25-0200102/04/2025Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy to report on outstanding incentives liabilities for the Solar and Storage Programs.
View25-0104302/13/2025Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the first amendment to their Joint Expanded Solar Access Program Plan for the period 2024-2026.
View25-0104202/10/2025Application of Verdi Meadows Utility Company, Inc. for authority to impose a rate surcharge to fund certain repairs and establish a cash reserve.
View25-0104101/31/2025Application of Verdi Meadows Utility Company, Inc. for approval to withdraw $25,000.00 in funds from its surcharge funds account to pay for the Preliminary Engineering Report authorized by the Commission in Docket No. 22-01024.
View25-0104001/31/2025Application of AmeriGas Propane, L.P. d/b/a Bi-State Propane ("AmeriGas") for approval of the margin rates charged by AmeriGas for the preceding fiscal year.
View25-0103902/04/2025Joint Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of an administrative budget to close out remaining Renewable Energy Programs for Program Year 2025.
View25-0103801/29/2025Application of the Department of Health and Human Services Aging and Disability Services Division for approval of a State Fiscal Year ("SFY") 2026 telecommunication device for the deaf surcharge that is calculated based on its Governor’s recommended budget for SFY 2026
View25-0103701/28/2025Application of Reno Power NR 1, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the South Valley (Phase 1) development consisting of the new 345 kV Mackay Switching Station to connect to the existing Fort Churchill-Comstock Meadows #1 345 kV transmission line which will fold into the Mackay Switching Station via two new single-circuit segments, and associated facilities to be located on private land in Storey County, Nevada.
View25-0103601/28/2025Registration of PHREELI COMPANY as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View25-0103501/27/2025Notice by BRP Sandstone 3, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Eureka Transmission Project consisting of a 345 kV generation-tie transmission line and associated facilities to interconnect the proposed Eureka Solar Project with the existing Robinson-Falcon transmission line, to be located on federally-managed land in Eureka County, Nevada.
View25-0103401/24/2025Filing by Assurance Wireless USA, L.P. of updated Informational Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to Lifeline Wireless Service Plan.
View25-0103301/24/2025Notice by Mountain Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct an up to 230 kV generation-tie transmission line and associated facilities to interconnect the proposed Mountain Solar Project with the existing Machacek Substation to be located on federally-managed land in Eureka County, Nevada.
View25-0103202/25/2025Registration of Audinar LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View25-0103101/22/2025Notice by Solar Partners VII, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Gemini Solar III Project consisting of a 650 MW photovoltaic solar energy generating facility, a 230 kV transmission line, a 475 MW battery energy storage system, and associated facilities to be located on approximately 6,766 acres of federally-managed land in Clark County, Nevada.
View25-0103001/22/2025Notice by Terra Nova Telecom, Inc. of its intent to request numbering resources for various rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View25-0102901/17/2025Regulatory Operations Staff vs. Candlewood Mobile Home Park. Complaints regarding tenant electricity billing.
View25-0102801/15/2025Staff report on Steamboat Springs Water Works, Inc. pursuant to the provisions of NAC 704.627.
View25-0102701/15/2025Notice by DesertLink, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Sloan Canyon 500 kV Loop Project consisting of an extension of the existing Harry Allen-Eldorado 500 kV transmission line and associated facilities to be located on private and federally-managed land in Clark County, Nevada.
View25-0102601/13/2025Registration of USA Mobile LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View25-0102501/13/2025Registration of Affiniti Ventures, Inc. d/b/a Noble Mobile as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View25-0102401/10/2025Lucy and Cristina Esteras vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding billing dispute.
View25-0102301/09/2025Application of Avalon Geothermal, LLC to voluntarily discontinue geothermal service conducted under Geothermal Operating Permit ("GOP") 100 Sub 3.
View25-0102201/08/2025Registration of PLUG MOBILE LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View25-0102101/15/2025Application of Elko Heat Company for authority to modify Geothermal Operation Permit ("GOP") 003 to expand its service territory to include areas to be annexed by the City of Elko contiguous to its existing service territory located in Elko County, Nevada.
View25-0102001/03/2025Notice by Invenergy Storage Development LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct an approximately 0.4-mile 230 kV transmission line and associated facilities to connect the proposed Harry Allen Energy Storage Project to the electric transmission system at the Harry Allen Substation to be located on federally-managed land in Clark County, Nevada.
View25-0101901/02/2025Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to establish a Wildfire Self-Insurance Policy and cost recovery to fund the Wildfire Self-Insurance Policy.
View25-0101801/02/2025Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to establish a Wildfire Self-Insurance Policy and cost recovery to fund the Wildfire Self-Insurance Policy.
View25-0101701/02/2025Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to establish regulatory accounting treatment for Line Locate Activity Expenses and to establish the Damage Prevention Cost Mechanism.
View25-0101601/02/2025Filings by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of its current Strategic Operating Plans pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 22-06014.
View25-0101501/02/2025Filings by Eligible Telecommunications Carriers of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 555 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements.
View25-0101401/02/2025Filings by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of its quarterly data metrics for its Economic Recovery Transportation Electrification Plan pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 21-09004.
View25-0101301/02/2025Notifications by natural gas utilities operating in Nevada of new or revised discounted rate contracts, contracts for alternative fuel capable customers, and contracts for special service pursuant to Section 2 of LCB File No. R075-20 and the Order issued in Docket No. 19-02024 for calendar year 2025.
View25-0101201/02/2025Notifications and Reports from electric utilities operating in Nevada regarding certain ignition events and wildfires occurring in the vicinity of the infrastructure of an electric utility for calendar year 2025.
View25-0101101/02/2025Notifications and Reports from electric utilities operating in Nevada regarding power outages initiated to preserve public safety or proactive de-energization events for calendar year 2025.
View25-0101001/02/2025Filings by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of its monthly financial statements and quarterly calculations of its earned rate(s) of return and returns on equity for the Nevada jurisdiction pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 13-07021.
View25-0100901/02/2025Reports from electric and gas utilities operating in Nevada of transactions and calculations affecting the deferred energy accounts pursuant to NAC 704.195 for calendar year 2025.
View25-0100801/02/2025Rail Safety FRA Form 96 Inspection Reports for calendar year 2025.
View25-0100701/02/2025Pipeline Safety Enforcement Actions and Inspection Reports by the Regulatory Operations Staff pursuant to 49 CFR 191 and 192 for calendar year 2025.
View25-0100601/02/2025One Call Enforcement Actions and Inspection Reports by the Regulatory Operations Staff pursuant to NRS 455 for calendar year 2025.
View25-0100501/02/2025Annual Reports for calendar year 2024 submitted by Telecommunication companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191 and NAC 704.7483.
View25-0100401/02/2025Annual Reports for calendar year 2024 submitted by Mobile Home Parks operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 704.960 and NAC 704.987.
View25-0100301/02/2025Annual Reports for calendar year 2024 submitted by Water and Wastewater companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191, NAC 703.199, and NAC 704.225.
View25-0100201/02/2025Annual Reports for calendar year 2024 submitted by Electric, Natural Gas, LPG, Geothermal, Alternative Sellers, and Railroad companies as well as Providers of New Electric Resources operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191 and NAC 704.225.
View25-0100101/02/2025Reports from public utilities operating in Nevada of accidents or significant service outages occurring during calendar year 2025 pursuant to NRS 704.190 and NAC 704.230.
View24-1203012/31/2024Investigation to explore Nevada Universal Service Fund issues.
View24-1202912/31/2024Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of its 2024 Status Report on the Spring Creek Expansion Project.
View24-1202812/31/2024Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of its 2024 Status Report on the Mesquite Expansion Project.
View24-1202712/31/2024Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, LLC d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale, filed under Advice Letter No. 2079, to revise Tariff No. C to modify Access Ordering Options Schedule No. C5-A and Special Access Service Schedule No. C7-A to modify the terms and conditions of Shared Use.
View24-1202612/24/2024Filing by Cox Nevada Telcom, LLC of Annual Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Report pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 20-12033.
View24-1202512/24/2024David Harris vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding NV Energy’s financial practices and billing procedures.
View24-1202412/23/2024Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, LLC d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale to amend its designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier service area in geographic areas with no Provider of Last Resort obligations.
View24-1202312/20/2024Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. NV2025-01, to revise Tariff No. 1A to increase monthly charges for Advanced Calling Services features, Custom Calling Service features, and Additional Listings and Lines of Information.
View24-1202212/20/2024Notice by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Amargosa South Project consisting of a 600 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 400 MW battery energy storage system, a 525 kV generation-tie line, the proposed Armagosa South project substation, the Greenlink West Amargosa substation, and associated facilities to be located on federally-managed land in Nye County, Nevada.
View24-1202112/20/2024Notice by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Amargosa North Project consisting of a 600 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 400 MW battery energy storage system, a 525 kV generation-tie line, the proposed Armagosa North project substation, the Greenlink West Amargosa substation, and associated facilities to be located on federally-managed land in Nye County, Nevada.
View24-1202012/20/2024Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 345-G, to revise Gas Main Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the Tax Gross-up Rate.
View24-1201912/20/2024Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 679-E, to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the Tax Gross-up Rate.
View24-1201812/20/2024Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 552, to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the Tax Gross-up Rate.
View24-1201712/19/2024Request of IDT Domestic Telecom, Inc. to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View24-1201612/18/2024Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the first amendment to their 2024-2026 Joint Natural Disaster Protection Plan.
View24-1201512/18/2024Anna Diktakis vs. Southwest Gas Corporation. Complaint regarding billing dispute.
View24-1201412/17/2024Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, LLC d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Stratus Networks, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection and/or Resale Agreement and an Amendment to an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View24-1201312/16/2024Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Canyon Pipeline Construction, Inc. ("Canyon") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Canyon.
View24-1201212/13/2024Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company, LLC d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale of revisions to its Guidebook to reflect Zero Demand Forbearance update consistent with the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 18-74.
View24-1201112/13/2024Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to grandfather residential bundles.
View24-1201012/12/2024Notice by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of its intent to file an application for adjustment in electric rates.
View24-1200912/12/2024Registration of Prepaid Wireless Wholesale, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View24-1200812/16/2024Notice by Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc., Frontier Communications Online and Long Distance Inc., Frontier Communications of America, Inc., Frontier Communications Parent, Inc., and Verizon Communications Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View24-1200712/09/2024Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 678-E, to revise Electric Tariff No. 2 to submit short-term avoided cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities pursuant to Schedule CSPP - Short-Term.
View24-1200612/09/2024Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 551, to revise Electric Tariff No. 1-B to reflect the avoided short-term cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities pursuant to Qualifying Facilities Schedule QF - Short Term.
View24-1200512/06/2024Application of Google Fiber Nevada, LLC for approval to add fictitious business names Google Fiber and GFiber for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3096.
View24-1200412/12/2024Petition of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("SPPC") requesting deviation from SPPC’s Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 requirement that the term of a Substation and High Voltage Distribution Agreement be ten years.
View24-1200312/04/2024Application of Great Basin Water Co. for authority to consolidate and adjust its annual revenue requirement for water and sewer service rates charged to all classes of customers in the Pahrump, Spring Creek, Cold Springs, and Spanish Springs Divisions and for other relief properly related thereto.
View24-1200212/04/2024Revised registration of Truphone Inc. for a change of name to 1GLOBAL Operations (US) Inc.
View24-1200112/02/2024Jessica Love vs. Great Basin Water Co. Complaint regarding account being closed in error resulting in energy assistance funds being returned to the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services.
View24-1101511/27/2024Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for review of its Spring Creek Expansion Project pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 19-06017.
View24-1101401/07/2025Application of Flying Bull Internet, LLC d/b/a NOVOS FiBER for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View24-1101311/20/2024Notice by U.S. Specialty Insurance Company on behalf of North Star Gas Company, LLC d/b/a YEP Energy of a bond cancellation for gas service conducted under License No. G-37.
View24-1101211/26/2024Application of Constellation Energy Generation, LLC for a license to operate as a provider of new electric resources.
View24-1101111/20/2024Show Cause Proceeding to determine why Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity, Licenses, or Permits should not be revoked, why administrative fines should not be imposed, and/or why administrative action should not be taken on certain companies that have not timely met their regulatory obligations for calendar year 2023 and/or the period July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024.
View24-1101012/03/2024Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice, under Advice Letter No. 542, to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2025.
View24-1100911/18/2024Notice by ExteNet Systems, LLC ("ESL") and ExteNet LVS, LLC ("ELVS") of a pro forma transfer of certain assets, including customer contracts and related telecommunications network infrastructure assets, from ESL to ELVS.
View24-1100811/15/2024Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 24-04(G) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2025.
View24-1100711/15/2024Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 24-04(E) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2025.
View24-1100611/18/2024Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 24-04 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2025.
View24-1100511/15/2024Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to establish the Accumulated Deferred Interest rate in Southern Nevada pursuant to the Variable Interest Expense Recovery mechanism, Unrecovered Gas Cost Expense rates, system shrinkage rates, excess Imbalance Commodity and Reservation Charges, Renewable Energy Program Rates, General Revenues Adjustment rates, Conservation and Energy Efficiency rates, Mesquite Infrastructure Expansion Rates, Spring Creek Infrastructure Expansion Rates, Contract Transition Adjustment Provision rate, and establish the SGTC Volumetric Charge for Southern Nevada transportation customers.
View24-1100411/15/2024Notice by Lincoln Battery Storage, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct an approximately 5-mile 345 kV transmission line connecting the proposed Lincoln Battery Storage Project to the existing Robinson Summit Substation and associated facilities to be located on federally-managed land in White Pine County, Nevada.
View24-1100311/08/2024Filing by Assurance Wireless USA, L.P. of updated Informational Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to Lifeline Wireless Service Plan.
View24-1100211/08/2024Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to change the timeframe for Number Referral and reduce nonrecurring rates.
View24-1100111/21/2024Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to amend Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2627 Sub 8 to expand its service territory to include areas contiguous to its existing Northern Nevada service territory located in Lyon County, Nevada.
View24-1001610/31/2024Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 676-E, to revise Interruptible Irrigation Service Schedule No. IS-2 to decrease the IS-2 rate.
View24-1001510/31/2024Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 549, to revise Interruptible Agricultural Irrigation Water Pumping Schedule No. IAIWP to decrease the IAIWP rate.
View24-1001410/29/2024Revised registration of Puretalk Holdings, LLC for a change of name to Puretalk Holdings, Inc.
View24-1001310/28/2024Notice by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the 230 kV Prospector - Garnet Valley Pump Station Transmission Line Project consisting of a 230 kV transmission line and associated facilities to connect the new Garnet Valley Pump Station to be located on federally-managed land in Clark County, Nevada.
View24-1001210/30/2024Application of eNetworks, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View24-1001110/28/2024Amended Aboveground Utility Plan of City of North Las Vegas filed pursuant to NRS 278.165.
View24-1001010/23/2024Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304 and annual certification that price cap carrier is not seeking duplicative Eligible Recovery pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.915.
View24-1000910/22/2024Notice by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Nighthawk Substation and 345 kV Fold Project consisting of a new substation located on 14.7 acres of private land and a 345 kV high-voltage transmission line-fold to be located on 148 acres of private land and 158.5 acres of federally-managed land in Lyon County, Nevada.
View24-1000810/18/2024Amended Application of Great Basin Water Co., Pahrump, Spring Creek, Cold Springs, and Spanish Springs Divisions, for authority to revise Water Tariff Nos. 236, 238, 240, and 241A to implement the deferred water service adjustment rate mechanism relating to the Order issued in Docket No. 21-12025.
View24-1000710/16/2024Application of Rough Hat Clark BESS LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Rough Hat Clark BESS Transmission Line Project consisting of a 230 kV transmission line and associated facilities to interconnect the proposed Rough Hat Clark Solar Battery Energy Storage System Project with the Trout Canyon Substation, to be located on federally-managed land in Clark County, Nevada.
View24-1000610/15/2024Application of E4 Connect, INC. for allowance of Nevada Universal Service Fund funding for the year commencing January 1, 2025.
View24-1000510/15/2024Notice by 328CH 8me LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Arida 2a Transmission Project consisting of an 8.8-mile 500 kV transmission line and associated facilities to interconnect the Arida 2a Solar Project with the existing Mojave Substation, to be located on federally-managed land in Clark County, Nevada.
View24-1000410/14/2024Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Hiskett & Sons, LLC ("Hiskett") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Hiskett.
View24-1000310/14/2024Application of Carefree Country Mobile Home Park to withdraw $161,430.87 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View24-1000210/04/2024Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to increase the residential Foreign Exchange monthly rate, change the business description to OnNet, and add a business OffNet monthly rate.
View24-1000110/04/2024Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to increase Remote Call Forwarding for business.
View24-0902610/02/2024Application of Ioneer Rhyolite Ridge LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct a 40 MW electric generating facility using heat and steam mining byproducts to be located on federally-managed land in Esmeralda County, Nevada ancillary to the Rhyolite Ridge Project.
View24-0902509/24/2024Notice by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Herb Goforth III to Prospector 230 kV Transmission Line Project consisting of an approximately 2-mile segment of a new 230 kV transmission line installed on new quad circuit 230/138 kV transmission structures, and associated facilities to be located on federally-managed land in Clark County, Nevada.
View24-0902409/24/2024Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and the City of Las Vegas ("City") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding a violation of NRS 455.230 by the City.
View24-0902309/24/2024Notice by Sawtooth DevCo, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct an up to 500 kV generation-tie line associated with the proposed Bergen Battery Energy Storage System Project to be located on federally-managed land in Clark County, Nevada.
View24-0902209/24/2024Notice by Sawtooth DevCo, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct an up to 230 kV generation-tie line associated with the proposed Reine Battery Energy Storage System Project to be located on federally-managed land in Clark County, Nevada.
View24-0902109/24/2024Registration of VIVA-US Telecommunications, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View24-0902009/23/2024Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Target Construction, Inc. ("Target Construction") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Target Construction.
View24-0901909/20/2024Notice by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Nighthawk Substation and 345 kV Fold Project consisting of a new substation located on 14.7 acres of private land and a 345 kV high-voltage transmission line-fold to be located on 148 acres of private land and 158.5 acres of federally-managed land in Lyon County, Nevada.
View24-0901809/16/2024Notice by Truphone Inc., TP Global Operations Limited, and TP US Operations Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View24-0901709/17/2024Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Comstock Meadows to West Tracy 345 kV Transmission Line Project consisting of 345 kV terminal additions at the West Tracy and Comstock Meadows substations, two 345/120 kV transformers at the Comstock Meadows Substation, and a 10.14-mile 345 kV transmission line to be located on private land in Storey County, Nevada.
View24-0901609/16/2024Notice by Libra Solar 2, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Libra Solar 2 Solar Project consisting of a 400 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 400 MW battery energy storage system, an up to 500 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located on approximately 3,000 acres of federally-managed land in Mineral and Lyon Counties, Nevada.
View24-0901509/13/2024Notice by NUSO, LLC of its intent to request numbering resources for various rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View24-0901409/12/2024Filing by Boomerang Wireless, LLC d/b/a enTouch Wireless of Informational Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to Wireless Lifeline Program.
View24-0901309/13/2024Application of Reno Power NR 1, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Peru Shelf (Phase 1) development consisting of the new 345 kV Gosling Switching Station to connect to the West Tracey-Comstock Meadows 345 kV transmission line which will fold into the Gosling Switching Station via two new single-circuit segments, and associated facilities to be located on private land in Storey County, Nevada.
View24-0901209/11/2024Application of Verdi Meadows Utility Company, Inc. for approval to withdraw $750.00 in funds from its surcharge funds account to pay for an emergency leak repair authorized by the Commission in Docket No. 22-01024.
View24-0901109/11/2024Notice by Boulevard Associates, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Stairstep Solar Project consisting of an up to 80 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, an 80 MW battery energy storage system, an approximately 12.5-mile 500 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located on approximately 216 acres of federally-managed land and 356 acres of private land in Clark County, Nevada.
View24-0901009/10/2024Notice by Springfield Street RE LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct an up to 400 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, an up to 132 MW battery energy storage system, and associated facilities to be located on approximately 2,331 acres of federally-managed land in Nye County, Nevada.
View24-0900909/04/2024Request of TAG Mobile, LLC to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View24-0900809/05/2024Notice by Leap Telecom, LLC of its intent to request numbering resources for the Reno and Las Vegas rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View24-0900709/05/2024Registration of Splash Cellular Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View24-0900609/06/2024Application of Steamboat Springs Water Works, Inc. for authority to impose a rate surcharge to fund the installation of an automated chlorination system and isolation valves and to establish an emergency cash reserve fund.
View24-0900509/03/2024Application of Verdi Meadows Utility Company, Inc. for approval to withdraw $12,703.85 in funds from its surcharge funds account to pay for an emergency repair to an electrical facility authorized by the Commission in Docket No. 22-01024.
View24-0900409/03/2024Notice by BRP Sandstone 1, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Jake’s Valley Solar Project consisting of a 1,000 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 500 kV generation-tie line, a battery energy storage system, and associated facilities to be located on up to 9,515 acres of federally-managed land in White Pine County, Nevada.
View24-0900309/03/2024Notice by Sawtooth DevCo, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Vlahakis Energy Center Project consisting of an up to 1,000 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, an up to 500 kV transmission line, a battery energy storage system, and associated facilities to be located on approximately 7,630 acres of federally-managed land in Esmeralda County, Nevada.
View24-0900209/03/2024Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and NNE Construction, Inc. ("NNE") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by NNE.
View24-0900109/03/2024Notice by Pantheon Solar LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Pantheon Solar 3 Project consisting of an up to 600 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 230kV or 500kV generation-tie line, a 600 MW battery energy storage system, and associated facilities to be located on approximately 5,205 acres of federally-managed land in White Pine County, Nevada.
View24-0803108/30/2024Notice by Euler Hermes North America Insurance Company on behalf of Symmetry Energy Solutions, LLC of a bond rider.
View24-0803008/30/2024Second Report of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy on the progress of its Natural Disaster Protection Plan for the Action Plan Period 2024-2026 regarding all approved projects and programs.
View24-0802908/30/2024Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Great Basin Water Co. ("Great Basin") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of the Utility Environmental Protection Act by Great Basin.
View24-0802808/29/2024Stephanie Alves vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding Service Reconnection.
View24-0802708/29/2024Notice by San Emidio Solar I LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the San Emidio Solar I Project consisting of an up to 1,000 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, an approximately 8.6-mile 500 kV generation-tie line, a 1,000 MW battery energy storage system, and associated facilities to be located on approximately 10,298 acres of federally-managed land in Washoe County, Nevada.
View24-0802608/28/2024Notice by Great Basin Water Co. of its intent to file an application for adjustment in rates for its Cold Springs, Pahrump, Spanish Springs, and Spring Creek Divisions.
View24-0802508/27/2024Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice, under Advice Letter No. 541, to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2024.
View24-0802408/23/2024Application of Starlink Services, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service previously approved in Docket No. 21-03023.
View24-0802308/23/2024Application of Starlink Services, LLC to voluntarily relinquish designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the State of Nevada.
View24-0802208/22/2024Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and CEA Dairy RNG Nevada, LLC ("CEA Dairy") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of 49 CFR Part 192 and 199 of the Federal Pipeline Safety Regulations by CEA Dairy.
View24-0802108/22/2024Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and CEA Dairy RNG Nevada, LLC ("CEA Dairy") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violation of the Utility Environmental Protection Act NRS 704.820 et. seq. by CEA Dairy.
View24-0802008/22/2024Notice by Silverside Energy LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Silverside Solar and Battery Energy Storage Project consisting of an up to 460 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 230 kV generation-tie line, a battery energy storage system, and associated facilities to be located on approximately 3,695 acres of federally-managed land in Clark County, Nevada.
View24-0801908/21/2024Report by Solix, Inc., as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund, regarding fiscal year 2025 assessment recommendation concerning the minimum annual contribution and assessment rate on the intrastate retail revenues of all obligated providers of telecommunication services in Nevada.
View24-0801809/04/2024Notice by Pantheon Solar LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Pantheon 2 Solar Project consisting of an up to 200 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 230 kV or 500 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located on approximately 1,293 acres of federally-managed land in White Pine County, Nevada.
View24-0801708/16/2024Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 24-03(G) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2024.
View24-0801608/15/2024Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 24-03(E) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2024.
View24-0801508/15/2024Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 24-03 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2024.
View24-0801408/14/2024Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada ("Frontier") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Frontier.
View24-0801308/14/2024Notice by Lonely Road Solar LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Lonely Road Solar Project consisting of an up to 600 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, an approximately 17.5-mile 345 kV generation-tie line, a battery energy storage system, and associated facilities to be located on approximately 7,854 acres of federally-managed land in White Pine County, Nevada.
View24-0801208/13/2024Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of a demand side plan program change pursuant to the Stipulation approved in Docket No. 23-06044.
View24-0801109/03/2024Registration of Private Tech Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View24-0801008/14/2024Application of Enhanced Communications Network, Inc. d/b/a Asian American Association Telecom Services to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2394 Sub 2.
View24-0800908/08/2024Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct certain projects within the Sierra Solar Phase I Project consisting of a 400 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 345 kV high-voltage transmission line-fold, a generation-tie line, a 400 MW battery energy storage system, and associated facilities, including new and upgraded microwave towers, to be located on approximately 2,800 acres of private land in Churchill, Washoe, Storey, and Lyon Counties, Nevada.
View24-0800808/07/2024Application of IRU Networks, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3031.
View24-0800708/06/2024Notice by Western Bounty, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct a portion of Segment 2 of the Western Bounty Transmission Line Project consisting of an approximately 67-mile 500 kV to 800 kV transmission line and associated facilities to be located on federally-managed land in Washoe County, Nevada.
View24-0800608/05/2024Notice by Cardinal Energy Storage, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct an approximately 1,100-foot 345-kV transmission line and associated facilities to connect the proposed Magpie battery energy storage facility to the electric grid via an expansion to the Gonder Substation to be located in White Pine County, Nevada.
View24-0800508/02/2024Application of ISP Industries LLC d/b/a ISP.Net for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View24-0800408/01/2024Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to establish capital issuance authorizations based on a debt ceiling of $4,000.0 million, a common stock ceiling of $5,100.0 million, a preferred stock ceiling of $500.0 million, and to enter into anticipatory financial hedging transactions.
View24-0800308/01/2024Show Cause proceeding to determine why Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy should not be administratively fined pursuant to NRS 703.380 for violation of a Commission Order.
View24-0800208/01/2024Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to establish capital issuance authorizations based on a debt ceiling of $5,500.0 million, a common stock ceiling of $6,500.0 million, a preferred stock ceiling of $800.0 million, and to enter into anticipatory financial hedging transactions.
View24-0800108/01/2024Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale for relief from designation as a provider of last resort in portions of Lander and White Pine Counties, Nevada pursuant to NRS 704.68886.
View24-0701907/25/2024Filing by i-wireless, LLC d/b/a Access Wireless of updated Advisory Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to wireless Lifeline plans.
View24-0701807/23/2024Notice by Cardinal Energy Storage, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct an approximately 4,000-foot 500 kV transmission line and associated facilities to connect the proposed Roadrunner battery energy storage facility to the existing Crystal Substation to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View24-0701707/25/2024Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Glass Roots Construction, LLC ("Glass Roots") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Glass Roots.
View24-0701607/22/2024Registration of Surf Telecom, LLC d/b/a Surf USA Mobile as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View24-0701507/19/2024Douglas Bonham vs. Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("NV Energy"). Complaint regarding a damage/loss against NV Energy.
View24-0701407/17/2024Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("Sierra") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Sierra.
View24-0701307/17/2024Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. NV2024-02, to revise Tariff No. 1A to increase monthly charges for Advanced Calling Services features, Custom Calling Service features, and Additional Listings and Lines of Information.
View24-0701207/16/2024Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Braemar Construction LLC ("Braemar") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Braemar.
View24-0701107/16/2024Registration of SmartLess Mobile, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View24-0701007/15/2024Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Curtis & Sons Construction, Inc. ("Curtis & Sons") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Curtis & Sons.
View24-0700907/11/2024Filing by Boomerang Wireless, LLC d/b/a enTouch Wireless of Informational Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to Wireless Lifeline Program and updated service area consistent with the Order issued in Docket No. 23-07020.
View24-0700807/16/2024Application of Long Distance Consolidated Billing Co. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2676 Sub 1.
View24-0700707/10/2024Informational Report of Prospector Pipeline Company concerning its natural gas resource planning activities.
View24-0700607/09/2024Notice by Sterling BESS LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct an approximately 1.3-mile 500 kV transmission line and associated facilities to connect the proposed Sterling BESS battery energy storage facility to the existing Southern California Edison Mohave Substation to be located on federally-managed land in Clark County, Nevada.
View24-0700507/08/2024Notice by Terra Nova Telecom, Inc. of its intent to request numbering resources for various rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View24-0700407/05/2024Application of AmeriVision Communications, Inc. d/b/a Lifeline Communications to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2078 Sub 2.
View24-0700307/05/2024First Report of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy on the progress of its Natural Disaster Protection Plan for the Action Plan Period 2024-2026 regarding its fire season operating practices.
View24-0700207/31/2024Application of CenturyLink of Nevada, LLC d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. 4, to revise Tariff No. 1 to grandfather Intrastate Private Line DS-1 and DS-3 services.
View24-0700107/01/2024Notice by Spark Energy Gas, LLC regarding an Ultimate Parent merger.
View24-0604307/03/2024Application of E4 Connect, INC., filed under Advice Letter No. 16, to revise Tariff No. 1 to modify the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 24-01033.
View24-0604206/28/2024Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 27, to revise Tariff No. 2A to modify the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 24-01033.
View24-0604106/28/2024Application of Rural Telephone Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 45, to revise Tariff No. 1 to modify the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 24-01033.
View24-0604007/18/2024Filing by E4 Connect, INC. of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation ("CAF ICC") Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View24-0603906/28/2024Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 30, to revise Tariff No. 1A to modify the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 24-01033.
View24-0603806/28/2024Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and DISH Wireless L.L.C. for approval of an amendment to their Two-Way CMRS Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View24-0603706/28/2024Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of its Conservation and Energy Efficiency Plan for the period 2025-2027.
View24-0603606/27/2024Show Cause to determine why Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy should not be administratively fined pursuant to NRS 703.380 for violation of a Commission Order.
View24-0603507/25/2024Registration of PREPAID WIRELESS GROUP, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View24-0603406/21/2024Informational Report of Southwest Gas Corporation concerning its near-term natural gas resource planning activities.
View24-0603306/21/2024Application of North Star Gas Company, LLC d/b/a YEP Energy to voluntarily discontinue service as an alternative seller of natural gas conducted under License No. G-37.
View24-0603206/20/2024Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Pavement Recycling Systems, Inc. ("Pavement Recycling") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Pavement Recycling.
View24-0603106/20/2024Notice by Sawtooth DevCo, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Amphibole Solar Project consisting of an up to 600 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, an up to 500 kV transmission line, a battery energy storage system, and associated facilities to be located on approximately 7,114 acres of federally-managed land in Washoe County, Nevada.
View24-0603006/20/2024Revised registration of MAXSIP TELECOM CORPORATION for a change of name to MAXSIP TEL LLC.
View24-0602906/18/2024Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304 and annual certification that price cap carrier is not seeking duplicative Eligible Recovery pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.915.
View24-0602807/02/2024Revised registration of DISH Wireless L.L.C. to add fictitious business name Gen Mobile.
View24-0602706/20/2024Petition of Noble Solar LLC for an Advisory Opinion or Declaratory Order as to whether a temporary tortoise fence for a solar facility is an ancillary facility requiring a Utility Environmental Protection Act Permit to Construct pursuant to NRS 704.865.
View24-0602606/13/2024Filing by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation ("CAF ICC") Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View24-0602506/14/2024Notice by Securus Technologies, LLC of a bond replacement.
View24-0602406/25/2024Application of Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. for a license to operate as a provider of new electric resources.
View24-0602306/14/2024Filing by Moapa Valley Telephone Company of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation ("CAF ICC") Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View24-0602206/14/2024Filing by Rural Telephone Company of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation ("CAF ICC") Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View24-0602106/14/2024Filing by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation ("CAF ICC") Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View24-0602006/28/2024Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of its 2023 Conservation and Energy Efficiency Plan Annual Report.
View24-0601906/13/2024Application of RCLEC, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3028.
View24-0601806/18/2024Request of Telefonica USA, Inc. to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View24-0601706/12/2024Notice by 337LS 8me LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Eagle Butte 1 Solar and Battery Energy Storage Project consisting of an up to 450 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 230 kV generation-tie line, an up to 900 MW battery energy storage system, and associated facilities to be located on approximately 2,885 acres of federally-managed land in Lander County, Nevada.
View24-0601606/14/2024Notice by 338BM 8me LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Eagle Butte 2 Solar and Battery Energy Storage Project consisting of an up to 550 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 230 kV generation-tie line, an up to 1,100 MW battery energy storage system, and associated facilities to be located on approximately 4,340 acres of federally-managed land in Lander County, Nevada.
View24-0601506/11/2024Application of Shreem Brzee Solar LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Sunseeker Solar Project consisting of a 250 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, an up to 200 MW battery energy storage system, an approximately 5 mile long 345 kV generation-tie line, a 345 kV substation, and associated facilities to be located on approximately 1,140 acres of private land in Washoe County, Nevada.
View24-0601406/10/2024Joint Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Callisto Enterprises LLC for approval of an Energy Supply Agreement.
View24-0601306/07/2024Filings by Eligible Telecommunications Carriers related to Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements pursuant to 47 CFR 54.314.
View24-0601206/10/2024Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of an Energy Supply Agreement with Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority.
View24-0601106/10/2024Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of an Energy Supply Agreement with Coeur Rochester, Inc.
View24-0601006/12/2024Application of Clark County for authority to construct pavement widening underneath the Union Pacific Railroad tracks between I-215/Airport Connector Interchange and Harry Reid International Airport Tunnel located in Las Vegas, Nevada.
View24-0600906/05/2024Notice by Great Basin Transmission, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Burnt Springs Fixed Series Capacitor Project consisting of three 500 kV fixed series capacitors and associated facilities to be located on approximately 15 acres of federally-managed land in Lincoln County, Nevada.
View24-0600806/10/2024Application of Filer Mutual Telephone Company for authority to establish its annual revenue requirement for telephone service rates, set a new rate design, establish draw from the Nevada Universal Service Fund, reflect changes in the cost of capital, modify depreciation rates, and for other relief properly related thereto.
View24-0600706/05/2024Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company for authority to establish its annual revenue requirement for telephone service rates, set a new intrastate rate design, establish draw from the Nevada Universal Service Fund, reflect changes in the cost of capital, modify depreciation rates, and for other relief properly related thereto.
View24-0600606/04/2024Application of AT&T Corp. for approval of a change of name to AT&T Enterprises, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2547 Sub 5.
View24-0600506/10/2024Application of Silver Springs Mutual Water Company for authority to modify Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 718 Sub 12 to expand its water service territory to include a property owned by Arryn Inc. in Lyon County, Nevada.
View24-0600406/04/2024Application of TruConnect Communications, Inc. to be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the State of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934.
View24-0600306/03/2024Public Utilities Commission of Nevada-sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Elko County, Nevada.
View24-0600206/03/2024Public Utilities Commission of Nevada-sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Clark County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View24-0600106/03/2024Public Utilities Commission of Nevada-sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Washoe County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View24-0504105/31/2024Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of their 2025-2044 Triennial Integrated Resource Plan and 2025-2027 Energy Supply Plan.
View24-0504006/05/2024Filing by Filer Mutual Telephone Company of letter of intent submitted to Solix, Inc. in its capacity as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund ("NUSF") for allowance of NUSF funding for the year commencing January 1, 2025.
View24-0503905/31/2024Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its Natural Gas Conservation and Energy Efficiency Plan for the period 2025-2027.
View24-0503805/31/2024Filing by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. of letter of intent submitted to Solix, Inc. in its capacity as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund ("NUSF") for allowance of NUSF funding for the year commencing January 1, 2025.
View24-0503705/31/2024Filing by Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada of letter of intent submitted to Solix, Inc. in its capacity as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund ("NUSF") for allowance of NUSF funding for the year commencing January 1, 2025.
View24-0503605/31/2024Filing by E4 Connect, INC. of letter of intent submitted to Solix, Inc. in its capacity as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund ("NUSF") for allowance of NUSF funding for the year commencing January 1, 2025.
View24-0503506/06/2024Filing by Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View24-0503405/29/2024Notice by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View24-0503305/29/2024Notice by Moapa Valley Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View24-0503205/29/2024Notice by Rural Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View24-0503105/30/2024Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice, under Advice Letter No. 540, to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2024.
View24-0503005/29/2024Notice by E4 Connect, INC. that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View24-0502905/29/2024Registration of Trek Cellular, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View24-0502805/29/2024Informational Report of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy concerning its natural gas resource planning activities.
View24-0502705/28/2024Notice by Filer Mutual Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View24-0502605/24/2024Application of Wendover Gas Company for approval to use an alternative method to determine margin rates and for a determination that its proposed margin rates are just and reasonable.
View24-0502506/20/2024Application of Filer Mutual Telephone Company for approval to add fictitious business name TruLeap Technologies for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 698.
View24-0502405/28/2024Application of Fiber Connect LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View24-0502305/21/2024Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 674-E, to implement Clean Transition Tariff Schedule No. CTT to allow eligible customers to receive bundled electric service from new clean energy resources.
View24-0502205/21/2024Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 547, to implement Clean Transition Tariff Schedule No. CTT to allow eligible customers to receive bundled electric service from new clean energy resources.
View24-0502105/21/2024Joint Petition of CenturyLink of Nevada, LLC d/b/a CenturyLink and Peerless Network of Nevada, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View24-0502005/20/2024Notice by CBTS Technology Solutions LLC, CBTS Borrower, LLC, and Cincinnati Bell Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View24-0501905/20/2024Notice by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View24-0501805/17/2024Notice by EDF Renewables Development, Inc., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Mintaka Solar Project consisting of an up to 1,000 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, an up to 500 kV generation-tie line, a battery energy storage system, and associated facilities to be located on approximately 13,165 acres of federally-managed land in Lincoln County, Nevada.
View24-0501705/16/2024Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of its 2023 Conservation and Energy Efficiency Plan Annual Report.
View24-0501605/16/2024Filing by Moapa Valley Telephone Company of letter of intent submitted to Solix, Inc. in its capacity as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund ("NUSF") for allowance of NUSF funding for the year commencing January 1, 2025.
View24-0501505/16/2024Filing by Sage Telecom Communications, LLC d/b/a TruConnect of biennial audit report submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") pursuant to the FCC’s Final Lifeline Biennial Audit Plan.
View24-0501405/15/2024Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 24-02(G) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2024.
View24-0501305/15/2024Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 24-02(E) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2024.
View24-0501205/15/2024Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 24-02 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2024.
View24-0501105/13/2024Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Western States Contracting, Inc. ("Western States") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Western States.
View24-0501005/10/2024Notice by Argonaut Insurance Company on behalf of Twin Eagle Resource Management, LLC of a bond cancellation for gas service conducted under License No. G-34.
View24-0500905/10/2024Frank Krahmer vs. Great Basin Water Co. Complaint regarding a billing dispute.
View24-0500805/21/2024Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale, filed under Advice Letter No. 2078, to revise Tariff No. C to modify Access Ordering Options Schedule No. C5-A and Special Access Service Schedule No. C7-A to grandfather intrastate Shared Use Access service.
View24-0500706/04/2024Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. NV2024-01, to revise Tariff No. 1A to grandfather all Core Connect plans.
View24-0500505/03/2024Filing by Frontier Communications Parent, Inc. of biennial audit report submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") pursuant to the FCC’s Final Lifeline Biennial Audit Plan.
View24-0500405/02/2024Filing by Filer Mutual Telephone Company of a copy of Notice of Detariffing of Packet-Based and Higher Capacity TDM (Non-Ex Ante) Business Data Services submitted to the Federal Communications Commission.
View24-0500305/03/2024Registration of Aquarius SIlver LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View24-0500205/03/2024Registration of TDS Broadband Service LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View24-0500105/01/2024Registration of Airespring, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View24-0402804/30/2024Registration of WHOOP MOBILE INC. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View24-0402704/22/2024Notice by Hartford Fire Insurance Company on behalf of Custom Teleconnect, Inc. of a bond replacement.
View24-0402604/29/2024Filing by BARK TECHNOLOGIES, INC. to update information.
View24-0402504/24/2024Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of a demand side plan program change pursuant to the Stipulation approved in Docket No. 23-06044.
View24-0402404/23/2024Registration of Mobile 13, Inc as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View24-0402304/22/2024Request of Syntegra North America, LLC to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View24-0402204/19/2024Application of Southwest Gas Corporation, filed under Advice Letter No. 539, to revise its Nevada Gas Tariff No. 7 to reflect revisions to the Equal Payment Plan.
View24-0402104/17/2024Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Alpha Landscapes, LLC ("Alpha") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Alpha.
View24-0402004/17/2024Joint Petition of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink and Barr Tell USA, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View24-0401905/09/2024Annual Report of Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2023.
View24-0401804/16/2024Registration of RSCU Mobile, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View24-0401704/15/2024Annual Report of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2023.
View24-0401604/16/2024Annual Report of Brookfield Renewable Energy Marketing US LLC d/b/a Brookfield Renewable on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2023.
View24-0401504/15/2024Notice by Constellation Energy Generation, LLC that it did not serve retail electric customers during the 2023 Renewable Portfolio Standard reporting period.
View24-0401404/15/2024Annual Report of Macquarie Energy LLC on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2023.
View24-0401304/15/2024Annual Report of Switch Ltd. on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2023.
View24-0401204/15/2024Notice by NUSO, LLC of its intent to request numbering resources for various rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View24-0401104/12/2024Registration of POWER MOBILE LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View24-0401004/12/2024Annual Report of Tenaska Power Services Co. on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2023.
View24-0400904/16/2024Application of Communication Telefonicas Latinas Corp to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2932.
View24-0400804/10/2024Application of City of Reno for authority to realign and modify the existing Comstock Drive roadway at the Union Pacific Railroad crossing located in Reno, Nevada.
View24-0400705/01/2024Application of DISH Wireless L.L.C. to be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the State of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934.
View24-0400604/05/2024Notice by Moapa Valley Telephone Company of its intent to file an application for adjustment in rates.
View24-0400504/09/2024Joint Application of Barrick Gold U.S. Inc. ("Barrick") and Nevada Gold Mines LLC ("NGM") for approval to consolidate and transfer all on-going regulatory and compliance obligations from Barrick to NGM for operations conducted under non-regulated authority number NR03.
View24-0400404/02/2024Petition of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure Plan.
View24-0400304/01/2024Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the quality of service metrics in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 15-06064.
View24-0400204/01/2024Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to increase Caller ID and Call Waiting/Cancel Call Waiting for business.
View24-0400104/01/2024Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to increase Business PBX Trunk rates.
View24-0303203/29/2024Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval to reallocate unused capacity from the Residential Customer Category to the Non-residential Customer Category pursuant to the NV GreenEnergy Rider Schedule No. NGR.
View24-0303103/29/2024Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of NV GreenEnergy Rider Open Season Annual Report on the results of their open season and customer interest in participating in the program using an existing renewable resource.
View24-0303003/29/2024Application of Great Basin Water Co., Pahrump Division, recommending continuation of a system improvement rate established in Docket Nos. 23-09015 and 23-12020 and for other relief properly related thereto.
View24-0302903/29/2024Application of BP Energy Company for a license to operate as a provider of new electric resources.
View24-0302803/29/2024Application of Indian Springs Water Co., Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 12, to revise Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View24-0302704/02/2024Notice by Filer Mutual Telephone Company of its intent to file an application for adjustment in rates.
View24-0302603/27/2024Chris Banda vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("Nevada Power"). Complaint regarding Temporary Disconnect/Reconnect and Permission to Turn On delays by Nevada Power.
View24-0302503/27/2024Application of Mount Charleston Water Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 24-1, to revise Water Tariff and Sewer Tariff to adjust rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View24-0302403/27/2024Registration of Panda Mobile LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View24-0302303/21/2024Application of Haas Automation, Inc. to implement and use the Economic Development Rate Rider established through NRS 704.7871 to 704.7882, inclusive.
View24-0302203/25/2024Notice by Impact Telecom, LLC, Lingo Management, LLC, and 46 Labs LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View24-0302103/22/2024Application of Rosemount Water Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 6, to revise Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View24-0302003/21/2024Application of Edgewood Water Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 6, to revise Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View24-0301903/21/2024Filing by Telrite Corporation d/b/a Life Wireless of updated Informational Tariff No. 2 that includes updates to Wireless Lifeline Program.
View24-0301803/20/2024Notice by Vegas Valley Solar LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Aypa Solar Project consisting of an up to 1 GW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a battery energy storage system, a 230 kV or 500 kV transmission line, and associated facilities to be located on approximately 6,500 acres of federally-managed land in Clark County, Nevada.
View24-0301703/19/2024Application of Metro Fibernet, LLC d/b/a Metronet for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View24-0301603/12/2024Application of Verdi Meadows Utility Company, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 11, to revise Water Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View24-0301503/14/2024Application of Steamboat Springs Water Works, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 7, to revise Rate Schedules to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View24-0301403/28/2024Notice by IRU Networks, LLC and USA Digital Communications, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View24-0301303/15/2024Registration of Liberty Wireless, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View24-0301203/15/2024Application of Arcadian Infracom 3, LLC d/b/a Arcadian and Arcadian Infracom for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View24-0301103/14/2024Application of Spirit Mountain Utility Company, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 9, to revise Water Tariff No. 2 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View24-0301003/13/2024Notice by Intrado Communications, LLC, AP VIII Olympus VoteCo, LLC, and 46 Labs LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View24-0300903/06/2024Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of a demand side plan program change pursuant to the Stipulation approved in Docket No. 23-06044.
View24-0300803/05/2024Application of Tower Consulting, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2985.
View24-0300703/08/2024Registration of Approved Contact, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View24-0300603/01/2024Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the cost recovery of the regulatory assets relating to the development and implementation of their Joint Natural Disaster Protection Plan.
View24-0300503/01/2024Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of natural gas expenses.
View24-0300403/01/2024Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of fuel and purchased power expenses, to reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development charge, reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rate, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Program Rates, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rates, reset the Energy Efficiency Program Amortization Rate, reset the Energy Efficiency Implementation Amortization Rate, and reset the Expanded Solar Program Costs Rate.
View24-0300303/01/2024Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of fuel and purchased power expenses, to reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development charge, reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rate, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Program Rates, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rates, reset the Energy Efficiency Program Amortization Rate, reset the Energy Efficiency Implementation Amortization Rate, and reset the Expanded Solar Program Costs Rate.
View24-0300203/01/2024Application of Great Basin Water Co., Cold Springs, Pahrump, Spanish Springs, and Spring Creek Divisions, for approval of its 2024 Integrated Resource Plan, for approval to designate certain system improvement projects as eligible projects for which a system improvement rate may be established, and for other relief properly related thereto.
View24-0300103/01/2024Registration of CALL CENTERS INDIA INCORPORATED d/b/a Blueconnects as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View24-0203502/29/2024Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to increase month-to-month and one year term plans for Frontier OneVoice.
View24-0203402/28/2024Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale to amend its designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier service area to match its current Provider of Last Resort service area.
View24-0203302/28/2024Informational Report of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy on the progress of their Expanded Solar Access Program Plan for the period 2021-2023.
View24-0203202/27/2024Notice by Boomerang Wireless, LLC d/b/a enTouch Wireless of updates to Lifeline Bundled Plans.
View24-0203102/26/2024Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the Economic Development Electric Rate Rider Program pursuant to NAC 704.8958.
View24-0203002/26/2024Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the Economic Development Electric Rate Rider Program pursuant to NAC 704.8958.
View24-0202902/23/2024Notice by Moapa Valley Telephone Company of its intent to file an application for adjustment in rates.
View24-0202802/23/2024Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 20, to revise Water Tariff No. 1A and Sewer Tariff No. 1A to adjust rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View24-0202702/23/2024Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to adjust its annual revenue requirement for general rates charged to all classes of gas customers and for relief properly related thereto.
View24-0202602/23/2024Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to adjust its annual revenue requirement for general rates charged to all classes of electric customers and for relief properly related thereto.
View24-0202502/22/2024Notice by Arcadian Infracom 2, LLC d/b/a Arcadian and Arcadian Infracom of change of toll-free number.
View24-0202402/21/2024Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice, under Advice Letter No. 538, to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2024.
View24-0202302/20/2024Application of Great Basin Water Co. for authority to establish a system improvement rate in the Pahrump Division for an eligible project designated by the Commission in Docket No. 21-03003 and for other relief properly related thereto.
View24-0202202/20/2024Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and R. & J. Joy, Inc. d/b/a Joy Engineering ("Joy") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Joy.
View24-0202102/20/2024Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 24-01(G) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2024.
View24-0202002/15/2024Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 24-01(E) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2024.
View24-0201902/15/2024Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 24-01 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2024.
View24-0201802/15/2024Application of Great Basin Water Co. for authority to establish a system improvement rate in the Spring Creek Division for an eligible project designated by the Commission in Docket No. 21-03003 and for other relief properly related thereto.
View24-0201702/14/2024Notice by the Regulatory Operations Staff of the 2024 range of reasonable returns on equity for water and sewer utilities.
View24-0201603/14/2024Registration of TDS Long Distance Corporation d/b/a TDS Mobile as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View24-0201502/14/2024Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale ("AT&T") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by AT&T.
View24-0201402/13/2024Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and NNE Construction, Inc. ("NNE") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by NNE.
View24-0201302/05/2024Notice by Machaen Enterprises, Inc. on behalf of IDT America Corp. of a bond renewal.
View24-0201202/09/2024Filing by the Regulatory Operations Staff of calendar year 2023 accounting report for each utility authorized to collect a rate surcharge pursuant to NAC 704.600(6).
View24-0201102/09/2024Application of Electric Lightwave, LLC d/b/a Allstream to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2232 Sub 4.
View24-0201002/08/2024Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("Sierra") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Sierra.
View24-0200902/08/2024Notice by BluIP, Inc. of its intent to request numbering resources for the Las Vegas rate center from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View24-0200802/07/2024Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Tilson Technology Management, Inc. ("Tilson") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Tilson.
View24-0200702/06/2024Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("Sierra") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law and 49 CFR Part 192 of the Federal Pipeline Safety Regulations by Sierra.
View24-0200602/06/2024Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Charter Communications, Inc. ("Charter") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Charter.
View24-0200502/06/2024Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and NNE Construction, Inc. ("NNE") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by NNE.
View24-0200402/05/2024Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Ridgeline Development, LLC ("Ridgeline") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Ridgeline.
View24-0200302/05/2024Application of Gentry Manor Mobile Home Park to withdraw $44,473.69 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View24-0200202/05/2024Application of Gentry Place Mobile Home Park to withdraw $44,473.69 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View24-0200102/01/2024Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of annual plans for the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program and its Energy Storage component, the Lower Income Solar Energy Program, the Wind Energy Systems Demonstration Program, the Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Program, and the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstration Program for Program Year 2024-2025.
View24-0103601/31/2024Application of AmeriGas Propane, L.P. d/b/a Bi-State Propane ("AmeriGas") for approval of the margin rates charged by AmeriGas for the preceding fiscal year.
View24-0103501/31/2024Filing by Assurance Wireless USA, L.P. of updated Informational Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to Lifeline Wireless Service Plan.
View24-0103401/29/2024Notice by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to relocate approximately 1.9-miles of the Harry Allen to Reid Gardner #2 230 kV transmission line and associated facilities to separate two existing 230 kV transmission circuits to increase reliability of the electrical system located on federally-managed land in Clark County, Nevada.
View24-0103301/29/2024Application of the Department of Health and Human Services Aging and Disability Services Division for approval of a State Fiscal Year ("SFY") 2025 telecommunication device for the deaf surcharge that is calculated based on its legislatively approved budget for SFY 2025.
View24-0103201/24/2024Request of MCI Communications Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Business Services to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View24-0103101/22/2024Notice by Boulevard Associates, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct a 1,500 MW battery energy storage system, an up to 24.9-mile 230 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to interconnect the proposed Equinox Solar Project to existing facilities in Nevada to be located on approximately 1,081 acres of federally-managed land in Clark County, Nevada.
View24-0103001/18/2024Notice by Five9, Inc. of its intent to request numbering resources for the Pahrump and Beatty rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View24-0102901/17/2024Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale, filed under Advice Letter No. 2076, to revise Tariff No. C to modify Special Access Service Schedule No. C7-A to remove Intrastate DS3 High Capacity Service 1-year Payment Plans.
View24-0102801/17/2024Notice by Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America on behalf of Inmate Calling Solutions, LLC d/b/a ICSolutions of a bond cancellation for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2771 Sub 1.
View24-0102701/16/2024Registration of TruConnect Communications, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View24-0102601/16/2024Notice by EON Telecom of its intent to request numbering resources for various rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View24-0102501/09/2024Notice by PAETEC iTEL, L.L.C. of its intent to request numbering resources for the Las Vegas rate center from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View24-0102401/08/2024Registration of Rocket Mobile LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View24-0102301/05/2024Application of Network Innovations, Inc. for approval of a change of name to Network Innovations, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2905.
View24-0102201/04/2024Application of Verdi Meadows Utility Company, Inc. for approval to withdraw $3,462.37 in funds from its surcharge funds account to pay for an emergency water shut off on Sagebrook Drive authorized by the Commission in Docket No. 22-01024.
View24-0102101/03/2024Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and JLW Holdings Series I LLC d/b/a Justin Wilson Construction ("JWC") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by JWC.
View24-0102001/03/2024Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Greenlink West Transmission Project consisting of a 525/345/230/120 kV Walker River Substation and a 0.3-mile 525 kV generation-tie line to be located on private land in Lyon County, Nevada.
View24-0101901/04/2024Notice by KCE NV 1, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct an approximately 0.20-mile 230 kV transmission line, a minor substation/switchgear, and associated facilities to interconnect the Silvercoin Battery Energy Storage Project with the existing regional transmission system via the SCE Primm Substation to be located on approximately 25 acres of federally-managed land in Clark County, Nevada.
View24-0101801/04/2024Notice by KCE NV 2, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct a 230 kV transmission line, a minor substation/switchgear, and associated facilities to interconnect the Skydive Battery Energy Storage Project with the existing regional transmission system via the GridLiance West Trout Canyon-Sloan Canyon Transmission Line to be located on approximately 25 acres of federally-managed land in Clark County, Nevada.
View24-0101701/02/2024Filings by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of its current Strategic Operating Plans pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 22-06014.
View24-0101601/02/2024Filings by Eligible Telecommunications Carriers of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 555 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements.
View24-0101501/02/2024Filings by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of its quarterly data metrics for its Economic Recovery Transportation Electrification Plan pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 21-09004.
View24-0101401/02/2024Notifications by natural gas utilities operating in Nevada of new or revised discounted rate contracts, contracts for alternative fuel capable customers, and contracts for special service pursuant to Section 2 of LCB File No. R075-20 and the Order issued in Docket No. 19-02024 for calendar year 2024.
View24-0101301/02/2024Notifications and Reports from electric utilities operating in Nevada regarding certain ignition events and wildfires occurring in the vicinity of the infrastructure of an electric utility for calendar year 2024.
View24-0101201/02/2024Notifications and Reports from electric utilities operating in Nevada regarding power outages initiated to preserve public safety or proactive de-energization events for calendar year 2024.
View24-0101101/02/2024Filings by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of its monthly financial statements and quarterly calculations of its earned rate(s) of return and returns on equity for the Nevada jurisdiction pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 13-07021.
View24-0101001/02/2024Applications for calendar year 2024 received by a utility under the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program.
View24-0100901/02/2024Reports from electric and gas utilities operating in Nevada of transactions and calculations affecting the deferred energy accounts pursuant to NAC 704.195 for calendar year 2024.
View24-0100801/02/2024Rail Safety FRA Form 96 Inspection Reports for calendar year 2024.
View24-0100701/02/2024Pipeline Safety Enforcement Actions and Inspection Reports by the Regulatory Operations Staff pursuant to 49 CFR 191 and 192 for calendar year 2024.
View24-0100601/02/2024One Call Enforcement Actions and Inspection Reports by the Regulatory Operations Staff pursuant to NRS 455 for calendar year 2024.
View24-0100501/02/2024Annual Reports for calendar year 2023 submitted by Telecommunication companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191 and NAC 704.7483.
View24-0100401/02/2024Annual Reports for calendar year 2023 submitted by Mobile Home Parks operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 704.960 and NAC 704.987.
View24-0100301/02/2024Annual Reports for calendar year 2023 submitted by Water and Wastewater companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191, NAC 703.199, and NAC 704.225.
View24-0100201/02/2024Annual Reports for calendar year 2023 submitted by Electric, Natural Gas, LPG, Geothermal, Alternative Sellers, and Railroad companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191 and NAC 704.225.
View24-0100101/02/2024Reports from public utilities operating in Nevada of accidents or significant service outages occurring during calendar year 2024 pursuant to NRS 704.190 and NAC 704.230.
View23-1202912/29/2023Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 342-G, to revise Gas Main Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the Tax Gross-up Rate.
View23-1202812/29/2023Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 670-E, to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the Tax Gross-up Rate.
View23-1202712/29/2023Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 544, to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the Tax Gross-up Rate.
View23-1202612/29/2023Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of its 2023 Status Report on the Mesquite Expansion Project.
View23-1202512/29/2023Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of its 2023 Status Report on the Spring Creek Expansion Project.
View23-1202412/29/2023Sandra Rudd vs. Southwest Gas Corporation. Complaint regarding damage/loss.
View23-1202301/02/2024Application of Pinyon Pipeline Company, LLC for authority to operate as a public utility providing natural gas transportation service to the Valmy Generating Station located in Humboldt County, Nevada.
View23-1202212/27/2023Joint Petition of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("Sierra") and Coeur Rochester, Inc. ("Coeur Rochester") requesting a waiver of the eligibility requirement of Sierra's Large Customer Market Price Energy Tariff for Coeur Rochester.
View23-1202112/27/2023Doris Hart vs. Southwest Gas Corporation. Complaint regarding damage/loss.
View23-1202012/22/2023Application of Great Basin Water Co. for authority to establish a system improvement rate in the Pahrump Division for an eligible project designated by the Commission in Docket No. 21-03003 and for other relief properly related thereto.
View23-1201912/20/2023Notice by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of its intent to file an application for adjustment in gas rates.
View23-1201812/20/2023Notice by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of its intent to file an application for adjustment in electric rates.
View23-1201712/19/2023Show Cause Proceeding to determine why Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity, Licenses, or Permits should not be revoked, why administrative fines should not be imposed, and/or why administrative action should not be taken on certain companies that did not timely meet their regulatory obligations for calendar year 2022 and/or the period July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023.
View23-1201612/19/2023Notice by Pay Tel Communications, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View23-1201512/19/2023Application of Tenaska Power Services Co. for a license to operate as a provider of new electric resources.
View23-1201412/15/2023Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 661-E, to revise Electric Tariff No. 2 to submit short-term avoided cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities pursuant to Schedule CSPP - Short-Term.
View23-1201312/15/2023Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 534, to revise Electric Tariff No. 1-B to reflect the avoided short-term cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities pursuant to Qualifying Facilities Schedule QF - Short Term.
View23-1201212/13/2023Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and F and P Construction Inc. ("F & P") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by F & P.
View23-1201101/18/2024Registration of Liberty Mobile Puerto Rico Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View23-1201012/12/2023Christian Salmon vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding a payment dispute and customer service issues.
View23-1200901/16/2024Application of Impact Telecom, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View23-1200812/11/2023Notice by EON Telecom of its intent to request numbering resources for various rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View23-1200712/06/2023Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Flippin's Trenching, Inc. ("Flippin's") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Flippin's.
View23-1200612/06/2023Joint Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("Nevada Power") and Station Casinos LLC ("Station") requesting a waiver of the eligibility requirement of Nevada Power's Large Customer Market Price Energy Tariff for Station.
View23-1200512/06/2023Registration of Lux Mobile USA, Inc as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View23-1200412/05/2023Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the 345-kV transmission line-fold into Lantern Switching Station, the 345-kV generation tie-line, and associated facilities related to the Sierra Solar 1 Project, to be located on private and federally-managed land in Churchill County, Nevada.
View23-1200312/01/2023Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of their Joint Expanded Solar Access Program Implementation Plan for plan period 2024-2026.
View23-1200212/01/2023Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 669-E, to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to modify Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 and Domestic Multi-Family Service Schedule No. DM-1 to update townhomes as single-family dwellings pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 22-08004.
View23-1200112/01/2023Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 543, to revise Tariff No. 1-B to modify Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 and Residential Service Multi-Family Schedule No. RM to update townhomes as single-family dwellings pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 22-08004.
View23-1102912/07/2023Notice by MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC to discontinue the provision of Basic Local Exchange services and related bundled offerings of local and interexchange voice services.
View23-1102811/30/2023Notice by Intermountain Infrastructure Group, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View23-1102711/29/2023Application of Great America Networks, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3032.
View23-1102611/28/2023Notice by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Harry Allen to Reid Gardner 230 kV #3 Transmission Line consisting of an approximately 22.5 mile 230 kV transmission line and associated facilities to be located on private land and federally-managed land in Clark County, Nevada.
View23-1102511/22/2023Application of King's Row Trailer Park to withdraw $74,415.17 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View23-1102411/22/2023Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 26, to revise Tariff No. 2A to increase the late fee charge.
View23-1102311/22/2023Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 29, to revise Tariff No. 1A to update the delivery method of directory information to online only.
View23-1102201/05/2024Registration of Cliq Communications LLC d/b/a Cliq Mobile as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View23-1102111/28/2023Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice, under Advice Letter No. 537, to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2024.
View23-1102011/22/2023Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and TJ’s Landscaping ("TJL") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by TJL.
View23-1101911/21/2023Notice by Vernon Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct an approximately 345 kV generation-tie line and associated facilities to interconnect the Vernon Solar Project with the Valmy Substation to be located on approximately 20 acres of federally-managed land in Humboldt County, Nevada.
View23-1101811/27/2023Registration of World Mobile Networks, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View23-1101711/27/2023Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to establish the Accumulated Deferred Interest rate in Southern Nevada pursuant to the Variable Interest Expense Recovery mechanism, Unrecovered Gas Cost Expense rates, system shrinkage rates, excess Imbalance Commodity and Reservation Charges, Renewable Energy Program Rates, General Revenues Adjustment rates, Conservation and Energy Efficiency rates, Mesquite Infrastructure Expansion Rates, Spring Creek Infrastructure Expansion Rates, and Contract Transition Adjustment Provision rate.
View23-1101611/15/2023Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 23-04(G) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2024.
View23-1101511/15/2023Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 23-04(E) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2024.
View23-1101411/15/2023Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 23-04 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2024.
View23-1101311/15/2023Registration of Daywalker Mobile Inc as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View23-1101211/15/2023Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Charter Fiberlink NV-CCVII, LLC for approval of Amendments to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View23-1101111/15/2023Registration of WeIncentivize LLC d/b/a ChosenWireless as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View23-1101010/31/2023Notice by Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America on behalf of rcn long distance company of a bond cancellation.
View23-1100911/16/2023Application of Intrado Communications, LLC for approval of a change of name to Hypercube Networks, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2664 Sub 5.
View23-1100811/08/2023Rulemaking to amend and/or repeal regulations in accordance with Governor Lombardo’s Executive Order No. 2023-003.
View23-1100711/07/2023Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Peek Brothers Construction Incorporated d/b/a Peek Brothers Construction ("Peek Brothers Construction") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Peek Brothers Construction.
View23-1100611/07/2023Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Summit Line Construction, Inc ("Summit") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Summit.
View23-1100511/06/2023Rhienna Perry vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding a billing dispute.
View23-1100411/06/2023Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Preferred Long Distance, Inc. d/b/a Telplex Communications d/b/a Telplex for approval of an Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View23-1100311/03/2023Notice by Conterra Ultra Broadband, LLC of a pro forma change of control.
View23-1100211/02/2023Notice by Estuary Development Partners LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Delamar Solar Project consisting of a 1,200 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, an up to 4,800 MWh battery energy storage system, an approximately 63-mile 525 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located on approximately 16,654 acres of federally-managed land in Lincoln and Clark Counties, Nevada.
View23-1100111/01/2023Application of UNITED COMMERCIAL TELECOM, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View23-1003110/31/2023Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 668-E, to revise Interruptible Irrigation Service Schedule No. IS-2 to increase the IS-2 rate.
View23-1003010/31/2023Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 542, to revise Interruptible Agricultural Irrigation Water Pumping Schedule No. IAIWP to increase the IAIWP rate.
View23-1002911/01/2023Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Capriati Construction Corp, Inc. ("Capriati") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Capriati.
View23-1002810/31/2023Notice by Sawtooth DevCo, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Tromso Solar Project consisting of an up to 1,800 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a battery energy storage system, an up to 500 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located on approximately 10,000 acres of federally-managed land in White Pine County, Nevada.
View23-1002710/31/2023Registration of PRESTO WIRELESS CORP. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View23-1002611/22/2023Application of Manse Crossing, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct a sewer lift station and associated facilities to be located at Jane Avenue and "A" Street in Pahrump, Nye County, Nevada.
View23-1002510/30/2023Notice by Hartford Fire Insurance Company on behalf of CIMA ENERGY, LTD. of a bond rider.
View23-1002410/30/2023Filing by TerraCom Inc. of updated Advisory Tariff No. 1 that includes updates to Wireless Lifeline Program, grandfathered prior plans, updated top-ups, and trade name added where applicable.
View23-1002311/01/2023Application of CBTS Technology Solutions LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2792 Sub 2.
View23-1002210/24/2023Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Western States Contracting ("WSC") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by WSC.
View23-1002110/23/2023Sasha and Salvador Gomez vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding high bills.
View23-1002010/20/2023Notice by EON Telecom of its intent to request numbering resources for the Las Vegas rate center from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View23-1001910/19/2023Investigation regarding regional market activities in the western interconnection relevant to Nevada utilities’ obligations pursuant to NRS Chapter 704.
View23-1001810/18/2023Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Q&D Construction LLC ("Q&D") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Q&D.
View23-1001710/24/2023Application of Great Basin Water Co., Pahrump, Spring Creek, Cold Springs, and Spanish Springs Divisions, for authority to revise Water Tariff Nos. 236, 238, 240 and 241A to implement the deferred water service adjustment rate mechanism relating to the Order issued in Docket No. 21-12025.
View23-1001610/17/2023Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Canyon Pipeline Construction, Inc. ("Canyon Pipeline") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Canyon Pipeline.
View23-1001510/17/2023Notice by Tillman FiberCo Nevada, LLC of a pro forma change of control.
View23-1001410/16/2023Application of Pioneer Telephone to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2800 Sub 1.
View23-1001310/16/2023Request of Pioneer Telephone to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View23-1001210/19/2023Filing by Digital Technology Solutions, Inc. d/b/a DTS Fiber to include Nye and Pershing Counties, Nevada, for competitive supplier telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3066 Sub 1.
View23-1001110/09/2023Notice by Sawtooth DevCo, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Clyde Solar Project consisting of a 1,200 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a battery energy storage system, an up to 500 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located on approximately 13,781 acres of federally-managed land in Humboldt County, Nevada.
View23-1001010/06/2023Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and FHM Construction LLC ("FHM") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by FHM.
View23-1000910/05/2023Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale, AirTouch Cellular d/b/a Verizon Wireless, Bell Atlantic Mobile Systems LLC d/b/a Verizon Wireless, Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless, Rural Cellular Corporation d/b/a Verizon Wireless, Sacramento Valley Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless, and Spok Inc. for approval of Amendments to their Interconnection Agreements pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View23-1000810/05/2023Registration of Atlantic Mobile US LLC d/b/a Angel Mobile as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View23-1000710/05/2023Request of NewPhone Wireless, L.L.C. to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View23-1000610/04/2023Notice by Phoenix Titania LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct a 1,400,000 kVA/1,400 MW substation and associated facilities to interconnect the Phoenix Titania, Phoenix Portia, and Phoenix Prospero solar projects to the electric grid to be located on federally-managed land in Mineral County, Nevada.
View23-1000510/03/2023Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and NPL West LLC ("NPL") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by NPL.
View23-1000410/05/2023Show Cause Proceeding to determine why Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy should not be administratively fined pursuant to NRS 703.380 for violation of a Commission Order.
View23-1000310/05/2023Application of Arcadian Infracom 2, LLC d/b/a Arcadian and Arcadian Infracom for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View23-1000210/05/2023Application of Uprise LLC d/b/a Uprise Fiber for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View23-1000110/02/2023Amended Application of Verdi Meadows Utility Company, Inc. for approval to withdraw $15,000.00 in funds from its surcharge funds account to pay for the Preliminary Engineering Report authorized by the Commission in Docket No. 22-01024.
View23-0902709/29/2023Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale to amend its Provider of Last Resort service area pursuant to NRS 704.330(9)(b).
View23-0902609/29/2023Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304 and annual certification that price cap carrier is not seeking duplicative Eligible Recovery pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.915.
View23-0902509/28/2023Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale, AT&T Corp., Teleport Communications America, LLC, BullsEye Telecom, Inc., Fusion Cloud Services, LLC, Granite Telecommunications, LLC, and Peerless Network of Nevada, LLC for approval of Amendments to their Interconnection and/or Resale Agreements pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View23-0902409/28/2023Registration of Roccstar Wireless LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View23-0902309/27/2023Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and VersaGrade, Inc. ("VersaGrade") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by VersaGrade.
View23-0902209/27/2023Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale of revisions to its Guidebook to reflect updated exchange area boundaries.
View23-0902109/26/2023Notice by NUSO, LLC of its intent to request numbering resources for the Las Vegas rate center from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View23-0902009/22/2023Notice by GridLiance West LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Johnnie Corner to Beatty Transmission Line Upgrade Project consisting of approximately 57.7 miles of up to 500 kV transmission line, five new switchyards, and associated facilities to be located on private land and approximately 1,827 acres of federally-managed land in Nye County, Nevada.
View23-0901909/21/2023Registration of MVNO Connect LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View23-0901811/17/2023Application of King's Row Trailer Park to withdraw $74,415.17 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View23-0901709/27/2023Registration of NatWireless, LLC d/b/a National Wireless as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View23-0901609/20/2023Application of Barr Tell USA, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View23-0901509/14/2023Application of Great Basin Water Co. for authority to establish a system improvement rate in the Pahrump Division for an eligible project designated by the Commission in Docket No. 18-03005 and for other relief properly related thereto.
View23-0901409/15/2023Application of Steamboat Springs Water Works, Inc. for authority to modify Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 912 Sub 2 to expand its water service territory to include a single-family residential property owned by Leslie Land Co. LLC in Washoe County, Nevada.
View23-0901310/12/2023Application of Mobilitie, LLC for approval of a change of name to Boldyn Networks US LLC for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2886 Sub 1.
View23-0901209/15/2023Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to increase its retail natural gas utility service rates for Southern and Northern Nevada.
View23-0901109/08/2023Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 667-E to revise Miscellaneous Charges Schedule No. MC to update fees charged by third party vendors for the credit, debit, electronic check, and ACH payment options.
View23-0901009/08/2023Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 541 to revise Miscellaneous Charges Schedule No. MC to update fees charged by third party vendors for the credit, debit, electronic check, and ACH payment options.
View23-0900909/08/2023Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to add promotion language.
View23-0900809/08/2023Joint Petition of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink and EarthGrid PBC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View23-0900709/07/2023Joint Petition of CenturyLink of Nevada, LLC d/b/a CenturyLink and Wide Voice, LLC for approval of the Carrier Partner for Interconnected VOIP Provider Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View23-0900609/07/2023Joint Petition of CenturyLink of Nevada, LLC d/b/a CenturyLink and Wide Voice, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View23-0900509/06/2023Notice by CallWorks Corporation of its intent to request numbering resources for the Las Vegas and Reno rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View23-0900409/05/2023Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Sunstate Companies, LLC ("Sunstate") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Sunstate.
View23-0900309/01/2023Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for acceptance of their Joint Energy Supply Plan Update for 2024.
View23-0900209/01/2023Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for acceptance of their 2023 Joint Distributed Resources Plan Update as it relates to their 2022-2041 Joint Integrated Resource Plan.
View23-0900109/01/2023Informational Report of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy concerning its natural gas resource planning activities.
View23-0803009/06/2023Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale, Airus, Inc., AT&T Corp., Teleport Communications America, LLC, BCN Telecom, Inc., CCT Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a CCT Telecom, Central Nevada Communications and Electric, LLC, CenturyLink Communications, LLC, Charter Fiberlink NV-CCVII, LLC, GC Pivotal, LLC, Granite Telecommunications, LLC, IDT America Corp., Intrado Communications, LLC, Level 3 Communications, LLC, Mercury Voice and Data, LLC d/b/a Suddenlink Communications, Metropolitan Telecommunications of Nevada, LLC d/b/a MetTel, NHC Communications, Peerless Network of Nevada, LLC, Preferred Long Distance, Inc. d/b/a Telplex Communications d/b/a Telplex, WANRack, LLC, Wholesale Carrier Services, Inc., Wide Voice, LLC, YMax Communications Corp., and Zayo Group, LLC for approval of an Interconnection and/or Resale Agreement and Amendments to their Interconnection and/or Resale Agreements pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View23-0802909/06/2023Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale, CenturyLink Communications, LLC, Level 3 Communications, LLC, Fusion Cloud Services, LLC, Lingo Telecom, LLC d/b/a Clear Choice Communications, Excel Telecommunications, VarTec Telecom, Lingo and Bullseye, and Peerless Network of Nevada, LLC for approval of Amendments to their Interconnection and/or Resale Agreements pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View23-0802808/29/2023Show Cause Proceeding to determine why Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy should not be administratively fined pursuant to NRS 703.380 for violation of a Commission Order.
View23-0802708/28/2023Application of Great Basin Water Co. for authority to modify Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2692 Sub 10 to expand its water service territory for its Cold Springs Division to include 1,018.175 acres of commercial and industrial development on Lifestyle Homes TND, LLC property contiguous to its existing service territory located in Cold Springs, Washoe County, Nevada.
View23-0802608/24/2023Application of the City of Las Vegas for authority to construct a new permanent grade-separated pedestrian bridge over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks to be located between Symphony Park Avenue and Lewis Avenue in Las Vegas, Nevada.
View23-0802508/24/2023Application of the City of Las Vegas for authority to construct a new permanent grade-separated vehicular bridge with pedestrian walkway over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks to be located between Symphony Park Parking Garage and Las Vegas City Hall Parking Garage in Las Vegas, Nevada.
View23-0802409/05/2023Application of AmeriMex Communications Corp. d/b/a SafetyNet Wireless to be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the State of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934.
View23-0802308/24/2023Application of Pinyon Pipeline Company, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Pinyon Pipeline Project consisting of a 24-inch diameter natural gas transmission pipeline totaling approximately 16 miles and associated facilities to be located on private and federally-managed land in Humboldt County, Nevada.
View23-0802210/05/2023Joint Application of EDF Energy Services, LLC ("EDF Energy") and BP Energy Holding Company LLC ("BP Energy") for approval of BP Energy's acquisition of EDF Energy and for approval of a name change to BP Energy Retail Company LLC for operations conducted under License No. G-31.
View23-0802108/23/2023Request of BullsEye Telecom, Inc. to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View23-0802008/23/2023Application of BullsEye Telecom, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2751 Sub 2.
View23-0801908/22/2023Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of an Energy Supply Agreement with MSG Las Vegas, LLC.
View23-0801808/22/2023Rajan Kuruvilla vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding missing MyAccount data and billing accuracy.
View23-0801708/22/2023Application of Escape Solar LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Escape Solar Project consisting of a 185 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, an up to 400 MW battery energy storage system, a 138 kV generation-tie line, a substation, and associated facilities to be located on approximately 1,700 acres of private land in Lincoln County, Nevada.
View23-0801608/21/2023Notice by Silver Star Solar I, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Silver Star Solar 1 Project consisting of a 625 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, an up to 500 MW battery energy storage system, a 230 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located on approximately 3,006 acres of federally-managed land in Nye County, Nevada.
View23-0801508/22/2023Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the fifth amendment to its 2021 Joint Integrated Resource Plan.
View23-0801408/18/2023Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice, under Advice Letter No. 536, to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2023.
View23-0801308/17/2023Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Rolling Rock LLC ("Rolling Rock") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Rolling Rock.
View23-0801208/16/2023Notice by Invenergy Storage Development LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct a 230 kV transmission line to interconnect the proposed Sandlot Energy Storage Project with the Arden Substation to be located on federally-managed land in Clark County, Nevada.
View23-0801108/17/2023Report by Solix, Inc., as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund, regarding fiscal year 2024 assessment recommendation concerning the minimum annual contribution and assessment rate on the intrastate retail revenues of all obligated providers of telecommunication services in Nevada.
View23-0801008/15/2023Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 23-03(G) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2023.
View23-0800908/15/2023Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 23-03(E) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2023.
View23-0800808/15/2023Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 23-03 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2023.
View23-0800708/14/2023Notice by CallWorks Corporation of its intent to request numbering resources for the Las Vegas and Reno rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View23-0800608/08/2023Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("Nevada Power") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Nevada Power.
View23-0800508/08/2023Application of Light Source Communications, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View23-0800408/03/2023Application of ExteNet LVS, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View23-0800308/03/2023Notice by Vonage Holdings Corp. of its intent to request numbering resources for the Las Vegas rate center from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View23-0800208/01/2023Petition of Liberty Utilities LLC for an Advisory Opinion or Declaratory Order as to whether a renewable energy facility of less than 70 MW is considered a utility facility pursuant to NRS 704.860(1) when it shares a point of interconnection with an existing renewable energy facility that is less than 70 MW.
View23-0800108/01/2023Notice by Telnyx LLC of its intent to request numbering resources for various rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View23-0702807/28/2023Notice by Intrado Safety Communications, Inc. and Guardian US Holdco LLC of a pro forma change of control.
View23-0702708/01/2023Notice by ExteNet Systems, LLC and ExteNet Asset Entity, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View23-0702607/25/2023Rulemaking to amend, adopt, and/or repeal regulations in accordance with Assembly Bill 524 (2023).
View23-0702507/25/2023Rulemaking to amend, adopt, and/or repeal regulations in accordance with Assembly Bill 321 (2023).
View23-0702407/25/2023Rulemaking to amend, adopt, and/or repeal regulations in accordance with Senate Bill 281 (2023).
View23-0702307/25/2023Notice by Boulevard Associates, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Rock Valley Energy Center Project consisting of a 1,600 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, an up to 1,600 MW battery energy storage system, a 230 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located on approximately 10,129 acres of federally-managed land in Nye County, Nevada.
View23-0702207/25/2023Notice by Solidus Resources, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to realign and construct portions of two 345 kV transmission lines to be located on private and federally-managed land in Pershing County, Nevada.
View23-0702107/24/2023Show Cause Proceeding to determine why Pair A Dice Mobile Home Park should not be assessed civil penalties for violation of Chapter 704 of the Nevada Revised Statutes related to handling of funds in a tenant service charge account.
View23-0702007/28/2023Application of Boomerang Wireless, LLC d/b/a enTouch Wireless to voluntarily partially relinquish designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the State of Nevada.
View23-0701907/28/2023Application of Cincinnati Bell Extended Territories LLC d/b/a altafiber connected services for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View23-0701807/20/2023Registration of AmeriMex Communications Corp. d/b/a SafetyNet Wireless as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View23-0701707/19/2023Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of its Solar Thermal Systems Demonstration Program Annual Plan for Program Year 2024.
View23-0701607/19/2023Notice by Boomerang Wireless, LLC d/b/a enTouch Wireless of the expiration of Lifeline Legacy Plan.
View23-0701507/18/2023Investigation to determine how a remedy should be calculated, if appropriate, for Silver Springs Mobile Home Park tenants and to ensure that Silver Springs Mobile Home Park has enacted proper billing methodologies.
View23-0701407/19/2023Request of Ting Inc. to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View23-0701307/18/2023Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and M CON, Inc. ("MCON") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by MCON.
View23-0701207/17/2023Registration of Prosper Wireless LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View23-0701107/17/2023Application of Imperial Wireless Networks LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3050.
View23-0701007/17/2023Informational Report of Prospector Pipeline Company concerning its natural gas resource planning activities.
View23-0700907/13/2023Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of tax adjustment pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 00-1028.
View23-0700807/13/2023Heather Hill vs. Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding power outages.
View23-0700707/12/2023Notice by CG Northwestern Solar I LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Robinson Solar Project consisting of an up to 1000 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a battery energy storage system, a 345 kV or 525 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located on approximately 15,683 acres of federally-managed land in White Pine County, Nevada.
View23-0700607/12/2023Revised registration of TerraCom Inc. to add fictitious business name Maxsip Tel.
View23-0700507/07/2023Application of Multiline Long Distance, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2877 Sub 1.
View23-0700407/07/2023Application of Nationwide Long Distance Service, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2856 Sub 1.
View23-0700307/07/2023Application of Integrated Services, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2863 Sub 1.
View23-0700207/07/2023Application of Business Network Long Distance, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2767 Sub 1.
View23-0700107/07/2023Application of National Access Long Distance, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2681 Sub 2.
View23-0604706/27/2023Request of OnStar, LLC to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View23-0604606/30/2023Application of TransWest Express LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the TransWest-DesertLink Interconnection Project consisting of an approximately 1.55-mile 500 kV transmission line and associated facilities to interconnect the TransWest Express Transmission Project with the existing DesertLink, Harry Allen to Eldorado transmission line to be located on approximately 73 acres of federally-managed land in Clark County, Nevada.
View23-0604506/30/2023Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its 2023 Natural Gas Conservation and Energy Efficiency Plan Annual Report.
View23-0604406/30/2023Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of their 2023 Combined Annual Electric Demand Side Management Update Report as it relates to the Action Plan of their 2022-2041 Joint Integrated Resource Plan.
View23-0604306/30/2023Notice by Desert Marble Solar LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Desert Marble Storage Project consisting of an approximately 2.1-mile 345 kV generation-tie line to interconnect the Desert Marble battery energy storage system with the Valmy Substation to be located on federally-managed land in Humboldt County, Nevada.
View23-0604206/30/2023Application of Rural Telephone Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 44, to revise Tariff No. 1 to modify the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 23-01031.
View23-0604106/30/2023Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 25, to revise Tariff No. 2A to modify the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 23-01031.
View23-0604006/30/2023Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 28, to revise Tariff No. 1A to modify the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 23-01031.
View23-0603906/30/2023Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Peering Hub Inc. for approval of a Two-way CMRS Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View23-0603806/30/2023Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and EarthGrid PBC for approval of an Interconnection and/or Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View23-0603706/28/2023Notice by Intrado Communications, LLC of a pro forma change of control.
View23-0603606/28/2023Notice by Southwest Gas Corporation of its intent to file an application for adjustment in rates.
View23-0603506/26/2023Application of Cathect Communications, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3071.
View23-0603406/22/2023Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. NV2023-07, to revise Tariff No. 1A to reflect grandfathered residential and small business services are no longer eligible for temporary suspension and are not eligible for transfer of service between customers.
View23-0603306/21/2023Revised registration of Tempo Telecom, LLC d/b/a Tempo to update information.
View23-0603206/21/2023Notice by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View23-0603106/20/2023Daniel Meyer on behalf of Tand, Inc. vs. CenturyLink of Nevada, LLC d/b/a CenturyLink. Complaint seeking an advisory opinion or declaratory order on the application of the State of Nevada's statutes and regulations regarding appropriate excavation procedures near marked subsurface installations.
View23-0603006/16/2023Filing by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation ("CAF ICC") Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View23-0602906/20/2023Informational Report of Southwest Gas Corporation concerning its near-term natural gas resource planning activities.
View23-0602806/20/2023Filings by Eligible Telecommunications Carriers related to Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements pursuant to 47 CFR 54.314.
View23-0602706/16/2023Joint Petition of CEA Dairy RNG Nevada, LLC and Vanguard Renewables for a Declaratory Order finding that pipeline facilities at the Mason Renewable Natural Gas Project are classified as Type R onshore gas gathering pipelines and that truck transportation of renewable natural gas from the dairy farms to the injection site performs a gathering function.
View23-0602606/16/2023Application of Google Fiber Nevada, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View23-0602506/16/2023Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304 and annual certification that price cap carrier is not seeking duplicative Eligible Recovery pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.915.
View23-0602406/20/2023Application of Desert Gold RV Park to withdraw $17,221.60 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View23-0602306/15/2023Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and CenturyLink of Nevada, LLC d/b/a CenturyLink ("CenturyLink") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by CenturyLink.
View23-0602206/15/2023Filing by Moapa Valley Telephone Company of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation ("CAF ICC") Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View23-0602106/15/2023Filing by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation ("CAF ICC") Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View23-0602006/15/2023Filing by Rural Telephone Company of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation ("CAF ICC") Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View23-0601906/15/2023Andrew Deesing vs. Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding a billing dispute.
View23-0601806/15/2023Ellen Meade vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding a billing dispute.
View23-0601706/15/2023Raymond Snow vs. Southwest Gas Corporation ("SWG"). Complaint regarding missing payments with SWG.
View23-0601606/20/2023Joint Petition of CenturyLink of Nevada, LLC d/b/a CenturyLink and Spok Inc. for approval of an amendment to their Paging Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View23-0601506/22/2023Notice by TerraCom Inc. and MAXSIP TELECOM CORPORATION of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View23-0601406/14/2023Registration of AFNET, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View23-0601306/08/2023Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. NV2023-06, to revise Tariff No. 1A to standardize the language related to the TDD surcharge and to modify the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 23-01031.
View23-0601206/08/2023Filing by Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View23-0601106/07/2023Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Nevada Gold Mines LLC ("NGM") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of 49 CFR Part 192 of the Federal Pipeline Safety Regulations by NGM.
View23-0601006/07/2023Notice by Filer Mutual Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View23-0600906/22/2023Notice by Tempo Telecom, LLC d/b/a Tempo and Insight Mobile, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View23-0600806/05/2023Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of new and revised depreciation and amortization rates for its electric and common accounts.
View23-0600706/05/2023Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to adjust its annual revenue requirement for general rates charged to all classes of electric customers and for relief properly related thereto.
View23-0600606/05/2023Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View23-0600506/13/2023Application of Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company for authority to establish its annual revenue requirement for telephone service rates, set a new rate design, modify draws from the Nevada Universal Service Fund, reflect changes in the cost of capital, modify depreciation rates, and for other relief properly related thereto.
View23-0600406/02/2023Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of letter of intent submitted to Solix, Inc. in its capacity as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund ("NUSF") for allowance of NUSF funding for the year commencing January 1, 2024.
View23-0600306/01/2023Public Utilities Commission of Nevada-sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Elko County, Nevada.
View23-0600206/01/2023Public Utilities Commission of Nevada-sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Clark County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View23-0600106/01/2023Public Utilities Commission of Nevada-sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Washoe County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View23-0504606/01/2023Joint Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("Nevada Power") and MSG Las Vegas, LLC ("MSG Las Vegas") requesting a waiver of the eligibility requirement of Nevada Power's Customer Market Price Energy Tariff for MSG Las Vegas.
View23-0504506/01/2023Application of Bandwidth IG, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View23-0504405/31/2023Notice by Great Basin Transmission South, LLC, on behalf of the ON Line owners, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Robinson Summit Substation Expansion Project consisting of a 500 kV and a 345 kV switchyard and associated facilities to be located at the existing Robinson Summit Substation on approximately 55 acres of federally-managed land in White Pine County, Nevada.
View23-0504305/31/2023Filing by Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada of letter of intent submitted to Solix, Inc. in its capacity as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund ("NUSF") for allowance of NUSF funding for the year commencing January 1, 2024.
View23-0504205/31/2023Filing by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. of letter of intent submitted to Solix, Inc. in its capacity as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund ("NUSF") for allowance of NUSF funding for the year commencing January 1, 2024.
View23-0504105/30/2023Registration of EVOLVE WIRELESS LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View23-0504006/01/2023Application of Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company for approval of a change of name to E4 Connect, INC. for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2012.
View23-0503905/30/2023Application of Mercuria Energy America, LLC for a license to operate as a provider of new electric resources.
View23-0503805/26/2023Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 13, to revise Access Service Tariff No. 3 to modify rates pursuant to 8YY Access Charge Reform Order in Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 20-143.
View23-0503706/01/2023Notice by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View23-0503605/26/2023Notice by Rural Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View23-0503506/01/2023Notice by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View23-0503406/02/2023Application of Hudson Fiber Network Inc for approval of a change of name to ExteNet Telecom Solutions, Inc. for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3062.
View23-0503305/25/2023Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice, under Advice Letter No. 535, to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2023.
View23-0503205/24/2023Notice by Rooster's Comb Solar Energy LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Rooster’s Comb Solar and Energy Storage Project consisting of an approximately 400 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 400 MW battery energy storage system, and associated facilities to be located on private and federally-managed land in Lander County, Nevada.
View23-0503105/24/2023Notice by Rooster's Comb Solar Energy LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct an approximately 7.5-mile 345 kV generation-tie line to interconnect the Rooster’s Comb Solar and Energy Storage Project to the North Valmy Substation to be located on private and federally-managed land in Lander and Humboldt Counties, Nevada.
View23-0503005/24/2023Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, pursuant to NRS 704.110(15), for approval to adjust the Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates in excess of the maximum allowable adjustment under NRS 704.110(8) to provide a discounted rate effective July 1, 2023.
View23-0502905/24/2023Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, pursuant to NRS 704.110(15), for approval to adjust the Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates in excess of the maximum allowable adjustment under NRS 704.110(10) to provide a discounted rate effective July 1, 2023.
View23-0502805/24/2023Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, pursuant to NRS 704.110(15), for approval to adjust the Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates in excess of the maximum allowable adjustment under NRS 704.110(10) to provide a discounted rate effective July 1, 2023.
View23-0502705/23/2023Registration of VOLT MOBILE INC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View23-0502605/22/2023Application of Edgewood Water Company for approval of its 2022 Integrated Resource Plan and for other relief properly related thereto.
View23-0502505/22/2023Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval to reallocate unused capacity from the Residential Customer Category to the Non-residential Customer Category pursuant to the NV GreenEnergy Rider Schedule No. NGR.
View23-0502405/23/2023Joint Petition of CenturyLink of Nevada, LLC d/b/a CenturyLink and Vero Fiber Networks, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View23-0502305/22/2023Filing by Patriot Mobile LLC to update information.
View23-0502205/18/2023Application of Prospector Pipeline Company to amend Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3013 to expand its service territory to provide natural gas service to TS Power Plant located in Eureka County, Nevada, and for approval of a transportation agreement with Nevada Gold Mines LLC.
View23-0502105/16/2023Joint Application of Elko Heat Company ("Elko Heat") and TRG, LLC ("TRG") for approval of the transfer of all issued and outstanding stock for Elko Heat from the stockholder of record to TRG.
View23-0502005/16/2023Amended Notice by Western Bounty, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct Segment 3 of the Western Bounty Transmission Line Project consisting of an up to 350-mile 500kV to 800 kV single-circuit transmission line, a converter and substation, an up to 0.34 mile double-circuit 525 kV alternating current overhead transmission line connecting to the proposed Esmeralda Substation in Esmeralda County, Nevada, and associated facilities extending from the proposed Auriga Converter and Substation to either the Nevada-Idaho border through Esmeralda, Nye, Lander, Eureka, and Elko Counties, Nevada, or the Nevada-Oregon border through Esmeralda, Mineral, Lyon, Churchill, Washoe, Pershing, and Humboldt Counties, Nevada, to be located on private and federally-managed land.
View23-0501905/16/2023Amended Notice by Western Bounty, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct Segment 2 of the Western Bounty Transmission Line Project consisting of an approximately 330-mile 500 kV to 800 kV single-circuit transmission line, a converter and substation, and associated facilities extending from the proposed Auriga Converter and Substation to the Nevada-Oregon border, to be located on private and federally-managed land in Esmerelda, Mineral, Lyon, Churchill, Washoe, and Pershing Counties, Nevada.
View23-0501805/17/2023Amended Notice by Western Bounty, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct Segment 1 of the Western Bounty Transmission Line Project consisting of a new substation and converter ("Auriga Substation and Converter"), two 500 kV to 800 kV single-circuit transmission lines between 34 miles and 37 miles in length extending from the proposed Auriga Converter and Substation to the Nevada-Oregon border, and associated facilities to be located on private and federally-managed land in Esmerelda and Mineral Counties, Nevada.
View23-0501705/15/2023Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 23-02(G) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2023.
View23-0501605/15/2023Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 23-02(E) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2023.
View23-0501505/16/2023Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 23-02 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2023.
View23-0501405/12/2023Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of its 2022 Conservation and Energy Efficiency Plan Annual Report and modification for Program Year 2024.
View23-0501305/12/2023Investigation related to examining process, modelling, and analytical improvements to Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy's integrated resource planning.
View23-0501205/12/2023Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. NV2023-04, to revise Tariff No. 1A to modify Basic Exchange Access Service Schedule No. 1 to grandfather three, four, and five year term plans for CenturyLink Line Volume Plan.
View23-0501105/12/2023Application of Great Basin Water Co. for authority to modify Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2692 Sub 9 to expand its water service territory and wastewater service territory for its Pahrump Division to include 412 acres of proposed development of Adaven Management Inc., and affiliates', property contiguous to its existing service territory located in Pahrump, Nye County, Nevada.
View23-0501005/12/2023Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. 18, to revise Access Service Tariff No. 2A to modify rates pursuant to 8YY Access Charge Reform Order in Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 20-143.
View23-0500905/12/2023Application of CenturyLink of Nevada, LLC d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. 3, to revise Access Services Tariff No. 1 to modify rates pursuant to 8YY Access Charge Reform Order in Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 20-143.
View23-0500805/11/2023Andrea Kondora vs. Silver Springs Mobile Home Park. Complaint regarding electrical billing dispute.
View23-0500705/11/2023Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Electric Lightwave, LLC d/b/a Allstream for approval of Amendment No. 4 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View23-0500605/08/2023Notice by the Regulatory Operations Staff of renewable natural gas ("RNG") that has entered Nevada’s distribution system via Great Basin Transmission Company’s system to the Southwest Gas Corporation’s distribution system pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 21-01015.
View23-0500505/05/2023Notice by Nettleaf Solar LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct an approximately 15-mile 525 kV generation-tie line to interconnect the Nettleleaf Storage Project with the proposed Walker River Substation to be located on federally-managed land in Lyon County, Nevada.
View23-0500405/09/2023Notice by Honey Mesquite Solar LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct an approximately 10-mile 525 kV generation-tie line to interconnect the Honey Mesquite Storage Project with the proposed Walker River Substation to be located on federally-managed land in Lyon County, Nevada.
View23-0500305/04/2023Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale, Mpower Communications Corp. d/b/a TPx Communications, and U.S. TelePacific Corp. d/b/a TPx Communications for approval of Amendment Nos. 6, 7, 8, and 9 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View23-0500205/03/2023Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Southwest Gas Corporation ("SWG") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law and 49 CFR Part 192 of the Federal Pipeline Safety Regulations by SWG.
View23-0500105/01/2023Registration of Nova Labs, Inc. d/b/a Helium Mobile as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View23-0402804/28/2023Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of Notice of Discontinuance of Common Carrier Broadband Internet Access Transmission Service Under Tariff and Continued Provision of Service on a Permissive Detariffed Basis submitted to the Federal Communications Commission.
View23-0402704/28/2023Application of Southwest Gas Corporation, filed under Advice Letter No. 534, to revise Tariff No. 7 to reflect the Paiute Pipeline Company name change to Great Basin Gas Transmission Company, to remove references to inactive Schedule No. SG-G7, and to update applicability of Small Electric Generation Gas Service Schedule No. SG-EG/NG-EG.
View23-0402604/28/2023Notice by EDF Renewables Development, Inc., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct a 600-foot 525 kV generation-tie line to interconnect the Solitaire Storage Project with the proposed Lander Substation to be located on federally-managed land in Lander County, Nevada.
View23-0402504/28/2023Notice by EDF Renewables Development, Inc., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Lonely Solar Project consisting of an approximately 1,000 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a battery energy storage system, a 525 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located on approximately 4,404 acres of federally-managed land in Mineral County, Nevada.
View23-0402405/01/2023Notice by EDF Renewables Development, Inc., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Longship Solar Project consisting of an approximately 1,500 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a battery energy storage system, a 120 kV or 230 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located on approximately 8,365 acres of federally-managed land in Mineral County, Nevada.
View23-0402304/25/2023Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. NV2023-05, to revise Tariff No. 1A to modify Non-Recurring Charges Schedule No. 2 to remove the Copy of Bill/Duplicate Bill Charge.
View23-0402204/21/2023Notice by Southern California Edison Company of an application to the California Public Utilities Commission for a permit to construct the Eldorado-Pisgah-Lugo 220 kV Project.
View23-0402104/21/2023Notice by White Pine Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the White Pine Solar 1 Project consisting of an up to 350 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a battery energy storage system, a 115 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located on approximately 5,785 acres of federally-managed land in White Pine County, Nevada.
View23-0402004/21/2023Filing by Boomerang Wireless, LLC d/b/a enTouch Wireless to update information.
View23-0401904/21/2023Joint Petition of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink and Vero Fiber Networks, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View23-0401804/21/2023Notice by EDF Renewables Development, Inc., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct an approximately 0.13-mile 230 kV transmission line to interconnect to the proposed Aoki Battery Energy Storage System Project with the Northwest Substation to be located on federally-managed land in Clark County, Nevada.
View23-0401704/19/2023Investigation to review Nevada Universal Service Fund carrier compliance audits completed in 2023 by the fund's independent administrator.
View23-0401604/18/2023Investigation regarding Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy’s progress of developing a clean transition tariff and its appropriateness for development as a new tariff offering pursuant to the Modified Final Order issued in Docket Nos. 22-06014, 22-06015, and 22-06016.
View23-0401504/18/2023Patricia Gluntz vs. Southwest Gas Corporation. Complaint regarding request for prorated refund for high gas bills.
View23-0401404/18/2023Annual Report of Switch Ltd. on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2022.
View23-0401304/17/2023Annual Report of Macquarie Energy LLC on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2022.
View23-0401205/04/2023Annual Report of Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2022.
View23-0401104/14/2023Annual Report of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2022.
View23-0401004/14/2023Annual Report of Brookfield Renewable Energy Marketing US LLC d/b/a Brookfield Renewable on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2022.
View23-0400904/14/2023Notice by Constellation Energy Generation, LLC that it did not serve retail electric customers during the 2022 Renewable Portfolio Standard reporting period.
View23-0400804/14/2023Annual Report of Tenaska Power Services Co. on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2022.
View23-0400704/13/2023Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. NV2023-03, to revise Tariff No. 1A to grandfather Trunk Hunting services, additional listing, alternate listing, line of information, cross-reference listing, and foreign listings.
View23-0400604/13/2023Notice by BullsEye Telecom, Inc. and Lingo Telecom, LLC d/b/a Clear Choice Communications, Excel Telecommunications, VarTec Telecom, Lingo, and Bullseye of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View23-0400504/13/2023Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. NV2023-02, to revise Tariff No. 1A to modify Rule Nos. 6 and 16 to add language addressing company-initiated termination of service due to denial of access to customer premises and to standardize the process for changes in responsibility for accounts.
View23-0400404/11/2023Joint Petition of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink and Metropolitan Telecommunications of Nevada, LLC d/b/a MetTel for approval of a Resale Forbearance Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View23-0400304/11/2023Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale of revisions to the Guidebook to reflect discontinuance of TDM to IP Transition Provisions in some geographic areas.
View23-0400204/10/2023Notice by Cooper Canyon Renewable Energy LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Cooper Canyon Solar Project consisting of an up to 100 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a battery energy storage system, a 230 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located on approximately 1,630 acres of federally-managed land in White Pine County, Nevada.
View23-0400104/06/2023Notice by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of its intent to file an application for adjustment in electric rates.
View23-0303603/31/2023Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the quality of service metrics in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 15-06064.
View23-0303504/07/2023Notice by Hartford Fire Insurance Company on behalf of CIMA ENERGY, LTD. of a bond cancellation for gas service conducted under License No. G-35.
View23-0303403/31/2023Notice by Fatbeam, LLC, Fatbeam Holdings, LLC, SDC FB Holdings, LLC, and Project Lighthouse AIV Feeder LP of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View23-0303303/31/2023Application of Desert Utilities, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 10, to revise water Tariff No. 1 and sewer Tariff No. 2 to adjust rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator and request for reissuance of a sewer service charge.
View23-0303204/03/2023Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and CBTS Technology Solutions LLC for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View23-0303103/29/2023Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale ("AT&T Nevada"), filed under Advice Letter No. 2075, to revise Tariff No. C to modify General Regulations Schedule No. C2-A to allow the discontinuance of certain services in geographic areas for which AT&T Nevada has no customers subscribing to those services.
View23-0303003/28/2023Application of Dutchman Acres Water Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 12, to revise Water Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View23-0302903/29/2023Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of NV GreenEnergy Rider Open Season Annual Report on the results of their open season and customer interest in participating in the program using an existing renewable resource.
View23-0302803/29/2023Application of MOSAIC NETWORX LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2989.
View23-0302703/29/2023Application of Indian Springs Water Co., Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 11, to revise Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View23-0302603/28/2023Notice by Winston FC Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Winston Solar Project consisting of an approximately 600 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a battery energy storage system, a 230 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Lyon County, Nevada.
View23-0302503/20/2023Registration of Comlink Total Solutions Corp as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View23-0302405/01/2023Application of DISH Wireless L.L.C. to be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the State of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934.
View23-0302303/16/2023Application of Mount Charleston Water Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 23-1, to revise Water Tariff and Sewer Tariff to adjust rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View23-0302204/21/2023Application of City of Reno for authority to construct an at-grade crossing over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks at Moya Boulevard located in Reno, Nevada.
View23-0302103/16/2023Application of Spirit Mountain Utility Company, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 8, to revise Water Tariff No. 2 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View23-0302003/13/2023Application of the Nevada Department of Transportation for authority to alter the existing at-grade crossing on US Highway 50 located in Silver Springs, Nevada.
View23-0301903/13/2023Application of the Nevada Department of Transportation for authority to alter the existing Bridge No. G-58 over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks at FREL49, an Interstate 80 Frontage Road, located near West Wendover in Elko County, Nevada.
View23-0301803/13/2023Amended Notice by Opal Energy Storage LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Opal Energy Storage Transmission Project consisting of an approximately .02-mile 230 kV transmission line and associated facilities to connect the proposed Opal Battery Energy Storage System to a proposed NV Energy substation to be located on federally-managed land in Clark County, Nevada.
View23-0301703/13/2023Notice by Burro Canyon Energy Storage LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Burro Canyon Energy Storage Transmission Project consisting of an approximately 0.5-mile 230 kV transmission line and associated facilities to connect the proposed Burro Canyon Energy Battery Storage System to the Northwest Substation to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View23-0301603/13/2023Notice by Twilight Energy Storage LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Twilight Energy Storage Transmission Project consisting of an approximately 0.5-mile 230 kV transmission line and associated facilities to connect the proposed Twilight Energy Battery Storage System to the Magnolia Substation to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View23-0301503/07/2023Application of Steamboat Springs Water Works, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 6, to revise Rate Schedules to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View23-0301403/09/2023Donald Munn vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding request that solar credits be transferred from one account to another.
View23-0301303/07/2023Filing by IM Telecom, LLC d/b/a Infiniti Mobile to replace NV Tariff No. 2 to correct monthly data amounts for the Infiniti Enhanced Lifeline Plan and Infiniti Enhanced Plus Tribal Lifeline Plan.
View23-0301203/09/2023Notice by CNS Networks LLC, Congruex Group LLC, Congruex Intermediate III LLC, Congruex Intermediate II LLC, and Congruex Intermediate Parent LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View23-0301103/06/2023Notice by Phoenix Portia LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Portia Solar Project consisting of an up to 350 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a battery energy storage system, a 138 kV or 230 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Mineral County, Nevada.
View23-0301003/06/2023Notice by Phoenix Juliet LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Juliet Solar Project consisting of an up to 350 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a battery energy storage system, a 138 kV or 230 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Mineral County, Nevada.
View23-0300903/06/2023Notice by Phoenix Titania LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Titania Solar Project consisting of an up to 350 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a battery energy storage system, a 138 kV or 230 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Mineral County, Nevada.
View23-0300803/06/2023Notice by Phoenix Prospero LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Prospero Solar Project consisting of an up to 350 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a battery energy storage system, a 138 kV or 230 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Mineral County, Nevada.
View23-0300703/01/2023Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of natural gas expenses and to cancel Incentive Natural Gas Rate Schedule INGR.
View23-0300603/01/2023Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of fuel and purchased power expenses, to reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development charge, reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rate, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Program Rates, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rates, reset the Energy Efficiency Program Amortization Rate, reset the Energy Efficiency Implementation Amortization Rate, and reset the Expanded Solar Program Costs Rate.
View23-0300503/01/2023Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of fuel and purchased power expenses, to reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development charge, reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rate, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Program Rates, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rates, reset the Energy Efficiency Program Amortization Rate, reset the Energy Efficiency Implementation Amortization Rate, reset the Expanded Solar Program Costs Rate, and refund the total amount of Base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rate revenue received in 2022, including carrying charges.
View23-0300403/01/2023Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the cost recovery of the regulatory assets relating to the development and implementation of their Joint Natural Disaster Protection Plan.
View23-0300303/01/2023Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of their Joint Natural Disaster Protection Plan for the period 2024-2026.
View23-0300203/01/2023Notice by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of its intent to file an application for adjustment in rates.
View23-0300103/01/2023Informational Report of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy on the progress of their Expanded Solar Access Program Plan for the period 2021-2023.
View23-0203402/27/2023Notice by Machaen Enterprises, Inc. on behalf of IDT America Corp. of a bond renewal.
View23-0203303/01/2023Report of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy on the progress of its Action Plan relative to its 2022-2041 Integrated Resource Plan.
View23-0203202/28/2023Application of Great Basin Water Co., Pahrump Division, filed under Advice Letter No. 12, to revise Water Tariff No. 1-W to implement the deferred water service adjustment rate mechanism relating to the Order issued in Docket No. 19-12029.
View23-0203102/28/2023Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to increase Custom Calling Services and Feature Pack rates.
View23-0203002/27/2023Notice by Opentact Inc of its intent to request numbering resources for the Las Vegas and Reno rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View23-0202903/01/2023Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice, under Advice Letter No. 533, to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2023.
View23-0202802/24/2023Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the Economic Development Electric Rate Rider Program pursuant to NAC 704.8958.
View23-0202702/24/2023Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the Economic Development Electric Rate Rider Program pursuant to NAC 704.8958.
View23-0202602/22/2023Application of Verdi Meadows Utility Company, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 10, to revise Water Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View23-0202502/24/2023Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Utility Telecom Group, LLC d/b/a Utility Telephone for approval of Amendment Nos. 3, 4, and 5 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View23-0202402/23/2023Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC for approval of Amendment Nos. 21 and 22 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View23-0202303/01/2023Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 19, to revise Water Tariff No. 1A and Sewer Tariff No. 1A to adjust rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View23-0202203/02/2023Amended Application of Gigapower, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View23-0202102/16/2023Matthew and Melody Chutter vs. Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding northern Nevada outage claim denial.
View23-0202002/16/2023Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Sierra Earth Worx LLC ("Sierra Earth Worx") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Sierra Earth Worx.
View23-0201902/15/2023Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 23-01(G) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2023.
View23-0201802/15/2023Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 23-01(E) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2023.
View23-0201702/15/2023Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 23-01 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2023.
View23-0201602/15/2023Petition of Southwest Gas Corporation for an Advisory Opinion or Declaratory Order that a proposed replacement of approximately 69.5 miles of natural gas transmission pipeline constitutes a "like facility" for the purposes of NRS 704.865(1).
View23-0201502/14/2023Application of Gold Country Water Company, Inc. for approval of the sale of its water system assets to Humboldt County, Nevada, and to voluntarily discontinue water service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 956 Sub 5.
View23-0201402/13/2023Notice by the Regulatory Operations Staff of the 2023 range of reasonable returns on equity for water and sewer utilities.
View23-0201302/13/2023Filing by the Regulatory Operations Staff of calendar year 2022 accounting report for each utility authorized to collect a rate surcharge pursuant to NAC 704.600(6).
View23-0201202/15/2023Application of Gardnerville Water Company for authority to amend Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 926 Sub 13 to expand its water service territory to include 13.72 acres of single-family residential property and 11.67 acres of right-of-way property owned by Ashland Park, LLC and 130.55 acres of agricultural property owned by Corley Ranches, LLC located in Douglas County, Nevada.
View23-0201102/16/2023Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 662-E, to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to revise Large Customer Market Price Energy Schedule No. LCMPE to set forth when an Energy Supply Agreement must be filed with an Integrated Resource Plan ("IRP") or IRP amendment, a requirement for a true-up or adjustment, and a requirement for a short form statement O, pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 22-03025.
View23-0201002/16/2023Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 535, to revise Tariff No. 1-B to revise Large Customer Market Price Energy Schedule No. LCMPE to set forth when an Energy Supply Agreement must be filed with an Integrated Resource Plan ("IRP") or IRP amendment, a requirement for a true-up or adjustment, and a requirement for a short form statement O, pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 22-03025.
View23-0200902/09/2023Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Electric Lightwave, LLC d/b/a Allstream for approval of Amendment No. 3 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View23-0200802/09/2023Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Electric Lightwave, LLC d/b/a Allstream for approval of Amendment No. 2 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View23-0200702/07/2023Application of Connect Everyone LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3077.
View23-0200602/07/2023Application of Connect Everyone LLC to voluntarily relinquish designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the State of Nevada.
View23-0200502/06/2023Filing by IM Telecom, LLC d/b/a Infiniti Mobile to cancel NV Tariff No. 1 and replace it with NV Tariff No. 2.
View23-0200402/06/2023Application of Hot Pot Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct upgrades to the existing North Valmy Substation and a new 345 kV generation-tie line to connect the Hot Pot Solar facility to the North Valmy Substation to be located in Humboldt County, Nevada.
View23-0200302/03/2023Application of Gold Country Water Company, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 11, to revise Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View23-0200202/03/2023Filing by Just Energy Solutions Inc. of updated corporate officer listing.
View23-0200102/02/2023Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of annual plans for the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program and its Energy Storage component, the Lower Income Solar Energy Program, the Wind Energy Systems Demonstration Program, the Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Program, and the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstration Program for Program Year 2023-2024.
View23-0103302/01/2023Application of AmeriGas Propane, L.P. d/b/a Bi-State Propane ("AmeriGas") for approval of the margin rates charged by AmeriGas for the preceding fiscal year.
View23-0103201/27/2023Amended Notice by 332RR 8me LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Red Rock Transmission Project consisting of an approximately 6.6-mile 500 kV transmission line and associated facilities to connect the proposed Red Rock Battery Storage System to the Harry Allen Substation to be located on federally-managed land in Clark County, Nevada.
View23-0103101/26/2023Application of the Department of Health and Human Services Aging and Disability Services Division for approval of a State Fiscal Year ("SFY") 2024 telecommunication device for the deaf surcharge that is calculated based on its Governor’s recommended budget for SFY 2024.
View23-0103001/25/2023Notice by Intrado Communications, LLC, Mount Olympus Holdings, Inc., and West-Olympus, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View23-0102901/24/2023Notice by 341NW 8me LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Ladera Transmission Project consisting of an approximately 6.6-mile 230 kV transmission line and associated facilities to connect the proposed Ladera Battery Storage System to the Northwest Substation to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View23-0102801/24/2023Notice by Estuary Development Partners LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Crystal Energy Storage Center Project consisting of an approximately 1.5-mile 500 kV generation-tie line to connect an on-site substation to the existing Crystal Substation, an up to 4,800 MWh battery energy storage system, and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View23-0102701/23/2023Amended Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Silverhawk Capacity Project consisting of two natural gas combustion turbines, a natural gas pipeline, underground and above-ground water pipelines, and associated facilities to be located adjacent to the Silverhawk Generating Station in Clark County, Nevada.
View23-0102601/20/2023Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Gerhardt & Berry Construction, Inc. ("Gerhardt & Berry") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Gerhardt & Berry.
View23-0102501/19/2023Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. NV2023-01, to revise Tariff No. 1A to modify the convenience fees assessed by its third-party vendor for one-time debit or credit card payments.
View23-0102401/13/2023Notice by Great Basin Transmission, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Robinson Summit Interconnection Project consisting of an approximately 1.3-mile 500 kV interconnection line and associated facilities to connect the existing Robinson Summit Substation to a 500 kV transmission line to be located in White Pine County, Nevada.
View23-0102301/12/2023Notice by Ameresco Winnemucca Solar LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Winnemucca Solar Project consisting of a 300 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a battery energy storage system, a 120 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Humboldt County, Nevada.
View23-0102201/11/2023Application of Verdi Meadows Utility Company, Inc. for approval to withdraw $35,000.00 in funds from its surcharge funds account to pay for the Preliminary Engineering Report authorized by the Commission in Docket No. 22-01024.
View23-0102101/09/2023Amended Application of United Technology Services Group Inc for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View23-0102001/05/2023Notice by 339CH 8me LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Parker Butte Solar Project consisting of an up to 500 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, an up to 275 MW battery energy storage system, an approximately 12.5-mile 345 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Lyon County, Nevada.
View23-0101901/05/2023Notice by Estuary Development Partners LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Iron Mountain Solar Project consisting of a 1000 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, an up to 4000 MWh battery energy storage system, an approximately 25-mile 525 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Lander County, Nevada.
View23-0101801/03/2023Investigation into Northern Nevada power outages that began on December 30, 2022.
View23-0101701/03/2023Filings by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of its current Strategic Operating Plans pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 22-06014.
View23-0101601/03/2023Filings by Eligible Telecommunications Carriers of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 555 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements.
View23-0101501/03/2023Filings by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of its quarterly data metrics for its Economic Recovery Transportation Electrification Plan pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 21-09004.
View23-0101401/03/2023Notifications by natural gas utilities operating in Nevada of new or revised discounted rate contracts, contracts for alternative fuel capable customers, and contracts for special service pursuant to Section 2 of LCB File No. R075-20 and the Order issued in Docket No. 19-02024 for calendar year 2023.
View23-0101301/03/2023Notifications and Reports from electric utilities operating in Nevada regarding certain ignition events and wildfires occurring in the vicinity of the infrastructure of an electric utility for calendar year 2023.
View23-0101201/03/2023Notifications and Reports from electric utilities operating in Nevada regarding power outages initiated to preserve public safety or proactive de-energization events for calendar year 2023.
View23-0101101/03/2023Filings by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of its monthly financial statements and quarterly calculations of its earned rate(s) of return and returns on equity for the Nevada jurisdiction pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 13-07021.
View23-0101001/03/2023Applications for calendar year 2023 received by a utility under the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program.
View23-0100901/03/2023Reports from electric and gas utilities operating in Nevada of transactions and calculations affecting the deferred energy accounts pursuant to NAC 704.195 for calendar year 2023.
View23-0100801/03/2023Rail Safety FRA Form 96 Inspection Reports for calendar year 2023.
View23-0100701/03/2023Pipeline Safety Enforcement Actions and Inspection Reports by the Regulatory Operations Staff pursuant to 49 CFR 191 and 192 for calendar year 2023.
View23-0100601/03/2023One Call Enforcement Actions and Inspection Reports by the Regulatory Operations Staff pursuant to NRS 455 for calendar year 2023.
View23-0100501/03/2023Annual Reports for calendar year 2022 submitted by Telecommunication companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191 and NAC 704.7483.
View23-0100401/03/2023Annual Reports for calendar year 2022 submitted by Mobile Home Parks operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 704.960 and NAC 704.987.
View23-0100301/03/2023Annual Reports for calendar year 2022 submitted by Water and Wastewater companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191, NAC 703.199, and NAC 704.225.
View23-0100201/03/2023Annual Reports for calendar year 2022 submitted by Electric, Natural Gas, LPG, Geothermal, Alternative Sellers, and Railroad companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191 and NAC 704.225.
View23-0100101/03/2023Reports from public utilities operating in Nevada of accidents or significant service outages occurring during calendar year 2023 pursuant to NRS 704.190 and NAC 704.230.
View22-1202901/10/2023Application of IM Telecom, LLC d/b/a Infiniti Mobile to expand its designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the State of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934.
View22-1202812/29/2022Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of its 2022 Status Report on the Spring Creek Expansion Project.
View22-1202712/29/2022Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of its 2022 Status Report on the Mesquite Expansion Project.
View22-1202612/30/2022Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 660-E, to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the Tax Gross-up Rate.
View22-1202512/30/2022Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 339-G, to revise Gas Main Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the Tax Gross-up Rate.
View22-1202412/28/2022Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to increase Directory Listing rates.
View22-1202302/15/2023Joint Application of EDF Energy Services, LLC ("EDF Energy") and BP Energy Holding Company LLC ("BP Energy") for approval of BP Energy's acquisition of EDF Energy and for approval of a name change to BP Energy Retail Company LLC for operations conducted under License No. G-31.
View22-1202212/22/2022Registration of ACN Communication Services, LLC d/b/a Flash Wireless and Flash Mobile as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View22-1202112/22/2022Application of Metropolitan Telecommunications of Nevada, Inc. d/b/a MetTel for approval of a change of name to Metropolitan Telecommunications of Nevada, LLC d/b/a MetTel for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2614 Sub 1.
View22-1202012/21/2022Michael Spray vs. Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding customer service and not having a brick and mortar presence in Carson City, Nevada.
View22-1201912/22/2022Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and City of Fallon ("Fallon") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Fallon.
View22-1201812/19/2022Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("Sierra Pacific") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of 49 CFR Part 192 of the Federal Pipeline Safety Regulations by Sierra Pacific.
View22-1201712/21/2022Application of Lingo Telecom, LLC d/b/a Clear Choice Communications, Excel Telecommunications, VarTec Telecom and Lingo for approval to add fictitious business name Bullseye for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 994 Sub 8.
View22-1201612/16/2022Notice by Spectrotel of the West LLC, Spectrotel, Inc. and Spectrotel Ultimate Holdings, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View22-1201512/20/2022Application of Desert Utilities, Inc. for approval to transfer water rights under Permit Nos. 64574 and 64575 to Harris, Ltd.
View22-1201412/15/2022Notice by Balanced Rock Power Development, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Lander Solar Project consisting of a 1,200 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a battery energy storage system, a 500 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Lander County, Nevada.
View22-1201312/12/2022Registration of Wrazzle, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View22-1201212/12/2022Registration of Syntegra North America, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View22-1201112/12/2022Request of NetZero Wireless, Inc. d/b/a magicJack Wireless to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View22-1201012/09/2022Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 532, to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the Tax Gross-up Rate.
View22-1200912/19/2022Filing by CenturyLink of Nevada, LLC d/b/a CenturyLink and CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink of biennial audit report submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") pursuant to the FCC’s Final Lifeline Biennial Audit Plan.
View22-1200812/08/2022Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("Nevada Power") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Nevada Power.
View22-1200712/15/2022Registration of Via Wireless, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View22-1200612/07/2022Notice by Boulevard Associates, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Sunbaked Solar Energy Center Project consisting of a 230 kV generation-tie line, a 500 MW battery energy storage system, a substation, and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View22-1200512/15/2022Request of Flash Wireless, LLC to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration and notice of the transfer of customers to ACN Communication Services, LLC.
View22-1200412/06/2022Millicent Fila vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding rate increases, solar billing, and customer service.
View22-1200312/05/2022Notice by Boulevard Associates, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Frontera Solar Project consisting of a 230 kV generation-tie line, a 1,000 MW battery energy storage system, a substation, and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View22-1200212/02/2022Notice by Vonage Holdings Corp. of its intent to request numbering resources for the Las Vegas rate center from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View22-1200112/02/2022Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Knox Excavating Inc ("Knox Excavating") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Knox Excavating.
View22-1103211/30/2022Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the fourth amendment to its 2021 Joint Integrated Resource Plan.
View22-1103111/23/2022Notice by Electric Lightwave, LLC d/b/a Allstream and Zayo Group, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View22-1103011/22/2022Joint Application of Great Basin Water Co., Corix Infrastructure (US) Inc., and SW Merger Acquisition Corp. for approval of a proposed transaction that will result in the transfer of control of a water company.
View22-1102911/21/2022Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice, under Advice Letter No. 532, to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2023.
View22-1102811/21/2022Notice by Naturgy Candela Devco, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Cathedral Solar Project consisting of a 205 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, an up to 820 MWh battery energy storage system, a 230 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View22-1102711/29/2022Filing by TracFone Wireless, Inc. d/b/a SafeLink Wireless, Simple Mobile, NET10, Total Wireless, Page Plus Cellular, TelCel, and Straight Talk of biennial audit report submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") pursuant to the FCC’s Final Lifeline Biennial Audit Plan.
View22-1102611/18/2022Application of Pershing Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Trinity Peak Switchyard consisting of a 345 kV switchyard and associated facilities to interconnect the Pershing Solar Project to the Valmy-Tracey transmission line to be located in Pershing County, Nevada.
View22-1102511/17/2022Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("Sierra") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violation of NRS 704.865 by Sierra.
View22-1102411/18/2022Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale, Windstream New Edge, LLC, and Talk America, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View22-1102311/18/2022Amended Application of Great Basin Water Co. for authority to modify Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2692 Sub 9 to expand its water service territory and wastewater service territory for its Pahrump Division to include 20 acres of proposed development of Tim Birk d/b/a Two Medicine RV Park, LLC’s property contiguous to its existing water service territory located in Pahrump, Nye County, Nevada.
View22-1102211/16/2022Notice by Boomerang Wireless, LLC d/b/a enTouch Wireless of possible service interruption for certain Lifeline customers due to decommissioning of the Verizon Wireless 3G CDMA network.
View22-1102111/16/2022Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 22-04(G) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2023.
View22-1102011/16/2022Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 22-04(E) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2023.
View22-1101911/16/2022Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 22-04 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2023.
View22-1101811/15/2022Application of Round Mountain Gold Corporation, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct a 230 kV line tap to an existing 230 kV transmission line, a substation, and associated facilities to be located in Nye County, Nevada.
View22-1101711/15/2022Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to establish the Accumulated Deferred Interest rate in Southern Nevada pursuant to the Variable Interest Expense Recovery mechanism, Unrecovered Gas Cost Expense rates, system shrinkage rates, excess Imbalance Commodity and Reservation Charges, Renewable Energy Program Rates, General Revenues Adjustment rates, Conservation and Energy Efficiency rates, Mesquite Infrastructure Expansion Rates, and Spring Creek Infrastructure Expansion Rates.
View22-1101611/15/2022Arah Muaba Bey vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding consumer disputing that he is considered a customer of the utility as defined in NAC 704.303 and should not be subject to the utility’s tariffs.
View22-1101511/14/2022Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 55, to revise Access Services Tariff No. 2 to modify switched access service rates pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 22-06011.
View22-1101411/14/2022Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 27, to revise Tariff No. 1A to increase Flat Rate Exchange Services rates for business and residential customers pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 22-06011.
View22-1101311/10/2022Notice by Skybeam, LLC, JAB Wireless, Inc., and GI DI Iris Acquisition Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View22-1101211/10/2022Filing by Spark Energy Gas, LLC to update license information regarding civil, criminal or regulatory sanctions or penalties that have been imposed by any state.
View22-1101111/14/2022Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Root-O-Matic, Inc. ("Root-O-Matic") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Root-O-Matic.
View22-1101011/04/2022Filing by Sage Telecom Communications, LLC d/b/a TruConnect of biennial audit report submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") pursuant to the FCC’s Final Lifeline Biennial Audit Plan.
View22-1100911/02/2022Filing by Q LINK WIRELESS LLC of biennial audit report submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") pursuant to the FCC’s Final Lifeline Biennial Audit Plan.
View22-1100811/03/2022Filing by Telrite Corporation d/b/a Life Wireless of biennial audit report submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") pursuant to the FCC’s Final Lifeline Biennial Audit Plan.
View22-1100711/02/2022Filing by Global Connection Inc. of America d/b/a STAND UP WIRELESS of biennial audit report submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") pursuant to the FCC’s Final Lifeline Biennial Audit Plan.
View22-1100612/20/2022Registration of NatWireless, LLC d/b/a National Wireless as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View22-1100511/02/2022Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale, filed under Advice Letter No. 2074, to revise Tariff No. C to modify Special Access Service Schedule No. C7-A to discontinue Special Access Program Audio Service.
View22-1100411/02/2022Show Cause Proceeding to determine why Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity, Licenses, or Permits should not be revoked, why administrative fines should not be imposed, and/or why administrative action should not be taken on certain companies that did not timely meet their regulatory obligations for calendar year 2021 and/or the period July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022.
View22-1100311/01/2022Notice by Comcast IP Phone, LLC of its intent to request numbering resources for the Reno rate center from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View22-1100211/01/2022Notice by Eolus Project Holdings LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Jean Lake Solar Project consisting of a 750 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a battery energy storage system, a 230 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View22-1100111/01/2022Registration of Unity Wireless, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View22-1002310/31/2022Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 659-E, to revise Interruptible Irrigation Service Schedule No. IS-2 to increase the IS-2 rate.
View22-1002210/31/2022Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 531, to revise Interruptible Agricultural Irrigation Water Pumping Schedule No. IAIWP to increase the IAIWP rate.
View22-1002110/31/2022Notice by Intrado Safety Communications, Inc., Intrado Corporation and Guardian US Holdco LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View22-1002012/09/2022Application of Network Innovations, Inc. for approval of a change of name to Network Innovations, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2905.
View22-1001910/26/2022Application of Nevada Gold Energy LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the TSPP Natural Gas Pipeline Project consisting of a 12-inch diameter underground natural gas pipeline facility totaling approximately 22 miles and associated facilities to be located on 74 acres of private land and approximately 7 acres of federally-managed land in Eureka and Elko Counties, Nevada.
View22-1001810/26/2022Registration of Sarver Corporation as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View22-1001710/21/2022Notice by Hudson Insurance Company on behalf of U.S. TelePacific Corp. d/b/a TPx Communications of a bond cancellation for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2436 Sub 3.
View22-1001610/26/2022Filing by Boomerang Wireless, LLC d/b/a enTouch Wireless of biennial audit report submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") pursuant to the FCC’s Final Lifeline Biennial Audit Plan.
View22-1001510/24/2022Notice by EDF Renewables Development, Inc., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct an 0.8 to 1.8-mile long 230 kV generation-tie line to connect the Seabiscuit Energy Storage Project with the Equestrian Substation to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View22-1001410/20/2022Application of Clark County for authority to construct a grade-separated crossing over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks at Jones Boulevard located in Las Vegas, Nevada.
View22-1001310/20/2022Notice by GridLiance West LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Pahrump to Innovation Transmission Line Upgrade Project consisting of the upgrade of approximately 34 miles of existing 230 kV transmission line, the upgrade or expansion of the Pahrump and Innovation substations, and associated facilities to be located in Nye County, Nevada.
View22-1001210/19/2022Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Sierra Nevada Excavation LLC ("SNE") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by SNE.
View22-1001110/19/2022David Beaubien vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding a billing dispute.
View22-1001010/18/2022Application of Ioneer Rhyolite Ridge LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct a 40 MW electric generating facility using heat and steam mining byproducts to be located on federally-managed land in Esmeralda County, Nevada ancillary to the Rhyolite Ridge Project.
View22-1000910/12/2022Notice by Crown Castle Fiber LLC of a bond rider.
View22-1000810/17/2022JESR, LLC. vs. Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("NV Energy"). Complaint regarding the applicability of Rule 9 and previous damaged facilities as well as NV Energy’s responsibility to maintain the integrity of its electrical equipment.
View22-1000710/19/2022Application of Great Basin Water Co., Pahrump Division, for approval of the reconciliation of system improvement rate collections and recommendation for a one-time flat refund to its water and sewer customers.
View22-1000610/12/2022Registration of Peering Hub Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View22-1000510/11/2022Application of Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company for allowance of Nevada Universal Service Fund funding for the year commencing January 1, 2023.
View22-1000410/13/2022Application of National Comtel Network Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2702 Sub 1.
View22-1000310/03/2022Registration of Megatel Netcom Corporation as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View22-1000210/04/2022Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Lingo Telecom, LLC d/b/a Clear Choice Communications, Excel Telecommunications, VarTec Telecom and Lingo for approval of Amendment Nos. 9 and 10 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View22-1000110/04/2022Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Fusion Cloud Services, LLC for approval of Amendment Nos. 3 and 4 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View22-0902609/30/2022Notice by Monte Cristo Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Monte Cristo Solar Project consisting of a 2,500 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a battery energy storage system, a 230 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Esmeralda County, Nevada.
View22-0902509/30/2022Filing by Consumer Cellular, Incorporated to update information.
View22-0902409/27/2022Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to recover costs of gas infrastructure replacement projects through the gas infrastructure replacement mechanism.
View22-0902309/27/2022Notice by Mobilitie, LLC of a pro forma change of control.
View22-0902209/23/2022Notice by Nettleleaf Solar LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Nettleleaf Solar Project consisting of a 500 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 500 MW battery energy storage system, a 525 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Lyon County, Nevada.
View22-0902109/23/2022Notice by Honey Mesquite Solar LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Honey Mesquite Solar Project consisting of a 500 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 500 MW battery energy storage system, a 525 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Lyon County, Nevada.
View22-0902009/21/2022Registration of Clear Mobile, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View22-0901909/20/2022Application of Iron Point Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct a temporary water pipeline in association with the Iron Point and Hot Pot Solar Projects to be located in Humboldt County, Nevada.
View22-0901809/20/2022Notice by EDF Renewables Development, Inc., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Cathedral Solar Project consisting of an up to 900 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 230 kV or 500 kV generation-tie line, a battery energy storage system, and associated facilities to be located in Esmeralda County, Nevada.
View22-0901709/19/2022Investigation and Rulemaking to consider adopting new regulations in Chapter 704 of the Nevada Administrative Code regarding cyber security reporting requirements for regulated utilities.
View22-0901609/19/2022Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304 and annual certification that price cap carrier is not seeking duplicative Eligible Recovery pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.915.
View22-0901509/16/2022Registration of BARK TECHNOLOGIES, INC. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View22-0901409/14/2022Application of Boulder Flats Solar II, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Boulder Flats Solar Project consisting of a 75 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 50 MW battery energy storage system, a substation, switchgear yard, and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View22-0901309/13/2022Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. NV2022-13, to revise Tariff No. 1A to discontinue auto-renewals for the CenturyLink Line Volume Plan.
View22-0901209/19/2022Application of Network Service Billing, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2836 Sub 1.
View22-0901109/07/2022Application of Clark County for authority to alter the existing southern Interstate 215 Beltway over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks south of Sunset Road and between Decatur Boulevard and Valley View Boulevard located in Las Vegas, Nevada.
View22-0901009/08/2022Joint Application of Great Basin Water Co. - Spanish Springs Division ("GBWC"), STN Holding Group, LLC, STN Rockwell Group, LLC, STN Parcel 2 Group, LLC, STN Parcel 3 Group, LLC, STN Parcel 4 Group, LLC, and Spanish Springs Self Storage, LLC for authority to modify Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2692 Sub 9 to de-annex 36.356 acres of real property from GBWC’s water service territory located in Spanish Springs, Washoe County, Nevada.
View22-0900909/09/2022Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Utility Telecom Group, LLC d/b/a Utility Telephone for approval of Amendment No. 2 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View22-0900809/07/2022Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and R.P. Weddell & Sons, Co. ("R.P. Weddell") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by R.P. Weddell.
View22-0900709/02/2022Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale, filed under Advice Letter No. 2073, to revise Tariff No. C to modify Special Access Service Schedule No. C7-A to remove the DS1 and DS3 High Capacity Service 3-year Payment Plan.
View22-0900609/01/2022Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the third amendment to its 2021 Joint Integrated Resource Plan.
View22-0900509/01/2022Investigation regarding the water system improvement plan for Verdi Meadows Utility Company, Inc.
View22-0900409/01/2022Informational Report of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy concerning its natural gas resource planning activities.
View22-0900309/01/2022Application of Skybeam, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View22-0900209/01/2022Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for acceptance of their Joint Energy Supply Plan Update for 2023-2024.
View22-0900109/06/2022Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for acceptance of their 2022 Joint Distributed Resources Plan Update as it relates to their 2022-2041 Joint Integrated Resource Plan.
View22-0803108/31/2022Second Report of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy on the progress of its Natural Disaster Protection Plan for the Action Plan Period 2021-2023.
View22-0803008/31/2022Application of the City of Henderson for authority to alter the approach to an existing at-grade crossing on Nevada State Drive located southwest of the intersection of Nevada State Drive and Interstate 11 in Henderson, Nevada.
View22-0802908/31/2022Application of Rainbow Way 1, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct a 345 kV substation, an approximately 5-mile long 345 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities, including a 65 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility and an up to 125 MW battery energy storage system, to be located in Washoe County, Nevada.
View22-0802808/31/2022Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of their Natural Disaster Protection Plan colocation information pursuant to the Order issued Docket No. 20-01038.
View22-0802708/30/2022Notice by AT&T Corp. of its intent to request numbering resources for various rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View22-0802608/30/2022Application of Great Basin Water Co., Spanish Springs Division, filed under Advice Letter No. 11, to revise Water Tariff No. 1-W to implement the deferred water service adjustment rate mechanism relating to the Order issued in Docket No. 18-11014.
View22-0802508/26/2022Notice by NUSO, LLC of its intent to request numbering resources for the Las Vegas rate center from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View22-0802408/30/2022Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice, under Advice Letter No. 531, to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2022.
View22-0802308/24/2022Notice by Naturgy Candela Devco, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Esmeralda North Solar Project consisting of an approximately 1,000 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, an approximately 4,000 MW battery energy storage system, an up to 525 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Esmeralda County, Nevada.
View22-0802208/24/2022Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Reno Green Landscaping, Inc. ("Reno Green") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Reno Green.
View22-0802108/23/2022Registration of Go Technology Management, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View22-0802008/22/2022Notice by EDF Renewables Development, Inc., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Potosi Solar Project consisting of an approximately 1,000 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 500 kV generation-tie line, a battery energy storage system, and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View22-0801908/22/2022Notice by 330MV 8me LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the 330MV Solar Project consisting of a 150 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 150 MW battery energy storage system, a 500 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View22-0801808/19/2022Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of Amendments to their Undergrounding Management Plan for 2023 - 2025.
View22-0801708/19/2022Notice by EDF Renewables Development, Inc., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct an approximately 10.5-mile long 230 kV generation-tie line extending from the proposed Borderline Solar Project at the California-Nevada border to the Trout Canyon Substation to be located in Clark and Nye Counties, Nevada.
View22-0801608/19/2022Notice by EDF Renewables Development, Inc., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Lonely Solar Project consisting of a 500 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 230 kV generation-tie line, a battery energy storage system, and associated facilities to be located in Lander County, Nevada.
View22-0801508/19/2022Joshua Musicant on behalf of Nancy Jeffries-Musicant vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("NV Energy"). Complaint regarding allegation that NV Energy is illegally curtailing its service.
View22-0801408/18/2022Report by Solix, Inc., as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund, regarding fiscal year 2023 assessment recommendation concerning the minimum annual contribution and assessment rate on the intrastate retail revenues of all obligated providers of telecommunication services in Nevada.
View22-0801308/15/2022Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 22-03(G) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2022.
View22-0801208/16/2022Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 22-03(E) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2022.
View22-0801108/30/2022Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 22-03 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2022.
View22-0801008/16/2022Notice by Kawich Renewables LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Kawich Solar Project consisting of an approximately 350 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 230 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View22-0800908/24/2022Notice by MCI Communications Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Business Services of a bond rider.
View22-0800808/12/2022Investigation and Rulemaking regarding the existence of electric customer-owned service ("COS") lines located in the service territories of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, the safety and economic implications of having COS lines, and other issues related to utility facilities map accuracy.
View22-0800708/10/2022Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of an Amendment to its Renewable Natural Gas Procurement Agreement with the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada.
View22-0800608/09/2022Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and M CON, Inc. ("MCON") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by MCON.
View22-0800508/09/2022Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff to open an investigation and rulemaking docket for regulations in Chapter 704 of the Nevada Administrative Code regarding cyber security reporting requirements for regulated utilities and other matters related thereto.
View22-0800408/05/2022Petition of Southern Nevada Home Builders Association, Inc. for a Declaratory Order or, in the alternative, a Petition for an Investigation and Rulemaking, finding that townhomes should be classified as single-family dwellings for purposes of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy's and Sierra Pacific Power d/b/a NV Energy’s (together "NV Energy") Rule 9 Line Extension Allowances and that NV Energy should reimburse builders accordingly.
View22-0800308/02/2022Request of China Unicom (Americas) Operations Limited to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View22-0800209/20/2022Registration of Megatel Netcom Corporation as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View22-0800108/01/2022Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the second amendment to their 2020 Joint Natural Disaster Protection Plan.
View22-0702007/29/2022Notice by GridLiance West LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Trout Canyon to Pahrump Transmission Line Upgrade Project consisting of the upgrade of approximately 14.1 miles of existing 230 kV transmission line, the upgrade or expansion of the Gamebird and Pahrump substations, and associated facilities to be located in Clark and Nye Counties, Nevada.
View22-0701907/29/2022Request of GloTell US, Corp. to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View22-0701807/26/2022Informational Report of Prospector Pipeline Company concerning its natural gas resource planning activities.
View22-0701707/22/2022Biannual filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy regarding the Solar Program, providing a status update and a summary of discussion from a meeting with industry stakeholders pursuant to NAC 701B.145.
View22-0701607/21/2022Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of its Solar Thermal Systems Demonstration Program Annual Plan for Program Year 2023.
View22-0701507/22/2022Application of X2Comm, Inc. d/b/a Direct Connect Communications to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2677 Sub 2.
View22-0701407/20/2022Registration of Whoop Connect Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View22-0701307/20/2022Revised registration of MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services for a change of name to MCI Communications Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Business Services.
View22-0701207/19/2022Notice by U.S. TelePacific Corp. d/b/a TPx Communications of its intent to request numbering resources for various rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View22-0701107/15/2022Application of Peering Hub Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View22-0701007/15/2022Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Advisory Opinion or Declaratory Order as to the applicability of various Nevada Revised Statutes to the single corporate entity that would emerge from the proposed transaction for the merger of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed in Docket No. 22-03028.
View22-0700907/12/2022Registration of Hoop Wireless, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View22-0700807/19/2022Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. NV2022-11, to revise Tariff No. 1A to modify the convenience fees assessed by its third-party vendor for one-time debit or credit card payments.
View22-0700707/19/2022Petition of Soft Lights Foundation to prohibit Nevada utility companies from installing Light Emitting Diodes ("LED") streetlights until the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approves and develops safety standards for LED products.
View22-0700607/07/2022Application of Communications Network Billing, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2850 Sub 1.
View22-0700507/07/2022Notice by X2Comm, Inc. d/b/a Direct Connect Communications ("X2Comm") and Legent Comm LLC d/b/a Affordable Long Distance dba Long Distance Savings ("Legent Comm") of the transfer of customers from X2Comm to Legent Comm.
View22-0700407/05/2022Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of their 2022 Combined Annual Electric Demand Side Management Update Report as it relates to the Action Plan of their 2022-2041 Joint Integrated Resource Plan.
View22-0700307/05/2022Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the second amendment to its 2021 Joint Integrated Resource Plan.
View22-0700207/05/2022Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its 2022 Natural Gas Conservation and Energy Efficiency Plan Annual Report.
View22-0700107/01/2022Request of DataBytes Inc. to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View22-0604607/01/2022Notice by Fusion Cloud Services, LLC, Fusion Connect LLC, Fusion Connect, Inc., and the North Haven Entities of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View22-0604506/30/2022Application of Rural Telephone Company, under Advice Letter No. 43, to revise Tariff No. 1 to modify the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 22-01032.
View22-0604406/30/2022Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company, under Advice Letter No. 24, to revise Tariff No. 2A to modify the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 22-01032.
View22-0604306/30/2022Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 26, to revise Tariff No. 1A to modify the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 22-01032.
View22-0604206/29/2022Notice by GridLiance West LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Innovation to Northwest Upgrade Project consisting of an upgrade of approximately 43.2 miles of 230 kV transmission line extending from the Innovation Substation to the Desert View Substation and associated facilities to be located in Clark and Nye Counties, Nevada.
View22-0604106/29/2022Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct upgrades to the existing Harry Allen and Crystal Substations in support of the Gemini Solar Project to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View22-0604006/29/2022Request of Alliant Technologies of Nevada, LLC to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View22-0603906/28/2022Notice by Balanced Rock Power Development, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Bristlecone Solar Ranch Project consisting of an approximately 450 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, an up to 450 MW battery energy storage system, a 138 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Nye County, Nevada.
View22-0603806/27/2022Application of Claro Enterprise Solutions, LLC. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3070.
View22-0603706/23/2022Application of NetFortris Acquisition Co., Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2799 Sub 7.
View22-0603606/21/2022Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and ACN Communication Services, LLC for approval of Amendment Nos. 7 and 8 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View22-0603506/17/2022Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the first amendment to their Joint Expanded Solar Access Program Plan.
View22-0603406/14/2022Application of Advantage Telecommunications, Corp. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2419 Sub 1.
View22-0603306/17/2022Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304 and annual certification that price cap carrier is not seeking duplicative Eligible Recovery pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.915.
View22-0603206/16/2022Informational Report of Southwest Gas Corporation concerning its near-term natural gas resource planning activities.
View22-0603106/16/2022Filing by Churchill County Board of Commissioners d/b/a CC Communications of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View22-0603006/16/2022Application of Boulevard Associates, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Dry Lake East Energy Center Project consisting of an up to 200 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 230 kV generation-tie line, two battery energy storage systems, and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View22-0602906/28/2022Filing by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation ("CAF ICC") Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View22-0602806/15/2022Notice by Filer Mutual Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View22-0602706/16/2022Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of 49 CFR Part 192 of the Federal Pipeline Safety Regulations by Mt. Charleston Cabins Association.
View22-0602606/08/2022Notice by SureTec Insurance Company on behalf of North Star Gas Company, LLC d/b/a YEP Energy of a bond cancellation for gas service conducted under License No. G-37.
View22-0602506/23/2022Filing by Rural Telephone Company of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation ("CAF ICC") Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View22-0602406/23/2022Filing by Moapa Valley Telephone Company of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation ("CAF ICC") Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View22-0602306/23/2022Filing by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation ("CAF ICC") Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View22-0602206/14/2022Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Easton Telecom Services, L.L.C. for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection and/or Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View22-0602106/14/2022Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Onvoy, LLC for approval of Amendment Nos. 5 and 6 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View22-0602006/15/2022Registration of Pareteum Corporation as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View22-0601906/13/2022Registration of Tello, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View22-0601806/14/2022Application of Smart Communications Holding, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View22-0601706/06/2022Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View22-0601606/06/2022Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of new and revised depreciation and amortization rates for its gas operations.
View22-0601506/06/2022Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of new and revised depreciation and amortization rates for its electric operations.
View22-0601406/06/2022Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to adjust its annual revenue requirement for general rates charged to all classes of electric customers and for relief properly related thereto.
View22-0601306/06/2022Application of the Nevada Department of Transportation for authority to alter the existing Upper Valley Road Bridge No. G-29 over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks located near Lovelock, Nevada.
View22-0601206/08/2022Registration of Cox Wireless, LLC d/b/a Cox Mobile as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View22-0601106/03/2022Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. for authority to establish its annual revenue requirement for telephone service rates, set a new intrastate rate design, establish draw from the Nevada Universal Service Fund, effect changes in the cost of capital, modify depreciation rates, and for other relief properly related thereto.
View22-0601006/02/2022Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff to open an investigatory and rulemaking docket regarding the existence of electric customer-owned service ("COS") lines located in the service territories of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, the safety and economic implications of having COS lines, and other issues related to utility facilities map accuracy.
View22-0600906/01/2022Filing by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. of letter of intent submitted to Solix, Inc. in its capacity as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund ("NUSF") for allowance of NUSF funding for the year commencing January 1, 2023.
View22-0600806/01/2022Petition of STN Holding Group, LLC, STN Rockwell Group, LLC, STN Parcel 2 Group, LLC, STN Parcel 3 Group, LLC, and STN Parcel 4 Group, LLC (referenced together as "STN") for a Declaratory Order finding that Great Basin Water Co. ("GBWC") cannot impose charges and fees to STN for de-annexing its real property from GBWC’s Spanish Springs service territory and for an Order to Show Cause requiring GBWC to justify why it should not pay for its own costs and fees to de-annex STN’s real property from its Spanish Springs service territory.
View22-0600706/01/2022Notice by Rural Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View22-0600606/01/2022Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 12, to revise Access Service Tariff No. 3 to modify rates pursuant to 8YY Access Charge Reform Order in Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 20-143.
View22-0600506/01/2022Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 54, to revise Access Service Tariff No. 2 to modify rates pursuant to 8YY Access Charge Reform Order in Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 20-143.
View22-0600406/01/2022Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of letter of intent submitted to Solix, Inc. in its capacity as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund ("NUSF") for allowance of NUSF funding for the year commencing January 1, 2023.
View22-0600306/01/2022Public Utilities Commission of Nevada-sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Elko County, Nevada.
View22-0600206/01/2022Public Utilities Commission of Nevada-sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Clark County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View22-0600106/01/2022Public Utilities Commission of Nevada-sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Washoe County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View22-0503206/01/2022Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice, under Advice Letter No. 530, to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2022.
View22-0503105/27/2022Notice by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View22-0503005/27/2022Filing by Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada of letter of intent submitted to Solix, Inc. in its capacity as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund ("NUSF") for allowance of NUSF funding for the year commencing January 1, 2023.
View22-0502905/27/2022Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Saguaro Power Company previously approved in Docket No. 94-4050.
View22-0502805/27/2022Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer NV Energy (LV2), previously Las Vegas Cogeneration II, LLC, pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View22-0502705/27/2022Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy previously approved in Docket No. 95-3052.
View22-0502605/27/2022Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Desert Star Energy Center pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View22-0502505/27/2022Notice by Switch Business Solutions, LLC, Switch, Inc., and Sunshine Bidco Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View22-0502405/24/2022Filing by Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View22-0502305/25/2022Notice by Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View22-0502205/24/2022Notice by Renew Development HoldCo LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Amber Solar Project consisting of an approximately 500-700+ MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, an up to 500 MW battery energy storage system, a 230 kV generation tie-line, and associated facilities to be located in Nye County, Nevada.
View22-0502105/24/2022Notice by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View22-0502005/20/2022Application of Switch Ltd., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct a 230 kV switching station, two 230 kV substations, two 230 kV transmission lines, and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View22-0501905/16/2022Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("Nevada Power") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Nevada Power.
View22-0501805/16/2022Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 22-02(G) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2022.
View22-0501705/13/2022Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 22-02(E) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2022.
View22-0501605/13/2022Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 22-02 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2022.
View22-0501505/16/2022Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. 17, to revise Access Service Tariff No. 2A to modify rates pursuant to 8YY Access Charge Reform Order in Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 20-143.
View22-0501405/16/2022Application of CenturyLink of Nevada, LLC d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. 2, to revise Access Services Tariff No. 1 to modify rates pursuant to 8YY Access Charge Reform Order in Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 20-143.
View22-0501305/12/2022Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Silver Lake Construction Company ("Silver Lake") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Silver Lake.
View22-0501205/19/2022Application of Rural Telephone Company for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View22-0501105/10/2022Investigation to review Nevada Universal Service Fund carrier compliance audits completed in 2022 by the fund's independent administrator.
View22-0501005/13/2022Application of Hot Spot Broadband, Inc. d/b/a Sky Fiber Internet for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View22-0500905/09/2022Teresita Velasquez vs. Southwest Gas Corporation. Complaint regarding a billing dispute.
View22-0500805/09/2022Notice by Sheila Greathouse, Controller for former owner of Fairview Mobile Manor, of the transfer of the tenant service charge account balance in the amount of $56,225.88 to the new owner, Reno MHC, LP.
View22-0500705/05/2022Proceeding to determine why Urban Jungle Contractors LTD. should not be assessed an administrative fine for violation of a Commission Order.
View22-0500605/05/2022Notice by Delamar Energy Storage, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct a 230 kV generation-tie line to connect the location of a proposed battery energy storage system facility to the Eldorado Substation to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View22-0500505/04/2022Notice by Mosey Renewables LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Mosey Solar Project consisting of an approximately 500 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 230 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Clark and Nye Counties, Nevada.
View22-0500405/03/2022Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of its 2021 Conservation and Energy Efficiency Plan Annual Report.
View22-0500305/02/2022Notice by Vonage Holdings Corp. of its intent to request numbering resources for the Carson City rate center from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View22-0500205/02/2022Complaint and request for action for enforcement of a civil penalty of the Regulatory Operations Staff against Urban Jungle Contractors Ltd. for violation of the provisions of Chapter 455 of the Nevada Revised Statutes.
View22-0500105/02/2022Filings by Eligible Telecommunications Carriers related to Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements pursuant to 47 CFR 54.314.
View22-0402904/29/2022Application of DesertXpress Enterprises, LLC d/b/a Brightline West for authority to construct a new grade-separated crossing over Union Pacific Railroad tracks at NDOT Mile Post 21.44/Union Pacific Railroad Mile Post 310.00 in Clark County, Nevada.
View22-0402805/02/2022Notice by BullsEye Telecom, Inc., Lingo Telecom, LLC d/b/a Clear Choice Communications, Excel Telecommunications, VarTec Telecom and Lingo, Lingo Management, LLC, Lingo Communications, LLC, and B. Riley Principal Investments, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View22-0402705/09/2022Complaint. Tony P. Simmons vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("NPC") and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("SPPC") seeking revocation of the Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity issued to NPC and SPPC for failure to execute the laws of Nevada related to customer billing, failure to remedy a known safety hazard, and failure to ensure meters meet the accuracy requirements of NAC 704.344.
View22-0402604/22/2022Notice by Boulevard Associates, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Tarantula Canyon Energy Center Project consisting of a 1,000 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, an up to 1,000 MW battery energy storage system, an either 138 kV, 230 kV, or 525 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Nye County, Nevada.
View22-0402504/21/2022Registration of Rogue Mobile Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View22-0402404/21/2022Application of the Nevada Department of Transportation for authority to alter the existing UPRR and US-395 bridges, Bridge Nos. G-1092N and G-1092S, over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks located at the US-395 crossing in Reno, Nevada.
View22-0402304/21/2022Application of the Nevada Department of Transportation for authority to alter the existing UPRR and US-395 bridges, Bridge Nos. G-1748N and G-1748S, over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks located at the US-395 crossing in Reno, Nevada.
View22-0402204/19/2022Investigation regarding funding available under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.
View22-0402104/19/2022Notice by Sheila Greathouse, Controller for former owner of Carmelita Court MHP LLC, of the transfer of the tenant service charge account balance in the amount of $16,878.00 to the new owner, Reno MH & RV Park, LLC.
View22-0402005/11/2022Amended Annual Report of Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2021.
View22-0401904/15/2022Annual Report of Switch Ltd. on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2021.
View22-0401804/19/2022Filing by Global Connection Inc. of America d/b/a STAND UP WIRELESS of updated Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to wireless Lifeline plans.
View22-0401705/10/2022Application of Digital Technology Solutions, Inc. for approval to add fictitious business name DTS Fiber for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3066.
View22-0401604/15/2022Annual Report of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2021.
View22-0401504/15/2022Annual Report of Macquarie Energy LLC on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2021.
View22-0401404/14/2022Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Q&D Construction LLC ("Q&D Construction") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Q&D Construction.
View22-0401304/14/2022Notice by Brookfield Renewable Energy Marketing US LLC d/b/a Brookfield Renewable that it did not serve retail electric customers during the 2021 Renewable Portfolio Standard evaluation period.
View22-0401204/15/2022Annual Report of Constellation Energy Generation, LLC on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2021.
View22-0401104/19/2022Notice by MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC of its intent to discontinue Local Line, Single Line and Business Line analog-type service offerings.
View22-0401004/13/2022Annual Report of Tenaska Power Services Co. on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2021.
View22-0400904/13/2022Jovan Blanton vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding payments not posted and reported as insufficient funds.
View22-0400804/07/2022Notice by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of its intent to file an application for adjustment in electric rates.
View22-0400704/07/2022Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of NV GreenEnergy Rider Open Season Annual Report on the results of their open season and customer interest in participating in the program using an existing renewable resource.
View22-0400604/07/2022Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("SPPC"), filed under Advice Letter No. 655-E, to revise NV GreenEnergy Rider Schedule No. NGR to correct a reference from SPPC to Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy.
View22-0400504/05/2022Notice by US Solar Assets, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Amargosa West Solar Project consisting of an approximately 1,400 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, an up to 1,000 MW battery energy storage system, a 500 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Nye County, Nevada.
View22-0400404/05/2022Notice by US Solar Assets, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Amargosa East Solar Project consisting of an approximately 600 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, an up to 1,000 MW battery energy storage system, a 500 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Nye County, Nevada.
View22-0400304/01/2022Notice by Exelon Generation Company, LLC of a change of name to Constellation Energy Generation, LLC.
View22-0400204/04/2022Notice by Iron Point Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct upgrades to an access road to the Iron Point Solar Project, to be located in Humboldt County, Nevada.
View22-0400104/01/2022Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the quality of service metrics in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 15-06064.
View22-0304503/31/2022Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 654-E, to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to modify Economic Development Rate Rider Schedule EDRR to conform to the revisions enacted by Senate Bill 448 (2021) and Docket No. 21-06037.
View22-0304403/31/2022Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 528, to revise Tariff No. 1-B to modify Economic Development Rate Rider Schedule EDRR to conform to the revisions enacted by Senate Bill 448 (2021) and Docket No. 21-06037.
View22-0304303/31/2022Registration of Air Voice Wireless, LLC d/b/a AirTalk Wireless as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View22-0304204/27/2022Application of Steamboat Springs Water Works, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 6, to revise Rate Schedules to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View22-0304103/31/2022Notice by Kathleen Williams, former owner of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, Inc., of the transfer of the tenant service charge account balance in the amount of $45,098.62 to the new owner, John Uhart Commercial Real Estate Services.
View22-0304004/25/2022Application of Indian Springs Water Co., Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 10, to revise Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View22-0303903/30/2022Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Reid Gardner Battery Energy Storage System ("BESS") Project consisting of a 230 kV BESS substation, a 230 kV transmission line, interconnection facilities at the existing Reid Gardner Substation, and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View22-0303803/29/2022Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to install a new 230 kV dead-end structure and associated facilities at the existing Crystal Substation in support of the Gemini Solar Project to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View22-0303703/29/2022Application of Spirit Mountain Utility Company, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 7, to revise Water Tariff No. 2 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View22-0303603/29/2022Show Cause Proceeding to determine why JCB Energy Services, LLC should not be assessed a civil penalty for violation of Nevada’s One Call Law.
View22-0303504/05/2022Application of Air Voice Wireless, LLC d/b/a AirTalk Wireless to be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the State of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934.
View22-0303403/25/2022Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale to amend its Provider of Last Resort service area pursuant to NRS 704.330(9)(b).
View22-0303303/25/2022Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to grandfather Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) Service - Digital (ISDN) Single Line and Basic Rate Interface (BRI) Line Service.
View22-0303203/24/2022Notice by Wildcat Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Wildcat Solar Project consisting of a 2,500 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a battery energy storage system, a 230 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Lander County, Nevada.
View22-0303103/31/2022Application of Mount Charleston Water Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 22-1, to revise Water Tariff and Sewer Tariff to adjust rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View22-0303003/28/2022Amended Application of Dutchman Acres Water Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 11, to revise Water Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View22-0302904/27/2022Application of Smart Communications Holding, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View22-0302803/28/2022Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("NPC") and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("SPPC") for approval to merge into a single corporate entity, to transfer Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 685 Sub 20, 688, and 688 Sub 6 from SPPC to NPC, and to consolidate generation assets.
View22-0302703/18/2022Application of Verdi Meadows Utility Company, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 9, to revise Water Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View22-0302604/27/2022Registration of Tello, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View22-0302503/18/2022Investigation and Rulemaking to consider adopting regulations for determining whether an energy supply agreement is in the public interest and/or to examine whether Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy’s Scheduled No. LCMPE should be revised to promote consistency, predictability, and equity.
View22-0302403/18/2022Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the first amendment to its 2021 Joint Integrated Resource Plan.
View22-0302303/17/2022Registration of Easy Telephone Services Company d/b/a Easy Wireless as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View22-0302203/14/2022Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Bravo Underground, Inc. ("Bravo Underground") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Bravo Underground.
View22-0302103/15/2022Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink for approval of a change of name to CenturyLink of Nevada, LLC d/b/a CenturyLink for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 687 Sub 14.
View22-0302003/17/2022Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. 1, to replace its Guidebook for Detariffed Residential Telecommunications Services in its entirety pursuant to the transfer of certain non-Nevada assets to CenturyLink of Nevada, LLC d/b/a CenturyLink.
View22-0301903/17/2022Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. 1, to replace Access Services Tariff No. 3C in its entirety with Access Services Tariff No. 1 pursuant to the transfer of certain non-Nevada assets to CenturyLink of Nevada, LLC d/b/a CenturyLink.
View22-0301803/10/2022Petition of the Nevada Bureau of Consumer Protection to re-open Docket Nos. 22-01038, 22-01039, and 22-01040 and direct Southwest Gas Corporation to provide notice of its filings in Docket No. 22-01014, and for other relief related thereto.
View22-0301703/11/2022Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-22-02, for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to grandfather business bundles.
View22-0301603/11/2022Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-22-01, for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to grandfather business bundles.
View22-0301503/08/2022Notice by Machaen Enterprises, Inc. on behalf of IDT America Corp. of a bond renewal.
View22-0301403/04/2022Notice by International Fidelity Insurance Company on behalf of ExteNet Systems, Inc. of a bond rider.
View22-0301303/09/2022Notice by GC Pivotal, LLC and GTT Communications, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View22-0301203/08/2022Application of Rosemount Water Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 6, to revise Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View22-0301103/04/2022Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale of revisions to its Guidebook to reflect updated exchange area boundaries.
View22-0301003/04/2022Notice by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. of its intent to file an application for adjustment in rates.
View22-0300903/03/2022Application of AmeriGas Propane, L.P. d/b/a Bi-State Propane to voluntarily discontinue liquified petroleum gas service to Lockwood Mobile Home Park conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2672 Sub 3.
View22-0300803/02/2022Application of DesertXpress Enterprises, LLC d/b/a Brightline West for authority to construct a new grade-separated crossing via an undercrossing at Cactus Avenue in Clark County, Nevada.
View22-0300703/02/2022Filing by the Regulatory Operations Staff of calendar year 2021 accounting report for each utility authorized to collect a rate surcharge pursuant to NAC 704.600(6).
View22-0300603/01/2022Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the cost recovery of the regulatory assets relating to the development and implementation of their Joint Natural Disaster Protection Plan.
View22-0300503/01/2022Informational Report of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy on the progress of their Expanded Solar Access Program Plan for the period 2021-2023.
View22-0300403/01/2022Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the cost recovery for their 2021 Expanded Solar Access Program Plan regulatory asset account.
View22-0300303/01/2022Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of natural gas expenses.
View22-0300203/01/2022Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of fuel and purchased power expenses, to reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development charge, reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rate, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Program Rates, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rates, reset the Energy Efficiency Program Amortization Rate, and reset the Energy Efficiency Implementation Amortization Rate.
View22-0300103/01/2022Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of fuel and purchased power expenses, to reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development charge, reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rate, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Program Rates, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rates, reset the Energy Efficiency Program Amortization Rate, reset the Energy Efficiency Implementation Amortization Rate, and refund the total amount of Base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rate revenue received in 2021, including carrying charges.
View22-0203403/02/2022Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice, under Advice Letter No. 529, to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2022.
View22-0203302/28/2022Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Digital Technology Solutions, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection and/or Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View22-0203202/23/2022Notice by Orken Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Orken Solar II Project consisting of a 2,000 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a battery energy storage system, a 230 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Nye County, Nevada.
View22-0203102/18/2022Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the Economic Development Electric Rate Rider Program pursuant to NAC 704.8958.
View22-0203002/18/2022Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the Economic Development Electric Rate Rider Program pursuant to NAC 704.8958.
View22-0202902/16/2022Petition of Great Basin Water Co., Pahrump Division, requesting a waiver of the requirement in NAC 704.63435 to file an application recommending the continuation or adjustment of a system improvement rate by April 1, 2022.
View22-0202802/16/2022Application of Great Basin Water Co., Pahrump Division, filed under Advice Letter No. 10, to revise Water Tariff No. 1-W to implement the deferred water service adjustment rate mechanism relating to the Order issued in Docket No. 19-12029.
View22-0202702/16/2022Application of Draupnir Infrastructure Group, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View22-0202602/16/2022Howard Stephan vs. Southwest Gas Corporation ("SWG"). Complaint requesting that SWG replace all gas lines in complainant’s cul-de-sac.
View22-0202502/16/2022Joint Petition of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and DISH Wireless L.L.C. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View22-0202402/16/2022Joint Petition of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada and DISH Wireless L.L.C. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View22-0202302/15/2022Joint Petition of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Level 3 Communications, LLC for approval of an Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View22-0202202/15/2022Joint Petition of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada and Level 3 Communications, LLC for approval of an Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View22-0202102/15/2022Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 22-01(G) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2022.
View22-0202002/15/2022Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 22-01(E) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2022.
View22-0201902/15/2022Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 22-01 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2022.
View22-0201802/14/2022Filing by Spark Energy Gas, LLC to update license information regarding civil, criminal or regulatory sanctions or penalties that have been imposed by any state.
View22-0201702/14/2022Registration of Insight Mobile, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View22-0201602/10/2022Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 18, to revise Water Tariff No. 1A and Sewer Tariff No. 1A to adjust rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View22-0201502/10/2022Notice by the Regulatory Operations Staff of the 2022 range of reasonable returns on equity for water and sewer utilities.
View22-0201402/24/2022Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Boss Plumbing Inc ("Boss Plumbing") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Boss Plumbing.
View22-0201302/10/2022Application of Fairview Mobile Manor to withdraw $56,216.67 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View22-0201202/07/2022Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 650-E, to revise Electric Tariff No. 2 to submit short-term avoided cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities pursuant to Schedule CSPP - Short-Term.
View22-0201102/07/2022Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 524, to revise Electric Tariff No. 1-B to reflect the avoided short-term cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities pursuant to Qualifying Facilities Schedule QF - Short Term.
View22-0201002/04/2022Amended Notice by Lone Mountain Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Esmeralda Solar Project consisting of a 650 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 650 MW battery energy storage system, a 230 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Esmeralda County, Nevada.
View22-0200902/04/2022Notice by EDF Renewables Development, Inc., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Rigel Solar Project consisting of an up to 500 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a battery energy storage system, a 230 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Nye County, Nevada.
View22-0200802/04/2022Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by MTX Contractors, Inc.
View22-0200702/04/2022Application of Congruex Networks LLC for approval of a change of name to CNS Networks LLC for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3082.
View22-0200602/03/2022Application of Gold Country Water Company, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 10, to revise Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View22-0200502/02/2022Application of Public Communications Services, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2834 Sub 1.
View22-0200402/02/2022Application of Value-Added Communications, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2549 Sub 1.
View22-0200302/02/2022Application of Global Tel*Link Corporation for approval to add fictitious business name ViaPath Technologies for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2080 Sub 1.
View22-0200202/01/2022Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of annual plans for the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program and its Energy Storage component, the Lower Income Solar Energy Program, the Wind Energy Systems Demonstration Program, the Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Program, and the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstration Program for Program Year 2022-2023.
View22-0200102/01/2022Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Teliax, Inc. for approval of Amendment Nos. 1 and 2 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View22-0104002/01/2022Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Cyanco Company, LLC pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View22-0103902/01/2022Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Nevada Cogeneration Associates #2 pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View22-0103802/01/2022Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Nevada Cogeneration Associates #1 pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View22-0103702/08/2022Application of Matrix Telecom, LLC d/b/a Clear Choice Communications, Excel Telecommunications, VarTec Telecom and Lingo for approval of a change of name to Lingo Telecom, LLC d/b/a Clear Choice Communications, Excel Telecommunications, VarTec Telecom and Lingo for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 994 Sub 7.
View22-0103601/28/2022Show Cause Proceeding to determine why Union Pacific Railroad Company should not be assessed a civil penalty for violation of Nevada’s One Call Law for failure to become a member of the association for operators.
View22-0103501/27/2022Application of AmeriGas Propane, L.P. d/b/a Bi-State Propane ("AmeriGas") for approval of the margin rates charged by AmeriGas for the preceding fiscal year.
View22-0103401/27/2022Notice by Naturgy Candela Devco, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Chill Sun Solar Project consisting of an up to 2,250 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a battery energy storage system, a 525 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Nye County, Nevada.
View22-0103301/26/2022Notice by U.S. TelePacific Corp. d/b/a TPx Communications of its intent to discontinue certain business local exchange lines, Primary Rate Interface, Multiprotocol Label Switching, and T1 telecommunications services.
View22-0103201/27/2022Application of the Department of Health and Human Services Aging and Disability Services Division for approval of a State Fiscal Year ("SFY") 2023 telecommunication device for the deaf surcharge that is calculated based on its legislatively approved budget for SFY 2023.
View22-0103101/28/2022Application of ExteNet Systems, Inc. for approval of a change of name to ExteNet Systems, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2873 Sub 1.
View22-0103002/07/2022Application of Legent Comm LLC d/b/a Affordable Long Distance d/b/a Long Distance Savings for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View22-0102901/18/2022Notice by Park Management, Inc. of a change of ownership for Santiago Mobilehome Estates, LLC to Lake Shore Management, Inc.
View22-0102801/21/2022Notice by FracTel, LLC of its intent to request numbering resources for various rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View22-0102701/14/2022Application of BIF IV Intrepid OpCo LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View22-0102601/21/2022Petition of Cox Nevada Telcom, LLC for the Commission to overturn a denial by Somos, Inc., the Numbering Pool Administrator, for one 1,000 number block for use in the Las Vegas rate center.
View22-0102501/18/2022Application of Tillman FiberCo Nevada, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View22-0102401/14/2022Application of Verdi Meadows Utility Company, Inc. to remove the requirement to relocate existing water lines and for authority to impose a rate surcharge to fund required maintenance of the existing water lines and other necessary repairs and maintenance, or in the alternative, fund the relocation of the existing water lines and other necessary repairs and maintenance.
View22-0102301/13/2022Filing by Assurance Wireless USA, L.P. of updated Informational Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to Lifeline Assistance Broadband Plan.
View22-0102201/31/2022Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and A & K Earth Movers Inc. ("A&K") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by A&K.
View22-0102101/06/2022Notice by GridLiance West LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to upgrade approximately 59 miles of 230 kV transmission line extending from the Trout Canyon Substation to the Sloan Canyon Switchyard and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View22-0102001/05/2022Application of Arrow Canyon Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct a fiber optic telecommunications line ancillary to the Arrow Canyon Solar Project to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View22-0101901/03/2022Notice by Bonnie Clare Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Bonnie Clare Solar Project consisting of a 1,500 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a battery energy storage system, a 230 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Nye County, Nevada.
View22-0101801/03/2022Notice by Orken Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Orken Solar Project consisting of a 1,500 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a battery energy storage system, a 230 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Nye County, Nevada.
View22-0101701/03/2022Notice by American Glory Solar LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the American Glory Solar Project consisting of a 1,500 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a battery energy storage system, a 230 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Esmeralda County, Nevada.
View22-0101601/03/2022Filings by Eligible Telecommunications Carriers of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 555 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements.
View22-0101501/03/2022Filings by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of its quarterly data metrics for its Economic Recovery Transportation Electrification Plan pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 21-09004.
View22-0101401/03/2022Notifications by natural gas utilities operating in Nevada of new discounted rate contracts, contracts for alternative fuel capable customers, and contracts for special service pursuant to Section 2 of LCB File No. R075-20 and the Order issued in Docket No. 19-02024 for calendar year 2022.
View22-0101301/03/2022Notifications and Reports from electric utilities operating in Nevada regarding certain ignition events and wildfires occurring in the vicinity of the infrastructure of an electric utility for calendar year 2022.
View22-0101201/03/2022Notifications and Reports from electric utilities operating in Nevada regarding power outages initiated to preserve public safety or proactive de-energization events for calendar year 2022.
View22-0101101/03/2022Filings by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of its monthly financial statements and quarterly calculations of its earned rate(s) of return and returns on equity for the Nevada jurisdiction pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 13-07021.
View22-0101001/03/2022Applications for calendar year 2022 received by a utility under the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program.
View22-0100901/03/2022Reports from electric and gas utilities operating in Nevada of transactions and calculations affecting the deferred energy accounts pursuant to NAC 704.195 for calendar year 2022.
View22-0100801/03/2022Rail Safety FRA Form 96 Inspection Reports for calendar year 2022.
View22-0100701/03/2022Pipeline Safety Enforcement Actions and Inspection Reports by the Regulatory Operations Staff pursuant to 49 CFR 191 and 192 for calendar year 2022.
View22-0100601/03/2022One Call Enforcement Actions and Inspection Reports by the Regulatory Operations Staff pursuant to NRS 455 for calendar year 2022.
View22-0100501/03/2022 Annual Reports for calendar year 2021 submitted by Telecommunication companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191 and NAC 704.7483.
View22-0100401/03/2022Annual Reports for calendar year 2021 submitted by Mobile Home Parks operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 704.960 and NAC 704.987.
View22-0100301/03/2022Annual Reports for calendar year 2021 submitted by Water and Wastewater companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191, NAC 703.199, and NAC 704.225.
View22-0100201/03/2022Annual Reports for calendar year 2021 submitted by Electric, Natural Gas, LPG, Geothermal, Alternative Sellers, and Railroad companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191 and NAC 704.225.
View22-0100101/03/2022Reports from public utilities operating in Nevada of accidents or significant service outages occurring during calendar year 2022 pursuant to NRS 704.190 and NAC 704.230.
View21-1202901/14/2022Application of Freedom Energy Logistics, LLC for a license to provide discretionary service as an alternative seller of natural gas to generating, industrial, or large commercial customers in the State of Nevada.
View21-1202812/30/2021Motion of Nevada Gold Mines LLC to file compliance item for Newmont Mining Corporation pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 04-12036.
View21-1202712/30/2021Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of its 2021 Status Report on the Spring Creek Expansion Project.
View21-1202612/30/2021Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of its 2021 Status Report on the Mesquite Expansion Project.
View21-1202512/30/2021Application of Great Basin Water Co. for authority to consolidate and adjust its annual revenue requirement for water and sewer service rates charged to all classes of customers in the Pahrump, Spring Creek, Cold Springs, and Spanish Springs Divisions and for other relief properly related thereto.
View21-1202412/29/2021Biannual filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy regarding the Solar Program, providing a status update and a summary of discussion from a meeting with industry stakeholders pursuant to NAC 701B.145.
View21-1202312/28/2021Notice by Ton 80 Communications, LLC of its intent to request numbering resources for various rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View21-1202201/03/2022Application of Spirit Mountain Utility Company, Inc. for approval to withdraw $12,912.73 in funds from its surcharge funds account to pay for the completed installation of a new chlorinator and transformer, installation of a new water meter at Well 02, repairs required by the sanitary survey, installation of a high and low meter at the RV park, connecting both plastic storage tanks to transfer pump inlet, and for repairs made on the transfer pump.
View21-1202112/23/2021Notice by Sleepy Orange Solar LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Sleepy Orange Solar Project consisting of a 500 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 500 MW battery energy storage system, a 345 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Lyon County, Nevada.
View21-1202012/23/2021Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 337-G, to revise Gas Tariff No. 1 to include a Soft Off process that may be used upon the discontinuance of service to residential accounts.
View21-1201912/23/2021Notice by Titus Canyon Solar LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Titus Canyon Solar Project consisting of a 600 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 600 MW battery energy storage system, a 525 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Nye County, Nevada.
View21-1201812/16/2021Application of Protel Advantage, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2760 Sub 1.
View21-1201712/21/2021Notice by SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a AT&T Long Distance of its intent to discontinue residential AT&T Toll Free 800 Service and Toll Free Default.
View21-1201612/21/2021Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. NV2021-22, to revise Tariff No. 1A to update the terms for grandfathered bundles and packages.
View21-1201512/17/2021Request of Mitel Cloud Services, Inc. to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View21-1201412/20/2021Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale of its intent to discontinue residential Wide Area Telecommunication Service - 800 Service.
View21-1201312/16/2021Rulemaking to amend, adopt, and/or repeal regulations in accordance with Senate Bill 387 (2021).
View21-1201202/11/2022Joint Petition of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada and DISH Wireless L.L.C. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View21-1201102/11/2022Joint Petition of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and DISH Wireless L.L.C. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View21-1201002/11/2022Joint Petition of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada and Level 3 Communications, LLC for approval of an Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View21-1200902/11/2022Joint Petition of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Level 3 Communications, LLC for approval of an Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View21-1200812/15/2021Notice by TAG Mobile, LLC, TAG Mobile Bankruptcy Sale Entity, LLC, and Softel Holdings, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View21-1200712/14/2021Notice by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy that they will not be filing to adjust the Tax Gross-up Rates under Electric Rule No. 9 and Gas Rule No. 9.
View21-1200612/10/2021Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 649-E, to revise Net Metering Rider-B Schedule No. NMR-B to conform with Schedule No. NMR-405 with respect to the Rule 1 premise definition reference and any applicable owner acquiescence documentation pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 21-05013.
View21-1200512/10/2021Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 523, to revise Net Metering Rider-B Schedule No. NMR-B to conform with Schedule No. NMR-405 with respect to the Rule 1 premise definition reference and any applicable owner acquiescence documentation pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 21-05012.
View21-1200412/09/2021Application of Boulder Cascade Mobile Home Park to withdraw $353,000.00 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View21-1200312/03/2021Request of China Telecom (Americas) Corporation to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View21-1200212/02/2021Rick Ernst vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint requesting reimbursement for unnecessary costs as a result of the cancelation of Project ID #3007402532 (Temporary Disconnect/Reconnect).
View21-1200112/01/2021Howard Stephan vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("NV Energy"). Complaint regarding NV Energy's Residential Air Conditioning Rebate Program.
View21-1102411/30/2021Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice, under Advice Letter No. 528, to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2022.
View21-1102312/02/2021Notice by Peerless Network of Nevada, LLC, Airus, Inc., Peerless Network Holdings, Inc., and OpenMarket Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View21-1102211/24/2021Notice by Balanced Rock Power Development, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Sage City Solar Project consisting of an up to 800 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, an up to 800 MW battery energy storage system, a 500 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in White Pine County, Nevada.
View21-1102111/24/2021Filing by Spark Energy Gas, LLC of updated corporate officer listing.
View21-1102011/23/2021Petition of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink requesting deviation from NAC 704.7594 and 704.7597 as it relates to the requirement to maintain its books using the Uniform System of Accounts.
View21-1101911/29/2021Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-21-09, for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce the Convenience Fee for payments using a Customer Representative.
View21-1101811/29/2021Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-21-08, for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce the Convenience Fee for payments using a Customer Representative.
View21-1101711/17/2021Notice by Jeffrey Dempsey, former owner of Gray Fox Court, of the transfer of the tenant service charge account balance in the amount of $18,519.68 to the new owner, Ferreri Family Limited Partnership.
View21-1101611/15/2021Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 21-04(G) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2022.
View21-1101511/15/2021Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 21-04(E) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2022.
View21-1101411/15/2021Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 21-04 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2022.
View21-1101311/15/2021Notice by Network Innovations, Inc. and NI Topco, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View21-1101211/12/2021Notice by Aurora Solar LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct a 120 kV generation-tie line, upgrades to an existing access road, and other ancillary facilities associated with the Alpha Solar Project to be located in Pershing County, Nevada.
View21-1101111/12/2021Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to establish the Accumulated Deferred Interest rate in Southern Nevada pursuant to the Variable Interest Expense Recovery mechanism, Unrecovered Gas Cost Expense rates, system shrinkage rates, excess Imbalance Commodity and Reservation Charges, Renewable Energy Program Rates, General Revenues Adjustment rates, Conservation and Energy Efficiency rates, and Mesquite Infrastructure Expansion Rates.
View21-1101011/10/2021Filing by Boomerang Wireless, LLC d/b/a enTouch Wireless of Informational Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to Wireless Lifeline Program.
View21-1100911/08/2021Show Cause Proceeding to determine why Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity, Licenses, or Permits should not be revoked, why administrative fines should not be imposed, and/or why administrative action should not be taken on certain companies that did not timely meet their regulatory obligations for calendar year 2020 and/or the period July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021.
View21-1100811/08/2021Notice by Stratus Networks, Inc. and Saturn Acquisition Company, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View21-1100711/04/2021Revised registration of New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC d/b/a Cingular Wireless for a change of fictitious business name to AT&T Mobility.
View21-1100611/04/2021Notice by Desert Marble Solar LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Desert Marble Solar Project consisting of a 500 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 500 MW battery energy storage system, a 345 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Humboldt County, Nevada.
View21-1100511/02/2021Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. NV2021-21, to revise Tariff No. 1A to eliminate the residential Emergency Line Service option.
View21-1100411/01/2021Notice by Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink, Lumen Technologies, Inc., Apollo Global Management, Inc., and Connect Holding, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View21-1100311/01/2021Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 25, to revise Tariff No. 1A to reduce the Federal Lifeline discount for Lifeline customers pursuant to Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 16-38.
View21-1100211/01/2021Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 23, to revise Tariff No. 2A to reduce the Federal Lifeline discount for Lifeline customers pursuant to Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 16-38.
View21-1100111/01/2021Application of Rural Telephone Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 42, to revise Tariff No. 1 to reduce the Federal Lifeline discount for Lifeline customers pursuant to Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 16-38.
View21-1002710/28/2021Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to establish capital issuance authorizations based on a debt ceiling of $1,900.0 million, a common stock ceiling of $2,200.0 million, and a preferred stock ceiling of $500.0 million, and enter into anticipatory financial hedging transactions.
View21-1002610/28/2021Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to establish capital issuance authorizations based on a debt ceiling of $3,800.0 million, a common stock ceiling of $4,100.0 million, and a preferred stock ceiling of $800.0 million, and enter into anticipatory financial hedging transactions.
View21-1002511/03/2021Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 648-E, to revise Interruptible Irrigation Service Schedule No. IS-2 to decrease the IS-2 rate.
View21-1002411/03/2021Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 522, to revise Interruptible Agricultural Irrigation Water Pumping Schedule No. IAIWP to decrease the IAIWP rate.
View21-1002310/28/2021Notice by Great Basin Water Co. of its intent to file an application for adjustment in rates for its Cold Springs, Pahrump, Spanish Springs and Spring Creek Divisions.
View21-1002210/27/2021Karen Hannafious vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding payments not posted and reported as insufficient funds.
View21-1002110/27/2021Application of Congruex Networks LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View21-1002010/21/2021Application of Carmelita Court MHP LLC to withdraw $16,878.00 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View21-1001910/25/2021Joint Application of Nancy Kidwell, individually and as Trustee of the Nancy Lynn Kidwell Trust, and Universal Green Technology, Inc ("Universal Green Technology") for approval of the purchase of Spirit Mountain Utility Company, Inc. by Universal Green Technology.
View21-1001810/22/2021Filing by Spark Energy Gas, LLC of change in Registered Agent.
View21-1001710/21/2021Revised registration of Marconi Wireless Holdings, LLC to add fictitious business name Credo Mobile and to update contact information.
View21-1001611/02/2021Application of MCImetro Access Transmission Services Corp. for approval of a change of name to MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2209 Sub 3.
View21-1001510/19/2021Application of Southwest Gas Corporation, filed under Advice Letter No. 527, to revise Tariff No. 7 to include a Soft Off process that may be used upon the discontinuance of service to residential accounts.
View21-1001411/04/2021Joint Petition of Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC d/b/a Cingular Wireless for approval of a Wireless Traffic Exchange Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View21-1001310/18/2021Application of Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company for allowance of Nevada Universal Service Fund funding for the year commencing January 1, 2022.
View21-1001210/14/2021Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to establish ON Line Temporary Rider Schedule No. ONTR and for authorization to commence rate recovery of the One Nevada Transmission Line reallocated revenue requirement.
View21-1001110/18/2021Application of the City of Henderson for authority to alter the approach to an existing at-grade crossing on Nevada State Drive located southwest of the intersection of Nevada State Drive and Interstate 11 in Henderson, Nevada.
View21-1001010/14/2021Notice by Combined Public Communications, LLC, CPC Engle Holdings, Inc., and Combined Public Communications Employee Stock Ownership Trust of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View21-1000910/14/2021Notice by BCM One, Inc., Wholesale Carrier Services, Inc., and BCM One Group Holdings, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View21-1000810/12/2021Amended Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 521, to revise Public Street Lighting and Traffic Control Service Schedule No. SL to allow auxiliary devices such as public safety and wireless communications equipment to be installed and billed up to a limited percentage of total load per service.
View21-1000710/13/2021Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-21-07, for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to add language to eliminate the Lifeline credit for voice qualified customers except for those in census blocks where there is only one service provider pursuant to Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 16-38.
View21-1000610/13/2021Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-21-06, for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to add language to eliminate the Lifeline credit for voice qualified customers except for those in census blocks where there is only one service provider pursuant to Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 16-38.
View21-1000510/12/2021Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. NV-21-03, to revise Tariff No. 4-C to add language to eliminate the Lifeline credit for voice qualified customers except for those in census blocks where there is only one service provider pursuant to Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 16-38.
View21-1000410/07/2021Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Green Image, LLC d/b/a GTI ("GTI") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by GTI.
View21-1000310/07/2021Registration of IDT Domestic Telecom, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View21-1000210/07/2021Request of Working Assets Funding Service, Inc. d/b/a Working Assets Wireless to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View21-1000110/05/2021Registration of MAXSIP TELECOM CORPORATION as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View21-0903509/30/2021Notice by Boomerang Wireless, LLC d/b/a enTouch Wireless of active distribution of Lifeline and Emergency Broadband Benefit services.
View21-0903409/30/2021Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to recover costs of gas infrastructure replacement projects through the gas infrastructure replacement mechanism.
View21-0903309/30/2021Biannual filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy regarding the Solar Program, providing a status update and a summary of discussion from a meeting with industry stakeholders pursuant to NAC 701B.145.
View21-0903209/23/2021Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 642-E, to revise Incremental Price Tariff Schedule No. IP to provide a path for NRS Chapter 704B customers to return to bundled utility service and identify rates and conditions applicable to such customers.
View21-0903109/23/2021Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 516, to revise Incremental Price Tariff Schedule No. IP to provide a path for NRS Chapter 704B customers to return to bundled utility service and identify rates and conditions applicable to such customers.
View21-0903009/23/2021Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Wide Voice, LLC for approval of the Routing of Traffic Through a Third Party Transit Provider Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View21-0902909/23/2021Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Wide Voice, LLC for approval of the Third Party Transit Provider Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View21-0902809/23/2021Application of Silver State South Storage, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Silver State South Solar Battery Energy Storage Project consisting of the expansion of an existing 230 kV substation, an up to 250 MW battery energy storage system, a 230 kV buswork tie, and associated facilities to be located on approximately 42.06 acres of federally-managed land in Clark County, Nevada.
View21-0902709/23/2021Application of i-wireless, LLC d/b/a Access Wireless to expand its designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the State of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934.
View21-0902609/23/2021Application of Southwest Gas Corporation, filed under Advice Letter No. 526, to revise Tariff No. 7 to update the Annual Charge Adjustment rate.
View21-0902509/22/2021Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. NV2021-14, to revise Tariff No. 1A to introduce Simply Unlimited Residence service package, standardize the names of various services and features, standardize the functionality for Custom Ring, grandfather Selective Call Acceptance, and discontinue pay-per-use options for Selective Call Acceptance, Selective Call Forwarding, and Selective Call Rejection.
View21-0902409/20/2021Application of Scenergy NV, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View21-0902309/20/2021Application of Sprint Communications Company L.P. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 946 Sub 4.
View21-0902209/20/2021Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304 and annual certification that price cap carrier is not seeking duplicative Eligible Recovery pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.915.
View21-0902109/17/2021Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. 16, to revise Tariff No. 2A to grandfather certain low-bandwidth Private Line Services.
View21-0902009/17/2021Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. 17, to revise Tariff No. 3C to grandfather certain low-bandwidth Private Line Services.
View21-0901909/16/2021Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 639-E, to revise NV GreenEnergy Rider Schedule No. NGR pursuant to Docket No. 19-11019.
View21-0901809/16/2021Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 514, to revise NV GreenEnergy Rider Schedule No. NGR pursuant to Docket No. 19-11019.
View21-0901709/17/2021Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Cyanco Company, LLC pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View21-0901609/17/2021Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Desert Star Energy Center pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View21-0901509/17/2021Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer NV Energy (LV2), previously Las Vegas Cogeneration II, LLC, pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View21-0901409/17/2021Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Nevada Cogeneration Associates #2 pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View21-0901309/17/2021Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Nevada Cogeneration Associates #1 pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View21-0901209/17/2021Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy previously approved in Docket No. 95-3052.
View21-0901109/23/2021Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Saguaro Power Company previously approved in Docket No. 94-4050.
View21-0901009/14/2021Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 336-G, to revise Gas Tariff No. 1 to modify Firm Transportation of Customer-Owned Natural Gas Schedule No. TF and Interruptible Transportation of Customer-Owned Natural Gas Schedule No. TI pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 19-02024.
View21-0900809/09/2021Notice by Boomerang Wireless, LLC d/b/a enTouch Wireless and ViaOne Acquisition Company, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View21-0900709/08/2021Joint Application of The Earl E. and Wanda J. Oliver Living Trust ("Trust"), majority owner of Indian Springs Water Co., Inc. ("Indian Springs"), and Gary Earl Oliver for approval of the transfer of 76.724% of stock of Indian Springs from the Trust to Gary Earl Oliver.
View21-0900609/08/2021Request of Republic Wireless, Inc. to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View21-0900509/08/2021Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. NV-21-02, to revise Tariff No. 3-B to add language for discontinued Unbundled Network Elements DS3 loops and dark fiber transport.
View21-0900409/01/2021Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of their Economic Recovery Transportation Electrification Plan for the period 2022-2024.
View21-0900309/01/2021Report of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy on the progress of its Natural Disaster Protection Plan for the Action Plan Period 2021-2023.
View21-0900209/01/2021Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice, under Advice Letter No. 525, to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2021.
View21-0900109/01/2021Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to increase its retail natural gas utility service rates for Southern and Northern Nevada.
View21-0802109/01/2021Joint Petition of Moapa Valley Telephone Company and Teleport Communications America, LLC for approval of an Interconnection and Reciprocal Compensation Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View21-0802008/31/2021Application of Great Basin Water Co., Cold Springs Division, filed under Advice Letter No. 9, to revise Water Tariff No. 1-W to implement the deferred water service adjustment rate mechanism relating to the Order issued in Docket No. 18-11014.
View21-0801908/31/2021Application of Great Basin Water Co., Spanish Springs Division, filed under Advice Letter No. 8, to revise Water Tariff No. 1-W to implement the deferred water service adjustment rate mechanism relating to the Order issued in Docket No. 18-11014.
View21-0801808/30/2021Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to introduce Digital Billing.
View21-0801708/30/2021Registration of Marconi Wireless Holdings, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View21-0801608/25/2021Notice by Spark Energy Gas, LLC of a change of name of its parent company from Spark Energy, Inc. to VIA Renewables, Inc.
View21-0801508/24/2021Application of Mobilitie Management, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3036.
View21-0801408/23/2021Application of Solar Partners XI, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Gemini Solar Project Interconnection Facilities at the existing Crystal Substation consisting of a 230 kV breaker, a 230 kV disconnect switch, and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View21-0801308/20/2021Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Comcast Phone of Nevada, LLC d/b/a Comcast Digital Phone for approval of the FCC Modernizing Unbundling and Resale Requirements Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View21-0801208/20/2021Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to introduce a promotional offering for new fiber based Frontier OneVoice customers who purchase a qualifying broadband service.
View21-0801108/20/2021Notice by Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of a promotional offering for the Elko and Tonopah Divisions for new fiber based Frontier OneVoice customers who purchase a qualifying broadband service.
View21-0801009/07/2021Application of Gardnerville Water Company for authority to amend Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 926 Sub 13 to expand its water service territory to include 19.62 acres of parks for public use and 29 acres of single-family residential property located in Douglas County, Nevada.
View21-0800908/17/2021Show Cause Proceeding to determine why Southwest Gas Corporation should not be administratively fined pursuant to NRS 703.380 for violation of a Commission Order, should not be assessed a civil penalty pursuant to NRS 704.595 for violations of the Pipeline Safety Regulations contained in 49 CFR 192, and should not be ordered to take corrective actions for violations associated with a federal reportable incident that occurred on June 24, 2020.
View21-0800808/17/2021Report by Solix, Inc., as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund, regarding fiscal year 2022 assessment recommendation concerning the minimum annual contribution and assessment rate on the intrastate retail revenues of all obligated providers of telecommunication services in Nevada.
View21-0800708/13/2021Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 21-03(G) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2021.
View21-0800608/13/2021Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 21-03(E) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2021.
View21-0800508/13/2021Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 21-03 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2021.
View21-0800408/11/2021Registration of NetZero Wireless, Inc. d/b/a magicJack Wireless as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View21-0800308/10/2021Joint Application of Southwest Gas Corporation ("SWG") and the Regulatory Operations Staff for approval of SWG’s Customer Owned Yard Line Replacement Program and authorizing SWG to defer the program costs associated with capital expenditures.
View21-0800208/09/2021Application of Brookfield Renewable Energy Marketing US LLC d/b/a Brookfield Renewable for a license to operate as a provider of new electric resources.
View21-0800108/03/2021Notice by Yahthumb Solar Project, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct a 230 kV generation-tie line to connect the Yahthumb Solar Project to the Reid-Gardner Substation, and associated access roads to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View21-0703107/30/2021Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale, filed under Advice Letter No. 2072, to revise Tariff No. C to modify Special Access Service Schedule No. C7-A to grandfather and later discontinue low-speed analog services including Voice Grade, WATS access line, Program Audio, Digital Data, and DS0 Services.
View21-0703007/30/2021Request of iTalk Mobile Corporation to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View21-0702907/30/2021Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to rename Additional Bill Copy Service to Duplicate Bill Charge, modify language, and increase rates for the service.
View21-0702808/04/2021Application of Easton Telecom Services, L.L.C. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View21-0702707/26/2021Notice by Mobilitie, LLC, The Gary Jabara Revocable Trust, and BAI Communications US Holdings II LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View21-0702607/27/2021Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer NV Energy (LV2), previously Las Vegas Cogeneration II, LLC, pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View21-0702507/20/2021Informational Report of Prospector Pipeline Company concerning its natural gas resource planning activities.
View21-0702407/21/2021Application of Middle Mile Infrastructure, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View21-0702307/19/2021Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of its Solar Thermal Systems Demonstration Program Annual Plan for Program Year 2022.
View21-0702207/19/2021Notice by 334AV 8me LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Busted Butte 2 Solar Project consisting of a 1,000 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 1,000 MW battery energy storage system, a 525 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Nye County, Nevada.
View21-0702107/19/2021Notice by 333NV 8me LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Busted Butte 1 Solar Project consisting of a 600 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 600 MW battery energy storage system, a 525 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Nye County, Nevada.
View21-0702007/19/2021Investigation regarding the potential rate impact of projects included in Great Basin Water Co.’s Spanish Springs Division’s Preferred Plan, the potential future operations and maintenance costs associated with poor water quality in the basin, and potential remedies to address groundwater quantity and quality concerns.
View21-0701907/16/2021Notice by 331LB 8me LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Lava Butte Solar Project consisting of a 200 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 200 MW battery energy storage system, a 500 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View21-0701807/21/2021Joint Petition of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada and Onvoy, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View21-0701707/15/2021Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Southwest Gas Corporation ("Southwest Gas") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of 49 CFR Part 192 of the Federal Pipeline Safety Regulations by Southwest Gas.
View21-0701607/20/2021Application of Gray Fox Court to withdraw $1,359.27 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View21-0701507/14/2021Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Peek Brothers Construction Incorporated d/b/a Peek Brothers Construction ("Peek Brothers Construction") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Peek Brothers Construction.
View21-0701407/16/2021Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Gothic Landscaping, Inc. d/b/a Gothic Landscape Construction ("Gothic Landscape") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Gothic Landscape.
View21-0701307/14/2021Filing by Assurance Wireless USA, L.P. of updated Informational Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to Lifeline Assistance Broadband Plan.
View21-0701207/12/2021Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Green Image, LLC d/b/a GTI ("GTI") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by GTI.
View21-0701107/09/2021Notice by EDF Renewables Development, Inc., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the CD Solar Project consisting of a 1 GW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 1 GW battery energy storage system, a 230 or 525 kV transmission line, and associated facilities to be located in Esmeralda County, Nevada.
View21-0701007/09/2021Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Ohana Landscape and Tree Service ("Ohana Landscape") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Ohana Landscape.
View21-0700907/09/2021Notice by Onvoy, LLC, Broadvox-CLEC, LLC, ANPI Business, LLC, ANPI, LLC, Onvoy Spectrum, LLC, Neutral Tandem-Nevada, LLC, GTCR Onvoy Holdings LLC and Sinch US Holding Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View21-0700807/07/2021Notice by Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View21-0700707/01/2021Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy to advise there are no customers taking service under its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR and changes in rates will no longer be calculated pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View21-0700607/01/2021Notice by Alliance Global Networks LLC and Velocity, A Managed Services Company, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View21-0700507/01/2021Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Shoshone, Inc. d/b/a Shoshone Propane ("Shoshone Propane") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of 49 CFR Part 192 of the Federal Pipeline Safety Regulations by Shoshone Propane.
View21-0700407/01/2021Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval to offer the Move2Zero Program to its northern and southern Nevada sales customers and to establish a regulatory asset to track costs associated with the Program.
View21-0700307/01/2021Public Utilities Commission of Nevada-sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Elko County, Nevada.
View21-0700207/01/2021Public Utilities Commission of Nevada-sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Clark County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View21-0700107/01/2021Public Utilities Commission of Nevada-sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Washoe County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View21-0605006/30/2021Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 22, to revise Tariff No. 2A to modify the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 21-01026.
View21-0604906/30/2021Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 24, to revise Tariff No. 1A to modify the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 21-01026.
View21-0604806/30/2021Application of Rural Telephone Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 41, to revise Tariff No. 1 to modify the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 21-01026.
View21-0604706/30/2021Application of Rural Telephone Company for authority to establish its annual revenue requirement for telephone service rates, establish draw from the Nevada Universal Service Fund, effect changes in the cost of capital, modify depreciation rates, and for other relief properly related thereto.
View21-0604606/30/2021Application of Boulder Flats Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Boulder Flats Solar Project consisting of a 113 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a substation, switchgear yard, and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View21-0604506/29/2021Peter Profant vs. Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale. Complaint regarding obtaining landline phone service.
View21-0604406/28/2021Notice by Southwest Gas Corporation of its intent to file an application for adjustment in rates.
View21-0604307/06/2021Request of Konatel Inc. to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View21-0604206/24/2021Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. NV2021-09, to revise Tariff No. 1A to introduce Simply Unlimited Business package available to business customers and to remove the Privacy Protector calling feature.
View21-0604106/23/2021Staff report on Desert Utilities, Inc. pursuant to the provisions of NAC 704.627.
View21-0604006/22/2021Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Curtis & Sons Construction, Inc. ("Curtis Construction") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Curtis Construction.
View21-0603906/22/2021Rulemaking to amend, adopt, and/or repeal regulations in accordance with Assembly Bill 173 (2021).
View21-0603806/22/2021Rulemaking to amend, adopt, and/or repeal regulations regarding the requirement for transmission providers to join a regional transmission organization in accordance with Senate Bill 448 (2021).
View21-0603706/22/2021Rulemaking to amend, adopt, and/or repeal regulations regarding the Economic Development Electric Rate Rider Program in accordance with Senate Bill 448 (2021).
View21-0603606/22/2021Rulemaking to amend, adopt, and/or repeal regulations regarding resource planning in accordance with Senate Bill 448 (2021).
View21-0603506/21/2021Notice by EDF Renewables Development, Inc., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the SB Solar Project consisting of a 500 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a battery energy storage system, a 230 kV transmission line, and associated facilities to be located in Nye County, Nevada.
View21-0603406/21/2021Notice by EDF Renewables Development, Inc., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Jackpot Solar Project consisting of a 1,000 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a battery energy storage system, a 525 kV transmission line, and associated facilities to be located in Nye County, Nevada.
View21-0603306/21/2021Notice by EDF Renewables Development, Inc., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Northwest Solar Project consisting of a 250 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a battery energy storage system, and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View21-0603206/18/2021Filing by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View21-0603106/17/2021Notifications and filings by natural gas utilities operating in Nevada of new and existing discounted rate contracts, contracts for alternative fuel capable customers, and contracts for special service pursuant to Section 2 of LCB File No. T006-21 and the Order issued in Docket No. 19-02024 for calendar year 2021.
View21-0603006/17/2021Investigation and Rulemaking regarding any required changes to gas infrastructure replacement and natural gas expansion regulations.
View21-0602906/17/2021Notice by 328CH 8me LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Angora Solar Project consisting of a 700 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, an up to 800 MW battery energy storage system, an approximately 9-mile 500 kV transmission line, and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View21-0602806/17/2021Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304 and annual certification that price cap carrier is not seeking duplicative Eligible Recovery pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.915.
View21-0602706/16/2021Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Target Construction, Inc. ("Target Construction") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Target Construction.
View21-0602606/15/2021Notice by Gold Dust Solar LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Gold Dust Solar Project consisting of a 1,500 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 1,000 MW battery energy storage system, a transmission line, and associated facilities to be located in Esmeralda County, Nevada.
View21-0602506/15/2021Notice by Virgo Solar LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Virgo Solar Project consisting of a 400 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 400 MW battery energy storage system, a transmission line, and associated facilities to be located in Nye County, Nevada.
View21-0602406/15/2021Filing by Moapa Valley Telephone Company of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation ("CAF ICC") Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View21-0602306/15/2021Filing by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation ("CAF ICC") Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View21-0602206/15/2021Filing by Rural Telephone Company of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation ("CAF ICC") Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View21-0602106/14/2021Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Silver State Fence & Stain, LLC ("Silver State") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Silver State.
View21-0602006/14/2021Notice by Vonage Holdings Corp. of its intent to request numbering resources for the Las Vegas and Reno rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View21-0601906/11/2021Application of Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects, filed under Advice Letter No. 11, to revise Access Tariff No. 2 to modify rates pursuant to 8YY Access Charge Reform Order in Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 20-143.
View21-0601806/11/2021Notice by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View21-0601706/11/2021Registration of NewPhone Wireless, L.L.C. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View21-0601606/09/2021Informational Report of Southwest Gas Corporation concerning its near-term natural gas resource planning activities.
View21-0601506/07/2021Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View21-0601406/07/2021Filings by Eligible Telecommunications Carriers related to Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements pursuant to 47 CFR 54.314.
View21-0601306/07/2021Notice by Filer Mutual Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View21-0601206/07/2021Notice by Solar 373 LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Solar 373 Project consisting of a 400 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 350 MW battery energy storage system, an approximately 2-mile generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Nye County, Nevada.
View21-0601106/07/2021Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of an Energy Supply Agreement with Resorts World Las Vegas LLC.
View21-0601006/07/2021Application of Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada for authority to establish its annual revenue requirement for telephone service rates, set a new rate design, modify draws from the Nevada Universal Service Fund, reflect changes in the cost of capital, modify depreciation rates, and for other relief properly related thereto.
View21-0600906/03/2021Application of Great Basin Water Co. for authority to establish a system improvement rate in the Pahrump Division for an eligible project designated by the Commission in Docket No. 18-03005 and for other relief properly related thereto.
View21-0600806/04/2021Application of Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 8, to revise Tariff No. 1 to modify rates pursuant to 8YY Access Charge Reform Order in Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 20-143.
View21-0600706/02/2021Amended Application of 326FW 8me LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct upgrades to the existing Mohave Substation, an approximately 2.2-mile 500 kV transmission line, and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View21-0600606/03/2021Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink requesting exemption from NAC 704.680303 concerning plans for reporting and auditing performance measures and establishing performance incentives.
View21-0600506/02/2021Application of Boulder Flats Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct a permanent water pipeline and access road associated with the Boulder Flats Solar I and II Projects to be located in Boulder City in Clark County, Nevada.
View21-0600406/02/2021Application of Boulder Flats Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct a temporary water pipeline associated with the Boulder Flats Solar I and II Projects to be located in Boulder City in Clark County, Nevada.
View21-0600306/01/2021Informational Report of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy concerning its natural gas resource planning activities.
View21-0600206/01/2021Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its Natural Gas Conservation and Energy Efficiency Plan for the period 2022-2024.
View21-0600106/01/2021Amended Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of their 2022-2041 Triennial Integrated Resource Plan, including the Transmission Infrastructure for a Clean Energy Economy Plan, and 2022-2024 Energy Supply Plan.
View21-0503105/28/2021Notice by Boulevard Associates, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an amended application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Beatty Energy Center Project consisting of an approximately 500 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, an up to 500 MW battery energy storage system, a 138 kV or 230 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Nye County, Nevada.
View21-0503005/28/2021Notice of RCLEC, Inc. of its intent to request numbering resources for the Las Vegas rate center from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View21-0502906/03/2021Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice, under Advice Letter No. 524, to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2021.
View21-0502805/27/2021Application of Rural Telephone Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 39, to revise Access Services Tariff No. 2 to modify rates pursuant to 8YY Access Charge Reform Order in Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 20-143.
View21-0502705/27/2021Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 53, to revise Access Services Tariff No. 2 to modify rates pursuant to 8YY Access Charge Reform Order in Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 20-143.
View21-0502605/25/2021Filing by Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View21-0502505/25/2021Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 11, to revise Access Service Tariff No. 3 to modify rates pursuant to 8YY Access Charge Reform Order in Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 20-143.
View21-0502405/21/2021Application of Great Basin Water Co., Pahrump Division, filed under Advice Letter No. 7, to revise Water Tariff No. 1-W to implement the deferred water service adjustment rate mechanism relating to the Order issued in Docket No. 16-12037.
View21-0502305/21/2021Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View21-0502205/21/2021Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to introduce Frontier Unlimited Voice and Feature Bundle.
View21-0502105/20/2021Notice by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View21-0502005/19/2021Application of EarthGrid PBC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View21-0501905/18/2021Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Inyo Networks, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection and/or Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View21-0501805/18/2021Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and DISH Wireless L.L.C. for approval of a Two-Way CMRS Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View21-0501705/14/2021Notice by Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada of its intent to file an application for adjustment in rates.
View21-0501605/14/2021Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 21-02(G) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2021.
View21-0501505/14/2021Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 21-02(E) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2021.
View21-0501405/14/2021Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 21-02 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2021.
View21-0501305/13/2021Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 641-E, to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to modify Net Metering Rider-405 Schedule No. NMR-405 to clarify premises language pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 20-07008.
View21-0501205/13/2021Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 515, to revise Tariff No. 1-B to modify Net Metering Rider-405 Schedule No. NMR-405 to clarify premises language pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 20-07008.
View21-0501105/13/2021Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. 15, to revise Access Service Tariff No. 2A to modify rates pursuant to 8YY Access Charge Reform Order in Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 20-143.
View21-0501005/13/2021Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. 16, to revise Access Service Tariff No. 3C to modify rates pursuant to 8YY Access Charge Reform Order in Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 20-143.
View21-0500905/12/2021Investigation of Nevada Universal Service Fund carrier compliance audits by Solix, Inc., as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund.
View21-0500805/11/2021Application of Great Basin Water Co. for authority to modify Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2692 Sub 8 to expand its water service territory for its Cold Springs Division to include 98 acres of residential development on Lifestyle Homes TND, LLC property contiguous to its existing service territory located in Cold Springs, Washoe County, Nevada.
View21-0500705/10/2021Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. NV-21-01, to revise Access Service Tariff No. 3-B to modify rates pursuant to 8YY Access Charge Reform Order in Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 20-143.
View21-0500605/10/2021Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-21-05, to revise Access Services Tariff No. A-3 for the Elko and Tonopah Divisions to modify rates pursuant to 8YY Access Charge Reform Order in Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 20-143.
View21-0500505/11/2021Application of Glenbrook Water Cooperative, Inc. for authority to modify Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 855 Sub 3 to expand its water service territory to include one residential lot contiguous to its existing service territory located in the unincorporated area of Glenbrook, Douglas County, Nevada.
View21-0500405/12/2021Notice by Matrix Telecom, LLC d/b/a Clear Choice Communications, Excel Telecommunications, VarTec Telecom, and Lingo, Lingo Communications, LLC, and B. Riley Principal Investments, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View21-0500305/07/2021Notice of Brightlink of its intent to request numbering resources for the Reno rate center from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View21-0500205/05/2021Investigation regarding long-term planning for natural gas utility service in Nevada.
View21-0500105/04/2021Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of its Conservation and Energy Efficiency Plan for the period 2022-2024.
View21-0404405/06/2021Application of Sterling Apartments Propane Gas System to voluntarily discontinue liquified petroleum gas service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3006.
View21-0404305/06/2021Application of Mt. Grant Propane Gas System to voluntarily discontinue liquified petroleum gas service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3005.
View21-0404204/30/2021Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale, filed under Advice Letter No. 2071, to revise Access Tariff Nos. C3-A and C6-A to reduce Originating 8YY End Office Access rates to be in parity with the associated interstate Originating 8YY Access rates pursuant to Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 20-143.
View21-0404105/03/2021Notice by CG Western Renewables III LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Smoky Valley Solar Project consisting of an up to 1,000 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a battery energy storage system, a 525 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Esmeralda County, Nevada.
View21-0404004/29/2021Registration of Excess Telecom, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View21-0403904/27/2021Notice by Boulevard Associates, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Sawtooth Energy Center Project consisting of a 1,000 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, an up to 1,000 MW battery energy storage system, a 230 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Nye County, Nevada.
View21-0403804/26/2021Notice by 335ES 8me LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Rhyolite Ridge 1 Project consisting of a 380 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 380 MW battery energy storage system, a 525 kV transmission line, and associated facilities to be located in Esmeralda County, Nevada.
View21-0403704/26/2021Notice by 336SP 8me LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Rhyolite Ridge 2 Project consisting of a 200 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 200 MW battery energy storage system, a 525 kV transmission line, and associated facilities to be located in Esmeralda County, Nevada.
View21-0403604/26/2021Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for acceptance of their Second Additional Joint Energy Supply Plan Update for 2021.
View21-0403504/27/2021Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Comcast Phone of Nevada, LLC d/b/a Comcast Digital Phone for approval of the UNE Forbearance Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View21-0403404/27/2021Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Comcast Phone of Nevada, LLC d/b/a Comcast Digital Phone for approval of the Resale Forbearance Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View21-0403304/26/2021Notice by Great American Insurance Group on behalf of North Star Gas Company, LLC d/b/a YEP Energy of a bond cancellation for gas service conducted under License No. G-37.
View21-0403204/22/2021Notice by The Hanover Insurance Group on behalf of Cascade Access, LLC d/b/a Reliance Connects of a bond renewal.
View21-0403104/23/2021Filing by Spark Energy Gas, LLC of updated corporate officer listing.
View21-0403004/22/2021Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Brightview Landscape Services, Inc. f/k/a Signature Landscapes, LLC ("Brightview") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Brightview.
View21-0402904/22/2021Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View21-0402804/21/2021Registration of Troomi Wireless, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View21-0402704/19/2021Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Network Communications International Corp. d/b/a 1800Call4Less and Mundo Telecom ("NCIC") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violation of NAC 704.7472(1)(d) by NCIC.
View21-0402604/16/2021Notice by Rural Telephone Company of its intent to file an application for adjustment in rates.
View21-0402504/15/2021Annual Report of Exelon Generation Company, LLC on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2020.
View21-0402404/15/2021Annual Report of Switch Ltd. on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2020.
View21-0402304/15/2021Annual Report of Macquarie Energy LLC on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2020.
View21-0402204/15/2021Annual Report of Tenaska Power Services Co. on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2020.
View21-0402104/14/2021Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and DISH Wireless L.L.C. for approval of the Routing of Traffic Through a Third Party Transit Provider Amendment to their CMRS Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View21-0402004/14/2021Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and DISH Wireless L.L.C. for approval of a CMRS Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View21-0401904/14/2021Annual Report of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2020.
View21-0401804/13/2021Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. NV2021-06, to revise Tariff No. 1A to add language pursuant to 47 CFR 9.16(b)(3) pertaining to Ray Baum’s Act.
View21-0401704/13/2021Annual Report of Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2020.
View21-0401604/26/2021Joint Application of Spectrotel, Inc. ("Spectrotel") and Spectrotel of the West LLC ("Spectrotel of the West") for approval of the transfer of Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2829 Sub 1 from Spectrotel to Spectrotel of the West and a notice of a transaction that will result in the transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View21-0401504/12/2021Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View21-0401404/09/2021Notice by EDF Renewables Development, Inc., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Chuckwalla Solar Transmission Line Project consisting of a 230 kV generation-tie line, a 500 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View21-0401304/09/2021Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and NOS Communications, Inc. d/b/a 011 Communications, International Plus, The Internet Business Association, and iVantage Network Solutions for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View21-0401204/09/2021Joint Petition of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink and NOS Communications, Inc. d/b/a 011 Communications, International Plus, The Internet Business Association, and iVantage Network Solutions for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View21-0401104/08/2021Notice by Boulevard Associates, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Esmeralda Solar Project consisting of a 500 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, an up to 500 MW battery energy storage system, a 525 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Esmeralda County, Nevada.
View21-0401004/08/2021Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct upgrades to the existing 230 kV Reid Gardner Substation located in Clark County, Nevada.
View21-0400904/14/2021Joint Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("Nevada Power") and Resorts World Las Vegas LLC ("Resorts World") requesting a waiver of the eligibility requirement of Nevada Power's Large Customer Market Price Energy Tariff for Resorts World.
View21-0400804/07/2021Application of Desert Utilities, Inc. for authority to increase rates for water and sewer service.
View21-0400704/13/2021Notice by TAG Mobile, LLC, TAG Mobile Bankruptcy Sale Entity, LLC, and Vector Holdings Group LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View21-0400604/06/2021Application of Dutchman Acres Water Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 10, to revise Water Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View21-0400504/05/2021Notice by Nivloc Solar Energy LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Nivloc Solar Energy Project consisting of a 300 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 138 kV transmission line, and associated facilities to be located approximately 30 miles west of Tonopah in Esmerelda County, Nevada.
View21-0400404/01/2021Notice by HD Carrier LLC of its intent to request numbering resources for various rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View21-0400304/05/2021Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-21-04, for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Frontier Residential Unlimited Voice and Feature bundle.
View21-0400204/05/2021Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-21-03, for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Frontier Residential Unlimited Voice and Feature bundle.
View21-0400104/01/2021Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the quality of service metrics in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 15-06064.
View21-0304403/31/2021Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 638-E, to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to allow non-residential customers approved by the Commission to purchase energy, capacity, and ancillary services from a provider of new electric resources and have paid in full any impact fee to receive electric service under Large Customer Market Price Energy Schedule No. LCMPE.
View21-0304303/31/2021Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 513, to revise Tariff No. 1-B to allow non-residential customers approved by the Commission to purchase energy, capacity, and ancillary services from a provider of new electric resources and have paid in full any impact fee to receive electric service under Large Customer Market Price Energy Schedule No. LCMPE.
View21-0304203/31/2021Application of Great Basin Water Co. for authority to establish a system improvement rate in the Pahrump Division for an eligible project designated by the Commission in Docket No. 18-03005 and for other relief properly related thereto.
View21-0304103/31/2021Application of Mount Charleston Water Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 21-1, to revise Water Tariff and Sewer Tariff to adjust rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View21-0304003/31/2021Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the first amendment to their 2020 Joint Natural Disaster Protection Plan.
View21-0303903/30/2021Application of Spirit Mountain Utility Company, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 7, to revise Water Tariff No. 2 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View21-0303803/26/2021Joint Petition of Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects and Teleport Communications America, LLC for approval of an Interconnection and Reciprocal Compensation Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View21-0303703/26/2021Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. 15, to revise Tariff No. 3C to clarify language regarding territorial restrictions when providing Switched Access Service in terms of ultimate originating/terminating call end points and to revise language related to the provision of a Single Bill/Multiple Tariff billing option and Multiple Exchange Carrier Access Billing and the Multiple Exchange Carrier Ordering and Design Guidelines.
View21-0303603/26/2021Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of tax adjustment pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 00-1028.
View21-0303503/24/2021Request of Lingo Telecom of the West, LLC to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View21-0303403/23/2021Filing by Spark Energy Gas, LLC to update license information regarding civil, criminal or regulatory sanctions or penalties that have been imposed by any state.
View21-0303303/23/2021Genevieve Tetherton vs. Southwest Gas Corporation. Complaint regarding overbilling.
View21-0303203/23/2021Notice by WANRack, LLC, WANRack Holdings LLC, and CBRE Caledon WR Holdings LP of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View21-0303105/17/2021Revised registration of Cintex Wireless, LLC to add fictitious business name SFone Wireless.
View21-0303004/01/2021Application of Vero Fiber Networks, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View21-0302903/22/2021Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and VersaGrade, Inc. ("VersaGrade") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by VersaGrade.
View21-0302803/18/2021Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View21-0302703/18/2021Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and DCI Construction d/b/a Design Concrete of Nevada ("DCI Construction") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by DCI Construction.
View21-0302603/17/2021Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 17, to revise Water Tariff No. 1A and Sewer Tariff No. 1A to adjust rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View21-0302503/16/2021Notice by Wholesale Carrier Services, Inc. and BCM One Group Holdings, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View21-0302403/16/2021Application of Verdi Meadows Utility Company, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 8, to revise Water Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View21-0302303/12/2021Application of Starlink Services, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View21-0302203/11/2021Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale, Windstream New Edge, LLC, and Talk America, LLC for approval of an Interconnection and/or Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View21-0302103/12/2021Application of Safelink Internet LLC to be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the State of Nevada pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934 and request for deviation from NAC 704.680461 and 704.680463 to receive Rural Digital Opportunity Fund support.
View21-0302003/15/2021Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and QuantumShift Communications, Inc. d/b/a vCom Solutions for approval of Amendment No. 4 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View21-0301903/10/2021Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Fusion Cloud Services, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 2 to their Interconnection and/or Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View21-0301803/10/2021Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale, Fusion Cloud Services, LLC, and Lingo Telecom of the West, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection and/or Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View21-0301703/09/2021Application of AmeriGas Propane, L.P. d/b/a Bi-State Propane ("AmeriGas") for approval of the margin rates charged by AmeriGas for the preceding fiscal year.
View21-0301603/08/2021Application of 326FW 8me LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Arida Solar Project consisting of a 370 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, an energy storage system, and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View21-0301503/05/2021Notice by FracTel, LLC of its intent to request numbering resources for various rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View21-0301403/01/2021Notice by Aspen American Insurance Company on behalf of Windstream NuVox, LLC of a bond cancellation for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2961 Sub 1.
View21-0301303/04/2021Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and R Construction requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by R Construction.
View21-0301203/05/2021Application of DesertXpress Enterprises, LLC d/b/a Brightline West for authority to construct new grade-separated crossings over Starr Avenue, under the Silverado Ranch Boulevard overpass, and via an undercrossing at Blue Diamond Road in Clark County, Nevada.
View21-0301103/05/2021Application of DesertXpress Enterprises, LLC d/b/a Brightline West for authority to construct new grade-separated crossings over the existing I-15 northbound roadway south of the St. Rose Parkway interchange, under the existing St. Rose Parkway overpass, and at the I-15 northbound on-ramp from St. Rose Parkway in Clark County, Nevada.
View21-0301003/05/2021Application of DesertXpress Enterprises, LLC d/b/a Brightline West for authority to construct new grade-separated crossings under the new Emergency Responder Crossover Bridge and over the existing Sloan Road in Clark County, Nevada.
View21-0300903/02/2021Notice by Machaen Enterprises, Inc. on behalf of IDT America Corp. of a bond renewal.
View21-0300803/02/2021Application of DesertXpress Enterprises, LLC d/b/a XpressWest for approval of a change of name to DesertXpress Enterprises, LLC d/b/a Brightline West for a high-speed passenger rail system conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3073.
View21-0300703/01/2021Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of natural gas expenses and to cancel Renewable Energy Program Rate Schedule REPR.
View21-0300603/01/2021Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of fuel and purchased power expenses, to reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development charge, reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rate, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Program Rates, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rates, reset the Energy Efficiency Program Amortization Rate, and reset the Energy Efficiency Implementation Amortization Rate.
View21-0300503/01/2021Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of fuel and purchased power expenses, to reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development charge, reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rate, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Program Rates, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rates, reset the Energy Efficiency Program Amortization Rate, reset the Energy Efficiency Implementation Amortization Rate, and refund the total amount of Base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rate revenue received in 2020, including carrying charges.
View21-0300403/10/2021Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of a regulatory asset account to recover costs relating to the development and implementation of their Joint Natural Disaster Protection Plan.
View21-0300303/01/2021Application of Great Basin Water Co., Cold Springs, Pahrump, Spanish Springs, and Spring Creek Divisions, for approval of its 2021 Integrated Resource Plan, for approval to designate certain system improvement projects as eligible projects for which a system improvement rate may be established, and for other relief properly related thereto.
View21-0300203/01/2021Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the Economic Development Electric Rate Rider Program pursuant to NAC 704.8958.
View21-0300103/01/2021Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the Economic Development Electric Rate Rider Program pursuant to NAC 704.8958.
View21-0203102/26/2021Filing by the Regulatory Operations Staff of calendar year 2020 accounting report for each utility authorized to collect a rate surcharge pursuant to NAC 704.600(6).
View21-0203002/26/2021Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice, under Advice Letter No. 523, to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2021.
View21-0202902/26/2021Notice by Crescent Peak Renewables, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Kulning Wind Energy Project consisting of an up to 308 MW wind energy generating facility, a 230 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located approximately 9 miles west of Searchlight in Clark County, Nevada.
View21-0202802/24/2021Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View21-0202702/24/2021Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for an Advisory Opinion or Declaratory Order as to whether the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada would supervise, regulate, and control an operator of a renewable energy system located at Melody Senior Living Apartments in Las Vegas, Nevada, as a public utility pursuant to NRS 704.020.
View21-0202602/25/2021Notice by Windstream NuVox, LLC, Windstream Services, LLC, and Windstream Enterprise Holdings, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View21-0202502/23/2021Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale, AT&T Teleholdings, Inc., and AT&T Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View21-0202402/19/2021Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy on the general accounting for NV Energy Inc.'s partial ownership in the DesertLink transmission line pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 15-06019.
View21-0202302/19/2021Filing by Telrite Corporation d/b/a Life Wireless of updated Informational Tariff No. 2 that includes updates to Wireless Lifeline Program.
View21-0202203/09/2021Application of Connect Everyone LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View21-0202103/09/2021Application of Connect Everyone LLC to be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the State of Nevada pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934 and request for deviation from NAC 704.680461 to receive Rural Digital Opportunity Fund support.
View21-0202002/25/2021Filing by i-wireless, LLC d/b/a Access Wireless of updated Advisory Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to wireless Lifeline plans.
View21-0201902/18/2021Application of Southwest Gas Corporation, filed under Advice Letter No. 522, to revise Gas Tariff No. 7 to implement changes to support the implementation of Customer Data Modernization Initiative.
View21-0201803/03/2021Application of DesertXpress Enterprises, LLC d/b/a Brightline West for authority to construct new grade-separated crossings over the existing Primm Boulevard, at the proposed new realigned northbound I-15 bridge, and over the existing Goodsprings Road in Clark County, Nevada.
View21-0201702/25/2021Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-21-02, for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to clarify the Federal Subscriber Line Charge Waiver for Lifeline Telephone Service.
View21-0201602/25/2021Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-21-01, for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to clarify the Federal Subscriber Line Charge Waiver for Lifeline Telephone Service.
View21-0201502/12/2021Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 21-01(G) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2021.
View21-0201402/12/2021Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 21-01(E) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2021.
View21-0201302/12/2021Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 21-01 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2021.
View21-0201202/18/2021Application of Safelink Internet LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View21-0201102/12/2021Notice by the Regulatory Operations Staff of the 2021 range of reasonable returns on equity for water and sewer utilities.
View21-0201002/16/2021Notice by Pantheon Solar LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Pantheon Solar Project consisting of a 1,000 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 1,000 MW battery energy storage system, and associated facilities to be located approximately 15 miles west of Ely in White Pine County, Nevada.
View21-0200902/12/2021Investigation to gather, evaluate, establish, and track existing and newly-proposed metrics to measure electric utility performance for the purpose of assessing alternative rate-making plans and alternative rate-making mechanisms in accordance with Senate Bill ("SB") 300.
View21-0200802/11/2021Show cause proceeding to determine why Green Image, LLC d/b/a GTI should not be assessed a civil penalty for multiple violations of Nevada's One Call Law.
View21-0200702/08/2021Notice by CBTS Technology Solutions LLC, Red Fiber Parent LLC, and Cincinnati Bell Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View21-0200602/05/2021Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. 2021-04, to revise Tariff No. 1A to reduce the Federal Lifeline discount for Lifeline customers pursuant to Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 16-38.
View21-0200502/03/2021Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale, filed under Advice Letter No. 2070, to revise its Guidebook to clarify the calculation of the Federal Lifeline discount for Lifeline customers.
View21-0200402/01/2021Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of annual plans for the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program, the Wind Energy Systems Demonstration Program, the Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Program, the Energy Storage and Lower Income components of the Solar Program, and the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstration Program for Program Year 2021-2022.
View21-0200302/10/2021Application of Safelink Internet LLC to be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the State of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View21-0200202/01/2021Application of Hotwire Communications, L.P. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2993.
View21-0200102/01/2021Investigation to consider how Great Basin Water Co. - Spring Creek Division should classify deferred maintenance in future filings.
View21-0103001/29/2021Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 635-E, to revise Electric Tariff No. 2 to submit short-term avoided cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities pursuant to Schedule CSPP - Short-Term.
View21-0102901/29/2021Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 510, to revise Electric Tariff No. 1-B to reflect the avoided short-term cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities pursuant to Qualifying Facilities Schedule QF - Short Term.
View21-0102801/28/2021Investigation and Rulemaking to consider adopting and revising regulations contained in Chapter 455 of the Nevada Administrative Code regarding notifications, preparation of reports, and other matters related thereto.
View21-0102701/27/2021Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View21-0102601/26/2021Application of the Department of Health and Human Services Aging and Disability Services Division for approval of a State Fiscal Year ("SFY") 2022 telecommunication device for the deaf surcharge that is calculated based on its Governor’s recommended budget for SFY 2022.
View21-0102501/25/2021Notice by IP Horizon LLC of its intent to request numbering resources for various rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View21-0102401/21/2021Filing by Global Connection Inc. of America d/b/a STAND UP WIRELESS of updated Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to wireless Lifeline plans.
View21-0102302/02/2021Application of Satview Broadband Ltd to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3023.
View21-0102201/21/2021Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of year-end Connect America Fund Phase II build-out status notification pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.320(d).
View21-0102101/19/2021Filings by Eligible Telecommunications Carriers of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 555 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements.
View21-0102001/14/2021Filing by Assurance Wireless USA, L.P. of updated Informational Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to Lifeline Assistance Broadband Plan.
View21-0101901/14/2021Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Advisory Opinion or Declaratory Order regarding the applicability of the Utility Environmental Protection Act to standalone energy storage projects.
View21-0101801/13/2021Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, Inc. to withdraw $15,625.51 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View21-0101701/13/2021Petition of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("SPPC") requesting deviation from SPPC’s Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 requirement that a utility engineer, design, and construct utility-owned facilities as part of a Line Extension Agreement.
View21-0101601/07/2021Application of California Internet, L.P. d/b/a GeoLinks to expand its designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the State of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934.
View21-0101501/05/2021Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of renewable natural gas ("RNG") activity related to purchasing RNG to be included in its supply portfolio.
View21-0101401/08/2021Application of Starlink Services, LLC to be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the State of Nevada pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934 and request for deviation from NAC 704.680461 to receive Rural Digital Opportunity Fund support.
View21-0101301/04/2021Notifications and Reports from electric utilities operating in Nevada regarding certain ignition events and wildfires occurring in the vicinity of the infrastructure of an electric utility for calendar year 2021.
View21-0101201/04/2021Notifications and Reports from electric utilities operating in Nevada regarding power outages initiated to preserve public safety or proactive de-energization events for calendar year 2021.
View21-0101101/04/2021Filings by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of its monthly financial statements and quarterly calculations of its earned rate(s) of return and returns on equity for the Nevada jurisdiction pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 13-07021.
View21-0101001/04/2021Applications for calendar year 2021 received by a utility under the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program.
View21-0100901/04/2021Reports from electric and gas utilities operating in Nevada of transactions and calculations affecting the deferred energy accounts pursuant to NAC 704.195 for calendar year 2021.
View21-0100801/04/2021Rail Safety FRA Form 96 Inspection Reports for calendar year 2021.
View21-0100701/04/2021Pipeline Safety Enforcement Actions and Inspection Reports by the Regulatory Operations Staff pursuant to 49 CFR 191 and 192 for calendar year 2021.
View21-0100601/04/2021One Call Enforcement Actions and Inspection Reports by the Regulatory Operations Staff pursuant to NRS 455 for calendar year 2021.
View21-0100501/04/2021Annual Reports for calendar year 2020 submitted by Telecommunication companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191 and NAC 704.7483.
View21-0100401/04/2021Annual Reports for calendar year 2020 submitted by Mobile Home Parks operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 704.960 and NAC 704.987.
View21-0100301/04/2021Annual Reports for calendar year 2020 submitted by Water and Wastewater companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191, NAC 703.199, and NAC 704.225.
View21-0100201/04/2021Annual Reports for calendar year 2020 submitted by Electric, Natural Gas, LPG, Geothermal, Alternative Sellers, and Railroad companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191 and NAC 704.225.
View21-0100101/04/2021Reports from public utilities operating in Nevada of accidents or significant service outages occurring during calendar year 2021 pursuant to NRS 704.190 and NAC 704.230.
View20-1203401/12/2021Application of Silv Communication Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2869 Sub 1.
View20-1203312/30/2020Application of Cox Nevada Telcom, LLC to be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the State of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934.
View20-1203212/30/2020Application of CED Rock Springs Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Rock Springs Solar Project consisting of an up to 120 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 345 kV on-site substation, a 345 kV generation-tie line, an up to 120 MW battery energy storage system, and associated facilities to be located in Washoe County, Nevada.
View20-1203112/29/2020Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of its 2020 Status Report on the Spring Creek Expansion Project.
View20-1203012/29/2020Application of Steamboat Springs Water Works, Inc. for authority to increase rates for water service.
View20-1202912/29/2020Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff to open an investigatory and rulemaking docket to consider adopting and revising regulations contained in Chapter 455 of the Nevada Administrative Code regarding notifications, preparation of reports, and other matters related thereto.
View20-1202812/23/2020Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of its 2020 Status Report on the Mesquite Expansion Project.
View20-1202712/23/2020Notifications and Reports from electric utilities operating in Nevada regarding certain ignition events and wildfires occurring in the vicinity of the infrastructure of an electric utility for calendar year 2020.
View20-1202612/23/2020Biannual filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy regarding the Solar Program, providing a status update and a summary of discussion from a meeting with industry stakeholders pursuant to NAC 701B.145.
View20-1202512/22/2020Filing by Q LINK WIRELESS LLC of updated Tariff No. 2 that includes revisions to wireless Lifeline plans.
View20-1202412/22/2020Application Boulder Solar III, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Boulder Solar III Project consisting of a 128 MW photovoltaic solar energy-generating facility, a battery energy storage system, a water pipeline, and associated facilities to be located on approximately 1,039 acres of a combination of BLM-managed and non-Federal, municipally owned land in Boulder City, Clark County, Nevada.
View20-1202312/21/2020Application of Highlands Wireless Inc. for approval to add fictitious business name Preferred Networks for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3012.
View20-1202212/21/2020Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View20-1202112/21/2020Notice by Holeshot Energy Storage LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Holeshot Storage Project consisting of a 100 MW/400 MWh battery energy storage system, a 138 kV transmission line, and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View20-1202012/21/2020Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for acceptance of their Additional Joint Energy Supply Plan Update for 2021.
View20-1201912/22/2020Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. for authority to modify Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2720 Sub 12 and CPC 2343 Sub 13 to expand its water and sewer service territory to include approximately 75.2 acres of real property located in Pahrump, Nye County, Nevada.
View20-1201812/18/2020Application of Nevada, LLC d/b/a Beehive Broadband for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View20-1201712/22/2020Notice by Trailerdale Trailer Park of a change of name to Silver City and a change of ownership to Silver City MHC LLC
View20-1201612/17/2020Filing by Sage Telecom Communications, LLC d/b/a TruConnect of updated Informational Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to wireless Lifeline plans.
View20-1201512/15/2020Notifications and Reports from electric utilities operating in Nevada regarding power outages initiated to preserve public safety or proactive de-energization events for calendar year 2020.
View20-1201412/15/2020Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Southwest Gas Corporation ("SWG") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law and Federal Pipeline Safety Regulations by SWG.
View20-1201312/14/2020Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. NV-20-02, to revise Tariff No. 4-C to reduce the Federal Lifeline discount for Lifeline customers pursuant to Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 16-38.
View20-1201212/14/2020Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff, Southwest Gas Corporation ("SWG"), and the Nevada Bureau of Consumer Protection requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding the applicability of SWG’s Customer Owned Yard Line ("COYL") replacement program to a COYL located at Zephyr Cove Elementary School.
View20-1201112/18/2020Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Iovino Masonry, LLC ("Iovino Masonry") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Iovino Masonry.
View20-1201012/11/2020Filing by TAG Mobile, LLC of revised Lifeline wireless service plans.
View20-1200912/11/2020Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 334-G, to revise Gas Main Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the Tax Gross-up Rate.
View20-1200812/11/2020Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 634-E, to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the Tax Gross-up Rate.
View20-1200712/11/2020Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 509, to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the Tax Gross-up Rate.
View20-1200612/10/2020Application of Legacy Long Distance International, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3043.
View20-1200512/03/2020Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale of revisions to its Guidebook to reflect updated exchange area boundaries.
View20-1200412/02/2020Notice by Bonanza Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Bonanza Solar Project consisting of a 300 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a battery energy storage system, a 230 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Clark and Nye Counties, Nevada.
View20-1200312/01/2020Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of their Joint Expanded Solar Access Program Implementation Plan.
View20-1200212/01/2020Joint Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of an amendment to the Joint Dispatch Agreement governing transactions utilizing the One Nevada Transmission Line pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 19-06039.
View20-1200112/01/2020Notice by TracFone Wireless, Inc. d/b/a SafeLink Wireless, Simple Mobile, NET10, Total Wireless, Page Plus Cellular, TelCel, and Straight Talk of a new Lifeline service option for customers of SafeLink Wireless, Total Wireless, and Straight Talk.
View20-1102511/30/2020Notice by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy that it will not file for approval of a Portfolio Charge to be applicable to Newmont Mining Corporation under Rate Schedule GS-4-NG for calendar year 2021.
View20-1102412/01/2020Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice, under Advice Letter No. 521, to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2021.
View20-1102311/24/2020Notice by White Pine Waterpower, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the White Pine Pumped Storage Hydro Project consisting of a 1000 MW closed-loop pumped hydroelectric energy storage facility, a 345 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in White Pine County, Nevada.
View20-1102211/24/2020Investigation regarding transition to 10-digit dialing for the 775 area code resulting from the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") order designating 988 as the National Suicide Hotline.
View20-1102111/24/2020Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View20-1102011/23/2020Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Airespring, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View20-1101911/23/2020Joint Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of their updated Energy Storage Device Data and Metering Report pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 19-10002.
View20-1101811/24/2020Application of CenturyLink Public Communications, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2333 Sub 4.
View20-1101711/13/2020Notice by ExteNet Systems, Inc., ExteNet Asset Entity, LLC, Hudson Fiber Network Inc, JH Killington Communications, LLC, and Mount Royal Holdings, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View20-1101611/13/2020Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 20-04(G) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2021.
View20-1101511/13/2020Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 20-04(E) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2021.
View20-1101411/13/2020Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 20-04 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2021.
View20-1101311/13/2020Notice by Boulevard Associates, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Mason Valley North Solar Energy Center Project consisting of a 200 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, an up to 200 MW battery energy storage system, a 500 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Lyon County, Nevada.
View20-1101211/13/2020Notice by Boulevard Associates, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Mason Valley East Solar Energy Center Project consisting of a 400 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, an up to 400 MW battery energy storage system, a 500 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Lyon County, Nevada.
View20-1101111/13/2020Filing by Assurance Wireless USA, L.P. of updated Informational Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to Lifeline Assistance Broadband Plan.
View20-1101011/12/2020Notice by Grass Valley Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Grass Valley Solar Project consisting of a 300 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, an up to 300 MW battery energy storage system, a 345 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Pershing County, Nevada.
View20-1100911/12/2020Notice by Stagecoach Wind 1 LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Stagecoach Wind Project consisting of a 400 MW wind energy generating facility, a 400 MW battery energy storage system, a 230 kV transmission line, and associated facilities to be located in White Pine County, Nevada.
View20-1100811/10/2020Application of Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 20-3, to revise Tariff No. 1 to reduce the Federal Lifeline discount for Lifeline customers pursuant to Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 16-38.
View20-1100711/06/2020Notice by Noble Solar LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Sagittarius Solar Project consisting of a 400 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 400 MW battery energy storage system, and associated facilities to be located in Nye and Clark Counties, Nevada.
View20-1100611/05/2020Application of Lingo Telecom of the West, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2990 Sub 2.
View20-1100511/05/2020Notice by RadiantIQ LLC of its intent to request numbering resources for various rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View20-1100411/05/2020Joint Application of Avalon Geothermal, Inc. ("Avalon") and MIP V Tierra Holdings II, LLC ("MIP") for approval of a proposed transaction to transfer control of Avalon to MIP for operations conducted under Geothermal Operating Permit ("GOP") 100 Sub 2.
View20-1100311/02/2020Application of Rural Telephone Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 40, to revise Tariff No. 1 to add clarifying language regarding the Federal Lifeline Support Credit for Lifeline customers pursuant to Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 16-38.
View20-1100211/02/2020Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 23, to revise Tariff No. 1A to add clarifying language regarding the Federal Lifeline Support Credit for Lifeline customers pursuant to Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 16-38.
View20-1100111/02/2020Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 21, to revise Tariff No. 2A to add clarifying language regarding the Federal Lifeline Support Credit for Lifeline customers pursuant to Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 16-38.
View20-1003210/29/2020Notice by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Round Mountain Transformer Addition Project consisting of a 230/25 kV transformer and associated facilities to be located approximately 2 miles west of Round Mountain in Nye County, Nevada.
View20-1003111/23/2020Request of Ready Wireless, LLC to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View20-1003010/29/2020Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 633-E, to revise Interruptible Irrigation Service Schedule No. IS-2 to decrease the IS-2 rate.
View20-1002910/29/2020Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 508, to revise Interruptible Agricultural Irrigation Water Pumping Schedule No. IAIWP to decrease the IAIWP rate.
View20-1002810/28/2020Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the 230 kV Reid Gardner Substation to Tortoise Substation #2 Transmission Line Project consisting of a 2.7-mile 230 kV overhead transmission line and associated facilities to be located approximately 52 miles northeast of Las Vegas in Clark County, Nevada.
View20-1002710/28/2020Amended Notice by Boulevard Associates, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct a 200 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, an up to 200 MW battery energy storage system, an 0.5-mile long 345 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Washoe County, Nevada.
View20-1002610/28/2020Notice by Bonanza Peak Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct an approximately 8.5-mile long 230 kV generation-tie line and associated facilities to be located in Nye and Clark Counties, Nevada.
View20-1002510/26/2020Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View20-1002410/22/2020Notice by Copper Rays Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Copper Rays Solar Project consisting of a 700 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 700 MW battery energy storage system, an approximately 4-mile long 230 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located approximately 8 miles southeast of Pahrump in Nye County, Nevada.
View20-1002310/22/2020Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-20-12, for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to reduce the Federal Lifeline discount for Lifeline customers pursuant to Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 16-38.
View20-1002210/22/2020Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-20-11, for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to reduce the Federal Lifeline discount for Lifeline customers pursuant to Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 16-38.
View20-1002110/23/2020Application of Safelink Internet LLC for approval of a change of name to Anthem Broadband of Nevada, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3068.
View20-1002010/21/2020Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Cruz Construction Company, Inc. ("Cruz Construction") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Cruz Construction.
View20-1001910/22/2020Application of Tolas Mobile Home Park to withdraw $4,598.91 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system and to close the account.
View20-1001810/22/2020Application of Deluxe Mobile Home Park to withdraw $2,584.45 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system and to close the account.
View20-1001710/20/2020Notice by Carson City Manufactured Housing Community of a change of ownership to Carson City Manufactured Housing Community, LLC.
View20-1001610/20/2020Application of Carefree Country Mobile Home Park to withdraw $47,059.23 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View20-1001510/16/2020Request of Lunar Labs, Inc. d/b/a Lunar Wireless to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View20-1001410/15/2020Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to implement its Spring Creek Infrastructure Expansion Charge authorized by the Commission in Docket No. 19-06017.
View20-1001310/15/2020Application of Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company for allowance of Nevada Universal Service Fund funding for the year commencing January 1, 2021.
View20-1001210/15/2020Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Hall's Excavating, Inc. ("Hall's Excavating") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Hall's Excavating.
View20-1001110/13/2020Filing by Sage Telecom Communications, LLC d/b/a TruConnect of updated Informational Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to wireless Lifeline plans.
View20-1001010/12/2020Notice by West Star Mobile Home Park LLC of a change of ownership to Star Rider LLC.
View20-1000910/12/2020Registration of Lexvor as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View20-1000810/07/2020Notice by TracFone Wireless, Inc. d/b/a SafeLink Wireless, Simple Mobile, NET10, Total Wireless, Page Plus Cellular, TelCel, and Straight Talk of a new Total Wireless Lifeline service option.
View20-1000710/07/2020Amended Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of an Energy Supply Agreement with Callisto Enterprises LLC.
View20-1000610/05/2020Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale, filed under Advice Letter No. 2069, to revise Tariff No. C7-A to grandfather and later sunset Special Access Program Audio Service.
View20-1000510/05/2020Notice by Conterra Ultra Broadband, LLC, CUB Parent, Inc., EagleCrest CUB GP Inc., and Draden Investors, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View20-1000410/05/2020Notice by Boulder Flats Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct an approximately 10-mile long 230 kV transmission line to interconnect to the Boulder Flats Solar Project to be located near Boulder City in Clark County, Nevada.
View20-1000310/01/2020Amended Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale to amend its Provider of Last Resort service area pursuant to NRS 704.330(9)(b).
View20-1000210/01/2020Show Cause Proceeding to determine why Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity, Licenses, or Permits should not be revoked, why administrative fines should not be imposed, and/or why administrative action should not be taken on certain companies that did not timely meet their regulatory obligations for calendar year 2019 and/or the period July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020.
View20-1000110/01/2020Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale, filed under Advice Letter No. 2068, to revise its Guidebook to reduce the Federal Lifeline discount for Lifeline customers pursuant to Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 16-38.
View20-0902409/30/2020Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to recover costs of gas infrastructure replacement projects through the gas infrastructure replacement mechanism.
View20-0902309/29/2020Notice by Pioneer Mobile Home Ranch, LLC of a change of ownership to Ralph Martin and Linda Shepner.
View20-0902209/30/2020Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale that it will no longer provide a printed residential white pages directory upon request, however, it will continue to provide a single-line directory listing in electronic format.
View20-0902109/30/2020Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. NV2020-12, to revise Tariff No. 1A to add indemnification language and conditions pursuant to 47 CFR 9.16(b)(1) and (2), pertaining to Kari’s Law.
View20-0902009/29/2020Application of Citadel Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for permits to construct the Citadel Solar Project consisting of a 250 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a battery energy storage system, two 120 kV generation-tie lines, and associated facilities to be located approximately 10 miles east of Reno in Storey County, Nevada.
View20-0901909/28/2020Notice by Terra Nova Telecom, Inc. of its intent to request numbering resources for various rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View20-0901809/23/2020Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View20-0901709/23/2020Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304 and annual certification that price cap carrier is not seeking duplicative Eligible Recovery pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.915.
View20-0901609/22/2020Application of DesertXpress Enterprises, LLC d/b/a XpressWest for authority to operate a high-speed passenger rail system in Clark County, Nevada.
View20-0901509/17/2020Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to remove early termination fee and auto-renewal conditions and standardize the non-recurring charge for Frontier OneVoice.
View20-0901409/17/2020Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to introduce Frontier Residential Unlimited Voice Service bundle.
View20-0901309/17/2020Notice by Pantheon Solar LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Pantheon Solar Project consisting of a 1,000 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 1,000 MW battery energy storage system, and associated facilities to be located approximately 15 miles west of Ely in White Pine County, Nevada.
View20-0901209/16/2020Application of Libra Solar LLC under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Libra Solar Project consisting of a 700-MW solar photovoltaic power plant, a 700-MW battery energy storage system, an on-site substation, a 345-kV or 525-kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located approximately 11 miles southeast of Yerington in Lyon and Mineral Counties, Nevada.
View20-0901109/16/2020Registration of Telispire, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View20-0901009/15/2020Registration of 2600Hz, Inc. d/b/a ZSwitch as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View20-0900910/08/2020Application of MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services for approval of a change of name to MCI Communications Services LLC d/b/a Verizon Business Services for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2084 Sub 8.
View20-0900809/09/2020Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and ACN Communication Services, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 6 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View20-0900709/09/2020Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Peerless Network of Nevada, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 2 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View20-0900609/09/2020Application of Velocity The Greatest Phone Company Ever, Inc. for approval of a change of name to Velocity, A Managed Services Company, Inc. for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2930.
View20-0900509/04/2020Notice by EDF Renewables Development, Inc., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Playa del Sol Solar Project consisting of an up to 120 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View20-0900409/03/2020Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of renewable natural gas activity related to a Renewable Natural Gas Procurement Agreement with the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada.
View20-0900309/03/2020Application of GridLiance West LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for permits to construct upgrades to the existing Gamebird Substation consisting of the expansion of the substation by approximately 14 acres, a 230 kV transmission line, and associated facilities to be located south of Pahrump in Nye County, Nevada.
View20-0900209/01/2020Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for acceptance of their Joint Energy Supply Plan Update for 2021.
View20-0900109/01/2020Informational Report of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy concerning its natural gas resource planning activities.
View20-0802409/03/2020Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice, under Advice Letter No. 520, to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2020.
View20-0802308/31/2020Application of Great Basin Water Co. for authority to add or change a schedule to recover amounts accrued in the deferred account authorized by the Commission in Docket No. 18-11014 for decoupling of revenues from the quantity of water sold in the Cold Springs Division and for other relief properly related thereto.
View20-0802208/31/2020Investigation and Rulemaking to consider adopting a new regulation in Chapter 703 of the Nevada Administrative Code that would enable the Commission, with respect to certain late-filed reports or remittances by utilities, to impose a late fee in lieu of requiring utilities to appear and show cause for certain violations jurisdictional to the Commission.
View20-0802108/31/2020Application of Great Basin Water Co., Spanish Springs Division, filed under Advice Letter No. 6, to revise Water Tariff No. 1-W to implement the deferred water service adjustment rate mechanism relating to the Order issued in Docket No. 18-11014.
View20-0802008/31/2020Application of Smart Choice Communications, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View20-0801908/28/2020Application of Great Basin Water Co., filed under Advice Letter No. 5, to revise Tariff No. 1-W to modify Rendering and Payment of Bills Rule No. 5 to implement coordinated bill payment procedures and remedies in the event of future system-wide meter reading errors and to revise the time period for proration of bills for its Pahrump, Spring Creek, Spanish Springs, and Cold Springs Divisions.
View20-0801808/26/2020Application of Voxbeam Telecommunications Inc. d/b/a Magic Telecom to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3011.
View20-0801708/26/2020Notice by The Voice Application Network LLC of its intent to request numbering resources for various rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View20-0801608/25/2020Notice by Vonage Holdings Corp. of its intent to request numbering resources for the Las Vegas rate center from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View20-0801508/24/2020Registration of GloTell US, Corp. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View20-0801408/20/2020Investigation regarding resource adequacy and planning to ensure that electric utilities' supply of energy is sufficient to satisfy demands and maintain reliable, continuous service.
View20-0801308/14/2020Report by Solix, Inc., as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund, regarding fiscal year 2021 assessment recommendation concerning the minimum annual contribution and assessment rate on the intrastate retail revenues of all obligated providers of telecommunication services in Nevada.
View20-0801208/14/2020Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 20-03(G) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2020.
View20-0801108/14/2020Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 20-03(E) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2020.
View20-0801008/14/2020Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 20-03 to update excess energy credit rates for Net Metering Rider-A and to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2020.
View20-0800908/06/2020Application of McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, L.L.C. d/b/a PAETEC Business Services for approval to remove fictitious business name PAETEC Business Services for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2183 Sub 5.
View20-0800808/06/2020Application of EarthLink Business, LLC for approval of a change of name to Windstream New Edge, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2494 Sub 2.
View20-0800708/06/2020Application of DeltaCom, LLC d/b/a EarthLink Business I for approval to remove fictitious business name EarthLink Business I for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2181 Sub 4.
View20-0800608/10/2020Notice by FracTel, LLC of its intent to request numbering resources for various rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View20-0800508/07/2020Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff, Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("NPC"), and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("SPPC", together with NPC, "NV Energy") requesting the Commission accept stipulations regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law and Federal Pipeline Safety Regulations by NV Energy.
View20-0800408/11/2020Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-20-10, for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Frontier Residential Unlimited Voice Service bundle.
View20-0800308/11/2020Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-20-09, for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Frontier Residential Unlimited Voice Service bundle.
View20-0800208/06/2020Biannual filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy regarding the Solar Program, providing a status update and a summary of discussion from a meeting with industry stakeholders pursuant to NAC 701B.145.
View20-0800108/03/2020Notice by TracFone Wireless, Inc. d/b/a SafeLink Wireless, Simple Mobile, NET10, Total Wireless, Page Plus Cellular, TelCel, and Straight Talk of a new Straight Talk Lifeline service option.
View20-0703607/31/2020Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale, filed under Advice Letter No. 2067, to revise Access Service Tariff No. C13-A to clarify the terms and conditions of Maintenance of Service Charges and to revise Access Service Tariff No. C23-A to withdraw Dedicated Ethernet Service.
View20-0703508/03/2020Petition of Simple Power, Inc. for an Advisory Opinion or Declaratory Order finding that the owner and operator of rooftop solar systems to be constructed at 3400 Gypsum Road is not a public utility and that the residents do not need to own the premises on which they are built to be eligible to enroll in NMR-405.
View20-0703407/30/2020Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Nevada Gold Mines LLC ("NGM") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violation of Federal Pipeline Safety Regulations by NGM.
View20-0703307/29/2020Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and MCImetro Access Transmission Services Corp. for approval of Amendment No. 20 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View20-0703207/28/2020Show Cause Proceeding to determine whether Great Basin Water Co. - Pahrump Division should be assessed an administrative fine regarding its conduct in implementing the Deferred Water Service Adjustment authorized in Docket No. 16-12037.
View20-0703107/28/2020Investigation and Rulemaking to explore the propriety of tariff modifications and potential amendments to the Nevada Administrative Code in advancing the State's objectives regarding the over-appropriation of water in Basin 162.
View20-0703007/24/2020Application of Hot Pot Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Hot Pot Solar Project consisting of an approximately 350 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a battery energy storage system, a 345 kV generation-tie line, a 34.5 kV collector line, and associated facilities to be located approximately 30 miles east of Winnemucca in Humboldt County, Nevada.
View20-0702907/24/2020Application of Iron Point Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Iron Point II Solar Project consisting of an approximately 150 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a battery energy storage system, a 120 kV generation-tie line, a 34.5 kV collector line, and associated facilities to be located approximately 30 miles east of Winnemucca in Humboldt County, Nevada.
View20-0702807/22/2020Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy previously approved in Docket No. 95-3052.
View20-0702707/21/2020Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Cox Communications Las Vegas, Inc. ("Cox") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Cox.
View20-0702607/20/2020Joint Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy requesting deviation from NAC 704.9506 to defer the September 2020 filing of Updated Distributed Resource Plans.
View20-0702507/20/2020Application by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Greenlink West Transmission Line Project consisting of the expansion of the Harry Allen switching station and Northwest substation, new Amargosa and Esmeralda collector substations, a new Fort Churchill-Northwest 525 kV transmission line, a new Harry Allen-Northwest 525 kV transmission line, and associated facilities to be located in Clark, Nye, Esmeralda, Mineral, and Lyon counties, Nevada.
View20-0702407/20/2020Notice by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Greenlink North Transmission Line Project consisting of the expansion of the Robinson Summit substation, a new Lander substation, a new Fort Churchill-Robinson Summit 525 kV transmission line, and associated facilities to be located in White Pine, Eureka, Lander, Churchill, and Lyon Counties, Nevada.
View20-0702307/20/2020Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the fourth amendment to its 2018 Joint Integrated Resource Plan to update and modify the renewable portion of the Supply-Side Action Plan and the Transmission Action Plan.
View20-0702207/17/2020Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of its Solar Thermal Systems Demonstration Program Annual Plan for Program Year 2021.
View20-0702107/17/2020Notice by FracTel, LLC of its intent to request numbering resources for various rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View20-0702007/17/2020Notice by Twilio International, Inc. of its intent to request numbering resources for various rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View20-0701907/17/2020Registration of J Rhodes Enterprises LLC d/b/a Titanium Wireless as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View20-0701807/17/2020Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink, Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale, Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc., Cox Nevada Telecom, LLC, Cox Communications Las Vegas, Inc., Charter Communications Inc. and the Nevada Telecommunications Association to open a rulemaking docket to adopt a new regulation in Chapter 703 of the Nevada Administrative Code that would enable the Commission, with respect to certain late-filed reports or remittances by telecommunication companies, to impose a late fee instead of issuing an Order to Show Cause.
View20-0701707/16/2020Application of Great Basin Water Co. for authority to adjust its annual revenue requirement for water and sewer service rates charged to all classes of customers in the Spring Creek Division and for other relief properly related thereto.
View20-0701607/16/2020Char the Explorer, LLC vs. Dutchman Acres Water Company. Complaint regarding billing of water usage.
View20-0701507/15/2020Application of Great Basin Water Co. for authority to adjust its annual revenue requirement for water service rates charged to all classes of customers in the Cold Springs Division and for other relief properly related thereto.
View20-0701407/15/2020Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Artistic Fence Company, Inc. ("Artistic Fence") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Artistic Fence.
View20-0701307/28/2020Notice by Lingo Telecom of the West, LLC and Matrix Telecom, LLC d/b/a Clear Choice Communications, Excel Telecommunications, VarTec Telecom, and Lingo of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View20-0701207/10/2020Informational Report of Prospector Pipeline Company concerning its natural gas resource planning activities.
View20-0701107/13/2020Notice by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of an executed definitive agreement of Berkshire Hathaway Energy to acquire Dominion Energy’s natural gas transmission and storage business pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 13-07021.
View20-0701007/09/2020Notice of Brightlink of its intent to request numbering resources for the Las Vegas rate center from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View20-0700907/08/2020Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 632-E, to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to modify Net Metering Rider-405 Schedule No. NMR-405 to allow customers residing in condominium buildings to receive electric service under Schedule No. NMR-405.
View20-0700807/08/2020Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 507, to revise Tariff No. 1-B to modify Net Metering Rider-405 Schedule No. NMR-405 to allow customers residing in condominium buildings to receive electric service under Schedule No. NMR-405.
View20-0700707/02/2020Notice by SureTec Insurance Company on behalf of ComApp Technologies LLC of a bond cancellation for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3061.
View20-0700607/01/2020Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its 2020 Natural Gas Conservation and Energy Efficiency Plan Annual Report.
View20-0700507/01/2020Application of Great Basin Water Co., Pahrump Division, filed under Advice Letter No. 4, to revise Water Tariff No. 1-W to implement the deferred water service adjustment rate mechanism relating to the Order issued in Docket No. 16-12037.
View20-0700407/01/2020Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of their 2020 Combined Annual Electric Demand Side Management Update Report as it relates to the Action Plan of their 2019-2038 Joint Integrated Resource Plan.
View20-0700307/01/2020Public Utilities Commission of Nevada-sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Elko County, Nevada.
View20-0700207/01/2020Public Utilities Commission of Nevada-sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Clark County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View20-0700107/01/2020Public Utilities Commission of Nevada-sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Washoe County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View20-0604006/29/2020Application of the Nevada Department of Transportation for authority to alter the existing UPRR and 4th Street bridges, Bridge Nos. G-1233L and G-1233, over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks located at the I-580 crossing in Reno, Nevada.
View20-0603906/29/2020Application of Cathect Communications, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View20-0603806/29/2020Notice by Twilio International, Inc. of its intent to request numbering resources for various rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View20-0603706/26/2020Application of 326FW 8me LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Arida-Mohave Transmission Line Project consisting of a single or double circuit 500 kV transmission line extending from the Arida Solar Project substation to the Mohave Substation, and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View20-0603606/23/2020Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313.
View20-0603506/25/2020Notice by Highlands Wireless Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View20-0603406/19/2020Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-20-08, for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to grandfather Stay Connected Seasonal Offering.
View20-0603306/19/2020Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-20-07, for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to grandfather Stay Connected Seasonal Offering.
View20-0603206/22/2020Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 631-E, to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to implement Large Customer Market Price Energy Schedule No. LCMPE to allow eligible customers to receive bundled electric service, reflecting market price of energy, using energy resources that will not subject the customer to the imposition of an impact fee.
View20-0603106/22/2020Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 619-E, to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to implement Market Price Energy Schedule No. MPE to allow eligible customers to receive bundled electric service, reflecting market price of energy, using energy resources that will not subject the customer to the imposition of an impact fee.
View20-0603006/22/2020Filing by Boomerang Wireless, LLC d/b/a enTouch Wireless of Informational Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to Wireless Lifeline Program.
View20-0602906/19/2020Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View20-0602806/18/2020Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304 and annual certification that price cap carrier is not seeking duplicative Eligible Recovery pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.915.
View20-0602706/18/2020Filings by Eligible Telecommunications Carriers related to Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements pursuant to 47 CFR 54.314.
View20-0602606/22/2020Filing by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View20-0602506/12/2020Filing by Moapa Valley Telephone Company of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation ("CAF ICC") Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View20-0602406/12/2020Filing by Rural Telephone Company of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation ("CAF ICC") Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View20-0602306/12/2020Filing by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation ("CAF ICC") Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View20-0602206/11/2020Filing by Q LINK WIRELESS LLC of updated Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to wireless Lifeline plans and Tariff No. 2 to replace its Lifeline Advisory Tariff to reflect a change of company address.
View20-0602106/10/2020Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View20-0602006/11/2020Application of Gentry Place Mobile Home Park to withdraw $12,890.78 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View20-0601906/11/2020Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the South Reno Second Source Gas Project consisting of a 16-inch diameter steel high pressure distribution gas pipeline totaling 16 miles and multiple pressure regulating stations to be located in Storey and Washoe Counties, Nevada.
View20-0601806/10/2020Notice by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View20-0601706/09/2020Registration of DISH Wireless L.L.C. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View20-0601606/09/2020Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Henderson Masonry, LLC ("Henderson Masonry") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Henderson Masonry.
View20-0601506/03/2020Filing by Desert Utilities, Inc. requesting assistance of the Regulatory Operations Staff in preparing an application for a general rate change.
View20-0601406/05/2020Application of Nevada Gold Energy LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the TS Solar Project consisting of an approximately 200 MW alternating current photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 120 kV on-site substation, a 120 kV generation-tie line, an optional battery energy storage system, and associated facilities to be located in Eureka County, Nevada.
View20-0601306/04/2020Filing by Assurance Wireless USA, L.P. to update information.
View20-0601206/04/2020Filing by Sprint Spectrum L.P. d/b/a Sprint, Nextel or Sprint/Nextel to update information.
View20-0601106/03/2020Filing by MetroPCS Nevada, LLC d/b/a Metro by T-Mobile to update information.
View20-0601006/03/2020Filing by T-Mobile West LLC d/b/a T-Mobile to update information.
View20-0600906/03/2020Application of Gold Country Water Company, Inc. for approval to withdraw $14,519.18 in funds from its surcharge funds account to pay for replacement of the failed submersible motor, pump, and appurtenances at Well 2.
View20-0600806/03/2020Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to grandfather residential service offerings.
View20-0600706/02/2020Filing by Churchill County Board of Commissioners d/b/a CC Communications of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View20-0600606/02/2020Notice by Embarq Corporation, CenturyLink Public Communications, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink, and Inmate Calling Solutions, LLC d/b/a ICSolutions of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View20-0600506/02/2020Notice by Prospector Pipeline Company, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the TS Pipeline Project consisting of a private 12 to 16-inch diameter underground natural gas pipeline facility totaling approximately 22 miles and associated facilities to be located in Eureka and Elko Counties, Nevada.
View20-0600406/01/2020Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval to adjudicate and establish the cost recovery mechanism for the One Nevada Transmission Line reallocated revenue requirement pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 19-05002.
View20-0600306/01/2020Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to adjust its annual revenue requirement for general rates charged to all classes of electric customers and for relief properly related thereto.
View20-0600206/08/2020Registration of DISH Wireless L.L.C. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View20-0600106/01/2020Notice by Windstream Holdings, Inc., Broadview Networks, Inc., McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, L.L.C. d/b/a PAETEC Business Services, PaeTec Communications, LLC, Talk America, LLC, Windstream NuVox, LLC, Windstream Communications, LLC, DeltaCom, LLC d/b/a EarthLink Business I, and EarthLink Business, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View20-0503605/29/2020Filing by Filer Mutual Telephone Company of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View20-0503505/28/2020Filing by Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View20-0503405/29/2020Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada ("Beehive") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation establishing Beehive’s Nevada Universal Service Fund support amount for year 2021 and requesting deviation from NAC 704.68048(2).
View20-0503305/29/2020Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. ("Lincoln") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation establishing Lincoln’s Nevada Universal Service Fund support amount for years 2021 and 2022, requesting a waiver of the Order issued in Docket No. 16-01021, and requesting deviation from NAC 704.68048(2).
View20-0503206/03/2020Informational Report of Southwest Gas Corporation concerning its near-term natural gas resource planning activities.
View20-0503105/29/2020Joint Application of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Dutchman Acres Water Company ("DAWC") for authority to increase an existing rate surcharge to fully fund the principal and interest payments on DAWC’s State Revolving Fund loan debt, establish a cash reserve pursuant to NAC 704.600(1)(b), fund administrative fees, maintain a minimum bank balance to avoid maintenance fees, and for other relief properly related thereto.
View20-0503006/01/2020Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice, under Advice Letter No. 519, to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2020.
View20-0502905/28/2020Petition of RWLV CUP LLC ("RWLV CUP") for a Declaratory Order finding that the water services, natural gas, and electric services to be provided by RWLV CUP to the Resorts World Las Vegas Entertainment Complex do not constitute public utility services, nor is RWLV CUP required to obtain a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity or other exemption or permit from the Commission.
View20-0502805/27/2020Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to establish the Accumulated Deferred Interest rate in Southern Nevada pursuant to the Variable Interest Expense Recovery mechanism, Unrecovered Gas Cost Expense rates, system shrinkage rates, excess Imbalance Commodity and Reservation Charges, Renewable Energy Program Rates, General Revenues Adjustment rates, Conservation and Energy Efficiency rates, and Mesquite Infrastructure Expansion Rates.
View20-0502705/26/2020Notice by Filer Mutual Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View20-0502605/22/2020Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-20-06, for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to remove residential bundles which have no subscribers and are no longer promoted.
View20-0502505/22/2020Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-20-05, for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to remove residential bundles which have no subscribers and are no longer promoted.
View20-0502405/26/2020Notice by Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View20-0502305/22/2020Joint Application of Frontier Communications Corporation ("Frontier"), Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc., Frontier Communications of America, Inc., and Frontier Communications Online and Long Distance Inc. for a determination that the restructuring of Frontier to effectuate a pre-arranged plan of reorganization complies with NRS 704.329.
View20-0502205/21/2020Application of Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 20-2, to revise Tariff No. 1 to modify the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 18-01033.
View20-0502105/21/2020Application of Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 20-1, to revise Tariff No. 1 to reduce the Federal Lifeline discount for Lifeline customers pursuant to Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 16-38.
View20-0502005/20/2020Application of CenterPoint Energy Services, Inc. for approval of a change of name to Symmetry Energy Solutions, LLC for discretionary natural gas services conducted under License G-33.
View20-0501905/18/2020Filing by Assurance Wireless USA, L.P. of replacement Informational Tariff No. 1 to reflect change of name, remove the Sprint Corporation parent name, update trademark ownership information, update customer service address, and remove reference to the Federal Communication Commission's Lifeline Broadband change customer migration.
View20-0501805/18/2020Notice by Rural Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View20-0501705/18/2020Notice by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View20-0501605/18/2020Notice by Moapa Valley Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View20-0501505/18/2020Notice by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View20-0501405/15/2020Registration of Best Buy Health, Inc. d/b/a GreatCall as a commercial mobile radio service provider, notice of a transaction resulting in the transfer of control of GreatCall, Inc. ("GreatCall"), and request of GreatCall to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View20-0501305/15/2020Notice by FracTel, LLC of its intent to request numbering resources for various rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View20-0501205/15/2020Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 20-02(G) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2020.
View20-0501105/15/2020Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 20-02(E) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2020.
View20-0501005/15/2020Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 20-02 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2020.
View20-0500905/12/2020Application of White Cloud Networks NV, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View20-0500805/12/2020Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. NV2020-06, to revise Tariff No. 1A to clarify and standardize the Trouble Isolation Charge language.
View20-0500705/12/2020Registration of Mobi Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View20-0500605/11/2020Filing by Intrado Communications, LLC of updated corporate officer listing and contact information.
View20-0500505/08/2020Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and F & F Trenching, LLC ("F&F") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by F&F.
View20-0500405/04/2020Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 629-E to establish Customer Price Stability Tariff Schedule No. CPST ("the Program") to assist certain qualifying customers during the COVID-19 pandemic and economic downturn, and to address certain customer requests for price stability and potential cost savings in meeting customer-specific business needs and sustainability objectives.
View20-0500305/04/2020Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 504 to establish Customer Price Stability Tariff Schedule No. CPST (the "Program") to assist certain qualifying customers during the COVID-19 pandemic and economic downturn, and to address certain customer requests for price stability and potential cost savings in meeting customer-specific business needs and sustainability objectives.
View20-0500205/04/2020Filing by Frontier Communications Corporation of biennial audit report submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") pursuant to the FCC’s Final Lifeline Biennial Audit Plan.
View20-0500105/01/2020Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of its 2019 Conservation and Energy Efficiency Plan Annual Report.
View20-0403305/27/2020Application of BRIDGECONNEX, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View20-0403204/30/2020Notice by Great Basin Water Co. of its intent to file an application for adjustment in rates for its Cold Springs Division.
View20-0403104/30/2020Notice by Great Basin Water Co. of its intent to file an application for adjustment in rates for its Spring Creek Division.
View20-0403005/05/2020Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Desert Star Energy Center pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View20-0402905/05/2020Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Saguaro Power Company previously approved in Docket No. 94-4050.
View20-0402804/30/2020Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and BullsEye Telecom, Inc. for approval of a Resale Forbearance Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View20-0402704/30/2020Joint Petition of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink and BullsEye Telecom, Inc. for approval of a Resale Forbearance Amendment to their Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View20-0402604/23/2020Joint Petition of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada and BullsEye Telecom, Inc. for approval of a Local Resale Service Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View20-0402504/24/2020Notice by Ton 80 Communications, LLC of its intent to request numbering resources for various rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View20-0402404/23/2020Application of Ryze Renewables Las Vegas, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Ryze Renewables Pipeline Project consisting of a private 6-inch diameter underground natural gas pipeline totaling approximately 2 miles and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View20-0402304/16/2020Filing by CenturyLink, Inc. of biennial audit report submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") pursuant to the FCC’s Final Lifeline Biennial Audit Plan.
View20-0402204/15/2020Annual Report of Switch Ltd. on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2019.
View20-0402104/15/2020Annual Report of Exelon Generation Company, LLC on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2019.
View20-0402004/15/2020Annual Report of Macquarie Energy LLC on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2019.
View20-0401904/14/2020Annual Report of Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2019.
View20-0401804/14/2020Annual Report of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2019.
View20-0401704/13/2020Notice by Solar Partners VII, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct an up to 850 MW photovoltaic solar energy generating facility, including an 850 MW battery energy storage system, and associated facilities to be located approximately 45 miles north of Las Vegas in Clark County, Nevada.
View20-0401604/13/2020Filing by Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. of biennial audit report submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") pursuant to the FCC’s Final Lifeline Biennial Audit Plan.
View20-0401504/10/2020Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for a Declaratory Order regarding the applicability of Southwest Gas Corporation’s Northern Nevada Customer Owned Yard Line replacement program authorized in Docket No. 18-06004.
View20-0401404/10/2020Notice by FracTel, LLC of its intent to request numbering resources for various rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View20-0401304/10/2020Annual Report of Tenaska Power Services Co. on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2019.
View20-0401204/09/2020Filing by Commnet of Nevada, LLC of biennial audit report submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") pursuant to the FCC’s Final Lifeline Biennial Audit Plan.
View20-0401104/08/2020Application of Pershing Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for permits to construct the Pershing Solar Project consisting of a 240 MW alternating current photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 180 MW battery energy storage system, transmission lines, a generator-tie line, and associated facilities to be located approximately 4 miles north of Lovelock in Pershing County, Nevada.
View20-0401004/08/2020Biannual filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy regarding the Solar Program, providing a status update and a summary of discussion from a meeting with industry stakeholders pursuant to NAC 701B.145.
View20-0400904/07/2020Filing by Spark Energy Gas, LLC of updated corporate officer listing.
View20-0400804/06/2020Emergency Order regarding limited deviation from Commission regulations that require the mailing of physical copies during the state of emergency.
View20-0400704/06/2020Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to remove the Telecommunications Devices for the Speech or Hearing Impaired Fund per line rate while retaining the language and explanation of the surcharge.
View20-0400604/06/2020Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to remove the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge percentage rate while retaining the language and explanation of the surcharge.
View20-0400504/03/2020Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Contri Construction Company ("Contri") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Contri.
View20-0400404/02/2020Notice by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of its intent to file an application for adjustment in electric rates.
View20-0400304/02/2020Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and XO Communications Services, LLC for approval of the Reciprocal Compensation Bill and Keep Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View20-0400204/01/2020Application of Desert Utilities, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 8, to revise water Tariff No. 1 and sewer Tariff No. 2 to adjust rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View20-0400104/01/2020Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the quality of service metrics in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 15-06064.
View20-0303003/30/2020Application of Gold Country Water Company, Inc. for authority to modify Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 956 Sub 4 to expand its water service territory to include one residential lot contiguous to its existing service territory located in Humboldt County, Nevada.
View20-0302903/26/2020Revised registration of Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. for a change of name to Assurance Wireless USA, L.P.
View20-0302803/27/2020Filing by Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. of replacement Tariff No. 1 to reflect change of name to Assurance Wireless USA, L.P., update customer service address, and remove reference to the Federal Communication Commission's Lifeline Broadband change customer migration.
View20-0302704/06/2020Petition of Cox Nevada Telcom, LLC for the Commission to overturn a denial by Somos, Inc., the Numbering Pool Administrator, for four 1,000 number blocks for use in the Las Vegas rate center.
View20-0302603/25/2020Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Gothic Landscaping, Inc. ("Gothic") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Gothic.
View20-0302503/25/2020Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 630-E, to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to update the Demand Rate Reduction and BTGR Transition Rate in compliance with the transition schedule in Special Condition 3 of the Electric Vehicle Commercial Charging Rider Time-of-Use Schedule No. EVCCR-TOU.
View20-0302403/25/2020Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 505, to revise Tariff No. 1-B to update the Demand Rate Reduction and BTGR Transition Rate in compliance with the transition schedule in Special Condition 3 of the Electric Vehicle Commercial Charging Rider Time-of-Use Schedule No. EVCCR-TOU.
View20-0302303/24/2020Notice by TAG Mobile, LLC of temporary update to Wireless Lifeline Program in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
View20-0302203/24/2020Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View20-0302103/24/2020Emergency Order related to utility service and COVID-19.
View20-0302003/12/2020Application of Dutchman Acres Water Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 9, to revise Water Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View20-0301903/16/2020Registration of STX Group, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View20-0301803/18/2020Joint Application of Hesperia Liquid Gas d/b/a Pro Flame, Inc. ("Pro Flame") and AmeriGas Propane, L.P. d/b/a Hesperia Liquid Gas d/b/a ProFlame, Inc. ("AmeriGas") for approval of the transfer of Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2421 from Pro Flame to AmeriGas.
View20-0301703/13/2020Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Cyanco Company, LLC pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View20-0301603/13/2020Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Nevada Cogeneration Associates #2 pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View20-0301503/13/2020Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Nevada Cogeneration Associates #1 pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View20-0301403/12/2020Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and BCM One, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View20-0301303/09/2020Registration of Earthlink, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View20-0301203/04/2020Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. NV-20-01, to revise Tariff No. 3-B to modify language to include transport for Wholesale services pursuant to the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 18-141.
View20-0301103/04/2020Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-20-04, for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to remove the Telecommunications Devices for the Speech or Hearing Impaired Fund per line rate while retaining the language and explanation of the surcharge.
View20-0301003/04/2020Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-20-03, for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to remove the Telecommunications Devices for the Speech or Hearing Impaired Fund per line rate while retaining the language and explanation of the surcharge.
View20-0300903/04/2020Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-20-02, for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to remove the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge percentage rate while retaining the language and explanation of the surcharge.
View20-0300803/04/2020Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-20-01, for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to remove the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge percentage rate while retaining the language and explanation of the surcharge.
View20-0300703/03/2020Registration of 2600Hz, Inc. d/b/a ZSwitch as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View20-0300603/05/2020Application of CenterPoint Energy Services, Inc. ("CES") for approval of a proposed transaction to transfer control of CES to Athena Energy Services Buyer, LLC and for a change of name to Athena Buyer LLC for operations conducted under License No. G-33.
View20-0300503/02/2020Notice by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. of its intent to file an application for adjustment in rates.
View20-0300403/02/2020Notice by Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada of its intent to file an application for adjustment in rates.
View20-0300303/05/2020Notice by Fusion Cloud Services, LLC, Fusion Connect LLC, and Fusion Connect, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View20-0300203/04/2020Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. NV2020-04, to revise Tariff No. 1A to standardize and simplify the discontinuance of service provisions for customer-requested termination of residential service.
View20-0300103/03/2020Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, Inc. to withdraw $29,176.03 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View20-0203202/28/2020Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of a regulatory asset account to recover costs relating to the development and implementation of their Joint Natural Disaster Protection Plan.
View20-0203102/28/2020Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of their Joint Natural Disaster Protection Plan for the period 2021-2023.
View20-0203002/28/2020Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice, under Advice Letter No. 518, to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2020.
View20-0202902/28/2020Filing by the Regulatory Operations Staff of calendar year 2019 accounting report for each utility authorized to collect a rate surcharge pursuant to NAC 704.600(6).
View20-0202802/27/2020Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of natural gas expenses and to transfer any remaining balance in the Renewable Energy Program Rate regulatory asset at the end of the amortization period to the appropriate deferred energy balance.
View20-0202702/27/2020Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of fuel and purchased power expenses and to reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development charge, reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rates, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Program Rates, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rates, reset the Energy Efficiency Program Amortization Rate, reset the Energy Efficiency Implementation Amortization Rate, and refund the total amount of Base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rate revenue received in 2019, including carrying charges.
View20-0202602/27/2020Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of fuel and purchased power expenses and to reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development charge, reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rates, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Program Rates, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rates, reset the Energy Efficiency Program Amortization Rate, reset the Energy Efficiency Implementation Amortization Rate, and refund the total amount of Base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rate revenue received in 2019, including carrying charges.
View20-0202502/27/2020Report of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy on the progress of its Action Plan relative to its 2019-2038 Integrated Resource Plan.
View20-0202402/27/2020Investigation and Rulemaking to adopt a new regulation in Chapter 455 of the Nevada Administrative Code regarding damage to subsurface installations while using hand tools.
View20-0202302/28/2020Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to increase its retail natural gas utility service rates for Southern and Northern Nevada.
View20-0202202/25/2020Notice by Vonage Holdings Corp. of its intent to request numbering resources for the Las Vegas rate center from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View20-0202102/21/2020Application of Verdi Meadows Utility Company, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 7, to revise Water Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View20-0202002/24/2020Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Southwest Gas Corporation ("SWG") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by SWG.
View20-0201902/21/2020Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 16, to revise Water Tariff No. 1A and Sewer Tariff No. 1A to adjust rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View20-0201802/21/2020Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the Economic Development Electric Rate Rider Program pursuant to NAC 704.8958.
View20-0201702/21/2020Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the Economic Development Electric Rate Rider Program pursuant to NAC 704.8958.
View20-0201602/20/2020Notice by Ton 80 Communications, LLC of its intent to request numbering resources for various rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View20-0201502/19/2020Application of West Telecom Services, LLC for approval of a change of name to Intrado Communications, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2664 Sub 4.
View20-0201402/19/2020Application of Spirit Mountain Utility Company, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 6, to revise Water Tariff No. 2 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View20-0201302/18/2020Application of Gold Country Water Company, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 9, to revise Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View20-0201202/14/2020Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 20-01(G) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2020.
View20-0201102/14/2020Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 20-01(E) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2020.
View20-0201002/14/2020Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 20-01 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2020.
View20-0200902/13/2020Notice by Machaen Enterprises, Inc. on behalf of IDT America Corp. of a bond renewal.
View20-0200802/13/2020Application of Star City Property Owners Association to voluntarily discontinue water service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2967.
View20-0200702/12/2020Notice by the Regulatory Operations Staff of the 2020 range of reasonable returns on equity for water and sewer utilities.
View20-0200602/13/2020Request of Southwestco Wireless, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Wireless to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View20-0200502/10/2020Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and CLEC, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 2 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View20-0200402/10/2020Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and WANRack, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View20-0200302/11/2020Registration of Gabb Wireless, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View20-0200202/06/2020Application of Q LINK WIRELESS LLC to expand its designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the State of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934.
View20-0200102/05/2020Notice by Grasshopper Group, LLC, Logan Parent, LLC, and LogMeIn, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View20-0104201/31/2020Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and BullsEye Telecom, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 4 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View20-0104102/06/2020Application of AmeriGas Propane, L.P. d/b/a Bi-State Propane for approval to use an alternative method to determine margin rates and for a determination that its margin rates for the preceding fiscal year were just and reasonable.
View20-0104001/31/2020Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of annual plans for the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program, the Wind Energy Systems Demonstration Program, the Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Program, the Energy Storage and Lower Income components of the Solar Program, and the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstration Program for Program Year 2020-2021.
View20-0103901/30/2020Petition of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. for review and approval of its 2020 Carrier-to-Carrier Performance Assurance Plan.
View20-0103801/30/2020Investigation and Rulemaking regarding utility infrastructure colocation issues and associated costs related to implementing Natural Disaster Protection Plans.
View20-0103701/31/2020Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 626-E, to revise Electric Tariff No. 2 to submit short-term avoided cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities pursuant to Schedule CSPP - Short-Term.
View20-0103601/30/2020Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 501, to revise Electric Tariff No. 1-B to reflect the avoided short-term cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities pursuant to Qualifying Facilities Schedule QF - Short Term.
View20-0103501/30/2020Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and V.T. Construction, Inc. ("VT Construction") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by VT Construction.
View20-0103401/30/2020Application of Securus Technologies, Inc. for approval of a change of name to Securus Technologies, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2407 Sub 3.
View20-0103301/30/2020Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Western States Contracting, Inc. ("Western States") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Western States.
View20-0103201/30/2020Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff to open an investigation and rulemaking docket to adopt a new regulation in Chapter 455 of the Nevada Administrative Code regarding damage to subsurface installations while using hand tools.
View20-0103101/28/2020Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Entelegent Solutions, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View20-0103001/27/2020Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and CBTS Technology Solutions LLC for approval of an Interconnection and/or Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View20-0102901/28/2020Application of West Safety Communications Inc. for approval of a change of name to Intrado Safety Communications, Inc. for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2689 Sub 2.
View20-0102801/24/2020Application of the Department of Health and Human Services Aging and Disability Services Division for approval of a State Fiscal Year ("SFY") 2021 telecommunication device for the deaf surcharge that is calculated based on its legislatively approved budget for SFY 2021.
View20-0102701/24/2020Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to include an increase to residential and business non-recurring service charges.
View20-0102601/23/2020Filing by Spark Energy Gas, LLC of updated legal counsel contact information.
View20-0102501/21/2020Filings by Eligible Telecommunications Carriers of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 555 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements.
View20-0102401/21/2020Application of CEI Switch Citadel OpCo, LLC under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Citadel Solar Project consisting of a 250 MW alternating current photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, two 120 kV generation-tie power lines, and associated facilities to be located approximately 10 miles east of Reno in Storey County, Nevada.
View20-0102301/17/2020Application of Gentry Place Mobile Home Park to withdraw $949.75 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View20-0102201/17/2020Application of Rosemount Water Company for authority to increase rates and charges for water service.
View20-0102101/17/2020Notice by HFA Services LLC d/b/a Call48 of its intent to request numbering resources for various rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View20-0102001/21/2020Complaint of PHWLV, LLC d/b/a Planet Hollywood Las Vegas against Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy regarding the amounts paid for electric service.
View20-0101901/16/2020Filing by Telrite Corporation d/b/a Life Wireless of updated Informational Tariff No. 2 that includes updates to Wireless Lifeline Program.
View20-0101801/13/2020Registration of Bell Atlantic Mobile Systems LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View20-0101701/08/2020Notice by Lingo Telecom of the West, LLC, Lingo Communications, LLC, Matrix Telecom, LLC d/b/a Clear Choice Communications, Excel Telecommunications, and VarTec Telecom, and Garrison LM LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View20-0101601/07/2020Salvatore Veltre Jr. vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("NV Energy"). Compliant regarding customer being denied electric service provided by NV Energy.
View20-0101501/09/2020Application of Tolas Mobile Home Park to withdraw $22,036.50 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to upgrade the electric distribution system.
View20-0101401/10/2020Application of Deluxe Mobile Home Park to withdraw $14,982.35 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to upgrade the electric distribution system.
View20-0101301/06/2020Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Landscape Specialties Inc d/b/a LSI ("LSI") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by LSI.
View20-0101201/02/2020Filing by Assist Wireless, LLC to update information.
View20-0101101/02/2020Filings by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of its monthly financial statements and quarterly calculations of its earned rate(s) of return and returns on equity for the Nevada jurisdiction pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 13-07021.
View20-0101001/02/2020Applications for calendar year 2020 received by a utility under the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program.
View20-0100901/02/2020Reports from electric and gas utilities operating in Nevada of transactions and calculations affecting the deferred energy accounts pursuant to NAC 704.195 for calendar year 2020.
View20-0100801/02/2020Rail Safety FRA Form 96 Inspection Reports for calendar year 2020.
View20-0100701/02/2020Pipeline Safety Enforcement Actions and Inspection Reports by the Regulatory Operations Staff pursuant to 49 CFR 191 and 192 for calendar year 2020.
View20-0100601/02/2020One Call Enforcement Actions and Inspection Reports by the Regulatory Operations Staff pursuant to NRS 455 for calendar year 2020.
View20-0100501/02/2020Annual Reports for calendar year 2019 submitted by Telecommunication companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191 and NAC 704.7483.
View20-0100401/02/2020Annual Reports for calendar year 2019 submitted by Mobile Home Parks operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 704.960 and NAC 704.987.
View20-0100301/02/2020Annual Reports for calendar year 2019 submitted by Water and Wastewater companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191, NAC 703.199, and NAC 704.225.
View20-0100201/02/2020Annual Reports for calendar year 2019 submitted by Electric, Natural Gas, LPG, Geothermal, Alternative Sellers, and Railroad companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191 and NAC 704.225.
View20-0100101/02/2020Reports from public utilities operating in Nevada of accidents or significant service outages occurring during calendar year 2020 pursuant to NRS 704.190 and NAC 704.230.
View19-1202912/31/2019Application of Great Basin Water Co. for authority to adjust its annual revenue requirement for water and sewer service rates charged to all classes of customers in the Pahrump Division and for other relief properly related thereto.
View19-1202812/30/2019Klondike Holding, LLC vs. Great Basin Water Co., Spring Creek Division. Complaint regarding Great Basin Water Co. refusing to provide water service due to insufficient water right allocation.
View19-1202712/27/2019Notice by Southwest Gas Corporation of its intent to file an application for adjustment in rates.
View19-1202612/26/2019Rulemaking to consider amending NAC 704.660 and 704.662 to allow the Commission more flexibility in considering cost-of-service studies in advance of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy’s 2020 general rate case.
View19-1202512/24/2019Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 332-G, to revise Gas Main Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the Tax Gross-up Rate.
View19-1202412/24/2019Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 625-E, to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the Tax Gross-up Rate.
View19-1202312/24/2019Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 499, to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the Tax Gross-up Rate.
View19-1202212/23/2019Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of its 2019 Status Report on the Mesquite Expansion Project.
View19-1202112/23/2019Application of Securus Technologies, Inc. for approval of a change of name to Securus Technologies, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2407 Sub 3.
View19-1202012/23/2019Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View19-1201912/20/2019Investigation and Rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations regarding review of long-term natural gas procurement practices pursuant to NRS 704.185 and 704.991 and requirements for long-term natural gas forecasting.
View19-1201812/20/2019Filing by TerraCom Inc. of updated Advisory Tariff No. 1 that includes updates to Wireless Lifeline Program.
View19-1201712/19/2019Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of an Energy Supply Agreement with Lumen Group LLC.
View19-1201612/20/2019Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 500, to revise Tariff No. 1-B to implement Large Customer Market Price Energy Schedule No. LCMPE to allow eligible customers to receive bundled electric service, reflecting market price of energy, using energy resources that will not subject the customer to the imposition of an impact fee.
View19-1201512/27/2019Application of Correct Solutions, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View19-1201412/19/2019Filing by Global Connection Inc. of America d/b/a STAND UP WIRELESS of updated Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to wireless Lifeline plans.
View19-1201312/18/2019Notice by Allegiant Networks, LLC of its intent to begin providing Interconnected Voice-over Internet Protocol services.
View19-1201212/17/2019Filing by TAG Mobile, LLC of revised Lifeline wireless service plans.
View19-1201112/12/2019Filing by American Broadband and Telecommunications Company of updated service offerings to wireless Lifeline plans.
View19-1201012/13/2019Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-19-13, for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to remove multi-party and measured service customer language from Vacation Get Away Service.
View19-1200912/13/2019Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-19-12, for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to remove multi-party and measured service customer language from Vacation Get Away Service.
View19-1200812/13/2019Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. NV-19-02, to revise Tariff No. 3-B to conform Wholesale services to the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 18-141.
View19-1200701/08/2020Joint Petition of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada and NGA 911, L.L.C. for approval of an Interconnection and Traffic Interchange Agreement for Commercial Mobile Radio Service pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View19-1200612/12/2019Joint Petition of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and NGA 911, L.L.C. for approval of an Interconnection and Traffic Interchange Agreement for Commercial Mobile Radio Service pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View19-1200512/13/2019Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to remove multi-party and measured service customer language from Vacation Get Away Service.
View19-1200401/03/2020Application of Matrix Telecom, LLC d/b/a Clear Choice Communications, Excel Telecommunications, and VarTec Telecom for approval to add fictitious business name Lingo for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 994 Sub 6.
View19-1200312/10/2019Filing by Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. of updated Informational Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to Lifeline Assistance Plan to include a charge for the replacement of a lost or stolen phone.
View19-1200212/03/2019Application of Common Point LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2988.
View19-1200112/06/2019Filing by Spark Energy Gas, LLC to update license information regarding a settlement agreement between the Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority and an affiliate.
View19-1103212/06/2019Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. NV-19-01, to revise Tariff No. 4-C to reduce the Federal Lifeline discount for Lifeline customers who do not subscribe to a Lifeline eligible broadband product pursuant to Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 16-38.
View19-1103111/27/2019Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice, under Advice Letter No. 517, to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2020.
View19-1103011/27/2019Notice by Telnyx LLC of its intent to request numbering resources for various rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View19-1102911/22/2019Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to include an increase to Feature Pack rates for residential bundles.
View19-1102812/03/2019Notice by TracFone Wireless, Inc. d/b/a SafeLink Wireless, Simple Mobile, NET10, Total Wireless, Page Plus Cellular, TelCel, and Straight Talk of a change in terms and conditions of service for Lifeline customers of SafeLink Wireless.
View19-1102711/19/2019Application of CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3037.
View19-1102611/19/2019Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and VersaGrade, Inc. ("VersaGrade") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by VersaGrade.
View19-1102511/18/2019Application of Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects, filed under Advice Letter No. 73, to revise Tariff No. 1 to reduce the Federal Lifeline discount for Lifeline customers pursuant to Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 16-38.
View19-1102411/18/2019Proceeding to revoke Commercial Mobile Radio Service ("CMRS") provider registration number CMRS 134 and Eligible Telecommunications Carrier status held by Blue Jay Wireless, LLC pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 18-09010.
View19-1102311/19/2019Application of Operator Service Company, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 1048 Sub 2.
View19-1102211/18/2019Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 624-E, for approval of a Portfolio Charge to be applicable to Newmont Mining Corporation under Rate Schedule GS-4-NG for calendar year 2020 to recover the additional costs required to meet the Nevada Portfolio Standard.
View19-1102111/15/2019Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Metropolitan Telecommunications of Nevada, Inc. d/b/a MetTel for approval of Amendment No. 4 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View19-1102011/18/2019Notice by HD Carrier LLC of its intent to request numbering resources for various rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View19-1101911/15/2019Investigation to revise Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy's and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy's NV GreenEnergy Rider schedules as appropriate.
View19-1101811/15/2019Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 19-04(G) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2020.
View19-1101711/15/2019Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 19-04(E) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2020.
View19-1101611/15/2019Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 19-04 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2020.
View19-1101511/14/2019Application of Rough Hat Clark, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Rough Hat Clark Solar Project consisting of an up to 400 MW alternating current photovoltaic solar energy generation facility, a generation-tie transmission line, and associated facilities to be located on federally-managed land in Clark County, Nevada.
View19-1101411/14/2019Notice by Hamel Renewables, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Rough Hat Nye County Solar Project consisting of an up to 500 MW photovoltaic solar energy generation facility, generation-tie transmission lines, and associated facilities to be located in Nye County, Nevada.
View19-1101311/14/2019Filing by Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. of updated Informational Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to Lifeline Assistance Broadband Plan.
View19-1101211/14/2019Application of Occidental Energy Marketing, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue service as an alternative seller of natural gas conducted under License No. G-7.
View19-1101111/13/2019Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Granite Construction Company ("Granite Construction") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Granite Construction.
View19-1101011/12/2019Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to introduce Live Operator fee when a customer chooses to connect to a live operator.
View19-1100911/12/2019Notice by Securus Technologies, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View19-1100811/08/2019Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Cruz Construction Company, Inc. ("Cruz Construction") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Cruz Construction.
View19-1100711/07/2019Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 623-E, to revise Interruptible Irrigation Service Schedule No. IS-2 to increase the IS-2 rate.
View19-1100611/07/2019Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 498, to revise Interruptible Agricultural Irrigation Water Pumping Schedule No. IAIWP to increase the IAIWP rate.
View19-1100511/12/2019Notice by Mpower Communications Corp. d/b/a TPx Communications, U.S. TelePacific Corp. d/b/a TPX Communications, U.S. TelePacific Holdings Corp., and Tango Private Holdings II, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View19-1100411/06/2019Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 622-E, to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to modify the Electric Vehicle Recharge Rider ("EVRR") to add Critical Peak Program ("CPP") and CPP with Daily Demand Pricing as time of use schedules eligible for EVRR and to remove reference to cancelled Net Metering schedules.
View19-1100311/06/2019Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 497, to revise Tariff No. 1-B to modify the Electric Vehicle Recharge Rider ("EVRR") to add Critical Peak Program ("CPP") and CPP with Daily Demand Pricing as time of use schedules eligible for EVRR and to remove reference to cancelled Net Metering schedules.
View19-1100211/04/2019Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of tax adjustment pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 00-1028.
View19-1100111/01/2019Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Campbell Construction Co., Inc. ("Campbell Construction") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada’s One Call Law by Campbell Construction.
View19-1003110/29/2019Registration of iTalk Mobile Corporation as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View19-1003010/31/2019Notice by Great Basin Water Co. of its intent to file an application for adjustment in rates for its Spring Creek Division.
View19-1002910/31/2019Notice by Great Basin Water Co. of its intent to file an application for adjustment in rates for its Pahrump Division.
View19-1002810/30/2019Application of Rural Telephone Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 39, to revise Tariff No. 1 to reduce the Federal Lifeline discount for Lifeline customers pursuant to Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 16-38.
View19-1002710/31/2019Application of 325MK 8me LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Eagle Shadow Mountain Interconnection Facilities consisting of a 230 kV terminal addition and associated facilities within the Reid Gardner Substation located in Clark County, Nevada.
View19-1002610/28/2019Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 22, to revise Tariff No. 1A to reduce the Federal Lifeline discount for Lifeline customers pursuant to Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 16-38.
View19-1002510/28/2019Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 20, to revise Tariff No. 2A to reduce the Federal Lifeline discount for Lifeline customers pursuant to Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 16-38.
View19-1002410/28/2019Petition of ACT Commodities, Inc. for an Advisory Opinion or Declaratory Order as to whether a Demand Side Management Credit may be used for compliance purposes, pursuant to NRS 704.7821, by an entity that is different from the entity that originally generated the credit.
View19-1002310/24/2019Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Gradex Construction Company ("Gradex Construction") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada’s One Call Law by Gradex Construction.
View19-1002210/23/2019Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and RLO Equipment, Inc. d/b/a Apache Electric ("Apache Electric") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada’s One Call Law by Apache Electric.
View19-1002110/22/2019Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale, filed under Advice Letter No. 2066, to revise its Guidebook to reduce the Federal Lifeline discount for Lifeline customers pursuant to Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 16-38 and to modify language to improve readability.
View19-1002010/21/2019Application of Digital Technology Solutions, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View19-1001910/18/2019Filing by Spark Energy Gas, LLC of updated corporate officer listing.
View19-1001810/18/2019Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 621-E, to revise Electric Tariff No. 2 to cancel Schedule Nos. LCSPP86 and LCSPP87.
View19-1001710/18/2019Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to include rate increases to certain Directory Listing rates and to modify language regarding nonrecurring charges for Frontier Digital Phone Unlimited bundles.
View19-1001610/17/2019Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. 19-13, to revise Tariff No. 1A to reduce the Federal Lifeline credit when the credit is applied toward a qualifying voice service and to add clarifying language regarding qualifying services pursuant to Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 16-38.
View19-1001510/17/2019Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. 19-13, to revise its Guidebook to reduce the Federal Lifeline credit when the credit is applied toward a qualifying voice service and to add clarifying language regarding qualifying services pursuant to Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 16-38.
View19-1001410/15/2019Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-19-11, for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to reduce the Federal Lifeline discount for Lifeline customers who do not subscribe to a Lifeline eligible broadband product pursuant to Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 16-38.
View19-1001310/15/2019Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-19-10, for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to reduce the Federal Lifeline discount for Lifeline customers who do not subscribe to a Lifeline eligible broadband product pursuant to Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 16-38.
View19-1001210/16/2019Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of an Energy Supply Agreement with LV Stadium Events Company, LLC and LVR Real Property, LLC.
View19-1001110/16/2019Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 496, to revise Tariff No. 1-B to implement Market Price Energy Schedule No. MPE to allow eligible customers to receive bundled electric service, reflecting market price of energy, using energy resources that will not subject the customer to the imposition of an impact fee.
View19-1001010/16/2019Notice by Fatbeam, LLC, Fatbeam Holdings, LLC, and SDC Capital Partners, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View19-1000910/14/2019Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Terra Contracting, Inc. ("Terra Contracting") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada’s One Call Law by Terra Contracting.
View19-1000810/11/2019Application of Safelink Internet LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View19-1000710/08/2019Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale to voluntarily relinquish designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the State of Nevada.
View19-1000610/07/2019Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to establish debt issuance authorizations based on a debt ceiling of $3,200.0 million.
View19-1000510/07/2019Show Cause Proceeding to determine why Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity, Licenses, or Permits should not be revoked, why administrative fines should not be imposed, and/or why administrative action should not be taken on certain companies that did not timely meet their regulatory obligations for calendar year 2018 and/or the period July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2019.
View19-1000410/07/2019Notice by Arrow Canyon Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct a 200 MW photovoltaic solar energy generation facility, generation-tie transmission lines, and associated facilities to be located approximately 25 miles northeast of Las Vegas in Clark County, Nevada.
View19-1000310/03/2019Registration of Mint Mobile LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View19-1000210/01/2019Joint Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of their Energy Storage Device Data and Metering Report pursuant to the Order issued in Docket Nos. 17-06014 and 17-06015.
View19-1000110/01/2019Amended Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to recover costs of gas infrastructure replacement projects through the gas infrastructure replacement mechanism.
View19-0902410/22/2019Application of Claro Enterprise Solutions, LLC. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View19-0902309/30/2019Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. 19-11, to revise Tariff No. 1A to modify the Federal Lifeline terms and conditions in support of the launch of the National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier to comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 16-38 and to delete references to de-tariffed IntraLATA Wide Area Telecommunications Services.
View19-0902209/30/2019Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. 19-11, to revise its Guidebook to modify the Federal Lifeline terms and conditions in support of the launch of the National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier to comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 16-38.
View19-0902110/03/2019Petition of Teleport Communications America, LLC for the Commission to overturn a denial by Somos, Inc., the North American Numbering Plan Administrator, for one 1,000 number block for use in the Carson City rate center.
View19-0902009/24/2019Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and NHC Communications for approval of a Local Wholesale Solutions Complete Service Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View19-0901909/24/2019Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and NHC Communications for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View19-0901809/26/2019Investigation and Rulemaking to consider amending certain regulations contained in Chapter 455 of the Nevada Administrative Code regarding information provided to the association of operators on the location of subsurface installations.
View19-0901709/25/2019Amended Petition of Southwest Gas Corporation ("SWG") requesting the Commission determine whether completion of certain gas infrastructure replacement ("GIR") projects approved by the Commission in Docket No. 18-06004 are required to be completed on an accelerated basis, whether the decelerated completion of these GIR projects would exacerbate a safety and reliability concern and negatively affect SWG’s ability to provide safe and reliable service, and whether these projects may instead be replaced in the normal course of business.
View19-0901609/24/2019Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View19-0901509/24/2019Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304 and annual certification that price cap carrier is not seeking duplicative Eligible Recovery pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.915.
View19-0901409/26/2019Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-19-09, for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to grandfather certain residential bundles and to change language for Frontier Digital Phone Unlimited and Frontier Digital Phone Unlimited Plus making non-recurring charges no longer applicable for establishing service.
View19-0901309/26/2019Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-19-08, for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to grandfather certain residential bundles and to change language for Frontier Digital Phone Unlimited and Frontier Digital Phone Unlimited Plus making non-recurring charges no longer applicable for establishing service.
View19-0901209/24/2019Petition of Pilot Pipeline LLC for a non-emergency special permit to deviate from certain state and federal pipeline safety regulations regarding use of composite pipe in building and operating a gas transmission pipeline.
View19-0901109/18/2019Investigation and Rulemaking to consider, amend, and/or adopt regulations establishing increased leak survey requirements for distribution pipelines transporting natural gas and/or liquefied petroleum gas.
View19-0901009/17/2019Application of Combined Public Communications, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View19-0900909/16/2019Biannual filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy regarding the Solar Program, providing a status update and a summary of discussion from a meeting with industry stakeholders pursuant to NAC 701B.145.
View19-0900809/13/2019Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and WANRack, LLC for approval of an Interconnection and/or Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View19-0900709/11/2019Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Northwest Landscape & Maintenance LLC ("Northwest") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada’s One Call Law by Northwest.
View19-0900609/10/2019Notice by Combined Public Communications, LLC of its intent to do business in the State of Nevada as a provider of inmate services.
View19-0900509/11/2019Application of Electric Lightwave, LLC d/b/a Integra Telecom for approval of a change of fictitious business name to Allstream for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2232 Sub 3.
View19-0900409/11/2019Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Curtis & Sons Construction, Inc. ("Curtis & Sons Construction") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada’s One Call Law by Curtis & Sons Construction.
View19-0900309/19/2019Application of Local Access LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3030.
View19-0900209/04/2019Application of Harry Allen Solar Energy LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct a temporary water pipeline associated with the Harry Allen Solar Energy Center Project to be located approximately 15 miles north of Las Vegas in Clark County, Nevada.
View19-0900109/03/2019Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and R & N Construction LLC ("R & N Construction") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada’s One Call Law by R & N Construction.
View19-0803509/03/2019Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice, under Advice Letter No. 516, to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2019.
View19-0803408/30/2019Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for acceptance of their Joint Energy Supply Plan Update for 2020-2021.
View19-0803308/29/2019Notice by Lithium Nevada Corp. of Plan of Operations submitted to Bureau of Land Management to construct and operate the Thacker Pass Project in northern Humboldt County, Nevada.
View19-0803209/11/2019Notice by Zayo Group, LLC, Electric Lightwave, LLC d/b/a Integra Telecom and Front Range TopCo, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View19-0803109/06/2019Notice by TracFone Wireless, Inc. d/b/a SafeLink Wireless, Simple Mobile, NET10, Total Wireless, Page Plus Cellular, TelCel, and Straight Talk of a change in terms and conditions of service for Lifeline customers of SafeLink Wireless.
View19-0803008/29/2019Informational Report of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy concerning its natural gas resource planning activities.
View19-0802908/26/2019Notice by FracTel, LLC of its intent to request numbering resources for various rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View19-0802808/26/2019Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff to open an investigation and rulemaking docket for regulations contained in Chapter 455 of the Nevada Administrative Code regarding information provided to the association of operators on the location of subsurface installations.
View19-0802708/23/2019Report by Solix, Inc., as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund, regarding fiscal year 2020 assessment recommendation concerning the minimum annual contribution and assessment rate on the intrastate retail revenues of all obligated providers of telecommunication services in Nevada.
View19-0802608/23/2019Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to include rate increases to certain Custom Calling Service features.
View19-0802508/22/2019Notice by Ooma, Inc of its intent to begin providing Interconnected Voice-over Internet Protocol services.
View19-0802408/23/2019Petition of Nevada Gold Mines LLC for a waiver of the material requirements for the construction of a new natural gas pipeline from the Ruby Pipeline to the Long Canyon Mine.
View19-0802308/30/2019Filing by i-wireless, LLC d/b/a Access Wireless of updated Advisory Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to wireless Lifeline plans.
View19-0802208/20/2019Petition of Arrow Canyon Solar, LLC for an Advisory Opinion or Declaratory Order as to whether a renewable energy facility of less than 70 MW is considered a utility facility pursuant to NRS 704.860(1) when it is part of a larger project that is not required to obtain a Utility Environmental Protection Act Permit.
View19-0802108/19/2019Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff to open an investigatory and rulemaking docket to amend certain regulations contained in Chapter 703 of the Nevada Administrative Code regarding annual leak surveys of distribution pipelines transporting natural gas and/or liquefied petroleum gas.
View19-0802008/19/2019Application of AmeriGas Propane, L.P. for authority to provide liquefied petroleum gas service to Pineview Estates in Gardnerville, Nevada.
View19-0801908/21/2019Petition of UC Won, L.L.C. for a Declaratory Order finding that a renewable energy facility that delivers energy on a retail basis to only one customer is not subject to regulation by the Commission and not subject to the requirements of Chapter 704 of the Nevada Revised Statutes.
View19-0801808/15/2019Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 19-03(G) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2019.
View19-0801708/15/2019Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 19-03(E) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2019.
View19-0801608/15/2019Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 19-03 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2019.
View19-0801508/14/2019Application of Great Basin Water Co., filed under Advice Letter No. 3, to revise Tariff No. 1-W to consolidate and coordinate tariffs for its Pahrump and Spring Creek Divisions.
View19-0801408/14/2019Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Sommercal Construction Inc. ("Sommercal Construction") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada’s One Call Law by Sommercal Construction.
View19-0801308/13/2019Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Sunstate Companies, LLC ("Sunstate") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada’s One Call Law by Sunstate.
View19-0801208/12/2019Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale, filed under Advice Letter No. 2065, to revise its Guidebook to modify the Lifeline service description and incorporate the adoption of the National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier.
View19-0801108/09/2019Notice by Fusion Cloud Services, LLC, Fusion Connect, Inc., Fusion LLC, and Telecom Holdings LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View19-0801008/08/2019Petition of Cypress Creek Renewables, LLC for an Advisory Opinion or Declaratory Order as to whether a solar bifacial test facility constitutes a utility facility pursuant to NRS 704.860(1).
View19-0800908/07/2019Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to introduce a promotional offering for new Digital Phone customers who purchase qualifying broadband services.
View19-0800808/07/2019Notice by Exiant Communications LLC of its intent to request numbering resources for the Las Vegas and Reno rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View19-0800708/06/2019Joint Petition of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink and Teliax, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View19-0800608/06/2019Joint Petition of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink and Teliax, Inc. for approval of the Carrier Partner for Interconnected VoIP Provider Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View19-0800508/05/2019Application of Mitel Cloud Services, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 1096 Sub 4.
View19-0800408/02/2019Filing by Rosemount Water Company requesting assistance of the Regulatory Operations Staff in preparing an application for a general rate change.
View19-0800308/01/2019Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale, filed under Advice Letter No. 2064, to revise Access Tariff No. C2-A to increase the Cost Assessment Charge for business customers subscribing to AT&T Dedicated Ethernet service.
View19-0800208/01/2019Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and ICG Construction LLC ("ICG") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by ICG.
View19-0800108/01/2019Filings by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of its monthly financial statements and quarterly calculations of its earned rate(s) of return and returns on equity for the Nevada jurisdiction pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 13-07021.
View19-0702207/30/2019Application of Legent Comm LLC d/b/a Long Distance America d/b/a Long Distance Services to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2944 Sub 1.
View19-0702107/25/2019Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and CSC Wireless, LLC d/b/a Altice Mobile and Altice USA Wireless for approval of a Two-Way CMRS Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View19-0702007/25/2019Notice by Solar Partners XI, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct four temporary meteorological stations and associated access roads for the Gemini Solar Project, to be located approximately 25 miles northeast of Las Vegas in Clark County, Nevada.
View19-0701907/24/2019Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to introduce Vacation Get Away Service for residential customers.
View19-0701807/25/2019Application of GridLiance West LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for permits to construct the Trout Canyon Substation consisting of a new 230 kV substation, a 230 kV transmission line, and associated facilities to be located approximately 10 miles southeast of Pahrump in Clark County, Nevada.
View19-0701707/22/2019Investigation and Rulemaking to consider amending certain regulations contained in Chapter 704 of the Nevada Administrative Code relating to alternative sellers of discretionary natural gas service.
View19-0701607/22/2019Lee Canyon Ski Lifts, Inc. vs. Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink ("CenturyLink"). Complaint regarding CenturyLink's failure to provide reasonably continuous and adequate service as the Provider of Last Resort and prolonged outages.
View19-0701507/18/2019Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of its Solar Thermal Systems Demonstration Program Annual Plan for Program Year 2020.
View19-0701407/17/2019Joint Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy to establish a regulatory asset and to defer costs associated with the expense and capital spending to implement Senate Bill 329 (2019).
View19-0701307/15/2019Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and V.T. Construction, Inc. ("V.T.") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by V.T.
View19-0701207/15/2019Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and The Fishel Company ("Team Fishel") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Team Fishel.
View19-0701107/10/2019Application of Integration Technologies, LLC d/b/a INTECH for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View19-0701007/10/2019Rulemaking to amend, adopt, and/or repeal regulations in accordance with Assembly Bill 163 (2019).
View19-0700907/08/2019Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-19-06, for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Vacation Get Away Service for residential customers.
View19-0700807/08/2019Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-19-07, for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Vacation Get Away Service for residential customers.
View19-0700707/08/2019Informational Report of Prospector Pipeline Company concerning its natural gas resource planning activities.
View19-0700607/01/2019Application of Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company for authority to establish its annual revenue requirement for telephone service rates, set a new rate design, modify draws from the Nevada Universal Service Fund, reflect changes in the cost of capital, modify depreciation rates, and for other relief properly related thereto.
View19-0700507/01/2019Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its 2019 Natural Gas Conservation and Energy Efficiency Plan Annual Report.
View19-0700407/01/2019Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of their 2019 Combined Annual Electric Demand Side Management Update Report as it relates to the Action Plan of their 2019-2038 Joint Integrated Resource Plan.
View19-0700307/01/2019Public Utilities Commission of Nevada-sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Elko County, Nevada.
View19-0700207/01/2019Public Utilities Commission of Nevada-sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Clark County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View19-0700107/01/2019Public Utilities Commission of Nevada-sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Washoe County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View19-0605106/28/2019Filing by Desert Utilities, Inc. requesting assistance of the Regulatory Operations Staff in preparing an application for a general rate change.
View19-0605006/28/2019Show Cause Proceeding to determine why Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy should not be administratively fined pursuant to NRS 703.380 and examining other potential remedies to address the funding shortfall for energy storage incentives.
View19-0604907/03/2019Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer NV Energy (LV2), previously Las Vegas Cogeneration II, LLC, pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View19-0604806/27/2019Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Topp Equipment Service ("Topp Equipment") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Topp Equipment.
View19-0604706/24/2019Notice by Atlantic Specialty Insurance Company on behalf of U.S. TelePacific Corp. d/b/a TPx Communications of a bond cancellation for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2436 Sub 3.
View19-0604606/25/2019Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313.
View19-0604506/27/2019Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Q&D Construction LLC ("Q&D") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Q&D.
View19-0604406/27/2019Filing by Commnet of Nevada, LLC of Federal Communications Commission Form 690 pursuant to 47 CFR 54.1009.
View19-0604306/21/2019Filing by Filer Mutual Telephone Company of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313.
View19-0604206/25/2019Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and XL Concrete Masonry, LLC and XL Landscape Development LLC ("XL") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by XL.
View19-0604106/25/2019Water Conservation Plan of Old River Water Company filed pursuant to NRS 704.662 through 704.6624.
View19-0604006/27/2019Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Southwest Telephone Company for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View19-0603906/24/2019Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the third amendment to its 2018 Joint Integrated Resource Plan to update and modify the renewable portion of the Supply-Side Action Plan and the Transmission Action Plan.
View19-0603806/24/2019Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff to open an investigatory and rulemaking docket to amend certain regulations contained in Chapter 704 of the Nevada Administrative Code regarding alternative sellers of natural gas service.
View19-0603707/02/2019Joint Petition of Teleport Communications America, LLC and Churchill County Board of Commissioners d/b/a CC Communications for approval of an Interconnection and Reciprocal Compensation Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View19-0603606/21/2019Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View19-0603506/20/2019Staff report on Spirit Mountain Utility Company, Inc. pursuant to the provisions of NAC 704.627.
View19-0603406/20/2019Staff report on Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. pursuant to the provisions of NAC 704.627.
View19-0603306/20/2019Staff report on Gold Country Water Company, Inc. pursuant to the provisions of NAC 704.627.
View19-0603206/19/2019Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304 and annual certification that price cap carrier is not seeking duplicative Eligible Recovery pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.915.
View19-0603106/19/2019Filing by Avalon Geothermal, Inc. of an executed Service Agreement for customer The Reno Sparks Convention and Visitors Authority pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 19-03006.
View19-0603006/19/2019Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Vantage Concepts, LLC ("Vantage Concepts") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Vantage Concepts.
View19-0602906/18/2019Rulemaking to amend, adopt, and/or repeal regulations in accordance with Senate Bill 547 (2019).
View19-0602806/18/2019Rulemaking to amend, adopt, and/or repeal regulations in accordance with Assembly Bill 465 (2019).
View19-0602706/18/2019Application of Network Billing Systems, L.L.C. for approval of a change of name to Fusion Connect LLC for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2399 Sub 1.
View19-0602606/18/2019Filings by Eligible Telecommunications Carriers related to Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements pursuant to 47 CFR 54.314.
View19-0602506/18/2019Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and A & K Earth Movers Inc. ("A&K") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by A&K.
View19-0602406/13/2019Filing by Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View19-0602306/13/2019Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy previously approved in Docket No. 95-3052.
View19-0602206/11/2019Filing by Filer Mutual Telephone Company of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View19-0602106/11/2019Notice by Filer Mutual Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View19-0602006/13/2019Filing by Rural Telephone Company of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313, annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation ("CAF ICC") Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View19-0601906/13/2019Filing by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313, annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation ("CAF ICC") Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View19-0601806/13/2019Filing by Moapa Valley Telephone Company of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313, annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation ("CAF ICC") Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View19-0601706/13/2019Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to expand its gas infrastructure, recover costs of the gas infrastructure expansion project through alternative cost-recovery methodologies, and amend Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2627 Sub 6 to expand its service territory to include areas located in Spring Creek, Nevada.
View19-0601606/10/2019Filing by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View19-0601506/11/2019Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Coons Construction LLC ("Coons Construction") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Coons Construction.
View19-0601406/24/2019Application of Masergy Cloud Communications, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View19-0601306/06/2019Notice by FracTel, LLC of its intent to request numbering resources for various rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View19-0601206/07/2019Filing by Churchill County Board of Commissioners d/b/a CC Communications of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View19-0601106/07/2019Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Las Vegas Electric, Inc. ("Las Vegas Electric") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Las Vegas Electric.
View19-0601006/06/2019Rulemaking to amend, adopt, and/or repeal regulations in accordance with Senate Bill 358 (2019).
View19-0600906/06/2019Investigation and Rulemaking to amend, adopt, and/or repeal regulations in accordance with Senate Bill 329 (2019).
View19-0600806/06/2019Rulemaking to amend, adopt, and/or repeal regulations in accordance with Senate Bill 300 (2019).
View19-0600706/06/2019Rulemaking to amend, adopt, and/or repeal regulations in accordance with Senate Bill 299 (2019).
View19-0600606/06/2019Rulemaking to amend, adopt, and/or repeal regulations in accordance with Senate Bill 154 (2019).
View19-0600506/05/2019Application of Great Basin Water Co., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct a water storage tank and pump house at the existing tank 106 site located in Spring Creek, Nevada.
View19-0600406/05/2019Notice by HD Carrier LLC of its intent to request numbering resources for various rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View19-0600306/04/2019Application of Southwest Gas Corporation to establish the Average Variable Interest Rate and Accumulated Deferred Interest rate in Southern Nevada, Unrecovered Gas Cost Expense rates, system shrinkage rates, Imbalance Commodity and Reservation Charges, Renewable Energy Program Rates, General Revenues Adjustment rates, and Conservation and Energy Efficiency rates.
View19-0600206/03/2019Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to adjust its annual revenue requirement for general rates charged to all classes of electric customers and for relief properly related thereto.
View19-0600106/03/2019Notice by Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View19-0504005/30/2019Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View19-0503905/31/2019Notice by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View19-0503805/31/2019Informational Report of Southwest Gas Corporation concerning its near-term natural gas resource planning activities.
View19-0503705/31/2019Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice under Advice Letter No. 515 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2019.
View19-0503605/31/2019Registration of DataBytes Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View19-0503505/24/2019Application of American Dark Fiber, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View19-0503405/31/2019Petition of GridLiance West LLC for an Advisory Opinion or Declaratory Order that a proposed replacement of twenty transmission towers, an addition of one new tower, and a replacement of a 230 kV transmission line constitutes a "like facility" for the purposes of NRS 704.865(1).
View19-0503305/23/2019Notice by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View19-0503205/23/2019Monthly reports by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy demonstrating the amount of total incentive funds expended and reserved for all programs funded under NRS 701B.005 pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 18-02002.
View19-0503105/30/2019Notice by TracFone Wireless, Inc. d/b/a SafeLink Wireless, Simple Mobile, NET10, Total Wireless, Page Plus Cellular, TelCel, and Straight Talk of a change in terms and conditions of service for Lifeline customers of SafeLink Wireless.
View19-0503005/21/2019Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 10, to revise Tariff No. 3 to modify switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View19-0502905/21/2019Notice by Rural Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View19-0502805/21/2019Notice by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View19-0502705/20/2019Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of their Undergrounding Management Plan.
View19-0502605/17/2019Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to introduce promotional offerings for new Digital Phone customers who purchase qualifying broadband services.
View19-0502505/17/2019Notice by Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of a promotional offering for the Elko and Tonopah Divisions for new Digital Phone customers who purchase qualifying broadband services.
View19-0502405/15/2019Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 19-02(E) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2019.
View19-0502305/15/2019Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 19-02 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2019.
View19-0502205/15/2019Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 19-02(G) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2019.
View19-0502105/15/2019Notice by DCT Telecom Group, Inc. and MBS Holdings, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View19-0502005/14/2019Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and AmeriGas Propane, L.P. d/b/a Bi-State Propane ("AmeriGas") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of the Federal Pipeline Safety Regulations by AmeriGas.
View19-0501905/13/2019Registration of Lingo Telecom of the West, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View19-0501805/09/2019Application of 365 Wireless, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2981.
View19-0501705/09/2019Notice by Southwest Gas Corporation, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct a 69.5 mile natural gas transmission pipeline to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View19-0501605/06/2019Notice by VISION CTS, LLC of its intent to begin providing Interconnected Voice-over Internet Protocol services.
View19-0501505/06/2019Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of an update to the Merrill Lynch residential and non-residential surcharges pursuant to Docket Nos. 06-11035 and 17-01014.
View19-0501405/06/2019Application of Sage Telecom Communications, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2852 Sub 2.
View19-0501305/02/2019Notice by ExteNet Systems, Inc. ("ESI") and ExteNet Asset Entity, LLC ("EAE") of the transfer of certain assets, including customer contracts and related telecommunications network infrastructure assets, from ESI to EAE.
View19-0501205/03/2019Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct to expand the existing West Tracy Substation located in Storey County, Nevada.
View19-0501105/03/2019Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct a new water equalization pond at the Tracy Generating Station located in Storey County, Nevada.
View19-0501005/03/2019Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct a 230/69 kV auto bank and associated facilities at the Bighorn Substation located in Clark County, Nevada.
View19-0500905/02/2019Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Saguaro Power Company previously approved in Docket No. 94-4050.
View19-0500805/02/2019Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Desert Star Energy Center pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View19-0500705/02/2019Biannual filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy regarding the Solar Program, providing a status update and a summary of discussion from a meeting with industry stakeholders pursuant to NAC 701B.145.
View19-0500605/02/2019Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of a Renewable Energy Agreement with the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education on behalf of Truckee Meadows Community College.
View19-0500405/02/2019Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of its 2018 Conservation and Energy Efficiency Plan Annual Report.
View19-0500305/01/2019Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the second amendment to its 2018 Joint Integrated Resource Plan to update and modify the load forecast, the Demand-Side Management Action Plan, the generation portion of the Supply-Side Action Plan, and the Transmission Action Plan.
View19-0500205/01/2019Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval to reallocate costs of the One Nevada Transmission Line pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 18-06003.
View19-0500105/01/2019Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of a new Joint Dispatch Agreement governing transactions utilizing the One Nevada Transmission Line pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 15-03001.
View19-0402905/02/2019Application of Kensington Land Lease Community, LLC d/b/a Kensington Community to withdraw $105,116.00 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View19-0402804/26/2019Application of Harry Allen Solar Energy LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for approval to construct a 230 kV transmission line, new 230 kV substation interconnection equipment at the existing Harry Allen Substation, and associated facilities to be located within the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone approximately 15 miles northeast of Las Vegas in Clark County, Nevada.
View19-0402704/26/2019Filing by Corcom Communications, Inc. of informational price list for private line services in Nevada.
View19-0402604/26/2019Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View19-0402504/25/2019Application of Hudson Fiber Network Inc for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View19-0402404/24/2019Filing by West Telecom Services, LLC of updated corporate officer listing and contact information.
View19-0402304/24/2019Revised registration of Q LINK MOBILE LLC for a change of name to HELLO MOBILE TELECOM LLC.
View19-0402204/23/2019Application of Two Blackbirds Hospitality Management LLC to purchase energy, capacity, and/or ancillary services from a provider of new electric resources.
View19-0402104/15/2019Notice by Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland on behalf of Switch Business Solutions, LLC of a bond cancellation for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2841 Sub 1.
View19-0402004/19/2019Application of Span3 Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2974.
View19-0401904/17/2019Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and IDT America Corp. for approval of Amendment No. 4 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View19-0401804/16/2019Notice by BCN Telecom, Inc. of termination of Wholesale Carrier Services Agreement with Network Billing Systems, L.L.C.
View19-0401704/15/2019Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. 19-08, to introduce CenturyLink Business Bundle available to business customers and Natural Disaster Relief for Customers.
View19-0401604/15/2019Annual Report of Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2018.
View19-0401504/15/2019Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Greenscapes of Nevada L.L.C. ("Greenscapes") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Greenscapes.
View19-0401404/12/2019Annual Report of Macquarie Energy LLC on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2018.
View19-0401304/10/2019Annual Report of Tenaska Power Services Co. on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2018.
View19-0401204/09/2019Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale of revisions to its Guidebook to reflect updated exchange area boundaries and company address.
View19-0401104/08/2019Second Amended Application of Copper Mountain Solar 5, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Copper Mountain Solar 5 Project consisting of a 250 MW alternating current solar photovoltaic electric generating facility, an optional energy storage system, a 230 kV generation-tie power line, and associated facilities to be located in Boulder City, Nevada.
View19-0401004/08/2019Annual Report of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2018.
View19-0400904/08/2019Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of tax adjustment pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 00-1028.
View19-0400804/02/2019Notice by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of its intent to file an application for adjustment in electric rates.
View19-0400704/02/2019Application of Desert Utilities, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 7, to revise water Tariff No. 1 and sewer Tariff No. 2 to adjust rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View19-0400604/04/2019Annual Report of Exelon Generation Company, LLC on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2018.
View19-0400504/03/2019Annual Report of Switch Ltd. on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2018.
View19-0400404/01/2019Application of Great Basin Water Co., filed under Advice Letter No. 2, to revise Tariff No. 1-W to update its Water Conservation Plan tariff sheets in accordance with its 2018 Integrated Resource Plan in Docket No. 18-03005.
View19-0400304/01/2019Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the first amendment to its 2019-2038 Triennial Integrated Resource Plan to include a Distributed Resources Plan.
View19-0400204/01/2019Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Las Vegas Paving Corporation ("Las Vegas Paving") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Las Vegas Paving.
View19-0400104/01/2019Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Southwest Gas Corporation ("SWG") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by SWG.
View19-0304603/29/2019Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Onvoy, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View19-0304503/29/2019Joint Petition of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink and Onvoy, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View19-0304403/29/2019Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Onvoy, LLC for approval of the Carrier Partner for Interconnected VoIP Provider Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View19-0304303/29/2019Joint Petition of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink and Onvoy, LLC for approval of the Carrier Partner for Interconnected VoIP Provider Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View19-0304204/02/2019Application of Southwest Gas Corporation to establish a regulatory asset and to defer costs associated with its Customer Data Modernization Initiative.
View19-0304103/29/2019Application of Steamboat Springs Water Works, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 5, to revise Rate Schedules to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View19-0304003/29/2019Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the quality of service metrics in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 15-06064.
View19-0303903/29/2019Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the status of merger commitments in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 13-07021.
View19-0303803/26/2019Request of The People's Operator USA, LLC to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View19-0303703/28/2019Application of Mount Charleston Water Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 19-2, to revise Water Tariff and Sewer Tariff to adjust rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View19-0303603/28/2019Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View19-0303503/27/2019Application of ComApp Technologies LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View19-0303404/04/2019Application of Carefree Country Mobile Home Park to withdraw $89,069.12 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View19-0303303/26/2019Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Straight-Line, Inc. ("Straight-Line") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Straight-Line.
View19-0303203/22/2019Petition of Regulatory Operations Staff for an Advisory Opinion or Declaratory Order as to whether Switch, Ltd. is operating as a public utility as defined in NRS 704.020.
View19-0303103/21/2019Notice by Pilot Pipeline LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Pilot Pipeline Project consisting of a 54-mile natural gas transmission pipeline and ancillary facilities to be located in Elko County, Nevada.
View19-0303003/28/2019Application of Kietzke Manor Mobile Home Park to withdraw $13,048.05 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View19-0302903/20/2019Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Western States Contracting, Inc. ("Western States") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Western States.
View19-0302803/20/2019Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Southwest Gas Corporation ("SWG") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of the Federal Pipeline Safety Regulations by SWG.
View19-0302703/19/2019Application of Access Point, Inc. d/b/a North Carolina Access Point, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2292 Sub 1.
View19-0302603/19/2019Application of Birch Communications, LLC for approval of a change of name to Fusion Cloud Services, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3047 Sub 1.
View19-0302503/19/2019Notice by West Safety Communications Inc., West Telecom Services, LLC, West Corporation, Olympus Holdings II, LLC, and AP VIII Olympus VoteCo, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View19-0302403/14/2019Application of Cox Nevada Telcom, LLC to voluntarily relinquish designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the State of Nevada.
View19-0302303/14/2019Application of Dutchman Acres Water Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 8, to revise Water Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View19-0302203/14/2019Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. 14, to revise Tariff No. 3C to standardize the Refusal and Discontinuance of Services language.
View19-0302103/14/2019Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. 14, to revise Tariff No. 2A to standardize the Refusal and Discontinuance of Services language.
View19-0302003/13/2019Application of Spirit Mountain Utility Company, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 5, to revise Water Tariff No. 2 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View19-0301903/11/2019Notice by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of its intent to file an application for adjustment in rates.
View19-0301803/13/2019Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Alpha Landscapes, LLC ("Alpha Landscapes") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Alpha Landscapes.
View19-0301703/11/2019Application of Verdi Meadows Utility Company, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 6, to revise Water Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View19-0301603/13/2019Registration of CSC Wireless, LLC d/b/a Altice Mobile and Altice USA Wireless as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View19-0301503/08/2019Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Peek Brothers Construction Incorporated ("Peek") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Peek.
View19-0301403/08/2019Filing by the Regulatory Operations Staff of calendar year 2018 accounting report for each utility authorized to collect a rate surcharge pursuant to NAC 704.600(6).
View19-0301303/07/2019Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 617-E, to revise Electric Tariff No. 2 to submit short-term avoided cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities pursuant to Schedule CSPP - Short-Term.
View19-0301203/07/2019Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 494, to revise Electric Tariff No. 1-B to reflect the avoided short-term cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities pursuant to Qualifying Facilities Schedule QF - Short Term.
View19-0301103/04/2019Application of Mount Charleston Water Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 19-01, to revise Water Tariff Rule No. 9 and Sewer Tariff Rule No. 9 to comply with changes in the Tax Cut and Jobs Act and NAC 704.6532(6) pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 18-02018.
View19-0301003/06/2019Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and The Fishel Company ("Team Fishel") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Team Fishel.
View19-0300903/06/2019Application of Crown Castle NG West LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2816 Sub 3.
View19-0300803/06/2019Application of NewPath Networks, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2868 Sub 1.
View19-0300703/05/2019Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Iovino Masonry, Inc. ("Iovino") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Iovino.
View19-0300603/05/2019Application of Avalon Geothermal, Inc. for approval of a revised commercial service contract.
View19-0300503/01/2019Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the Economic Development Electric Rate Rider Program pursuant to NAC 704.8958.
View19-0300403/01/2019Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the Economic Development Electric Rate Rider Program pursuant to NAC 704.8958.
View19-0300303/01/2019Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of natural gas expenses and to reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rate.
View19-0300203/01/2019Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of fuel and purchased power expenses and to reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development charge, reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rates, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Program Rates, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rates, reset the Energy Efficiency Program Amortization Rate, reset the Energy Efficiency Implementation Amortization Rate, and refund the total amount of Base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rate revenue received in 2018, including carrying charges.
View19-0300103/01/2019Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of fuel and purchased power expenses and to reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development charge, reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rates, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Program Rates, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rates, reset the Energy Efficiency Program Amortization Rate, reset the Energy Efficiency Implementation Amortization Rate, and refund the total amount of Base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rate revenue received in 2018, including carrying charges.
View19-0202802/25/2019Notice by RLI Insurance Company on behalf of IDT America Corp. of a bond cancellation for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2943.
View19-0202702/26/2019Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View19-0202602/25/2019Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice under Advice Letter No. 514 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2019.
View19-0202502/20/2019Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 15, to revise Water Tariff No. 1A and Sewer Tariff No. 1A to adjust rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View19-0202402/19/2019Investigation and Rulemaking to amend NAC 704.516 et seq. to establish additional procedures and guidelines necessary to ensure that a public utility’s use of the schedule and contracts contemplated under NAC 704.518 is consistent with Nevada law and does not result in unjust or unreasonable rates.
View19-0202302/15/2019Notice by Platte River Insurance Company of a bond principle name change from tw telecom of nevada llc to Level 3 Telecom of Nevada, LLC.
View19-0202202/19/2019Application of Nevada Property 1 LLC d/b/a The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas to purchase energy, capacity, and/or ancillary services from a provider of new electric resources.
View19-0202102/19/2019Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink ("CenturyLink"), filed under Advice Letter No. 19-04, for approval of the reissuance of CenturyLink's Guidebook in its entirety for consistency and standardization.
View19-0202002/21/2019Notice by Birch Communications, LLC and Birch Telecom of the West, LLC d/b/a Birch Communications of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View19-0201902/15/2019Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 19-01(G) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2019.
View19-0201802/15/2019Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 19-01(E) to submit optional Electric Vehicle Commercial Charging Rider Time-of Use Schedule No. EVCCR-TOU and to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2019.
View19-0201702/15/2019Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 19-01 to submit optional Electric Vehicle Commercial Charging Rider Time- of-Use Schedule No. EVCCR-TOU and to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2019.
View19-0201602/15/2019Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale, filed under Advice Letter No. 2063, to revise Special Access Service Tariff No. C7 to remove the DS3 High Capacity Service 5-year Payment Plan.
View19-0201502/14/2019Application of NGA 911, L.L.C. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View19-0201402/14/2019Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("SPPC"), filed under Advice Letter No. 329-G, to revise Gas Tariff No. 1 to define Primary Customer-Owned Yard Line ("Primary COYL"), prohibit installation of Primary COYL except in limited circumstances, and clarify SPPC’s right to install service facilities required to serve a customer.
View19-0201302/13/2019Application of ExteNet Asset Entity, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View19-0201202/13/2019Notice by the Regulatory Operations Staff of the 2019 range of reasonable returns on equity for water and sewer utilities.
View19-0201102/13/2019Application of NextGi L.L.C. d/b/a NextGI Telecommunications and NextGI Voice for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View19-0201002/15/2019Notice by EDF Renewables Development, Inc., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Red House Solar project consisting of an up to 500 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 345 kV generation-tie transmission line, and associated facilities to be located in Humboldt County, Nevada.
View19-0200902/12/2019Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("SPPC") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by SPPC.
View19-0200802/11/2019Application of Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority to purchase energy, capacity, and/or ancillary services from a provider of new electric resources.
View19-0200702/07/2019Notice by Platte River Insurance Company on behalf of Securus Technologies, Inc. of a bond cancellation.
View19-0200602/07/2019Joint Application of Spirit Mountain Utility Company, Inc. ("Spirit Mountain") and American Wellness, Inc. ("American Wellness") for approval of the transfer of all issued and outstanding stock for Spirit Mountain from the stockholder of record to American Wellness.
View19-0200502/06/2019Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of tax adjustment pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 00-1028.
View19-0200402/06/2019Application of Gold Country Water Company, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 8, to revise Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View19-0200302/21/2019Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 15, to revise Water Tariff No. 1A to establish a surcharge for meter reserve and replacements.
View19-0200202/08/2019Application of Air Liquide Hydrogen Energy U.S. LLC to purchase energy, capacity, and/or ancillary services from a provider of new electric resources.
View19-0200102/01/2019Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of annual plans for the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program, the Wind Energy Systems Demonstration Program, the Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Program, the Energy Storage and Low Income components of the Solar Program, and the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstration Program for Program Year 2019-2020.
View19-0102401/29/2019Application of the Department of Health and Human Services Aging and Disability Services Division for approval of a State Fiscal Year ("SFY") 2020 telecommunication device for the deaf surcharge that is calculated based on its Governor’s recommended budget for SFY 2020.
View19-0102301/25/2019Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-19-05, for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce a new residential bundle called Frontier Digital Phone Unlimited and Frontier Digital Phone Unlimited Plus.
View19-0102201/25/2019Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-19-04, for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce a new residential bundle called Frontier Digital Phone Unlimited and Frontier Digital Phone Unlimited Plus.
View19-0102101/29/2019Registration of China Telecom (Americas) Corporation as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View19-0102001/24/2019Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Nevada Cogeneration Associates #2 pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View19-0101901/24/2019Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Cyanco Company, LLC pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View19-0101801/24/2019Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Nevada Cogeneration Associates #1 pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View19-0101701/22/2019Notice by FracTel, LLC of its intent to request numbering resources for various rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View19-0101601/24/2019Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View19-0101501/22/2019Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink, filed under Advice Letter No. 19-03, to revise Tariff No. 1A to grandfather Essential Home Phone with 30 Minutes Long Distance.
View19-0101401/18/2019Filings by Eligible Telecommunications Carriers of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 555 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements.
View19-0101301/11/2019Revised registration of Alltel Communications, LLC d/b/a Verizon Wireless for a change of name to Alltel Corporation d/b/a Verizon Wireless.
View19-0101201/14/2019Application of Vodafone US Inc. d/b/a Vodafone Americas for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View19-0101101/10/2019Biannual filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy regarding the Solar Program, providing a status update and a summary of discussion from a meeting with industry stakeholders pursuant to NAC 701B.145.
View19-0101001/02/2019Applications for calendar year 2019 received by a utility under the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program.
View19-0100901/02/2019Reports from electric and gas utilities operating in Nevada of transactions and calculations affecting the deferred energy accounts pursuant to NAC 704.195 for calendar year 2019.
View19-0100801/02/2019Rail Safety FRA Form 96 Inspection Reports for calendar year 2019.
View19-0100701/02/2019Pipeline Safety Enforcement Actions and Inspection Reports by the Regulatory Operations Staff pursuant to 49 CFR 191 and 192 for calendar year 2019.
View19-0100601/02/2019One Call Enforcement Actions and Inspection Reports by the Regulatory Operations Staff pursuant to NRS 455 for calendar year 2019.
View19-0100501/02/2019Annual Reports for calendar year 2018 submitted by Telecommunication companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191 and NAC 704.7483.
View19-0100401/02/2019Annual Reports for calendar year 2018 submitted by Mobile Home Parks operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 704.960 and NAC 704.987.
View19-0100301/02/2019Annual Reports for calendar year 2018 submitted by Water and Wastewater companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191, NAC 703.199, and NAC 704.225.
View19-0100201/02/2019Annual Reports for calendar year 2018 submitted by Electric, Natural Gas, LPG, Geothermal, Alternative Sellers, and Railroad companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191 and NAC 704.225.
View19-0100101/02/2019Reports from public utilities operating in Nevada of accidents or significant service outages occurring during calendar year 2019 pursuant to NRS 704.190 and NAC 704.230.
View18-1202612/28/2018Filing by Spark Energy Gas, LLC of updated regulatory contact information and corporate officer listing.
View18-1202512/28/2018Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to increase the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to Docket No. 18-08028.
View18-1202412/27/2018Application of Edgewood Water Company for approval of its 2018 Integrated Resource Plan and for other relief properly related thereto.
View18-1202312/27/2018Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of tax adjustment pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 00-1028.
View18-1202212/24/2018Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("Sierra") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of the Federal Pipeline Safety Regulations by Sierra.
View18-1202112/21/2018Investigation and Rulemaking to evaluate whether Nevada regulations, specifically Nevada Administrative Code sections 704.9492 and 704.9496, are fully consistent with federal Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act authorities.
View18-1202012/21/2018Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View18-1201912/27/2018Application of Las Vegas Resort Holdings, LLC d/b/a Sahara Las Vegas (formerly d/b/a SLS Las Vegas) to purchase energy, capacity, and/or ancillary services from a provider of new electric resources.
View18-1201812/27/2018Application of MEI-GSR Holdings LLC d/b/a Grand Sierra Resort to purchase energy, capacity, and/or ancillary services from a provider of new electric resources.
View18-1201712/20/2018Notice by RE Prospect LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct a 34.5 kV collection line and access road associated with a photovoltaic solar electric generation facility, to be located in Churchill County, Nevada.
View18-1201612/14/2018Application of Flowroute CLEC Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3002 Sub 2.
View18-1201512/14/2018Application of Resource Energy Systems, LLC for a license to provide discretionary service as an alternative seller of natural gas to generating, industrial, or large commercial customers in the State of Nevada.
View18-1201412/13/2018Rulemaking to consider amending NAC 704.8877, 704.8899, and 704.8881 to adjust the due date for annual portfolio standard compliance reports made by providers and to extend the time allotted for the Commission to issue an order determining whether a provider has complied with its portfolio standard requirements.
View18-1201312/14/2018Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to include Digital Phone Feature Pack rate increases.
View18-1201212/12/2018Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Merlin Jay Hardy d/b/a Hardy Construction and Development.
View18-1201112/12/2018Application of West Reno Water Company, Inc. for authority to operate as a public utility providing water service to approximately 900 acres of real property located in Washoe County, Nevada.
View18-1201012/12/2018Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Arizona Pipeline Company ("APL") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by APL.
View18-1200912/11/2018Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 330-G, to revise Gas Main Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the Tax Gross-up Rate.
View18-1200812/11/2018Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 616-E, to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the Tax Gross-up Rate.
View18-1200712/11/2018Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 493, to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the Tax Gross-up Rate.
View18-1200612/06/2018Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale, Onvoy, LLC, and Neutral Tandem-Nevada, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 4 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View18-1200512/07/2018Notice by Candela Renewables, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Newlands Solar Project consisting of an up to 500 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 345 kV transmission line, and associated facilities, to be located in Churchill County, Nevada.
View18-1200412/07/2018Application of Crescent Valley Solar Energy LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Crescent Valley Solar Energy Project consisting of a 149 MW photovoltaic solar facility, a 34.5 kV generation-tie transmission line, and associated facilities to be located in Lander County, Nevada.
View18-1200312/06/2018Application of Gaughan South LLC d/b/a South Point Hotel and Casino to purchase energy, capacity, and/or ancillary services from a provider of new electric resources.
View18-1200212/05/2018Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Matrix Telecom, LLC d/b/a Clear Choice Communications, Excel Telecommunications, and VarTec Telecom for approval of Amendment No. 8 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View18-1200112/20/2018Application of Birch Telecom of the West, LLC d/b/a Birch Communications for approval of a change of name to Lingo Telecom of the West, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2990 Sub 1.
View18-1104011/29/2018Filing by Q LINK WIRELESS LLC of updated Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to wireless Lifeline plans.
View18-1103911/28/2018Amended Application of Boyd Gaming Corporation to purchase energy, capacity, and/or ancillary services from a provider of new electric resources.
View18-1103812/10/2018Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale, AirTouch Cellular d/b/a Verizon Wireless, Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless, Sacramento Valley Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless, and Southwestco Wireless, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Wireless for approval of Amendment No. 6 to their Cellular Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View18-1103712/17/2018Notice by TracFone Wireless, Inc. d/b/a SafeLink Wireless, Simple Mobile, NET10, Total Wireless, Page Plus Cellular, TelCel, and Straight Talk of a change in terms and conditions of Lifeline service.
View18-1103611/27/2018Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View18-1103511/26/2018Filing by TerraCom Inc. of updated Advisory Tariff No. 1 that includes updates to Wireless Lifeline Program.
View18-1103411/26/2018Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice under Advice Letter No. 513 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2019.
View18-1103311/26/2018Show Cause Proceeding to determine why Southwest Gas Corporation should not be administratively fined pursuant to NRS 703.380 for violation of a Commission Order.
View18-1103211/20/2018Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV_19_01, for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to increase the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to Docket No. 18-08028.
View18-1103111/20/2018Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV_19_02, for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to increase the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to Docket No. 18-08028.
View18-1103011/20/2018Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV_19_03, to revise Tariff No. A-3 to increase the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to Docket No. 18-08028.
View18-1102911/20/2018Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. NV_19_01, to revise Tariff No. 3-B to increase the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to Docket No. 18-08028.
View18-1102811/21/2018Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and National Pipeline Contractors ("National Pipeline") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by National Pipeline.
View18-1102711/29/2018Notice by Multiline Long Distance, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View18-1102611/29/2018Notice by Network Service Billing, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View18-1102511/29/2018Notice by Nationwide Long Distance Service, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View18-1102411/29/2018Notice by National Access Long Distance, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View18-1102311/29/2018Notice by Communications Network Billing, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View18-1102211/29/2018Notice by Business Network Long Distance, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View18-1102111/29/2018Notice by Integrated Services, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View18-1102011/20/2018Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 612-E, for approval of a Portfolio Charge to be applicable to Newmont Mining Corporation under Rate Schedule GS-4-NG for calendar year 2019 to recover the additional costs required to meet the Nevada Portfolio Standard.
View18-1101911/28/2018Filing by Telrite Corporation d/b/a Life Wireless of updated Informational Tariff No. 2 that includes a change of contact person and upgrades to its Lifeline plans.
View18-1101811/19/2018Petition of Southern California Edison Company for an Advisory Opinion or Declaratory Order as to whether the proposed Eldorado-Lugo-Mohave Series Capacitor Project constitutes a replacement of "like facilities" for the purposes of NRS 704.865(1).
View18-1101711/19/2018Filing by Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. of updated Informational Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to Lifeline Wireless Service Plan.
View18-1101611/16/2018Amended Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 614-E, to implement Schedule NV GreenEnergy 2.0 Rider ("Schedule No. NGR 2.0") to allow eligible commercial bundled service customers to voluntarily contract with the utility to increase their use of reliance on renewable energy at current market-based fixed prices.
View18-1101511/16/2018Amended Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 491, to implement Schedule NV GreenEnergy 2.0 Rider ("Schedule No. NGR 2.0") to allow eligible commercial bundled service customers to voluntarily contract with the utility to increase their use of reliance on renewable energy at current market-based fixed prices.
View18-1101411/16/2018Application of Great Basin Water Co. for authority to adjust its annual revenue requirement for water service rates charged to all classes of customers in the Cold Springs and Spanish Springs Divisions and for other relief properly related thereto.
View18-1101311/15/2018Petition of Great Basin Water Co., Pahrump Division for a Declaratory Order resolving questions regarding rates, service, and regulations as raised by William Lyon Homes in relation to an agreement approved by the Commission in Docket No. 04-4008.
View18-1101211/15/2018Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 18-04(G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2019.
View18-1101111/15/2018Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 18-04(E) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2019.
View18-1101011/15/2018Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 18-04 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2019.
View18-1100912/12/2018Notice by SelecTel, Inc. d/b/a SelecTel Wireless and Ignition Wireless, LLC d/b/a Ignition Wireless and Expo Mobile of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View18-1100811/15/2018Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to include Directory Services and Convenience Fee rate increases.
View18-1100711/14/2018Application of 325MK 8me LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct an approximately 12.4-mile 230 kV generation-tie transmission line to connect a 300 MW photovoltaic solar facility with the Reid Gardner Substation, to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View18-1100611/13/2018Investigation and Rulemaking to consider alternatives to improve the water resource planning process and clarify the processes for seeking System Improvement Rate eligibility for certain projects.
View18-1100511/08/2018Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff to amend Nevada Administrative Code 704.8881 to extend the time allotted for the Commission to issue an order determining whether a provider of electric service has complied with its Renewable Portfolio Standard requirements.
View18-1100411/07/2018Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Titan Electrical Contracting, Inc. ("Titan") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Titan.
View18-1100311/05/2018Notice by Crown Castle Fiber LLC, Crown Castle NG West LLC, and NewPath Networks, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View18-1100211/01/2018Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 615-E, to revise Interruptible Irrigation Service Schedule No. IS-2 to increase the IS-2 rate.
View18-1100111/01/2018Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, filed under Advice Letter No. 492, to revise Interruptible Agricultural Irrigation Water Pumping Schedule No. IAIWP to increase the IAIWP rate.
View18-1003810/31/2018Revised registration of MetroPCS Nevada, LLC to add fictitious business name Metro by T-Mobile and to update information.
View18-1003710/31/2018Filing by T-Mobile West LLC d/b/a T-Mobile to update information.
View18-1003610/31/2018Filing by TAG Mobile, LLC of revised Lifeline wireless service plans.
View18-1003511/01/2018Show Cause Proceeding to determine why the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity should not be revoked, why administrative fines should not be imposed, and/or why administrative action should not be taken on SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a AT&T Long Distance for not timely meeting its regulatory obligations for calendar year 2017 and/or the period July 1, 2017, through June 30, 2018.
View18-1003410/31/2018Amended Application of MSG Las Vegas, LLC to purchase energy, capacity, and/or ancillary services from a provider of new electric resources.
View18-1003310/29/2018Application of California Internet, L.P. d/b/a GeoLinks to be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the State of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View18-1003210/29/2018Application of California Internet, L.P. d/b/a GeoLinks for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View18-1003111/06/2018Application of TIME CLOCK SOLUTIONS, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View18-1003010/29/2018Notice by GridLiance West LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Carpenter Canyon Substation, consisting of a 230 kV substation and associated facilities, to interconnect an existing 230 kV transmission line with the ARES Nevada LLC Regulation Energy Management project to be located east of Pahrump in Nye County, Nevada.
View18-1002910/23/2018Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Onvoy Spectrum, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Two-Way CMRS Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View18-1002810/23/2018Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Granite Telecommunications, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection and/or Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View18-1002710/30/2018Petition of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. for approval of an Agreement for Local Interconnection with Onvoy, LLC pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View18-1002610/29/2018Petition of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada for approval of an Agreement for Local Interconnection with Onvoy, LLC pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View18-1002510/24/2018Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View18-1002410/22/2018Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and CMMCM LLC d/b/a Muller Construction ("Muller") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Muller.
View18-1002310/17/2018Application of Teleserve Communications, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 1087 Sub 1.
View18-1002210/19/2018In re: to establish a working group contemplated by Section 15 of the regulations adopted in Docket No. 17-08021 (LCB File No. R022-18).
View18-1002110/18/2018Application of the Nevada Department of Transportation for authority to construct a new grade separation highway overpass ramp crossing over Union Pacific Railroad tracks at mile post 0.73 Nellis Industrial Lead located in North Las Vegas, Nevada.
View18-1002010/18/2018Application of the Nevada Department of Transportation for authority to alter the existing Clark County 215 overpass, Bridge No. G2568E, crossing over Union Pacific Railroad tracks at mile post 343.25 Caliente Sub located in North Las Vegas, Nevada.
View18-1001910/18/2018Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to include Custom Calling Service rate increases.
View18-1001810/17/2018Notice by Smart City Networks, LP, Smart City Holdings, LLC and Sapphire Intermediate Holdings, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View18-1001710/17/2018Notice by Mercury Voice and Data, LLC d/b/a Suddenlink Communications of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View18-1001610/16/2018Application of Reno Technology Park Water Company to voluntarily discontinue water service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2992.
View18-1001510/15/2018Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Teliax, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection and/or Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View18-1001410/15/2018Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale, filed under Advice Letter No. 2062, to revise Access Tariff No. C2 to increase the Cost Assessment Charge for business customers subscribing to AT&T Dedicated Ethernet service.
View18-1001310/15/2018Application of Lovelock Solar Energy LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Lovelock Solar Energy Project consisting of an approximately 190 MW alternating current photovoltaic solar electric generating facility and associated facilities to be located east of Oreana in Pershing County, Nevada.
View18-1001210/09/2018Filing by Boomerang Wireless, LLC d/b/a enTouch Wireless of Informational Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to Wireless Lifeline Program.
View18-1001110/11/2018Registration of Faith Wireless, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View18-1001010/10/2018Application of Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company for allowance of Nevada Universal Service Fund funding for the year commencing January 1, 2019.
View18-1000910/10/2018Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Spanish Springs Construction, Inc. ("SSC") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by SSC.
View18-1000810/09/2018Petition of Ovation MM, Inc., and its affiliated companies, for an Advisory Opinion finding that both the facility and the sale of output from distributed generation systems installed on multi-family dwellings are not jurisdictional public utilities under Assembly Bill 405 (2017).
View18-1000710/09/2018Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Iovino Masonry, Inc. ("Iovino") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Iovino.
View18-1000610/08/2018Application of the Nevada Department of Transportation for authority to deviate from required side clearances under the provisions of NAC 705.030 and any other exemptions and/or approvals the Commission deems necessary to construct a storm drainage system adjacent to the Northern Nevada Railway track from Center Street to Orson Street in Ely, Nevada.
View18-1000510/09/2018Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 14 to revise Water Tariff No. 1A and Sewer Tariff No. 1A to clarify the taxes that will be collected based upon the provisions in the Tax Cut and Jobs Act pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 18-02018.
View18-1000410/05/2018Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 611-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to add four new Light Emitting Diode night guard light categories to Outdoor Lighting Service Schedule No. OLS.
View18-1000310/08/2018Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct a steel double-circuit 230kV transmission structure, approximately 500 feet of double-circuit 230kV overhead transmission line, and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View18-1000210/02/2018Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View18-1000110/01/2018Notice by Vonage Holdings Corp. of its intent to request numbering resources for the Mount Charleston rate center from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View18-0902109/28/2018Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of tax adjustment pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 00-1028.
View18-0902010/02/2018Application of Valley Communications Association, LLC to be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the State of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View18-0901909/27/2018Application of Valley Communications Association, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View18-0901809/27/2018Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 610-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to implement Electric Vehicle Commercial Charging Rider Time-of-Use Schedule No. EVCCR-TOU to support the development of fast-charging electric vehicle charging station infrastructure in Nevada.
View18-0901709/27/2018Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 490 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to implement Electric Vehicle Commercial Charging Rider Time-of Use Schedule No. EVCCR-TOU to support the development of fast-charging electric vehicle charging station infrastructure in Nevada.
View18-0901609/26/2018Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to establish debt issuance authorizations based on a debt ceiling of $1,600.0 million.
View18-0901509/25/2018Application of Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC to purchase energy, capacity, and/or ancillary services from a provider of new electric resources.
View18-0901409/20/2018Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("NPC") filed under Advice Letter No. 489 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to modify Large General Service Schedules LGS-1, OLGS-1-TOU, LGS-2, LGS-3, and OLGS-3P-HLF to remove language that prohibits NPC from serving a customer through more than one meter.
View18-0901309/20/2018Application of Commnet of Nevada, LLC to expand its designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the State of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934 and request for deviation from NAC 704.680463 to allow designation by Census Block Groups.
View18-0901209/26/2018Application of Interconn Resources, LLC for a license to provide discretionary service as an alternative seller of natural gas to generating, industrial, or large commercial customers in the State of Nevada.
View18-0901109/18/2018Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304 and annual certification that price cap carrier is not seeking duplicative Eligible Recovery pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.915.
View18-0901009/18/2018Show Cause Proceeding to determine why Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity, Licenses, or Permits should not be revoked, why administrative fines should not be imposed, and/or why administrative action should not be taken on certain companies that did not timely meet their regulatory obligations for calendar year 2017 and/or the period July 1, 2017, through June 30, 2018.
View18-0900909/17/2018Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and JLW Holdings Series I LLC d/b/a Justin Wilson Construction ("JLW") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada’s One Call Law by JLW.
View18-0900809/17/2018Investigation and Rulemaking to examine current regulations governing Nevada’s Renewable Portfolio Standard to determine whether providers of electric service should be authorized to utilize alternative solutions, including, but not limited to, blockchain-based solutions to track and certify Nevada portfolio energy credits.
View18-0900709/12/2018Joint Petition of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Level 3 Communications, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View18-0900609/12/2018Notice by HD Carrier LLC of its intent to request numbering resources for various rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View18-0900509/25/2018Notice by BCM One, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View18-0900409/11/2018Application of Nevada Geothermal Utility Company for approval of a change of name to Avalon Geothermal, Inc. for operations conducted under Geothermal Operating Permit ("GOP") 100.
View18-0900309/07/2018Application of LV Stadium Events Company, LLC to purchase energy, capacity, and/or ancillary services from a provider of new electric resources.
View18-0900209/04/2018Notice by Hartford Fire Insurance Company on behalf of iBasis Retail, Inc. d/b/a iBasis of a bond cancellation.
View18-0900109/04/2018Staff report on Dutchman Acres Water Company pursuant to the provisions of NAC 704.627.
View18-0802808/31/2018Report by Solix, Inc., as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund, regarding fiscal year 2019 assessment recommendation concerning the minimum annual contribution and assessment rate on the intrastate retail revenues of all obligated providers of telecommunication services in Nevada.
View18-0802708/31/2018Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice under Advice Letter No. 512 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2018.
View18-0802608/29/2018Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Desert Star Energy Center pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View18-0802508/29/2018Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer NV Energy (LV2), previously Las Vegas Cogeneration II, LLC, pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View18-0802408/29/2018Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Saguaro Power Company previously approved in Docket No. 94-4050.
View18-0802308/29/2018Application of Blockchains Communications LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View18-0802208/29/2018Petition of Southwest Gas Corporation requesting a waiver of the requirement to file a Gas Infrastructure Replacement Rate Application in 2018 pursuant to NAC 704.798(1)(a)(1).
View18-0802108/31/2018Application of Rosemount Water Company for authority to increase rates for water service.
View18-0802008/24/2018Petition of Las Vegas Valley Water District requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's per site generating capacity limit under NAC 701B.150(7).
View18-0801908/23/2018Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View18-0801808/31/2018Application of LS Networks to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3022.
View18-0801708/21/2018Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and CBTS Technology Solutions LLC for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View18-0801608/22/2018Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 511 to revise Gas Tariff No. 7 to more accurately align the daily imbalance tolerances included in Schedule No. ST-1/NT-1 with current market conditions.
View18-0801508/21/2018Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Unique-scape and Design ("Unique-scape") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada’s One Call Law by Unique-scape.
View18-0801408/30/2018Application of Carefree Country Mobile Home Park to withdraw $72,797.48 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View18-0801308/20/2018Biannual filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy regarding the Solar Program, providing a status update and a summary of discussion from a meeting with industry stakeholders pursuant to NAC 701B.145.
View18-0801208/17/2018Notice by Number Access, LLC of its intent to request numbering resources for the Pahrump rate center from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View18-0801108/16/2018Application of Talk America Services, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3018.
View18-0801008/15/2018Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 18-03(G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2018.
View18-0800908/15/2018Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 18-03(E) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2018.
View18-0800808/15/2018Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 18-03 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2018.
View18-0800708/13/2018Amended Application of Golden Road Motor Inn, Inc. d/b/a Atlantis Casino Resort Spa to purchase energy, capacity, and/or ancillary services from a provider of new electric resources.
View18-0800608/09/2018Application of Crown Castle Fiber LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View18-0800508/09/2018Staff report on Indian Springs Water Co., Inc. pursuant to the provisions of NAC 704.627.
View18-0800408/13/2018Application of Fairview Mobile Manor to withdraw $60,243.37 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View18-0800308/06/2018Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Sunstate Companies, LLC ("Sunstate") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada’s One Call Law by Sunstate.
View18-0800208/08/2018Notice by Matrix Telecom, LLC d/b/a Clear Choice Communications, Excel Telecommunications, and VarTec Telecom; TNCI Impact LLC; Birch Telecom of the West, Inc. d/b/a Birch Communications; and Lingo Communications, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View18-0800108/01/2018Notice by Great Basin Water Co. of its intent to file an application for adjustment in rates for its Cold Springs and Spanish Springs Divisions.
View18-0702407/30/2018Filing by Filer Mutual Telephone Company of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313, annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation ("CAF ICC") Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View18-0702307/30/2018Informational Report of Prospector Pipeline Company concerning its natural gas resource planning activities.
View18-0702207/31/2018Registration of Q LINK MOBILE LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View18-0702107/30/2018Application of Spirit Mountain Utility Company, Inc. for approval to withdraw $12,944.10 in funds from its surcharge funds account to pay for the completed repair and replacement of the motor control panel and water meter at Well 01.
View18-0702007/27/2018Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 609-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 2, Schedule Nos. LCSPP86 and LCSPP87, in order to adjust rates for long-term cogeneration and small power production energy and capacity rates.
View18-0701907/31/2018Filing by i-wireless, LLC d/b/a Access Wireless of updated Advisory Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to wireless Lifeline plans.
View18-0701807/26/2018Notice by Network Billing Systems, L.L.C., Birch Communications, LLC, Birch Telecom of the West, Inc. d/b/a Birch Communications, and Tempo Telecom, LLC d/b/a Tempo of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View18-0701707/20/2018Joint Petition of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink and BullsEye Telecom, Inc. for approval of a Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View18-0701607/19/2018Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its Solar Thermal Systems Demonstration Program Annual Plan for Program Year 2019.
View18-0701507/17/2018Application of Business Telecom, LLC d/b/a EarthLink Business III to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2198 Sub 3.
View18-0701407/18/2018Notice by Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of a promotional offering for the Elko and Tonopah Divisions for new Digital Phone customers who purchase qualifying broadband services.
View18-0701307/18/2018Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates increasing various Business and Residence nonrecurring Service Charges.
View18-0701207/18/2018Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to introduce promotional offerings for new customers that sign up for Frontier Digital Phone service.
View18-0701107/18/2018Application of Quasar Communications Corporation to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2777 Sub 1.
View18-0701007/13/2018Filing by Q LINK WIRELESS LLC of updated Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to wireless Lifeline plans.
View18-0700907/13/2018Notice by Sprint Communications Company L.P. and T-Mobile USA, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View18-0700807/11/2018Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised Transportation Service Agreement for customer Cyanco Company, LLC pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View18-0700707/09/2018Filings by Eligible Telecommunications Carriers related to Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements pursuant to 47 CFR 54.314.
View18-0700607/06/2018Filing by Global Connection Inc. of America d/b/a STAND UP WIRELESS of updated Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to wireless Lifeline plans.
View18-0700507/05/2018Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of its Solar Thermal Systems Demonstration Program Annual Plan for Program Year 2019.
View18-0700407/02/2018Filing by Commnet of Nevada, LLC of Federal Communications Commission Form 690 pursuant to 47 CFR 54.1009.
View18-0700307/02/2018Public Utilities Commission of Nevada-sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Elko County, Nevada.
View18-0700207/02/2018Public Utilities Commission of Nevada-sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Clark County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View18-0700107/02/2018Public Utilities Commission of Nevada-sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Washoe County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View18-0604106/27/2018Revised registration of Zang, Inc. for a change of name to Avaya Cloud Inc.
View18-0604006/29/2018Notice by Flowroute CLEC Inc., Flowroute Inc., and West Corporation of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View18-0603907/18/2018Filing by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects related to Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements pursuant to 47 CFR 54.314.
View18-0603807/05/2018Registration of Wing Tel Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View18-0603706/28/2018Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to modify the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 18-01033.
View18-0603606/26/2018Filing by MetroPCS Nevada, LLC to update information.
View18-0603506/26/2018Revised registration of T-Mobile West LLC d/b/a T-Mobile and GoSmart Mobile to remove fictitious business name GoSmart Mobile and to update information.
View18-0603406/26/2018Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Gradex Construction Company ("Gradex") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada’s One Call Law by Gradex.
View18-0603306/25/2018Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View18-0603206/19/2018Application of Windstream Norlight, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2896 Sub 2.
View18-0603106/19/2018Application of Windstream NTI, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2117 Sub 3.
View18-0603006/19/2018Application of CTC Communications Corp. d/b/a EarthLink Business to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2390 Sub 2.
View18-0602906/21/2018Registration of SelecTel, Inc. d/b/a SelecTel Wireless as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View18-0602806/18/2018Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313.
View18-0602706/19/2018Request of CTC Communications Corp. d/b/a EarthLink Business to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View18-0602606/18/2018Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304 and annual certification that price cap carrier is not seeking duplicative Eligible Recovery pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.915.
View18-0602506/15/2018Filing by Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View18-0602406/14/2018Application of Dodge Flat Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Dodge Flat Solar Energy Center Project consisting of an approximately 200 MW photovoltaic solar energy generating facility, a 345 kV generation-tie transmission line and switching station, and associated facilities to be located in Washoe County, Nevada.
View18-0602306/14/2018Application of Fish Springs Ranch Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Fish Springs Ranch Solar Energy Center consisting of an approximately 300 MW photovoltaic solar generation facility, a 345 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Washoe County, Nevada.
View18-0602206/11/2018Filing by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View18-0602106/12/2018Filing by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313, annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation ("CAF ICC") Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View18-0602006/13/2018Filing by Moapa Valley Telephone Company of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313, annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation ("CAF ICC") Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View18-0601906/13/2018Filing by Rural Telephone Company of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313, annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation ("CAF ICC") Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View18-0601806/12/2018Filing by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313, annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation ("CAF ICC") Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View18-0601706/12/2018Filing by Churchill County Board of Commissioners d/b/a CC Communications of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View18-0601606/11/2018Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Cyanco Company, LLC pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View18-0601506/11/2018Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Nevada Cogeneration Associates #2 pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View18-0601406/11/2018Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Nevada Cogeneration Associates #1 pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View18-0601306/11/2018Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy previously approved in Docket No. 95-3052.
View18-0601206/07/2018Logan Smith vs. Great Basin Water Co. Complaint regarding Great Basin Water Co.’s billing and procedures regarding a high bill in Spring Creek, Nevada.
View18-0601106/07/2018Joseph Brooks vs. Great Basin Water Co. Complaint regarding Great Basin Water Co.’s billing and procedures regarding a high bill in Spring Creek, Nevada.
View18-0601006/07/2018Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Bailey Homes ("Bailey") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada’s One Call Law by Bailey.
View18-0600906/06/2018Application of Fulcrum Sierra BioFuels, LLC to purchase energy, capacity, and/or ancillary services from a provider of new electric resources.
View18-0600806/06/2018Application of Station Casinos LLC to purchase energy, capacity, and/or ancillary services from a provider of new electric resources.
View18-0600706/05/2018Request of CampusTVs, Inc. to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View18-0600606/04/2018Informational Report of Southwest Gas Corporation concerning its near-term natural gas resource planning activities.
View18-0600506/04/2018Application of Southwest Gas Corporation to establish the Variable Interest Expense Recovery mechanism rates, Unrecovered Gas Cost Expense rates, system shrinkage rates, Imbalance Commodity and Reservation charges, Renewable Energy Program rates, General Revenues Adjustment rates, and Conservation and Energy Efficiency rates.
View18-0600406/01/2018Advance Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to recover costs of gas infrastructure replacement projects through the gas infrastructure replacement mechanism.
View18-0600306/01/2018Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of their 2019-2038 Triennial Integrated Resource Plan and 2019-2021 Energy Supply Plan.
View18-0600206/01/2018Informational Report of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy concerning its natural gas resource planning activities for the period 2019-2021.
View18-0600106/01/2018Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its Natural Gas Conservation and Energy Efficiency Plan for the period 2019-2021.
View18-0504005/31/2018Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View18-0503906/19/2018Application of Rosebud Telephone, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2959.
View18-0503805/30/2018Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 21 to revise Tariff No. 1A to modify the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 18-01033.
View18-0503705/30/2018Application of Rural Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 38 to revise Tariff No. 1 to modify the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 18-01033.
View18-0503605/30/2018Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 19 to revise Tariff No. 2A to modify the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 18-01033.
View18-0503505/31/2018Application of Gold Country Water Company, Inc., filed under Advice Letter No. 7, to revise Tariff No. 1 to add Water Resources and Will-Serve Commitments Rule No. 21 to its Rules and Regulations.
View18-0503405/30/2018Notice by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View18-0503305/30/2018Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice under Advice Letter No. 510 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2018.
View18-0503205/30/2018Notice by Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View18-0503105/29/2018Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to increase its retail natural gas utility service rates and to reset the Gas Infrastructure Replacement Rates for Southern and Northern Nevada.
View18-0503005/29/2018Notice by NHC Communications acknowledging changes to NAC Chapter 704 pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 16-10008.
View18-0502905/25/2018Notice by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View18-0502805/29/2018Joint Petition of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("SPPC") and Heinz Ranch Land Company, LLC requesting deviation from SPPC’s Gas Main Extensions Rule No. 9 for the term of a Rule 9 Gas Main Extension Agreement.
View18-0502705/22/2018Notice by Granite Telecommunications, LLC that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View18-0502605/17/2018Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-18-06 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to modify the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 18-01033.
View18-0502505/17/2018Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-18-05 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to modify the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 18-01033.
View18-0502407/11/2018Application of William Lyon Homes, Inc., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct a 1.4 million gallon secondary water tank and other water system improvements for the Mountain Falls Master Planned Community to be located in Pahrump, Nye County, Nevada.
View18-0502305/17/2018Notice by Liberty Mutual Insurance Company on behalf of Entelegent Solutions, Inc. of a bond cancellation for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2929.
View18-0502205/21/2018Notice by Mitel Cloud Services, Inc., MLN TopCo Ltd., and Mitel Networks Corporation of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View18-0502105/17/2018Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct a 230/138kV autotransformer and associated facilities at the McDonald Substation located in Clark County, Nevada.
View18-0502005/17/2018Registration of Liberty Mobile Wireless LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View18-0501905/15/2018Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale for approval of various Amendments to Interconnection Agreements entered into between Petitioner and five competitive local exchange carriers pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View18-0501805/14/2018Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-18-03 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to include save incentives language in the Frontier Digital Phone bundles available to residential customers.
View18-0501705/14/2018Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-18-04 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to include save incentives language in the Frontier Digital Phone bundles available to residential customers.
View18-0501605/15/2018Notice by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View18-0501505/15/2018Notice by Moapa Valley Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View18-0501405/15/2018Notice by Rural Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View18-0501305/15/2018Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 18-02(G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2018.
View18-0501205/15/2018Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 18-02(E) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2018.
View18-0501105/15/2018Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 18-02 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2018.
View18-0501005/15/2018Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to include save incentives language in Frontier Digital Phone bundles available to residential customers.
View18-0500905/15/2018Application of 1 800 Collect, Inc. d/b/a Simple Billing Solutions to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2975 Sub 1.
View18-0500805/08/2018Notice by Windstream NuVox, LLC of a bond replacement.
View18-0500705/11/2018Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View18-0500605/10/2018Amended Application of Great Basin Water Co. filed under Advice Letter No. 1 to revise Water Tariff No. 1-W to implement revenue-neutral changes to the revenue allocation between water customer classes relating to the Order issued in Docket No. 16-12037.
View18-0500505/04/2018Registration of Spectrum Mobile, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View18-0500405/02/2018Notice by Southern California Edison Company of an application to the California Public Utilities Commission for a permit to construct the Eldorado-Lugo-Mohave Series Capacitor Project.
View18-0500305/02/2018Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 18-06 to revise Tariff No. 1A to modify the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 18-01033.
View18-0500205/01/2018Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Wide Voice, LLC for approval of Amendment Nos. 3, 4, and 5 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View18-0500105/01/2018Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, Inc. to withdraw $10,088.09 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View18-0402504/30/2018Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 18-07 to revise Tariff No. 1A to modify Rule and Regulation Nos. 5 and 6 pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 16-10008.
View18-0402404/30/2018Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of its Conservation and Energy Efficiency Plan for the period 2019-2021.
View18-0402304/30/2018Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to modify Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 613 Sub 10 to remove 320 acres from its service territory located in the City of Boulder City, Nevada.
View18-0402204/26/2018Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Southwest Gas Corporation ("SWG") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada’s One Call Law by SWG.
View18-0402104/26/2018Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 13 to revise Tariff No. 3C to reduce switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View18-0402004/26/2018Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 13 to revise Tariff No. 2A to reduce switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View18-0401905/14/2018Application of North Star Gas Company, LLC d/b/a YEP Energy for a license to provide discretionary service as an alternative seller of natural gas to generating, industrial, or large commercial customers in the State of Nevada.
View18-0401804/23/2018Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of a Portfolio Energy Credit Sale Agreement with Switch Ltd.
View18-0401704/19/2018Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Next Generation Electrical Technologies LLC ("NGET") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by NGET.
View18-0401604/18/2018Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and West Telecom Services, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View18-0401504/17/2018Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View18-0401404/17/2018Notice by Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View18-0401304/13/2018Application of Rural Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 37 to revise Tariff No. 1 to modify General Rules and Regulations pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 16-10008.
View18-0401204/13/2018Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 18 to revise Tariff No. 2A to modify Limitations and Use of Service pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 16-10008.
View18-0401104/13/2018Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 20 to revise Tariff No. 1A to modify Limitations and Use of Service pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 16-10008.
View18-0401004/13/2018Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 608-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 2 to submit short-term avoided cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities pursuant to Schedule CSPP - Short-Term.
View18-0400904/13/2018Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 488 to revise Electric Tariff No. 1-B to reflect the avoided short-term cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities pursuant to Qualifying Facilities Schedule QF - Short Term.
View18-0400804/09/2018Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 328-G to revise Gas Tariff No. 1 to allow for delivery to Customers of an Initial Notice of Proposed Termination under Rule No. 6 by electronic mail.
View18-0400704/09/2018Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 607-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to allow for delivery to Customers of an Initial Notice of Proposed Termination under Rule No. 6 by electronic mail.
View18-0400604/09/2018Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Premier Home Construction, Inc. d/b/a P H C Builders ("PHC") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by PHC.
View18-0400504/04/2018Notice by Red Flats Lands, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Red Flats Solar Project consisting of an up to 500 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View18-0400404/04/2018Notice by Red Valley Lands, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Red Valley Solar Project consisting of a 300 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 230 kV generation-tie line, a battery energy storage system, and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View18-0400304/04/2018Notice by Magnolia Lands, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Magnolia Solar Project consisting of an up to 100 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View18-0400204/04/2018Application of Iron Point Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Iron Point Solar Project consisting of an approximately 100 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 120 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located approximately 30 miles east of Winnemucca in Humboldt County, Nevada.
View18-0400104/04/2018Annual Report of Switch Ltd. on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2017.
View18-0304803/29/2018Notice by Apex Nevada Solar, LLC of filing Certification of Qualifying Facility Status for Small Power Production Form 556 with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
View18-0304703/29/2018Notice by Spectrum Nevada Solar, LLC of filing Certification of Qualifying Facility Status for Small Power Production Form 556 with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
View18-0304603/29/2018Application of Dutchman Acres Water Company filed under Advice Letter No. 7 to revise Water Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View18-0304503/30/2018Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of tax adjustment pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 00-1028.
View18-0304403/30/2018Annual Report of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2017.
View18-0304303/30/2018Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the status of merger commitments in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 13-07021.
View18-0304203/30/2018Annual Report of Exelon Generation Company, LLC on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2017.
View18-0304103/30/2018Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates increasing Business and Residence Access Line rates.
View18-0304003/30/2018Annual Report of Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2017.
View18-0303903/30/2018Application of Absolute Home Phones, Inc. d/b/a Absolute Mobile to voluntarily relinquish designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the State of Nevada and to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View18-0303803/29/2018Annual Report of Tenaska Power Services Co. on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2017.
View18-0303703/28/2018Application of Desert Utilities, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 6 to revise water Tariff No. 1 and sewer Tariff No. 2 to adjust rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View18-0303603/28/2018Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the quality of service metrics in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 15-06064.
View18-0303503/28/2018Application of Indian Springs Water Co., Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 9 to revise Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View18-0303403/30/2018Application of Birch Telecom of the West, Inc. d/b/a Birch Communications for approval of a change of name to Birch Telecom of the West, LLC d/b/a Birch Communications for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2990.
View18-0303303/27/2018Application of Birch Communications, Inc. for approval of a change of name to Birch Communications, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3047.
View18-0303203/30/2018Joint Application of Telecommunications of Nevada, LLC d/b/a XO Communications, LLC ("TON") and XO Communications Services, LLC ("XO") for approval of the transfer of Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2121 Sub 2 from TON to XO, and notice of a transaction that will result in the transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View18-0303103/26/2018Notice by IM Telecom, LLC d/b/a Infiniti Mobile ("Infiniti Mobile") and KonaTel Inc. ("KonaTel") of a transaction that will result in the transfer of control of Infiniti Mobile to KonaTel.
View18-0303004/05/2018Notice by Mitel Cloud Services, Inc., Mitel Networks Corporation, Mitel US Holdings, Inc., Mitel (Delaware), Inc. and Mitel Networks, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View18-0302903/23/2018Application of Summit Energy Marketing, LLC for a license to provide discretionary service as an alternative seller of natural gas to generating, industrial, or large commercial customers in the State of Nevada.
View18-0302803/23/2018Application of Mount Charleston Water Company filed under Advice Letter No. 18-1 to revise Water Tariff and Sewer Tariff to adjust rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View18-0302703/23/2018Rulemaking to amend certain regulations contained in Chapter 455 of the Nevada Administrative Code relating to Nevada’s One Call Law.
View18-0302603/23/2018Application of Steamboat Springs Water Works, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 4 to revise Rate Schedules to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View18-0302504/02/2018Application of Intermountain Infrastructure Group, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View18-0302403/22/2018Application of NobelTel, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2740 Sub 1.
View18-0302303/22/2018Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View18-0302203/21/2018Filing by Corcom Communications, Inc. of informational price list for private line services in Nevada.
View18-0302103/21/2018Application of Verdi Meadows Utility Company, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 5 to revise Water Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View18-0302003/20/2018Application of Spirit Mountain Utility Company, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 4 to revise Water Tariff No. 2 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View18-0301903/20/2018Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Suburban Propane, L.P. ("Suburban") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's Pipeline Safety Laws by Suburban.
View18-0301803/19/2018Notice by Southwest Gas Corporation of its intent to file an application for adjustment in rates.
View18-0301703/19/2018Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, Inc. to withdraw $10,431.15 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View18-0301603/15/2018Water Conservation Plan of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. filed pursuant to NRS 704.662 through 704.6624.
View18-0301503/12/2018Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-18-01 to revise Tariff No. 4-C to increase the Lifeline rate detail associated with the Residence Access Line rate increases.
View18-0301403/09/2018Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and IDT America Corp. for approval of Amendment No. 3 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View18-0301303/30/2018Registration of China Unicom (Americas) Operations Limited as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View18-0301203/12/2018Application of Gold Country Water Company, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 6 to revise Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View18-0301103/05/2018Notice by U.S. TelePacific Corp. d/b/a TPx Communications and Mpower Communications Corp. d/b/a TPx Communications ("TPx Communications") of the transfer of certain assets from TPx Communications to Uniti Leasing X LLC.
View18-0301003/05/2018Application of Momentum Telecom, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3024.
View18-0300903/01/2018Notice by State Farm Fire and Casualty Company on behalf of NobelTel, LLC of a bond cancellation for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2740 Sub 1.
View18-0300803/02/2018Notice by Great American Insurance Company on behalf of Highlands Wireless Inc. of a bond cancellation for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3012.
View18-0300703/05/2018Application of Imperial Wireless Networks LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View18-0300603/05/2018Notice by Mercury Voice and Data, LLC d/b/a Suddenlink Communications of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View18-0300503/07/2018Application of Great Basin Water Co., Cold Springs, Pahrump, Spanish Springs, and Spring Creek Divisions, for approval of its 2018 Integrated Resource Plan, for approval to designate certain system improvement projects as eligible projects for which a system improvement rate may be established, and for other relief properly related thereto.
View18-0300403/01/2018Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of natural gas expenses and to reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rate.
View18-0300303/01/2018Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of fuel and purchased power expenses and to reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development charge, reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rates, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Program Rates, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rates, reset the Amortization Energy Efficiency Program Rate, reset the Amortization Energy Efficiency Implementation Rate, and refund the total amount of Base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rate revenue received in 2017, including carrying charges.
View18-0300203/01/2018Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of fuel and purchased power expenses and to reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development charge, reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rates, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Program Rates, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rates, reset the Amortization Energy Efficiency Program Rate, reset the Amortization Energy Efficiency Implementation Rate, and refund the total amount of Base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rate revenue received in 2017, including carrying charges.
View18-0300103/01/2018Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 11-02015.
View18-0202602/28/2018Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and AmeriGas Propane, L.P. d/b/a Bi-State Propane ("AmeriGas") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of the Federal Pipeline Safety Regulations by AmeriGas.
View18-0202502/28/2018Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the Economic Development Electric Rate Rider Program pursuant to NAC 704.8958.
View18-0202402/28/2018Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the Economic Development Electric Rate Rider Program pursuant to NAC 704.8958.
View18-0202302/28/2018Filing by the Regulatory Operations Staff of calendar year 2017 accounting report for each utility authorized to collect a rate surcharge pursuant to NAC 704.600(6).
View18-0202202/28/2018Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice under Advice Letter No. 509 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2018.
View18-0202102/27/2018Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to discontinue Busy Verification and Busy Interrupt features.
View18-0202002/16/2018Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and YMax Communications Corp. for approval of Amendment No. 2 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View18-0201902/16/2018Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and CLEC, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View18-0201802/20/2018Investigation into Tax Cut and Jobs Act.
View18-0201702/20/2018Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 13 to revise Water Tariff No. 1A and Sewer Tariff No. 1A to adjust rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View18-0201602/15/2018Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 18-01(G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2018.
View18-0201502/15/2018Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 18-01(E) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2018.
View18-0201402/15/2018Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 18-01 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2018.
View18-0201302/15/2018Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates increasing various Directory Listing rates.
View18-0201202/14/2018Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 326-G to revise Gas Tariff No. 1 to establish the 2017 Tax Rate Reduction Rider.
View18-0201102/14/2018Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 605-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to establish the 2017 Tax Rate Reduction Rider.
View18-0201002/14/2018Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 485 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to establish the 2017 Tax Rate Reduction Rider.
View18-0200902/14/2018Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff to open a rulemaking docket to amend and repeal certain regulations contained in Chapter 455 of the Nevada Administrative Code relating to Nevada's One Call Law.
View18-0200802/13/2018Notice by Whitegrass No. 1, LLC of filing Certification of Qualifying Facility Status for Small Power Production Form 556 with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
View18-0200702/13/2018Notice by Vonage Holdings Corp. of its intent to request numbering resources for the Reno rate center from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View18-0200602/12/2018Filing by West Telecom Services, LLC of updated corporate officer listing and contact information.
View18-0200502/06/2018Application of ALEC, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2915 Sub 1.
View18-0200402/01/2018Notice by Aurora Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct a 120 kV generation-tie line and access road associated with the Iron Point Solar Project, to be located approximately 30 miles east of Winnemucca, Humboldt County, Nevada.
View18-0200302/02/2018Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Campbell Construction Co., Inc. ("Campbell") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Campbell.
View18-0200202/01/2018Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of annual plans for the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program, the Wind Energy Systems Demonstration Program, the Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Program, the Energy Storage and Low Income components of the Solar Program, and the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstration Program for Program Year 2018-2019.
View18-0200102/01/2018Application of Sage Telecom Communications, LLC d/b/a TruConnect to expand its eligible telecommunications carrier service area in the State of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934.
View18-0103701/31/2018Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Wells Cargo, Inc. ("Wells Cargo") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Wells Cargo.
View18-0103601/31/2018Notice by the Regulatory Operations Staff of the 2018 range of reasonable returns on equity for water and sewer utilities.
View18-0103501/30/2018Filing by Sage Telecom Communications, LLC d/b/a TruConnect of updated Informational Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to wireless Lifeline plans.
View18-0103401/30/2018Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale, AT&T Corp., and Teleport Communications America, LLC requesting deviation from NAC 704.2565 as it relates to significant service outage reporting rules for telecommunication service providers and for interim relief pursuant to NAC 703.752.
View18-0103301/26/2018Application of the Department of Health and Human Services Aging and Disability Services Division for approval of a State Fiscal Year ("SFY") 2019 telecommunication device for the deaf surcharge that is calculated based on its legislatively approved budget for SFY 2019.
View18-0103201/25/2018Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 18-02 to revise Tariff No. 1A to remove grandfathered calling packages, introduce a new bundle option for residential customers, and include revisions for standardization and clarification.
View18-0103101/23/2018Notice by USG Nevada LLC of filing Certification of Qualifying Facility Status for Small Power Production Form 556 with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
View18-0103001/23/2018Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 17-13 to revise Tariff No. 1A to introduce Emergency Line Service and grandfather Outbound Call Block Feature for residential customers.
View18-0102901/23/2018Joint Petition of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada requesting deviation from NAC 704.2565 as it relates to significant service outage reporting rules for telecommunication service providers.
View18-0102801/23/2018Request of Nextel of California, Inc. d/b/a Sprint, Nextel or Sprint/Nextel to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View18-0102701/23/2018Notice by Sprint Communications Company L.P., Sprint Corporation, SoftBank Group Corp., Sprint Spectrum L.P. d/b/a Sprint, Nextel or Sprint/Nextel, Nextel of California, Inc. d/b/a Sprint, Nextel or Sprint/Nextel, and Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View18-0102601/19/2018Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Matrix Telecom, LLC d/b/a Clear Choice Communications, Excel Telecommunications, and VarTec Telecom for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View18-0102501/19/2018Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Matrix Telecom, LLC d/b/a Clear Choice Communications, Excel Telecommunications, and VarTec Telecom for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View18-0102401/18/2018Filings by Eligible Telecommunications Carriers of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 555 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements.
View18-0102301/18/2018Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates increasing the rate for various Business and Residence Custom Calling and Custom Calling Plus services.
View18-0102201/16/2018Application of SQF, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View18-0102101/11/2018Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink requesting deviation from NAC 704.2565 as it relates to significant service outage reporting rules for telecommunication service providers.
View18-0102001/08/2018Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-18-02 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to discontinue Busy Verification and Busy Interrupt features.
View18-0101901/08/2018Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-18-01 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to discontinue Busy Verification and Busy Interrupt features.
View18-0101801/10/2018Rulemaking regarding the amendment of NAC 704.2565 relating to significant service outage rules for telecommunications.
View18-0101701/08/2018Request of Garmin USA, Inc. to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View18-0101601/05/2018Request of Torch Wireless to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View18-0101501/05/2018Filing by Tempo Telecom, LLC d/b/a Tempo of updated Informational Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to Lifeline Wireless Service to increase the monthly allotment of data.
View18-0101401/02/2018Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 325-G to revise Gas Main Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the Tax Gross-up Rate.
View18-0101301/02/2018Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 604-E to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the Tax Gross-up Rate.
View18-0101201/02/2018Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 484 to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the Tax Gross-up Rate.
View18-0101101/02/2018Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Silverado Excavating ("Silverado") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Silverado.
View18-0101001/02/2018Applications for calendar year 2018 received by a utility under the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program.
View18-0100901/02/2018Reports from electric and gas utilities operating in Nevada of transactions and calculations affecting the deferred energy accounts pursuant to NAC 704.195 for calendar year 2018.
View18-0100801/02/2018Rail Safety FRA Form 96 Inspection Reports for calendar year 2018.
View18-0100701/02/2018Pipeline Safety Enforcement Actions and Inspection Reports by the Regulatory Operations Staff pursuant to 49 CFR 191 and 192 for calendar year 2018.
View18-0100601/02/2018One Call Enforcement Actions and Inspection Reports by the Regulatory Operations Staff pursuant to NRS 455 for calendar year 2018.
View18-0100501/02/2018Annual Reports for calendar year 2017 submitted by Telecommunication companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191 and NAC 704.7483.
View18-0100401/02/2018Annual Reports for calendar year 2017 submitted by Mobile Home Parks operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 704.960 and NAC 704.987.
View18-0100301/02/2018Annual Reports for calendar year 2017 submitted by Water and Wastewater companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191, NAC 703.199, and NAC 704.225.
View18-0100201/02/2018Annual Reports for calendar year 2017 submitted by Electric, Natural Gas, LPG, Geothermal, Alternative Sellers, and Railroad companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191 and NAC 704.225.
View18-0100101/02/2018Reports from public utilities operating in Nevada of accidents or significant service outages occurring during calendar year 2018 pursuant to NRS 704.190 and NAC 704.230.
View17-1202212/29/2017Application of Great Basin Water Co. for authority to adjust its annual revenue requirement for water and sewer service rates charged to all classes of customers in the Spring Creek Division and for other relief properly related thereto.
View17-1202112/28/2017Biannual filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy regarding the Solar Program, providing a status update and a summary of discussion from a meeting with industry stakeholders pursuant to NAC 701B.145.
View17-1202012/27/2017Application of ATN, INC. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2953.
View17-1201912/27/2017Application of Intellicall Operator Services, Inc. d/b/a ILD to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 934 Sub 2.
View17-1201812/27/2017Notice by Hydrostor A-CAES USA Inc., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct an advanced compressed air energy storage facility to be located approximately 10 miles outside of Ely in White Pine County, Nevada.
View17-1201712/21/2017Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-17-12 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to grandfather Frontier Business Nationwide Unlimited Service II, Frontier Business Local Unlimited II, Frontier Simply Unlimited Service - Leader, and Frontier Commercial Voice Unlimited.
View17-1201612/21/2017Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-17-13 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to grandfather Frontier Business Nationwide Unlimited Service II, Frontier Simply Unlimited Service - Leader, and Frontier Commercial Voice Unlimited.
View17-1201512/21/2017Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View17-1201412/20/2017Joint Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for a Declaratory Order and/or Advisory Opinion finding that, for energy that is produced by a renewable energy generating facility owned by NV Energy and sold by NV Energy to retail customers, the Commission has authority to establish a just and reasonable rate by reference to a price established through a competitive solicitation rather than through a rate-of-return analysis.
View17-1201312/19/2017Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to grandfather business bundles for Frontier Business Nationwide Unlimited II, Frontier Business Local Unlimited II, Frontier Simply Unlimited Service-Leader, Frontier Digital Phone Unlimited Plus (Challenger), and Frontier Commercial Voice Unlimited.
View17-1201212/15/2017Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2061 to revise Access Tariff Nos. C and C2-A to introduce a Cost Assessment Charge for business customers subscribing to AT&T Dedicated Ethernet service.
View17-1201112/12/2017Application of Magna5 LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View17-1201012/13/2017Notice by YMax Communications Corp., magicJack VocalTec Ltd., and B. Riley Financial, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View17-1200912/11/2017Filing by Telrite Corporation d/b/a Life Wireless of updated Informational Tariff No. 2 that includes a change of contact person and company address and upgrades to its Lifeline plans.
View17-1200812/11/2017Notice by TracFone Wireless, Inc. d/b/a SafeLink Wireless, Simple Mobile, NET10, Total Wireless, Page Plus Cellular, TelCel, and Straight Talk of a change in terms and conditions of Lifeline service.
View17-1200712/08/2017Registration of Zang, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View17-1200612/11/2017Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink, Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale, Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc., and Nevada Telecommunications Association to amend NAC 704.2565 relating to significant service outage rules for telecommunications.
View17-1200512/05/2017Application of Techren Solar II LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct an approximately 9.4-mile temporary water pipeline located in the City of Boulder City, Clark County, Nevada.
View17-1200412/05/2017Application of Techren Solar I LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct an approximately 9.4-mile temporary water pipeline located in the City of Boulder City, Clark County, Nevada.
View17-1200312/04/2017Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale requesting deviation from the provisions of NAC 704.680303 that require its performance measurement plan and performance incentive plan to be filed no later than January 31, 2018.
View17-1200212/04/2017Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to increase the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge, pursuant to Docket No. 17-09006.
View17-1200112/01/2017Filing by Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. of enhancements to its existing Lifeline offers.
View17-1103711/30/2017Notice by Network Billing Systems, L.L.C., BCHI Holdings, LLC, Birch Communications, Inc., and Fusion Telecommunications International, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View17-1103612/29/2017Application of Birch Communications, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View17-1103511/30/2017Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice under Advice Letter No. 508 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2018.
View17-1103411/29/2017Application of GALAXENET LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View17-1103311/28/2017Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 594-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to modify Irrigation Service Schedule No. IS-1 and Interruptible Irrigation Service Schedule No. IS-2 to re-establish the incentive for compliance with the IS-2 tariff requirements.
View17-1103211/28/2017Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 603-E for approval of a Portfolio Charge to be applicable to Newmont Mining Corporation under Rate Schedule GS-4-NG for calendar year 2018 to recover the additional costs required to meet the Nevada Portfolio Standard.
View17-1103111/20/2017Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-17-06 to revise Tariff No. 3-B to increase the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to Docket No. 17-09006.
View17-1103011/20/2017Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-17-11 to revise Tariff No. A-3 to increase the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to Docket No. 17-09006.
View17-1102911/20/2017Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-17-10 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to increase the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to Docket No. 17-09006.
View17-1102811/20/2017Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-17-09 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to increase the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to Docket No. 17-09006.
View17-1102711/20/2017Notice by WANRack, LLC, WANRack Holdings, LLC, and Grain Communications Opportunity Fund, L.P. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View17-1102611/17/2017Notice by International Fidelity Insurance Company, on behalf of ATN, INC., of a bond cancellation for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2953.
View17-1102511/17/2017Registration of Lunar Labs, Inc. d/b/a Lunar Wireless as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View17-1102411/17/2017Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Wide Voice, LLC for approval of a Carrier Partner for Interconnected VoIP Provider Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View17-1102312/06/2017Joint Application of Flowroute Inc. ("Flowroute") and Flowroute CLEC Inc. ("Flowroute CLEC") for approval of the transfer of Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3002 Sub 1 from Flowroute to Flowroute CLEC.
View17-1102211/16/2017Filing by Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. of updated Informational Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to Lifeline Wireless Service Plan.
View17-1102111/15/2017Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink requesting deviation from the provisions of NAC 704.680303 that require its performance measurement plan and performance incentive plan to be filed no later than January 31, 2018.
View17-1102011/15/2017Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 17-04(G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2018.
View17-1101911/15/2017Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 17-04(E) to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2018.
View17-1101811/15/2017Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 17-04 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2018.
View17-1101711/15/2017Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and R.A.M.M. Corp. ("RAMM") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by RAMM.
View17-1101611/20/2017Application of Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-17-1 to revise Tariff No. 1 to update the Lifeline Program to reflect the current rules and regulations.
View17-1101511/16/2017Petition of Amor IX, LLC for a Declaratory Order finding that its Soda Lake 1 and Soda Lake 2 geothermal facilities are, and will continue to be, eligible portfolio energy systems.
View17-1101411/13/2017Filing by Boomerang Wireless, LLC d/b/a enTouch Wireless of Informational Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to Wireless Lifeline Program.
View17-1101311/09/2017Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violation of NRS 704.865 by Prospector Pipeline Company.
View17-1101211/08/2017Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to transfer Rules and Regulations from the tariff to the Service Catalog.
View17-1101111/07/2017Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Arizona Pipeline Company ("APL") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by APL.
View17-1101011/13/2017Application of Teliax, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View17-1100911/06/2017Filing by TerraCom Inc. of updated Advisory Tariff No. 1 that includes updates to Wireless Lifeline Program.
View17-1100811/06/2017Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to expand its gas infrastructure, recover costs of gas infrastructure expansion projects through alternative cost-recovery methodologies, and amend Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2627 Sub 5 to expand its service territory to include areas located in Mesquite, Nevada.
View17-1100711/09/2017Application of Reno Cascade Mobile Home Park to withdraw $24,519.76 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system and to close the account.
View17-1100611/02/2017Application of Avalon Geothermal, LLC for approval of a revised customer service contract.
View17-1100511/01/2017Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the third amendment to its 2014 Emissions Reduction and Capacity Replacement Plan as it relates to the retirement of Navajo Generating Station.
View17-1100411/01/2017Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the third amendment to its 2016-2035 Integrated Resource Plan as it relates to an updated long-term base load forecast, a new renewable power purchase agreement, two transmission projects, and certain projects in its generation capital budget plan for 2018.
View17-1100311/01/2017Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the second amendment to its 2017-2036 Integrated Resource Plan as it relates to an updated long-term base load forecast, two new renewable power purchase agreements, one transmission project, and certain projects in its generation capital budget plan for 2018.
View17-1100211/01/2017Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of a Renewable Energy Agreement with Apple Inc.
View17-1100111/01/2017Notice by Electric Lightwave, LLC d/b/a Integra Telecom, Eschelon Telecom of Nevada, Inc. d/b/a Integra Telecom, Advanced TelCom, Inc. d/b/a Integra Telecom, and Shared Communications Services, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View17-1003210/30/2017Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by R Construction.
View17-1003110/30/2017Notice by Great Basin Water Co. of its intent to file an application for adjustment in rates for its Spring Creek Division.
View17-1003011/03/2017Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Matrix Telecom, LLC d/b/a Clear Choice Communications, Excel Telecommunications, and VarTec Telecom for approval of Amendment No. 7 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View17-1002911/03/2017Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Matrix Telecom, LLC d/b/a Clear Choice Communications, Excel Telecommunications, and VarTec Telecom for approval of Amendment No. 6 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View17-1002810/30/2017Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 601-E to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to update Proportionate Share Allocations per Unit.
View17-1002710/26/2017Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 602-E to revise Interruptible Irrigation Service Schedule No. IS-2 to increase the IS-2 rate.
View17-1002610/26/2017Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 483 to revise Interruptible Agricultural Irrigation Water Pumping Schedule No. IAIWP to increase the IAIWP rate.
View17-1002510/26/2017Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and K&C Construction LLC ("K&C") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by K&C.
View17-1002410/31/2017Application of Gold Country Water Company, Inc. for authority to modify Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 956 Sub 3 to expand its water service territory to include one residential lot contiguous to its existing service territory located in Humboldt County, Nevada.
View17-1002310/26/2017Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View17-1002210/20/2017Application of TTI National, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2600 Sub 1.
View17-1002110/24/2017Request of, Inc. of North Carolina to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View17-1002010/20/2017Application of Cincinnati Bell Any Distance Inc. for approval of a change of name to CBTS Technology Solutions LLC for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2792 Sub 1.
View17-1001910/19/2017Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Spanish Springs Construction, Inc. ("SSC") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by SSC.
View17-1001810/18/2017Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Rice Construction Company.
View17-1001710/17/2017Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violation of Nevada’s One Call Law by Mountain Pine Construction and trigger payment of administrative penalty held in abeyance in Docket No. 17-04027.
View17-1001610/16/2017Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale of revisions to the Guidebook to reflect discontinuance of Privacy Manager for business customers.
View17-1001510/13/2017Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy previously approved in Docket No. 95-3052.
View17-1001410/13/2017Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer NV Energy (LV2), previously Las Vegas Cogeneration II, LLC, pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View17-1001310/12/2017Application of Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company for allowance of Nevada Universal Service Fund funding for the year commencing January 1, 2018.
View17-1001210/12/2017Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Cruz Construction Company, Inc. ("Cruz") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Cruz.
View17-1001110/10/2017Notice by Airespring, Inc. of its intent to request numbering resources for the Las Vegas rate center from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View17-1001010/12/2017Application of Spirit Mountain Utility Company, Inc. for approval to use funds from the surcharge funds account to pay for additional costs accumulated during the replacement of two transfer tanks as referenced in Docket No. 17-05017.
View17-1000910/09/2017Application of Xtreme Manufacturing, LLC to implement and use the Economic Development Rate Rider established through NRS 704.7871 to 704.7882, inclusive.
View17-1000810/05/2017Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to introduce a two year term plan for Frontier Commercial Voice Unlimited bundled service.
View17-1000710/05/2017Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to include an increase in the bundled Feature Pack monthly rate.
View17-1000610/03/2017Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-17-08 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce a two year term plan for Frontier Commercial Voice Unlimited bundled service.
View17-1000510/03/2017Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-17-07 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce a two year term plan for Frontier Commercial Voice Unlimited bundled service.
View17-1000410/04/2017Complaint and request for action for enforcement of a civil penalty of the Regulatory Operations Staff against Pearson Trenching and Trucking for violation of the provisions of Chapter 455 of the Nevada Revised Statutes.
View17-1000310/03/2017Filing by Absolute Home Phones, Inc. d/b/a Absolute Mobile of updated Advisory Wireless Service Tariff No. 1.
View17-1000210/04/2017Petition of Reno Technology Park Water Company ("RTP") to modify the Order issued in Docket No. 13-04009 to eliminate the requirement that Unique Infrastructure Group, LLC maintain a letter of credit benefiting RTP.
View17-1000110/02/2017Investigation regarding the Energy Choice Initiative.
View17-0903109/29/2017Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Onvoy Spectrum, LLC for approval of a Two-Way CMRS Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View17-0903009/29/2017Filing by Cox Nevada Telcom, LLC of biennial audit report submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") pursuant to the FCC’s Final Lifeline Biennial Audit Plan.
View17-0902909/29/2017Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to recover costs of gas infrastructure replacement projects through the gas infrastructure replacement mechanism.
View17-0902809/27/2017Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 17-11 to revise Tariff No. 1A to introduce the State Lifeline Support Credit for customers who qualify for the Federal Lifeline Program credit.
View17-0902709/27/2017Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View17-0902609/28/2017Application of the Nevada Department of Transportation for authority to install a railroad crossing signal system at the existing public at-grade crossing located at Barnes Canyon Road in Lincoln County, Nevada.
View17-0902509/26/2017Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Granite Construction Company ("Granite") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Granite.
View17-0902409/25/2017Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-17-05 to revise Tariff No. 4-C to modify the State Lifeline Support Credit and Tribal Link Up Enhanced Lifeline Credit.
View17-0902309/25/2017Petition of Valley Electric Energy Services LLC ("VEES") for a Declaratory Order finding that VEES qualifies as an alternative provider of electric resources pursuant to NRS Chapter 704B.
View17-0902209/22/2017Notice by CLEC, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View17-0902109/21/2017Show Cause Proceeding to determine why Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity, Licenses, or Permits should not be revoked, why administrative fines should not be imposed, and/or why administrative action should not be taken on certain companies that did not timely meet their regulatory obligations for calendar year 2016 and/or the period July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2017.
View17-0902009/19/2017Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and ACN Communication Services, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 5 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View17-0901909/22/2017Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Metropolitan Telecommunications of Nevada, Inc. d/b/a MetTel for approval of Amendment No. 3 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View17-0901809/19/2017Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and California Broadband Cooperative, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View17-0901709/19/2017Notice by BluIP, Inc. of its intent to request numbering resources for the Las Vegas rate center from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View17-0901609/18/2017Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. for authority to modify Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2720 Sub 10 and CPC 2343 Sub 11 to expand its water and sewer service territory to include approximately 5 acres of real property located in Pahrump, Nye County, Nevada.
View17-0901509/15/2017Application of Clark County for authority to construct a grade-separated crossing over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks at Harmon Avenue and Valley View Boulevard located in Las Vegas, Nevada.
View17-0901409/28/2017Application of Calpine Energy Solutions, LLC for approval of an agreement and plan of merger and approval of the transfer of Alternative Seller License No. G-6 Sub 2 or, in the alternative, for a Declaratory Order that approval of the merger and transfer of License are not required.
View17-0901309/15/2017Amended Application of ORNI 41 LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the McGinness Hills III Project consisting of an approximately 0.5 mile long 230 kV gen-tie transmission line and associated facilities, including a 98 (61.5 MW net capacity) MW geothermal energy generating facility, to be located approximately 10 miles northeast of Austin in Lander County, Nevada.
View17-0901209/14/2017Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates to include a promotional offering for business customers that subscribe to Frontier Commercial Voice Unlimited service.
View17-0901109/13/2017Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View17-0901009/07/2017Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-17-04 to transfer existing tariff items to the Service Catalog.
View17-0900909/12/2017Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of Report of Results for the 2017 Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act Qualifying Facilities Request for Proposals.
View17-0900809/08/2017Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Western States Contracting, Inc. ("Western States") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Western States.
View17-0900709/08/2017Filing by TracFone Wireless, Inc. d/b/a SafeLink Wireless, Simple Mobile, NET10, Total Wireless, Page Plus Cellular, TelCel, and Straight Talk of a new Lifeline service option.
View17-0900609/01/2017Report by Solix, Inc., as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund, regarding fiscal year 2018 assessment recommendation concerning the minimum annual contribution and assessment rate on the intrastate retail revenues of all obligated providers of telecommunication services in Nevada.
View17-0900509/01/2017Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 600-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to modify Economic Development Rate Rider Schedule EDRR.
View17-0900409/01/2017Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 482 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to modify Economic Development Rate Rider Schedule EDRR.
View17-0900309/01/2017Informational report of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy concerning its natural gas resource planning activities for the period 2018-2020.
View17-0900209/01/2017Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its Energy Supply Plan Update for 2018-2019.
View17-0900109/01/2017Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for acceptance of its Energy Supply Plan Update for 2018.
View17-0802808/31/2017Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, Inc. to withdraw $15,692.89 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View17-0802708/31/2017Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink of a promotion for business customers that subscribe to Pure Bundle to be eligible for a one-time waiver of the monthly recurring charge.
View17-0802608/31/2017Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice under Advice Letter No. 507 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2017.
View17-0802508/28/2017Application of Great Basin Water Co. for authority to amend Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2692 Sub 7 to expand its water and sewer service territory to include 4.25 acres of commercial property owned by T&N Properties, LC located in Pahrump, Nye County, Nevada.
View17-0802408/25/2017Filing by TracFone Wireless, Inc. d/b/a SafeLink Wireless, Simple Mobile, NET10, Total Wireless, Page Plus Cellular, TelCel, and Straight Talk of biennial audit report submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") pursuant to the FCC’s Final Lifeline Biennial Audit Plan.
View17-0802308/25/2017Investigation and rulemaking to implement Senate Bill 150 (2017).
View17-0802208/25/2017Investigation and rulemaking to implement Senate Bill 146 (2017).
View17-0802108/25/2017Rulemaking to implement the provisions of Senate Bill 145 (2017).
View17-0802008/23/2017Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Southwest Gas Corporation ("SWG") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of the Federal Pipeline Safety Regulations by SWG.
View17-0801908/22/2017Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 17-05 to revise Tariff No. 1A to standardize the process for customer-requested changes in service dates, cancellation of applications for business services, and requests for expedited service dates.
View17-0801808/23/2017Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-17-03 to revise Tariff No. 4-C to increase the State Lifeline Support Credit and reduce the Tribal Link Up Enhanced Lifeline Credit.
View17-0801708/22/2017Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 17-10 to withdraw Wholesale Tariff No. 3A.
View17-0801608/22/2017Rulemaking to amend NAC 704.680301 to add a provision relating to the establishment of standards and penalties regarding the provision of interconnection, unbundled network elements, and resold services.
View17-0801508/21/2017Registration of Visible Service LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View17-0801408/21/2017Filing by CenturyLink, Inc. of biennial audit report submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") pursuant to the FCC’s Final Lifeline Biennial Audit Plan.
View17-0801308/18/2017Notice by GridLiance West Transco LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct an up to 4.5-mile long 230 kV transmission line and associated facilities to be located in Boulder City, Clark County, Nevada.
View17-0801208/21/2017Show Cause Proceeding to determine whether Great Basin Water Co. should be assessed administrative fines pursuant to NRS 703.380, in addition to any other remedies, for issues raised in Docket. No. 17-02048.
View17-0801108/29/2017Application of RX3 Communications, Inc for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View17-0801008/15/2017Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 17-03 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2017.
View17-0800908/15/2017Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 17-03(G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2017.
View17-0800808/15/2017Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 17-03 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2017.
View17-0800708/15/2017Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. for allowance of Nevada Universal Service Fund funding for the year commencing January 1, 2018.
View17-0800608/11/2017Application of Rural Telephone Company for allowance of Nevada Universal Service Fund funding for the year commencing January 1, 2018.
View17-0800508/07/2017Filing by IM Telecom, LLC d/b/a Infiniti Mobile of updated Informational Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to Lifeline wireless service plans.
View17-0800408/08/2017Filing by Boomerang Wireless, LLC d/b/a enTouch Wireless of biennial audit report submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") pursuant to the FCC’s Final Lifeline Biennial Audit Plan.
View17-0800308/07/2017Notice by Sandstone Solar Energy, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct an up to 1,600 MW concentrating solar power electric generation facility and associated facilities to be located north of Tonopah in Nye County, Nevada.
View17-0800208/29/2017Notice by TTI National, Inc. ("TTI") and MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ("MCI") of the transfer of customers from TTI to MCI.
View17-0800108/03/2017Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale for approval of various Amendments to Interconnection Agreements entered into between Petitioner and eleven competitive local exchange carriers pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View17-0702708/02/2017Notice by GridLiance West Transco LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct up to 4.5 miles of 230 kV transmission line and associated facilities to be located in Boulder City, Clark County, Nevada.
View17-0702607/28/2017Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of tariff schedules and rates pursuant to Assembly Bill 405 (2017).
View17-0702507/28/2017Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View17-0702407/21/2017Application of Solar Partners XI, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Gemini Solar Project consisting of an approximately 690 MW alternating current photovoltaic solar electric generating facility and associated facilities to be located approximately 33 miles north of Las Vegas in Clark County, Nevada.
View17-0702307/21/2017Filing by Sage Telecom Communications, LLC d/b/a TruConnect of updated Informational Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to wireless Lifeline plans.
View17-0702207/21/2017Biannual filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy regarding the Solar Program, providing a status update and a summary of discussion from a meeting with industry stakeholders pursuant to NAC 701B.145.
View17-0702107/19/2017Informational report of Prospector Pipeline Company concerning its natural gas resource planning activities.
View17-0702007/19/2017Investigation and rulemaking to implement Senate Bill 65 (2017).
View17-0701907/19/2017Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of annual plans for the Solar Thermal Systems Demonstration Program for Program Year 2018.
View17-0701807/17/2017Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 598-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 2, Schedule Nos. LCSPP86 and LCSPP87, to adjust rates for long-term cogeneration and small power production energy and capacity rates.
View17-0701707/14/2017Notice by Mitel Cloud Services, Inc. ("Mitel") of the transfer of certain assets, including interconnected VoIP service customer base, from Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc. to Mitel.
View17-0701607/14/2017Notice by Southern California Public Power Authority, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Apex Transmission Line consisting of approximately 10 to 14 miles of 500 kV transmission line and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View17-0701507/13/2017Notice by GC Pivotal, LLC, Pivotal Global Capacity, LLC, and GTT Americas, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View17-0701407/13/2017Investigation and Rulemaking to implement Senate Bill 204 (2017).
View17-0701307/13/2017Investigation pursuant to Assembly Bill 405 (2017).
View17-0701207/13/2017Investigation and rulemaking to implement Senate Bill 412 (2017).
View17-0701107/13/2017Investigation and rulemaking to implement Assembly Bill 223 (2017).
View17-0701007/12/2017Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Craftsman Homes, LLC ("Craftsman") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Craftsman.
View17-0700907/19/2017Application of TracFone Wireless, Inc. d/b/a SafeLink Wireless, Simple Mobile, NET10, Total Wireless, Page Plus Cellular, TelCel, and Straight Talk to be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the State of Nevada to receive Nevada Universal Service Fund support for Lifeline service.
View17-0700807/06/2017Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. for authority to modify Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2720 Sub 9 and CPC 2343 Sub 10 to expand its water and sewer service territory to include approximately 5 acres of real property located in Pahrump, Nye County, Nevada.
View17-0700707/06/2017Application of Mpower Communications Corp. d/b/a TelePacific Communications for approval of a change of fictitious business name to TPx Communications for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2068 Sub 6.
View17-0700607/06/2017Application of U.S. TelePacific Corp. d/b/a TelePacific Communications for approval of a change of fictitious business name to TPx Communications for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2436 Sub 2.
View17-0700507/07/2017Application of Budget PrePay, Inc. d/b/a Budget Phone to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2696 Sub 3.
View17-0700407/05/2017Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of annual plans for the Solar Thermal Systems Demonstration Program for Program Year 2018.
View17-0700307/03/2017Commission-sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Elko County, Nevada.
View17-0700207/03/2017Commission-sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Clark County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View17-0700107/03/2017Commission-sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Washoe County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View17-0605107/11/2017Application of Xtension Services Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2788 Sub 1.
View17-0605006/30/2017Request of WUE, INC. d/b/a WUE WIRELESS to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View17-0604907/05/2017Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink, Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale, and Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. to add a provision to NAC 704.680301 relating to the establishment of standards and penalties regarding the provision of interconnection, unbundled network elements, and resold services.
View17-0604806/30/2017Joint Application of Nevada Geothermal Utility Company, Inc. ("NGUC") and Avalon Geothermal, LLC ("Avalon") for approval of Avalon's acquisition of NGUC and its Geothermal Operating Permit ("GOP") No. 001 and for approval of an expansion of the existing service area under GOP 001.
View17-0604706/29/2017Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-17-05 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to increase the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 17-02004.
View17-0604606/29/2017Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-17-06 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to increase the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 17-02004.
View17-0604506/30/2017Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its 2017 Natural Gas Conservation and Energy Efficiency Plan Annual Report.
View17-0604406/30/2017Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its 2017 Annual Demand Side Management Update Report as it relates to the Action Plan of its 2017-2036 Integrated Resource Plan.
View17-0604306/30/2017Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its 2017 Annual Demand Side Management Update Report as it relates to the Action Plan of its 2016-2035 Integrated Resource Plan.
View17-0604206/29/2017Notice by Legacy Long Distance International, Inc. and Jail Education Solutions, Inc. d/b/a Edovo of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View17-0604106/29/2017Joint Petition of Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects and Cascade Access, LLC d/b/a Reliance Connects for approval of an Opt-In Agreement for Local Interconnection pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View17-0604006/29/2017Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View17-0603906/29/2017Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates.
View17-0603806/30/2017Filing by Commnet of Nevada, LLC of Federal Communications Commission Form 690 pursuant to 47 CFR 54.1009.
View17-0603706/16/2017Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304 and annual certification that price cap carrier is not seeking duplicative Eligible Recovery pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.915.
View17-0603606/20/2017Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313.
View17-0603506/22/2017Filing by Frontier Communications Corporation regarding removal of census blocks from its previously accepted eligible funding for Connect America Fund Phase I Round 2 incremental support pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.312.
View17-0603406/22/2017Notice by Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View17-0603306/21/2017Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale of revisions to the Guidebook to reflect discontinuance of Privacy Manager for residential customers.
View17-0603206/21/2017Application of Spirit Mountain Utility Company, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 4 to change Water Tariff No. 3 to Water Tariff No. 2.
View17-0603106/21/2017Filing by TerraCom Inc. of updated Advisory Tariff No. 1 that includes updates to contact information, Service Activation Fee statement, and Wireless Lifeline Program.
View17-0603006/21/2017Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 506 to revise Gas Tariff No. 7 to modify Discontinuance, Termination, Restoration, and Refusal of Service Rule No. 6 pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 16-10008 and to modify Facilities Extensions Rule No. 9 to align the refund period for advances for all projects.
View17-0602906/19/2017Notice by West Safety Communications Inc., West Telecom Services, LLC, West Corporation, and Olympus Holdings II, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View17-0602806/14/2017Notice by Granite Telecommunications, LLC that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View17-0602706/12/2017Filing by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View17-0602606/16/2017Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 324-G to revise Gas Tariff No. 1 to modify Discontinuance, Termination, Restoration, and Refusal of Service Rule No. 6 pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 16-10008.
View17-0602506/16/2017Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 597-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to modify Discontinuance, Termination, Restoration, and Refusal of Service Rule No. 6 pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 16-10008.
View17-0602406/16/2017Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 480 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to modify Discontinuance, Restoration, and Refusal of Service Rule No. 6 pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 16-10008.
View17-0602306/16/2017Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 17-08 to revise Tariff No. 1A to introduce Unlimited Nationwide Calling Package and grandfather Pure Broadband Bundle and Home Phone II packaged services.
View17-0602206/14/2017Filing by Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View17-0602106/16/2017Filing by Rural Telephone Company of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313, annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation ("CAF ICC") Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View17-0602006/16/2017Filing by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313, annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation ("CAF ICC") Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View17-0601906/16/2017Filing by Moapa Valley Telephone Company of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313, annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation ("CAF ICC") Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View17-0601806/15/2017Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Straight-Line, Inc.
View17-0601706/12/2017Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and MCImetro Access Transmission Services Corp. for approval of Amendment No. 19 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View17-0601606/08/2017Application of Roman LD, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2968.
View17-0601506/09/2017Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 596-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to modify Generating Facility Interconnections Rule No. 15.
View17-0601406/09/2017Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 479 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to modify Generating Facility Interconnections Rule No. 15.
View17-0601306/08/2017Filing by Tempo Telecom, LLC d/b/a Tempo of updated Informational Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to Lifeline Wireless Service.
View17-0601206/09/2017Filing by Churchill County Board of Commissioners d/b/a CC Communications of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View17-0601106/05/2017Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-17-02 to revise Tariff No. 4-C to update the methodology used to calculate the Late Payment Charge and introduce a minimum Late Payment Charge.
View17-0601006/07/2017Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Sierra Nevada Construction, Inc. ("SNC") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by SNC.
View17-0600906/02/2017Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View17-0600806/06/2017Filing by CenturyLink, Inc. regarding removal of census blocks from its previously accepted eligible funding for Connect America Fund Phase I Round 2 pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.312.
View17-0600706/05/2017Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 17 to revise Tariff No. 2A to increase the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 17-02004.
View17-0600606/05/2017Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 19 to revise Tariff No. 1A to increase the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 17-02004.
View17-0600506/05/2017Application of Rural Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 36 to revise Tariff No. 1 to increase the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 17-02004.
View17-0600406/05/2017Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of new and revised depreciation and amortization rates for its electric and common accounts.
View17-0600306/05/2017Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to adjust its annual revenue requirement for general rates charged to all classes of electric customers and for relief properly related thereto.
View17-0600206/01/2017Application of Southwest Gas Corporation to establish the Variable Interest Expense Recovery mechanism rates, Unrecovered Gas Cost Expense rates, system shrinkage rates, Imbalance Commodity and Reservation charges, Renewable Energy Program rates, General Revenues Adjustment rates, and Conservation and Energy Efficiency rates.
View17-0600106/01/2017Informational report of Southwest Gas Corporation concerning its natural gas resource planning activities for the period of 2017.
View17-0503605/31/2017Application of Network Enhanced Technologies, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2141 Sub 1.
View17-0503505/31/2017Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and A & K Earth Movers Inc. ("A&K") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by A&K.
View17-0503405/31/2017Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice under Advice Letter No. 505 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2017.
View17-0503305/30/2017Notice by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View17-0503205/26/2017Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View17-0503105/24/2017Application of CenterPoint Energy Services Retail, LLC to voluntarily discontinue service as an alternative seller of natural gas conducted under License No. G-23 Sub 2.
View17-0503005/23/2017Joint Petition of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. and Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless for approval of an Opt-In Agreement for Local Interconnection pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View17-0502905/18/2017Filing by Filer Mutual Telephone Company of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View17-0502805/22/2017Notice by Securus Technologies, Inc., Securus Investment Holdings, LLC, and SCRS Acquisition Corporation of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View17-0502705/22/2017Advance Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to recover costs of gas infrastructure replacement projects through the gas infrastructure replacement mechanism.
View17-0502605/18/2017Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 504 to revise Gas Tariff No. 7 to expand the use of excess flow valves in compliance with the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration and to establish a Customer Owned Yard Line policy pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 16-06001.
View17-0502505/18/2017Notice by Rural Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View17-0502405/18/2017Notice by Moapa Valley Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View17-0502305/18/2017Notice by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View17-0502205/18/2017Notice by Filer Mutual Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View17-0502105/18/2017Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates.
View17-0502005/18/2017Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates.
View17-0501905/18/2017Notice by Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of a promotional offering for the Elko and Tonopah Divisions for new business customers that subscribe to Frontier Commercial Voice Unlimited.
View17-0501805/22/2017Application of Global Connection Inc. of America d/b/a STAND UP WIRELESS to be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the State of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View17-0501705/19/2017Application of Spirit Mountain Utility Company, Inc. for approval to use funds from the surcharge funds account to pay for the purchase of two replacement transfer tanks as referenced in Docket No. 15-01030.
View17-0501605/16/2017Application of Spirit Mountain Utility Company, Inc. for authority to increase an existing rate surcharge to fund the replacement of two transfer storage tanks as referenced in Docket No. 15-01030.
View17-0501505/16/2017Notice by Broadview Networks, Inc., Broadview Networks Holdings, Inc., and Windstream Holdings, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View17-0501405/15/2017Application of Peppermill Casinos Inc. d/b/a Peppermill Resort Spa Casino to purchase energy, capacity, and/or ancillary services from a provider of new electric resources.
View17-0501305/15/2017Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 17-02(G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2017.
View17-0501205/15/2017Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 17-02 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2017.
View17-0501105/15/2017Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 17-02 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2017.
View17-0501005/12/2017Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("SPPC") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by SPPC.
View17-0500905/12/2017Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View17-0500805/11/2017Application of Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects filed under Advice Letter No. 10 to revise Tariff No. 2 to modify switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View17-0500705/10/2017Filings by Eligible Telecommunications Carriers of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements.
View17-0500605/10/2017Application of BT Communications Sales LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2446 Sub 2.
View17-0500505/08/2017Request of Total Call Mobile, Inc. to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View17-0500405/01/2017Request of Budget PrePay, Inc. d/b/a Budget Mobile to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View17-0500305/01/2017Application of Budget PrePay, Inc. d/b/a Budget Mobile to voluntarily relinquish designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the State of Nevada.
View17-0500205/01/2017Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View17-0500105/01/2017Notice by Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View17-0403104/28/2017Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Desert Star Energy Center pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View17-0403004/28/2017Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Saguaro Power Company previously approved in Docket No. 94-4050.
View17-0402904/28/2017Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of tax adjustment pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 00-1028.
View17-0402804/28/2017Filing by Blue Jay Wireless, LLC of biennial audit report submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") pursuant to the FCC’s Final Lifeline Biennial Audit Plan.
View17-0402704/28/2017Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Mountain Pine Construction ("Mountain Pine") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Mountain Pine.
View17-0402604/28/2017Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Reno Green Landscaping, Inc. ("Reno Green") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Reno Green.
View17-0402504/28/2017Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of its 2016 Conservation and Energy Efficiency Plan Annual Report.
View17-0402404/27/2017Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 12 to revise Tariff No. 3C to reduce switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View17-0402304/27/2017Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 12 to revise Tariff No. 2A to reduce switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View17-0402204/27/2017Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View17-0402104/26/2017Filing by Telrite Corporation d/b/a Life Wireless of updated Tariff No. 2 that includes a change of company address and upgrades in service to Lifeline customers.
View17-0402004/26/2017Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-17-01 to revise Tariff No. 4-C to increase the Lifeline rate detail associated with the Residence Access Line rate increases.
View17-0401904/25/2017Petition of Google Inc. for a Declaratory Order regarding the impact analysis that will be performed if Google Inc. seeks to obtain service from a provider of new electric resources pursuant to Chapter 704B of the NRS.
View17-0401804/25/2017Application of Deluxe Mobile Home Park to withdraw $2,083.32 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View17-0401704/20/2017Registration of Comcast OTR1, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View17-0401605/03/2017Application of Round Mountain Gold Corporation, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to relocate approximately 13,003 feet of existing 230 kV transmission line into a proposed 230 kV Powerline Right of Way corridor to accommodate a planned mine expansion project located in Round Mountain, Nye County, Nevada.
View17-0401504/14/2017Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-17-04 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce a new convenience fee for payments made using a company representative.
View17-0401404/14/2017Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-17-03 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce a new convenience fee for payments made using a company representative.
View17-0401304/18/2017Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order to Appear and Show Cause why CYTEL, INC. should not have its Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity revoked for violation of certain rules of the Federal Communications Commission.
View17-0401204/18/2017Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order to Appear and Show Cause why TeleDias Communications, Inc. should not have its Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity revoked for violation of certain rules of the Federal Communications Commission.
View17-0401104/13/2017Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of biennial audit report submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") pursuant to the FCC’s Final Lifeline Biennial Audit Plan.
View17-0401004/17/2017Joint Petition of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("SPPC"), the Regulatory Operations Staff, and the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education on behalf of the University of Nevada, Reno ("UNR") for the conversion of the master meter natural gas distribution system owned and operated by UNR to a utility-owned natural gas distribution system owned and operated by SPPC and for an exception to Rule 9 and Rule 16 of SPPC’s tariff.
View17-0400904/13/2017Notice by ANPI Business, LLC of its intent to discontinue residential long-distance services.
View17-0400804/12/2017Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Neutral Tandem-Nevada, LLC for approval of a Carrier Partner for Interconnected VoIP Provider Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View17-0400704/12/2017Application of TDS Metrocom, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3004.
View17-0400604/10/2017Filing by Telrite Corporation d/b/a Life Wireless of biennial audit report submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") pursuant to the FCC’s Final Lifeline Biennial Audit Plan..
View17-0400504/06/2017Notice by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of its intent to file an application for adjustment in electric rates.
View17-0400404/03/2017Notice by Vonage Holdings Corp. of its intent to request numbering resources for the Las Vegas, Laughlin, and Searchlight rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View17-0400304/03/2017Report of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy on the progress of its Action Plan relative to its 2016-2035 Integrated Resource Plan.
View17-0400204/03/2017Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View17-0400104/03/2017Application of Desert Utilities, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 5 to revise water Tariff No. 1 and sewer Tariff No. 2 to adjust rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View17-0304903/31/2017Annual Report of Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2016.
View17-0304803/30/2017Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-17-02 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Frontier Commercial Voice Unlimited new bundled service.
View17-0304703/30/2017Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-17-01 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Frontier Commercial Voice Unlimited new bundled service.
View17-0304604/05/2017Annual Report of Exelon Generation Company, LLC on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2016.
View17-0304503/31/2017Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the status of merger commitments in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 13-07021.
View17-0304403/30/2017Annual Report of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2016.
View17-0304303/30/2017Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the quality of service metrics in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 15-06064.
View17-0304203/30/2017Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 323-G to revise Rule Nos. 12 and 13 to reflect current customer bill deposit policies.
View17-0304103/30/2017Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 593-E to revise Rule Nos. 12 and 13 to reflect current customer bill deposit policies.
View17-0304003/30/2017Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 476 to revise Rule Nos. 12 and 13 to reflect current customer bill deposit policies.
View17-0303903/30/2017Annual Report of Tenaska Power Services Co. on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2016.
View17-0303803/30/2017Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Arizona Pipeline Co. ("APL") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violation of Nevada’s One Call Law by APL and trigger payment of administrative penalty held in abeyance in Docket No. 16-10018.
View17-0303704/07/2017Application of Steamboat Springs Water Works, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 3 to revise Rate Schedules to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View17-0303603/29/2017Application of Dutchman Acres Water Company filed under Advice Letter No. 6 to revise Water Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View17-0303503/27/2017Application of Dutchman Acres Water Company filed under Advice Letter No. 5 to revise Water Tariff No. 1 to modify Continuity of Service Rule No. 8 to include penalties for violations of prohibited water use measures pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 16-08030.
View17-0303403/28/2017Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of the Federal Pipeline Safety Regulations by Empire Mining Co., LLC.
View17-0303303/28/2017Application of Spirit Mountain Utility Company, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 4 to revise Water Tariff No. 3 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View17-0303203/27/2017Application of Mount Charleston Water Company filed under Advice Letter No. 17-1 to revise Water Tariff and Sewer Tariff to adjust rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View17-0303103/24/2017Application of Verdi Meadows Utility Company, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 4 to revise Water Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View17-0303003/22/2017Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Bailey Homes ("Bailey") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Bailey.
View17-0302903/22/2017Revised registration of Global Connection Inc. of America d/b/a STAND UP WIRELESS to update information.
View17-0302803/21/2017Joint Petition of SolarCity Corporation, Sunrun Inc., Robco Electric, Inc., Great Basin Solar Coalition, Sunworks United Inc., 1 Sun Solar Electric L.L.C., Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy to allow additional time for eligible customers to opt-in to the grandfathered Net Metering Rider-G (NMR-G).
View17-0302703/28/2017Registration of Alliant Technologies of Nevada, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View17-0302603/16/2017Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates.
View17-0302503/16/2017Application of AmeriGas Propane, L.P. for approval of a change of name to AmeriGas Propane, L.P. d/b/a Bi-State Propane for liquefied petroleum gas service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2672 Sub 2.
View17-0302403/15/2017Application of AmeriGas Propane, L.P. for approval of a change of name to AmeriGas Propane, L.P. d/b/a Bi-State Propane for liquefied petroleum gas service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2670 Sub 2.
View17-0302303/15/2017Application of Sparks Mobile Home & RV Park, LLC to withdraw $3,463.89 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View17-0302203/14/2017Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 11 to revise Tariff No. 3C to standardize language in intrastate access tariffs associated with cancellation of customer orders.
View17-0302103/14/2017Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 11 to revise Tariff No. 2A to standardize language in intrastate access tariffs associated with cancellation of customer orders, to eliminate obsolete language associated with magnetic tape, and to clarify that the DS1 Direct Trunked Transport Rate is a per channel rate.
View17-0302003/13/2017Application of Gold Country Water Company, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 5 to revise Water Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View17-0301903/09/2017Notice by Boomerang Wireless, LLC d/b/a enTouch Wireless ("enTouch Wireless") of the transfer of certain Lifeline customers from Budget Wireless d/b/a Budget Mobile to enTouch Wireless.
View17-0301803/07/2017Notice by Smokey Ridge Mobile Home Park of a change of ownership to Randall W. Williams.
View17-0301703/08/2017Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, Inc. to withdraw $5,952.04 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View17-0301603/07/2017Application of Indian Springs Water Co., Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 8 to revise Water Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View17-0301503/02/2017Notice by Great American Insurance Company on behalf of Highlands Wireless Inc. of a bond cancellation for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3012.
View17-0301403/06/2017Filing by the Regulatory Operations Staff of calendar year 2016 accounting report for each utility authorized to collect a rate surcharge pursuant to NAC 704.600(6).
View17-0301303/03/2017Revised registration of Konatel Inc. d/b/a to remove fictitious business name
View17-0301203/03/2017Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC d/b/a Cingular Wireless for approval of Amendment No. 4 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View17-0301103/03/2017Application of Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 15 to revise Tariff No. 1 to modify Lifeline Service to comply with recent orders of the Federal Communications Commission.
View17-0301003/03/2017Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 592-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to establish Voluntary Subscription Solar Pricing Program Rider Schedule Solar 1.
View17-0300903/03/2017Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 475 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to establish Voluntary Subscription Solar Pricing Program Rider Schedule Solar 1.
View17-0300803/02/2017Filing by TAG Mobile, LLC of updated Advisory Tariff that includes revisions to Lifeline wireless service plan.
View17-0300703/02/2017Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and NDX, LLC ("NDX") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by NDX.
View17-0300603/02/2017Application of TracFone Wireless, Inc. d/b/a SafeLink Wireless, Simple Mobile, NET10, Total Wireless, Page Plus Cellular, TelCel, and Straight Talk to amend its designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier to receive Nevada Universal Service Fund support for Lifeline service in the State of Nevada.
View17-0300503/01/2017Application of Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 14 to revise Tariff No. 1 to increase the residential basic flat rate consistent with the Federal Communications Commission monthly urban rate.
View17-0300403/01/2017Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 11-02015.
View17-0300303/01/2017Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of natural gas expenses and to reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rate.
View17-0300203/01/2017Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of fuel and purchased power expenses and to reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development charge, reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rates, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Program Rates, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rates, reset the Amortization Energy Efficiency Program Rate, and reset the Amortization Energy Efficiency Implementation Rate.
View17-0300103/01/2017Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of fuel and purchased power expenses and to reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development charge, reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rates, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Program Rates, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rates, reset the Amortization Energy Efficiency Program Rate, reset the Amortization Energy Efficiency Implementation Rate, and refund the total amount of Base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rate revenue received in 2016, including carrying charges.
View17-0205102/27/2017Notice by Budget PrePay, Inc. d/b/a Budget Mobile of termination of service agreement to resell services of T-Mobile.
View17-0205002/28/2017Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Airus, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 2 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View17-0204902/28/2017Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Airus, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View17-0204802/28/2017Application of Great Basin Water Co., Pahrump Division for approval of its 2017 Integrated Resource Plan, for approval to designate certain system improvement projects as eligible projects for which a system improvement rate may be established, and for other relief properly related thereto.
View17-0204702/28/2017Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice under Advice Letter No. 503 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2017.
View17-0204602/28/2017Registration of Lycamobile USA, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View17-0204502/27/2017Application of Tesla Motors, Inc. to implement and use the Economic Development Rate Rider established through NRS 704.7871 to 704.7882, inclusive.
View17-0204402/27/2017Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the Economic Development Electric Rate Rider Program pursuant to NAC 704.8958.
View17-0204302/27/2017Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the Economic Development Electric Rate Rider Program pursuant to NAC 704.8958.
View17-0204202/23/2017Registration of Global Connection Inc. of America d/b/a STAND UP WIRELESS as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View17-0204102/24/2017Notice by commio, LLC of its intent to request numbering resources for the Reno and Las Vegas rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View17-0204002/24/2017Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff, CF MH III Three Crowns, LLC d/b/a Three Crowns Mobile Manor ("Three Crowns"), and Southwest Gas Corporation ("SWG") for the conversion of the master meter natural gas distribution system owned and operated by Three Crowns to a utility-owned natural gas distribution system owned and operated by SWG and for an exception to Rule 9 of SWG’s tariff.
View17-0203902/23/2017Application of Nevada Geothermal Utility Company, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue geothermal service conducted under Geothermal Operating Permit ("GOP") 001.
View17-0203802/23/2017Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View17-0203702/22/2017Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Sunstate Companies, LLC ("Sunstate") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Sunstate.
View17-0203602/22/2017Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 12 to revise Water Tariff No. 1A and Sewer Tariff No. 1A to adjust rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View17-0203502/22/2017Registration of Excellus Communications, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View17-0203402/22/2017Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Comcast Phone of Nevada, LLC d/b/a Comcast Digital Phone for approval of an Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View17-0203302/23/2017Application of WANRack, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View17-0203202/22/2017Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Direct Grading and Paving ("DGP") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by DGP.
View17-0203102/21/2017Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Cruz Construction Company, Inc. ("Cruz") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Cruz.
View17-0203002/21/2017Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 591-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 2 to submit short-term avoided cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities pursuant to Schedule CSPP - Short-Term.
View17-0202902/21/2017Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 474 to revise Electric Tariff No. 1-B to reflect the avoided short-term cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities pursuant to Qualifying Facilities Schedule QF - Short Term.
View17-0202803/03/2017Notice by Multiline Long Distance, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View17-0202703/03/2017Notice by Network Service Billing, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View17-0202603/03/2017Notice by Communications Network Billing, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View17-0202503/03/2017Notice by Integrated Services, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View17-0202403/03/2017Notice by Business Network Long Distance, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View17-0202303/03/2017Notice by Nationwide Long Distance Service, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View17-0202203/03/2017Notice by National Access Long Distance, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View17-0202102/16/2017Filing by Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View17-0202002/22/2017Application of Clark County for authority to convert a section of existing private at-grade crossing at Mine Road from Las Vegas Boulevard North to approximately 200 feet east of the Union Pacific Railroad tracks to a public road in Las Vegas, Nevada.
View17-0201902/15/2017Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 17-01(G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2017.
View17-0201802/15/2017Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 17-01 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2017.
View17-0201702/15/2017Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 17-01 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2017.
View17-0201602/15/2017Filing by Filer Mutual Telephone Company of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View17-0201502/13/2017Notice by Peerless Network of Nevada, LLC, Airus, Inc., and Peerless Network, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View17-0201402/14/2017Filing by Moapa Valley Telephone Company of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View17-0201302/14/2017Notice by the Regulatory Operations Staff of the 2017 range of reasonable returns on equity for water and sewer utilities.
View17-0201202/09/2017Application of Tele Circuit Network Corporation to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2983.
View17-0201102/09/2017Investigation to examine the benefits of re-starting the residential lighting program to promote the installation of high-efficiency lighting (LED) in Nevada.
View17-0201002/03/2017Filing by Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada and Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View17-0200902/03/2017Filing by TAG Mobile, LLC of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View17-0200802/02/2017Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of a Renewable Energy Agreement with Apple Inc.
View17-0200702/02/2017Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the first amendment to its 2017-2036 Integrated Resource Plan and its 2017-2019 Action Plan as it relates to a new renewable energy purchased power agreement.
View17-0200602/01/2017Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of annual plans for the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program, the Wind Energy Systems Demonstration Program, and the Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Program for Program Year 2017-2018.
View17-0200502/01/2017Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Paramount Utility Corporation ("Paramount") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Paramount.
View17-0200402/01/2017Application of the Department of Health and Human Services Aging and Disability Services Division for approval of a State Fiscal Year ("SFY") 2018 telecommunication device for the deaf surcharge that is calculated based on its Governor’s recommended budget for SFY 2018.
View17-0200302/01/2017Filing by TracFone Wireless, Inc. d/b/a SafeLink Wireless, Simple Mobile, NET10, Total Wireless, Page Plus Cellular, TelCel, and Straight Talk of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View17-0200202/01/2017Filing by Sage Telecom Communications, LLC d/b/a TruConnect of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View17-0200102/01/2017Filing by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View17-0104601/31/2017Filing by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View17-0104501/31/2017Filing by Blue Jay Wireless, LLC of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View17-0104401/31/2017Filing by Total Call Mobile, Inc. of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View17-0104301/31/2017Filing by Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View17-0104201/31/2017Filing by Absolute Home Phones, Inc. d/b/a Absolute Mobile of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View17-0104101/31/2017Filing by American Broadband and Telecommunications Company of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View17-0104001/31/2017Filing by Budget PrePay, Inc. d/b/a Budget Mobile of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View17-0103901/30/2017Filing by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View17-0103801/30/2017Filing by Tempo Telecom, LLC d/b/a Tempo of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View17-0103701/30/2017Filing by Q LINK WIRELESS LLC of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View17-0103601/27/2017Filing by i-wireless, LLC d/b/a Access Wireless of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View17-0103501/31/2017Filing by Boomerang Wireless, LLC d/b/a enTouch Wireless of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View17-0103401/30/2017Filing by Commnet of Nevada, LLC of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View17-0103301/26/2017Petition of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. for review and approval of its 2017 Carrier-to-Carrier Performance Assurance Plan.
View17-0103201/30/2017Filing by Telrite Corporation d/b/a Life Wireless of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View17-0103101/27/2017Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 320-G to revise Gas Tariff No. 1 to implement a charge for the installation of an excess flow valve on an existing gas service line.
View17-0103001/27/2017Filing by Cox Nevada Telcom, LLC of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View17-0102902/09/2017Application of Torch Wireless to be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the State of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View17-0102801/27/2017Filing by Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View17-0102701/25/2017Filing by TerraCom Inc. of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View17-0102601/23/2017Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View17-0102501/19/2017Application of TeleDias Communications, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2817 Sub 1.
View17-0102401/20/2017Joint Petition of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and CenturyLink Communications, LLC for approval of an Agreement for Local Interconnection pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View17-0102301/20/2017Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Nevada Cogeneration Associates #2 pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View17-0102201/20/2017Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Nevada Cogeneration Associates #1 pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View17-0102101/19/2017Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink ("CenturyLink") filed under Advice Letter No. 17-02 to revise CenturyLink’s Guidebook to remove the $1.00 charge from the Tribal Lifeline calculation.
View17-0102001/19/2017Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 17-02 to revise Tariff No. 1A to remove the $1.00 charge from the Tribal Lifeline calculation.
View17-0101901/19/2017Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates.
View17-0101801/17/2017Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Vantage Concepts, LLC ("Vantage") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Vantage.
View17-0101701/17/2017Filing by Rural Telephone Company of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View17-0101602/09/2017Application of Commerce Energy Inc., an alternative seller of natural gas, for approval of a change of name to Just Energy Solutions Inc. for operations conducted under License No. G-13.
View17-0101501/12/2017Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and BullsEye Telecom, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 3 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View17-0101401/13/2017Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for an extension of the applicable period for the Merrill Lynch residential and non-residential surcharges previously authorized in Docket No. 06-11035.
View17-0101301/03/2017Notice by Lyddy Martin Company on behalf of Sage Telecom Communications, LLC of a bond renewal.
View17-0101201/04/2017Filing by TAG Mobile, LLC of revised Lifeline wireless service plan.
View17-0101101/03/2017Investigation regarding a universally-acceptable methodology for the valuation of net energy metering rooftop solar in Nevada to be used in future proceedings.
View17-0101001/03/2017Applications for calendar year 2017 received by a utility under the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program.
View17-0100901/03/2017Reports from electric and gas utilities operating in Nevada of transactions and calculations affecting the deferred energy accounts pursuant to NAC 704.195 for calendar year 2017.
View17-0100801/03/2017Rail Safety FRA Form 96 Inspection Reports for calendar year 2017.
View17-0100701/03/2017Pipeline Safety Enforcement Actions and Inspection Reports by the Regulatory Operations Staff pursuant to 49 CFR 191 and 192 for calendar year 2017.
View17-0100601/03/2017One Call Enforcement Actions and Inspection Reports by the Regulatory Operations Staff pursuant to NRS 455 for calendar year 2017.
View17-0100501/03/2017Annual Reports for calendar year 2016 submitted by Telecommunication companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191 and NAC 704.7483.
View17-0100401/03/2017Annual Reports for calendar year 2016 submitted by Mobile Home Parks operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 704.960 and NAC 704.987.
View17-0100301/03/2017Annual Reports for calendar year 2016 submitted by Water and Wastewater companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191, NAC 703.199, and NAC 704.225.
View17-0100201/03/2017Annual Reports for calendar year 2016 submitted by Electric, Natural Gas, LPG, Geothermal, Alternative Sellers, and Railroad companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191 and NAC 704.225.
View17-0100101/03/2017Reports from public utilities operating in Nevada of accidents or significant service outages occurring during calendar year 2017 pursuant to NRS 704.190 and NAC 704.230.
View16-1203712/30/2016Amended Application of Great Basin Water Co. for authority to adjust its annual revenue requirement for water and sewer service rates charged to all classes of customers in the Pahrump Division and for other relief properly related thereto.
View16-1203612/29/2016Notice by Level 3 Communications, Inc. and CenturyLink, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View16-1203512/28/2016Filing by Churchill County Telephone and Telegraph System of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View16-1203412/28/2016Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 321-G to revise Gas Main Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust applicable tax liability factors.
View16-1203312/28/2016Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 472 to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust applicable tax liability factors.
View16-1203212/28/2016Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 589-E to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust applicable tax liability factors.
View16-1203112/27/2016Filing by CenturyLink, Inc. regarding removal of census blocks from its previously accepted eligible funding for Connect America Fund Phase I Round 2 pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.312.
View16-1203012/19/2016Revised registration of Southwestco Wireless L.P. d/b/a Verizon Wireless for a change of name to Southwestco Wireless, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Wireless.
View16-1202912/22/2016Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates.
View16-1202812/22/2016Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates.
View16-1202712/21/2016Filing by Budget PrePay, Inc. d/b/a Budget Mobile of updated Advisory Tariff that includes revisions to Wireless Lifeline Terms of Service.
View16-1202612/20/2016Application of Steamboat Springs Water Works, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 3 to revise Water Conservation Rule No. 8-A pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 16-02037.
View16-1202512/14/2016Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-16-15 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to remove obsolete references to the Nevada Bell tariff and remove Check Sheets 239, 240, and 241.
View16-1202412/14/2016Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-16-14 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to remove obsolete references to the Nevada Bell tariff and remove Check Sheets 2, 3, and 3.1.
View16-1202312/19/2016Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink for the Commission to overturn a denial by NeuStar, Inc., the North American Numbering Plan Administrator, for five consecutive 1,000 number blocks for use in the Las Vegas rate center.
View16-1202212/13/2016Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-16-13 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to increase the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 16-01031.
View16-1202112/13/2016Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-16-12 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to increase the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 16-01031.
View16-1202012/15/2016Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer NV Energy (LV2), previously Las Vegas Cogeneration II, LLC, pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View16-1201912/15/2016Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy previously approved in Docket No. 95-3052.
View16-1201812/16/2016Filing by Filer Mutual Telephone Company of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View16-1201712/16/2016Filing by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View16-1201612/16/2016Application of CYTEL, INC. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2998.
View16-1201512/16/2016Filing by American Broadband and Telecommunications Company of updated Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to Lifeline service.
View16-1201412/14/2016Filing by Cox Nevada Telcom, LLC of updated Advisory Tariff that includes revisions to Lifeline service.
View16-1201312/13/2016Notice by Talk America Services, LLC and Communications Sales & Leasing, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View16-1201212/12/2016Filing by Tempo Telecom, LLC d/b/a Tempo of updated Informational Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to Lifeline Wireless Service.
View16-1201112/09/2016Notice by Electric Lightwave, LLC d/b/a Integra Telecom, Eschelon Telecom of Nevada, Inc. d/b/a Integra Telecom, Advanced TelCom, Inc. d/b/a Integra Telecom, Shared Communications Services, Inc., Electric Lightwave Parent, Inc., and Zayo Group, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View16-1201012/08/2016Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates.
View16-1200912/14/2016Application of Noble Americas Energy Solutions LLC, an alternative seller of natural gas, for approval of a change of name to Calpine Energy Solutions, LLC for operations conducted under License No. G-6 Sub 1.
View16-1200812/06/2016Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 16-15 to revise Tariff No. 1A to increase rates for basic access line services for residential and business customers and to eliminate separate charges for touch calling and trunk hunting features.
View16-1200712/06/2016Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Spanish Springs Construction, Inc. ("SSC") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by SSC.
View16-1200612/06/2016Petition of Great Basin Water Co. ("GBWC") for a Declaratory Order that GBWC's resolution of issues related to meter reading in the Spring Creek division is consistent with its tariff.
View16-1200512/05/2016Filing by Kern River Gas Transmission Company of a copy of a Stipulation and Agreement of Settlement regarding Alternate Period Two transportation rates submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
View16-1200401/06/2017Application of Legacy Long Distance International, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View16-1200312/05/2016Application of MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC for approval of a change of name to MCImetro Access Transmission Services Corp. for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2209 Sub 2.
View16-1200212/02/2016Filing by TerraCom Inc. of updated Advisory Tariff No. 1 that includes changes to the company address, toll free number, additional minutes section, data subscription rates section, service activation fees section, Lifeline service plans, and low-income assistance programs.
View16-1200112/02/2016Application of Total Call Mobile, Inc. to voluntarily relinquish designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the State of Nevada and to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View16-1104311/30/2016Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice under Advice Letter No. 502 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2017.
View16-1104211/29/2016Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View16-1104111/29/2016Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Truckee Meadows Water Authority ("TMWA") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by TMWA.
View16-1104011/29/2016Filing by Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. of updated Informational Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to Lifeline Wireless Service Plan.
View16-1103911/29/2016Registration of Republic Wireless, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View16-1103811/28/2016Notice by Telnyx LLC of its intent to request numbering resources for rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View16-1103711/28/2016Filing by TracFone Wireless, Inc. d/b/a SafeLink Wireless, Simple Mobile, NET10, Total Wireless, Page Plus Cellular, TelCel, and Straight Talk of updated Terms and Conditions of Service that includes revisions to Lifeline service.
View16-1103611/28/2016Amended Application of Battle Mountain SP, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Battle Mountain Project consisting of an approximately 101 MW alternating current photovoltaic solar facility and associated facilities, including improvements to an existing access road, located in Humboldt County, Nevada.
View16-1103511/23/2016Application of Caesars Enterprise Services, LLC to purchase energy, capacity, and/or ancillary services for eligible Northern Nevada meters from a provider of new electric resources.
View16-1103411/23/2016Application of Caesars Enterprise Services, LLC to purchase energy, capacity, and/or ancillary services for eligible Southern Nevada meters from a provider of new electric resources.
View16-1103311/23/2016Filing by Tempo Telecom, LLC d/b/a Tempo of updated Informational Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to Lifeline Wireless Service.
View16-1103211/23/2016Notice by EarthLink Business, LLC, Business Telecom, LLC d/b/a EarthLink Business III, CTC Communications Corp. d/b/a EarthLink Business, DeltaCom, LLC d/b/a EarthLink Business I, EarthLink Holdings Corp., and Windstream Holdings, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View16-1103111/22/2016Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale of revisions to the Guidebook to reflect discontinuance of TeenLine for residential customers.
View16-1103011/21/2016Petition of Southwest Gas Corporation for a waiver of requirement to file a rate case.
View16-1102911/18/2016Notice by CC Landfill Energy LLC of filing Certification of Qualifying Facility Status for Small Power Production Form 556 with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
View16-1102811/17/2016Filing by Blue Jay Wireless, LLC of updated Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to Lifeline Service Plans.
View16-1102711/21/2016Application of Telecom North America Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2715 Sub 2.
View16-1102611/18/2016Petition of Great Basin Water Co. for a Declaratory Order that an Integrated Resource Plan filing is not mandatory for the former stand-alone company, Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada, following a merger with other entities.
View16-1102511/17/2016Notice by Neutral Tandem-Nevada, LLC, Onvoy, LLC, and Inteliquent, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View16-1102411/17/2016Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 588-E for approval of a Portfolio Charge to be applicable to Newmont Mining Corporation under Rate Schedule GS-4-NG for calendar year 2017 to recover the additional costs required to meet the Nevada Portfolio Standard.
View16-1102311/15/2016Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-16-03 to revise Tariff No. 4-C to modify Lifeline services to comply with recent orders of the Federal Communications Commission.
View16-1102211/15/2016Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-16-08 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to modify Lifeline services to comply with recent orders of the Federal Communications Commission.
View16-1102111/15/2016Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-16-07 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to modify Lifeline services to comply with recent orders of the Federal Communications Commission.
View16-1102011/15/2016Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-16-04 to revise Tariff No. 3-B to increase the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to Docket No. 16-08057.
View16-1101911/15/2016Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-16-11 to revise Tariff No. A-3 to increase the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to Docket No. 16-08057.
View16-1101811/15/2016Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-16-10 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to increase the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to Docket No. 16-08057.
View16-1101711/15/2016Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-16-09 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to increase the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to Docket No. 16-08057.
View16-1101611/17/2016Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates.
View16-1101511/17/2016Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates.
View16-1101411/15/2016Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 16-04(G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2017.
View16-1101311/15/2016Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 16-04 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2017.
View16-1101211/15/2016Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 16-04 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2017.
View16-1101111/10/2016Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale, Teleport Communications America, LLC, and AT&T Corp. for approval of an Interconnection and/or Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View16-1101011/10/2016Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Neutral Tandem-Nevada, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 3 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View16-1100911/09/2016Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Broadview Networks, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 2 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View16-1100811/09/2016Notice by Amor IX, LLC of filing Certification of Qualifying Facility Status for Small Power Production Form 556 with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
View16-1100711/03/2016Notice by Boomerang Wireless, LLC d/b/a enTouch Wireless ("enTouch Wireless") of the transfer of customers from Total Call Mobile, Inc. to enTouch Wireless.
View16-1100611/03/2016Notice by Boomerang Wireless, LLC d/b/a enTouch Wireless ("enTouch Wireless") of the transfer of customers from Budget Prepay, Inc. d/b/a Budget Mobile to enTouch Wireless.
View16-1100511/03/2016Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View16-1100411/01/2016Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 16 to revise Tariff No. 2A to modify Lifeline services to comply with recent orders of the Federal Communications Commission.
View16-1100311/01/2016Application of Rural Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 35 to revise Tariff No. 1 to modify Lifeline services to comply with recent orders of the Federal Communications Commission.
View16-1100211/01/2016Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 18 to revise Tariff No. 1A to modify Lifeline services to comply with recent orders of the Federal Communications Commission.
View16-1100111/01/2016Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale ("AT&T Nevada") filed under Advice Letter No. 2060 to revise AT&T Nevada’s Guidebook to modify Lifeline services to comply with the Federal Communications Commission.
View16-1002610/31/2016Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff, Carefree Country Mobile Home Park ("Carefree"), and Southwest Gas Corporation ("SWG") for the conversion of the master meter natural gas distribution system owned and operated by Carefree to a utility-owned natural gas distribution system owned and operated by SWG, for authorization to withdraw funds from the tenant service account, and for an exception to Rule 9 of SWG’s tariff.
View16-1002510/27/2016Notice by Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada of its intent to file an application for adjustment in rates.
View16-1002410/25/2016Notice by AT&T Corp. of its intent to request numbering resources for the Reno rate center from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View16-1002310/24/2016Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 16-16 to revise Tariff No. 1A to modify Lifeline services to comply with recent orders of the Federal Communications Commission.
View16-1002210/26/2016Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink ("CenturyLink") filed under Advice Letter No. 16-16 to revise CenturyLink’s Guidebook to modify Lifeline services to comply with recent orders of the Federal Communications Commission.
View16-1002110/21/2016Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View16-1002010/19/2016Notice by Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company on behalf of Locus Telecommunications, Inc. of a bond cancellation.
View16-1001910/19/2016Notice by Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company on behalf of Locus Telecommunications, Inc. of a bond cancellation.
View16-1001810/18/2016Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Arizona Pipeline Co. ("APL") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by APL.
View16-1001710/17/2016Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 471 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to add a Special Condition to Large General Service-3 Schedule LGS-3 to allow non-firm service.
View16-1001610/17/2016Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of a Service Agreement with Hyperloop Technologies, Inc. pursuant to Large General Service-3 Schedule LGS-3.
View16-1001510/19/2016Application of CIMA ENERGY, LTD. for a license to provide discretionary service as an alternative seller of natural gas to generating, industrial, or large commercial customers in the State of Nevada.
View16-1001410/13/2016Filing by Moapa Southern Paiute Solar, LLC of a copy of Notice of Self-Certification of Exempt Wholesale Generator Status submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
View16-1001310/17/2016David Freeman vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("NV Energy"). Complaint regarding NV Energy’s refusal to trim branch over power line.
View16-1001210/13/2016Notice by Calpine Corporation ("Calpine") of a transaction that will result in the transfer of control of Noble Solutions from Noble Group Ltd. to Calpine.
View16-1001110/14/2016Investigation regarding notice provisions for the termination of natural gas service.
View16-1001010/13/2016Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Target Construction, Inc. ("Target") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Target.
View16-1000910/13/2016Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates.
View16-1000810/11/2016Investigation and rulemaking regarding the amendment of NAC 704.370, 704.3936, and 704.4185 pursuant to Assembly Bill 170 (2013).
View16-1000710/11/2016Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 470 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to modify Optional Large General Service-3P-High Load Factor Schedule OLGS-3P-HLF.
View16-1000610/11/2016Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 469 to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to update levels for Proportionate Share Refunds, Allowance for Line Extensions Other Than Master Planned Communities, and Refunds for Master Planned Communities.
View16-1000510/04/2016Application of TeleUno, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2885 Sub 1.
View16-1000410/06/2016Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 587-E to revise Interruptible Irrigation Service Schedule No. IS-2 to decrease the IS-2 rate.
View16-1000310/06/2016Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 468 to revise Interruptible Agricultural Irrigation Water Pumping Schedule No. IAIWP to decrease the IAIWP rate.
View16-1000210/05/2016Notice by Grasshopper Group, LLC, Citrix Systems, Inc., and LogMeIn, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View16-1000110/04/2016Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and dishNET Wireline L.L.C. for approval of a Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View16-0902409/30/2016Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of tax adjustment pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 00-1028.
View16-0902309/30/2016Application of Switch Ltd. to purchase energy, capacity, and/or ancillary services from a provider of new electric resources.
View16-0902209/30/2016Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to recover costs of gas infrastructure replacement projects through the gas infrastructure replacement mechanism.
View16-0902109/29/2016Application of Total Call International, Inc. d/b/a Amigos Telecom, Phone Globe Telecom, SDI Telecom and Star International Alliance to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2934.
View16-0902009/28/2016Registration of Torch Wireless as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View16-0901909/23/2016Notice by AccessLine Communications Corporation d/b/a Voice Telco Services, Madison Dearborn Capital Partners VII-A, L.P., Madison Dearborn Capital Partners VII-C, L.P., Madison Dearborn Capital Partners VII Executive-A, L.P., Oak Hill Capital Partners III, L.P., and Oak Hill Capital Management Partners III, L.P. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View16-0901809/22/2016Registration of Onvoy Spectrum, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View16-0901709/20/2016Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and BCN Telecom, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection and/or Resale Agreement with Amendment pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View16-0901609/20/2016Notice by Employers Mutual Casualty Company on behalf of Encompass Communications, L.L.C. of a bond renewal.
View16-0901509/19/2016Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-16-06 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce a variety of Operator Services for business and residential customers.
View16-0901409/19/2016Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-16-05 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce a variety of Operator Services for business and residential customers.
View16-0901309/20/2016Application of ARES Nevada, LLC for authority to construct two new railroad crossings at Carpenter Canyon Road and Loop Boundary Road across the Advanced Rail Energy Storage Regulation Energy Management railroad track located in Clark County, Nevada.
View16-0901209/19/2016Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and XYN Communications, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View16-0901109/14/2016Petition of Teleport Communications America, LLC for the Commission to overturn a denial by NeuStar, Inc., the North American Numbering Plan Administrator, for one 1,000 number block for use in the Las Vegas rate center.
View16-0901009/14/2016Filing by CenturyLink regarding its acceptance of eligible funding for Connect America Fund Phase I Round 2 pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.312.
View16-0900909/13/2016Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and F&F Trenching, LLC ("F&F Trenching") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by F&F Trenching.
View16-0900809/08/2016Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Peerless Network of Nevada, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View16-0900709/14/2016Show Cause Proceeding to determine why Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity, Licenses, or Permits should not be revoked, why administrative fines should not be imposed, and/or why administrative action should not be taken on certain companies that did not timely meet their regulatory obligations for calendar year 2015 and/or the period July 1, 2015, through June 30, 2016.
View16-0900609/07/2016Application of Fatbeam, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View16-0900509/06/2016Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Badger Construction Corporation ("Badger Construction") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Badger Construction.
View16-0900409/06/2016Investigation and rulemaking regarding the calculation of the total resource cost test used to evaluate electric and natural gas conservation and energy efficiency programs and measures.
View16-0900309/02/2016Application of TNE Telephone, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View16-0900209/02/2016Notice by i-wireless, LLC d/b/a Access Wireless ("i-wireless"), Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. ("Virgin Mobile"), and Sprint Corporation ("Sprint") of a transaction that will result in the transfer of control of i-wireless to Sprint and the transfer of wireless Lifeline customers from Virgin Mobile to i-wireless.
View16-0900109/01/2016Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for acceptance of its Energy Supply Plan Update for 2017-2018.
View16-0806008/31/2016Application of Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects filed under Advice Letter No. 72 to revise Tariff No. 1 to remove voice mail services.
View16-0805908/31/2016Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Peerless Network of Nevada, LLC for approval of the Carrier Partner for Interconnected Voice over Internet Protocol ("VoIP") Provider Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View16-0805808/31/2016Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Peerless Network of Nevada, LLC for approval of the ICC Voice over Internet Protocol ("VoIP") Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View16-0805708/30/2016Report by Solix, Inc., as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund, regarding fiscal year 2017 assessment recommendation concerning the minimum annual contribution and assessment rate on the intrastate retail revenues of all obligated providers of telecommunication services in Nevada.
View16-0805608/31/2016Staff report on Mount Charleston Water Company pursuant to the provisions of NAC 704.627.
View16-0805508/30/2016Notice by Carson Mobile Home Park, LLC of a change of ownership to Storz Management Co.
View16-0805408/31/2016Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice under Advice Letter No. 501 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2016.
View16-0805308/29/2016Notice by iBasis Retail, Inc. d/b/a iBasis of a bond renewal.
View16-0805208/30/2016Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 586-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to modify Economic Development Rate Rider Schedule EDRR.
View16-0805108/30/2016Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 467 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to modify Economic Development Rate Rider Schedule EDRR.
View16-0805008/30/2016Second Amended Notice by South Ridge Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the South Ridge Solar Project consisting of a 275 MW solar photovoltaic generation facility, a 230 kV generation-tie line, a 275 MW battery energy storage system, and associated facilities to be located on federally-managed land in Nye and Clark Counties, Nevada.
View16-0804909/14/2016Notice by Inmate Calling Solutions, LLC d/b/a ICSolutions, TKC Holdings, Inc., and Centric Group, L.L.C. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View16-0804808/25/2016Filing by Luning Energy Holdings LLC of a copy of Notice of Self-Certification of Exempt Wholesale Generator Status submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
View16-0804708/29/2016J. Michael Schaefer vs. Southwest Gas Corporation ("SWG"). Complaint regarding a request to require SWG to mail and leave a notice at a service address prior to turning off residential service.
View16-0804608/25/2016Filing by Luning Energy LLC of a copy of Notice of Self-Certification of Exempt Wholesale Generator Status submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
View16-0804508/29/2016Notice by TerraCom Inc. of a transaction that will result in Global Reconnect Inc. becoming its majority shareholder.
View16-0804408/24/2016Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 10 to revise Access Service Tariff No. 3C to simplify the company’s deposit interest rate and late payment charge.
View16-0804308/24/2016Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 10 to revise Access Service Tariff No. 2A to simplify the company’s deposit interest rate and late payment charge.
View16-0804208/25/2016Notice by Metropolitan Telecommunications of Nevada, Inc. d/b/a MetTel of its intent to request numbering resources for rate centers from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View16-0804108/24/2016Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Budget PrePay, Inc. d/b/a Budget Phone for approval of an Interconnection and/or Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View16-0804008/24/2016Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Rosebud Telephone, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View16-0803908/25/2016Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and EarthLink Business, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 10 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View16-0803808/22/2016Request of K G Communications, Inc. to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View16-0803708/19/2016Joint Petition of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada and CenturyLink Communications, LLC for approval of an Agreement for Local Interconnection pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View16-0803608/19/2016Notice by Nevada Valley Solar Solutions II, LLC of filing Certification of Qualifying Facility Status for Small Power Production Form 556 with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
View16-0803508/19/2016Filing by Boulder Solar II, LLC of a copy of Notice of Self-Certification of Exempt Wholesale Generator Status submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
View16-0803408/22/2016Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and R.P. Weddell & Sons, Co. ("R.P. Weddell") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by R.P. Weddell.
View16-0803308/19/2016Filing by MetroPCS Nevada, LLC to update information.
View16-0803208/19/2016Filing by T-Mobile West LLC d/b/a T-Mobile and GoSmart Mobile to update information.
View16-0803108/17/2016Nevada Net Energy Metering Impacts Evaluation 2016 Update prepared at the request of the Legislative Committee on Energy.
View16-0803008/17/2016Water Conservation Plan of Dutchman Acres Water Company filed pursuant to NRS 704.662 to 704.6624 inclusive.
View16-0802908/17/2016Application of Primus Telecommunications, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2054 Sub 1.
View16-0802808/15/2016Application of, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View16-0802708/15/2016Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the second amendment to its 2016-2035 Integrated Resource Plan and 2016-2018 Action Plan to include the acquisition of the South Point Energy Center.
View16-0802608/15/2016Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the second amendment to its 2014 Emissions Reduction and Capacity Replacement Plan as it relates to a new renewable energy purchased power agreement and the retirement of Reid Gardner Unit 4.
View16-0802508/12/2016Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 16-03(G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2016.
View16-0802408/12/2016Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 16-03 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2016.
View16-0802308/12/2016Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 16-03 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2016.
View16-0802208/11/2016Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-16-02 to revise Tariff No. 4-C to correct the Lifeline household income percentage.
View16-0802108/11/2016Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-16-04 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to correct the Lifeline household income percentage.
View16-0802008/11/2016Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-16-03 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to correct the Lifeline household income percentage.
View16-0801908/11/2016Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-16-01 to revise Tariff No. 4-C to standardize the naming of nonrecurring charges.
View16-0801808/11/2016Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-16-02 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to standardize the naming and descriptions of nonrecurring charges.
View16-0801708/11/2016Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-16-01 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to standardize the naming and descriptions of nonrecurring charges and to remove obsolete billing codes.
View16-0801608/12/2016Revised registration of Boomerang Wireless, LLC to add fictitious business name enTouch Wireless.
View16-0801508/05/2016Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff, Pine Reno Apartment Homes, LLC. d/b/a Willowbrook Apartment Homes ("Willowbrook"), and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("SPPC") for the conversion of the master meter natural gas distribution system owned and operated by Willowbrook to a utility owned natural gas distribution system owned and operated by SPPC and for an exception to Rule 9 and Rule 16 of SPPC’s tariff.
View16-0801408/02/2016Filing by Patua Acquisition Company, LLC of a copy of Notice of Self-Certification of Exempt Wholesale Generator Status submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
View16-0801308/05/2016Donald Kaplan vs. Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding billing dispute on high electric usage.
View16-0801208/09/2016Petition of SolarCity to open an investigatory docket regarding an updated study on the costs and benefits of net metering in Nevada consistent with the requirements of Assembly Bill 428.
View16-0801108/12/2016Application of Boomerang Wireless, LLC d/b/a enTouch Wireless to be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the State of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View16-0801008/03/2016Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Access Point, Inc. d/b/a North Carolina Access Point, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection and/or Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View16-0800908/03/2016Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Airespring, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection and/or Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View16-0800808/03/2016Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC for approval of Amendment No. 18 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View16-0800708/03/2016Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC for approval of Amendment No. 17 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View16-0800608/03/2016Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Broadvox-CLEC, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 3 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View16-0800508/03/2016Request of Pix Wireless, LLC to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View16-0800408/02/2016Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink ("CenturyLink") filed under Advice Letter No. 16-12 to revise CenturyLink’s Guidebook to modify Lifeline services to comply with the Federal Communications Commission and to clarify that eligibility of the tribal lifeline benefit is for subscribers living on tribal lands.
View16-0800308/02/2016Revised registration of TracFone Wireless, Inc. d/b/a SafeLink Wireless to add fictitious business names NET10, Page Plus Cellular, Simple Mobile, Straight Talk, TelCel, and Total Wireless.
View16-0800208/01/2016Application of TNCI Operating Company LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2996.
View16-0800108/01/2016Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff requesting that the Commission determine whether Shoshone Estates Water Co., Inc. ("Shoshone Estates") should be placed into receivership, whether the Commission should petition the court to appoint a receiver for Shoshone Estates, and whether to grant other relief properly related thereto.
View16-0703407/29/2016Application of Alliance Group Services, Inc. d/b/a U.S. Republic Communications, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2339 Sub 2.
View16-0703307/29/2016Informational report of Prospector Pipeline Company concerning its natural gas resource planning activities.
View16-0703207/29/2016Rulemaking to amend, adopt, or repeal regulations pertaining to portfolio energy credits.
View16-0703108/01/2016Joint Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada ("UICN"), Utilities, Inc. of Nevada ("UIN"), Sky Ranch Water Service Corp. ("SRWS"), and Spring Creek Utilities Co. ("SCUC") for approval of the transfer of Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2404 and CPC 2404 Sub 1 from UIN to UICN, CPC 2468 Sub 1 from SRWS to UICN, and CPC 841, CPC 841 Sub 1, and CPC 872 Sub 2 from SCUC to UICN, and for approval of an agreement and plan of merger or, in the alternative, for a Declaratory Order that approval of the merger is not required.
View16-0703007/27/2016Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink of a promotion for new and existing residence customers that subscribe to Pure Bundle to be eligible for a bill credit for up to 12 months.
View16-0702907/27/2016Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 585-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to modify Net Metering Rider-A Schedule NMR-A to establish separate rates for grandfathered private generation customers.
View16-0702807/27/2016Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 466 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to modify Net Metering Rider-A Schedule NMR-A to establish separate rates for grandfathered private generation customers.
View16-0702709/06/2016Application of Rosemount Water Company filed under Advice Letter No. 4 to revise Tariff No. 1 to modify Discontinuance and Restoration of Service Rule No. 6.
View16-0702607/25/2016Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 15 to revise Tariff No. 2A to remove the grandfathered residential two-party service and combine the one-party access line, payphone access line, and PBX trunk/multi-line rates with the touch calling rate element.
View16-0702507/22/2016Request of NetZero Wireless, Inc. to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View16-0702407/19/2016Request of Day Management Corp. d/b/a Day Wireless Systems to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View16-0702307/19/2016Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of annual plans for the Solar Thermal Systems Demonstration Program for Program Year 2017.
View16-0702207/19/2016Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Western States Contracting, Inc.
View16-0702107/18/2016Application of Great Basin Water Co., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct stand-alone water and wastewater infrastructure and associated facilities for the Spring Mountain Motorsports Ranch to be located in Pahrump, Nye County, Nevada.
View16-0702007/14/2016Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 16-11 to revise Tariff No. 1A to modify Lifeline services and introduce Universal Service Discount Plan for Schools and Libraries (E-Rate) language to comply with recent Federal Communications Commission Orders.
View16-0701907/13/2016Petition of Southern California Edison Company for an Advisory Opinion or Declaratory Order that a proposed replacement transmission tower constitutes a "like facility" for the purposes of NRS 704.865(1).
View16-0701807/13/2016Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. for authority to modify Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2720 Sub 8 and CPC 2343 Sub 9 to expand its water and sewer service territory to include approximately 51.39 acres of real property located in Pahrump, Nye County, Nevada.
View16-0701707/14/2016Application of Peppermill Casinos Inc. d/b/a Peppermill Resort Spa Casino to purchase energy, capacity, and/or ancillary services from a provider of new electric resources.
View16-0701607/08/2016Notice by Villa Sierra Mobile Home Park of a change of ownership to Villa Sierra Mobile Home Park, LLC.
View16-0701507/11/2016Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 14 to revise Tariff No. 2A to increase the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 16-01031.
View16-0701407/11/2016Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 13 to revise Tariff No. 2A to update the contact for tariff inquiries and introduce Robo Call Blocking service.
View16-0701307/11/2016Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 17 to revise Tariff No. 1A to increase the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 16-01031.
View16-0701207/07/2016Application of Zoom-I-Net Communications, Inc. d/b/a ZinTel to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2798 Sub 1.
View16-0701107/08/2016Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada for authority to amend Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2692 Sub 5 to expand its water and sewer service territory to include the Spring Mountain Motorsports Ranch located in Pahrump, Nye County, Nevada.
View16-0701007/07/2016Rulemaking to amend, adopt, or repeal regulations in response to decisions of the Federal Communications Commission regarding the Lifeline Program.
View16-0700907/06/2016Joint Petition of Patua Project LLC ("Patua Project") and Patua Acquisition Company, LLC ("Patua Acquisition") for approval of the transfer of Utility Environmental Protection Act ("UEPA") Permit No. 385 from Patua Project to Patua Acquisition.
View16-0700807/01/2016Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of annual plans for the Solar Thermal Systems Demonstration Program for Program Year 2017.
View16-0700707/01/2016Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its 2016 Annual Demand Side Management Update Report as it relates to the Action Plan of its 2016-2035 Integrated Resource Plan.
View16-0700607/01/2016Informational report of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy concerning its natural gas resource planning activities for the period 2017-2019.
View16-0700507/01/2016Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its Natural Gas Conservation and Energy Efficiency Plan for the period 2017-2019.
View16-0700407/01/2016Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to restate $1,277.5 million of existing long term debt authority and issue new refinancing authority of $1,323.2 million.
View16-0700307/01/2016Commission sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Clark County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View16-0700207/01/2016Commission sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Washoe County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View16-0700107/01/2016Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its 2017-2036 Triennial Integrated Resource Plan and 2017-2019 Energy Supply Plan.
View16-0603606/30/2016Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. for allowance of Nevada Universal Service Fund funding for the year commencing January 1, 2017.
View16-0603506/30/2016Application of Rural Telephone Company for allowance of Nevada Universal Service Fund funding for the year commencing January 1, 2017.
View16-0603407/06/2016Application of Boomtown Hotel and Casino Inc., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct a new 1.5 million gallon water storage tank and associated facilities to be located west of Reno in Washoe County, Nevada.
View16-0603306/29/2016Application of Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company for allowance of Nevada Universal Service Fund funding for the year commencing January 1, 2017.
View16-0603206/29/2016Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates.
View16-0603106/28/2016Filing by Commnet of Nevada, LLC of Federal Communications Commission Form 690 pursuant to 47 CFR 54.1009.
View16-0603006/28/2016Notice by inContact, Inc. d/b/a UCN and NICE Systems, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View16-0602906/28/2016Application of Pinpoint Broadband, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3025.
View16-0602806/28/2016Notice by Verizon Select Services Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View16-0602706/28/2016Application of CallCatchers Inc. d/b/a FreedomVoice Systems for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View16-0602606/24/2016Application of Yellow Pine Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for permits to construct the Yellow Pine Solar Project consisting of a 500 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility, a 230 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located approximately 10 miles southeast of Pahrump in Clark County, Nevada.
View16-0602506/22/2016Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View16-0602406/17/2016Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304 and annual certification that price cap carrier is not seeking duplicative Eligible Recovery pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.915.
View16-0602306/17/2016Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313.
View16-0602206/15/2016Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 584-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 2, Schedule Nos. LCSPP86 and LCSPP87, to adjust rates for long-term cogeneration and small power production energy and capacity rates.
View16-0602106/13/2016Filing by Rural Telephone Company of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313, annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation ("CAF ICC") Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View16-0602006/13/2016Filing by Moapa Valley Telephone Company of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313, annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation ("CAF ICC") Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View16-0601906/13/2016Filing by Filer Mutual Telephone Company of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313, annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation ("CAF ICC") Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View16-0601806/13/2016Filing by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313, annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation ("CAF ICC") Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View16-0601706/14/2016Application of TransCanyon Western Development LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct approximately 218 miles of 500 kV transmission line connecting the existing Thirty Mile/Robinson Summit and Mona/Clover substations and associated facilities, portions of which will be located on private land and federally-managed land in White Pine County, Nevada.
View16-0601606/09/2016Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 16-07 to revise Tariff No. 1A to clarify language documenting its policy to provide non-chargeable Non-Published (Private) and Non-Listed (Semi-Private) number service to certain customers to protect their safety.
View16-0601506/09/2016Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 16-09 to revise Tariff No. 1A to increase the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 16-01031.
View16-0601406/07/2016Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View16-0601306/08/2016Filing by Churchill County Telephone and Telegraph System of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View16-0601206/08/2016Notice by Granite Telecommunications, LLC that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View16-0601106/06/2016Investigation regarding security deposit options for service in Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy’s service territories.
View16-0601006/03/2016Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Entelegent Solutions, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection and/or Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View16-0600906/06/2016Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of new and revised depreciation and amortization rates for its gas operations.
View16-0600806/06/2016Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of new and revised depreciation and amortization rates for its electric operations.
View16-0600706/06/2016Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to adjust its annual revenue requirement for general rates charged to all classes of gas customers and for relief properly related thereto.
View16-0600606/06/2016Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to adjust its annual revenue requirement for general rates charged to all classes of electric customers and for relief properly related thereto.
View16-0600506/06/2016Revised registration of Eos Mobile Holdings LLC for a change of name to Patriot Mobile LLC.
View16-0600406/03/2016Informational report of Southwest Gas Corporation concerning its natural gas resource planning activities for the period 2016.
View16-0600306/03/2016Application of Southwest Gas Corporation to establish the Variable Interest Expense Recovery mechanism rates, Unrecovered Gas Cost Expense rates, system shrinkage rates, commodity and reservation rates, Renewable Energy Program rates, General Revenues Adjustment rates, and Conservation and Energy Efficiency rates.
View16-0600206/08/2016Petition of Spirit Mountain Utility Company, Inc. for approval to use funds from the surcharge funds account to pay for engineering services for the replacement of two transfer tanks as referenced in Docket No. 15-01030.
View16-0600106/01/2016Advance Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to recover costs of gas infrastructure replacement projects through the gas infrastructure replacement mechanism.
View16-0503205/31/2016Filing by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View16-0503105/31/2016Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and TNCI Operating Company LLC for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View16-0503005/31/2016Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice under Advice Letter No. 500 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2016.
View16-0502905/27/2016Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2059 to revise Access Service Tariff No. C3-A to remove certain low-volume Operator Services features and billing options.
View16-0502805/26/2016Notice by Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View16-0502705/25/2016Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Mercury Voice and Data, LLC d/b/a Suddenlink Communications for approval of an Interconnection and/or Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View16-0502605/25/2016Revised registration of TracFone Wireless, Inc. d/b/a SafeLink Wireless to add fictitious business names Simple Mobile, NET10, Total Wireless, Page Plus Cellular, TelCel, and Straight Talk.
View16-0502505/24/2016Application of Twin Eagle Resource Management, LLC for a license to provide discretionary service as an alternative seller of natural gas to generating, industrial, or large commercial customers in the State of Nevada.
View16-0502405/24/2016Application of CenterPoint Energy Services, Inc. for a license to provide discretionary service as an alternative seller of natural gas to generating, industrial, or large commercial customers in the State of Nevada.
View16-0502305/23/2016Application of Telesphere Access, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2928.
View16-0502205/23/2016Caryl Von Rueden-Bossart vs. Spring Creek Utilities Co. Complaint regarding Spring Creek Utilities Co.’s billing and procedures regarding a water leak in Spring Creek, Nevada.
View16-0502106/14/2016Notice by Telecommunications of Nevada, LLC d/b/a XO Communications, LLC and Verizon Communications Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View16-0502006/15/2016Notice by TNCI Operating Company LLC and Matrix Telecom, Inc. d/b/a Clear Choice Communications, Excel Telecommunications, and VarTec Telecom of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View16-0501905/17/2016Robert B. Eldridge vs. Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale. Complaint regarding reliability in the North Spring Valley Area of Ely, Nevada.
View16-0501805/17/2016Request of KDDI America, Inc. to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View16-0501705/17/2016Registration of Plintron Technologies USA LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View16-0501605/13/2016Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 16-02(G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2016.
View16-0501505/13/2016Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 16-02 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2016.
View16-0501405/13/2016Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 16-02 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2016.
View16-0501305/13/2016Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View16-0501205/11/2016Application of Clark County for authority to construct a pedestrian crossing over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks between Rainbow Boulevard and Windy Desert Street located in Clark County, Nevada.
View16-0501105/12/2016Application of Matrix Telecom, Inc. d/b/a Clear Choice Communications, Excel Telecommunications, and VarTec Telecom for approval of a change of name to Matrix Telecom, LLC d/b/a Clear Choice Communications, Excel Telecommunications, and VarTec Telecom for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 994 Sub 5.
View16-0501005/12/2016Application of Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects filed under Advice Letter No. 9 to revise Tariff No. 2 to modify switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View16-0500905/13/2016Application of XYN Communications, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View16-0500805/13/2016Notice by ANPI Business, LLC, ANPI, LLC, Onvoy, LLC, Common Point LLC, ANPI Holding, Inc., and Zone USA, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View16-0500705/11/2016Registration of UVNV, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View16-0500605/04/2016Notice by Rolling Wheel Manor of a change of ownership to West Coast Mobile Home Parks, Inc.
View16-0500505/06/2016Notice by AT&T Corp. and SBC Internet Services, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View16-0500405/05/2016Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 465 to establish Hoover-D Service Rider Schedule No. Hoover-D as a new service schedule for customers granted an allocation of Hoover-D power pursuant to NRS 704.787.
View16-0500305/04/2016Application of Custom Network Solutions, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2558 Sub 1.
View16-0500205/03/2016Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and EarthLink Business, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 9 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View16-0500105/02/2016Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and dishNET Wireline L.L.C. for approval of a Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View16-0403904/29/2016Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of its 2015 Conservation and Energy Efficiency Plan Annual Report.
View16-0403804/28/2016Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 9 to revise Tariff No. 3 to modify switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View16-0403704/28/2016Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 52 to revise Tariff No. 2 to modify switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View16-0403604/28/2016Application of Rural Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 38 to revise Tariff No. 2 to modify switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View16-0403504/28/2016Notice by Filer Mutual Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View16-0403404/27/2016Application of Continuum Retail Energy Services, L.L.C., an alternative seller of natural gas, for approval of a change of name to CenterPoint Energy Services Retail, LLC for operations conducted under License No. G-23 Sub 1.
View16-0403304/27/2016Notice by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View16-0403204/27/2016Application of tw telecom of nevada llc for approval of a change of name to Level 3 Telecom of Nevada, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2717 Sub 3.
View16-0403104/26/2016Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 9 to revise Tariff No. 2A to reduce switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View16-0403004/26/2016Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 9 to revise Tariff No. 3C to reduce switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View16-0402905/25/2016Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, Inc. to withdraw $6,623.83 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred for calendar year 2015 federal income taxes and to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View16-0402804/19/2016Notice by Jackpot Solar West, LLC of filing Certification of Qualifying Facility Status for Small Power Production Form 556 with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
View16-0402704/19/2016Notice by Jackpot Solar East, LLC of filing Certification of Qualifying Facility Status for Small Power Production Form 556 with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
View16-0402604/22/2016Filings by Eligible Telecommunications Carriers of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements.
View16-0402504/22/2016Joint Application of Mobilitie, LLC ("Mobilitie") and Network Transmission Company of Nevada, LLC ("Network Transmission") for approval of the transfer of Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2886 Sub 1 from Mobilitie to Network Transmission.
View16-0402404/25/2016Registration of Spectrotel, Inc. d/b/a OneTouch Communications and Touch Base Communications as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View16-0402304/26/2016Revised registration of Mobile Net POSA, Inc. d/b/a Expo Mobile and Jolt Mobile to remove fictitious business name Expo Mobile.
View16-0402204/18/2016Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Desert Star Energy Center pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View16-0402104/18/2016Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Saguaro Power Company previously approved in Docket No. 94-4050.
View16-0402004/15/2016Notice by West Telecom Services, LLC, West Telecom Services Holdings, LLC, and West Corporation of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View16-0401904/15/2016Application of TransAlta Energy Marketing (U.S.) Inc. to voluntarily discontinue service as an alternative seller of natural gas conducted under License No. G-27.
View16-0401804/18/2016Notice by Sprint Communications Company L.P., Sprint Spectrum L.P. d/b/a Sprint, Nextel or Sprint/Nextel, Sprint Corporation, SoftBank Group Corp., Nextel of California, Inc. d/b/a Sprint, Nextel or Sprint/Nextel, and Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View16-0401704/15/2016Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Commio, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View16-0401604/14/2016Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View16-0401504/14/2016Notice by Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View16-0401404/12/2016Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada's One Call Law by Urban Jungle Contractors LTD.
View16-0401304/12/2016Request of WDT World Discount Telecommunications Co. to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View16-0401204/08/2016Application of Mobilitie Management, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View16-0401104/06/2016Notice by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of its intent to file an application for adjustment in gas rates.
View16-0401004/06/2016Notice by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of its intent to file an application for adjustment in electric rates.
View16-0400904/08/2016Filing by Boulder Solar Power, LLC of a copy of Notice of Self-Certification of Exempt Wholesale Generator Status submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
View16-0400804/05/2016Application of Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-16-1 to revise Tariff No. 1 to modify Network Access Line Service as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View16-0400704/04/2016Filing by Copper Mountain Solar 4, LLC of a copy of Notice of Self-Certification of Exempt Wholesale Generator Status submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
View16-0400604/04/2016Application of Dutchman Acres Water Company filed under Advice Letter No. 4 to revise Water Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View16-0400504/01/2016Application of Gold Country Water Company, Inc. for authority to amend Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 956 Sub 2 to expand its water service territory to include four residential lots contiguous to its existing service territory located in Humboldt County, Nevada.
View16-0400404/01/2016Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the quality of service metrics in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 15-06064.
View16-0400304/01/2016Annual Report of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2015.
View16-0400204/01/2016Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the status of merger commitments in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 13-07021.
View16-0400104/01/2016Application of Sky Ranch Water Service Corp. filed under Advice Letter No. 6 to revise Water Tariff No. 1A to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View16-0303303/31/2016Annual Report of Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2015.
View16-0303203/31/2016Application of Mount Charleston Water Company filed under Advice Letter No. 1-16 to revise Water Tariff and Sewer Tariff to adjust rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View16-0303103/30/2016Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of tax adjustment pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 00-1028.
View16-0303003/30/2016Petition of Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. for an extension of time to comply with the Commission’s Modified Order issued in Docket No. 13-06021.
View16-0302903/30/2016Application of Steamboat Springs Water Works, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 2 to revise Rate Schedules to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View16-0302803/30/2016Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates.
View16-0302703/30/2016Application of Verdi Meadows Utility Company, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 3 to revise Water Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View16-0302603/24/2016Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View16-0302503/24/2016Application of Desert Utilities, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 4 to revise water Tariff No. 1 and sewer Tariff No. 2 to adjust rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View16-0302403/18/2016Application of Spirit Mountain Utility Company, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 3 to revise Water Tariff No. 3 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View16-0302303/31/2016Application of Nexus Communications, Inc. to voluntarily relinquish designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the State of Nevada and to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View16-0302203/22/2016Application of Indian Springs Water Co., Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 7 to revise Water Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View16-0302103/17/2016Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale for relief from designation as a provider of last resort in portions of Nevada pursuant to NRS 704.68886.
View16-0302003/16/2016Filing by the Regulatory Operations Staff of calendar year 2015 accounting report for each utility authorized to collect a rate surcharge pursuant to NAC 704.600(6).
View16-0301903/14/2016Joint Petition of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada for approval of an Interconnection Agreement with New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC d/b/a Cingular Wireless and its Commercial Mobile Radio Service operating affiliates pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View16-0301803/14/2016Notice by Tribal Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct approximately 18 miles of 230/500 kV transmission line, approximately 2 miles of 500 kV transmission line, and associated facilities to be located west of Laughlin in Clark County, Nevada.
View16-0301703/14/2016Show Cause Proceeding to determine why Carefree Country Mobile Home Park, LLC should not be found to have violated certain provisions of the Federal Gas Code and/or its own Operations and Maintenance manual and be fined for such violations; to determine whether the fine held in abeyance from Docket No. 14-12030 has been triggered and is due; and/or why any other remedies that the Commission may deem appropriate should not be imposed.
View16-0301603/03/2016Aboveground Utility Plan of City of Boulder City filed pursuant to NRS 278.165.
View16-0301503/07/2016Registration of InReach, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View16-0301403/18/2016Registration of Konatel Inc. d/b/a as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View16-0301303/04/2016Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 16 to revise Tariff No. 1A to remove Local Area Directory Assistance Service Schedule No. A-8 and to remove operator service rates from IntraLATA Message Toll Telephone Service Schedule No. A-17.
View16-0301203/04/2016Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Onvoy, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View16-0301103/07/2016Application of Gold Country Water Company, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 4 to revise Water Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View16-0301003/04/2016Application of Commnet Nevada Subco, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View16-0300903/04/2016Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the Economic Development Electric Rate Rider Program pursuant to NAC 704.8958.
View16-0300803/04/2016Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the Economic Development Electric Rate Rider Program pursuant to NAC 704.8958.
View16-0300703/02/2016Application of World Fuel Services, Inc. for a license to provide discretionary service as an alternative seller of natural gas to generating, industrial, or large commercial customers in the State of Nevada.
View16-0300603/01/2016Application of Utilities, Inc. of Nevada for approval of its 2016 Integrated Resource Plan, for approval to designate certain system improvement projects as eligible projects for which a system improvement rate may be established, for authority to establish regulatory asset accounts for costs of the Water Conservation Plan rebate program, and for other relief properly related thereto.
View16-0300503/01/2016Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of natural gas expenses and to reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rate.
View16-0300403/01/2016Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of fuel and purchased power expenses and to reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development charge, reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rates, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Program Rates, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rates, reset the Amortization Energy Efficiency Program Rate, reset the Amortization Energy Efficiency Implementation Rate, and refund the total amount of Base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rate revenue received in 2015, including carrying charges.
View16-0300303/01/2016Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of fuel and purchased power expenses and to reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development charge, reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rates, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Program Rates, reset the Base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rates, reset the Amortization Energy Efficiency Program Rate, reset the Amortization Energy Efficiency Implementation Rate, and refund the total amount of Base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rate revenue received in 2015, including carrying charges.
View16-0300203/01/2016Application of Utilities, Inc. of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 10, to replace its existing tariff, in its entirety, with Tariff No. 2A.
View16-0300103/01/2016Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 11-02015.
View16-0204402/29/2016Application of Digital Transportation Corporation for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View16-0204302/29/2016Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice under Advice Letter No. 499 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2016.
View16-0204202/29/2016Application of Intrado Communications Inc. for approval of a change of name to West Safety Communications Inc. for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2689 Sub 1.
View16-0204102/25/2016Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 16-05 to revise Tariff No. 1A to add International Blocking Service.
View16-0204003/08/2016Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 11 to revise Water Tariff No. 1A and Sewer Tariff No. 1A to adjust rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View16-0203902/24/2016Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 580-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to modify Stand-By and Auxiliary Service Rule No. 19.
View16-0203802/24/2016Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 463 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to modify Stand-By and Auxiliary Service Rule No. 19.
View16-0203702/23/2016Water Conservation Plan of Steamboat Springs Water Works, Inc. filed pursuant to NRS 704.662 to 704.6624 inclusive.
View16-0203602/23/2016Application of MegaPath Corporation to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2506 Sub 2.
View16-0203502/22/2016Application of New Century Telecom, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2312 Sub 1.
View16-0203403/02/2016Notice by NextGen Communications, Inc., TeleCommunication Systems, Inc., and Comtech Telecommunications Corp. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View16-0203302/25/2016Notice by Primus Telecommunications, Inc. and Birch Telecom of the West, Inc. d/b/a Birch Communications of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View16-0203202/17/2016Application of Netcom Systems Group, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View16-0203102/16/2016Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 16-03 to revise Tariff No. 1A to remove Busy Line Verification and Interrupt services.
View16-0203002/16/2016Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 8 to revise Tariff No. 3C to discontinue Operator Verification/Interrupt Service.
View16-0202902/11/2016Filing by Filer Mutual Telephone Company of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View16-0202802/12/2016Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 16-01(G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2016.
View16-0202702/12/2016Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 16-01 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2016.
View16-0202602/12/2016Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 16-01 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2016.
View16-0202502/10/2016Filing by TAG Mobile, LLC of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View16-0202402/08/2016Filing by Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View16-0202302/09/2016Notice by the Regulatory Operations Staff of the 2016 range of reasonable returns on equity for water and sewer utilities.
View16-0202202/09/2016Application of IM Telecom, LLC d/b/a Infiniti Mobile to be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the State of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View16-0202102/05/2016Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Cyanco Company pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View16-0202002/05/2016Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Nevada Cogeneration Associates #2 pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View16-0201902/05/2016Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Nevada Cogeneration Associates #1 pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View16-0201802/05/2016Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Neva One LLC d/b/a Hard Rock Hotel Lake Tahoe pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View16-0201702/05/2016Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Columbia Properties Tahoe, LLC d/b/a Montbleu Resort Casino and Spa pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View16-0201602/05/2016Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Harvey’s Tahoe Management Company, Inc. d/b/a Harrah’s Casino Hotel Lake Tahoe pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View16-0201502/05/2016Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Harvey’s Tahoe Management Company, Inc. d/b/a Harvey’s Casino Hotel pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View16-0201402/05/2016Application of Boulder Solar II, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct an approximately 11.3 mile temporary water pipeline to be located in Boulder City, Nevada.
View16-0201302/02/2016Registration of Ignition Wireless, LLC d/b/a Ignition Wireless and Expo Mobile ("Ignition Wireless") as a commercial mobile radio service provider and notice of the transfer of assets from Mobile Net POSA, Inc. d/b/a Expo Mobile and Jolt Mobile to Ignition Wireless.
View16-0201202/01/2016Filing by Blue Jay Wireless, LLC of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View16-0201102/03/2016Application of Boulder Solar Power, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct an approximately 11.3 mile temporary water pipeline to be located in Boulder City, Nevada.
View16-0201002/02/2016Filing by Nexus Communications, Inc. d/b/a TSI of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View16-0200902/01/2016Filing by Sage Telecom Communications, LLC d/b/a TruConnect of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View16-0200802/02/2016Filing by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View16-0200702/01/2016Filing by Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View16-0200602/01/2016Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of annual plans for the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program, the Wind Energy Systems Demonstration Program, and the Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Program for Program Year 2016-2017.
View16-0200502/01/2016Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 564-E to submit short-term avoided cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities pursuant to Schedule CSPP - Short-Term.
View16-0200402/01/2016Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 443 to submit short-term avoided cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities pursuant to Qualifying Facilities Schedule QF - Short Term.
View16-0200302/01/2016Filing by American Broadband and Telecommunications Company of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View16-0200202/01/2016Filing by TracFone Wireless, Inc. d/b/a SafeLink Wireless of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View16-0200102/01/2016Filing by Cox Nevada Telcom, LLC of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View16-0103901/29/2016Filing by Tempo Telecom, LLC d/b/a Tempo of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View16-0103801/27/2016Filing by Telrite Corporation d/b/a Life Wireless of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View16-0103701/29/2016Filing by Total Call Mobile, Inc. of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View16-0103601/29/2016Filing by Moapa Valley Telephone Company of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View16-0103501/29/2016Filing by Q LINK WIRELESS LLC of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View16-0103401/29/2016Filing by i-wireless, LLC d/b/a Access Wireless of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View16-0103301/29/2016Filing by Absolute Home Phones, Inc. d/b/a Absolute Mobile of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View16-0103202/01/2016Application of ORNI 43 LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Tungsten Project consisting of approximately 16.5 miles of 230 kV gen-tie transmission line and associated facilities, including a 24 MW geothermal energy facility, to be located in Churchill County, Nevada.
View16-0103101/29/2016Application of the Department of Health and Human Services Aging and Disability Services Division for approval of a State Fiscal Year ("SFY") 2017 telecommunication device for the deaf surcharge that is calculated based on its legislatively approved budget for SFY 2017.
View16-0103001/29/2016Filing by Budget PrePay, Inc. d/b/a Budget Mobile of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View16-0102901/26/2016Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View16-0102801/22/2016Filing by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View16-0102701/25/2016Filing by Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada and Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View16-0102601/27/2016Filing by Commnet of Nevada, LLC of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View16-0102501/26/2016Filing by Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View16-0102401/22/2016Filing by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View16-0102301/22/2016Notice by Onvoy, LLC, Broadvox-CLEC, LLC, GTCR Onvoy Holdings LLC, and Communications Infrastructure Investments, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View16-0102201/21/2016Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates.
View16-0102101/20/2016Rulemaking to amend, adopt, or repeal regulations pertaining to the fund to maintain the availability of telephone service in Nevada.
View16-0102001/19/2016Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("Nevada Power"), under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct a 0.3 mile overhead 230 kV transmission line and associated facilities at the Harry Allen Substation located approximately 23 miles northeast of Las Vegas in Clark County, Nevada.
View16-0101901/19/2016Filing by TerraCom Inc. of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View16-0101801/15/2016Investigation into electric vehicle charging infrastructure.
View16-0101701/15/2016Filing by Rural Telephone Company of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View16-0101601/13/2016Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and BCN Telecom, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 2 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View16-0101501/14/2016Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates.
View16-0101401/14/2016Notice by Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of a promotional offering for the Elko and Tonopah Divisions for new and existing customers that subscribe to OneVoice Nationwide and commit to a 1 or 2 year term.
View16-0101301/11/2016Investigation regarding energy storage technologies.
View16-0101201/08/2016Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 462 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to modify Optional Large General Service-3P-High Load Factor Schedule OLGS-3P-HLF.
View16-0101101/05/2016Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 15-15 to revise Tariff No. 1A to remove miscellaneous references to Business Party Line Service and grandfather Residence Party Line Service.
View16-0101001/04/2016Applications for calendar year 2016 received by a utility under the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program.
View16-0100901/04/2016Reports from electric and gas utilities operating in Nevada of transactions and calculations affecting the deferred energy accounts pursuant to NAC 704.195 for calendar year 2016.
View16-0100801/04/2016Rail Safety FRA Form 96 Inspection Reports for calendar year 2016.
View16-0100701/04/2016Pipeline Safety Enforcement Actions and Inspection Reports by the Regulatory Operations Staff pursuant to 49 CFR 191 and 192 for calendar year 2016.
View16-0100601/04/2016One Call Enforcement Actions and Inspection Reports by the Regulatory Operations Staff pursuant to NRS 455 for calendar year 2016.
View16-0100501/04/2016Annual Reports for calendar year 2015 submitted by Telecommunication companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191 and NAC 704.7483.
View16-0100401/04/2016Annual Reports for calendar year 2015 submitted by Mobile Home Parks operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 704.960 and NAC 704.987.
View16-0100301/04/2016Annual Reports for calendar year 2015 submitted by Water and Wastewater companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191, NAC 703.199, and NAC 704.225.
View16-0100201/04/2016Annual Reports for calendar year 2015 submitted by Electric, Natural Gas, LPG, Geothermal, Alternative Sellers, and Railroad companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191 and NAC 704.225.
View16-0100101/04/2016Reports from public utilities operating in Nevada of accidents or significant service outages occurring during calendar year 2016 pursuant to NRS 704.190 and NAC 704.230.
View15-1203512/30/2015Show Cause Proceeding to determine why Thatcher Company of Nevada, Inc. should not be found to have violated NAC 705.030 and be fined for such violation.
View15-1203412/30/2015Application of Edgewood Water Company for authority to increase rates for water and fire protection services.
View15-1203312/30/2015Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-15-11 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) - Primary Rate Interface (PRI) bundled new service.
View15-1203212/30/2015Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-15-10 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) - Primary Rate Interface (PRI) bundled new service.
View15-1203112/30/2015Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-15-09 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to standardize the name and description of service for Custom Calling Services, remove billing codes, introduce Call Forward Busy/No Answer, and grandfather various services.
View15-1203012/30/2015Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-15-08 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to standardize the name and description of service for Custom Calling Services, remove billing codes, introduce Call Forward Busy/No Answer, and grandfather various services.
View15-1202912/29/2015Notice by ExteNet Systems, Inc., ExteNet Holdings, Inc., and Odyssey Acquisition, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View15-1202812/28/2015Request of MILLENNIUM 2000 INC to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View15-1202701/26/2016Revised registration of WWC License, L.L.C. d/b/a Verizon Wireless for a change of name to Alltel Communications, LLC d/b/a Verizon Wireless.
View15-1202612/24/2015Application of Edgewood Companies, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct an extension of Edgewood Water Company’s raw water intake line by approximately 3,000 lineal feet, and related facilities located in Stateline, Nevada.
View15-1202512/21/2015Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates.
View15-1202412/17/2015Application of WDT World Discount Telecommunications Co. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2779 Sub 1.
View15-1202312/15/2015Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-15-02 to revise Access Service Tariff No. 3-B to decrease the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to Docket No. 15-08035.
View15-1202212/15/2015Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-15-07 to revise Access Services Tariff No. A-3 to decrease the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to Docket No. 15-08035.
View15-1202112/15/2015Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-15-06 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to decrease the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to Docket No. 15-08035.
View15-1202012/15/2015Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-15-05 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to decrease the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to Docket No. 15-08035.
View15-1201912/28/2015Application of Gardnerville Water Company for authority to amend Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 926 Sub 12 to expand its water service territory to include 3.27 acres of commercial property owned by Richard C. Clark and 57.8 acres of commercial property owned by the Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California located in Douglas County, Nevada.
View15-1201812/16/2015Filing by TAG Mobile, LLC of revised Lifeline wireless service plan.
View15-1201712/15/2015Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates.
View15-1201612/14/2015Application of EDF Energy Services, LLC for a license to provide discretionary service as an alternative seller of natural gas to generating, industrial, or large commercial customers in the State of Nevada.
View15-1201512/18/2015Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 498 to revise Gas Tariff No. 7 to update scheduling practices used by interstate pipelines in compliance with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Order No. 809.
View15-1201412/11/2015Application of Spring Creek Utilities Co. filed under Advice Letter No. 12 to revise Water Tariff No. 3-W to clarify the maps of the certificated service territory.
View15-1201312/10/2015Application of IRU Networks, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View15-1201212/10/2015Application of Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2876 Sub 1.
View15-1201112/08/2015Application of ACN Communication Services, Inc. for approval of a change of name to ACN Communication Services, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2534 Sub 2.
View15-1201012/04/2015Notice by Comcast Phone of Nevada, LLC d/b/a Comcast Digital Phone and First Communications, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View15-1200912/04/2015Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 317-G to revise Gas Main Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust applicable tax liability factors.
View15-1200812/04/2015Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 579-E to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust applicable tax liability factors.
View15-1200712/04/2015Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 461 to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust applicable tax liability factors.
View15-1200612/03/2015Registration of Vodafone US Inc. d/b/a Vodafone Americas as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View15-1200512/16/2015Registration of CampusTVs, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View15-1200412/02/2015Application of Associated Network Partners, Inc. for approval of a change of name to ANPI, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2235 Sub 1.
View15-1200312/03/2015Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Southwest Gas Corporation ("SWG") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of the Federal Pipeline Safety Regulations by SWG.
View15-1200212/02/2015Application of Carefree Country Mobile Home Park to withdraw $9,986.00 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred for the yearly gas leak survey and to repair and maintain the gas system.
View15-1200112/01/2015Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy requesting deviation from Rule No. 9, Section A.30 to delay the comprehensive update of Rule No. 9 allowances and to authorize an interim update of Rule No. 9 allowances.
View15-1102911/30/2015Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the third amendment to its 2014-2016 Three Year Action Plan as it relates to two new renewable energy purchased power agreements.
View15-1102811/30/2015Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of a Renewable Energy Agreement with Switch, Ltd.
View15-1102711/30/2015Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the first amendment to its 2016-2018 Three Year Action Plan as it relates to a new renewable energy purchased power agreement.
View15-1102611/30/2015Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of a Renewable Energy Agreement with the City of Las Vegas.
View15-1102511/30/2015Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of Renewable Energy Agreements with Switch, Ltd. and Apple Inc.
View15-1102411/30/2015Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice under Advice Letter No. 497 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2016.
View15-1102311/23/2015Filing by MetroPCS Nevada, LLC to update information.
View15-1102211/23/2015Filing by T-Mobile West LLC d/b/a T-Mobile and GoSmart Mobile to update information.
View15-1102111/20/2015Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale of revisions to the Guidebook to reflect discontinuance of low use and measured rate service for residence customers.
View15-1102011/18/2015Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 576-E for approval of a Portfolio Charge to be applicable to Newmont Mining Corporation under Rate Schedule GS-4-NG for calendar year 2016 to recover the additional costs required to meet the Nevada Portfolio Standard.
View15-1101911/16/2015Notice by Matrix Telecom, Inc. d/b/a Clear Choice Communications, Excel Telecommunications, and VarTec Telecom, TNCI Operating Company LLC, Impact Telecom, Inc., and Garrison TNCI LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View15-1101811/16/2015Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy requesting modification of the Order issued in Docket No. 91-2013 to eliminate the requirement for an annual filing on water usage.
View15-1101711/13/2015Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 15-04(G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2016.
View15-1101611/13/2015Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 15-04 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2016.
View15-1101511/13/2015Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 15-04 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2016.
View15-1101411/13/2015Petition of Pershing County Water Conservation District requesting an order approving a 12 month extension to construct a waterpower demonstration project at the Rye Patch Reservoir pursuant to the Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Program.
View15-1101311/12/2015Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates.
View15-1101211/06/2015Joint Application of Utility Telephone, Inc. ("UTI") and Utility Telecom Group, LLC d/b/a Utility Telephone ("UTG") for approval of the transfer of Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2833 Sub 1 from UTI to UTG and notice of a transaction that will result in the transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View15-1101111/06/2015Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 316-G to revise Bills for Service Rule No. 5 to clarify the time period for refunds for overpayments and payments required for undercharges for natural gas service.
View15-1101011/06/2015Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 460 to revise Bills for Service Rule No. 5 to clarify the time period for refunds for overpayments and payments required for undercharges.
View15-1100911/06/2015Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 578-E to revise Bills for Service Rule No. 5 to clarify the time period for refunds for overpayments and payments required for undercharges for electric service.
View15-1100811/05/2015Petition of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy requesting a deviation from NAC 701B.690 and 701B.695 to permit the payment of an incentive under the Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Program prior to the completion of a project.
View15-1100711/04/2015Revised registration of MILLENNIUM 2000 INC to update information.
View15-1100612/01/2015Application of Local Access LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View15-1100511/03/2015Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 315-G to revise Gas Tariff No. 1 to establish an Optional Flexible Payment Program.
View15-1100411/03/2015Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 577-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to establish an Optional Flexible Payment Program.
View15-1100311/03/2015Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 459 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to establish an Optional Flexible Payment Program.
View15-1100211/02/2015Notice by ACSTAR Insurance Company on behalf of Securus Technologies, Inc. of a bond cancellation for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2407 Sub 3.
View15-1100111/02/2015Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of Nevada Dynamic Pricing Trial Final Report.
View15-1002210/29/2015Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 15-14 to revise Rendition and Payment of Bills Rule and Regulation No. 5 to eliminate the current convenience fee and establish third party convenience fee charges.
View15-1002110/29/2015Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("Nevada Power"), under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Playa Solar 230 kV Interconnection Facilities at the Harry Allen Substation located approximately 23 miles northeast of Las Vegas, Nevada, to interconnect the Playa Solar 100 MW solar generation plant to Nevada Power’s transmission system.
View15-1002010/29/2015Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the Implementation Plan for Phase II of the Lower Income Solar Energy Pilot Program pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 15-01052.
View15-1001910/28/2015Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and EarthLink Business, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 8 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View15-1001810/29/2015Request of Cricket Communications, Inc. to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View15-1001710/22/2015Application of Stratus Networks, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View15-1001610/22/2015Filing by TerraCom Inc. to update information.
View15-1001510/19/2015Filing by TerraCom Inc. of updated Advisory Tariff No. 1 that includes changes to the company address, toll free number, additional minutes section, data subscription rates section, and service activation fee section.
View15-1001410/15/2015Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 8 to revise Tariff No. 2A to remove a duplicate occurrence of the Shared Trunk Port rate.
View15-1001310/15/2015Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 7 to revise Tariff No. 3C to remove duplicate occurrences of the Common Trunk Port rate and to change the term "Common/Shared Trunk Port" to "Common Trunk Port" for consistency.
View15-1001210/15/2015Show Cause Proceeding to determine why Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity, Licenses, or Permits should not be revoked and/or why administrative fines should not be imposed on certain companies that did not timely meet their regulatory obligations for calendar year 2014 and/or TDD reporting period July 1, 2014, through June 30, 2015.
View15-1001110/15/2015Notice by Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of a promotional offering for the Elko and Tonopah Divisions for new and existing customers that subscribe to OneVoice Nationwide and commit to a 1 or 2 year term.
View15-1001010/15/2015Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates.
View15-1000910/23/2015Application of Victory Telecom, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View15-1000810/14/2015Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to implement a plan of reorganization that will result in a holding company structure.
View15-1000710/09/2015Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Southwest Gas Corporation ("SWG") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of the Federal Pipeline Safety Regulations by SWG.
View15-1000610/08/2015Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. for authority to modify Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2720 Sub 8 and CPC 2343 Sub 9 to expand its water and sewer service territory to include approximately 5 acres of real property located in Pahrump, Nye County, Nevada.
View15-1000510/09/2015Request of AmericaTel Corporation d/b/a Americatel Mobile to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View15-1000410/07/2015Application of Verdi Meadows Utility Company, Inc. for authority to amend Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 888 Sub 1 to expand its service territory to include a 3.7 acre parcel of land located in Washoe County, Nevada.
View15-1000310/06/2015Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Cox Nevada Telcom, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 2 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View15-1000210/01/2015Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View15-1000110/01/2015Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to recover costs of gas infrastructure replacement projects through the gas infrastructure replacement mechanism.
View15-0902309/30/2015Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 458 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to modify Optional Large General Service-3P-High Load Factor Schedule OLGS-3P-HLF.
View15-0902209/30/2015Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 457 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to modify Large General Service-Extra Large Schedule LGS-X and Large General Service-3 Schedule LGS-3.
View15-0902109/28/2015Joint Petition of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Teleport Communications America, LLC for approval of a Local Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View15-0902009/30/2015Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Nuwave Communications, Inc for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View15-0901909/25/2015Application of Hypercube Telecom, LLC for approval of a change of name to West Telecom Services, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2664 Sub 3.
View15-0901809/25/2015Notice by Gentry Mobile Home Parks, LLC, former owner of Gentry Place Mobile Home Park, of the transfer of the tenant service charge account balance in the amount of $29,829.00 to the new owner, Gentry Mobile Home Park, LLC.
View15-0901709/25/2015Notice by Gentry Mobile Home Parks, LLC, former owner of Gentry Manor Mobile Home Park, of the transfer of the tenant service charge account balance in the amount of $4,605.48 to the new owner, Gentry Mobile Home Park, LLC.
View15-0901609/25/2015Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice under Advice Letter No. 496 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2015.
View15-0901509/24/2015Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-15-04 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Frontier OneVoice new business bundled service.
View15-0901409/24/2015Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-15-03 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Frontier OneVoice new business bundled service.
View15-0901309/18/2015Notice by Thatcher Company of Nevada of its intent to file an application for a variance from NAC 705.030 regarding side clearances.
View15-0901209/21/2015Joint Petition of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink and Hypercube Telecom, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View15-0901109/15/2015Filing by Telrite Corporation d/b/a Life Wireless of updated Tariff No. 1 that includes a change in service to Lifeline customers.
View15-0901009/17/2015Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates.
View15-0900909/16/2015Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and AT&T Corp. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View15-0900809/18/2015Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 575-E to revise Interruptible Irrigation Service Schedule No. IS-2 to decrease the IS-2 rate.
View15-0900709/18/2015Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 456 to revise Interruptible Agricultural Irrigation Water Pumping Schedule No. IAIWP to decrease the IAIWP rate.
View15-0900609/15/2015Request of Boost Mobile, LLC to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View15-0900509/09/2015In re Recommendation to cancel Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2894 Sub 1, held by STi Prepaid, LLC d/b/a Telco, TGI, Telco Group, VOIP Enterprises, VOIP, Dialaround Enterprises, Dialaround, and DEI.
View15-0900409/08/2015Joint Petition of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink and QuantumShift Communications, Inc. d/b/a vCom Solutions for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View15-0900309/02/2015Request of BYO Wireless, L.L.C. to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration and notice of the transfer of customers to Budget PrePay, Inc. d/b/a Budget Mobile.
View15-0900209/01/2015Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its Energy Supply Plan Update for 2016.
View15-0900109/01/2015Informational report of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy concerning its natural gas resource planning activities for the period 2016-2018.
View15-0803608/27/2015Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-15-01 to revise Tariff No. 4-C to modify the notification language regarding delivery of directories.
View15-0803508/31/2015Report by Solix, Inc. as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund regarding fiscal year 2016 assessment recommendation concerning the minimum annual contribution and assessment rate on the intrastate retail revenues of all obligated providers of telecommunication services in Nevada.
View15-0803408/31/2015Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice under Advice Letter No. 495 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2015.
View15-0803308/27/2015Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 574-E to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the Tax Gross-up rate.
View15-0803208/27/2015Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 455 to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the Tax Gross-up rate.
View15-0803108/26/2015Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Voxbeam Telecommunications Inc. d/b/a Magic Telecom for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View15-0803008/26/2015Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and QuantumShift Communications, Inc. d/b/a vCom Solutions for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View15-0802908/26/2015Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 454 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to modify Optional Large General Service-3P-High Load Factor Schedule OLGS-3P-HLF.
View15-0802808/26/2015Filing by TAG Mobile, LLC of revised Lifeline wireless service plan.
View15-0802708/27/2015Application of Preferred Long Distance for approval of a change of name to Preferred Long Distance, Inc. d/b/a Telplex Communications d/b/a Telplex for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2772 Sub 1.
View15-0802608/21/2015Registration of Preferred Long Distance, Inc. d/b/a Telplex Communications d/b/a Telplex d/b/a Ring Planet Communications d/b/a Ring Planet as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View15-0802510/09/2015Revised registration of Google North America Inc. to add fictitious business name Project Fi by Google.
View15-0802408/24/2015Filing by Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. of updated Informational Tariff No. 1 that includes new domestic rate plans and grandfathered domestic rate plans.
View15-0802308/21/2015Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Meadows Mobile Park, LLC ("Meadows") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of NRS 704.940, NAC 704.983, and NAC 704.985 by Meadows.
View15-0802208/21/2015Registration of K G Communications, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View15-0802108/21/2015Registration of The People's Operator USA, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View15-0802008/19/2015Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer NV Energy (LV2), previously Las Vegas Cogeneration II, LLC, pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View15-0801908/19/2015Application of Norlight Telecommunications, Inc. for approval of a change of name to Windstream NTI, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2117 Sub 2.
View15-0801808/19/2015Application of Norlight, Inc. for approval of a change of name to Windstream Norlight, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2896 Sub 1.
View15-0801708/19/2015Application of Windstream NuVox, Inc. for approval of a change of name to Windstream NuVox, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2961.
View15-0801608/19/2015Application of Windstream Communications, Inc. for approval of a change of name to Windstream Communications, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2848 Sub 2.
View15-0801508/19/2015Application of PaeTec Communications, Inc. for approval of a change of name to PaeTec Communications, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2373 Sub 2.
View15-0801408/19/2015Application of Talk America Inc. for approval of a change of name to Talk America, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 1021 Sub 6.
View15-0801308/21/2015Filing by i-wireless, LLC d/b/a Access Wireless of updated Advisory Tariff that includes changes addressing lifeline services.
View15-0801208/14/2015Notice by River Mountains Solar, LLC of filing Certification of Qualifying Facility Status for Small Power Production Form 556 with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
View15-0801108/14/2015Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the second amendment to the 2014-2016 Three Year Action Plan to address allocation of the capital costs of the One Nevada Transmission Line, a pilot Subscription Solar Program, a new Demand-Side Program, permitting for a new transmission line, and other relief related thereto.
View15-0801008/14/2015Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 15-03(G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2015.
View15-0800908/14/2015Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 15-03 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2015.
View15-0800808/14/2015Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 15-03 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2015.
View15-0800708/13/2015Registration of Spok Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View15-0800608/07/2015Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates.
View15-0800508/06/2015Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of a Renewable Energy Agreement with Switch Ltd.
View15-0800408/06/2015Notice by ExteNet Systems, Inc. and Odyssey Acquisition, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View15-0800308/03/2015Notice by Hartford Fire Insurance Company on behalf of Sage Telecom Communications, LLC of a bond cancellation for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2852 Sub 2.
View15-0800208/06/2015Investigation regarding power cost/usage displays.
View15-0800108/03/2015Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Maile, Inc. d/b/a Maile Concrete ("Maile") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada’s One Call Law by Maile.
View15-0704307/31/2015Application of McGraw Communications, Inc. for approval of a change of name to BCM One, Inc. for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2987.
View15-0704207/31/2015Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of a cost-of-service study and net metering tariffs.
View15-0704107/31/2015Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of a cost-of-service study and net metering tariffs.
View15-0704007/30/2015Filing by Rural Telephone Company of market information and fully distributed cost of affiliate transactions included in the 2016 Nevada Universal Service Fund request submitted to Solix, Inc.
View15-0703907/24/2015Informational report of Prospector Pipeline Company concerning its natural gas resource planning activities.
View15-0703807/27/2015Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2058 to revise Access Service Tariff No. C23-A to add Dedicated Ethernet Service and to add reference of the existing Metropolitan Statistical Area to Access Service Tariff No. C-22A Index.
View15-0703707/27/2015Amended Application of Playa Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for an amended permit to construct a water pipeline and ancillary facilities on privately owned land within the Apex Industrial Park and federal land managed by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management ("BLM") to be located in Clark County, Nevada, to reflect the following changes: (1) to modify the legal description of the water pipeline to reflect a new route for the pipeline; (2) to modify the description of the pipeline from a permanent, below-ground pipeline to an above-ground, temporary pipeline; and (3) to transfer the permit to construct from Playa Solar, LLC to Playa Solar 1, LLC and Playa Solar 2, LLC.
View15-0703607/24/2015Petition of Touro University Nevada ("Touro") requesting an order approving a 180 day extension to construct a solar energy system at Touro pursuant to the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program.
View15-0703507/24/2015Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Desert Gold RV Park ("Desert Gold") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of NRS 704.940 and NAC 704.983, 704.985, and 704.986 by Desert Gold.
View15-0703407/24/2015Application of Gardnerville Town Water Company, Inc. d/b/a Gardnerville Water Company for approval of a change of name to Gardnerville Water Company for water service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 926 Sub 11.
View15-0703307/21/2015Revised registration of Sage Telecom Communications, LLC to add fictitious business name TruConnect.
View15-0703207/21/2015Notice by Charter Fiberlink NV-CCVII, LLC and Charter Communications, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View15-0703107/21/2015Application of Great America Networks, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View15-0703007/17/2015Application of Globalcom Inc. d/b/a First Communications to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2698 Sub 2.
View15-0702907/23/2015Application of Gentry Manor Mobile Home Park to withdraw $4,000.00 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and improve the electrical system previously approved in Docket 06-09003.
View15-0702807/17/2015Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of annual plans for the Solar Thermal Systems Demonstration Program for Program Year 2016.
View15-0702707/16/2015Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates.
View15-0702607/15/2015Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 572-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to modify Large Standby Service Rider Schedule No. LSR to accommodate emergency response standby service.
View15-0702507/15/2015Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 452 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to modify Large Standby Service Rider Schedule No. LSR to accommodate emergency response standby service.
View15-0702407/14/2015Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 450 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to modify Special Condition 9 of Optional Large General Service-3P-High Load Factor Schedule OLGS-3P-HLF.
View15-0702307/10/2015Shoukofeh Vadadi vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding high bills.
View15-0702207/10/2015Shoukofeh Vadadi vs. Southwest Gas Corporation. Complaint regarding high bills.
View15-0702107/08/2015Petition of The Alliance for Solar Choice for a Declaratory Order that Senate Bill 374 requires that Nevada utilities continue to offer net energy metering (“NEM”) to qualified customer-generators pursuant to NRS 704.775 until the Commission approves a new NEM tariff.
View15-0702007/01/2015Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of tax adjustment pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 00-1028.
View15-0701907/01/2015Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304 and annual certification that price cap carrier is not seeking duplicative Eligible Recovery pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.915.
View15-0701807/07/2015Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 451 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to modify Special Condition 7 of Large General Service-Extra Large Schedule LGS-X.
View15-0701707/06/2015Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Mercury Voice and Data, LLC d/b/a Suddenlink Communications for approval of a Traffic Exchange Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View15-0701607/01/2015Filing by Frontier Communications Corporation ("Frontier") of Connect America Fund Phase I Census Blocks where Frontier expended funding in the previous year pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313.
View15-0701507/21/2015Application of Sage Telecom Communications, LLC to be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the State of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View15-0701407/01/2015Filing by Tempo Telecom, LLC d/b/a Tempo of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View15-0701307/06/2015Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of the Federal Pipeline Safety Regulations by Advanced Refining Concepts, LLC.
View15-0701207/06/2015Filing by Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View15-0701107/06/2015Application of RCLEC, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View15-0701007/02/2015Filing by American Broadband and Telecommunications Company of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View15-0700907/02/2015Application of Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects ("Rio Virgin") for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada and to amend Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 548 Sub 2 to authorize Rio Virgin to be regulated as a competitive supplier pursuant to NRS 704.68861 to 704.68887, inclusive.
View15-0700807/01/2015Filing by Budget PrePay, Inc. d/b/a Budget Mobile of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View15-0700707/01/2015Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Lone Mountain Excavation & Utilities, LLC ("Lone Mountain") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada’s One Call Law by Lone Mountain.
View15-0700607/02/2015Commission sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Clark County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View15-0700507/02/2015Commission sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Washoe County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View15-0700407/01/2015Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its 2016-2035 Triennial Integrated Resource Plan and 2016-2018 Energy Supply Plan.
View15-0700307/01/2015Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the first amendment to its 2014 Emissions Reduction and Capacity Replacement Plan as it relates to two new renewable energy purchased power agreements.
View15-0700207/01/2015Filing by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View15-0700107/01/2015Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of annual plans for the Solar Thermal Systems Demonstration Program for Program Year 2016.
View15-0607607/13/2015Filing by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. of application submitted to Solix, Inc. in its capacity as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund ("NUSF") for allowance of NUSF funding for the year commencing January 1, 2016.
View15-0607507/13/2015Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of application submitted to Solix, Inc. in its capacity as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund ("NUSF") for allowance of NUSF funding for the year commencing January 1, 2016.
View15-0607406/30/2015Application of Tolas Mobile Home Park to withdraw $5,682.50 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View15-0607306/30/2015Filing by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View15-0607206/30/2015Filing by Rural Telephone Company of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View15-0607106/30/2015Filing by Moapa Valley Telephone Company of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View15-0607006/29/2015Filing by Total Call Mobile, Inc. of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View15-0606906/29/2015Filing by Q LINK WIRELESS LLC of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View15-0606806/29/2015Filing by Nexus Communications, Inc. d/b/a TSI of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View15-0606706/29/2015Filing by i-wireless, LLC d/b/a Access Wireless of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View15-0606606/30/2015Filing by Blue Jay Wireless, LLC of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View15-0606506/30/2015Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its 2015 Annual Demand Side Management Update Report as it relates to the Action Plan of its 2014-2033 Integrated Resource Plan.
View15-0606406/30/2015Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the 2015 Customer Satisfaction Improvement Plan and updated customer service and customer satisfaction metrics to report to the Commission annually.
View15-0606306/30/2015Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada for authority to adjust its annual revenue requirement for water and sewer service rates charged to all classes of customers and for other relief properly related thereto.
View15-0606206/29/2015Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and EarthLink Business, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 7 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View15-0606106/29/2015Filing by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View15-0606006/29/2015Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its 2015 Natural Gas Conservation and Energy Efficiency Plan Annual Report.
View15-0605906/29/2015Filing by Commnet of Nevada, LLC of Federal Communications Commission Form 690 pursuant to 47 CFR 54.1009.
View15-0605806/29/2015Filing by TAG Mobile, LLC of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View15-0605706/29/2015Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View15-0605607/29/2015Registration of Solavei LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View15-0605506/29/2015Filing by TracFone Wireless, Inc. d/b/a SafeLink Wireless of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View15-0605406/29/2015Investigation and rulemaking to examine current regulations governing the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program, the Wind Energy Systems Demonstration Program, and the Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Program.
View15-0605306/29/2015Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates.
View15-0605206/26/2015Filing by Commnet of Nevada, LLC of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View15-0605106/25/2015Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy previously approved in Docket No. 95-3052.
View15-0605006/26/2015Filing by Cox Nevada Telcom, LLC of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View15-0604906/26/2015Filing by Telrite Corporation d/b/a Life Wireless of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View15-0604806/26/2015Notice by Broadvox-CLEC, LLC, Onvoy, LLC, and The Broadvox Holding Company, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View15-0604706/23/2015Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313.
View15-0604606/24/2015Filing by Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View15-0604506/24/2015Rulemaking to amend, adopt, and/or repeal regulations pertaining to Chapter 707 of the Nevada Administrative Code regarding provisions relating to persons with impaired speech or hearing in accordance with Assembly Bill 200 (2015).
View15-0604406/24/2015Rulemaking to adopt regulations in accordance with Senate Bill 87 of the 78th (2015) Session of the Nevada Legislature authorizing the Commission to modify resource plans submitted by certain public utilities.
View15-0604306/24/2015Rulemaking to amend, adopt, and/or repeal regulations pertaining to Chapter 703 of the Nevada Administrative Code regarding provisions governing certain proposed changes in the schedule of rates or services of a public utility in accordance with Assembly Bill 75 (2015).
View15-0604206/24/2015Rulemaking to amend, adopt, and/or repeal regulations pertaining to Chapter 704 of the Nevada Administrative Code regarding the use of decommissioned power plant sites and other matters in accordance with Senate Bill 416 (2015).
View15-0604106/24/2015Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to restate $698.25 million of existing long term debt authority and issue new refinancing authority of $450 million.
View15-0604006/24/2015Filing by Absolute Home Phones, Inc. d/b/a Absolute Mobile of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View15-0603906/24/2015Filing by TerraCom Inc. of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View15-0603806/19/2015Filing by Level 3 Communications, LLC and Churchill County Telephone and Telegraph System of joint application for approval of interconnection agreement submitted to the Churchill County Board of Commissioners.
View15-0603706/23/2015Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 571-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 2, Schedule Nos. LCSPP86 and LCSPP87, to adjust rates for long-term cogeneration and small power production energy and capacity rates.
View15-0603606/23/2015Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View15-0603506/23/2015Filing by Filer Mutual Telephone Company of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View15-0603406/16/2015Notice by Velocity The Greatest Phone Company Ever, Inc. that switched access services are not provided.
View15-0603306/19/2015Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Desert Star Energy Center pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View15-0603206/19/2015Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Saguaro Power Company previously approved in Docket No. 94-4050.
View15-0603106/17/2015Registration of Eos Mobile Holdings LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View15-0603006/19/2015Notice by Sprint Communications Company L.P. of its intent to discontinue residential long-distance services.
View15-0602906/18/2015Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink of a promotion for new business customers to be eligible for a one month free offer.
View15-0602806/16/2015Filing by Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View15-0602706/16/2015Filing by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View15-0602606/16/2015Filing by CenturyLink, Inc. of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View15-0602506/12/2015Filing by ESA Energy of the Proposed Plan Amendment, Final Environmental Impact Report, and Environmental Impact Statement for the Soda Mountain Solar Project.
View15-0602406/15/2015Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View15-0602306/16/2015Notice by Southwest Telephone Company, V01P Consulting LLC, Toni Burton, Mikeff LLC, AWZ LLC, and Mavroudis Consulting LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View15-0602206/12/2015Notice by TerraForm Utility Solar XIX, LLC of filing Certification of Qualifying Facility Status for Small Power Production Form 556 with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
View15-0602106/11/2015Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View15-0602006/12/2015Filing by Rural Telephone Company of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313, annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation (“CAF ICC”) Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View15-0601906/12/2015Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the second amendment to the Action Plan of its 2013-2032 Integrated Resource Plan, and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the first amendment to the Action Plan of its 2014-2033 Integrated Resource Plan to address modifications to the 2010 Transmission Usage Agreement governing the One Nevada Transmission Line and other relief related thereto.
View15-0601806/11/2015Request of Tri-M Communications, Inc. d/b/a Globalinx to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View15-0601706/18/2015Application of TRI-M Communications, Inc. d/b/a TMC Communications to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2411 Sub 2.
View15-0601606/12/2015Notice by NGP Blue Mountain I LLC of filing Certification of Qualifying Facility Status for Small Power Production Form 556 with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
View15-0601506/11/2015Investigation regarding the issues associated with analyzing applications filed pursuant to Chapter 704B of the Nevada Revised Statutes to ensure that approval of these applications will not be contrary to the public interest.
View15-0601406/10/2015Filing by Churchill County Telephone and Telegraph System of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View15-0601306/09/2015Filing by Blue Jay Wireless, LLC of updated Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to Lifeline Service Plans.
View15-0601206/09/2015Notice by International Fidelity Insurance Company on behalf of Telmex USA, L.L.C. of a bond cancellation.
View15-0601106/05/2015Filing by Moapa Valley Telephone Company of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313, annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation (“CAF ICC”) Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View15-0601006/05/2015Filing by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313, annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation (“CAF ICC”) Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304, supplemental TRP data pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.909, and annual certifications regarding CAF ICC data reported to the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 57.917.
View15-0600906/08/2015Filing by Las Vegas Cogeneration Limited Partnership of annual report in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 91-2013.
View15-0600806/05/2015Application of BellSouth Long Distance, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2194 Sub 2.
View15-0600706/17/2015Application of Southwest Gas Corporation to establish the Variable Interest Expense Recovery mechanism rates, Unrecovered Gas Cost Expense rates, system shrinkage rates, commodity and reservation rates, Renewable Energy Program rates, General Revenues Adjustment rates, and Conservation and Energy Efficiency rates.
View15-0600606/11/2015Informational report of Southwest Gas Corporation concerning its natural gas resource planning activities.
View15-0600506/02/2015Notice by Mercury Voice and Data, LLC d/b/a Suddenlink Communications, Cequel Corporation, and Altice S.A. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View15-0600406/03/2015Application of dishNET Wireline L.L.C. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View15-0600307/07/2015Retroactive Application of Pair A Dice Mobile Home Park LLC. to withdraw $34,256.53 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View15-0600206/02/2015Revised registration of i-wireless, LLC to add fictitious business name Access Wireless.
View15-0600106/01/2015Advance Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to recover costs of gas infrastructure replacement projects through the gas infrastructure replacement mechanism.
View15-0504005/28/2015Filing by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View15-0503905/28/2015Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice under Advice Letter No. 494 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2015.
View15-0503805/22/2015Notice by TNCI Operating Company LLC that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View15-0503705/26/2015Revised registration of Mitel NetSolutions, Inc. for a change of name to Mitel Cloud Services, Inc.
View15-0503605/27/2015Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and CG&B Enterprises Inc. ("CG&B") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violation of Nevada’s One Call Law by CG&B.
View15-0503505/26/2015Application of Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects filed under Advice Letter No. 8 to revise Tariff No. 2 to modify switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View15-0503405/26/2015Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Level 3 Communications, LLC for approval of the ICC Voice over Internet Protocol ("VoIP") and VNXX Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View15-0503305/22/2015Application of Network Operator Services, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2362 Sub 1.
View15-0503205/22/2015Filing by Filer Mutual Telephone Company of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View15-0503105/26/2015Notice by Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View15-0503005/21/2015Application of Spark Energy Gas, LLC for a license to provide discretionary service as an alternative seller of natural gas to generating, industrial, or large commercial customers in the State of Nevada.
View15-0502905/22/2015Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and EDF Trading North America, LLC ("EDF Trading") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada statutes and regulations relating to alternative sellers of natural gas by EDF Trading.
View15-0502805/19/2015Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of Nevada Dynamic Pricing Trial Interim Report.
View15-0502705/18/2015Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View15-0502605/15/2015Petition of Rural Telephone Company requesting a deviation or waiver from the procedural deadline for submitting an application for disbursement from the Nevada Universal Service Fund pursuant to NAC 704.68056.
View15-0502505/15/2015Rulemaking to adopt regulations in accordance with Senate Bill 151 of the 78th (2015) Session of the Nevada Legislature authorizing a public utility which purchases natural gas for resale to expand its infrastructure in a manner consistent with a program of economic development.
View15-0502405/15/2015Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink for the Commission to overturn a denial by NeuStar, Inc., the North American Numbering Plan Administrator, for two 10,000 number blocks for use in the Las Vegas rate center.
View15-0502305/12/2015Application of Apptix, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View15-0502205/14/2015Application of Rural Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 37 to revise Tariff No. 2 to modify switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View15-0502105/14/2015Notice by Filer Mutual Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View15-0502005/28/2015Registration of Enhanced Communications Group, L.L.C. d/b/a Boom Mobile as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View15-0501905/12/2015Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Advisory Opinion as to the scope of the Commission's authority to approve water conservation plans of cooperative and nonprofit water companies.
View15-0501805/12/2015Notice by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View15-0501705/12/2015Application of MGM Resorts International to purchase energy, capacity, and/or ancillary services from a provider of new electric resources.
View15-0501605/11/2015Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 570-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to modify Economic Development Rate Rider Schedule EDRR.
View15-0501505/11/2015Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 449 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to modify Economic Development Rate Rider Schedule EDRR.
View15-0501405/08/2015Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 51 to revise Tariff No. 2 to modify switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View15-0501305/08/2015Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 8 to revise Tariff No. 3 to modify switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View15-0501205/07/2015Show Cause Proceeding to determine why Nevada Utilities, Inc. should not have its certificate of public convenience and necessity revoked for failure to pay administrative fines.
View15-0501105/15/2015Application of Mitel NetSolutions, Inc. for approval of a change of name to Mitel Cloud Services, Inc. for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 1096 Sub 3.
View15-0501005/05/2015Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 15-02(G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2015.
View15-0500905/05/2015Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 15-02 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2015.
View15-0500805/05/2015Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 15-02 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2015.
View15-0500705/05/2015Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Vista Energy Marketing LP ("Vista Energy") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada statutes and regulations relating to alternative sellers of natural gas by Vista Energy.
View15-0500605/08/2015Application of Wynn Las Vegas, LLC to purchase energy, capacity, and/or ancillary services from a provider of new electric resources.
View15-0500505/01/2015Show Cause Proceeding to determine why Applewood Communications Corporation should not have its certificate of public convenience and necessity revoked for failure to comply with the applicable annual reporting obligation and failure to pay administrative fines.
View15-0500405/01/2015Show Cause Proceeding to determine why Horizon Telecom, Inc. should not have its certificate of public convenience and necessity revoked for failure to comply with the applicable annual reporting obligation and failure to pay administrative fines.
View15-0500305/01/2015Show Cause Proceeding to determine why Locus Telecommunications, Inc. should not have its certificate of public convenience and necessity revoked for failure to meet bond requirements.
View15-0500205/08/2015Application of Las Vegas Sands Corp. to purchase energy, capacity, and/or ancillary services from a provider of new electric resources.
View15-0500105/01/2015Notice by Teleport Communications America, LLC and AT&T Corp. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View15-0404204/30/2015Notice by Nevada Solar One, LLC of filing Certification of Qualifying Facility Status for Small Power Production Form 556 with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
View15-0404105/15/2015Application of the City of Las Vegas for authority to install safety improvements at the existing at-grade crossing located at the intersection of Wyoming Avenue and the Union Pacific Railroad in Las Vegas, Nevada.
View15-0404004/30/2015Registration of Pioneer Telephone as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View15-0403904/30/2015Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 6 to revise Tariff No. 2A to reduce switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View15-0403805/01/2015Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 7 to revise Tariff No. 3C to reduce switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View15-0403704/30/2015Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for acceptance of its Conservation and Energy Efficiency Plan for the period 2016-2018.
View15-0403604/24/2015Filing by Charter Fiberlink NV-CCVII, LLC and Churchill County Telephone and Telegraph System of joint application for approval of interconnection agreement submitted to the Churchill County Board of Commissioners.
View15-0403504/30/2015Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View15-0403404/30/2015Notice by Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View15-0403304/29/2015Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Southwest Gas Corporation ("Southwest") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of the Federal Pipeline Safety Regulations and Nevada’s One Call Law by Southwest.
View15-0403205/13/2015Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC d/b/a Cingular Wireless for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View15-0403104/30/2015Application of Nuwave Communications, Inc for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View15-0403004/27/2015Filing by Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. of biennial audit report submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") pursuant to the FCC’s Final Lifeline Biennial Audit Plan.
View15-0402904/22/2015Filing by Cox Nevada Telcom, LLC of biennial audit report submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") pursuant to the FCC’s Final Lifeline Biennial Audit Plan.
View15-0402804/24/2015Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Tiger Natural Gas, Inc. d/b/a Tiger, Inc. ("Tiger") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding past violations of Nevada statutes and regulations relating to alternative sellers of natural gas by Tiger.
View15-0402704/22/2015Petition of Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. ("Shell Energy") for a Declaratory Order that the renewable energy and portfolio energy credits purchased by Shell Energy under a short-term renewable power purchase contract with PacifiCorp are eligible to meet the portfolio standard obligation under NRS 704.78213.
View15-0402604/21/2015Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-15-02 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to include a reference for Direct Inward Dialing Numbers.
View15-0402504/17/2015Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2057 to revise Access Service Tariff No. C9-A to modify Directory Assistance access service.
View15-0402404/16/2015Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale of revisions to the Guidebook to reflect discontinuance of ILEC Calling Card Service.
View15-0402304/15/2015Lou Detwiler vs. Southwest Gas Corporation. Complaint regarding termination of service.
View15-0402204/14/2015Filing by CenturyLink, Inc. of biennial audit report submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") pursuant to the FCC’s Final Lifeline Biennial Audit Plan.
View15-0402104/16/2015Application of Southwest Telephone Company to be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the State of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View15-0402004/14/2015Notice by Crown Castle NG West LLC, NewPath Networks, LLC, and Crown Castle International Corp. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View15-0401904/10/2015Filing by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Cricket Communications, Inc. of biennial audit report submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") pursuant to the FCC’s Final Lifeline Biennial Audit Plan.
View15-0401804/10/2015Filing by MetroPCS Nevada, LLC to update information.
View15-0401704/10/2015Filing by T-Mobile West LLC d/b/a T-Mobile and GoSmart Mobile to update information.
View15-0401604/06/2015Notice by Overton Solar, LLC of filing Certification of Qualifying Facility Status for Small Power Production Form 556 with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
View15-0401504/22/2015Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and U.S. TelePacific Corp. d/b/a TelePacific Communications for approval of Amendment No. 2 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View15-0401404/09/2015Filing by BNSF Railway Company of 2014 State Statistics.
View15-0401304/14/2015Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to amend Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2627 Sub 4 to expand its service territory to include areas contiguous to its existing Northern Nevada service territory located in Churchill and Lyon Counties, Nevada.
View15-0401204/07/2015Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of biennial audit report submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") pursuant to the FCC’s Final Lifeline Biennial Audit Plan.
View15-0401104/08/2015Notice by Grasshopper Group, LLC and Citrix Systems, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View15-0401004/06/2015Filing by TracFone Wireless, Inc. d/b/a SafeLink Wireless of biennial audit report submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") pursuant to the FCC’s Final Lifeline Biennial Audit Plan.
View15-0400904/03/2015Filing by Telrite Corporation d/b/a Life Wireless of biennial audit report submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") pursuant to the FCC’s Final Lifeline Biennial Audit Plan.
View15-0400804/02/2015Filing by i-wireless, LLC of biennial audit report submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") pursuant to the FCC’s Final Lifeline Biennial Audit Plan.
View15-0400704/09/2015Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, Inc. to withdraw $2,883.00 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred for calendar year 2014 federal income taxes and to repair and maintain the gas system.
View15-0400604/09/2015Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, Inc. to withdraw $3,259.14 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred for calendar year 2014 federal income taxes and to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View15-0400504/01/2015Notice by Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada of its intent to file an application for adjustment in rates.
View15-0400404/01/2015Notice by TKMAD, LLC, former owner of Jopa Mobile Home Park, of the transfer of the tenant service charge account balance in the amount of $21,411.14 to the new owner, Sparks Mobile Home and RV Park, LLC.
View15-0400304/01/2015Annual Report of Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2014.
View15-0400204/01/2015Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the status of merger commitments in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 13-07021.
View15-0400104/01/2015Report of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy on the progress of its Action Plan relative to its 2014-2033 Integrated Resource Plan.
View15-0304504/07/2015Application of Telscape Communications, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2793 Sub 1.
View15-0304403/31/2015Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the quality of service metrics in compliance with the Orders issued in Docket Nos. 04-7009 and 05-10005.
View15-0304303/31/2015Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the quality of service metrics in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 04-7009.
View15-0304203/31/2015Annual Report of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2014.
View15-0304103/31/2015Application of Mount Charleston Water Company filed under Advice Letter No. 002 to revise Water Tariff and Sewer Tariff to adjust rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View15-0304004/01/2015Application of Desert Utilities, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 3 to revise water Tariff No. 1 and sewer Tariff No. 2 to adjust rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View15-0303903/30/2015Filing by BYO Wireless, L.L.C. to update information.
View15-0303803/30/2015Application of Dutchman Acres Water Company filed under Advice Letter No. 4 to revise Water Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View15-0303703/30/2015Application of Spirit Mountain Utility Company, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 2 to revise Water Tariff No. 2 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View15-0303603/27/2015Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Level 3 Communications, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 6 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View15-0303503/27/2015Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Level 3 Communications, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 5 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View15-0303403/27/2015Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Nevada Cogeneration Associates #1 pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View15-0303303/27/2015Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Nevada Cogeneration Associates #2 pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View15-0303203/27/2015Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Cyanco Company pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View15-0303103/27/2015Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Harvey’s Tahoe Management Company, Inc. d/b/a Harrah’s Casino Hotel Lake Tahoe pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View15-0303003/27/2015Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Harvey’s Tahoe Management Company, Inc. d/b/a Harvey’s Casino Hotel pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View15-0302903/27/2015Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Columbia Properties Tahoe, LLC d/b/a Montbleu Resort Casino and Spa pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View15-0302803/27/2015Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Neva One LLC d/b/a Hard Rock Hotel Lake Tahoe pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View15-0302703/30/2015Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates.
View15-0302603/30/2015Notice by Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of a promotional offering for the Elko and Tonopah Divisions for new and existing customers that subscribe to Frontier Simply Unlimited and commit to a 1, 2, or 3 year term.
View15-0302503/26/2015Application of Pinpoint Broadband, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View15-0302404/08/2015Application of the Nevada Department of Transportation for authority to construct a new overpass bridge over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks to be located between Charleston Boulevard and Wyoming Avenue in Las Vegas, Nevada.
View15-0302303/19/2015Application of Stand Energy Corporation to voluntarily discontinue service as an alternative seller of natural gas conducted under License No. G-26.
View15-0302203/24/2015Registration of IM Telecom, LLC d/b/a Infiniti Mobile as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View15-0302103/18/2015Registration of Google North America Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View15-0302003/19/2015Application of South Jersey Energy Company to voluntarily discontinue service as an alternative seller of natural gas conducted under License No. G-21.
View15-0301903/13/2015Application of Sky Ranch Water Service Corp. filed under Advice Letter No. 5 to revise Water Tariff No. 1A to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View15-0301804/03/2015Notice by Total Call International, Inc. d/b/a Amigos Telecom, Phone Globe Telecom, SDI Telecom and Star International Alliance, Total Call Mobile, Inc., Locus Telecommunications. Inc., and KDDI America, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View15-0301703/12/2015Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the Economic Development Electric Rate Rider Program pursuant to NAC 704.8958.
View15-0301603/12/2015Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the Economic Development Electric Rate Rider Program pursuant to NAC 704.8958.
View15-0301503/17/2015Application of Satview Broadband Ltd for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View15-0301403/12/2015Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff, Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, LLC ("Cottonwood"), and Southwest Gas Corporation ("Southwest Gas") for the conversion of the master meter natural gas distribution system owned and operated by Cottonwood to a utility owned natural gas distribution system owned and operated by Southwest Gas, for authorization to withdraw funds from the tenant service account, and for an exception to Rule 9 of Southwest Gas’ tariff.
View15-0301303/06/2015Registration of Garmin USA, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View15-0301203/11/2015Willie Bruster vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding high bill.
View15-0301103/10/2015Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 10 to revise Water Tariff No. 1A and Sewer Tariff No. 1A to adjust rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View15-0301003/10/2015Investigation into electric utility rate design issues.
View15-0300903/06/2015Filing by the Regulatory Operations Staff of calendar year 2014 accounting report for each utility authorized to collect a rate surcharge pursuant to NAC 704.600(6) as amended by LCB File No. R178-12.
View15-0300803/05/2015Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and CIMA ENERGY, LTD. ("CIMA") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada statutes and regulations relating to alternative sellers of natural gas by CIMA.
View15-0300703/04/2015Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada regarding its acceptance of eligible funding for Connect America Fund Phase I Round 2 pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.312.
View15-0300603/02/2015Notice by International Fidelity Insurance Company on behalf of Telmex USA, L.L.C. of a bond reinstatement.
View15-0300503/02/2015Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 6 to revise Tariff No. 3C to grandfather Frame Relay Services.
View15-0300403/02/2015Application of Spring Creek Utilities Co. for approval of its 2015 Integrated Resource Plan, for approval to designate certain system improvement projects as eligible projects for which a system improvement rate may be established, for authority to establish regulatory asset accounts for costs of litigation related to water system, for relief from the directive in Docket No. 12-03003 regarding the meter replacement program, and for other relief properly related thereto.
View15-0300303/02/2015Application of American Broadband and Telecommunications Company to be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the State of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View15-0300203/02/2015Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 11-02015.
View15-0300103/02/2015Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of an Indefinite Joint Dispatch Agreement governing transactions utilizing the One Nevada Transmission Line.
View15-0204602/27/2015Filing by Mercury Voice and Data, LLC d/b/a Suddenlink Communications of initial Tariff No. 2 for Local Exchange Services.
View15-0204502/27/2015Filing by Mercury Voice and Data, LLC d/b/a Suddenlink Communications of initial Tariff No. 1 for Access Services.
View15-0204402/27/2015Filing by Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View15-0204302/24/2015Notice by Berkley Insurance Company on behalf of Locus Telecommunications, Inc. of a bond cancellation for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3010.
View15-0204202/27/2015Notice by Great American Insurance Company on behalf of Highlands Wireless Inc. of a bond cancellation for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3012.
View15-0204102/27/2015Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of natural gas expenses and to reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rate.
View15-0204002/27/2015Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of fuel and purchased power expenses and to reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development charge, reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rate, reset the base Energy Efficiency Program Rates and base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rates, reset the Energy Efficiency Program and Energy Efficiency Implementation Amortization Rates, and refund the total amount of Energy Efficiency Implementation Rate revenue received in 2014, including carrying charges.
View15-0203902/27/2015Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of fuel and purchased power expenses and to reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development charge, reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rate, reset the base Energy Efficiency Program Rates and base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rates, reset the Energy Efficiency Program and Energy Efficiency Implementation Amortization Rates, and refund the total amount of Energy Efficiency Implementation Rate revenue received in 2014, including carrying charges.
View15-0203802/26/2015Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and VarTec Telecom, Inc. d/b/a VarTec Telecom and Clear Choice Communications for approval of Amendment No. 5 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View15-0203702/27/2015Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice under Advice Letter No. 493 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2015.
View15-0203603/02/2015Registration of American Broadband and Telecommunications Company as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View15-0203502/23/2015Filing by CenturyLink regarding its acceptance of eligible funding for Connect America Fund Phase I Round 2 pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.312.
View15-0203402/23/2015Application of Indian Springs Water Co., Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 6 to revise Water Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View15-0203302/23/2015Application of Gold Country Water Company, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 3 to revise Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View15-0203202/24/2015Joint Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of amendments to Amended and Restated Temporary Renewable Energy Development Trust Agreements.
View15-0203102/20/2015Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 553-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to include Optional Load Management and Automation Services Rider Schedule OLM-AS.
View15-0203002/20/2015Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 444 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to modify Optional Load Management and Automation Services Rider Schedule OLM-AS.
View15-0202902/25/2015Application of Cypress Communications Operating Company, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2722 Sub 2.
View15-0202802/19/2015Application of Verdi Meadows Utility Company, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 2 to revise Water Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View15-0202702/17/2015Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and affiliated companies Desert Plastering LLC and Desert Concrete LLC (collectively, "Desert") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada’s One Call Law by Desert.
View15-0202602/13/2015Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and The Fishel Company ("Fishel") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada’s One Call Law by Fishel.
View15-0202502/13/2015Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Vista Energy Marketing LP ("Vista Energy") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada statutes and regulations relating to alternative sellers of natural gas by Vista Energy.
View15-0202402/13/2015Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 15-01 (G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2015.
View15-0202302/13/2015Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 15-01 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2015.
View15-0202202/13/2015Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 15-01 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2015.
View15-0202102/11/2015Application of LS Networks for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View15-0202002/12/2015Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 15-03 to revise Tariff No. 1A to introduce Call Line Identifier service.
View15-0201902/13/2015Petition of Gold Country Water Company, Inc. for approval to use existing customer surcharge to pay the debt service related to system reliability improvements and to use any unused increment of previously approved surcharge for cash reserve.
View15-0201802/12/2015Application of Momentum Telecom, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View15-0201702/12/2015Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Hypercube Telecom, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View15-0201602/06/2015Water Conservation Plan of Star City Property Owners Association filed pursuant to NRS 704.662 to 704.6624 inclusive.
View15-0201502/06/2015Filing by TAG Mobile, LLC of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View15-0201402/06/2015Filing by Telrite Corporation d/b/a Life Wireless of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View15-0201302/03/2015Filing by Tempo Telecom, LLC d/b/a Tempo of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View15-0201202/04/2015Notice by the Regulatory Operations Staff of the 2015 range of reasonable returns on equity for water and sewer utilities.
View15-0201102/04/2015Filing by Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View15-0201002/03/2015Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 446 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to modify the Statement of Rates and remove Nevada Dynamic Pricing Trial Schedules RS-TOU-E and RS-CPP.
View15-0200902/03/2015Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 567-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to modify the Statement of Rates and remove Nevada Dynamic Pricing Trial Schedules D-1-TOU-E and D-1-CPP.
View15-0200802/02/2015Filing by Blue Jay Wireless, LLC of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View15-0200702/02/2015Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink ("CenturyLink") filed under Advice Letter No. 15-01 to revise CenturyLink’s Guidebook to modify the Lifeline discount credit calculation.
View15-0200602/03/2015Filing by Nexus Communications, Inc. of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View15-0200502/02/2015Filing by Commnet of Nevada, LLC of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View15-0200402/02/2015Filing by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View15-0200302/02/2015Filing by Budget PrePay, Inc. d/b/a Budget Mobile of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View15-0200202/02/2015Filing by Cricket Communications, Inc. of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View15-0200102/02/2015Filing by Cox Nevada Telcom, LLC of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View15-0105701/30/2015Filing by Total Call Mobile, Inc. of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View15-0105601/30/2015Filing by i-wireless, LLC of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View15-0105501/29/2015Filing by Q LINK WIRELESS LLC of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View15-0105402/19/2015Application of Mount Charleston Water Company filed under Advice Letter No. 02 to revise Tariff No. 1A to update Fire Protection Rule No. 10.
View15-0105301/30/2015Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Broadview Networks, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View15-0105201/30/2015Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of annual plans for the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program, the Wind Energy Systems Demonstration Program, and the Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Program for Program Year 2015-2016.
View15-0105101/30/2015Filing by TracFone Wireless, Inc. d/b/a SafeLink Wireless of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View15-0105001/27/2015Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View15-0104901/27/2015Application of The Telephone Connection Local Services, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2999.
View15-0104801/29/2015Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 15 to revise Tariff No. 1A to remove Bundled Service Offerings Schedule No. A-21.
View15-0104701/29/2015Filing by Moapa Valley Telephone Company of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View15-0104601/29/2015Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink for review and approval of its 2015 Performance Measurement Plan and approval to remove its 2015 Performance Incentive Plan.
View15-0104501/29/2015Filing by Rural Telephone Company of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View15-0104401/29/2015Filing by Absolute Home Phones, Inc. d/b/a Absolute Mobile of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View15-0104301/29/2015Filing by Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View15-0104201/28/2015Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale for review and approval of its 2015 Performance Measurement Plan and Performance Incentives Plan.
View15-0104101/27/2015Filing by Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View15-0104001/27/2015Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View15-0103901/28/2015Filing by TerraCom Inc. of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View15-0103801/26/2015Filing by Cascade Utilities, Inc. of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View15-0103701/26/2015Filing by Trans Cascades Telephone Co. of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View15-0103601/26/2015Filing by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View15-0103501/26/2015Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Tiger Natural Gas, Inc. d/b/a Tiger, Inc. ("Tiger") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding past violations of Nevada statutes and regulations relating to alternative sellers of natural gas by Tiger.
View15-0103401/26/2015Registration of Stream Communications, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View15-0103302/19/2015Application of Seminole Retail Energy Services, L.L.C., an alternative seller of natural gas, for approval of a change of name to Continuum Retail Energy Services, L.L.C. for operations conducted under License No. G-23.
View15-0103201/23/2015Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff, Reno Cascade LLC ("Reno Cascade"), and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("SPPC") for the conversion of the master meter natural gas distribution system owned and operated by Reno Cascade to a utility owned natural gas distribution system owned and operated by SPPC, for authorization to withdraw funds from the tenant service account, and for an exception to Rule 9 of SPPC’s tariff.
View15-0103101/22/2015Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Teleport Communications America, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View15-0103001/21/2015Investigation regarding the water system improvement plan provided in the preliminary engineering report for Spirit Mountain Utility Company, Inc. and the feasibility of and potential financing for the plan.
View15-0102901/20/2015Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada for approval of the first amendment to the Action Plan of the 2014 Integrated Resource Plan for water and sewer services as it relates to the reclaim water disposal site project and requesting to designate two system improvement projects as eligible projects for which a system improvement rate may be established.
View15-0102801/23/2015Application of the Nevada Department of Transportation for authority to alter an existing bridge over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks located north of the I-15 and US-95 Interchange and south of Bonanza Road in Clark County, Nevada.
View15-0102701/20/2015Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Las Vegas Electric, Inc. ("LVE") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada’s One Call Law by LVE.
View15-0102601/20/2015Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink for an extension of time for the assignment of two 2,000 number blocks for use in the Las Vegas rate center previously approved in Docket No. 14-04008.
View15-0102501/30/2015Application of EDF Trading North America, LLC for a license to provide discretionary service as an alternative seller of natural gas to generating, industrial, or large commercial customers in the state of Nevada.
View15-0102401/14/2015Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-15-01 for the Elko and Tonopah Divisions to revise Access Services Tariff No. A-3 to clarify the definition of Customer Designated Premises (CDP).
View15-0102301/13/2015Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Hypercube Telecom, LLC for approval of an Interconnection and/or Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View15-0102201/14/2015Staff report on Desert Utilities, Inc. pursuant to the provisions of NAC 704.627.
View15-0102101/14/2015Staff report on Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. pursuant to the provisions of NAC 704.627.
View15-0102001/12/2015Filing by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View15-0101901/12/2015Filing by MetroPCS Nevada, LLC to update information.
View15-0101801/12/2015Filing by T-Mobile West LLC d/b/a T-Mobile and GoSmart Mobile to update information.
View15-0101701/12/2015Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 14-10 to revise Tariff No. 1A to modify Lifeline service.
View15-0101601/12/2015Application of Valley Electric Association, Inc. to be designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View15-0101501/07/2015Biannual filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy regarding the Solar Program, providing a status update and a summary of discussion from a meeting with industry stakeholders pursuant to NAC 701B.145.
View15-0101402/06/2015Notice by Intellicall Operator Services, Inc. d/b/a ILD, WiMacTel Inc., and ILD Corp. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View15-0101301/08/2015Application of Valley Electric Association, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View15-0101201/06/2015Petition of Fulcrum BioEnergy, Inc. ("Fulcrum") for a Declaratory Order that Fulcrum’s Biorefinery is a portfolio energy system as defined by NRS 704.7804 and that the power generated and used at that facility is eligible for certification as portfolio energy credits as defined by NRS 704.7803.
View15-0101101/12/2015Application of Fairview Mobile Manor to withdraw $24,700.00 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View15-0101001/02/2015Applications for calendar year 2015 received by a utility under the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program.
View15-0100901/02/2015Reports from electric and gas utilities operating in Nevada of transactions and calculations affecting the deferred energy accounts pursuant to NAC 704.195 for calendar year 2015.
View15-0100801/02/2015Rail Safety FRA Form 96 Inspection Reports for calendar year 2015.
View15-0100701/02/2015Pipeline Safety Enforcement Actions and Inspection Reports by the Regulatory Operations Staff pursuant to 49 CFR 191 and 192 for calendar year 2015.
View15-0100601/02/2015One Call Enforcement Actions and Inspection Reports by the Regulatory Operations Staff pursuant to NRS 455 for calendar year 2015.
View15-0100501/02/2015Annual Reports for calendar year 2014 submitted by Telecommunication companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191 and NAC 704.7483.
View15-0100401/02/2015Annual Reports for calendar year 2014 submitted by Mobile Home Parks operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 704.960 and NAC 704.987.
View15-0100301/02/2015Annual Reports for calendar year 2014 submitted by Water and Wastewater companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191, NAC 703.199, and NAC 704.225.
View15-0100201/02/2015Annual Reports for calendar year 2014 submitted by Electric, Natural Gas, LPG, Geothermal, Alternative Sellers, and Railroad companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191 and NAC 704.225.
View15-0100101/02/2015Reports from public utilities operating in Nevada of accidents or significant service outages occurring during calendar year 2015 pursuant to NRS 704.190 and NAC 704.230.
View14-1203412/30/2014Application of Crown Castle NG West Inc. for approval of a change of name to Crown Castle NG West LLC for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2816 Sub 2.
View14-1203312/31/2014Application of Spring Creek Utilities Co. for authority to adjust annual revenue requirements for water and sewer service rates charged to all classes of customers.
View14-1203212/30/2014Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink of Nonrecurring Charges Discount Promotion for business customers and Pure Broadband Bundle Promotion, $5 for 6 Months Promotion, and Waiver of Access Line Service Connection Charges for residence customers.
View14-1203112/30/2014Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View14-1203012/30/2014Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Carefree Country Mobile Home Park ("Carefree") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of the Federal Pipeline Safety Regulations by Carefree.
View14-1202912/26/2014Notice by Southwest Gas Corporation of its intent to close its Fernley office to walk-in customer traffic.
View14-1202812/24/2014Petition of Truckee Carson Irrigation District for a Declaratory Order allowing an extension of time for certain incentive reservations within the Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Program.
View14-1202712/24/2014Petition of Pershing County Water Conservation District for a Declaratory Order allowing an extension of time for a certain incentive reservation within the Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Program.
View14-1202612/22/2014Application of Smokey Ridge LLC to withdraw $2,153.38 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system and to close the account.
View14-1202501/06/2015Petition of the City of Reno for an order to show cause why licenses of IGI Resources, Inc., Occidental Energy Marketing, Inc., Pacific Summit Energy, LLC, and Shell Energy North American (US), L.P. should not be revoked for violation of NRS 704.9901.
View14-1202412/19/2014Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 565-E for approval of a Portfolio Charge to be applicable to Newmont Mining Corporation under Rate Schedule GS-4-NG for calendar year 2015 to recover the additional costs required to meet the Nevada Portfolio Standard.
View14-1202312/18/2014David Dow vs. Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding solar rebate and installation dates.
View14-1202212/18/2014Charles P. Bluth vs. Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding outages in the Glenbrook, Nevada, area.
View14-1202112/18/2014Aboveground Utility Plan of City of North Las Vegas filed pursuant to NRS 278.165.
View14-1202012/18/2014Notice by IPC Network Services, Inc. and Centerbridge Capital Partners II, L.P. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View14-1201912/18/2014Aboveground Utility Plan of Clark County filed pursuant to NRS 278.165.
View14-1201812/18/2014Aboveground Utility Plan of City of Henderson filed pursuant to NRS 278.165.
View14-1201712/18/2014Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates.
View14-1201612/18/2014Notice by Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of a promotional offering for the Elko and Tonopah Divisions for new and existing customers that subscribe to Frontier Simply Unlimited and commit to a 1, 2, or 3 year term.
View14-1201512/16/2014Filing by Blue Jay Wireless, LLC of updated Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to Lifeline Service Plans.
View14-1201412/16/2014Joint Application of Impact Telecom, Inc. ("Impact"), Americatel Corporation d/b/a 1010 123 Americatel d/b/a Ametex d/b/a Startec ("Americatel"), and Matrix Telecom, Inc. d/b/a Clear Choice Communications, Excel Telecommunications, and VarTec Telecom ("Matrix") for approval of the transfer of customers from Impact and Americatel to Matrix and to cancel Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2979 issued to Impact and CPC 2359 Sub 4 issued to Americatel.
View14-1201312/18/2014Application of Cricket Communications, Inc. to voluntarily relinquish designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the state of Nevada.
View14-1201212/11/2014Notice by SBC Internet Services, Inc. d/b/a AT&T Internet Services of its intent to request numbering resources for the Reno rate center from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View14-1201112/11/2014Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates.
View14-1201012/08/2014Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff to open an investigatory docket regarding the water system improvement plan provided in the preliminary engineering report for Spirit Mountain Utility Company, Inc. and the feasibility of and potential financing for the plan.
View14-1200912/05/2014Applications for calendar year 2014 received by a utility under the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program.
View14-1200812/03/2014Application of Business Telecom, Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business III for approval of a change of name to Business Telecom, LLC d/b/a EarthLink Business III for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2198 Sub 2.
View14-1200712/05/2014Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 313-G to revise Gas Main Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust applicable tax liability factors.
View14-1200612/03/2014Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 566-E to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust applicable tax liability factors.
View14-1200512/03/2014Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 445 to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust applicable tax liability factors.
View14-1200412/03/2014Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Shade Tree Village Mobile Home Park ("Shade Tree") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding Shade Tree’s violations of NRS 704.940 and NAC 704.983.
View14-1200312/01/2014Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Birch Telecom of the West, Inc. d/b/a Birch Communications for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View14-1200212/01/2014Joint Petition of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink and CenturyLink Communications, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View14-1200112/01/2014Investigation and rulemaking to address affiliate transactions.
View14-1102311/26/2014Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink for the Commission to overturn a denial by NeuStar, Inc., the North American Numbering Plan Administrator, for a 10,000 number block for use in the Las Vegas rate center.
View14-1102212/01/2014Application of Corcom Communications Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View14-1102111/25/2014Notice by Snow Mountain Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct a 138 kV or 230 kV transmission gen-tie line consisting of approximately 0.75 miles of 138 kV or 230 kV transmission line and associated facilities to be located adjacent to the Las Vegas Paiute reservation in Clark County, Nevada.
View14-1102011/24/2014Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice under Advice Letter No. 492 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2015.
View14-1101911/25/2014Application of Tiger Natural Gas, Inc. d/b/a Tiger, Inc. for a license to provide discretionary service as an alternative seller of natural gas to generating, industrial, or large commercial customers in the state of Nevada.
View14-1101811/21/2014Water Conservation Plan of Old River Water Company filed pursuant to NRS 704.662 to 704.6624 inclusive.
View14-1101711/20/2014Notice by Telesphere Access, LLC, Telesphere Networks, Ltd., and Vonage Holdings Corp. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View14-1101611/19/2014Application of Aiya Solar Project, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct a 230 kV transmission gen-tie line consisting of approximately 1.5 miles of 230 kV transmission line connecting to a 100 MW photovoltaic solar facility being developed on Moapa River Indian Reservation land and associated facilities to be located approximately 40 miles northwest of Las Vegas in Clark County, Nevada.
View14-1101511/19/2014Request of Coast to Coast Cellular Inc. to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View14-1101411/14/2014Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 14-13 to revise Tariff No. 1A to introduce Home Phone II packaged service available to residential customers.
View14-1101311/14/2014Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 14-04(G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2015.
View14-1101211/14/2014Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 14-04 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2015.
View14-1101111/14/2014Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 14-04 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2015.
View14-1101011/14/2014Application of the Department of Health and Human Services Aging and Disability Services Division for approval of the State Fiscal Year 2016 budget for telecommunications services for the speech and hearing impaired.
View14-1100911/12/2014Joint Petition of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada and Central Nevada Communications and Electric, LLC for approval of an Agreement for Local Interconnection pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View14-1100811/10/2014Joint Petition of Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects and CLEC, LLC for approval of an Opt-In Agreement for Local Interconnection pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View14-1100711/14/2014Application of Switch Ltd. to purchase energy, capacity, and/or ancillary services from a provider of new electric resources.
View14-1100611/07/2014Application of Rural Telephone Company for authority to establish its annual revenue requirement for telephone service rates; establish new charges, fees, and rules for telephone customers; establish draw from the Nevada Universal Service Fund; reflect changes in the cost of capital; modify depreciation rates; and for other relief properly related thereto.
View14-1100511/06/2014Petition of Teleport Communications America, LLC for the Commission to overturn a denial by NeuStar, Inc., the North American Numbering Plan Administrator, for 1,000 consecutive numbers for use in the Reno rate center.
View14-1100411/07/2014Application of Teleconnect Long Distance Services and Systems Company to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 936 Sub 1.
View14-1100311/07/2014Application of Verizon Enterprise Solutions LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2148 Sub 5.
View14-1100211/03/2014Complaint. Frances Molarius vs. Silver Springs Mutual Water Company ("Silver Springs") concerning possible violation of NRS 704.350 regarding misrepresentation of character of corporation, request for protection of the Commission under NRS 704.673, and request for investigation of Silver Springs’ financial activities.
View14-1100111/03/2014Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC for approval of Amendment No. 16 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View14-1003111/06/2014Notice by RLI Insurance Company on behalf of Entrix Telecom, Inc. of a bond cancellation.
View14-1003010/30/2014Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 562-E to revise Interruptible Irrigation Service Schedule No. IS-2 to increase the IS-2 rate, clarify Special Conditions 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 and 13, and correct typographical errors.
View14-1002910/30/2014Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 442 to revise Interruptible Agricultural Irrigation Water Pumping Schedule No. IAIWP to increase the IAIWP rate, clarify Special Conditions 5, 6, 9 and 10, and correct typographical errors.
View14-1002810/30/2014Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2056 to revise Access Service Tariff No. C1-A to add an intellectual property statement regarding trademarks and the use of common language codes.
View14-1002710/28/2014Application of Mercury Voice and Data, LLC d/b/a Suddenlink Communications for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View14-1002610/24/2014Application of Unity Telecom, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2471 Sub 2.
View14-1002510/23/2014Application of Applewood Communications Corporation to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2898 Sub 1.
View14-1002410/22/2014Notice by Rural Telephone Company of its intent to file an application for adjustment in rates.
View14-1002311/18/2014Notice by Intellicall Operator Services, Inc. d/b/a ILD, ILD Corp., and WiMacTel Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View14-1002210/21/2014Filing by Radical System Solutions Inc. of a copy of Section 63.71 Application to Discontinue Services submitted to the Federal Communications Commission.
View14-1002110/17/2014Registration of Pix Wireless, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View14-1002010/16/2014Ron Pavelko vs. Spring Creek Utilities Co. Complaint regarding a bill adjustment for time spent researching the strong odor of chlorine evident in the water system in home and safe water consumption.
View14-1001910/17/2014Investigation and rulemaking to review and evaluate the merits of a prepayment program for electric services.
View14-1001810/16/2014Rulemaking to address alternatives to the current lost revenue adjustment mechanism ("LRAM").
View14-1001710/08/2014Application of Horizon Telecom, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2630 Sub 1.
View14-1001610/14/2014Water Conservation Plan of Spirit Mountain Utility Company, Inc. filed pursuant to NRS 704.662 to 704.6624 inclusive.
View14-1001510/09/2014Filing by CenturyLink of a copy of Application for Change in Accounting Method Form 3115 submitted to the Internal Revenue Service with its 2013 federal income tax return.
View14-1001410/08/2014Notice by Spring Creek Utilities Co. of its intent to file an application for adjustment in rates.
View14-1001310/08/2014Application of Copper Mountain Solar 4, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Copper Mountain Solar 4 Project consisting of a 94 MW solar photovoltaic generation facility, approximately 0.5 miles of 230 kV generation-tie line, and associated facilities to be located in Boulder City, Nevada.
View14-1001210/07/2014Application of Tuscany Services LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service in Nevada.
View14-1001110/08/2014Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff, Pleasant Valley Mobilehome Community, LLC ("Pleasant Valley"), and Southwest Gas Corporation ("Southwest Gas") for the conversion of the master meter natural gas distribution system owned and operated by Pleasant Valley to a utility owned natural gas distribution system owned and operated by Southwest Gas, for authorization to withdraw funds from the tenant service account, and for an exception to Rule 9 of Southwest Gas’ tariff.
View14-1001010/09/2014Application of Talk America Services, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View14-1000910/09/2014Application of GC Pivotal, LLC to amend Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2960 to expand its authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View14-1000810/06/2014Application of Rosemount Water Company filed under Advice Letter No. 3 to revise Tariff No. 1 to add Point of Use/Point of Entry Uranium Treatment Rule No. 22.
View14-1000710/03/2014Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale for relief from designation as a provider of last resort in portions of Northern Nevada pursuant to NRS 704.68886.
View14-1000610/08/2014Notice by McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, L.L.C. d/b/a PAETEC Business Services, PaeTec Communications, Inc., Windstream Holdings, Inc., Windstream KDL, Inc., Windstream Norlight, Inc., Windstream NTI, Inc., Communications Sales and Leasing, Inc., and Talk America Services, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View14-1000510/07/2014Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, Inc. to withdraw $2,175.00 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred for tree removal around power lines.
View14-1000410/02/2014Notice by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of an application to a federal agency for approval to construct the Hycroft 345 kV Transmission Line Project consisting of the expansion of the existing Oreana Substation, construction of a new substation at the Hycroft mine site, approximately 57 miles of 345 kV transmission line, and associated facilities to be located approximately 55 miles west of Winnemucca in Humboldt and Pershing Counties, Nevada.
View14-1000310/02/2014Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and American Fence Company, Inc. ("American Fence") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of Nevada’s One Call Law by American Fence.
View14-1000210/01/2014Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to recover costs of gas infrastructure replacement projects through the gas infrastructure replacement mechanism.
View14-1000110/01/2014Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View14-0902410/01/2014Complaint. Nevada Utilities, Inc. vs. Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink to resolve a dispute pertaining to its Interconnection, Collocation and Resale Agreement.
View14-0902309/26/2014Application of Radical System Solutions Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2920.
View14-0902209/26/2014Show Cause Proceeding to determine whether administrative fines should be imposed upon landlords of mobile home parks identified as having failed to timely submit acceptable annual reports for calendar year 2013.
View14-0902110/01/2014Request of ItsOn Inc. to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View14-0902009/25/2014Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Harry Allen Substation Expansion Project consisting of the expansion of two existing Harry Allen Substations into one substation to be located approximately 23 miles north of Las Vegas in Dry Lake Valley, Clark County, Nevada.
View14-0901910/09/2014Notice by MegaPath Corporation and GC Pivotal, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View14-0901809/23/2014Registration of NetZero Wireless, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View14-0901709/23/2014Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Central Nevada Communications and Electric, LLC for approval of an Interconnection and/or Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View14-0901609/26/2014Application of Telekenex Acquisition Corporation d/b/a Telekenex for approval of a change of name to NetFortris Acquisition Co., Inc. for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2799 Sub 6.
View14-0901509/22/2014Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order directing Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy to file requested information with the Commission regarding the advanced metering infrastructure.
View14-0901409/22/2014Notice by Verizon Enterprise Solutions LLC and Verizon Long Distance LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View14-0901309/29/2014Application of Optic Internet Protocol, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2927.
View14-0901209/19/2014Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale of revisions to the Guidebook to reflect discontinuance of Premiere Communications Service for residential customers.
View14-0901109/17/2014Filing by TerraCom Inc. of updated Advisory Tariff No. 1 that includes revisions to current wireless plans.
View14-0901009/15/2014Notice by SBC Internet Services, Inc. d/b/a AT&T Internet Services of its intent to request numbering resources for the Reno rate center from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View14-0900909/12/2014Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2055 to revise Access Tariff No. C10 to reduce rates for Telecommunications Service Priority System access service and correct a reference to the Office of Emergency Communications.
View14-0900809/12/2014Rulemaking to reflect changes to the Economic Development Electric Rate Rider Program set forth in Assembly Bill 1 of the 28th (2014) Special Session of the Nevada Legislature.
View14-0900709/11/2014Show Cause Proceeding to determine why certificates of public convenience and necessity, licenses, or permits should not be revoked and/or why administrative fines should not be imposed on certain companies that have not timely met their regulatory obligations for calendar year 2013 and/or TDD period July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014.
View14-0900609/11/2014Show Cause Proceeding to determine why Shady Acres Mobile Home Park should not be found to have violated NRS 704.940(1)(a) and NAC 704.985(1)(a), be fined for such violation, and be required to return overcharges to its residents.
View14-0900509/09/2014Application of Clark County for authority to alter the existing at-grade crossing on Rainbow Boulevard located south of Blue Diamond Road in Arden, Nevada.
View14-0900409/02/2014Application of Access2Go, Inc. for approval of a change of name to Stratus Networks, Inc. for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2947.
View14-0900309/05/2014Notice by Teleconnect Long Distance Services and Systems Company ("Teleconnect") and MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services ("MCI") of the transfer of customers from Teleconnect to MCI.
View14-0900209/03/2014Application of Invenergy Solar Development LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct a 130 MW solar photovoltaic generation facility, approximately 1 mile of 230 kV aboveground transmission line connecting to the existing Harry Allen Substation, and associated facilities to be located within the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone approximately 15 miles northeast of Las Vegas in Clark County, Nevada.
View14-0900109/03/2014Application of Playa Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct a 200 MW solar photovoltaic generation facility, approximately 0.7 mile of 230 kV aboveground transmission line connecting to the existing Harry Allen Substation, and associated facilities to be located within the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone approximately 20 miles northeast of Las Vegas in Clark County, Nevada.
View14-0802408/29/2014Informational report of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy concerning its natural gas resource planning activities for the period 2015-2017.
View14-0802308/29/2014Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its Energy Supply Plan Update for 2015-2016.
View14-0802208/29/2014Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice under Advice Letter No. 491 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2014.
View14-0802108/27/2014Report by Solix, Inc. as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund regarding fiscal year 2015 assessment recommendation to maintain the minimum annual contribution and to decrease the current assessment rate on the intrastate retail revenues of all obligated providers of telecommunication services in Nevada.
View14-0802008/19/2014Filing by Nevada Utilities, Inc. of a copy of Section 63.71 Application to discontinue all phone and internet services in Nevada submitted to the Federal Communications Commission.
View14-0801908/19/2014Request of Reunion Wireless Services, LLC to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View14-0801808/26/2014Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, Inc. to withdraw $3,332.94 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred for calendar year 2013 federal income taxes, the yearly gas leak survey, and the yearly payment of the Underground Service Alert.
View14-0801708/20/2014Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, Inc. to withdraw $4,028.70 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred for calendar year 2013 federal income taxes and to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View14-0801608/20/2014Application of Inyo Networks, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View14-0801508/18/2014Application of Flowroute LLC for approval of a change of name to Flowroute Inc. for telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 3002.
View14-0801408/18/2014Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates.
View14-0801308/15/2014Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 14-03(G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2014.
View14-0801208/15/2014Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 14-03 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2014.
View14-0801108/15/2014Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 14-03 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2014.
View14-0801008/15/2014Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates.
View14-0800908/18/2014Application of Nevada Utilities, Inc. to voluntarily relinquish designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier in the state of Nevada and discontinue telecommunication service conducted under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 2982 Sub 1.
View14-0800808/13/2014Application of Conterra Ultra Broadband, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View14-0800708/11/2014Application of Vitcom LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View14-0800608/11/2014Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and BCN Telecom, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection and/or Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View14-0800508/11/2014Application of e-Care Nevada, Inc. for approval of a change of name to Nevada Broadband Networks, Inc. for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2962.
View14-0800408/05/2014Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-14-04 to revise Tariff No. 4-C to remove the Vendor Credit Card Bill Payment Service.
View14-0800308/05/2014Amended Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Dry Lake Solar Energy Center Project consisting of a 150 MW solar photovoltaic generation facility, a 100 MW battery energy storage system, a 230 kV overhead transmission line connecting to the existing Harry Allen Substation, and associated facilities to be located approximately 23 miles north of Las Vegas in Dry Lake Valley, Clark County, Nevada.
View14-0800208/04/2014Application of the Nevada Department of Transportation for authority to remove an existing bridge over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks located northeast of Lovelock in Pershing County, Nevada.
View14-0800108/01/2014Filing by MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services of a copy of Section 63.71 Application to discontinue Verizon Enterprise Solutions Calling Card submitted to the Federal Communications Commission.
View14-0703807/31/2014Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-14-03 to revise Tariff No. 4-C to clarify when a credit allowance for Service Interruptions and Failures is applicable.
View14-0703707/31/2014Filing by Commnet of Nevada, LLC of Federal Communications Commission Form 690 pursuant to 47 CFR 54.1009.
View14-0703607/31/2014Application of Carefree Country Mobile Home Park to withdraw $84,117.38 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical and gas systems.
View14-0703507/28/2014Petition of Moapa Solar, LLC for a Declaratory Order that the Moapa Solar Energy Center project to be located on tribal land owned by the Moapa Band of Paiute Indians in Clark County, Nevada is not subject to the Utility Environmental Protection Act.
View14-0703407/28/2014Notice by Zayo Group, LLC, Zayo Group Holdings, Inc., and Communications Infrastructure Investments, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View14-0703307/24/2014Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and MetroPCS Nevada, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their CMRS Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View14-0703207/23/2014Application of Silver Springs Mutual Water Company for authority to amend Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ("CPC") 718 Sub 11 to expand its service territory to include parcels of land to the north of its existing service territory in Lyon County, Nevada.
View14-0703107/18/2014Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of annual plans for the Solar Thermal Systems Demonstration Program for Program Year 2015.
View14-0703007/18/2014Investigation regarding joint trench installation of dry utility facilities.
View14-0702907/15/2014Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313.
View14-0702807/21/2014Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and T-Mobile West LLC d/b/a T-Mobile and GoSmart Mobile for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their CMRS Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View14-0702707/17/2014Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates.
View14-0702607/15/2014Alex Jacobson vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("NV Energy"). Complaint regarding damages and claims denied by NV Energy.
View14-0702507/17/2014Filing by Tempo Telecom, LLC d/b/a Tempo of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View14-0702407/14/2014Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of Service Catalog updates.
View14-0702307/11/2014Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the rehabilitation and remediation of the existing effluent storage and irrigation system and associated facilities located on the Willow Creek property adjacent to the Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 3 in Pahrump, Nevada.
View14-0702207/09/2014Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order to Show Cause why Shady Acres Mobile Home Park and owners should not be ordered to cease and desist from violating NRS 704.940(1)(a), to return overcharges to tenants for electric charges and electric service, and be fined for violation of NRS 704.940(1)(a) and NAC 704.985(1)(a).
View14-0702107/08/2014Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View14-0702007/07/2014Registration of Access Point, Inc. d/b/a North Carolina Access Point, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View14-0701907/03/2014Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 430 to submit short-term avoided cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities pursuant to Qualifying Facilities Schedule QF - Short Term and for approval of the use of Powerdex as the hourly price index for qualifying facilities and to eliminate shaping of the daily index price for the Mead/Marketplace markets.
View14-0701807/03/2014Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 548-E to submit short-term avoided cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities pursuant to Schedule CSPP - Short-Term and for approval of the use of Powerdex as the hourly price index for qualifying facilities and to eliminate shaping of the daily index price and the transmission adder for the California-Oregon Border markets.
View14-0701707/03/2014Notice by tw telecom of nevada llc, tw telecom inc., tw telecom holdings inc., and Level 3 Communications, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View14-0701607/09/2014Petition of SolarCity, Solar Energy Industries Association, and Southern Nevada Homebuilders Association for a Declaratory Order that the NAC 701B.155(5)(b)(1) standard for determining the reservation of capacity for a solar energy system installed on a new building pursuant to the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program cannot be applied to net metering facilities constructed pursuant to NRS 704.766 et seq.
View14-0701507/01/2014Filing by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View14-0701407/02/2014Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to restate $1.148 billion of existing long term debt authority and issue new refinancing authority of $130 million.
View14-0701307/03/2014Petition of the Attorney General’s Bureau of Consumer Protection to open an investigatory docket regarding whether the contract between Southwest Gas Corporation and Paiute Pipeline Company for the proposed construction of the Elko Expansion Project is reasonable and necessary.
View14-0701207/02/2014Filing by Total Call Mobile, Inc. of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View14-0701107/01/2014Filing by Q LINK WIRELESS LLC of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View14-0701007/02/2014Filing by Cox Nevada Telcom, LLC of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View14-0700907/01/2014Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its 2014 Natural Gas Conservation and Energy Efficiency Plan Annual Report.
View14-0700807/01/2014Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its 2014 Annual Demand Side Management Update Report as it relates to the Action Plan of its 2014-2033 Integrated Resource Plan.
View14-0700707/01/2014Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its 2014 Annual Demand Side Management Update Report as it relates to the Action Plan of its 2013-2032 Integrated Resource Plan.
View14-0700607/01/2014Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of annual plans for the Solar Thermal Systems Demonstration Program for Program Year 2015.
View14-0700507/01/2014Staff report on Rosemount Water Company pursuant to the provisions of NAC 704.627.
View14-0700407/01/2014Staff report on Verdi Meadows Utility Company, Inc. pursuant to the provisions of NAC 704.627.
View14-0700307/01/2014Staff report on Cherry Creek Water District, LLC pursuant to the provisions of NAC 704.627.
View14-0700207/01/2014Commission sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Clark County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View14-0700107/01/2014Commission sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Washoe County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View14-0606206/30/2014Filing by Blue Jay Wireless, LLC of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View14-0606106/30/2014Filing by Rural Telephone Company of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View14-0606006/27/2014Filing by Nexus Communications, Inc. of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View14-0605906/30/2014Filing by i-wireless, LLC of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View14-0605806/30/2014Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View14-0605706/30/2014Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Contri Construction Company ("Contri") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violation of Nevada’s One Call Law by Contri and trigger payment of civil penalty held in abeyance in Docket No. 13-09013.
View14-0605606/30/2014Filing by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View14-0605506/30/2014Filing by Cricket Communications, Inc. of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View14-0605407/01/2014Filing by Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View14-0605306/30/2014Filing by Telrite Corporation d/b/a Life Wireless of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View14-0605206/30/2014Filing by TAG Mobile, LLC of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View14-0605106/27/2014Filing by Moapa Valley Telephone Company of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View14-0605006/27/2014Filing by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View14-0604906/30/2014Filing by Budget PrePay, Inc. d/b/a Budget Mobile of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View14-0604806/27/2014Filing by Commnet of Nevada, LLC of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View14-0604706/27/2014Filing by TracFone Wireless, Inc. d/b/a SafeLink Wireless of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View14-0604606/27/2014Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 441 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to modify Schedules RS-TOU-E and RS-CPP to allow for early opt out of the Nevada Dynamic Pricing Trial.
View14-0604506/27/2014Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 561-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to modify Schedules D-1-TOU-E and D-1-CPP to allow for early opt out of the Nevada Dynamic Pricing Trial.
View14-0604406/24/2014Filing by CenturyLink of a copy of Section 63.71 Application to discontinue regional Hosted VoIP service to new customers submitted to the Federal Communications Commission.
View14-0604306/27/2014Filing by Absolute Home Phones, Inc. d/b/a Absolute Mobile of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View14-0604206/26/2014Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 559-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 2, Schedule Nos. LCSPP86 and LCSPP87, to adjust rates for long-term cogeneration and small power production energy and capacity rates.
View14-0604106/25/2014Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Las Vegas Cogeneration II, LLC pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View14-0604006/25/2014Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink ("CenturyLink") filed under Advice Letter No. 14-09 to revise CenturyLink’s Guidebook to modify the state lifeline credit calculations.
View14-0603906/25/2014Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink for the Commission to overturn a denial by NeuStar, Inc., the North American Numbering Plan Administrator, for three 1,000 blocks of consecutive numbers for use in the Las Vegas Rate Center.
View14-0603806/25/2014Filing by Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View14-0603706/26/2014Filing by Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View14-0603606/25/2014Filing by Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. of updated Informational Tariff No. 1 that includes a new domestic rate plan, grandfathered domestic rate plans, and a new promotional section and removes references to Nextel.
View14-0603506/24/2014Application of TransAlta Energy Marketing (U.S.) Inc. for a license to provide discretionary service as an alternative seller of natural gas to generating, industrial, or large commercial customers in the state of Nevada.
View14-0603406/20/2014Filing by Filer Mutual Telephone Company of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View14-0603306/18/2014Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View14-0603206/23/2014Application of AccessLine Communications Corporation for approval of fictitious business name Voice Telco Services for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2819 Sub 1.
View14-0603106/19/2014Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 440 to establish NV GreenEnergy Rider Schedule No. NGR as a voluntary green energy pricing program for LGS-1 and larger commercial customers.
View14-0603006/19/2014Filing by TerraCom Inc. of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View14-0602906/19/2014Filing by Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View14-0602806/16/2014Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304 and annual certification that price cap carrier is not seeking duplicative Eligible Recovery pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.915.
View14-0602706/16/2014Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 560-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to introduce three new optional time-of-use rate schedules available to eligible High Off-Peak Use and GS-2 customers.
View14-0602606/16/2014Filing by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View14-0602506/12/2014Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View14-0602406/11/2014Notice by TNCI Operating Company LLC that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View14-0602306/11/2014Notice by Granite Telecommunications, LLC that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View14-0602206/16/2014Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the second amendment to the 2013-2032 Integrated Resource Plan and Action Plan as it relates to a new 500 kV/230 kV autotransformer at the existing Harry Allen Substation.
View14-0602106/13/2014Filing by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View14-0602006/13/2014Filing by Moapa Valley Telephone Company of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View14-0601906/16/2014Filing by Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View14-0601806/11/2014Filing by Rural Telephone Company of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View14-0601706/12/2014Filing by Churchill County Telephone and Telegraph System of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View14-0601606/12/2014Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 14-07 to revise Tariff No. 1A to introduce CenturyLink Line Volume Plan ("CLVP") and CLVP Feature Package available to eligible business customers.
View14-0601506/09/2014Application of the Nevada Department of Transportation for authority to construct a new bridge over the Boulder City Bypass roadway located south of Dawson Road and north of Silverline Road and US Highway 95 in Henderson, Nevada.
View14-0601406/09/2014Application of the Nevada Department of Transportation for authority to remove an existing at grade crossing at US Highway 93/95 located south of Dawson Road and north of US Highway 95 in Henderson, Nevada.
View14-0601306/09/2014Application of the Nevada Department of Transportation for authority to construct a new at grade crossing at the proposed new frontage road adjacent to the new Boulder City Bypass roadway located south of Dawson Road and north of Silverline Road and US Highway 95 in Henderson, Nevada.
View14-0601206/10/2014Registration of Defense Mobile Corporation as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View14-0601106/06/2014Water Conservation Plan of Desert Utilities, Inc. filed pursuant to NRS 704.662 to 704.6624 inclusive.
View14-0601006/02/2014Filing by AT&T Corp. of a copy of Section 63.71 Application to discontinue business directory assistance service submitted to the Federal Communications Commission.
View14-0600906/04/2014Investigation regarding whether separate customer classes of service for net metering customers should be established.
View14-0600806/03/2014Notice by BCN Telecom, Inc. that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View14-0600706/02/2014Filing by Filer Mutual Telephone Company of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View14-0600606/04/2014Duane K. Wingate vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding a dispute over the time frame for the installation of a net meter and the corresponding bills for service.
View14-0600506/04/2014Informational report of Southwest Gas Corporation concerning its natural gas resource planning activities.
View14-0600406/04/2014Application of Southwest Gas Corporation to establish Base Tariff General Rates, Unrecovered Gas Cost Expense rates, distribution shrinkage rates, commodity and reservation rates, and Renewable Energy Program rates.
View14-0600306/04/2014Filing by Las Vegas Cogeneration Limited Partnership of annual report in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 91-2013.
View14-0600206/03/2014Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. for authority to establish its annual revenue requirement for telephone service rates; establish new charges, fees, and rules for telephone customers; adjust intrastate access charges; establish draw from the Nevada Universal Service Fund; reflect changes in the cost of capital; modify depreciation rates; and for other relief properly related thereto.
View14-0600106/03/2014Anna Robles-Smith vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding the calculation of back billing charges.
View14-0504406/09/2014Amended Application of NHC Communications for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View14-0504305/29/2014Application of Gentry Manor Mobile Home Park to withdraw $5,000.00 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and improve the electrical system previously approved in Docket 06-09003.
View14-0504205/30/2014Advance Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to recover costs of gas infrastructure replacement projects through the gas infrastructure replacement mechanism.
View14-0504105/30/2014Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice under Advice Letter No. 490 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2014.
View14-0504005/28/2014Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy previously approved in Docket No. 95-3052.
View14-0503905/28/2014Application of Sunshine Valley Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Sunshine Valley Solar Project consisting of a 110 MW AC solar photovoltaic electric generating facility and associated facilities, interconnecting with Valley Electric Association’s 138 kV substation via an approximately 0.5 mile generation-tie transmission line, to be located in the Town of Amargosa Valley in Nye County, Nevada.
View14-0503805/22/2014Notice by Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View14-0503705/21/2014Filing by Telemanagement Services, Inc. d/b/a TSI of a copy of Section 63.71 Application to discontinue domestic and international telecommunications services submitted to the Federal Communications Commission.
View14-0503605/22/2014Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 311-G to revise Gas Tariff No. 1 to remove listing of Neighborhood Main Extension Contract addresses and rates that have expired.
View14-0503505/22/2014Gale Gast vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding overcharges for electrical service improvement.
View14-0503405/16/2014Application of IntelePeer, Inc. for approval of a change of name to Airus, Inc. for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2936.
View14-0503305/21/2014Notice by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View14-0503205/22/2014Application of Dutchman Acres Water Company filed under Advice Letter No. 3 to revise Fire Protection Rule No. 10 and Map of Certified Area Rule No. 16 of Water Tariff No. 1 pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 11-11006.
View14-0503105/20/2014Application of Onvoy, Inc. for approval of a change of name to Onvoy, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2973.
View14-0503005/19/2014Revised registration of U.S. TelePacific Corp. to add fictitious business name TelePacific Communications.
View14-0502905/16/2014Registration of Eos Mobile Holdings LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View14-0502805/16/2014Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View14-0502705/16/2014Application of Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects filed under Advice Letter No. 7 to revise Tariff No. 2 to modify switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View14-0502605/16/2014Registration of MILLENNIUM 2000 INC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View14-0502505/15/2014Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 14-02(G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2014.
View14-0502405/15/2014Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 14-02 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2014.
View14-0502305/15/2014Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 14-02 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2014.
View14-0502205/13/2014Notice by Filer Mutual Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View14-0502105/13/2014Notice by G3 Telecom USA Inc. and Telehop Communications Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View14-0502005/12/2014Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 50 to revise Tariff No. 2 to modify switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View14-0501905/12/2014Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 7 to revise Tariff No. 3 to modify switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View14-0501805/12/2014Application of Rural Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 36 to revise Tariff No. 2 to modify switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View14-0501705/13/2014Petition of Bombard Renewable Energy on behalf of Calvary Chapel Christian School ("CCCS") requesting an order approving a 70 day extension to construct a solar energy system at CCCS pursuant to the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program.
View14-0501605/07/2014Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Saguaro Power Company previously approved in Docket No. 94-4050.
View14-0501505/07/2014Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Cyanco Company pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View14-0501405/07/2014Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Desert Star Energy Center (previously El Dorado Energy, LLC) pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View14-0501305/08/2014Notice by Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of a promotional offering for the Elko and Tonopah Divisions for existing Simply Unlimited customers to be eligible for a monthly save credit.
View14-0501205/08/2014Notice by Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of a promotional offering for the Elko and Tonopah Divisions for existing business customers to be eligible for a monthly save credit.
View14-0501105/07/2014Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-14-02 to reissue General and Local Exchange Tariff No. 4-B, which includes Lifeline Telephone Service, 911 Emergency Reporting Service, and Rules and Regulations.
View14-0501005/05/2014Filing by Palm Gardens Water Cooperative of updated Water Conservation Plan.
View14-0500905/07/2014Application of Desert Utilities, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 2 to revise Water Rights Rule No. 21 of Tariff No. 1 to modify water rights dedication requirements.
View14-0500805/02/2014Application of CenruryTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 5 to revise Tariff No. 2A to reduce switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View14-0500705/02/2014Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 5 to revise Tariff No. 3C to reduce switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View14-0500605/02/2014Application of ARES Nevada, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct two 230 kV transmission facilities and ancillary facilities consisting of an Advanced Rail Storage Regulation Energy Management project and other appurtenant electrical facilities to be located east of Pahrump, in Clark County and Nye County, Nevada.
View14-0500505/02/2014Petition of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for cost recovery for the Advanced Service Delivery Project and Nevada Dynamic Pricing Trial pursuant to the Order issued in Docket Nos. 13-06002, 13-06003, and 13-06004.
View14-0500405/02/2014Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to increase its annual revenue requirement for general rates charged to all classes of electric customers and for relief properly related thereto.
View14-0500305/01/2014Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the first amendment to the 2013-2032 Integrated Resource Plan and the Energy Supply Plan Update for 2015 to include an initial emissions reduction and capacity replacement plan.
View14-0500205/01/2014Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-14-03 for the Elko and Tonopah Divisions to revise Tariff No. A-3 to revise switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View14-0500105/01/2014Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-14-01 to revise Tariff No. 3-B to revise switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View14-0404104/30/2014Joint Petition of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink and Sprint Spectrum L.P., as agent and General Partner for WirelessCo, L.P. and as agent for SprintCom, Inc., for approval of the ICC Bill and Keep Amendment to the Interconnection and Reciprocal Compensation Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View14-0404004/30/2014Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View14-0403904/30/2014Investigation and rulemaking to evaluate methods for maximizing and allocating the benefits of the One Nevada Transmission Line for Nevada retail electric service customers.
View14-0403804/30/2014Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of its 2013 Conservation and Energy Efficiency Plan Annual Report.
View14-0403704/29/2014Notice by Onvoy, Inc., Zayo Group Holdings, Inc., and Communications Infrastructure Investments, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View14-0403604/29/2014Application of Spring Creek Utilities Co. filed under Advice Letter No. 11 to revise Rendering and Payment of Bills Rule No. 5 of Water Tariff No. 3-W and Sewer Tariff No. 3-S to offer reduced third party convenience fees and more payment options.
View14-0403504/29/2014Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 17 to revise Miscellaneous Charges Rule No. 22 of Water Tariff No. 2-W and Sewer Tariff No. 2-S to offer reduced third party convenience fees and more payment options.
View14-0403404/28/2014Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2054 to revise Access Tariff No. C2 modifying the treatment of VoIP minutes of use, dedicated facilities, and the associated rates to comply with the Federal Communications Commission's USF/ICC Transformation Order.
View14-0403304/28/2014Request of True Wireless, LLC to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View14-0403204/25/2014Petition of Hamilton Solar, LLC on behalf of the Desert Research Institute ("DRI") requesting an order approving a 40 day extension to construct a solar energy system at DRI pursuant to the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program.
View14-0403104/24/2014Application of SNET America, Inc. d/b/a AT&T Long Distance East to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2871 Sub 1.
View14-0403004/21/2014Notice by American Capital Energy - Searchlight Solar, LLC of filing Certification of Qualifying Facility Status for Small Power Production Form 556 with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
View14-0402904/21/2014Application of Nevada Hospital Association to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2984.
View14-0402804/18/2014Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 489 to revise Gas Tariff No. 7 to make ministerial corrections.
View14-0402704/17/2014Fred Voltz vs. Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding NV Energy’s Outage Reporting process.
View14-0402604/17/2014Fred Voltz vs. Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding NV Energy’s Chief Executive Officer Position.
View14-0402504/17/2014Investigation into the use of the Western Renewable Energy Generation Information System ("WREGIS") to track and certify Nevada portfolio energy credits.
View14-0402404/16/2014Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of amendments to Energy Supply Plans to reflect participation in the energy imbalance market.
View14-0402304/14/2014Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-14-01 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Non-Listing service.
View14-0402204/14/2014Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-14-02 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Non-Listing service.
View14-0402104/17/2014Petition of Spirit Mountain Utility Company, Inc. requesting a waiver of compliance items listed in Docket No. 05-2033, approval of a plan for use of surcharge funds, and an extension of time to comply with the directive contained in ordering paragraph 9 of the Order issued on May 22, 2013, in Docket No. 08-02039.
View14-0402004/10/2014Notice of Greenfield Communications, Inc. to discontinue telecommunication service.
View14-0401904/14/2014Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Zayo Group, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View14-0401804/14/2014Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC for approval of Amendment No. 15 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View14-0401704/11/2014Application of CenturyTel Long Distance, LLC d/b/a CenturyLink Long Distance to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2427 Sub 4.
View14-0401604/11/2014Application of Embarq Communications, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink Communications to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2842 Sub 3.
View14-0401504/11/2014Application of Qwest Communications Company, LLC d/b/a CenturyLink QCC for approval of a change of name to CenturyLink Communications, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 1063 Sub 6.
View14-0401404/10/2014Filing by Nevada Utilities, Inc. of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View14-0401304/08/2014Gabor Vass vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding improper billing for actual usage.
View14-0401204/04/2014Application of Highlands Wireless Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View14-0401104/04/2014Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 16 to revise Sewer Tariff No. 2-S to amend Definitions Rule No. 1 to update the definition of Applicant.
View14-0401004/04/2014Notice by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. of its intent to file an application for adjustment in rates.
View14-0400904/04/2014PH Metro, LLC ("PH Metro") vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("NPC"). Complaint regarding a failure by NPC to provide a meaningful account of the cost overruns incurred by NPC in providing electric service to the 1078 bed Clark County Detention Facility developed by PH Metro during 2009.
View14-0400804/03/2014Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink (“CenturyLink”) for the Commission to overturn a denial by NeuStar, Inc., the North American Numbering Plan Administrator, to obtain additional numbering resources to operate CenturyLink’s new switch in the Las Vegas Rate Center.
View14-0400704/09/2014Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Sprint Spectrum L.P., as agent for Wirelessco, L.P., SprintCom, Inc., Sprint Telephony PCS, L.P., APC PCS, L.L.C., and Phillieco, L.P., all foregoing entities jointly d/b/a Sprint PCS, for approval of the ICC Bill and Keep Amendment of the CMRS Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View14-0400604/03/2014Revised registration of AIO WIRELESS LLC for a change of name to Cricket Wireless LLC.
View14-0400504/04/2014Registration of TelexMobile LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View14-0400404/08/2014Application of TelexFREE, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View14-0400304/02/2014Revised registration of AIO WIRELESS LLC for a change of name to Cricket Wireless LLC.
View14-0400204/01/2014Annual Report of Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2013.
View14-0400104/01/2014Annual Report of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2013.
View14-0302904/04/2014Application of Mount Charleston Water Company filed under Advice Letter No. 1 to revise Water Tariff No. 1-A and Sewer Tariff No. 2 to adjust rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View14-0302804/02/2014Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 303-G to revise Gas Tariff No. 1 to revise Service Connections, Meters and Customer’s Facilities Rule No. 16 to remove separate treatment of access flow valves, clarify customer cost responsibility for customer caused actions or convenience, and clarify and reinforce utility’s right to access customer premises and utility facilities.
View14-0302703/31/2014Application of Indian Springs Water Co., Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 5 to revise Water Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View14-0302603/28/2014Petition of the Attorney General’s Bureau of Consumer Protection to open an investigatory docket regarding whether separate customer classes of service for net metering customers should be established and to consolidate the investigatory docket with the upcoming Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy’s general rate case.
View14-0302504/02/2014Application of Spirit Mountain Utility Company, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 1 to revise Water Tariff No. 2 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View14-0302403/28/2014Petition of Black Rock Solar, Inc. on behalf of Western Nevada College (“WNC”) requesting an order approving a 41 day extension to construct a solar energy system at WNC pursuant to the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program.
View14-0302303/28/2014Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the quality of service metrics in compliance with the Orders issued in Docket Nos. 04-7009 and 05-10005.
View14-0302203/28/2014Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the quality of service metrics in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 04-7009.
View14-0302103/31/2014Application of RRI Energy Services, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue service as an alternative seller of natural gas conducted under License No. G-2 Sub 1.
View14-0302003/28/2014Application of Sky Ranch Water Service Corp. filed under Advice Letter No. 4 to revise Water Tariff No. 1A to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View14-0301904/01/2014Application of Steamboat Springs Water Works, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 1 to revise Rate Schedules to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View14-0301803/26/2014Application of Prospector Pipeline Company for authority to operate as a public utility providing natural gas service to the Barrick Goldstrike Mine and the Newmont Leeville Mine in Nevada.
View14-0301703/25/2014Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 11-02015.
View14-0301603/25/2014Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View14-0301503/24/2014Application of Verdi Meadows Utility Company, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 1 to revise Water Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View14-0301403/21/2014Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 555-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to implement the Economic Development Electric Rate Rider Program set forth in Assembly Bill 239.
View14-0301303/21/2014Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 435 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to implement the Economic Development Electric Rate Rider Program set forth in Assembly Bill 239.
View14-0301203/20/2014Filing by Copper Mountain Solar 3, LLC of a copy of Notice of Self-Certification of Exempt Wholesale Generator Status submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
View14-0301103/21/2014Notice by NHC Communications of its intent to begin providing Interconnected Voice-over Internet Protocol ("IVoIP") services.
View14-0301003/19/2014Lorrie Cusick vs. Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding the increase to the basic service charge and notice to customers.
View14-0300903/17/2014Carol Sing on behalf of Trioid International Group, Inc. vs. Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink. Complaint regarding slamming and high internet billing.
View14-0300803/17/2014Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects (“Rio Virgin”) requesting the Commission accept a stipulation to resolve prior annual assessment underpayments and late submission of the calendar year 2012 annual assessment by Rio Virgin.
View14-0300703/20/2014Application of Voxbeam Telecommunications Inc. d/b/a Magic Telecom for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View14-0300603/14/2014Application of Silver Springs Mutual Water Company, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct water system improvements, including a new one million gallon water tank and associated facilities, to be located in Silver Springs, Nevada.
View14-0300503/10/2014Filing by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View14-0300403/07/2014Petition of Black Rock Solar, Inc. on behalf of High Desert Montessori School (“HDMS”) requesting an order approving a 55 day extension to construct a solar energy system at HDMS pursuant to the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program.
View14-0300303/06/2014Filing by the Regulatory Operations Staff of calendar year 2013 accounting report for each utility authorized to collect a rate surcharge pursuant to NAC 704.600(6) as amended by LCB File No. R178-12.
View14-0300203/04/2014Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada regarding their acceptance of eligible funding for Connect America Fund Phase I Round 2 pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.312.
View14-0300103/06/2014Joint Petition of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada and Teleport Communications America, LLC for approval of a Local Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View14-0204602/27/2014Filing by Telecom Argentina USA, Inc. of a copy of Section 63.71 Application to discontinue retail telecommunications services submitted to the Federal Communications Commission.
View14-0204502/28/2014Notice by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of its intent to file an application for adjustment in electric rates.
View14-0204402/28/2014Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 9 to revise Water Tariff No. 1A and Sewer Tariff No. 1A to adjust rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View14-0204302/28/2014Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada for approval of its 2014 Integrated Resource Plan.
View14-0204202/28/2014Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of natural gas expenses and to reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rate.
View14-0204102/28/2014Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of fuel and purchased power expenses and to reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development charge, reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rate, reset the base Energy Efficiency Program Rates and base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rates, reset the Energy Efficiency Program and Energy Efficiency Implementation Amortization Rates, and refund the total amount of Energy Efficiency Implementation Rate revenue received in 2013, including carrying charges.
View14-0204002/28/2014Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of fuel and purchased power expenses and to reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development charge, reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rate, reset the base Energy Efficiency Program Rates and base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rates, reset the Energy Efficiency Program and Energy Efficiency Implementation Amortization Rates, and refund the total amount of Energy Efficiency Implementation Rate revenue received in 2013, including carrying charges.
View14-0203902/26/2014Application of Central Nevada Communications and Electric, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View14-0203802/28/2014Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice under Advice Letter No. 488 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2014.
View14-0203703/11/2014Application of Silver Knolls Mutual Water Company ("Silver Knolls"), under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct an arsenic treatment system and associated facilities to be located at the existing Silver Knolls water treatment facility near Stead in Washoe County, Nevada.
View14-0203602/27/2014Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and The Telephone Connection Local Services, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View14-0203502/26/2014Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View14-0203402/24/2014Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 310-G to revise Service Charges Schedule No. SC to revise the third party convenience fee charges and the maximum payment amounts for third party payment services and to include kiosks as an additional payment option for all classes of customers.
View14-0203302/24/2014Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 557-E to revise Miscellaneous Charges Schedule No. MC to revise the third party convenience fee charges and the maximum payment amounts for third party payment services and to include kiosks as an additional payment option for all classes of customers.
View14-0203202/24/2014Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 437 to revise Miscellaneous Charges Schedule No. MC to revise the third party convenience fee charges and the maximum payment amounts for third party payment services and to reduce the fees charged for kiosk payments for all classes of customers.
View14-0203102/25/2014Application of Central Nevada Communications and Electric, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View14-0203002/13/2014Notice by Solar Star NAFB, LLC of filing Certification of Qualifying Facility Status for Small Power Production Form 556 with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
View14-0202902/18/2014Filing by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View14-0202802/19/2014Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Birch Telecom of the West, Inc. d/b/a Birch Communications for approval of an Interconnection and/or Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View14-0202702/14/2014Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 14-01(G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2014.
View14-0202602/14/2014Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 14-01 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2014.
View14-0202502/14/2014Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 14-01 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2014.
View14-0202402/13/2014Filing by Moapa Valley Telephone Company of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View14-0202302/14/2014Filing by Budget PrePay, Inc. d/b/a Budget Mobile of updated Advisory Tariff that revises the Wireless Lifeline Terms of Service.
View14-0202202/13/2014Registration of BYO Wireless, L.L.C. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View14-0202102/11/2014Filing by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View14-0202002/12/2014Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 558-E to revise Net Metering Rider Schedule No. NMR pursuant to Ordering Paragraph 3 of the December 3, 2013, Declaratory Order issued in Docket No. 13-05055, and Assembly Bill 428 (2013).
View14-0201902/12/2014Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 438 to revise Net Metering Rider Schedule No. NMR pursuant to Ordering Paragraph 3 of the December 3, 2013, Declaratory Order issued in Docket No. 13-05055, and Assembly Bill 428 (2013).
View14-0201802/11/2014Filing by Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View14-0201702/11/2014Filing by Filer Mutual Telephone Company of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View14-0201602/11/2014Notice by the Regulatory Operations Staff of the 2014 range of reasonable returns on equity for water and sewer utilities.
View14-0201502/11/2014Filing by Cox Nevada Telcom, LLC of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View14-0201402/18/2014Retroactive application of Meadows Trailer Park LLC. to withdraw $2,486.25 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View14-0201302/18/2014Retroactive application of Pair A Dice Mobile Home Park LLC. to withdraw $21,376.87 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View14-0201202/10/2014Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and TNCI Operating Company LLC for approval of an Amendment to their Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View14-0201102/10/2014Notice by Qwest Communications Company, LLC d/b/a CenturyLink QCC, CenturyTel Long Distance, LLC d/b/a CenturyLink Long Distance, Embarq Communications, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink Communications and CenturyLink, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View14-0201002/05/2014Filing by Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View14-0200902/10/2014Petition of State of Nevada Public Works Division on behalf of Lovelock Correctional Center (“LCC”) requesting a deviation from Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy’s 2013 Annual Plan for the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program Handbook so that LCC may utilize and combine seven rebates totaling up to 700 kilowatts (“kW”), and install either a 500 kW or 700 kW solar energy system at LCC rather than installing seven individual systems of 100 kW.
View14-0200802/05/2014Notice by ALEC, LLC, MBS Holdings, Inc., and Integrated Broadband Services, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View14-0200702/03/2014Application of Tolas Mobile Home Park to withdraw $5,865.67 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View14-0200602/04/2014Filing by Budget PrePay, Inc. d/b/a Budget Mobile of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View14-0200502/03/2014Filing by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale of a copy of Request for Extension of Time to File Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission.
View14-0200402/04/2014Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of annual plans for the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program, the Wind Energy Systems Demonstration Program, and the Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Program for Program Year 2014-2015.
View14-0200302/03/2014Filing by TAG Mobile, LLC of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View14-0200202/03/2014Filing by Telrite Corporation d/b/a Life Wireless of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View14-0200102/03/2014Filing by Total Call Mobile, Inc. of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View14-0103901/31/2014Filing by Q LINK WIRELESS LLC of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View14-0103801/31/2014Filing by i-wireless, LLC of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View14-0103701/31/2014Filing by Blue Jay Wireless, LLC of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View14-0103601/31/2014Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink ("CenturyLink") filed under Advice Letter No. 14-03 to revise CenturyLink’s Guidebook to modify the state lifeline support credit.
View14-0103501/31/2014Filing by TracFone Wireless, Inc. d/b/a SafeLink Wireless of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View14-0103401/31/2014Filing by Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada and Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View14-0103301/31/2014Filing by Commnet of Nevada, LLC of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View14-0103201/31/2014Application of ORNI 39 LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct approximately .4 mile of 230 kV overhead transmission line and associated facilities, including a new 48 MW geothermal energy facility, to be located in Lander County, Nevada.
View14-0103101/31/2014Filing by Nexus Communications, Inc. of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View14-0103001/30/2014Filing by TerraCom Inc. of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View14-0102901/30/2014Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View14-0102801/30/2014Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink of a promotion for new business customers that subscribe to Business Unlimited Service and for business Core Connect customers to be eligible for a waiver of nonrecurring charges.
View14-0102701/30/2014Filing by Absolute Home Phones, Inc. d/b/a Absolute Mobile of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View14-0102601/30/2014Filing by Rural Telephone Company of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View14-0102501/29/2014Filing by Cricket Communications, Inc. of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View14-0102401/29/2014Show Cause Proceeding to determine why Valley Electric Association, Inc. ("VEA") should not be assessed an administrative fine for constructing a new 5.3 mile, 138 kV transmission line and associated facilities prior to obtaining Commission approval required by the 1963 agreement entered into between Nevada Power Company and VEA’s predecessor, the Amargosa Valley Cooperative, Inc., as adopted by the Commission in its Order dated August 18, 1964, regarding CPC 524 Sub 1.
View14-0102301/28/2014Revised registration of ItsOn Inc. to add fictitious business name Zact.
View14-0102201/28/2014Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 309-G to revise Gas Tariff No. 1 to remove Special Condition 4 from Non-Standard Metering Option (“NSMO”) Rider Residential Service Schedule NSMO-1 and to revise Non-Standard Metering Option Rider Residential Service Schedule NSMO-1 and Non-Standard Metering Option Rider Non-Residential Service Schedule NSMO-2 to make the trial non-standard metering option riders permanent service offerings.
View14-0102101/28/2014Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 556-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to remove Special Condition 4 from Non-Standard Metering Option (“NSMO”) Rider Residential Service Schedule NSMO-1 and to revise Non-Standard Metering Option Rider Residential Service Schedule NSMO-1 and Non-Standard Metering Option Rider Non-Residential Service Schedule NSMO-2 to make the trial non-standard metering option riders permanent service offerings.
View14-0102001/28/2014Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 436 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to remove Special Condition 4 from Non-Standard Metering Option (“NSMO”) Rider Residential Service Schedule NSMO-1 and to revise Non-Standard Metering Option Rider Residential Service Schedule NSMO-1 and Non-Standard Metering Option Rider Non-Residential Service Schedule NSMO-2 to make the trial non-standard metering option riders permanent service offerings.
View14-0101901/28/2014Filing by Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) to comply with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View14-0101801/27/2014Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View14-0101701/23/2014Motion of K Road Moapa Solar LLC to transfer authority under the Utility Environmental Protection Act, notification of name change and request for expedited treatment.
View14-0101601/27/2014Application of Penoyer Valley Electric Company for authority to transfer electrical distribution system to Lincoln County Power District No. 1 and to cancel certificate CPC 828.
View14-0101501/17/2014Application of Leap Frog Telecom, LLC d/b/a Voce Telecom for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View14-0101401/16/2014Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of a promotional offering for new business customers that purchase the Simply Unlimited bundle.
View14-0101301/16/2014Notice by Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of a promotional offering for the Elko and Tonopah Divisions for new business customers that purchase the Simply Unlimited bundle.
View14-0101201/07/2014Application of Infotelecom, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2845 Sub 1.
View14-0101101/06/2014Joint Application of ALEC, LLC, Momentum Telecom, Inc., and MBS Holdings, Inc. (“MBS”) for authority to enter into certain financing arrangements related to MBS’s acquisition of Integrated Broadband Services, LLC.
View14-0101001/07/2014Registration of AIO WIRELESS LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View14-0100901/02/2014Reports from electric and gas utilities operating in Nevada of transactions and calculations affecting the deferred energy accounts pursuant to NAC 704.195 for calendar year 2014.
View14-0100801/02/2014Rail Safety FRA Form 96 Inspection Reports for calendar year 2014.
View14-0100701/02/2014Pipeline Safety Enforcement Actions and Inspection Reports by the Regulatory Operations Staff pursuant to 49 CFR 191 and 192 for calendar year 2014.
View14-0100601/02/2014One Call Enforcement Actions and Inspection Reports by the Regulatory Operations Staff pursuant to NRS 455 for calendar year 2014.
View14-0100501/02/2014Annual Reports for calendar year 2013 submitted by Telecommunication companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191 and NAC 704.7483.
View14-0100401/02/2014Annual Reports for calendar year 2013 submitted by Mobile Home Parks operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 704.960 and NAC 704.987.
View14-0100301/02/2014Annual Reports for calendar year 2013 submitted by Water and Wastewater companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191, NAC 703.199, and NAC 704.225.
View14-0100201/02/2014Annual Reports for calendar year 2013 submitted by Electric, Natural Gas, LPG, Geothermal, Alternative Sellers, and Railroad companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191 and NAC 704.225.
View14-0100101/02/2014Reports from public utilities operating in Nevada of accidents or significant service outages occurring during calendar year 2014 pursuant to NRS 704.190 and NAC 704.230.
View13-1204912/31/2013Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-13-08 to revise Access Service Tariff No. 3-B to decrease the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to Docket No. 13-08021.
View13-1204812/31/2013Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-13-13 to revise Access Services Tariff No. A-3 to decrease the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to Docket No. 13-08021.
View13-1204712/31/2013Petition of Washoe County School District requesting a 120 day extension to construct a solar energy system at Sparks Middle School pursuant to the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program.
View13-1204612/30/2013Petition of SolarCity on behalf of Nye County School District requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, a 162 kilowatt solar energy system located at Hadley Elementary School is more practicable than a system of 50 or fewer kilowatts.
View13-1204512/30/2013Investigation into whether Valley Electric Association, Inc. (“VEA”) should be assessed an administrative fine for constructing a new 5.3 mile, 138 kV transmission line and associated facilities (the “Innovation Project”) prior to obtaining Commission approval to proceed with the Innovation Project as required by the 1963 agreement entered into between Nevada Power Company and VEA’s predecessor, the Amargosa Valley Cooperative, Inc.
View13-1204412/26/2013Notice by Reunion Wireless Services, LLC of withdrawal of foreign corporation registration in Nevada.
View13-1204301/02/2014Registration of Ting Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View13-1204212/30/2013Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of a promotional offering for new business broadband commercial customers that purchase the Simply Unlimited bundle.
View13-1204112/30/2013Notice by Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of a promotional offering for the Elko and Tonopah Divisions for new business broadband commercial customers that purchase the Simply Unlimited bundle.
View13-1204012/27/2013Investigation and rulemaking regarding when a regulated utility should be permitted to use deferred accounting resulting in a regulatory asset or liability.
View13-1203912/26/2013Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of certain requirements of the pipeline safety regulations by Newmont USA Limited.
View13-1203812/26/2013Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of certain requirements of the pipeline safety regulations by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy.
View13-1203712/26/2013Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of certain requirements of the pipeline safety regulations by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy.
View13-1203612/24/2013Petition of Black Rock Solar, Inc. on behalf of Truckee Meadows Community College (“TMCC”) requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, a 750 kilowatt solar energy system located at the TMCC Dandini Campus is more practicable than a system of 50 or fewer kilowatts.
View13-1203512/24/2013Petition of Black Rock Solar, Inc. on behalf of Western Nevada College requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, a 235 kilowatt solar energy system is more practicable than a system of 50 or fewer kilowatts.
View13-1203412/24/2013Petition of Black Rock Solar, Inc. on behalf of Truckee Meadows Community College (“TMCC”) requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, a 374 kilowatt solar energy system located at the TMCC Meadowood Campus is more practicable than a system of 50 or fewer kilowatts.
View13-1203312/24/2013Petition of Service 1st Energy Solutions, LLC on behalf of North West Health Careers College (“NWHCC”) requesting an order approving a 90 day extension to construct a solar energy system at NWHCC pursuant to the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program.
View13-1203212/23/2013Petition of SolarCity on behalf of Nye County School District requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, a 98 kilowatt solar energy system located at Tonopah Elementary School is more practicable than a system of 50 or fewer kilowatts.
View13-1203112/23/2013Petition of SolarCity on behalf of Nye County School District requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, a 450 kilowatt solar energy system located at Tonopah High School is more practicable than a system of 50 or fewer kilowatts.
View13-1203012/23/2013Petition of SolarCity on behalf of Mineral County School District requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, a 123 kilowatt solar energy system located at Mineral County High School is more practicable than a system of 50 or fewer kilowatts.
View13-1202912/23/2013Petition of SolarCity on behalf of Mineral County School District requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, a 171 kilowatt solar energy system located at Hawthorne Elementary School is more practicable than a system of 50 or fewer kilowatts.
View13-1202812/30/2013Petition of SolarCity on behalf of Nye County School District requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, a 162 kilowatt solar energy system located at Round Mountain Elementary School is more practicable than a system of 50 or fewer kilowatts.
View13-1202712/23/2013Notice by Velocity The Greatest Phone Company Ever, Inc. of its intent to begin providing VoIP services.
View13-1202612/24/2013Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada (“Frontier”) for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada and to amend certificate CPC 2091 Sub 6 to authorize Frontier to be regulated as a competitive supplier pursuant to NRS 704.68861 to 704.68887, inclusive.
View13-1202512/23/2013Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and NHC Communications for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-1202412/23/2013Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale ("AT&T") and AirTouch Cellular d/b/a Verizon Wireless ("AirTouch") for approval of Amendment No. 5 to the Interconnection Agreement between AT&T, AirTouch, Southwestco Wireless L.P. d/b/a Verizon Wireless, Sacramento Valley Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless, Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless, Rural Cellular Corporation d/b/a Verizon Wireless and WWC License LLC d/b/a Verizon Wireless, pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-1202312/24/2013Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 550-E for approval of a Portfolio Charge to be applicable to Newmont Mining Corporation under Rate Schedule GS-4-NG for calendar year 2014 to recover the additional costs required to meet the Nevada Portfolio Standard.
View13-1202212/19/2013Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 552-E to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust applicable tax liability factors.
View13-1202112/19/2013Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 307-G to revise Gas Main Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust applicable tax liability factors.
View13-1202012/19/2013Investigation pursuant to Section 14 of Senate Bill 252 (2013) regarding the process for the sale of portfolio energy credits to determine whether the process can be improved.
View13-1201912/17/2013Notice by IntelePeer, Inc. and Peerless Network, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View13-1201812/18/2013Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-13-07 to revise Tariff No. 4-B to decrease the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to Docket No. 13-08021.
View13-1201712/18/2013Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-13-12 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to decrease the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to Docket No. 13-08021.
View13-1201612/18/2013Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-13-11 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to decrease the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to Docket No. 13-08021.
View13-1201512/17/2013Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and RCLEC, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-1201412/13/2013Filing by Telefonica Digital, Inc. of a copy of Section 63.71 Application to discontinue retail domestic telecommunications services submitted to the Federal Communications Commission.
View13-1201312/19/2013Application of Edgewood Water Company, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct an ultraviolet water treatment facility and associated facilities to be located in Stateline, Douglas County, Nevada.
View13-1201212/13/2013Notice by SBC Internet Services, Inc. d/b/a AT&T Internet Services of its intent to request numbering resources for the Reno rate center from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View13-1201112/17/2013Application of Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink for approval of a change of name to CenturyLink Public Communications, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2333 Sub 3.
View13-1201012/12/2013Registration of Sage Telecom Communications, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View13-1200912/10/2013Filing by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale of certification of high-cost recipient to comply with the Federal Communications Commission’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View13-1200812/09/2013Joint Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to reallocate capacity between categories in the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program.
View13-1200712/06/2013Application of Spirit Mountain Utility Company, Inc. for authority to increase rates and customer charges for water service.
View13-1200612/11/2013Application of TDS Metrocom, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View13-1200512/06/2013Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 433 to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust applicable tax liability factors.
View13-1200412/05/2013Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink for relief from designation as a provider of last resort in portions of service territory in Southern Nevada pursuant to NRS 704.68886.
View13-1200312/06/2013Application of Kietzke Manor Mobile Home Park to withdraw $1,752.21 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View13-1200212/02/2013Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to update its general revenue adjustment rates for Southern and Northern Nevada and requesting deviation from NAC 704.9598 to continue the tracking period from November 1, 2012 through October 31, 2013.
View13-1200112/02/2013Application of Locus Telecommunications, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View13-1103411/27/2013Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice under Advice Letter No. 487 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2014.
View13-1103311/26/2013Application of Entrix Telecom, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2746 Sub 1.
View13-1103211/25/2013Petition of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. for review and approval of its 2014 Carrier-to-Carrier Performance Assurance Plan.
View13-1103111/26/2013Application of Tempo Telecom, LLC d/b/a Tempo to be designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-1103011/21/2013Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. ("Frontier") for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada and to amend certificate CPC 2 Sub 12 to authorize Frontier to be regulated as a competitive supplier pursuant to NRS 704.68861 to 704.68887, inclusive.
View13-1102911/22/2013Investigation to address Nevada Universal Service Fund's issues regarding accumulated unclaimed funds, uncollected funds, and to establish regulations or procedures to address future unclaimed funds, uncollectible funds, and delinquent filers.
View13-1102811/21/2013Joint Application of U.S. TelePacific Corp. (Nevada) (“TelePacific”) and U.S. TelePacific Corp. d/b/a TelePacific Communications (“TelePacific Communications”) for approval of the transfer of certificate CPC 2436 Sub 1 from TelePacific to TelePacific Communications and a notice of a transaction that will result in the transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View13-1102711/22/2013Notice by Mesa Solar Energy, LLC of an application to a federal agency for a permit to construct the Lago Seco Solar Project consisting of up to a 120 MW AC solar photovoltaic generation facility, approximately 1 mile of aboveground 230 kV transmission line, and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View13-1102611/21/2013Petition of Calvary Chapel Christian School for approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program’s 50 kilowatt capacity limit for a school facility and to participate with a 450-kilowatt system.
View13-1102511/19/2013BBC Las Vegas LLC and Robert Eichelberger vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding BBC Las Vegas LLC migrating from the General Service rate schedule to the Large General Service-1 rate schedule.
View13-1102411/21/2013Registration of Red Pocket Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View13-1102311/15/2013Filing by Telefonica Digital, Inc. of a copy of Section 63.71 Application to discontinue wholesale domestic telecommunications services submitted to the Federal Communications Commission.
View13-1102211/15/2013Application of Penoyer Valley Electric Company to voluntarily discontinue electrical service conducted under certificate CPC 828.
View13-1102111/15/2013Application of Lightyear Network Solutions, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 1067 Sub 7.
View13-1102011/15/2013Request of Lightyear Network Solutions, LLC to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View13-1101911/18/2013Petition of Black Rock Solar, Inc. on behalf of High Desert Montessori School to exceed the 50 kilowatt capacity limit for a school participating in the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program and to participate with a 210 kilowatt system.
View13-1101811/15/2013Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 13-04(G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2014.
View13-1101711/18/2013Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 13-04 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2014.
View13-1101611/15/2013Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 13-04 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2014.
View13-1101511/15/2013Complaint. Ovation MM, Inc., and its affiliated companies, Stephanie Apts S P E I LLC, Asset L A LLC, Wigwam-Parvin LP, Duck Creek Apts LLC, B-R Ovation LP, Pacific Willows LLC, Jeffreys Apts LLC, S W Ranch Apts LLC, Lone Mountain Apts I LP, Arbors Park Run LLC, Spring Mountain Apts I LP, Thunder Road Development LLC and Russell Apts LLC vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy concerning current billing practices and Petition for declaratory relief.
View13-1101411/13/2013Joint Petition of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada and Metropolitan Telecommunications of Nevada, Inc. d/b/a MetTel for approval of a Local Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-1101311/13/2013Filing by Lightyear Network Solutions, LLC of intent to cancel all authorities and wireless registration.
View13-1101211/14/2013Application of the Department of Health and Human Services Aging and Disability Services Division for approval of the State Fiscal Year 2015 budget for telecommunications services for the speech and hearing impaired.
View13-1101111/13/2013Filing by Total Call Mobile, Inc. of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View13-1101011/18/2013Application of Rosemount Water Company for authority to increase rates for water service.
View13-1100911/13/2013Petition of Southwest Gas Corporation to establish a regulatory asset to accumulate the return on investment and incremental depreciation related to the continued accelerated replacement of early vintage plastic pipe in Southern and Northern Nevada.
View13-1100811/12/2013Petition of Black Rock Solar, Inc. for an Advisory Opinion regarding the applicability of Assembly Bill 428 of the 77th (2013) Session of the Nevada Legislature to Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program incentive reservations issued prior to January 1, 2014.
View13-1100711/08/2013Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("Nevada Power") requesting a Commission Order that provides for the following: (1) A determination, pursuant to Nevada Revised Statutes 704.7821, that the Third Amendment to the Power Purchase Agreement between Nevada Power and ORNI39, LLC, dated November 7, 2013, is just and reasonable; (2) Confirmation regarding the statutory consequence of a finding of justness and reasonableness; and (3) Deviation from the requirement that Nevada Power seek approval of the Third Amendment to the Power Purchase Agreement with ORNI39, LLC through the Integrated Resource Planning process.
View13-1100611/06/2013Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and MegaPath Corporation for approval of Amendment No. 2 to their Interconnection and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-1100511/06/2013Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and MegaPath Corporation for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Master Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-1100411/07/2013Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 551-E to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9.
View13-1100311/07/2013Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 432 to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9.
View13-1100211/05/2013Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 13-08 to revise Business Unlimited Service Schedule 22 to remove charges applicable for the unlimited long distance provided by CenturyLink Long Distance, LLC and to remove language pertaining to an early termination fee for customers with 4-10 lines who cancel their service prior to twelve months after subscribing to the service.
View13-1100111/06/2013Filing by Churchill County Telephone and Telegraph System of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View13-1005410/28/2013Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink (“CenturyLink”) filed under Advice Letter No. 13-07 to revise CenturyLink’s Guidebook to correct the revision level of Sheet 5 within Section 3.
View13-1005310/28/2013Show Cause Proceeding to determine why Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity, Licenses, or Permits should not be revoked and/or why administrative fines should not be imposed on certain companies that have not timely met their regulatory obligations for calendar year 2012 and/or TDD period July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013.
View13-1005210/29/2013Petition of Clark County School District requesting permission to combine and reallocate incentive reservations issued pursuant to the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program and requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, solar energy systems of 275 kilowatts are more practicable than systems of 50 or fewer kilowatts for Cram Middle School and Mack Middle School.
View13-1005110/23/2013Application of Nevada Geothermal Utility Company, Inc. for approval of a revised customer service contract.
View13-1005010/29/2013Joint Petition of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada and 365 Wireless, LLC for approval of a Local Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-1004910/29/2013Joint Petition of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and 365 Wireless, LLC for approval of a Local Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-1004810/28/2013Filing by YMax Communications Corp. of updated regulatory contact information and corporate officer listing.
View13-1004710/23/2013Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View13-1004610/23/2013Petition of Black Rock Solar, Inc. on behalf of Lake Mead Christian Academy (“LMCA”) requesting an order approving a 75 day extension to construct a solar energy system at LMCA pursuant to the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program.
View13-1004510/21/2013Application of The Telephone Connection Local Services, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View13-1004410/23/2013Joint Application of Wendover Gas Company (“WGC”) and Steve Shute for approval of a transaction whereby Steve Shute will acquire a 40% minority interest in WGC.
View13-1004310/18/2013Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2053 to revise Special Access Service Tariff No. C7-A to remove the option to establish, renew, or extend term plans greater than 36 months for DS3 High Capacity Service.
View13-1004210/14/2013Filing by TAG Mobile, LLC of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View13-1004110/14/2013Filing by Telrite Corporation d/b/a Life Wireless of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View13-1004010/21/2013Filing by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View13-1003910/17/2013Filing by Absolute Home Phones, Inc. d/b/a Absolute Mobile of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View13-1003810/15/2013Filing by Nexus Communications, Inc. of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View13-1003710/17/2013Filing by Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View13-1003610/15/2013Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View13-1003510/15/2013Filing by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View13-1003410/15/2013Filing by Cricket Communications, Inc. of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View13-1003310/15/2013Filing by Budget PrePay, Inc. d/b/a Budget Mobile of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View13-1003210/23/2013Petition of State of Nevada Public Works Division requesting approval to transfer and/or combine incentive reservations issued pursuant to the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program and currently associated with proposed solar energy systems at the Desert Willow Treatment Center and the Summit View Facility.
View13-1003110/23/2013Petition of State of Nevada Public Works Division on behalf of Summit View Facility requesting a deviation from NAC 701B.160(2)(c) to allow a 45 day extension to provide the executed construction contract.
View13-1003010/23/2013Petition of State of Nevada Public Works Division on behalf of Desert Willow Treatment Center requesting a deviation from NAC 701B.160(2)(c) to allow a 45 day extension to provide the executed construction contract.
View13-1002910/24/2013Petition of State of Nevada Public Works Division on behalf of Desert Research Institute requesting a deviation from NAC 701B.160(2)(c) to allow a 42 day extension to provide the executed construction contract.
View13-1002810/16/2013Filing by Rural Telephone Company of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View13-1002710/15/2013Filing by Commnet of Nevada, LLC of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View13-1002610/14/2013Filing by Blue Jay Wireless, LLC of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View13-1002510/15/2013Filing by Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View13-1002410/14/2013Filing by Q LINK WIRELESS LLC of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View13-1002310/14/2013Filing by i-wireless, LLC of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View13-1002210/15/2013Filing by TracFone Wireless, Inc. d/b/a SafeLink Wireless of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View13-1002110/14/2013Filing by Moapa Valley Telephone Company of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View13-1002010/15/2013Filing by Cox Nevada Telcom, LLC of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View13-1001910/11/2013Application of Vidafon, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2903.
View13-1001810/11/2013Petition of Washoe County School District (“WCSD”) requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, solar energy systems larger than 50 kilowatts are more practicable than systems of 50 or fewer kilowatts for schools throughout WCSD.
View13-1001710/09/2013Filing by Filer Mutual Telephone Company of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View13-1001610/10/2013Filing by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View13-1001510/10/2013Filing by Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View13-1001410/11/2013Joint Application of IXC Holdings, Inc. d/b/a Telekenex (“IXCH”) and Telekenex Acquisition Corporation d/b/a Telekenex (“Telekenex”) for approval of the transfer of certificate CPC 2799 Sub 5 from IXCH to Telekenex and a notice of a transaction that will result in the transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View13-1001310/09/2013Filing by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View13-1001210/07/2013Complaint. Bonanza Springs Suites, LLC; Boulder Manor Suites, LLC; Super Suites, LLC; Casa Suites, LLC; Checkmate Suites, LLC; Coliseum Suites, LLC; Craig Suites, LLC; Paradise Suites, LLC; Sahara Suites, LLC; St. Louis Suites, LLC; and DC Suites, LLC vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy concerning customer class identification, customer class billing, and refunds for billing errors.
View13-1001110/07/2013Filing by TerraCom Inc. of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form 481 to comply with the FCC’s annual reporting requirements for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers.
View13-1001010/08/2013Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to amend certificate CPC 2627 Sub 3 to expand its service territory to include areas contiguous to and near its existing Southern Nevada service territory located in Clark County, Nevada.
View13-1000910/04/2013Joint Petition of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink and Metropolitan Telecommunications of Nevada, Inc. d/b/a MetTel for approval of an Interconnection, Resale, and/or Unbundling Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-1000810/08/2013Petition of Black Rock Solar, Inc. on behalf of Truckee Meadows Community College (“TMCC”) requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, a 100 kilowatt solar energy system located at the TMCC Meadowood Center is more practicable than two separate systems of 50 or fewer kilowatts each located at the TMCC Dandini Campus and the TMCC Meadowood Center.
View13-1000710/07/2013Filing by ABS-CBN Telecom North America, Incorporated regarding intent to discontinue Long Distance Direct “Dial-Around” service.
View13-1000610/03/2013Notice by Business Telecom, Inc. d/b/a EarthLink Business III, CTC Communications Corp. d/b/a EarthLink Business, DeltaCom, Inc., EarthLink Business, LLC, and EarthLink, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View13-1000510/02/2013Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, Inc. to withdraw $1,000.98 from the gas service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred for the yearly gas leak survey and to repair and maintain the gas system.
View13-1000410/02/2013Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, Inc. to withdraw $2,619.48 from the electric service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred for power line clearance.
View13-1000310/02/2013Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-13-06 to revise Tariff No. 4-B to introduce Frontier Digital Phone Unlimited Plus (Challenger) bundled service.
View13-1000210/01/2013Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 549-E to revise Interruptible Irrigation Service Schedule No. IS-2 to increase the IS-2 rate.
View13-1000110/01/2013Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 431 to revise Interruptible Agricultural Irrigation Water Pumping Schedule No. IAIWP to increase the IAIWP rate.
View13-0903210/03/2013Filing by Cincinnati Bell Any Distance Inc. of a copy of Section 63.71 Application to discontinue Wholesale Voice Service submitted to the Federal Communications Commission.
View13-0903109/30/2013Application of Global Connection Inc. of America d/b/a STAND UP WIRELESS to be designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0903009/30/2013Registration of Global Connection Inc. of America d/b/a STAND UP WIRELESS as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View13-0902909/30/2013Petition of Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. (“Shell Energy”) for a Declaratory Order that the renewable energy and portfolio energy credits purchased by Shell Energy under a short-term renewable power purchase contract with Idaho Power Company are eligible to meet the portfolio standard obligation under NRS 704.7821 in 2013 and 2014.
View13-0902809/30/2013Petition of Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. (“Shell Energy”) for a Declaratory Order that the renewable energy and portfolio energy credits purchased by Shell Energy under a short-term renewable power purchase contract with PacifiCorp are eligible to meet the portfolio standard obligation under NRS 704.7821 in 2013 and 2014.
View13-0902709/30/2013Investigation and/or rulemaking to address jurisdictional cost allocations pursuant to NAC 704.101.
View13-0902609/27/2013Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink of a promotion for business customers to be eligible for a waiver of nonrecurring charges.
View13-0902509/26/2013Application of Legent Communications Corporation d/b/a Long Distance America for approval of a change of name to Legent Comm LLC d/b/a Long Distance America d/b/a Long Distance Services for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2944.
View13-0902409/27/2013Application of Green Acres Mobilehome Park to withdraw $3,405.31 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system and to close the account.
View13-0902309/25/2013Complaint. Bonanza LV Holdings, LLC; Boulder LV Holdings, LLC; Yo Eleven, LLC; Charleston Suites, LLC; Deckow LV Holdings, LLC; Craig LV Holdings, LLC; Casa LV Holdings, LLC; Paradise LV Holdings, LLC; Sahara LV Holdings, LLC; St. Louis LV Holdings, LLC; Swenson LV Holdings, LLC; Twain DE, LLC; Hop Over, LLC; and Fremont LV Holdings, LLC vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy concerning customer class identification, customer class billing, and deposit issues.
View13-0902209/24/2013Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View13-0902109/25/2013Application of Flowroute LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View13-0902009/23/2013Application of Legent Communications Corporation d/b/a Long Distance America for approval of a change of name to Legent Comm LLC for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2944.
View13-0901909/20/2013Application of TDS Long Distance Corporation for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View13-0901809/23/2013Application of Tel-West Companies d/b/a Hassle Free Phone to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2546 Sub 1.
View13-0901709/23/2013Application of Consolidated Telecom, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2703 Sub 1.
View13-0901609/19/2013Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313 and annual report of low-income support recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.422.
View13-0901509/20/2013Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada for approval of the first amendment to the Action Plan of the 2011 Integrated Resource Plan for water and sewer services as it relates to the effluent disposal site project for the wastewater system.
View13-0901409/16/2013Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304 and annual certification that price cap carrier is not seeking duplicative Eligible Recovery pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.915.
View13-0901309/19/2013Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Contri Construction Company ("Contri") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violation of Nevada’s One Call Law by Contri.
View13-0901209/18/2013Rulemaking to amend, adopt, and/or repeal regulations pertaining to utility business office requirements.
View13-0901109/16/2013Petition of Black Rock Solar, Inc. on behalf of Sierra Lutheran High School requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, an 85 kilowatt solar energy system is more practicable than a system of 50 or fewer kilowatts.
View13-0901009/16/2013Petition of Black Rock Solar, Inc. on behalf of Nevada Partners requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, a 610 kilowatt solar energy system located at Nevada Partners’ Culinary Academy is more practicable than a system of 50 or fewer kilowatts.
View13-0900909/18/2013Revised registration of, Inc. d/b/a PHONEBOOTH for a change of name to, Inc. of North Carolina.
View13-0900809/12/2013Application of, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2855 Sub 1.
View13-0900709/17/2013Registration of Ready Wireless, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View13-0900609/11/2013Show Cause Proceeding to determine why Spark Energy Gas, LP should not be found to have violated NRS 703.191, 704.033, 703.035, and 704.998 and NAC 704.225 and 704.79523 and be fined for such violations.
View13-0900509/10/2013Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order to Appear and Show Cause why Q LINK WIRELESS LLC’s Commercial Mobile Radio Service License should not be revoked and/or why an administrative fine should not be imposed for failing to timely meet its regulatory obligations for calendar year 2012 and TDD period July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013.
View13-0900409/11/2013Application of Tuscany Services LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View13-0900309/10/2013Notice by Eschelon Telecom of Nevada, Inc. d/b/a Integra Telecom, Advanced TelCom, Inc. d/b/a Integra Telecom, Electric Lightwave, LLC d/b/a Integra Telecom, Shared Communications Services, Inc., Integra Telecom Merger Sub, Inc., Integra Telecom, Inc., and Integra Telecom Parent, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View13-0900209/09/2013Petition of Nevada Controls, LLC for an Advisory Opinion that entities participating in the Renewable Generations Waterpower Demonstration Program prior to January 1, 2014 will receive reservations issued or honored according to the current plan and program rules and will not be subject to the requirements of Assembly Bill 428.
View13-0900109/03/2013Revised registration of ItsOn Inc. to add fictitious business name Zact.
View13-0802408/30/2013Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its Energy Supply Plan Update for 2014-2015.
View13-0802308/30/2013Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice under Advice Letter No. 486 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2013.
View13-0802208/29/2013Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and MegaPath Corporation for approval of a Master Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0802108/28/2013Report by Solix, Inc. as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund regarding fiscal year 2014 assessment recommendation to maintain the minimum annual contribution and to decrease the current assessment rate on the intrastate retail revenues of all obligated providers of telecommunication services in Nevada.
View13-0802008/27/2013Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada regarding their acceptance of eligible funding for Connect America Fund Phase I pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.312.
View13-0801908/23/2013Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order to Appear and Show Cause why Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity, Licenses, or Permits should not be revoked and/or why administrative fines should not be imposed on certain companies that have not timely met their regulatory obligations for calendar year 2012 and/or TDD period July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013.
View13-0801808/22/2013Reports from electric and gas utilities operating in Nevada of transactions and calculations affecting the deferred energy accounts pursuant to NAC 704.195.
View13-0801708/21/2013Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View13-0801608/20/2013Filing by CenturyLink regarding its acceptance of eligible funding for Connect America Fund Phase I pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.312.
View13-0801508/20/2013Notice by OPEX Communications, Inc. d/b/a TCI Long Distance that it will provide prepaid calling card services.
View13-0801408/15/2013Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 13-03(G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2013.
View13-0801308/15/2013Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 13-03 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2013.
View13-0801208/15/2013Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 13-03 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2013.
View13-0801108/15/2013Notice by Lightyear Network Solutions, LLC and Birch Telecom of the West, Inc. d/b/a Birch Communications of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View13-0801008/15/2013Joint Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy to amend the 2013 Program Year Annual Plan for the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program (“Solar Program”) and to address transitional issues for the Solar Program under Assembly Bill 428.
View13-0800908/12/2013Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 306-G to revise Gas Tariff No. 1 to allow non-residential customers the ability to choose a non-standard meter under Trial Non-Standard Metering Option (“NMSO”) Rider Non-Residential Service Schedule NSMO-2.
View13-0800808/12/2013Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 547-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to allow non-residential customers the ability to choose a non-standard meter under Trial Non-Standard Metering Option (“NMSO”) Rider Non-Residential Service Schedule NSMO-2.
View13-0800708/12/2013Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 429 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to allow non-residential customers the ability to choose a non-standard meter under Trial Non-Standard Metering Option (“NMSO”) Rider Non-Residential Service Schedule NSMO-2.
View13-0800608/07/2013Application of Net, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View13-0800508/08/2013Application of Smart City Networks, LP for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View13-0800408/08/2013Joint Application of Sage Telecom, Inc. ("STI") and Sage Telecom Communications, LLC ("STC") for approval of the transfer of certificate CPC 2852 Sub 1 from STI to STC.
View13-0800308/02/2013Notice by Pac-West Telecomm, Inc. and TNCI Operating Company LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View13-0800208/01/2013Commission sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Clark County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View13-0800108/01/2013Commission sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Washoe County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View13-0703707/31/2013Joint Petition of Howard Hughes Properties, Inc. and Howard Hughes Company, LLC requesting deviation from Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy’s Rule No. 9, Section C.7 to allow for a fifteen year contract term for the Summerlin Village 13 Area 1 and the Summerlin Village 23B Master Planned Community Umbrella Agreements.
View13-0703607/30/2013Application of Grasshopper Group, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View13-0703507/30/2013Registration of Tempo Telecom, LLC d/b/a Tempo as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View13-0703407/30/2013Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Cricket Communications, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 3 to their Wireless Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0703307/31/2013Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and AT&T Communications of Nevada, Inc. also operating under the fictitious name of Lucky Dog Phone Company for approval of Amendment No. 3 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0703207/30/2013Registration of Mobile Net POSA, Inc. d/b/a Expo Mobile and Jolt Mobile as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View13-0703107/26/2013Show Cause Proceeding to determine why TKMAD, LLC d/b/a Jopa Mobile Home Park, and/or its predecessor in interest JOPA LLC a/k/a JOPA MHP LLC, should not be found to have violated NRS 704.940(5)(a) and 704.940(10), be fined for such violation, and be ordered to return funds to the electric tenant service charge account.
View13-0703007/31/2013Application of Gardnerville Town Water Company, Inc. d/b/a Gardnerville Water Company for authority to amend certificate CPC 926 Sub 10 to expand its water service territory to include 21.20 acres of commercial property owned by Douglas County, Nevada that is contiguous with its existing service territory located in Douglas County, Nevada.
View13-0702907/25/2013Show Cause Proceeding to determine why landlords of mobile home parks that have not timely submitted acceptable annual reports for calendar year 2012 should not have administrative fines imposed on each one of them.
View13-0702807/25/2013Notice by Ernest Communications, Inc. and Birch Telecom of the West, Inc. d/b/a Birch Communications of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View13-0702707/24/2013Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 483 to revise Gas Tariff No. 7 to update Definitions Rule No. 1 to clarify the applicability of Single-Family Residential Gas Service Schedule No. SG-RS/NG-RS and Multi-Family Residential Gas Service Schedule No. SG-RM/NG-RM.
View13-0702607/24/2013Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View13-0702507/18/2013Filing by Las Vegas Cogeneration Limited Partnership of annual report in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 91-2013.
View13-0702407/19/2013Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of annual plans for the Solar Thermal Systems Demonstration Program for Program Year 2014.
View13-0702307/18/2013Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order to Show Cause why Spark Energy Gas, LP should not be found to have violated NRS 703.191, 704.033, 703.035 and 704.998 and be fined for such violations.
View13-0702207/17/2013Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Utility Telephone, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0702107/17/2013Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy (referenced together as "NV Energy, Inc.") and MidAmerican Energy Holdings Company ("MidAmerican") for approval of a merger of NV Energy, Inc. with MidAmerican.
View13-0702007/16/2013Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Cool Box Portable Equipment Rental & Sales, LLC d/b/a Cool Box Portable Storage (“Cool Box”) requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violation of Nevada’s One Call Law by Cool Box.
View13-0701907/31/2013Petition of State of Nevada Public Works Division on behalf of Desert Research Institute requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, a 1,000 kilowatt solar energy system is more practicable than a system of 50 or fewer kilowatts.
View13-0701807/16/2013Proceedings pursuant to Order for Wendover Gas Company to appear and show cause: why it should not be found to have breached its duty to provide safe, continuous and adequate service; why it should not be ordered to cease and desist from further violation of its duty to provide safe, continuous and adequate service; why its receivership should not be modified and/or the duties of the appointed receiver modified; why its Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity should not be suspended or revoked; why it should not be found to have violated certain provisions of the Federal Gas Code and/or its own O&M manual and fined for such violations; and/or why the Commission should not impose any and all other remedies that the Commission may deem appropriate.
View13-0701707/15/2013Investigation into whether NV Energy should be required to establish and implement a non-standard metering option for commercial customers.
View13-0701607/12/2013Notice by Primus Telecommunications, Inc. and PTUS, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View13-0701507/12/2013Petition of Valley Electric Association, Inc. ("VEA") for an Order approving construction of additional reliability interconnection with the United States Department of Energy’s Mercury Switching Center located at the Nevada National Security Site or a Declaratory Order finding that the additional reliability interconnection does not require Commission approval.
View13-0701407/12/2013Notice by Total Call International, Inc. d/b/a Amigos Telecom, Phone Globe Telecom, SDI Telecom and Star International Alliance, Locus Telecommunications, Inc., and KDDI America, Inc. of a merger transaction.
View13-0701307/11/2013Filing by Spirit Mountain Utility Company, Inc. requesting assistance of the Regulatory Operations Staff in preparing an application for a general rate change.
View13-0701207/10/2013Filing by Absolute Home Phones, Inc. d/b/a Absolute Mobile to update information.
View13-0701107/09/2013Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View13-0701007/08/2013Investigation to examine the costs and benefits of net metering in Nevada pursuant to Section 26.5 of Assembly Bill 428 (2013).
View13-0700907/03/2013Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of a promotional offering for new business broadband commercial customers that purchase the Simply Unlimited bundle.
View13-0700807/03/2013Notice by Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of a promotional offering for the Elko and Tonopah Divisions for new business broadband commercial customers that purchase the Simply Unlimited bundle.
View13-0700707/01/2013Filing by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313.
View13-0700607/01/2013Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the Distribution Only Service Agreement with the City of North Las Vegas and the Colorado River Commission of Nevada.
View13-0700507/01/2013Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its 2014-2033 Triennial Integrated Resource Plan and 2014-2016 Energy Supply Plan.
View13-0700407/01/2013Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its Natural Gas Conservation and Energy Efficiency Plan for the period 2014-2016.
View13-0700307/01/2013Informational report of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy concerning its natural gas resource planning activities for the period 2014-2016.
View13-0700207/01/2013Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its 2013 Annual Demand Side Management Update Report as it relates to the Action Plan of its 2013-2032 Integrated Resource Plan.
View13-0700107/01/2013Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of annual plans for the Solar Thermal Systems Demonstration Program for Program Year 2014.
View13-0605307/01/2013Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313.
View13-0605207/01/2013Petition of Seton Academy West requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, a 78 kilowatt solar energy system is more practicable than a system of 50 or fewer kilowatts.
View13-0605106/28/2013Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company regarding annual certification that rate-of-return carrier is not seeking duplicative Eligible Recovery pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.917.
View13-0605006/28/2013Filing by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects regarding annual certification that rate-of-return carrier is not seeking duplicative Eligible Recovery pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.917.
View13-0604906/26/2013Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 485 to revise Gas Tariff No. 7 to include the General Revenues Adjustment rates previously approved in Docket No. 12-11046.
View13-0604806/25/2013Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and WWC License, L.L.C. d/b/a Verizon Wireless for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their CMRS Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0604706/25/2013Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 546-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 2, Schedule Nos. LCSPP86 and LCSPP87, to adjust rates for long-term cogeneration and small power production energy and capacity rates.
View13-0604606/26/2013Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313.
View13-0604506/26/2013Filing by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313.
View13-0604406/24/2013Application of CYTEL, INC. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View13-0604306/21/2013Petition of State of Nevada Public Works Division on behalf of the Department of Health and Human Services requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, a 600 kilowatt solar energy system located at the Desert Willow facility is more practicable than a system of 50 or fewer kilowatts.
View13-0604206/21/2013Petition of State of Nevada Public Works Division on behalf of the Department of Health and Human Services requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, a 299 kilowatt solar energy system located at the Summit View facility is more practicable than a system of 50 or fewer kilowatts.
View13-0604106/20/2013Application of Central Telcom Services, LLC d/b/a CentraCom Interactive for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View13-0604006/17/2013Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304 and annual certification that price cap carrier is not seeking duplicative Eligible Recovery pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.915.
View13-0603906/20/2013Complaint and request for action for enforcement of a civil penalty of the Regulatory Operations Staff against Sunstate Companies, Inc. for violation of the provisions of Chapter 455 of the Nevada Revised Statutes.
View13-0603806/19/2013Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-13-05 to revise Tariff No. 4-B to reduce the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 12-11027.
View13-0603706/19/2013Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-13-10 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to reduce the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 12-11027.
View13-0603606/19/2013Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-13-09 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to reduce the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 12-11027.
View13-0603506/17/2013Filing by Rural Telephone Company of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View13-0603406/19/2013Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Broadvox-CLEC, LLC for approval of an Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0603306/18/2013Filing by Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View13-0603206/17/2013Application of NHC Communications for authority to amend certificate CPC 2938 to expand its authority to provide resold and facilities-based local telecommunication services within the state of Nevada.
View13-0603106/20/2013Filing by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View13-0603006/20/2013Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View13-0602906/14/2013Filing by Filer Mutual Telephone Company of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View13-0602806/15/2013Filing by Moapa Valley Telephone Company of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View13-0602706/17/2013Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless for approval of Amendment No. 2 to their CMRS Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0602606/17/2013Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink ("CenturyLink") filed under Advice Letter No. 13-05 to revise CenturyLink’s Guidebook to modify the state lifeline support credit.
View13-0602506/14/2013Filing by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View13-0602406/20/2013Filing by Churchill County Telephone and Telegraph System of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View13-0602306/14/2013Rulemaking to address an emissions reduction and capacity replacement plan and other matters related thereto in accordance with Senate Bill 123.
View13-0602206/14/2013Rulemaking to address the Economic Development Electric Rate Rider Program, land use permitting appeals process, and other matters set forth in Assembly Bill 239.
View13-0602106/14/2013Rulemaking to amend, adopt, and/or repeal regulations pertaining to Chapter 704 of the Nevada Administrative Code regarding the selection and duties of an independent administrator who will certify or recertify Lifeline service eligibility in accordance with Senate Bill 498.
View13-0602006/14/2013Rulemaking to amend, adopt, and/or repeal regulations pertaining to Chapter 704 of the Nevada Administrative Code regarding the portfolio standard and portfolio energy credits in accordance with Senate Bill 252.
View13-0601906/14/2013Rulemaking to amend, adopt, and/or repeal regulations pertaining to Chapters 703 and 704 of the Nevada Administrative Code regarding telecommunication services in accordance with Senate Bill 41.
View13-0601806/14/2013Rulemaking to amend, adopt, and/or repeal regulations pertaining to Chapters 701B and 704 of the Nevada Administrative Code regarding renewable energy programs in accordance with Assembly Bill 428.
View13-0601706/14/2013Rulemaking to address cost of service studies, issues authorized for rulemaking in Assembly Bill 436, and other matters related to water and wastewater utilities.
View13-0601606/19/2013Registration of BCN Telecom, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View13-0601506/12/2013Filing by MetroPCS Nevada, LLC to update information.
View13-0601406/12/2013Filing by T-Mobile West LLC d/b/a T-Mobile and GoSmart Mobile to update information.
View13-0601306/10/2013Petition of Black Rock Solar, Inc. on behalf of Lake Mead Christian Academy requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, a 101 kilowatt solar energy system is more practicable than a system of 50 or fewer kilowatts.
View13-0601206/06/2013Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 14 to revise Tariff No. 1A to reduce the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 12-11027.
View13-0601106/06/2013Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 12 to revise Tariff No. 2A to reduce the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 12-11027.
View13-0601006/06/2013Associated Anesthesiologists of Reno vs. Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding Associated Anesthesiologists of Reno, a non-residential customer, requesting a non-standard metering option like the smart meter opt-out trial program offered to residential customers.
View13-0600906/04/2013Application of Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 7 to revise Tariff No. 1 to revise switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View13-0600806/04/2013Application of Avalon Telecom Services, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View13-0600706/04/2013Application of Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects for authority to establish its annual revenue requirement for telephone service rates; establish new charges, fees, and rules for telephone customers; establish draw from the Nevada Universal Service Fund; reflect changes in the cost of capital; modify depreciation rates; and for other relief properly related thereto.
View13-0600606/04/2013Application of Southwest Gas Corporation to establish Base Tariff General Rates, Unrecovered Gas Cost Expense rates, distribution shrinkage rates, commodity and reservation rates, and Renewable Energy Program rates.
View13-0600506/04/2013Informational report of Southwest Gas Corporation concerning its natural gas resource planning activities.
View13-0600406/03/2013Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of new and revised depreciation rates for its electric and common accounts.
View13-0600306/03/2013Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to increase its annual revenue requirement for general rates charged to all classes of gas customers and for relief properly related thereto.
View13-0600206/03/2013Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to adjust its annual revenue requirement for general rates charged to all classes of electric customers and for relief properly related thereto.
View13-0600106/03/2013Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 13-03 to revise Tariff No. 1A to reduce the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 12-11027.
View13-0506005/31/2013Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff, Idlewild Partners LLC d/b/a The Park at Idlewild (“Idlewild”), and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy (“SPPC”) for the conversion of the master meter natural gas distribution system owned and operated by Idlewild to a utility owned natural gas distribution system owned and operated by SPPC and for an exception to Rule 9 of SPPC’s tariff.
View13-0505905/31/2013Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice under Advice Letter No. 484 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2013.
View13-0505805/31/2013Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Teleport Communications America, LLC for approval of an Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0505705/31/2013Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to restate $1.846 billion of existing long term debt authority and issue new refinancing authority of $705 million, or, in the alternative, to restate $1.148 billion of existing long term debt authority and issue new refinancing authority of $255 million.
View13-0505605/31/2013Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval to consolidate the utilities into a single jurisdictional utility, to transfer and modify Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity to reflect the consolidated utility’s new legal name, NV Energy Operating Company, and to consolidate generation assets.
View13-0505505/30/2013Petition of Nevada Controls, LLC for an Advisory Opinion regarding current practices by NV Energy for the net metering for waterpower as defined in NRS 704.771(b).
View13-0505405/30/2013Filing by MetroPCS Nevada, LLC to update information.
View13-0505305/30/2013Filing by T-Mobile West LLC d/b/a T-Mobile and GoSmart Mobile to update information.
View13-0505205/28/2013Registration of Sage Telecom Communications, LLC d/b/a Sage Wireless as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View13-0505105/28/2013Notice by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View13-0505005/28/2013Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy previously approved in Docket No. 95-3052.
View13-0504905/28/2013Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Saguaro Power Company previously approved in Docket No. 94-4050.
View13-0504805/28/2013Filing by Southwest Gas Corporation of revised rate for transportation customer Desert Star Energy Center (previously El Dorado Energy, LLC) pursuant to the Opinion issued in Docket Nos. 93-3003, et al.
View13-0504705/29/2013Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and 365 Wireless, LLC for approval of a Two-Way CMRS Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0504605/29/2013Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Broadvox-CLEC, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 2 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0504505/30/2013Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Nextel of California, Inc. d/b/a Sprint, Nextel or Sprint/Nextel for approval of Amendment No. 4 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0504405/29/2013Notice by Securus Technologies, Inc., Connect Acquisition Corp., and Securus Investment Holdings, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View13-0504305/29/2013Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC d/b/a Cingular Wireless for approval of an Amendment to their Interim Service Arrangement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0504205/24/2013Filing by EarthLink Business, LLC of a copy of Section 63.71 Application to discontinue common carrier broadband internet access transmission service in selected areas submitted to the Federal Communications Commission.
View13-0504105/29/2013Notice by dishNET Wireline L.L.C., Liberty-Bell, LLC, DISH Media Holdings Corp., dishNET Holding L.L.C., and Dish Network Corporation of an internal reorganization.
View13-0504005/29/2013Notice by Windstream Communications, Inc., McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, L.L.C. d/b/a PAETEC Business Services, PaeTec Communications, Inc., Talk America Inc., Norlight, Inc., Norlight Telecommunications, Inc., Windstream NuVox, Inc., and Windstream Corporation of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View13-0503905/28/2013Douglas County School District vs. Southwest Gas Corporation. Complaint regarding Douglas County School District being under billed due to an incorrect drive rate programmed into the Encoder Receiver Transmitter (ERT).
View13-0503805/24/2013Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View13-0503705/23/2013Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an order requiring Wendover Gas Company to appear and show cause: why it should not be found to have breached its duty to provide safe, continuous and adequate service; why it should not be ordered to cease and desist from further violation of its duty to provide safe, continuous and adequate service; why its receivership should not be modified and/or the duties of the appointed receiver modified; why its Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity should not be suspended or revoked; why it should not be found to have violated certain provisions of the Federal Gas Code and/or its own O&M manual and fined for such violations; and/or why the Commission should not impose any and all other remedies that the Commission may deem appropriate.
View13-0503605/20/2013Application of 1 800 Collect, Inc. for approval of fictitious business name Simple Billing Solutions for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2975.
View13-0503505/22/2013Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an order to appear and show cause why TKMAD, LLC d/b/a Jopa Mobile Home Park, and/or its predecessor in interest JOPA LLC a/k/a JOPA MHP LLC, should not be found to have violated NRS 704.940(5)(a) and 704.940(10), be fined for such violation, and be ordered to return funds to the electric tenant service charge account.
View13-0503405/22/2013Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an order requiring the landlords of mobile home parks that have not timely submitted acceptable annual reports for calendar year 2012 to appear and show cause why administrative fines should not be imposed on each one of them.
View13-0503305/17/2013Notice by Global Tel*Link Corporation, Value-Added Communications, Inc., Public Communications Services, Inc., GTEL Holdings, Inc., GTEL Acquisition Corp., and ASP GTEL Holdco, LLC of participation in a series of debt financing transactions.
View13-0503205/20/2013Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, Inc. to withdraw $5,655.00 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred for federal income taxes for calendar years 2011 and 2012, the yearly gas leak survey, and to repair and maintain the gas system.
View13-0503105/17/2013Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and AT&T Corp. for approval of an Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0503005/15/2013Application of Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects filed under Advice Letter No. 6 to revise Tariff No. 2 to revise switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View13-0502905/16/2013Notice by Trans National Communications International, Inc. and TNCI Operating Company LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View13-0502805/15/2013Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2052 to revise Tariff Nos. C, C0, C6 and C22 to revise switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161 and annual certification that price cap carrier is not seeking duplicative Eligible Recovery pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 513.915.
View13-0502705/15/2013Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 13-02(G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2013.
View13-0502605/15/2013Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 13-02 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2013.
View13-0502505/15/2013Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 13-02 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2013.
View13-0502405/15/2013Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Nevada Utilities, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0502305/14/2013Notice by Filer Mutual Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View13-0502205/16/2013Petition of Somerset Academy NLV Campus requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, a 276.7 kilowatt solar energy system is more practicable than a system of 50 or fewer kilowatts.
View13-0502105/16/2013Petition of Pinecrest Academy of Nevada requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, a 204 kilowatt solar energy system is more practicable than a system of 50 or fewer kilowatts.
View13-0502005/13/2013Joint Petition of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink and Qwest Communications Company, LLC d/b/a CenturyLink QCC for approval of an Amendment to their Traffic Exchange Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0501905/13/2013Application of Southern California Edison Company, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Primm Substation consisting of a 220 kV substation, approximately 1,500 feet of transmission line, and associated facilities to interconnect Silver State Solar Power South’s 250 MW solar project to the existing Eldorado-Ivanpah No. 2 220 kV transmission line to be located approximately 3 miles northeast of Primm in Clark County, Nevada.
View13-0501805/13/2013Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 49 to revise Tariff No. 2 to revise switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View13-0501705/13/2013Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 6 to revise Tariff No. 3 to revise switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View13-0501605/13/2013Application of Rural Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 35 to revise Tariff No. 2 to revise switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View13-0501505/08/2013Notice by Granite Telecommunications, LLC that current switched exchange access service rates comply with 47 CFR 51.911.
View13-0501405/09/2013Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order directing incumbent local exchange carriers to file study area boundary data and certify that the data is consistent with the boundaries of their certificated service areas.
View13-0501305/09/2013Notice by Covista, Inc. and Birch Telecom of the West, Inc. d/b/a Birch Communications of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View13-0501205/08/2013Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 13-02 to revise Tariff No. 1A to introduce a Convenience Fee Charge for electronic payment assistance.
View13-0501105/13/2013Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 4 to revise Tariff No. 2A to revise switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View13-0501005/08/2013Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Advisory Opinion on the measurement and verification of the electricity saved from energy efficiency measures to meet the requirements of the portfolio standards established for providers of new electric resources.
View13-0500905/06/2013Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 4 to revise Tariff No. 3C to revise switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161 and to restructure the dedicated port and multiplexing services.
View13-0500805/06/2013Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-13-04 to revise Tariff No. 3-B to revise switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View13-0500705/08/2013Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-13-08 for the Elko and Tonopah Divisions to revise Tariff No. A-3 to revise switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View13-0500605/03/2013Investigation to address whether a pilot program for Rule No. 9 electric line extension applicant design and installation should be developed and, if so, the requirements and conditions necessary to ensure safety and reliability.
View13-0500505/02/2013Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of a promotional offering for new business customers that subscribe to high speed internet service and the Frontier Simply Unlimited Service bundle under a 1, 2, or 3 year term contract.
View13-0500405/02/2013Notice by Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of a promotional offering for the Elko and Tonopah Divisions for new business customers that subscribe to high speed internet service and the Frontier Simply Unlimited Service bundle under a 1, 2, or 3 year term contract.
View13-0500305/01/2013Application of Mesa Solar Energy, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the California Ridge Solar Project consisting of up to a 200 MW AC solar photovoltaic generation facility, approximately 3 to 4 miles of aboveground 230 kV transmission line, and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View13-0500205/01/2013Application of Mesa Solar Energy, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Meadow Valley Solar Project consisting of up to a 200 MW AC solar photovoltaic generation facility, approximately 3 miles of aboveground 230 kV transmission line, and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View13-0500105/01/2013Application of Mesa Solar Energy, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Mesa Solar Energy Project consisting of up to a 200 MW AC solar photovoltaic generation facility, approximately 13 miles of aboveground 230 kV transmission line, and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View13-0404104/29/2013Filing by MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services of a copy of Section 63.71 Application to discontinue MCI 900 Service submitted to the Federal Communications Commission.
View13-0404005/03/2013Notice by Globalcom Inc. d/b/a First Communications and First Communications, LLC of an intra-corporate pro forma merger.
View13-0403905/02/2013Application of TNCI Operating Company LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View13-0403804/30/2013Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of its 2012 Conservation and Energy Efficiency Plan Annual Report.
View13-0403704/30/2013Application of Southwest Gas Corporation to further evaluate the Class Cost of Service Study and related issues pursuant to the Order issued in Docket Nos. 12-02019 and 12-04005.
View13-0403604/30/2013Application of Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company for authority to establish its annual revenue requirement for telephone service rates; establish new charges, fees, and rules for telephone customers; modify draws from the Nevada Universal Service Fund; reflect changes in the cost of capital; and for other relief properly related thereto.
View13-0403504/29/2013Application of Prospector Pipeline Company, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Eureka Pipeline Project consisting of approximately 18 miles of 12-inch diameter natural gas pipeline extending south from the southern terminus of the existing North Elko Pipeline at the Goldstrike Meter Station to the Newmont Gold Quarry Mine located in Eureka County, Nevada.
View13-0403404/29/2013Filing by Unity Telecom, LLC regarding intent to discontinue Home Phone prepaid local and long distance service.
View13-0403304/26/2013Investigation to evaluate the Energy Assistance Program in order to provide advice for the State Fiscal Year Evaluation.
View13-0403204/26/2013Application of RCLEC, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View13-0403104/25/2013Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC d/b/a Cingular Wireless, and its Commercial Mobile Radio Service (“CMRS”) affiliates, d/b/a AT&T Mobility, as successor in interest to Pacific Bell Mobile Services, Inc., for approval of an Amendment to their CMRS Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0403004/29/2013Application of Hotwire Communications, L.P. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View13-0402904/25/2013Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC d/b/a Cingular Wireless, and its Commercial Mobile Radio Service (“CMRS”) affiliates, d/b/a AT&T Mobility, as successor in interest to AT&T Wireless Services, Inc., for approval of an Amendment to their CMRS Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0402804/23/2013Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order to Show Cause why the registration of Midwestern Telecommunications, Incorporated d/b/a MTI as a Commercial Mobile Radio Service provider and designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier should not be revoked.
View13-0402704/23/2013Application of Virgin Mobile USA, L.P. to be designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0402604/22/2013Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View13-0402504/19/2013Registration of ItsOn Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View13-0402404/17/2013Filing by TerraCom Inc. of updated Advisory Tariff No. 1 that includes new plans offered to qualified Lifeline and non-Lifeline residents of its designated service areas.
View13-0402304/17/2013Notice by Infotelecom, LLC (“Infotelecom”) and Broadvox-CLEC, LLC (“Broadvox-CLEC”) of a transaction that will result in the transfer of Infotelecom’s assets to Broadvox-CLEC.
View13-0402204/12/2013Notice by Trans National Communications International, Inc. that current switched exchange access service rates comply with 47 CFR 51.911.
View13-0402104/11/2013Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order to Show Cause why Rainbow Trust d/b/a Deluxe Mobile Home Park should not be found to have violated NRS 704.940(5)(a), be fined for such violation, and be ordered to return funds to the electric tenant service charge account.
View13-0402004/11/2013Petition of San Diego Gas & Electric Company ("SDG&E") for a Declaratory Order that SDG&E is not subject to Commission regulation or jurisdiction for providing station power to the Desert Star Energy Center from SDG&E's generating facilities through the California Independent System Operator.
View13-0401904/11/2013Application of All American Telephone Company to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2622 Sub 1.
View13-0401804/11/2013Retroactive application of Deluxe Mobile Home Park to withdraw $15,334.90 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View13-0401704/09/2013Petition of Teleport Communications America, LLC for the Commission to overturn a denial by NeuStar, Inc., the North American Numbering Plan Administrator, for 1,000 consecutive numbers for use in the Reno Rate Center by Outokumpu VDM USA, LLC.
View13-0401604/03/2013Filing by Unity Telecom, LLC of a copy of Section 63.71 Application for the discontinuance of selected domestic telecommunications services submitted to the Federal Communications Commission.
View13-0401504/09/2013Filing by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects of a copy of Notice of Permissive Detariffing of Wireline Broadband Internet Access Service submitted to the Federal Communications Commission.
View13-0401404/08/2013Rulemaking to amend NAC 704.9524 to require that an application filed for lost sales compensation pursuant to NRS 704.785 be required to present evidence, as part of the application, regarding the electric utility’s achieved rate of return.
View13-0401304/08/2013Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Cricket Communications, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their CMRS Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0401204/04/2013Notice by MetroPCS Wireless, Inc. (“MetroPCS Wireless”), MetroPCS Communications, Inc., Deutsche Telekom AG, T-Mobile Global Zwischenholding GmbH, T-Mobile Global Holding GmbH, and T-Mobile USA, Inc. (“T-Mobile”) of a transaction in which MetroPCS Wireless will be merged into T-Mobile, with T-Mobile as the surviving entity.
View13-0401104/03/2013Application of Sage Telecom, Inc. for approval of a change of name to Sage Telecom Communications, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2852 Sub 1.
View13-0401004/03/2013Notice by Sage Telecom, Inc., TSC Acquisition Corp., and Sage Telecom Communications, LLC of a pro forma internal structural change.
View13-0400904/03/2013Application of Reno Technology Park Water Company for authority to operate as a public utility providing water service to Reno Technology Park located in Washoe County, Nevada.
View13-0400804/03/2013Notice by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of its intent to file an application for adjustment in gas rates.
View13-0400704/03/2013Notice by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of its intent to file an application for adjustment in electric rates.
View13-0400604/01/2013Application of 360networks (USA) inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2488 Sub 3.
View13-0400504/01/2013Application of American Fiber Systems, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2805 Sub 2.
View13-0400404/02/2013Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-13-03 to revise Tribal Link Up and Lifeline Telephone Service Schedule No. A-13 to add Dresslerville Colony (Washoe Tribe).
View13-0400304/02/2013Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-13-07 for the Elko Division to revise Enhanced Lifeline Service for Tribal Lands Schedule No. A-26 to add several federally recognized tribes.
View13-0400204/01/2013Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff, North Carson Street LLC d/b/a Frontier Mobile Home Park (“Frontier”), and Southwest Gas Corporation (“Southwest”) for the conversion of the master meter natural gas distribution system owned and operated by Frontier to a utility owned natural gas distribution system owned and operated by Southwest and for an exception to Rule 9 of Southwest’s tariff.
View13-0400104/01/2013Annual Report of Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2012.
View13-0304403/27/2013Application of Sierra Southwest Cooperative Services, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue service as an alternative seller of natural gas conducted under License No. G-4.
View13-0304304/01/2013Application of AMERICAN CONNECT SERVICES LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2976.
View13-0304203/28/2013Notice by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects of its intent to file an application for adjustment in rates.
View13-0304104/03/2013Petition of State of Nevada Public Works Division on behalf of Desert Research Institute requesting a deviation from NAC 701B.160(2)(c) to allow a 58 day extension to provide the executed construction contract.
View13-0304004/03/2013Petition of State of Nevada Public Works Division on behalf of Jean Conservation Camp requesting a deviation from NAC 701B.160(2)(c) to allow a 45 day extension to provide the executed construction contract.
View13-0303904/03/2013Petition of State of Nevada Public Works Division on behalf of Desert Research Institute requesting a deviation from NAC 701B.160(2)(c) to allow a 51 day extension to provide the executed construction contract.
View13-0303803/29/2013Annual Report of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2012.
View13-0303703/29/2013Filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the quality of service metrics in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 04-7009.
View13-0303603/29/2013Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of annual report on the quality of service metrics in compliance with the Orders issued in Docket Nos. 04-7009 and 05-10005.
View13-0303504/01/2013Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 482 to revise Gas Tariff No. 7 to increase the transaction fee charged by a third-party vendor for paystation payments.
View13-0303404/03/2013Application of Stand Energy Corporation for a license to provide discretionary service as an alternative seller of natural gas to generating, industrial, or large commercial customers in the state of Nevada.
View13-0303304/02/2013Application of Sterling Apartments Propane Gas System for authority to provide liquefied petroleum gas service to Sterling Apartments in Hawthorne, Nevada.
View13-0303204/02/2013Application of Mt. Grant Propane Gas System for authority to provide liquefied petroleum gas service to Mt. Grant Apartments in Hawthorne, Nevada.
View13-0303104/02/2013Joint Application of Heritage Operating LP d/b/a Bi-State Propane and AmeriGas Propane, L.P. for approval of the transfer of Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity 2672 Sub 1 from Heritage Operating LP d/b/a Bi-State Propane to AmeriGas Propane, L.P.
View13-0303004/02/2013Joint Application of Heritage Operating LP d/b/a Bi-State Propane and AmeriGas Propane, L.P. for approval of the transfer of Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity 2670 Sub 1 from Heritage Operating LP d/b/a Bi-State Propane to AmeriGas Propane, L.P.
View13-0302903/26/2013Joint Application of Hesperia Liquid Gas d/b/a Pro Flame, Inc. (“Hesperia”) and AmeriGas Propane (“AmeriGas”) for approval of the transfer of certificate CPC 2421 from Hesperia to AmeriGas.
View13-0302803/26/2013Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Telecommunications of Nevada, LLC d/b/a XO Communications, LLC for approval of an Amendment to their Master Interconnection and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0302703/25/2013Notice by Total Call International, Inc. d/b/a Amigos Telecom, Phone Globe Telecom, SDI Telecom and Star International Alliance and KDDI America, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View13-0302603/25/2013Application of Tribal Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct approximately 15 or 3 miles of 230 kV transmission line to connect a 310 MW photovoltaic solar generating facility located on the Fort Mojave Indian Reservation in California and Arizona to the Mohave Generating Station Substation located near Laughlin in Clark County, Nevada.
View13-0302503/22/2013Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Sprint Communications Company L.P. for approval of an Amendment to their Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0302403/25/2013Application of Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 12 to revise Tariff No. 1 to increase the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 11-09015.
View13-0302303/21/2013Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View13-0302203/21/2013Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-13-02 to revise Access Service Tariff No. 3-B to establish specific rates for expedited charges for Access Service Requests.
View13-0302103/19/2013Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Wide Voice, LLC for approval of an Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0302003/21/2013Petition of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada for approval of an Interconnection and Traffic Interchange Agreement for Commercial Mobile Radio Service with Sprint Spectrum L.P. d/b/a Sprint, Nextel or Sprint/Nextel pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0301903/19/2013Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 13-01 to revise Tariff No. 1A to standardize tariff language for the maintenance of service charge.
View13-0301803/15/2013Revised registration of T-Mobile West LLC d/b/a T-Mobile to add fictitious business name GoSmart Mobile.
View13-0301703/15/2013Petition of Fish Springs Ranch, LLC filed in accordance with Second Judicial District Court order seeking relief under the General Service Agreement and Line Extension Agreement entered into with Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy (“SPPC”) and Rule 9 tariff of SPPC relating to the Fort Sage Substation.
View13-0301603/12/2013Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-13-06 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to correct a typographical error in the Residence Single-Party Line rate and separately identify the basic Federal Tribal Support Credit amounts.
View13-0301503/11/2013Application of Sky Ranch Water Service Corp. filed under Advice Letter No. 3 to revise Water Tariff No. 1A to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View13-0301403/11/2013Petition of Southwest Gas Corporation to establish a regulatory asset to accumulate the return on investment, incremental depreciation, and property taxes related to the accelerated replacement of early vintage plastic pipe in Southern and Northern Nevada.
View13-0301303/11/2013Rail Safety FRA Form 96 Inspection Reports for calendar year 2013.
View13-0301203/11/2013Joint Petition of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. and WUE, INC. d/b/a WUE WIRELESS for approval of an Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0301103/08/2013Petition of Community Lutheran Church requesting a waiver of NAC 701B.160 and an extension of time to complete installation of a solar energy system without forfeiture of an incentive reservation granted from the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program.
View13-0301003/08/2013Petition of Northwest Career College requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, a 160 kilowatt solar energy system is more practicable than a system of 50 or fewer kilowatts.
View13-0300903/05/2013Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 11 to revise Tariff No. 2A to revise legal descriptions and maps.
View13-0300803/05/2013Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-13-05 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Frontier Message Center service.
View13-0300703/05/2013Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-13-04 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Frontier Message Center service.
View13-0300603/05/2013Notice by Americatel Corporation d/b/a 1010 123 Americatel d/b/a Ametex d/b/a Startec, Matrix Telecom, Inc. d/b/a Clear Choice Communications, Excel Telecommunications, and VarTec Telecom, and Impact Telecom, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View13-0300503/01/2013Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of natural gas expenses and to reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rate.
View13-0300403/01/2013Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of fuel and purchased power expenses and to reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development charge, reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rate, reset the base Energy Efficiency Program Rates and base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rates, and reset the Energy Efficiency Program and Energy Efficiency Implementation Amortization Rates.
View13-0300303/01/2013Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of fuel and purchased power expenses and to reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development charge, reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rate, reset the base Energy Efficiency Program Rates and base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rates, and reset the Energy Efficiency Program and Energy Efficiency Implementation Amortization Rates.
View13-0300203/01/2013Application of Utilities, Inc. of Nevada for approval of its 2013 Integrated Resource Plan.
View13-0300103/01/2013Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice under Advice Letter No. 481 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2013.
View13-0203503/05/2013Filing by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects of a copy of Notification of the Discontinuance of Common Carrier Wireline Broadband Internet Access Service submitted to the Federal Communications Commission.
View13-0203403/05/2013Application of Least Cost Routing, Inc. d/b/a Long Distance Charges, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2079 Sub 1.
View13-0203302/28/2013Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 8 to revise Water Tariff No. 1A and Sewer Tariff No. 1A to adjust rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View13-0203202/27/2013Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Sprint Spectrum L.P. d/b/a Sprint, Nextel or Sprint/Nextel for approval of Amendment No. 5 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0203102/26/2013Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and USA Mobility Wireless, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 2 to their Paging Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0203002/26/2013Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View13-0202902/25/2013Petition of the Attorney General’s Bureau of Consumer Protection to open a rulemaking docket to amend NAC 704.9524 to require that an electric utility that files an application for lost sales compensation pursuant to NRS 704.785 be required to present evidence, as part of the application, regarding its achieved rate of return as of the date of filing the application.
View13-0202802/21/2013Notice by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of its intent to file an application for adjustment in rates.
View13-0202702/22/2013Application of Zone Telecom, LLC for approval of a change of name to ANPI Business, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2585 Sub 2.
View13-0202602/21/2013Application of Vast Companies, LLC d/b/a Vast Communications to be designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0202502/22/2013Pipeline Safety Enforcement Actions and Inspection Reports by the Regulatory Operations Staff pursuant to 49 CFR 191 and 192.
View13-0202402/22/2013One Call Enforcement Actions and Inspection Reports by the Regulatory Operations Staff pursuant to NRS 455.
View13-0202302/21/2013Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy quarterly status reports on qualifying facilities as required by the Order issued in Docket No. 89-1072.
View13-0202202/21/2013Application of Gold Country Water Company, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 2 to revise Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View13-0202102/14/2013Notice by AccessLine Communications Corporation, Telanetix, Inc., and Intermedia Holdings, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View13-0202002/15/2013Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 13-01(G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2013.
View13-0201902/15/2013Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 13-01 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2013.
View13-0201802/15/2013Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 13-01 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2013.
View13-0201702/13/2013Petition of Mountain View Lutheran School requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, a 99.757 kilowatt solar energy system is more practicable than a system of 50 or fewer kilowatts.
View13-0201602/12/2013Filing by Cox Nevada Telcom, LLC of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) in compliance with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View13-0201502/13/2013Petition of Bishop Gorman High School requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, a 340.474 kilowatt solar energy system is more practicable than a system of 50 or fewer kilowatts.
View13-0201402/11/2013Filing by Cricket Communications, Inc. of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) in compliance with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View13-0201302/11/2013Notice by the Regulatory Operations Staff of the 2013 range of reasonable returns on equity for water and sewer utilities.
View13-0201202/11/2013Filing by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) in compliance with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View13-0201102/08/2013Filing by Absolute Home Phones, Inc. d/b/a Absolute Mobile of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) in compliance with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View13-0201002/07/2013Application of AMERICAN CONNECT SERVICES LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2976.
View13-0200902/06/2013Application of Telrite Corporation d/b/a Life Wireless to be designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0200802/05/2013Petition of Lone Mountain Academy requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, a 115 kilowatt solar energy system is more practicable than a system of 50 or fewer kilowatts.
View13-0200702/05/2013Petition of Mountain View Christian Schools requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, a 770 kilowatt solar energy system is more practicable than a system of 50 or fewer kilowatts.
View13-0200602/04/2013Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-13-01 to revise Tariff No. 4-B to introduce Customer Incentive Program Rule No. 23.
View13-0200502/04/2013Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-13-03 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Customer Incentive Program Rule and Regulation No. 26.
View13-0200402/04/2013Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-13-02 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Customer Incentive Program Rule and Regulation No. 25.
View13-0200302/01/2013Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of annual plans for the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program, the Wind Energy Systems Demonstration Program, and the Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Program for Program Year 2013-2014.
View13-0200202/01/2013Petition of Black Rock Solar, Inc. on behalf of Truckee Meadows Community College (“TMCC”) requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, a 160 kilowatt solar energy system located at the TMCC Dandini Campus is more practicable than two separate systems of 50 or fewer kilowatts each located at the TMCC Redfield Theater and TMCC’s Meadowood Center.
View13-0200102/01/2013Filing by Total Call Mobile, Inc. of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) in compliance with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View13-0104701/31/2013Filing by Budget PrePay, Inc. d/b/a Budget Mobile of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) in compliance with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View13-0104602/08/2013Filing by TracFone Wireless, Inc. d/b/a SafeLink Wireless of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) in compliance with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View13-0104502/01/2013Filing by Nevada Utilities, Inc. of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) in compliance with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View13-0104401/31/2013Filing by Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) in compliance with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View13-0104301/31/2013Filing by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) in compliance with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View13-0104201/30/2013Filing by i-wireless, LLC of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) in compliance with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View13-0104101/31/2013Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) in compliance with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View13-0104001/30/2013Filing by Moapa Valley Telephone Company of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) in compliance with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View13-0103901/31/2013Filing by Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) in compliance with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View13-0103801/30/2013Filing by Q LINK WIRELESS LLC of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) in compliance with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View13-0103701/31/2013Filing by Commnet of Nevada, LLC of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) in compliance with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View13-0103601/30/2013Filing by Nexus Communications, Inc. of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) in compliance with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View13-0103501/31/2013Filing by TerraCom Inc. of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) in compliance with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View13-0103401/31/2013Petition of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada for approval of Amendment No. 1 to the Interconnection Agreement with AT&T Wireless Services, Inc. pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0103301/29/2013Filing by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) in compliance with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View13-0103201/31/2013Petition of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada for approval of Amendment No. 1 to the Interconnection Agreement with T-Mobile West LLC d/b/a T-Mobile pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0103101/31/2013Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Master Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0103001/28/2013Filing by Rural Telephone Company of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) in compliance with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View13-0102901/24/2013Filing by Filer Mutual Telephone Company of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) in compliance with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View13-0102801/28/2013Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) in compliance with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View13-0102701/28/2013Filing by Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of a copy of Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form 555 submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) in compliance with 47 CFR 54.416 as adopted by the FCC in Lifeline Reform Order FCC 12-11.
View13-0102601/28/2013Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an order to show cause why REMSX, LLC. d/b/a Brookwood Mobile Home Park should not be ordered to cease and desist from violating NRS 704.940(1)(a), to return overcharges to tenants for electric service, and be fined for violation of NRS 704.940(1)(a) and NAC 704.985(1) through (2).
View13-0102501/24/2013Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View13-0102401/24/2013Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 543-E to submit short-term avoided cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities pursuant to Schedule CSPP - Short-Term.
View13-0102301/25/2013Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 427 to submit short-term avoided cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities pursuant to Qualifying Facilities Schedule QF - Short Term.
View13-0102201/23/2013Registration of Telrite Corporation d/b/a Life Wireless as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View13-0102101/18/2013Complaint. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("Nevada Power") vs. Valley Electric Association, Inc. for contemplating to operate as a public utility without a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity within Nevada Power’s exclusive territory, for interfering with Nevada Power’s system, for entering into an agreement that would duplicate service in Nevada Power’s defined service territory, and for providing service to non-members of its association without revising its operations to conform to Nevada law as a fully regulated public utility.
View13-0102001/18/2013Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy (“Nevada Power”) for a Declaratory Order that the U.S. Department of Energy is required to comply with NRS 704B as a condition of ceasing to take retail electric service from Nevada Power at the Nevada National Security Site.
View13-0101901/18/2013Petition of Black Rock Solar, Inc. on behalf of College of Southern Nevada ("CSN") requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, a 108 kilowatt solar energy system located at CSN's Horn Theater is more practicable than a system of 50 or fewer kilowatts.
View13-0101801/18/2013Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Cox Nevada Telcom, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Master Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0101701/15/2013Application of Silver Springs Mobile Home Park to withdraw $720.20 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View13-0101601/15/2013Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-13-01 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to include Special Conditions 1 through 6 for Directory Listing service.
View13-0101501/14/2013Petition of Temple Sinai Las Vegas Inc. requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, a 200 kilowatt solar energy system is more practicable than a system of 50 or fewer kilowatts.
View13-0101401/14/2013Petition of Spring Valley Assembly requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, a 100 kilowatt solar energy system is more practicable than a system of 50 or fewer kilowatts.
View13-0101301/10/2013Registration of Vast Companies, LLC d/b/a Vast Communications as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View13-0101201/08/2013Application of Birch Telecom of the West, Inc. d/b/a Birch Communications for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View13-0101101/08/2013Application of Blue Jay Wireless, LLC to be designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0101001/09/2013Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 426 to revise Miscellaneous Charges Schedule No. MC to include kiosks as an additional payment option for all classes of customers.
View13-0100901/04/2013Application of BNSF Railway Company for approval of the transfer of certificate CPC 73 from The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company to BNSF Railway Company.
View13-0100801/07/2013Revised registration of Software Cellular Network (North America) Ltd. d/b/a Truphone for a change of name to Truphone Inc.
View13-0100701/11/2013Petition of Helix Electric on behalf of Dr. Miriam and G. Adelson Educational Campus requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, a 303.7 kilowatt solar energy system is more practicable than a system of 50 or fewer kilowatts.
View13-0100601/11/2013Application of TAG Mobile, LLC to be designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View13-0100501/02/2013Annual Reports for calendar year 2012 submitted by Telecommunication companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191 and NAC 704.7483.
View13-0100401/02/2013Annual Reports for calendar year 2012 submitted by Mobile Home Parks operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 704.960 and NAC 704.987.
View13-0100301/02/2013Annual Reports for calendar year 2012 submitted by Water and Wastewater companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191, NAC 703.199, and NAC 704.225.
View13-0100201/02/2013Annual Reports for calendar year 2012 submitted by Electric, Natural Gas, LPG, Geothermal, Alternative Sellers, and Railroad companies operating in Nevada pursuant to NRS 703.191 and NAC 704.225.
View13-0100101/02/2013Reports from public utilities operating in Nevada of accidents or significant service outages occurring during calendar year 2013 pursuant to NRS 704.190 and NAC 704.230.
View12-1203412/31/2012Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink of three promotions for residential customers.
View12-1203312/28/2012Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada for authority to increase its annual revenue requirement for water and sewer service rates; establish new charges, fees, and rules for water and sewer customers; establish regulatory asset accounts for costs of rebates and certain litigation and related activities; and for other relief properly related thereto.
View12-1203212/26/2012Application of Pahrump Valley Solar LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Pahrump Valley Solar Project consisting of a 90 MW photovoltaic solar plant, a 135 MW concentrating solar power tower plant, 230 kV transmission line, and associated facilities to be located near Pahrump in Nye County, Nevada.
View12-1203112/24/2012Investigation regarding accounting treatment of costs associated with One Nevada Transmission Line.
View12-1203012/24/2012Investigation regarding demand side management in Nevada.
View12-1202912/26/2012Amended Application of Toquop Power Holdings, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct a 1,100 MW natural gas-fired power generation plant, natural gas and transmission interconnection lines, and associated facilities to be located near Mesquite in Lincoln and Clark Counties, Nevada.
View12-1202812/24/2012Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View12-1202712/20/2012Plan of Water Conservation of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada submitted pursuant to NRS 704.662 to 704.6624 inclusive.
View12-1202612/19/2012Registration of Tri-M Communications, Inc. d/b/a Globalinx as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View12-1202512/18/2012Registration of Blue Jay Wireless, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View12-1202412/20/2012Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-12-13 to revise Access Service Tariff No. 3-B to decrease the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to Docket No. 12-08027.
View12-1202312/20/2012Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-12-12 to revise Tariff No. 4-B to decrease the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to Docket No. 12-08027.
View12-1202212/20/2012Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-12-20 to revise Access Services Tariff No. A-3 to decrease the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to Docket No. 12-08027.
View12-1202112/20/2012Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-12-19 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to decrease the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to Docket No. 12-08027.
View12-1202012/20/2012Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-12-18 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to decrease the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to Docket No. 12-08027.
View12-1201912/17/2012Filing by T-Mobile West LLC d/b/a T-Mobile to update information.
View12-1201812/20/2012Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 13 to revise Tariff No. 1A to revise the legal descriptions of the Pioche and Coyote Springs Exchange Areas and to update the Coyote Springs Exchange Area map to match the legal description.
View12-1201712/17/2012Application of Procell, Inc. d/b/a Procell Electronics to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2277 Sub 1.
View12-1201612/14/2012Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada for approval of its Water Conservation Plan pursuant to NRS 704.662 to 704.6624, to establish a regulatory asset account for costs of bill credits to encourage water conservation, and for other relief properly related thereto.
View12-1201512/07/2012Filing by Telecommunications of Nevada, LLC d/b/a XO Communications, LLC regarding intent to discontinue Consumer Dial and Corporate Dial services.
View12-1201412/07/2012Filing by Telecommunications of Nevada, LLC d/b/a XO Communications, LLC regarding intent to discontinue Wholesale Dial and Enterprise Dial services.
View12-1201312/12/2012Filing by Commnet of Nevada, LLC of updated Informational Tariff No. 5 and Advertising Plan that includes changes addressing lifeline and link-up services consistent with recent Federal Communications Commission Orders.
View12-1201212/10/2012Notice by American Fiber Systems, Inc., 360networks (USA) inc., AboveNet Communications, Inc., and Zayo Group, LLC of a series of transactions that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View12-1201112/07/2012Application of YMax Communications Corp. to be designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View12-1201012/19/2012Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 302-G to revise Gas Main Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust applicable tax liability factors.
View12-1200912/19/2012Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 542-E to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust applicable tax liability factors.
View12-1200812/19/2012Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 425 to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust applicable tax liability factors.
View12-1200712/06/2012Filing by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View12-1200612/05/2012Joint Petition of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink and Spectrotel, Inc. for approval of a Master Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View12-1200512/05/2012Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Advisory Opinion on the calculation of the most recent gross domestic product deflator for the annual notification to small water and sewer utilities required by NAC 704.581.
View12-1200412/03/2012Petition of Hamilton Solar, LLC on behalf of Henderson International School requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, a 559.24 kilowatt solar energy system is more practicable than a system of 50 or fewer kilowatts.
View12-1200312/03/2012Petition of Hamilton Solar, LLC on behalf of Las Vegas Day School requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, a 498.9 kilowatt solar energy system is more practicable than a system of 50 or fewer kilowatts.
View12-1200212/03/2012Petition of Hamilton Solar, LLC on behalf of Congregation Ner Tamid requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, a 499.24 kilowatt solar energy system is more practicable than a system of 50 or fewer kilowatts.
View12-1200112/03/2012Petition of State of Nevada Public Works Division on behalf of Desert Research Institute requesting a determination that, pursuant to NRS 701B.260, a 450 kilowatt solar energy system is more practicable than a system of 50 or fewer kilowatts.
View12-1104611/30/2012Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to update its general revenue adjustment rates for Southern and Northern Nevada.
View12-1104511/30/2012Request of Simple Mobile, LLC to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View12-1104411/30/2012Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice under Advice Letter No. 480 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2013.
View12-1104312/03/2012Application of Panaca Farmstead Association for authority to operate as a public utility providing water and sewer service to Panaca, Lincoln County, Nevada.
View12-1104211/29/2012Application of DIECA Communications, Inc. d/b/a Covad Communications Company for approval of a change of name to MegaPath Corporation for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2506 Sub 1.
View12-1104111/28/2012Application of Green Acres Mobilehome Park to withdraw $3,017.00 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View12-1104011/28/2012Application of AboveNet Communications, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2548 Sub 2.
View12-1103911/28/2012Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Spectrotel, Inc. for approval of a Master Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View12-1103811/28/2012Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Broadvox-CLEC, LLC for approval of an Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View12-1103711/28/2012Application of Pacific Solar Investments, Inc., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Cactus Springs Solar Project consisting of a 150 MW photovoltaic solar-powered electric generating facility, 230 kV transmission line, and associated facilities to be located in Nye and Clark Counties, Nevada.
View12-1103611/27/2012Application of BNSF Railway Company for approval of a retroactive change of name from The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company to BNSF Railway Company for service conducted under certificate CPC 73.
View12-1103511/30/2012Notice by Sprint Communications Company L.P., Sprint Spectrum L.P. d/b/a Sprint, Nextel or Sprint/Nextel, Nextel of California, Inc. d/b/a Sprint, Nextel or Sprint/Nextel, Virgin Mobile USA, L.P., Boost Mobile, LLC, Sprint Nextel Corporation, SOFTBANK CORP., and Starburst II, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View12-1103412/03/2012Petition of Verdi Business Park Water Cooperative requesting a temporary deviation from NAC 703.175, 703.190, and 703.200 to allow time for transfer of assets and obligations to Truckee Meadows Water Authority.
View12-1103311/20/2012Application of Unique Infrastructure Group, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the initial phase of the Reno Technology Park Water System consisting of two production wells and wellhouses, two 1 million gallon water storage tanks, approximately 11,400 feet of 16-inch water main, approximately 13,000 feet of 12-inch main, and associated facilities to be located near Tracy in Washoe County, Nevada.
View12-1103211/20/2012Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-12-11 to revise Tariff No. 4-B to correct typographical errors and add conditions reserved for future use in Network Access Line Service Schedule No. A-1, and correct the number of single party business lines eligible for the Frontier Simply Unlimited Service-Leader packaged service.
View12-1103111/20/2012Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-12-17 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to correct the number of single party business lines eligible for the Frontier Simply Unlimited Service-Leader bundled service.
View12-1103011/20/2012Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-12-16 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to correct the number of single party business lines eligible for the Frontier Simply Unlimited Service-Leader bundled service.
View12-1102911/20/2012Application of AT&T Corp. d/b/a AT&T Advanced Solutions for approval of a change of name to AT&T Corp. for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2547 Sub 4.
View12-1102811/16/2012Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 421 to replace Optional Load Management Schedule OLM with Optional Load Management and Automation Services Rider Schedule OLM-AS to support and supplement the Residential and Small Commercial Demand Response program.
View12-1102711/16/2012Application of the Department of Health and Human Services Aging and Disability Services Division for approval of the State Fiscal Year 2014 budget for telecommunications services for the speech and hearing impaired.
View12-1102611/15/2012Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 12-04(G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2013.
View12-1102511/15/2012Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 12-04 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2013.
View12-1102411/15/2012Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 12-04 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2013.
View12-1102311/15/2012Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 541-E to establish Schedule NV GreenEnergy Rider for a voluntary green energy pricing program.
View12-1102211/14/2012Application of DIECA Communications, Inc. d/b/a Covad Communications Company for approval of a change of name to MegaPath Corporation for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2506 Sub 1.
View12-1102111/14/2012Notice by Southwest Gas Corporation of the initiation of a line extension project to provide natural gas to 13 homes in Dayton, Nevada.
View12-1102011/16/2012Notice by First Communications, LLC, Globalcom Inc. d/b/a First Communications, Xtension Services Inc., First Communications, Inc., and Summit Data Services, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View12-1101911/13/2012Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-12-15 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Directory Assistance Call Completion service.
View12-1101811/13/2012Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-12-14 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Directory Assistance Call Completion service.
View12-1101711/20/2012Application of NextG Networks of California, Inc. d/b/a NextG Networks West for approval of a change of name to Crown Castle NG West Inc. for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2816 Sub 1.
View12-1101611/16/2012Application of DeltaCom, Inc. for approval of a change of name to DeltaCom, LLC d/b/a EarthLink Business I for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2181 Sub 3.
View12-1101511/13/2012Application of TAG Mobile, LLC to be designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View12-1101411/20/2012Registration of TAG Mobile, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View12-1101311/09/2012Request of CC Communications to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View12-1101211/08/2012Application of PANACA FARMSTEAD ASSOCIATION for authority to operate as a public utility providing water and sewer service to Panaca, Lincoln County, Nevada.
View12-1101111/08/2012Registration of Boomerang Wireless, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View12-1101011/06/2012Investigation and rulemaking to address a recovery mechanism for the accelerated replacement of gas infrastructure.
View12-1100911/06/2012Rulemaking to address issues related to the General Revenues Adjustment mechanism.
View12-1100811/15/2012Petition of Ali Saffari for an Order temporarily suspending the reporting requirements associated with a solar thermal system, and granting him retroactive renewable portfolio energy credits generated by his domestic solar thermal system from November 2009 through December 2011.
View12-1100711/05/2012Application of RRV Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a Consumer Access to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2165 Sub 1.
View12-1100611/05/2012Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale (“AT&T Nevada”) filed under Advice Letter No. 2051 to revise AT&T Nevada Guidebook to increase lifeline discounts.
View12-1100511/05/2012Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 539-E for approval of a Portfolio Charge to be applicable to Newmont Mining Corporation under Rate Schedule GS-4-NG for calendar year 2013 to recover the additional costs required to meet the Nevada Portfolio Standard.
View12-1100411/01/2012Application of Silver Springs Mobile Home Park to withdraw $4,529.08 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View12-1100311/01/2012Application of Dayton Valley Mobile Home Park to withdraw $4,156.41 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View12-1100211/02/2012Investigation of ongoing receivership of Wendover Gas Company and oversight by the Fourth Judicial District Court, Elko County, and matters related thereto, including reliability and safety issues, propane supply, and possible acquisition by the City of West Wendover, Nevada.
View12-1100111/01/2012Application of Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 11 to revise Tariff No. 1 to update tribal link up and lifeline services consistent with the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC-12-11.
View12-1003510/30/2012Registration of Boomerang Wireless, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View12-1003411/14/2012Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and California Broadband Cooperative, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View12-1003311/16/2012Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and T-Mobile West LLC d/b/a T-Mobile for approval of Amendment No. 2 to their Wireless Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View12-1003210/30/2012Filing of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View12-1003110/25/2012Petition of Nevada Controls, LLC for a Declaratory Order regarding the interpretation and subsequent application of NAC 701B.510.
View12-1003010/04/2012Notice by Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada of its intent to file an application for adjustment in rates.
View12-1002910/24/2012Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale regarding tariff pages moved to the Guidebook.
View12-1002810/24/2012Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of certain requirements of the pipeline safety regulations by Newmont USA Limited.
View12-1002710/23/2012Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 537-E to revise Interruptible Irrigation Service Schedule No. IS-2 to increase the IS-2 rate.
View12-1002610/23/2012Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 422 to revise Interruptible Agricultural Irrigation Water Pumping Schedule No. IAIWP to increase the IAIWP rate.
View12-1002510/23/2012Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-12-10 to revise Tariff No. 4-B to modify Ownership of Telephone Directories service.
View12-1002410/23/2012Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-12-13 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to modify Ownership of Telephone Directories service.
View12-1002310/23/2012Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-12-12 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to modify Ownership of Telephone Directories service.
View12-1002210/19/2012Filing by i-wireless, LLC of updated Advisory Tariff that includes changes addressing lifeline services consistent with recent Federal Communications Commission Orders.
View12-1002110/18/2012Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 540-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to modify tariffs related to the Nevada Dynamic Pricing Trial and eliminate Schedules GS-1-TOU-E, GS-1-CPP, DM-1-CPP, and DM-1-TOU-E.
View12-1002010/18/2012Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 424 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to modify tariffs related to the Nevada Dynamic Pricing Trial and eliminate Schedules GS-TOU-E, GS-CPP, RM-CPP, and RM-TOU-E.
View12-1001910/18/2012Registration of Puretalk Holdings, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View12-1001810/17/2012Application of Copper Rays Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Copper Rays Solar facility consisting of a 180 MW photovoltaic solar-powered electric generating facility, approximately 2.6 miles of 230 kV transmission line, and associated facilities to be located near Pahrump in Nye County, Nevada.
View12-1001710/22/2012Notice by Integra Telecom, Inc., Eschelon Telecom of Nevada, Inc. d/b/a Integra Telecom, Advanced TelCom, Inc. d/b/a Integra Telecom, Electric Lightwave, LLC d/b/a Integra Telecom, Shared Communications Services, Inc., Searchlight Capital, L.P., Searchlight Capital PV, L.P., Searchlight Capital (FC) AIV, L.P., Searchlight Capital AIV (BLZ), L.P., and Searchlight/SIP Holdco SPV III (BLZ), L.P. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View12-1001610/17/2012Filing by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink of two promotions for business customers.
View12-1001510/16/2012Filing by Commnet of Nevada, LLC of certification of compliance regarding Lifeline and Link Up programs.
View12-1001410/18/2012Application of Common Point LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View12-1001310/11/2012Investigation regarding voltage and volt-ampere reactive (var) control and optimization.
View12-1001210/10/2012Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff, the Nevada Telecommunications Association, Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc., Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company, and Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding return on equity and the associated cap on overall rate of return, in accordance with NAC 703.27138.
View12-1001110/09/2012Petition of Switch Communications Group L.L.C. for a Declaratory Order regarding the scope and application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy’s Rule No. 18.
View12-1001010/09/2012Application of Copper Rays Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Copper Rays Solar facility consisting of a 180 MW photovoltaic solar-powered electric generating facility, approximately 2.6 miles of 230 kV transmission line, and associated facilities to be located near Pahrump in Nye County, Nevada.
View12-1000910/08/2012Notice by CTC Communications Corp., DeltaCom, Inc., and New Edge Network, Inc. d/b/a New Edge Networks of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View12-1000810/08/2012Application of New Edge Network, Inc. d/b/a New Edge Networks for approval of a change of name to EarthLink Business, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2494 Sub 1.
View12-1000710/05/2012Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 10 to revise Employees' Service Schedule No. A-7 to include retired employees and spouses of deceased retired employees, and to update the list of employee concessions available.
View12-1000610/03/2012Filing of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View12-1000510/01/2012Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 538-E to revise Definitions Rule No. 1 and Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9.
View12-1000410/01/2012Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 423 to revise Definitions Rule No. 1 and Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9.
View12-1000310/01/2012Annual report of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale regarding competition in its local serving area for telecommunication service pursuant to NRS 704.68867.
View12-1000210/01/2012Annual report of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink regarding competition in its local serving area for telecommunication service pursuant to NRS 704.68867.
View12-1000110/01/2012Application of dPi-Teleconnect, L.L.C. for approval of a change of name to Unity Telecom, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2471 Sub 1.
View12-0902309/28/2012Application of Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company to Solix, Inc. in its capacity as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund ("NUSF") for allowance of NUSF funding for the year commencing January 1, 2013.
View12-0902210/01/2012Application of CTC Communications Corp. for approval of fictitious business name EarthLink Business for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2390 Sub 1.
View12-0902109/26/2012Request of Cox TMI Wireless, L.L.C. d/b/a Cox Wireless to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View12-0902009/25/2012Revised registration of CTC Communications Corp. d/b/a One Communications for a change of fictitious business name to EarthLink Business.
View12-0901909/25/2012Application of Business Telecom, Inc. for approval of fictitious business name EarthLink Business III for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2198 Sub 1.
View12-0901809/25/2012Lauri Kopish vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding billing dispute.
View12-0901709/24/2012Application of TELCO PARTNERS, INC. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2189 Sub 1.
View12-0901609/24/2012Christopher Brewer vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding billing dispute.
View12-0901509/25/2012Petition of Patua Project LLC (“Patua”) for a Declaratory Order that Patua’s Northern Nevada geothermal energy facility is a renewable energy system pursuant to NRS 704.7804 and that the energy generated and used by the facility is eligible for certification as portfolio energy credits pursuant to NRS 704.7803.
View12-0901409/21/2012Joint Application of TCG Los Angeles, Inc. (“TCG”) and Teleport Communications America, LLC (“TCA”) for approval of the transfer of certificate CPC 2804 Sub 1 from TCG to TCA and a notice of a transaction that will result in the transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View12-0901309/21/2012Request of Reno Cellular Telephone Company d/b/a Cingular Wireless to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View12-0901209/20/2012Biannual filing by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy regarding the Solar Program, providing a status update and a summary of discussion from a meeting with industry stakeholders pursuant to NAC 701B.145.
View12-0901109/18/2012Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-12-09 to revise Tariff No. 3-B to introduce Tandem Switched Transport Facility and Tandem Switched Transport Termination rate elements consistent with the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View12-0901009/19/2012Application of Matrix Telecom, Inc. for approval of fictitious business names Clear Choice Communications, Excel Telecommunications, and VarTec Telecom for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 994 Sub 4.
View12-0900909/14/2012Petition of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. for approval of an Amendment to Interconnection Agreement with Trans National Communications International, Inc. pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View12-0900809/14/2012Petition of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. for approval of an Amendment to Interconnection Agreement with PNG Telecommunications Inc. d/b/a PowerNet Global Communications pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View12-0900709/14/2012Application of Cox Nevada Telcom, LLC to be designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View12-0900609/12/2012Application of Crescent Peak Renewables, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Crescent Peak Wind Project, a 500 MW wind-powered electric generating facility consisting of up to 220 wind turbine generators, a 115 kV to 230 kV transmission line, and associated facilities to be located near Searchlight in Clark County, Nevada.
View12-0900509/10/2012Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-12-08 to revise Tariff No. 4-B to introduce Frontier Simply Unlimited Service-Leader packaged service available to eligible business customers.
View12-0900409/10/2012Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-12-11 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Frontier Simply Unlimited Service-Leader bundled service available to eligible business customers.
View12-0900309/10/2012Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-12-10 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Frontier Simply Unlimited Service-Leader bundled service available to eligible business customers.
View12-0900209/07/2012Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Access Point, Inc. d/b/a North Carolina Access Point, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View12-0900109/06/2012Notice by Applewood Communications Corporation and Telrite Corporation of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View12-0803208/31/2012Petition of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. for approval of an Amendment to Interconnection Agreement with Entelegent Solutions, Inc. pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View12-0803108/31/2012Petition of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. for approval of an Amendment to Interconnection Agreement with Ernest Communications, Inc. pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View12-0803009/10/2012Application of the City of North Las Vegas for authority to construct a grade-separated crossing at the Las Vegas Wash Trail over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks located in North Las Vegas, Nevada.
View12-0802908/31/2012Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice under Advice Letter No. 479 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2012.
View12-0802808/28/2012Petition of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. for approval of an Amendment to Interconnection Agreement with iNetworks Group, Inc. pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View12-0802708/28/2012Report by Solix Inc. as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund regarding fiscal year 2013 assessment recommendation to maintain the minimum annual contribution and to maintain the current assessment rate on the intrastate retail revenues of all obligated providers of telecommunication services in Nevada.
View12-0802608/29/2012Notice by Broadview Networks, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View12-0802508/28/2012Filing by Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313.
View12-0802408/22/2012Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order to Appear and Show Cause why Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity, Licenses, or Permits should not be revoked and/or why administrative fines should not be imposed on certain companies that have not timely met their regulatory obligations for calendar year 2011.
View12-0802308/22/2012Amended Application of Arrow Canyon Solar, LLC under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for four permits to construct a 230 kV transmission line and associated facilities, main access road, substation upgrades, and temporary water pipeline on land under the management of the Bureau of Land Management located approximately 20 miles northwest of Las Vegas in Clark County, Nevada.
View12-0802208/21/2012Filing by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale of information regarding certification of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313 and 47 CFR 54.314.
View12-0802108/20/2012Application of Worldwide Telecommunications Inc. d/b/a Worldwide Telecom Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View12-0802008/21/2012Petition of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. for approval of a Local Interconnection Agreement with Spectrotel, Inc. pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View12-0801908/17/2012Filing by Commnet of Nevada, LLC of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313.
View12-0801808/16/2012Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-12-09 for the Tonopah Division to revise Bundled Services Schedule No. A-9 to grandfather all residential bundled service offerings.
View12-0801708/16/2012Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-12-08 for the Elko Division to revise Bundled Services Schedule No. A-10 to grandfather all residential bundled service offerings.
View12-0801608/15/2012Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 12-03(G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2012.
View12-0801508/15/2012Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 12-03 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2012.
View12-0801408/15/2012Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 12-03 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective October 1, 2012.
View12-0801308/15/2012Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 536-E to revise Net Metering Rider Schedule No. NMR, Definitions Rule No. 1, and Interconnection Agreement for Net Metering pursuant to Assembly Bill 359 and Senate Bill 59.
View12-0801208/15/2012Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 420 to revise Net Metering Rider Schedule No. NMR, Definitions Rule No. 1, and Interconnection Agreement for Net Metering pursuant to Assembly Bill 359 and Senate Bill 59.
View12-0801108/13/2012Informational report of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy concerning its natural gas resource planning activities for the period 2013-2015.
View12-0801008/13/2012Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its Energy Supply Plan Update for 2013.
View12-0800908/13/2012Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the second amendment to the Action Plan of the 2011-2030 Integrated Resource Plan as it relates to a new base load forecast, generating plant investments and retirements, and transmission projects.
View12-0800808/10/2012Filing by Churchill County Telephone and Telegraph System of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313.
View12-0800708/09/2012Filing by Filer Mutual Telephone Company of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313.
View12-0800608/09/2012Filing by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313.
View12-0800508/08/2012Application of Silver State Solar Power South, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Jean Wastewater Conveyance System Project consisting of a six-inch main pipeline and associated facilities to transfer effluent water from existing wastewater ponds at the Southern Nevada Correctional Center to the wastewater treatment facility located at the Gold Strike Hotel and Casino in Jean, Clark County, Nevada.
View12-0800408/16/2012Application of Copperhead Digital Holdings, Inc. for approval of a change of name to Nevada Utilities, Inc. for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2982.
View12-0800308/08/2012Application of Sky Ranch Water Service Corp. filed under Advice Letter No. 2 to revise Description of Service Rule No. 2 to include provisions for customer installation for point of use pressure regulating devices.
View12-0800208/06/2012Application of the Nevada Department of Transportation for authority to alter the existing I-15 bridge over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks located south of the I-215 Beltway in Clark County, Nevada.
View12-0800108/02/2012Notice by Cheetah Wireless Technologies, Inc. and LV.Net LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View12-0703007/31/2012Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale to revise Access Service Tariff No. C13-A to remove the maintenance of service charge section.
View12-0702907/30/2012Documentation of Commission Petition for Waiver filed with the Federal Communications Commission regarding its Lifeline Reform Order (FCC 12-11).
View12-0702807/31/2012Application of SMSCOM, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2948.
View12-0702708/02/2012Application of Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects filed under Advice Letter No. 70 to revise Tariff No. 1 to remove link up support and update lifeline support consistent with the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC-12-11.
View12-0702608/01/2012Application of UCN, Inc. for approval of a change of name to inContact, Inc. d/b/a UCN for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2518 Sub 4.
View12-0702507/31/2012Joint Petition of Moapa Valley Telephone Company and T-Mobile West Corporation d/b/a T-Mobile for approval of an Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View12-0702407/30/2012Investigation and rulemaking regarding the annual assessment of telecommunication revenues.
View12-0702307/30/2012Filing by Budget PrePay, Inc. d/b/a Budget Mobile of updated Advisory Tariff that includes a toll free number for cancellation of services.
View12-0702208/06/2012Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. regarding its acceptance of eligible funding for Connect America Fund Phase I pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.312.
View12-0702107/26/2012Amended Application of Townsite Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Townsite Solar Project consisting of a 180 MW photovoltaic solar-powered electric generating facility, 230 kV or 500 kV transmission line, a 90 MW battery energy storage system, temporary and permanent water pipelines, and associated facilities to be located in Boulder City, Clark County, Nevada.
View12-0702007/26/2012Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Infotelecom, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 3 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View12-0701907/31/2012Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC d/b/a Cingular Wireless for approval of Amendment No. 3 to their Wireless Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View12-0701807/25/2012Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale to revise Tariff No. A5 Exchange Services to remove two duplicative ordering and billing systems codes.
View12-0701708/01/2012Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-12-07 to revise Access Service Tariff No. 3-B to include Extraordinary Charges in the Collocation Service section.
View12-0701607/24/2012Petition of Black Rock Solar, Inc., on behalf of Nevada State College ("NSC") and Rite of Passage ("ROP"), requesting an order approving a one month extension of eligibility to receive the full level of incentives for solar energy systems at NSC and ROP pursuant to the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program.
View12-0701507/23/2012Revised registration of T-Mobile West Corporation d/b/a T-Mobile for a change of name to T-Mobile West LLC d/b/a T-Mobile.
View12-0701408/02/2012Application of Liberty Bell Telecom, L.L.C. for approval of a change of name to dishNET Wireline L.L.C. for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2971.
View12-0701307/19/2012Request of Ernest Communications, Inc. to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View12-0701208/03/2012Registration of, Inc. d/b/a PHONEBOOTH as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View12-0701107/20/2012Application of ALEC, Inc. requesting approval of a change of name to ALEC, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2915.
View12-0701007/18/2012Commission sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Clark County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View12-0700907/18/2012Commission sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Washoe County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View12-0700807/17/2012Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of annual plans for the Solar Thermal Systems Demonstration Program for Program Year 2013.
View12-0700707/16/2012Filing by Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View12-0700607/18/2012Joint Petition of Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC d/b/a Cingular Wireless for approval of an Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View12-0700507/19/2012Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 419 to revise Retail Power Exchange Schedule RPE to modify the minimum term of qualified retail power exchanges.
View12-0700407/12/2012Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and CG&B Enterprises Inc. ("CG&B") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violation of Nevada’s One Call Law by CG&B.
View12-0700307/17/2012Filing by Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View12-0700207/16/2012Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to issue new refinancing authority of $250 million and to restate $698.25 million of existing long term debt authority.
View12-0700107/13/2012Filing by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale regarding annual certification that price cap carrier is not seeking duplicative Eligible Recovery pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.915.
View12-0606307/10/2012Request of Autotel to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View12-0606207/13/2012Filing by Rural Telephone Company of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313 and annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View12-0606107/06/2012Filing by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View12-0606006/29/2012Filing by Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View12-0605907/13/2012Filing by Moapa Valley Telephone Company of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313 and annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View12-0605807/09/2012Filing by Churchill County Telephone of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View12-0605707/09/2012Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313.
View12-0605606/29/2012Application of Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company to Solix, Inc. in its capacity as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund ("NUSF") for allowance of NUSF funding for the year commencing January 1, 2013.
View12-0605507/09/2012Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View12-0605407/09/2012Filing by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313.
View12-0605306/29/2012Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its 2013-2032 Triennial Integrated Resource Plan and 2013-2015 Energy Supply Plan.
View12-0605206/29/2012Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its 2012 Annual Demand Side Management Update Report as it relates to the Action Plan of its 2011-2030 Integrated Resource Plan.
View12-0605106/29/2012Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its 2012 Natural Gas Conservation and Energy Efficiency Plan Annual Report.
View12-0605007/09/2012Filing by Filer Mutual Telephone Company of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304.
View12-0604907/06/2012Filing by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313.
View12-0604806/28/2012Filing by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313.
View12-0604706/28/2012Filing by Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink of annual report of high-cost recipient pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.313.
View12-0604606/28/2012Filing by Budget PrePay, Inc. d/b/a Budget Mobile of updated Advisory Tariff consistent with recent Federal Communications Commission Orders.
View12-0604507/09/2012Filing by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of annual data regarding Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement funding eligibility pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 54.304 and annual certification that price cap carrier is not seeking duplicative Eligible Recovery pursuant to the requirements of 47 CFR 51.915.
View12-0604406/29/2012Application of Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects filed under Advice Letter No. 5 to revise Access Tariff No. 2 to modify Identification and Rating of VoIP-PSTN Traffic consistent with the Federal Communications Commission’s Second Order of Reconsideration in WC Docket No. 10-90, etc., FCC Release No. 12-47.
View12-0604306/25/2012Investigation regarding the potential conversion of master meter natural gas and electric systems owned and operated by Frontier Mobile Home Park to individual meters and systems owned and operated by Southwest Gas Corporation and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy.
View12-0604206/25/2012Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 535-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 2, Schedule Nos. LCSPP86 and LCSPP87, to adjust rates for long-term cogeneration and small power production energy and capacity rates.
View12-0604106/22/2012Filing of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View12-0604006/20/2012Notice by Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. of a promotion for qualifying residential customers to be eligible for a waiver of nonrecurring Service Connection charge.
View12-0603906/28/2012Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Plumas Sierra Telecommunications for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View12-0603806/21/2012Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 478 to revise Gas Tariff No. 7 to include the General Revenues Adjustment rates previously approved in Docket No. 11-12003.
View12-0603706/20/2012Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink to revise Access Service Tariff No. 2A to modify Identification and Rating of VoIP-PSTN Traffic consistent with the Federal Communications Commission’s Second Order of Reconsideration in WC Docket No. 10-90, etc., FCC Release No. 12-47.
View12-0603607/12/2012Application of Airnex Communications, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View12-0603506/20/2012Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2050 to revise Access Service Tariff No. C2-A to modify Identification and Rating of VoIP-PSTN Traffic consistent with the Federal Communications Commission’s Second Order of Reconsideration in WC Docket No. 10-90, etc., FCC Release No. 12-47.
View12-0603406/26/2012Joint Application of Cheetah Wireless Technologies, Inc. (“Cheetah Wireless”) and LV.Net LLC (“LV.Net”) for approval of the transfer of certificate CPC 2843 Sub 1 from Cheetah Wireless to LV.Net and a notice of a transaction that will result in the transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View12-0603306/20/2012Request of LightSquared LP to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View12-0603206/15/2012Filing by McGraw Communications, Inc. of Switched Access Services Tariff No. 2 consistent with Federal Communications Commission Orders.
View12-0603106/15/2012In re Commission Investigation to determine process for Renewable Energy Fund distribution to be used to offset cost of electricity to retail customers pursuant to subsection 4 of NRS 701A.450.
View12-0603006/21/2012Notice by Network Billing Systems, L.L.C., Fusion Telecommunications International, Inc., and Fusion NBS Acquisition Corp. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View12-0602906/20/2012Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale (“AT&T”) requesting a Declaratory Order that AT&T is no longer obligated to report non-telecommunications revenues, including directory and inside wiring revenues, for purposes of the mill tax assessment.
View12-0602806/28/2012Application of Gardnerville Town Water Company for authority to amend certificate CPC 926 Sub 9 to expand its water service territory to include the Peri Enterprises, LLC and Barton Health Care Systems developments located in Douglas County, Nevada and for approval of a change of name to Gardnerville Town Water Company, Inc. d/b/a Gardnerville Water Company.
View12-0602706/25/2012Joint Petition of Moapa Valley Telephone Company and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC d/b/a Cingular Wireless for approval of an Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View12-0602606/14/2012Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-12-06 to revise Tariff No. 4-B to introduce four new residential packaged services called Frontier Digital Phone Essentials, Frontier Digital Phone Unlimited, Frontier Digital Phone Unlimited Plus, and Frontier Digital Phone Unlimited (Challenger) and grandfather four existing residential packaged services and change the names to Frontier Digital Phone Essentials 3-2010, Frontier Digital Phone Nationwide Unlimited with Essentials 3-2010, Frontier Digital Phone Nationwide Unlimited Plus with Essentials 3-2010, and Frontier Digital Phone State Unlimited with Essentials 3-2010.
View12-0602506/08/2012Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 301-G to revise Gas Main Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust applicable tax liability factors.
View12-0602406/08/2012Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 534-E to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust applicable tax liability factors.
View12-0602306/08/2012Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 418 to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust applicable tax liability factors.
View12-0602206/13/2012Joint Application of Shoshone Estates Water Company and Shoshone Estates Water Co., Inc. for approval of the transfer of certificate CPC 2643 from Shoshone Estates Water Company to Shoshone Estates Water Co., Inc.
View12-0602106/07/2012Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 12 to revise Tariff No. 1A to increase the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 11-09015.
View12-0602006/07/2012Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 9 to revise Tariff No. 2A to increase the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 11-09015.
View12-0601906/11/2012Application of K Road Moapa Solar LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct a 0.5 mile 500 kV transmission line to connect a 350 MW photovoltaic solar-powered electric generation facility located on the Moapa River Indian Reservation to the existing Crystal Substation located in Clark County, Nevada.
View12-0601806/06/2012Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 4 to revise Access Service Tariff No. 3C to modify Identification and Rating of VoIP-PSTN Traffic consistent with the Federal Communications Commission’s Second Order of Reconsideration in WC Docket No. 10-90, etc., FCC Release No. 12-47.
View12-0601706/06/2012Application of CeturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 4 to revise Access Service Tariff No. 2A to modify Identification and Rating of VoIP-PSTN Traffic consistent with the Federal Communications Commission's Second Order of Reconsideration in WC Docket No. 10-90, etc., FCC Release No. 12-47.
View12-0601606/05/2012Petition of NeuStar, Inc., the North American Numbering Plan Administrator, on behalf of the Nevada telecommunications industry, to implement an all-services distributed overlay as relief for the 702 numbering plan area and for approval of the implementation schedule.
View12-0601506/06/2012Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Southwest Gas Corporation ("Southwest") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of the Federal Pipeline Safety Regulations and Nevada’s One Call Law by Southwest.
View12-0601406/11/2012Request of Cascade Access, LLC to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View12-0601306/04/2012Application of Southwest Gas Corporation to establish Base Tariff General Rates, Unrecovered Gas Cost Expense rates, distribution shrinkage rates, and commodity and reservation rates.
View12-0601206/04/2012Informational report of Southwest Gas Corporation concerning its natural gas resource planning activities.
View12-0601106/04/2012Application of Zeus Telecommunications, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2864 Sub 1.
View12-0601006/04/2012Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-12-05 to revise Tariff No. 4-B to clarify the effective date of the Federal Lifeline Credit and modify the lifeline qualifications consistent with the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC-12-11.
View12-0600906/04/2012Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-12-07 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to clarify the effective date of the Federal Lifeline Credit and modify the lifeline qualifications consistent with the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC-12-11.
View12-0600806/04/2012Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-12-06 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to clarify the effective date of the Federal Lifeline Credit and modify the lifeline qualifications consistent with the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC-12-11.
View12-0600706/01/2012Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2049 to revise Tariff No. A5 to update lifeline discount rate consistent with the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC-12-11.
View12-0600606/08/2012Petition of Thomas Mitchell requesting that the confidential pricing information contained in the contract between Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Energenic (FKA CC Landfill Energy LLC) in Docket No. 09-08020 be made a part of the public record.
View12-0600506/01/2012Notice by Charter Communications, Inc. and Charter Fiberlink NV-CCVII, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View12-0600406/01/2012Notice by Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View12-0600306/01/2012Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale to revise Tariff No. A2 General Regulations - Conditions of Offering to reflect new surcharge implemented by Churchill County.
View12-0600206/01/2012Sonia Miller vs. Southwest Gas Corporation. Complaint regarding high bills.
View12-0600106/01/2012Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice under Advice Letter No. 477 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2012.
View12-0504205/31/2012Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 12-04 to revise Tariff No. 1A to update tribal link up and lifeline services consistent with the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC-12-11.
View12-0504105/31/2012Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink ("CenturyLink") filed under Advice Letter No. 12-04 to revise CenturyLink’s Guidebook to update tribal link up and lifeline services consistent with the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC-12-11.
View12-0504005/30/2012Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink of a promotion for business customers to be eligible for a waiver of nonrecurring charges.
View12-0503905/25/2012Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of annual plans for the Solar Thermal Systems Demonstration Program for Program Year 2013, surcharge mechanism, and corresponding surcharge rate.
View12-0503806/06/2012Joint Application of AT&T Communications of Nevada, Inc. also operating under the fictitious firm name of Lucky Dog Phone Company (“ACNI”) and AT&T Corp. d/b/a AT&T Advanced Solutions (“AT&T Corp.”) for approval of an internal corporate merger of ACNI and AT&T Corp. and to cancel certificate CPC 867 Sub 4.
View12-0503705/31/2012Amended Application of Boulder Solar Power, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Boulder Solar Power Project consisting of a 200 MW alternating current solar-powered electric generating facility, 500 kV and 230 kV transmission lines, a water pipeline, and associated facilities to be located approximately 20 miles south of Las Vegas in Clark County, Nevada, on approximately 1,540 acres of land within the city limits of Boulder City, Nevada, and approximately 76 acres of federal lands.
View12-0503605/25/2012Notice by Filer Mutual Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View12-0503505/25/2012Filing by Nexus Communications, Inc. of updated Advisory Tariff No. 1 that includes changes addressing lifeline services consistent with recent Federal Communications Commission Orders.
View12-0503405/24/2012Notice by Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View12-0503305/24/2012Notice by Telecommunications of Nevada, LLC d/b/a XO Communications, LLC of a pro forma change in ownership.
View12-0503205/24/2012Staff report on Edgewood Water Company pursuant to the provisions of NAC 704.627.
View12-0503105/23/2012Sonia Miller vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding high bills.
View12-0503005/22/2012In Re Report to Fourth Judicial District Court Elko County Regarding General Rates of Wendover Gas Company.
View12-0502905/21/2012Registration of TC Telephone, LLC d/b/a Horizon Cellular as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View12-0502806/01/2012Application of Teledata Solutions, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View12-0502706/12/2012Application of the Nevada Department of Transportation for authority to alter the existing I-15 bridge over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks located north of Craig Road in Clark County, Nevada.
View12-0502605/17/2012Application of Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects filed under Advice Letter No. 4 to revise Tariff No. 2 to reduce switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View12-0502505/17/2012Notice by Rural Telephone Company that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View12-0502405/16/2012Petition of Briggs Electric, Inc. on behalf of Lyon County School District requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Program") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Program with a 350 kilowatt solar facility.
View12-0502305/15/2012Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 12-02(G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2012.
View12-0502205/15/2012Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 12-02 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2012.
View12-0502105/15/2012Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 12-02 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective July 1, 2012.
View12-0502005/15/2012Staff report on Mount Charleston Water Company pursuant to the provisions of NAC 704.627.
View12-0501905/10/2012Investigation and rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations applicable to the criteria used to designate customers eligible to receive lifeline services from eligible telecommunications carriers.
View12-0501805/09/2012Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale that current switched access service rates comply with Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View12-0501705/09/2012Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("SPPC") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of certain record keeping requirements of the pipeline safety regulations by SPPC.
View12-0501605/04/2012Filing by TerraCom Inc. of updated Advisory Tariff that includes the removal of references to Link Up and Tiered Support, updated language regarding handsets and Directory Assistance, and a revised Service Activation Fee.
View12-0501505/07/2012Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 5 to revise Tariff No. 3 to reduce switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View12-0501405/07/2012Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 48 to revise Tariff No. 2 to reduce switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View12-0501305/07/2012Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-12-04 to revise Tariff No. 4-B to increase the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 11-09015.
View12-0501205/07/2012Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-12-05 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to increase the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 11-09015.
View12-0501105/07/2012Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-12-04 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to increase the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 11-09015.
View12-0501005/07/2012Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-12-03 to revise Tariff No. A-3 to reduce switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View12-0500905/07/2012Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-12-03 to revise Tariff No. 3-B to reduce switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View12-0500805/04/2012Notice by Sage Telecom, Inc., SP Sage LLC, Sage Telecom of Texas, LP, TSC Acquisition Corporation, Telscape Communications, Inc., GP/T Holdings, LLC, and Gemini Partners, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View12-0500705/17/2012Application of Kietzke Manor Mobile Home Park to withdraw $1,834.44 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to replace tenant electrical meter and pedestal.
View12-0500605/01/2012Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 3 to revise Tariff No. 3C to reduce switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View12-0500505/01/2012Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 3 to revise Tariff No. 2A to reduce switched access service rates as mandated in the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC 11-161.
View12-0500405/01/2012Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 12-03 to revise Tariff No. 1A to increase the TDD surcharge.
View12-0500305/01/2012Joint Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to establish and implement three separate trial non-standard metering option riders pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 11-10007.
View12-0500205/01/2012Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff to open an investigatory docket regarding the potential conversion of master meter natural gas and electric systems owned and operated by Frontier Mobile Home Park to individual meters and systems owned and operated by Southwest Gas Corporation and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy.
View12-0500105/01/2012Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2048 to revise Tariff No. A5 to update language regarding lifeline qualification consistent with the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC-12-11.
View12-0402704/30/2012Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of its Conservation and Energy Efficiency Plan for the period 2013-2015.
View12-0402604/27/2012Application of McGraw Communications, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View12-0402504/26/2012Application of U.S. Energy Services, Inc. for a license to provide discretionary service as an alternative seller of natural gas to generating, industrial, or large commercial customers in the state of Nevada.
View12-0402404/26/2012Request of Midwestern Telecommunications, Incorporated d/b/a MTI to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View12-0402305/04/2012Application of MOSAIC NETWORX LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View12-0402205/07/2012Application of Yak Communications (America) Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2652 Sub 1.
View12-0402104/30/2012Request of TDS Long Distance Corporation to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View12-0402004/20/2012Application of Seminole Retail Energy Services, L.L.C. for a license to provide discretionary service as an alternative seller of natural gas to generating, industrial, or large commercial customers in the state of Nevada.
View12-0401904/17/2012Application of BP Energy Company for a license to provide discretionary service as an alternative seller of natural gas to generating, industrial, or large commercial customers in the state of Nevada.
View12-0401804/17/2012Application of IGI Resources, Inc. for a license to provide discretionary service as an alternative seller of natural gas to generating, industrial, or large commercial customers in the state of Nevada.
View12-0401704/25/2012Joint Application of Utilities, Inc. (“UI”), Hydro Star LLC, and Corix Utilities (Illinois) LLC for approval of the transfer of indirect control of UI, Utilities, Inc. of Nevada, Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada, Spring Creek Utilities Co., and Sky Ranch Water Service Corp.
View12-0401604/16/2012Rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations associated with the portfolio standard and resource planning process.
View12-0401504/16/2012Filing of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View12-0401404/24/2012Application of US Telesis, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View12-0401304/18/2012Second Amended Application of Techren Solar, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Techren Boulder City Solar Project consisting of a 300 MW photovoltaic solar-powered electric generating facility, a substation with 34.5 kV to 230 kV step-up transformers, approximately 4 miles of 230 kV transmission line, a double circuit 230 kV transmission line to the Nevada Solar One Substation, an access road, two water pipelines, and associated facilities to be located in Boulder City, Clark County, Nevada.
View12-0401204/13/2012Investigation regarding calculation of the gross domestic product deflator pursuant to Section 24 of LCB File No. R036-10.
View12-0401104/26/2012Registration of Telefonica USA, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View12-0401004/09/2012Notice by AboveNet Communications, Inc., AboveNet, Inc., Zayo Group, LLC, and Voila Sub, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View12-0400904/17/2012Petition of State of Nevada Public Works Division on behalf of Desert Research Institute requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Program") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Program with a 365 kilowatt solar facility.
View12-0400804/06/2012Petition of Black Rock Solar, Inc. on behalf of Rite of Passage requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Program") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Program with a 250 kilowatt solar facility.
View12-0400704/05/2012Application of South Jersey Energy Company for a license to provide discretionary service as an alternative seller of natural gas to generating, industrial, or large commercial customers in the state of Nevada.
View12-0400604/10/2012Joint Application of TelePacific Managed Services ("TMS") and IXC Holdings, Inc. d/b/a Telekenex ("IXCH") for approval of the transfer of certificate CPC 2799 Sub 4 from TMS to IXCH.
View12-0400504/11/2012Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to increase its rates and charges for natural gas service for all classes of customers in Southern and Northern Nevada.
View12-0400404/03/2012Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 12-02 to revise Tariff No. 1A to update tribal link up services consistent with the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC-12-11.
View12-0400304/03/2012Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink ("CenturyLink") filed under Advice Letter No. 12-02 to revise CenturyLink’s Guidebook to update tribal link up services consistent with the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC-12-11.
View12-0400204/10/2012Petition of Sierra Country Water Company, Inc., a Non-Profit Corporation for an Advisory Opinion or Declaratory Order that a nonprofit water company is allowed to raise rates during the pendency of an application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity.
View12-0400104/02/2012Application of Kietzke Manor Mobile Home Park to withdraw $1834.44 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to replace tenant electrical meter and pedestal.
View12-0304003/30/2012Filing by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink of its 2012 Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Recertification Reports consistent with the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC-11-161.
View12-0303903/30/2012Filing by Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink of its 2012 Eligible Telecommunication Carrier Recertification Reports consistent with the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC-11-161.
View12-0303804/04/2012Report of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy on the progress of its Action Plan relative to its 2011-2030 Integrated Resource Plan.
View12-0303703/30/2012Annual Report of Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2011.
View12-0303603/30/2012Annual Report of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2011.
View12-0303503/28/2012Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2047 to revise Tariff No. A5 to update tribal link up services consistent with the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC-12-11.
View12-0303403/28/2012Application of Gentry Manor Mobile Home Park to withdraw $4,000.00 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and improve the electrical system previously approved in Docket 06-09003 and to replace tenant electrical meters.
View12-0303303/28/2012Application of Gentry Place Mobile Home Park to withdraw $1,823.88 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to replace all tenant electrical meters.
View12-0303203/26/2012Walter Dowling vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding billing concerns on rental properties.
View12-0303103/26/2012Application of Tower Consulting, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View12-0303003/23/2012Investigation regarding methods and inputs to measure and verify kilowatt hour and kilowatt savings for energy efficiency and conservation programs.
View12-0302903/21/2012Petition of Black Rock Solar, Inc. on behalf of Nevada State College requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Program") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Program with a 205 kilowatt solar facility.
View12-0302803/21/2012Petition of Black Rock Solar, Inc. on behalf of College of Southern Nevada requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Program") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Program with an 85 kilowatt solar facility.
View12-0302703/21/2012Petition of Black Rock Solar, Inc. on behalf of Western Nevada College requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Program") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Program with a 100 kilowatt solar facility.
View12-0302603/22/2012Application of Total Call Mobile, Inc. to be designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View12-0302503/19/2012Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy requesting a Declaratory Order for authority to establish a regulatory account to allocate a portion of the value of a transaction involving the sale of communication towers to its customers.
View12-0302403/19/2012Application of Rural Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 34 to revise Tariff No. 1 to update tribal link up and lifeline services consistent with the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC-12-11.
View12-0302303/22/2012Application of Cricket Communications, Inc. to be designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View12-0302203/16/2012Petition of Black Rock Solar, Inc. on behalf of the University of Nevada, Reno requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Generations") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Generations program with a 175 kilowatt solar facility.
View12-0302103/16/2012Application of Access One, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View12-0302004/03/2012Notice by Pac-West Telecomm, Inc., Pac-West Acquisition Company, LLC, UPH Holdings, Inc., and UPH Acquisition Sub Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunication company.
View12-0301903/15/2012Investigation and rulemaking regarding recent Federal Communications Commission decisions that could affect all Nevada telecommunication carriers.
View12-0301803/14/2012Application of Rural Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 33 to revise Access Tariff No. 2 to introduce Identification and Rating of VoIP-PSTN Traffic.
View12-0301703/15/2012Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of certain requirements of the pipeline safety regulations by Heritage Operating LP d/b/a Bi-State Propane.
View12-0301603/16/2012Petition of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("SPPC") requesting a deviation from NAC 704.9503 to allow SPPC to acquire the Gonder and Machacek 230 kV substation yards from Mt. Wheeler Power, Inc. without filing an amendment to its Integrated Resource Plan.
View12-0301503/06/2012Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 7 to revise Water Tariff No. 1A and Sewer Tariff No. 1A to adjust rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View12-0301403/05/2012Petition of Black Rock Solar, Inc. on behalf of Desert Research Institute requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Program") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Program with a 100 kilowatt solar facility.
View12-0301303/02/2012Application of Gold Country Water Company, Inc. to revise Tariff No. 1 Fire Protection Schedule No. 4 to indicate no monthly fee for hydrants located in portion of service area added.
View12-0301203/02/2012Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-12-02 to revise Tariff No. 4-B to update tribal link up and lifeline services consistent with the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC-12-11.
View12-0301103/02/2012Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-12-02 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to remove link up support consistent with the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC-12-11.
View12-0301003/02/2012Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-12-01 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to update tribal link up and lifeline services consistent with the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC-12-11.
View12-0300903/13/2012Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 11 to revise Tariff No. 1A to update tribal link up and lifeline services consistent with the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC-12-11.
View12-0300803/13/2012Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 8 to revise Tariff No. 2A to update tribal link up and lifeline services consistent with the Federal Communications Commission Docket No. FCC-12-11.
View12-0300703/02/2012Application of 365 Wireless, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View12-0300603/01/2012Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of natural gas expenses and to reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rate.
View12-0300503/01/2012Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of fuel and purchased power expenses and to reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development charge, reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rate, reset the base Energy Efficiency Program Rates and base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rates, and reset the Energy Efficiency Program and Energy Efficiency Implementation Amortization Rates.
View12-0300403/01/2012Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of fuel and purchased power expenses and to reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development charge, reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rate, reset the base Energy Efficiency Program Rates and base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rates, and reset the Energy Efficiency Program and Energy Efficiency Implementation Amortization Rates.
View12-0300303/13/2012Application of Spring Creek Utilities Co. for approval of its 2012 Integrated Resource Plan.
View12-0300203/01/2012Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 476 to revise Gas Tariff No. 7 to decrease the transaction fee charged by and paid directly to the third-party vendor for payments processed using a credit card.
View12-0300103/01/2012Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice under Advice Letter No. 475 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2012.
View12-0202602/28/2012Application of Southwest Telephone Company for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View12-0202503/06/2012Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 12-01 to revise Tariff No. 1A to introduce a new advanced calling service called Outbound Call Block Feature and a new packaged service called Pure Broadband Bundle available to eligible residential and business customers.
View12-0202402/21/2012Petition of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. requesting a Declaratory Order that pursuant to Water Tariff No. 1A and Sewer Tariff No. 1A Adaven Management, Inc. is a Standby Customer and is required to pay Water Standby Charges and Sewer Standby Charges.
View12-0202303/06/2012Application of Sierra Country Water Company, Inc., a Non-Profit Corporation for authority to operate as a public utility providing water service to Sierra Country Estates subdivision located in Douglas County, Nevada.
View12-0202202/21/2012Application of Impact Telecom, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View12-0202103/02/2012Application of Gold Country Water Company, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 1 to revise Tariff No. 1 to adjust water rates consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View12-0202003/02/2012Application of Gold Country Water Company, Inc. for authority to amend certificate CPC 956 Sub 1 to expand its water service territory to include approximately 1,600 acres of land owned by the City of Winnemucca that is contiguous with its existing service territory located in Humboldt County, Nevada.
View12-0201902/16/2012Petition of Southwest Gas Corporation to establish a regulatory asset to accumulate the return on investment, incremental depreciation, and property taxes related to the accelerated replacement of early vintage plastic pipe in Southern Nevada.
View12-0201802/16/2012Investigation and rulemaking to amend NAC 704.983 to remove the requirement that a tenant service charge account be in an interest bearing account.
View12-0201702/16/2012Investigation and rulemaking to amend the Nevada Administrative Code to provide a simplified procedure for changing rates for those public utilities which furnish only liquefied petroleum gas.
View12-0201602/16/2012Investigation and rulemaking to amend NAC 703.280 through 703.296 to avoid duplication of regulations governing interconnection agreements for telecommunication service as found in 47 U.S.C. § 252 et seq.
View12-0201502/16/2012Investigation and rulemaking to adopt, amend, and/or repeal regulations pertaining to Chapter 705 of the Nevada Administrative Code regarding relevant reporting requirements and other issues relating to the transportation of materials via railroad.
View12-0201402/16/2012Investigation and rulemaking to adopt, amend, and/or repeal regulations pertaining to Chapter 704 of the Nevada Administrative Code regarding relevant NV Energy accounting practices.
View12-0201302/16/2012Investigation and rulemaking to adopt, amend, and/or repeal regulations pertaining to the Commission's processes and procedures.
View12-0201202/16/2012Application of Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects filed under Advice Letter No. 3 to revise Access Tariff No. 2 to introduce Identification and Rating of VoIP-PSTN Traffic.
View12-0201102/15/2012Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 12-01(G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2012.
View12-0201002/15/2012Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 12-01 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2012.
View12-0200902/17/2012Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 12-01 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective April 1, 2012.
View12-0200802/24/2012Notice by the Regulatory Operations Staff of the 2012 range of reasonable returns on equity for water and sewer utilities.
View12-0200702/13/2012Petition of Southwest Gas Corporation ("Southwest") requesting a deviation from the current 2-year workmanship warranty requirement of NAC 701B.180(2)(a) to allow certain customers to participate in Southwest’s Smarter Greener Better Solar Water Heating Program upon providing proof of a 1-year workmanship warranty.
View12-0200602/07/2012Application of Nevada Hospital Association for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View12-0200502/06/2012Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 4 to revise Access Service Tariff No. 3 to introduce Identification and Rating of VoIP-PSTN Traffic.
View12-0200402/03/2012Notice by Southwest Gas Corporation of its intent to file an application for adjustments in rates.
View12-0200302/03/2012Application of Tele Circuit Network Corporation for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View12-0200202/02/2012Petition of Southern California Edison Company for an Advisory Opinion or Declaratory Order regarding the applicability of NRS 704.860(2)(c) to a utility transmission facility located within an incorporated city but subject to a federal right-of-way grant.
View12-0200102/01/2012Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of annual plans for the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program, the Wind Energy Systems Demonstration Program, and the Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Program for Program Year 2012-2013.
View12-0103301/31/2012Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink for review and approval of its 2012 Performance Measurements Plan and Performance Incentives Plan.
View12-0103202/08/2012Petition of State of Nevada Public Works Division on behalf of the Nevada Youth Training Center requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Generations") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Generations program with a 600 kilowatt solar facility.
View12-0103102/08/2012Petition of State of Nevada Public Works Division on behalf of the Desert Research Institute requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Generations") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Generations program with a 100 kilowatt solar facility.
View12-0103002/03/2012Application of AMERICAN CONNECT SERVICES LLC to be designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View12-0102901/31/2012Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale for review and approval of its 2012 Performance Measurements Plan and Performance Incentives Plan.
View12-0102801/30/2012Application of Cherry Creek Water District, LLC for authority to increase rates for water service.
View12-0102701/30/2012Notice by NextG Networks of California, Inc. d/b/a NextG Networks West, NextG Networks, Inc., and Crown Castle Solutions Corp. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View12-0102601/27/2012Application of Silver Springs Mutual Water Company filed under Advice Letter No. 01 to revise Tariff No. 1 to include expanded water territory pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 11-06011.
View12-0102501/31/2012Notice by Voicecom Telecommunications, LLC, Voicecom Telecommunications, Inc., and ACG Telecom, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View12-0102401/26/2012Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 11-02 to revise Tariff No. 1A to introduce Core Connect packaged service available to eligible business customers and a Trade Names, Trademarks, and Service Marks section.
View12-0102301/26/2012Application of Q LINK WIRELESS LLC to be designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View12-0102201/24/2012Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 531-E to submit avoided short term cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities pursuant to Schedule CSPP - Short-Term.
View12-0102101/24/2012Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 415 to submit avoided short term cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities pursuant to Qualifying Facilities Schedule QF - Short Term.
View12-0102001/27/2012Application of DSLnet Communications, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2456 Sub 1.
View12-0101901/23/2012Staff report on Steamboat Springs Water Works, Inc. pursuant to the provisions of NAC 704.627.
View12-0101801/20/2012Amended Application of TGP Dixie Development Company, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the New York Canyon Geothermal Development and Interconnection Project consisting of a 70 MW geothermal power plant, approximately 24 miles of 230 kV transmission line, and associated facilities to be located in Buena Vista Valley in Pershing County, Nevada.
View12-0101701/23/2012Amended application of Prospector Pipeline Company, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the North Elko Pipeline Project consisting of approximately 24 miles of natural gas pipeline from the Ruby Pipeline Mainline Valve Station #24 to the Goldstrike Mine to be located in Elko and Eureka Counties, Nevada.
View12-0101601/20/2012Application of 365 Wireless, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View12-0101501/17/2012Petition of Clean Energy Center LLC on behalf of High Desert Montessori School requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Generations") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Generations program with a 79.734 kilowatt solar facility.
View12-0101401/13/2012Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 530-E to revise Interruptible Irrigation Service Schedule No. IS-2 to implement the IS-2 Customer Load Controller Self-Inspection Program and to adopt new notification requirements for IS-2 customers.
View12-0101301/12/2012Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Qwest Communications Company, LLC d/b/a CenturyLink QCC for approval of an Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View12-0101201/12/2012Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and QuantumShift Communications, Inc. d/b/a vCom Solutions for approval of an Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View12-0101101/23/2012Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2046 to revise Access Service Tariff No. C2-A to introduce Identification and Rating of VoIP-PSTN Traffic.
View12-0101001/11/2012Application of Baltimore-Washington Telephone Company for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View12-0100901/12/2012Registration of Q LINK WIRELESS LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View12-0100801/09/2012Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-12-01 to revise Tariff No. 4-B to introduce six new business and residential bundled services called Frontier Business Local Unlimited II, Frontier Business Nationwide Unlimited II, Frontier Digital Phone Essentials 3, Frontier Digital Phone Nationwide Unlimited with Essentials 3, Frontier Digital Phone Nationwide Unlimited Plus with Essentials 3, and Frontier Digital Phone State Unlimited with Essentials 3.
View12-0100701/06/2012Notice by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of elimination of surcharge collected from Washoe County customers for costs of undergrounding the Tracy to Sugarloaf transmission line.
View12-0100601/05/2012Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 47 to revise Access Tariff No. 2 to introduce Identification and Rating of VoIP-PSTN Traffic.
View12-0100501/05/2012Investigation into Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy’s (“Nevada Power”) and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy’s (“Sierra”) customer service practices and the standards and metrics used or to be used by Nevada Power and Sierra in assessing their quality of customer service practices.
View12-0100401/04/2012Rulemaking to amend, adopt, and/or repeal regulations relating to the annual order to show cause process.
View12-0100301/04/2012Investigation regarding NV Energy's implementation of FERC Order No. 1000.
View12-0100201/03/2012Staff's quarterly report regarding the oral complaints resolved pursuant to NAC 455.305 pertaining to the One-Call Program (sub-surface installations).
View12-0100101/03/2012Reports from public utilities operating in Nevada of accidents or significant service outages occurring during calendar year 2012 pursuant to NRS 704.190 and NAC 704.230.
View11-1203312/30/2011Petition of Faith Lutheran Junior and Senior High School requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Generations") generating capacity limit for school facilities and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Generations program with a 900 kilowatt solar facility.
View11-1203212/30/2011Application of Spring Creek Utilities Co. for authority to increase water service rates; decrease sewer service rates; revise existing and establish new charges, fees, and rules in its water and sewer tariffs; establish two regulatory asset accounts; and for other relief properly related thereto.
View11-1203101/26/2012Joint application of BroadRiver, Inc. ("BroadRiver"), Copperhead Digital Holdings, Inc. ("Copperhead"), and Nevada Telecom Solutions for approval of the transfer of certificate CPC 2243 Sub 6 from BroadRiver to Copperhead and a notice of a transaction that will result in the transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View11-1203012/28/2011Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale to revise Tariff No. A2 General Regulations - Conditions of Offering to reflect an increase of the utility operator fee imposed by Douglas County.
View11-1202901/09/2012Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 2 to revise Access Service Tariff No. 3C to introduce Identification and Rating of VoIP-PSTN Traffic.
View11-1202801/09/2012Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 2 to revise Access Service Tariff No. 2A to introduce Identification and Rating of VoIP-PSTN Traffic.
View11-1202712/23/2011Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 414 to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust applicable tax liability factors.
View11-1202612/28/2011Application of AMERICAN CONNECT SERVICES LLC to be designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View11-1202512/22/2011Investigation regarding the continued use of marginal costs of service in determining the revenue required from each class and the extent to which general marginal cost study guidelines should be established.
View11-1202412/21/2011Filing of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View11-1202312/29/2011Application of Span3 Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View11-1202212/21/2011Application of 1 800 Collect, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View11-1202112/21/2011Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to amend certificate CPC 685 Sub 19 to expand its electric service territory to include an area of approximately 176 square miles that is contiguous with its existing service territory in Elko County, Nevada.
View11-1202012/19/2011Petition of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy to establish a regulatory asset to accumulate operating and maintenance expenses related to the Valve Remediation Program.
View11-1201912/19/2011Application of Valley Heights Homeowners’ Association to voluntarily discontinue sewer service conducted under certificate CPC 2860.
View11-1201812/30/2011Application of OLS, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2290 Sub 1.
View11-1201712/15/2011Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink of a promotion for business customers to be eligible for the Core Connect bundle.
View11-1201612/23/2011Registration of Reunion Wireless Services, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View11-1201512/15/2011Application of AMERICAN CONNECT SERVICES LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View11-1201412/15/2011Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-11-10 to revise Access Service Tariff No. A-3 to introduce Identification and Rating of VoIP-PSTN Traffic.
View11-1201312/12/2011Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-11-10 to revise Access Service Tariff No. 3-B to introduce Identification and Rating of VoIP-PSTN Traffic.
View11-1201212/12/2011Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 298-G to revise Gas Main Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust applicable tax liability factors.
View11-1201112/12/2011Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 527-E to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust applicable tax liability factors.
View11-1201012/09/2011Application of Onvoy, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View11-1200912/08/2011Registration of Budget PrePay, Inc. d/b/a Budget Mobile as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View11-1200812/12/2011Application of Total Call Mobile, Inc. to be designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View11-1200712/08/2011Notice by HyperCube Telecom, LLC, HyperCube, LLC, Rubik Acquisition Company, LLC, and West Corporation of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View11-1200612/15/2011Application of G3 Telecom USA Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View11-1200512/06/2011Report by Solix Inc. as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund regarding fiscal year 2012 assessment recommendation to maintain the minimum annual contribution and to maintain the current assessment rate on the intrastate retail revenues of all obligated providers of telecommunication services in Nevada.
View11-1200412/02/2011Registration of Assist Wireless, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View11-1200312/02/2011Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to update its general revenue adjustment rates for Southern and Northern Nevada.
View11-1200212/01/2011Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice under Advice Letter No. 474 to modify Northern and Southern Nevada rates as approved in Docket No. 11-06003, and to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2012.
View11-1200112/02/2011Application of NV - CLEC LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2895 Sub 1.
View11-1101612/01/2011Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2045 to revise Tariff No. A5 to increase lifeline discounts to eligible customers.
View11-1101512/02/2011Application of Indian Springs Water Co., Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 4 to revise Tariff No. 1 to update Definitions Rule No. 1 to further define customer pursuant to the water conservation plan and to establish Water Conservation Rule No. 22 to define and enforce the water conservation plan.
View11-1101411/17/2011Application of Rural Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 32 to revise Tariff No. 1 to establish package quantity discounts related to Custom Calling Features and Advanced Custom Calling Features.
View11-1101311/17/2011Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 11-04(G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2012.
View11-1101211/17/2011Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 11-04 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates and Deferred Energy Account Adjustment Rates effective January 1, 2012.
View11-1101111/17/2011Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 11-04 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective January 1, 2012.
View11-1101011/14/2011Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC for approval of Amendment No. 14 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View11-1100911/14/2011Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and DIGITALIPVOICE, INC. for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View11-1100811/08/2011Joint Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff and Southwest Gas Corporation ("Southwest") requesting the Commission accept a stipulation regarding violations of certain record keeping requirements of the pipeline safety regulations by Southwest.
View11-1100711/04/2011Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 528-E for approval of a Portfolio Charge to be applicable to Newmont Mining Corporation under Rate Schedule GS-4-NG for calendar year 2012 to recover the additional costs required to meet the Nevada Portfolio Standard.
View11-1100611/03/2011Staff report on Dutchman Acres Water Company pursuant to the provisions of NAC 704.627.
View11-1100511/02/2011Request of Helio LLC to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View11-1100411/02/2011Notice of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale for per se relief to be excused from all obligations as a provider of last resort in regard to certain properties located on South Virginia Street and South Center Street in Reno, Nevada.
View11-1100311/01/2011Report of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy on the progress of its Action Plan relative to its 2010-2029 Integrated Resource Plan.
View11-1100211/03/2011Notice by Global Tel*Link Corporation, Value-Added Communications, Inc., Public Communications Services, Inc., and ASP GTEL Holdco, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunications companies.
View11-1100111/09/2011Notice by DSLnet Communications, LLC, DIECA Communications, Inc. d/b/a Covad Communications Company, MegaPath, Inc., Covad Communications Company, and DSLnet Communications VA, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunication companies.
View11-1002910/31/2011Petition of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada ("UICN") requesting renewal of Agreement Regarding Water Rights Held for Future Development, dated November 7, 2006, by Generation 2000, LLC and UICN as assigned to Golden Pahrump Nugget, LLC.
View11-1002810/31/2011Application of Total Access Telecom Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View11-1002710/27/2011Notice of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink for per se relief to be excused from all obligations as a provider of last resort in regard to the development known as College Villas located in Henderson, Nevada.
View11-1002610/26/2011Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Rosebud Telephone, LLC for approval of a Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View11-1002510/24/2011Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 10 to revise Tariff No. 1A to remove the references to rotary dial.
View11-1002410/21/2011Notice by IntelePeer, Inc. of pro forma intra-corporate transactions.
View11-1002310/20/2011Application of Indian Springs Water Co., Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 4 to revise Tariff No. 1 to update Definitions Rule No. 1 to further define customer pursuant to the water conservation plan and to establish Water Conservation Rule No. 22 to define and enforce the water conservation plan.
View11-1002210/19/2011Registration of Cintex Wireless, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View11-1002110/17/2011Revised registration of CTC Communications Corp. d/b/a One Communications for a change of fictitious business name to EarthLink Business.
View11-1002010/20/2011Application of Liberty Bell Telecom, L.L.C. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View11-1001910/17/2011Notice by 360networks (USA) inc., 360networks holdings (USA) inc., 360networks Corporation, and Zayo Group, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View11-1001810/14/2011Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 526-E to revise Interruptible Irrigation Service Schedule No. IS-2 to decrease the IS-2 rate and to remove the Peak Period Non-Curtailment Penalty rate pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 07-09009.
View11-1001710/14/2011Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 413 to revise Interruptible Agricultural Irrigation Water Pumping Schedule No. IAIWP to decrease the IAIWP rate and to remove the Peak Period Non-Curtailment Penalty rate pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 07-09009.
View11-1001610/20/2011Notice by First Communications, LLC, Globalcom Inc. d/b/a First Communications, Xtension Services Inc., and Gores AC Holdings, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunications companies.
View11-1001510/12/2011Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-11-09 to revise Access Service Tariff No. 3-B to discontinue Calling Card service.
View11-1001410/12/2011Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-11-08 to revise Tariff No. 4-B to discontinue Calling Card service.
View11-1001310/07/2011Application of Navigator Telecommunications, LLC. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2840 Sub 2.
View11-1001210/07/2011Application of New Edge Network, Inc. d/b/a New Edge Networks for approval of a change of fictitious business name to EarthLink Business II for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2494 Sub 1.
View11-1001110/07/2011Application of DeltaCom, Inc. for approval of fictitious business name EarthLink Business I for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2181 Sub 3.
View11-1001010/07/2011Application of CTC Communications Corp. for approval of fictitious business name EarthLink Business for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2390 Sub 1.
View11-1000910/07/2011Application of Business Telecom, Inc. for approval of fictitious business name EarthLink Business III for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2198 Sub 1.
View11-1000810/06/2011Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to implement quarterly Deferred Energy Accounting Adjustments.
View11-1000710/06/2011Investigation regarding NV Energy's Advanced Service Delivery Meter Program a/k/a Smart Meter and its implementation.
View11-1000610/07/2011Application of QuantumShift Communications, Inc. d/b/a vCom Solutions for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View11-1000510/06/2011Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada ("UICN") filed under Advice Letter No. 15 to revise Sewer Tariff No. 1-A to amend Pretreatment Program Waste Water Discharge Permit Rule No. 19 to include provisions of UICN’s Fats, Oils, and Grease Plan pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 11-03002.
View11-1000410/06/2011Registration of WiMacTel Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View11-1000310/03/2011Annual report of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale regarding competition in its local serving area for telecommunication service pursuant to NRS 704.68867.
View11-1000210/05/2011Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order to Show Cause why Paradise Spa Owners' Association should not be subject to an administrative fine and/or be subject to the substitution of just and reasonable regulations, practices, or services.
View11-1000110/03/2011Registration of Kajeet, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View11-0902509/30/2011Annual report of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink regarding competition in its local serving area for telecommunication service pursuant to NRS 704.68867.
View11-0902409/28/2011Notice by Spring Creek Utilities Co. of its intent to file an application for adjustments in rates.
View11-0902309/29/2011Filing of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View11-0902209/22/2011Filing of Cherry Creek Water District, LLC requesting assistance of the Regulatory Operations Staff in preparing an application for a general rate change.
View11-0902109/29/2011Filing by TracFone Wireless, Inc. d/b/a SafeLink Wireless of updated Terms and Conditions of Service that includes a decrease in the rates for additional airtime.
View11-0902010/14/2011Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink for approval of an Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement with Peerless Network of Nevada, LLC pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View11-0901909/26/2011Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the Distribution Only Service Agreement with the Clark County Water Reclamation District and the Colorado River Commission.
View11-0901809/22/2011Investigation regarding the need to amend or repeal the regulations associated with the portfolio standard and integrated resource planning.
View11-0901709/21/2011Filing of Telecommunications of Nevada, LLC d/b/a XO Communications, LLC regarding intent to discontinue Postpaid Calling Card Services.
View11-0901609/23/2011Filing by TerraCom Inc. of updated Advisory Tariff that includes a change of company address and a new rate plan available for Nevada Lifeline Customers.
View11-0901509/16/2011Application of the Department of Health and Human Services Aging and Disability Services Division for approval of the State Fiscal Year 2013 budget for telecommunications services for the speech and hearing impaired.
View11-0901409/21/2011Application of Nevada Harvest Properties, LLC d/b/a Dayton Valley Mobile Home Park to voluntarily discontinue liquefied petroleum gas service conducted under certificate CPC 2859.
View11-0901309/16/2011Filing of Telecommunications of Nevada, LLC d/b/a XO Communications, LLC regarding intent to discontinue Carrier Long Distance Termination Services and VoIP Termination Services.
View11-0901209/15/2011Petition of Frontier Communications of America, Inc. for approval of a Local Interconnection Agreement with Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View11-0901109/14/2011Application of Villa Sierra Mobile Home Park to withdraw $5,037.65 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to replace all tenant electric meter pedestals and related wiring and to close the account.
View11-0901009/14/2011Application of Silver State Solar Power South, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Silver State Solar Power South Project consisting of a 250 MW photovoltaic solar-powered electric generating facility, a one-mile 220 kV transmission line, two substations, and associated facilities to be located approximately 40 miles southwest of Las Vegas in Clark County, Nevada.
View11-0900909/13/2011Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-11-07 to revise Tariff No. 4-B to remove the condition that prevents Lifeline customers from purchasing packaged services.
View11-0900809/20/2011Revised registration of Virgin Mobile USA, LLC d/b/a Virgin Mobile USA or Virgin Mobile for a change of name to Virgin Mobile USA, L.P.
View11-0900709/13/2011Application of the Nevada Department of Transportation for authority to replace an existing bridge over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks near Dunphy in Eureka County, Nevada.
View11-0900609/12/2011Notice by PAETEC Holding Corp., PaeTec Communications, Inc., McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc., Talk America Inc. and Windstream Corporation of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunications companies.
View11-0900509/13/2011Southwest Gas Corporation filed Notice under Advice Letter No. 472 to apply quarterly Northern and Southern Nevada Deferred Energy Account Adjustments as approved in Docket 11-07001 and adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates effective October 1, 2011.
View11-0900409/01/2011Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its Energy Supply Plan Update for 2012-2013.
View11-0900309/01/2011Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its Energy Supply Plan Update for 2012.
View11-0900209/01/2011Informational report of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy concerning its natural gas resource planning activities for the period 2012-2014.
View11-0900109/01/2011Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale to revise Tariff No. A2 General Regulations - Conditions of Offering to reflect a utility operator fee imposed by the City of Fernley.
View11-0802808/31/2011Application of Wilson Creek Power Partners, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Wilson Creek Wind Project, a 990 MW wind generation power facility consisting of up to 350 wind turbines and associated facilities to be located approximately 20 miles northeast of Pioche in Lincoln County, Nevada.
View11-0802708/30/2011Application of China Mountain Wind, LLC (“CMW”) on behalf of CMW, Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct approximately 18 miles of 345 kV transmission lines, switching station, dead-end structure, and associated facilities as part of the China Mountain Wind Project located in Elko County, Nevada.
View11-0802609/02/2011Petition of UpStar Energy, LLC requesting reservation for additional 4220 kilowatts of wind generation be included in Step Three capacity and that Order issued in Docket 11-06023 regarding refurbished or remanufactured wind turbines applies to this reservation.
View11-0802508/30/2011Petition of Black Rock Solar, Inc on behalf of Pyramid Lake High School requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Generations") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Generations program with a 130 kilowatt solar facility.
View11-0802408/30/2011Application of Main Street Telephone Company to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2340 Sub 1.
View11-0802308/24/2011Petition of Gradient Resources Inc. for approval of the transfer of UEPA Permit No. 385 to Patua Project LLC.
View11-0802208/24/2011Rulemaking to amend, adopt, and/or repeal regulations regarding quarterly rate adjustments for public utilities that purchase natural gas for resale and electric utilities in accordance with Assembly Bill 215.
View11-0802108/24/2011Notice by AT&T Corp. d/b/a AT&T Advanced Solutions of a change of control for certain operations.
View11-0802008/30/2011Application of Green Acres Mobilehome Park to withdraw $4,252.74 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View11-0801908/22/2011Investigation to further an integrated analysis of resource acquisition related to conventional power plants, renewable energy, and demand side management.
View11-0801809/06/2011Application of LV.Net LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View11-0801708/18/2011Application of Absolute Home Phones, Inc. d/b/a Absolute Mobile to be designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View11-0801608/17/2011Application of Nevada Geothermal Utility Company, Inc. for approval of a revised customer service contract.
View11-0801508/22/2011Application of Global Capacity Direct, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2832 Sub 2.
View11-0801408/16/2011Application of the Nevada Department of Transportation for authority to replace an existing bridge over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks near Dunphy in Eureka County, Nevada.
View11-0801308/16/2011In re request for Orders to Appear and Show Cause why Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity or Licenses should not be revoked and/or why administrative fines should not be imposed and/or other penalties and remedies available to the Commission by law should not be imposed on public utilities that have failed to pay their annual assessment fee, file the required TDD reports and/or pay their surcharge for assistance to persons with impaired speech or hearing, and/or failed to file an annual report pursuant to NRS 703.191 and NAC 704.7483. In re request for Orders to Appear and Show Cause why Licenses should not be revoked and/or why administrative fines should not be imposed and/or other penalties and remedies available to the Commission by law should not be imposed on Commercial Mobile Radio Service providers for failure to pay their annual licensing fee, file the required TDD reports and/or pay their surcharge for assistance to persons with impaired speech or hearing. In re request for an Order to Show Cause why Orders to Cease and Desist should not be issued pursuant to NRS 704.330 and 704.635 and/or other penalties and remedies available to the Commission by law should not be imposed on companies operating without a license.
View11-0801208/19/2011Application of Broadband Dynamics, L.L.C. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View11-0801108/19/2011Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the second amendment to the Action Plan of the 2010-2029 Integrated Resource Plan as it relates to a new base load forecast and retirement of the Sunrise 1 and Sunrise 2 Generating Units in 2011.
View11-0801008/19/2011Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the first amendment to the Action Plan of the 2011-2030 Integrated Resource Plan as it relates to a new base load forecast, a long-term renewable energy contract, and an amendment to a related power purchase agreement.
View11-0800908/22/2011Application of Boulder City Trailer Park to withdraw $19,000.00 from the electric service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electric distribution system previously approved in Docket 07-06034.
View11-0800808/15/2011Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 11-03 (G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates effective October 1, 2011.
View11-0800708/17/2011Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 11-03 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective October 1, 2011.
View11-0800608/15/2011Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 11-03 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective October 1, 2011.
View11-0800508/12/2011Application of Southwest Gas Corporation ("Southwest") filed under Advice Letter No. 471 to revise Gas Tariff No. 7 to clarify Southwest and customer responsibilities when an end-use meter to record the volume of natural gas used for billing is installed and customer safety responsibilities.
View11-0800408/11/2011Investigation into the Rule 9 tariffs of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy.
View11-0800308/10/2011Notice by Telecommunications of Nevada, LLC d/b/a XO Communications, LLC of a pro forma change in ownership.
View11-0800208/10/2011Application of McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc. requesting approval of a change of name to McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, L.L.C. d/b/a PAETEC Business Services for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2183 Sub 4.
View11-0800108/01/2011Randy Isaman vs. Spring Creek Utilities Co. Complaint regarding sewer capacity fees.
View11-0702908/02/2011Application of Gradient Resources Inc., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct Phase II of the Patua Geothermal Project consisting of a 60 MW binary-cycle geothermal power plant and associated facilities to be located approximately 10 miles east of Fernley in Churchill and Lyon counties, Nevada.
View11-0702808/03/2011Registration of Absolute Home Phones, Inc. d/b/a Absolute Mobile as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View11-0702707/22/2011Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its 2011 Annual Demand Side Management Update Report as it relates to the Action Plan of its 2010-2029 Integrated Resource Plan.
View11-0702607/22/2011Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its 2011 Annual Demand Side Management Update Report as it relates to the Action Plan of its 2011-2030 Integrated Resource Plan.
View11-0702507/27/2011Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and WiMacTel Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View11-0702407/22/2011Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Rosebud Telephone, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View11-0702307/28/2011Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, Inc. to withdraw $15,586.10 from the electric service charge fund for reimbursement of expenses incurred for power line clearance.
View11-0702207/28/2011Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, Inc. to withdraw $588.00 from the gas service charge fund for reimbursement of expenses incurred for the annual gas leak survey and federal income taxes for calendar year 2010.
View11-0702107/20/2011Rulemaking to amend, adopt, and/or repeal regulations pertaining to Chapters 701B and 704 of the Nevada Administrative Code regarding renewable energy programs in accordance with Senate Bill 182, Assembly Bill 359, and Assembly Bill 380.
View11-0702007/20/2011Staff report on Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. pursuant to the provisions of NAC 704.627.
View11-0701907/20/2011Staff report on Desert Utilities, Inc. pursuant to the provisions of NAC 704.627.
View11-0701807/21/2011Petition of Hamilton Solar, LLC on behalf of Washoe County School District requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Generations") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Generations program with three solar facilities totaling 1,500 kilowatts.
View11-0701707/18/2011Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of annual plans for the Solar Thermal Systems Demonstration Program for Program Year 2012.
View11-0701607/18/2011Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-11-06 to revise Tariff No. 4-B to introduce Integrated Services Digital Network Primary Rate Interface bundled service available to eligible business customers.
View11-0701507/15/2011Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of its Nevada Conservation and Energy Efficiency Plan Annual Report for 2009-2010.
View11-0701407/18/2011Application of Zone Telecom, Inc. requesting approval of a change of name to Zone Telecom, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2585 Sub 1.
View11-0701307/14/2011Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to implement quarterly Deferred Energy Accounting Adjustments for its gas division.
View11-0701207/14/2011Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to implement quarterly Deferred Energy Accounting Adjustments for its electric division.
View11-0701107/18/2011Application of Budget PrePay, Inc. d/b/a Budget Mobile to be designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View11-0701008/17/2011Application of Global Capacity Group, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2917.
View11-0700907/13/2011Investigation regarding the water and sewer service, standards, and procedures of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada.
View11-0700807/13/2011Petition of PowerWorks Wind Turbines LLC requesting a Declaratory Order regarding the eligibility of partially refurbished wind turbines for participation in the Wind Energy Systems Demonstration Program.
View11-0700707/14/2011Petition of NextLight Renewable Power, LLC for approval of the transfer of UEPA Permit No. 381 to Silver State Solar Power North, LLC.
View11-0700607/07/2011Commission sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Clark County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View11-0700507/07/2011Commission sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Washoe County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View11-0700407/05/2011Petition of Unique Infrastructure Group, LLC ("UIG") for an Advisory Opinion or Declaratory Order regarding the applicability of NRS 704B to UIG’s tenants located within the service territory of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("SPPC") but not customers of SPPC.
View11-0700307/05/2011Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink of a promotion for existing business customers to be eligible for consecutive bill credits.
View11-0700207/01/2011Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its 2011 Natural Gas Conservation and Energy Efficiency Plan Annual Report.
View11-0700107/01/2011Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to implement quarterly Deferred Energy Accounting Adjustments and to establish initial quarterly Deferred Energy Accounting Adjustment rates.
View11-0602806/29/2011Investigation and rulemaking regarding the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program and the Wind Energy Systems Demonstration Program.
View11-0602707/07/2011Application of Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company to Solix, Inc. in its capacity as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund ("NUSF") for allowance of NUSF funding for the year commencing January 1, 2012.
View11-0602606/29/2011Application of DelTel, Inc. d/b/a AuctionFON to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2839 Sub 2.
View11-0602506/27/2011Application of the City of Henderson for authority to alter the existing at grade crossings at Fiesta Henderson, Pacific Avenue, Greenway Road, College Drive, Horizon Drive, Arrowhead Trail, Nevada State Drive, and Paradise Hills Drive to accommodate the new Union Pacific Railroad Trail Project located in Henderson, Nevada.
View11-0602407/07/2011Application of Roman LD, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View11-0602306/27/2011Petition of Catadon Systems Inc. requesting a Declaratory Order regarding the installation of partially refurbished wind turbines for the Wind Energy Systems Demonstration Program and a delay of the expiration dates of certain incentive reservations.
View11-0602206/21/2011Application of Spring Creek Utilities Co., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct a wellhead coagulation/filtration arsenic treatment facility, a 15,000 gallon backwash tank, approximately 150 feet of 8-inch piping, and associated facilities to be located adjacent to Well No. 1 in Spring Creek in Elko County, Nevada.
View11-0602106/21/2011Application of Spring Creek Utilities Co., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct a wellhead coagulation/filtration arsenic treatment facility, a 25,000 gallon backwash tank, approximately 150 feet of 8-inch piping, and associated facilities to be located adjacent to Well No. 11 in Spring Creek in Elko County, Nevada.
View11-0602006/21/2011Application of Spring Creek Utilities Co., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct a wellhead coagulation/filtration arsenic treatment facility, a 25,000 gallon backwash tank, approximately 150 feet of 8-inch piping, and associated facilities to be located adjacent to Well No. 3 in Spring Creek in Elko County, Nevada.
View11-0601906/21/2011Filing of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View11-0601806/21/2011Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 525-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 2, Schedule Nos. LCSPP86 and LCSPP87, to adjust rates for long-term cogeneration and small power production energy and capacity rates.
View11-0601707/05/2011Registration of Rural Cellular Corporation d/b/a Verizon Wireless as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View11-0601606/17/2011Application of Spring Creek Utilities Co. for approval of the first amendment to the Action Plan of the 2009 Resource Plan for water and sewer services as it relates to the arsenic mitigation project.
View11-0601506/16/2011Investigation regarding the Renewable Transmission Initiative of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy.
View11-0601406/27/2011Application of TGP Dixie Development Company, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the TGP Coyote Canyon Geothermal Project consisting of a 70 MW geothermal power plant, a 0.4 mile long 230 kV transmission line, and associated facilities to be located in Dixie Valley in Churchill County, Nevada.
View11-0601306/22/2011Joint Petition of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada and CCT Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a CCT Telecom for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View11-0601206/22/2011Joint Petition of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. and CCT Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a CCT Telecom for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View11-0601106/15/2011Application of Silver Springs Mutual Water Company for authority to amend certificate CPC 718 Sub 10 to expand its service territory to include five sections of land to the west of its existing service territory in Lyon County, Nevada.
View11-0601006/09/2011Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Commnet of Nevada, LLC for approval of a Commercial Mobile Radio Services Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View11-0600906/14/2011Notice by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of extension for surcharge collected from Washoe County customers for costs of undergrounding the Tracy to Sugarloaf transmission line pursuant to the Order issued in Docket 07-12001.
View11-0600806/06/2011Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for a determination of the reasonableness of the Ely Energy Center project development costs and for authority to reclassify those costs from a deferred debit to a regulatory asset with an appropriate carrying charge.
View11-0600706/06/2011Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of new and revised depreciation and amortization rates for its electric operations.
View11-0600606/06/2011Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to increase its annual revenue requirement for general rates charged to all classes of electric customers and for relief properly related thereto.
View11-0600506/21/2011Application of Sierra Vista Mobile Home Park to withdraw $3,391.90 from the electric service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair the electrical system previously approved in Docket 09-10015.
View11-0600406/22/2011Informational report of Southwest Gas Corporation concerning its natural gas resource planning activities.
View11-0600306/03/2011Application of Southwest Gas Corporation to establish revised Deferred Energy Account Adjustment rates, Base Tariff General Rates, Unrecovered Gas Cost Expense rates, distribution shrinkage rates, and commodity and reservation rates.
View11-0600206/07/2011Notice by Value-Added Communications, Inc., Global Tel*Link Corporation, GTEL Holdings, Inc., GTEL Acquisition Corp., and GTEL Holding LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View11-0600106/01/2011Southwest Gas Corporation filed Advice Letter No. 470 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates effective July 1, 2011.
View11-0502805/31/2011Application of Qwest Communications Company, LLC requesting approval of a change of name to Qwest Communications Company, LLC d/b/a CenturyLink QCC for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 1063 Sub 5.
View11-0502705/27/2011Registration of Flash Wireless, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View11-0502605/31/2011Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, Inc. to withdraw $9,853.59 from the electric service charge fund for reimbursement of expenses incurred for federal income taxes for calendar year 2010 and for power line clearance.
View11-0502505/26/2011Petition of Spring Creek Utilities Co. ("Spring Creek") requesting a waiver from NRS 704.110(3)(d) to postpone the filing of Spring Creek’s general rate application and a deviation from the 270 day filing requirement contained in NAC 703.2206.
View11-0502405/26/2011Application of Nexus Communications, Inc. to be designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View11-0502306/13/2011Application of Art Wilson Co. for exemption from NAC 705.030 regarding side clearances for a loading ramp located in Silver Springs, Nevada.
View11-0502205/31/2011Application of Global Connection Inc. of America to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2807 Sub 1.
View11-0502105/20/2011Request of ACN Communication Services, Inc. to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View11-0502005/27/2011Notice by Global Crossing Telecommunications, Inc., Global Crossing Local Services, Inc., Global Crossing North America, Inc., and Level 3 Communications, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunications companies.
View11-0501905/25/2011Petition of Cornerstone Christian Academy requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Generations") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Generations program with a 100 kilowatt solar facility.
View11-0501805/25/2011Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 469 to revise Gas Tariff No. 7 to remove language associated with Title Assignment Service under the Interstate Pipeline Capacity Services Provision.
View11-0501705/17/2011Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-11-09 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Frontier Business Nationwide Unlimited II bundled service available to eligible business customers.
View11-0501605/17/2011Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-11-08 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Frontier Business Nationwide Unlimited II and Frontier Business Local Unlimited II bundled services available to eligible business customers.
View11-0501505/23/2011Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale, Sprint Spectrum L.P. d/b/a Sprint, Nextel, or Sprint/Nextel, and Nextel of California, Inc. d/b/a Sprint, Nextel, or Sprint/Nextel for approval of Amendments to Interconnection Agreements pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View11-0501405/13/2011Joint application of IXC Holdings, Inc. d/b/a Telekenex ("IXCH") and TelePacific Managed Services ("TMS") for approval of the transfer of certificate CPC 2799 Sub 3 from IXCH to TMS and a notice of a transaction that will result in the transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View11-0501305/13/2011Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 11-02 (G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates effective July 1, 2011.
View11-0501205/13/2011Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 11-02 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective July 1, 2011.
View11-0501105/13/2011Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 11-02 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective July 1, 2011.
View11-0501005/16/2011Application of Zayo Fiber Solutions, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2904 Sub 1.
View11-0500905/10/2011Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for an Order permitting deviation from NAC 704.9503(1) to delay filing amendments to Resource Planning Action Plans for the transmission facilities required to access renewable energy zones as part of the Renewable Transmission Initiative.
View11-0500805/09/2011Application of Kensington Mobile Home Park Community, LLC to withdraw $1,165.97 from the electric service charge fund for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and upgrade the electrical system and to withdraw $3,900.00 from the water service charge fund for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and upgrade the water system.
View11-0500705/10/2011Application of Grasshopper Group, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View11-0500605/16/2011Application of Midwestern Telecommunications, Incorporated d/b/a MTI to be designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View11-0500505/18/2011Application of the City of Las Vegas for authority to construct a pedestrian crossing over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks between the proposed Las Vegas City Hall Parking Garage and the Symphony Park Development located in Las Vegas, Nevada.
View11-0500405/09/2011Request of Clear Wireless LLC to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View11-0500305/09/2011Application of i-wireless, LLC to be designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View11-0500205/06/2011Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct approximately 138 miles of new overhead 230 kV, 345 kV, and/or 500 kV electric transmission lines and associated facilities to be located in Nye and Clark Counties, Nevada.
View11-0500105/04/2011Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 468 to revise Gas Tariff No. 7 to replace Main Extensions Rule No. 9 and Service Extensions Rule No. 10 with Facilities Extensions Rule No. 9 to reflect changes to the line extension policy for gas mains and distribution service lines.
View11-0402504/29/2011Investigation regarding the creation of an Energy Imbalance Market.
View11-0402404/29/2011Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and AirTouch Cellular d/b/a Verizon Wireless, Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless, Sacramento Valley Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless, and Southwestco Wireless L.P. d/b/a Verizon Wireless for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Commercial Mobile Radio Services Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View11-0402304/29/2011Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of annual plans for the Solar Thermal Systems Demonstration Program for Program Year 2012.
View11-0402204/28/2011Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-11-07 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Enhanced 9-1-1 Emergency Telephone Service for Emergency Service Agencies.
View11-0402104/28/2011Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-11-06 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Enhanced 9-1-1 Emergency Telephone Service for Emergency Service Agencies.
View11-0402004/27/2011Application of Clark County for authority to alter the existing at grade crossing at Dean Martin Drive over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks to accommodate two lanes of traffic in each direction located in Clark County, Nevada.
View11-0401904/27/2011Application of the Nevada Department of Transportation for authority to alter the existing Union Pacific Railroad Bridge over the I-15 in the vicinity of Dean Martin Drive between Sunset Road and Russell Road in Clark County, Nevada.
View11-0401804/27/2011Registration of Budget PrePay, Inc. d/b/a Budget Mobile as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View11-0401704/25/2011Application of Twin City Capital, LLC d/b/a American Select for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View11-0401604/29/2011Application of Netwolves Network Services LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View11-0401504/28/2011Petition of Aaron L. Katz for a Declaratory Order or Advisory Opinion clarifying that the utility services provided by the Incline Village General Improvement District are subject to the jurisdiction, regulation, and control of the Commission.
View11-0401404/21/2011Application of Ormat Nevada, Inc. (amended to name ORNI 39, LLC as the applicant), under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct approximately nine miles of 230 kV transmission line and associated facilities to connect the new McGinness Hills geothermal generating facility to Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy’s Frontier Substation located northeast of Austin in Lander County, Nevada.
View11-0401304/11/2011Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and USA Mobility Wireless, Inc. for approval of a Paging Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View11-0401204/11/2011Application of National Brands, Inc. d/b/a Sharenet Communications Company to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 1061 Sub 1.
View11-0401104/08/2011Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 296-G to revise Definitions Rule No. 1, Establishment, Maintenance, and Reestablishment of Credit Rule No. 12, and Customer Deposits Rule No. 13 to define and separate specific rules governing credit and deposits for residential customers and non-residential customers.
View11-0401004/08/2011Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 403-E to revise Definitions Rule No. 1, Establishment, Maintenance, and Reestablishment of Credit Rule No. 12, and Customer Deposits Rule No. 13 to define and separate specific rules governing credit and deposits for residential customers and non-residential customers.
View11-0400904/08/2011Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 515-E to revise Definitions Rule No. 1, Establishment, Maintenance, and Reestablishment of Credit Rule No. 12, and Customer Deposits Rule No. 13 to define and separate specific rules governing credit and deposits for residential customers and non-residential customers.
View11-0400804/06/2011Request of ACN Communication Services, Inc. to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View11-0400704/05/2011Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the Distribution Only Service Agreement with the City of Henderson and the Colorado River Commission.
View11-0400604/07/2011Registration of Midwestern Telecommunications, Incorporated d/b/a MTI as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View11-0400504/06/2011Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 411 to close Residential and General Service Private Area Lighting Schedules RS-PAL and GS-PAL to new installations.
View11-0400404/01/2011Application of Indian Springs Water Co., Inc. to amend Fire Protection Rule No. 10 to include the provisions of NRS 704.660.
View11-0400304/01/2011Application of Indian Springs Water Co., Inc. to amend Termination and Restoration of Service Rule No. 6 to comply with the Consumer Bill of Rights pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 08-06035.
View11-0400204/08/2011Application of Indian Springs Water Co., Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 3 to amend Termination and Restoration of Service Rule No. 6 to comply with the Consumer Bill of Rights, to amend Fire Protection Rule No. 10 to include the provisions of NRS 704.660, and to amend Construction Water Service terms and conditions.
View11-0400104/05/2011Annual Report of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2010.
View11-0303503/31/2011Petition of Hamilton Solar, LLC on behalf of Carson City School District for a Declaratory Order clarifying when the twelve month time limit commences pursuant to NRS 701B.255(6) for constructing a solar energy system under the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program.
View11-0303403/29/2011William J. Wilkins vs. Southwest Gas Corporation. Complaint regarding gas service.
View11-0303303/29/2011Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. filed under advice Letter No. 9 to revise Tariff No. 1A to clarify that the Toquop Exchange is part of its service area.
View11-0303203/29/2011John Miletich vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint concerning formulas shown on electric bill.
View11-0303103/28/2011Application of California Broadband Cooperative, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View11-0303003/30/2011Application of Pay Tel Communications, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the State of Nevada.
View11-0302903/28/2011Petition of Southwest Gas Corporation to establish a regulatory asset to accumulate incremental operating and maintenance expenses, depreciation, and carrying charges related to the Strip Reliability Plan and incremental pipe replacement projects in Southern and Northern Nevada.
View11-0302803/22/2011Filing of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View11-0302703/21/2011Application of Clark County for authority to alter the existing at grade crossing at Dean Martin Drive over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks to accommodate two lanes of traffic in each direction located in Clark County, Nevada.
View11-0302603/21/2011Application of True Wireless, LLC to be designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View11-0302503/25/2011Registration of True Wireless, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View11-0302403/29/2011Annual Report of Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2010.
View11-0302303/17/2011Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2044 to revise Access Service Tariff No. C13-A to add language clarifying a billing payment option for Interexchange Carriers.
View11-0302203/16/2011Notice by Zayo Fiber Solutions, LLC and Zayo Group, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View11-0302103/15/2011Application of e-Care Nevada, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View11-0302003/15/2011Application of Conectado, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View11-0301903/30/2011Application of Rosemount Water Company filed under Advice Letter No. 2 to amend Fire Protection Rule No. 10 to include the provisions of NRS 704.660 and to add Water Conservation Rule No. 22 to be consistent with NRS 704.662 pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 09-01022.
View11-0301803/14/2011Petition of Temple Beth Sholom on behalf of Solomon Schechter Day School and Sandra and Stanley Mallin Preschool requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Generations") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Generations program with a 100 kilowatt solar facility.
View11-0301703/15/2011Application of Global Crossing North American Networks, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 1071 Sub 3.
View11-0301603/11/2011Registration of Budget PrePay, Inc. d/b/a Budget Mobile as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View11-0301503/11/2011Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale for approval of an Interconnection and/or Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View11-0301403/11/2011Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the first amendment to the Action Plan of the 2010-2029 Integrated Resource Plan as it relates to three new renewable energy contracts, four existing renewable energy contract amendments, and three new renewable portfolio-credit-only contracts.
View11-0301303/08/2011Application of Windstream NuVox, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View11-0301203/14/2011Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 6 to revise Water Tariff No. 1A and Sewer Tariff No. 1A to increase the fees for basic service and charges for a commodity, consistent with the most recent gross domestic product deflator.
View11-0301103/04/2011Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink of a promotion for existing business customers to be eligible for a one-time invoice credit.
View11-0301003/04/2011Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink of a promotion for new business customers to be eligible for a one-time credit per service.
View11-0300903/04/2011Notice by Global Capacity Group, Inc., Global Capacity Direct, LLC, Capital Growth Systems, Inc., Global Capacity Holdco, LLC, GC Pivotal, LLC, and FFN Investments, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of telecommunications companies.
View11-0300803/03/2011Notice by BellSouth Long Distance, Inc., BellSouth Corporation, BellSouth Mobile Data, Inc., and AT&T Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View11-0300703/01/2011Investigation of Nevada Universal Service Fund carrier compliance audits by Solix Inc.
View11-0300603/01/2011Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and PaeTec Communications, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View11-0300503/01/2011Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy to establish a new Deferred Energy Accounting Adjustment Rate and establish a Solar Thermal Program rate.
View11-0300403/01/2011Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy to establish a new Deferred Energy Accounting Adjustment Rate, reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development Charge, reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rates, reset the base Energy Efficiency Program Rates and base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rates, and establish Energy Efficiency Program and Energy Efficiency Implementation amortization rates.
View11-0300303/01/2011Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy to establish a new Deferred Energy Accounting Adjustment Rate, reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development Charge, reset all components of the Renewable Energy Program Rates, reset the base Energy Efficiency Program Rates and base Energy Efficiency Implementation Rates, and establish Energy Efficiency Program and Energy Efficiency Implementation amortization rates.
View11-0300203/04/2011Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada for approval of its 2011 Integrated Resource Plan.
View11-0300103/01/2011Southwest Gas Corporation filed Advice Letter No. 467 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates effective April 1, 2011.
View11-0202503/03/2011Application of TerraCom Inc. to be designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View11-0202402/28/2011Application of the Nevada Department of Transportation for authority to widen two existing Interstate 80 bridges over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks located in Elko County, Nevada.
View11-0202302/28/2011Application of Kietzke Manor Mobile Home Park to withdraw $1,767.62 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View11-0202202/28/2011Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-11-05 to revise Tariff No. 3-B to correct typographical errors.
View11-0202102/28/2011Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-11-04 to revise Tariff No. 4-B to remove and rename the existing former Verizon service mark names and to correct typographical errors.
View11-0202002/25/2011Notice by SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a AT&T Long Distance that it will cease to provide business data local exchange service in the Las Vegas, Nevada area effective March 7, 2011.
View11-0201902/24/2011Application of GC Pivotal, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View11-0201802/23/2011Application of Edgewood Water Company filed under Advice Letter No. 4 to revise Rule No. 1 to clarify definition of service connection.
View11-0201702/23/2011Application of Spring Creek Utilities Co., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Blakeland water production well, well house, chlorine injection system, standby generator, approximately 110 feet of 12-inch water pipe, approximately 195 feet of 10-inch pipe, and associated facilities to be located in Spring Creek in Elko County, Nevada.
View11-0201602/23/2011Application of Spring Creek Utilities Co., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Oakmont water production well, well house, chlorine injection system, standby generator, approximately 65 feet of 12-inch supply pipe, approximately 55 feet of 10-inch drain pipe, and associated facilities to be located in Spring Creek in Elko County, Nevada.
View11-0201502/23/2011Investigation regarding whether the workforce of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("SPPC") is, or in the future will be, experiencing a significant amount of aging, and the potential impact, if any, that such aging may have on the reliability of SPPC’s service.
View11-0201403/07/2011Application of Nevada Northern Railway Museum for exemption from NAC 705.030(1)(f) regarding side clearances for placement of a water column to service steam locomotives at the museum depot in Ely, Nevada.
View11-0201302/18/2011Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 409 to submit avoided short term cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities pursuant to Qualifying Facilities Schedule QF - Short Term.
View11-0201202/18/2011Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 522-E to submit avoided short term cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities pursuant to Schedule CSPP - Short-Term.
View11-0201102/15/2011Application of the Department of Health and Human Services Aging and Disability Services Division for approval of the State Fiscal Year 2012 budget for telecommunications services for the speech and hearing impaired.
View11-0201002/15/2011Notice by the Regulatory Operations Staff of the 2011 range of reasonable returns on equity for water and sewer utilities pursuant to the regulations adopted in Docket No. 09-02025.
View11-0200902/15/2011Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 11-01 (G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates effective April 1, 2011.
View11-0200802/15/2011Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 11-01 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective April 1, 2011.
View11-0200702/15/2011Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 11-01 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective April 1, 2011.
View11-0200602/10/2011Petition of Nevada Controls, LLC requesting the allocation of unused kilowatts in Tiers One and Two, which are now in Tier Three, to Tiers One and Two of the Non-Net Metered Category in the Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Program (HydroGenerations).
View11-0200502/09/2011Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Wide Voice, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement and Amendments pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View11-0200402/07/2011Application of Zayo Group, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View11-0200302/01/2011Application of Virgin Mobile USA, LLC to be designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.6804 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View11-0200202/04/2011Registration of TerraCom Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View11-0200102/01/2011Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of annual plans for the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program, the Wind Energy Systems Demonstration Program, and the Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Program for Program Year 2011-2012.
View11-0103601/27/2011Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order to Show Cause why Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless ("Cellco") and/or WWC License, LLC, a subsidiary of Cellco, should not be assessed an administrative fine pursuant to NRS 703.380 for violation of a prior Commission Order and for lack of candor towards the Commission.
View11-0103501/27/2011Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for a Declaratory Order finding that the eligible telecommunications carrier designation of WWC License, LLC ("WWC") held in accordance with NAC 704.680461 ceased to exist at the time WWC merged with Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless.
View11-0103401/27/2011Registration of ACN Communication Services, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View11-0103301/31/2011Application of Rosebud Telephone, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View11-0103201/26/2011Petition of Clean Energy Center, LLC for an Advisory Opinion or Declaratory Order as to the applicability of NRS 704.771(1)(c) to the design specifications of a net metered wind energy system to be installed for the Desert Research Institute and Truckee Meadows Community College on land owned by The Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.
View11-0103102/04/2011Petition of Las Vegas Junior Academy requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Generations") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Generations program with a 100 kilowatt solar facility.
View11-0103001/26/2011Filing of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View11-0102901/28/2011Petition of The Meadows Lower School requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Generations") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Generations program with a 100 kilowatt solar facility.
View11-0102801/28/2011Petition of The Meadows Upper School requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Generations") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Generations program with a 100 kilowatt solar facility.
View11-0102701/26/2011Application of Spark Energy Gas, LP for a license to provide discretionary service as an alternative seller of natural gas to generating, industrial, or large commercial customers in the state of Nevada.
View11-0102601/24/2011Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-11-03 to revise Tariff No. 4-B to introduce a new condition addressing Utility Facility Relocation requests.
View11-0102501/24/2011Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-11-05 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce a new condition addressing Utility Facility Relocation requests.
View11-0102401/24/2011Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-11-04 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce a new condition addressing Utility Facility Relocation requests.
View11-0102301/24/2011Notice by Protel Advantage, Inc., Estate of Scott Lee, and Derek Lee, Darren Lee, and Dalen Lee of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View11-0102201/24/2011Application of Broadview NP Acquisition Corp. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2705 Sub 1.
View11-0102101/21/2011Application of Cricket Communications, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2666 Sub 1.
View11-0102001/28/2011Application of Refuse, Inc., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Lockwood Landfill Gas to Energy Project consisting of three reciprocating engine generators with a total capacity to produce 3.2 megawatts of power and associated facilities located approximately 8 miles east of Reno in Storey County, Nevada.
View11-0101901/19/2011Application of Ridley Telephone Company, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2719 Sub 1.
View11-0101801/31/2011Application of Wells Rural Electric Company for authority to amend certificate CPC 412 Sub 10 to expand its service territory to include three sections of land adjacent to its existing service territory in Elko County, Nevada.
View11-0101701/19/2011Application of American Fiber Network, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2586 Sub 1.
View11-0101601/13/2011Investigation pursuant to Governor Sandoval's Executive Order regarding assessment and proposals for regulations that may be repealed or modified.
View11-0101501/12/2011Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-11-02 to revise Access Service Tariff No. 3-B to include the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to Docket No. 10-10019.
View11-0101401/12/2011Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-11-03 to revise Access Services Tariff No. A-3 to include the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to Docket No. 10-10019.
View11-0101301/11/2011Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 520-E to revise Definitions Rule No. 1 to add a definition for billing multiplier and language clarifying that rounding is used in the calculation of customer bills in compliance with the Order issued in Docket 10-04010.
View11-0101201/11/2011Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 407 to revise Definitions Rule No. 1 to add a definition for billing multiplier and language clarifying that rounding is used in the calculation of customer bills.
View11-0101101/07/2011Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 466 to revise Gas Tariff No. 7 to remove the tax liability factors used to calculate the federal income tax liability associated with customer provided contributions and advances.
View11-0101001/07/2011Application of CommPartners, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2803 Sub 1.
View11-0100902/04/2011Application of Raft River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. for authority to amend certificate CPC 680 Sub 3 to reduce its service territory to exclude three sections of land in Elko County, Nevada.
View11-0100801/04/2011Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink of a change to a promotion for existing business customers to be eligible for consecutive bill credits.
View11-0100701/04/2011Application of Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. NV-11-01 to revise Tariff No. 4-B to include rates and clarifying language for the applicability of the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge and the beginning date of January 1, 2011 pursuant to Docket No. 10-10019.
View11-0100601/04/2011Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-11-02 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to include clarifying language for the applicability of the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge and the beginning date of January 1, 2011 pursuant to Docket No. 10-10019.
View11-0100501/04/2011Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-11-01 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to include clarifying language for the applicability of the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge and the beginning date of January 1, 2011 pursuant to Docket No. 10-10019.
View11-0100401/06/2011Notice by CTC Communications Corp., One Communications Corp., and EarthLink, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View11-0100301/03/2011Application of Spring Creek Utilities Co., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct approximately 30,305 linear feet of water pipeline to be located in Spring Creek in Elko County, Nevada.
View11-0100201/03/2011Staff's quarterly report regarding the oral complaints resolved pursuant to NAC 455.305 pertaining to the One-Call Program (sub-surface installations).
View11-0100101/03/2011Reports from public utilities operating in Nevada of accidents or significant service outages occurring during calendar year 2011 pursuant to NRS 704.190 and NAC 704.230.
View10-1202612/30/2010Application of Plumas Sierra Telecommunications for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View10-1202512/30/2010Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 294-G to revise Gas Main Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View10-1202412/30/2010Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 521-E to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View10-1202312/30/2010Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 408 to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View10-1202201/10/2011Application of D.D.D. Calling, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2110 Sub 1.
View10-1202112/23/2010Application of WWC License, L.L.C. d/b/a Verizon Wireless to relinquish designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680466 and Section 214 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View10-1202012/21/2010Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Wholesale Carrier Services, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement and Amendments pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View10-1201912/21/2010Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Broadview Networks, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View10-1201812/21/2010Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Granite Telecommunications, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View10-1201712/21/2010Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Parke Communications for approval of a Paging Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View10-1201612/21/2010Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Fast Page, Inc. for approval of a Paging Facilities Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View10-1201512/21/2010Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Commercial Telephone Exchange, Inc. for approval of a Paging Facilities Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View10-1201412/21/2010Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Cricket Communications, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 2 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View10-1201312/20/2010Notice by Global Tel*Link Corporation, GTEL Holdings, Inc., GTEL Acquisition Corp., and GTEL Holding LLC of a series of debt financing transactions.
View10-1201212/17/2010Application of Spring Creek Utilities Co., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct a booster pump station and approximately 7,250 linear feet of water pipeline to be located in Spring Creek in Elko County, Nevada.
View10-1201112/13/2010Notice by Voicecom Telecommunications, LLC, Voicecom Telecommunications, Inc. and Amvensys Telecom Holdings, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View10-1201012/09/2010Application of ATN, INC. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View10-1200912/09/2010Investigation and rulemaking regarding the recovery of distribution system improvement costs as well as the effect of tiered rates on the revenues of water utilities.
View10-1200812/20/2010Application of Net, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View10-1200712/03/2010Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy to establish a regulatory asset related to the Harry Allen Combined Cycle addition to record foregone return, depreciation expense, and incremental operating and maintenance expenses.
View10-1200612/20/2010Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Bighorn Substation Interconnection Project consisting of a 230 kV dead-end transmission structure, approximately 300 feet of 230 kV transmission line, a 230 kV circuit breaker, and associated facilities to be located within and outside of the existing Bighorn 230 kV Substation in Clark County, Nevada.
View10-1200512/03/2010Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink of a promotion for existing business customers to be eligible for consecutive bill credits.
View10-1200412/02/2010Amended application of Copper Mountain Solar 3, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for four permits to construct the Copper Mountain Solar 3 Project consisting of a 250 MW solar-powered electric generating facility, a 500 kV transmission line, and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View10-1200312/02/2010Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to update its general revenue adjustment rates for Southern and Northern Nevada.
View10-1200212/02/2010Application of Abengoa Solar, Inc. for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct the Lathrop Wells Solar Facility consisting of a 250 MW net parabolic trough solar power plant and associated facilities to be located in Nye County, Nevada.
View10-1200112/01/2010Southwest Gas Corporation filed Advice Letter No. 465 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates effective January 1, 2011.
View10-1103311/30/2010Application of Spring Creek Utilities Co. for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct a 300,000 gallon water storage tank, approximately 2,400 linear feet of water pipeline, and associated facilities to be located in Spring Creek in Elko County, Nevada.
View10-1103211/30/2010Petition of NewCo Renewables, LLC on behalf of the Reno Sparks Indian Colony requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Generations") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Generations program with a 100 kilowatt solar facility at Hungry Valley Community Center.
View10-1103112/03/2010Application of WPTI Telecom LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2484 Sub 3.
View10-1103011/30/2010Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale to revise Tariff No. A2 General Regulations - Conditions of Offering to reflect surcharges implemented by Pershing County and Carson City.
View10-1102912/06/2010Registration of BullsEye Telecom, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View10-1102811/24/2010Application of ATN, Inc. d/b/a AmTel for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View10-1102711/23/2010Application of Broadview NP Acquisition Corp. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate 2705 Sub 1.
View10-1102611/23/2010Application of ATX Licensing, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2823 Sub 1.
View10-1102512/03/2010Application of A.R.C. Networks, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2327 Sub 1.
View10-1102411/22/2010Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and 360networks (USA) inc. for approval of an Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View10-1102312/20/2010Registration of TDS Long Distance Corporation as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View10-1102212/06/2010Application of Storey County for a Declaratory Order granting deviation from NAC 705.020(1) regarding overhead clearances to reconstruct V & T Railway Tunnel No. 6 in Virginia City, Nevada.
View10-1102111/18/2010Ray and Traci Marx vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy. Complaint regarding the cost charged to the customer for connection of permanent service as well as the upgrade of the current transformer to the customer's residence.
View10-1102011/15/2010Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 10-04 (G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates effective January 1, 2011.
View10-1101911/15/2010Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 10-04 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective January 1, 2011.
View10-1101811/15/2010Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 10-04 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective January 1, 2011.
View10-1101712/09/2010Plan of Water Conservation of Sky Ranch Water Service Corp. submitted pursuant to NRS 704.662 to 704.6624 inclusive.
View10-1101611/12/2010Registration of Ztar Mobile, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View10-1101511/12/2010Request of Atrium Wireless Partners, LLC to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View10-1101411/18/2010Application of South Jersey Resources Group LLC to voluntarily discontinue service as an alternative seller of natural gas conducted under License No. G-16.
View10-1101311/10/2010Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, Inc. to withdraw $7,840.39 from the gas service charge fund for reimbursement of expenses incurred for tree removal and the yearly payment of the Underground Service Alert.
View10-1101211/10/2010Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, Inc. to withdraw $4,296.39 from the electric service charge fund for reimbursement of expenses incurred for power line clearance.
View10-1101111/08/2010Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed an accident report of an incident resulting in a fatality that occurred on November 7, 2010 when a vehicle struck a power pole in Winnemucca, Nevada.
View10-1101011/08/2010Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 14-S to revise Sewer Tariff No. 1-A to amend Extension of Facilities Rule No. 9 to include a provision allowing a developer to request that the total reapportionment may exclude certain specified items.
View10-1100911/08/2010Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 14-W to revise Water Tariff No. 1-A to amend Extension of Facilities Rule No. 9 to include a provision allowing a developer to request that the total reapportionment may exclude certain specified items.
View10-1100811/08/2010Application of TransWorld Network, Corp. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2778 Sub 1.
View10-1100711/02/2010In re request for Orders to Appear and Show Cause why Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity or Licenses should not be revoked and/or why administrative fines should not be imposed on public utilities that have not paid their annual assessment fee, their surcharge for assistance to persons with impaired speech or hearing, and/or have not filed an annual report. In re request for Orders to Appear and Show Cause why Licenses should not be revoked and/or why administrative fines should not be imposed on Commercial Mobile Radio Service providers for failure to pay their annual licensing fee and/or their surcharge for assistance to persons with impaired speech or hearing.
View10-1100611/15/2010Application of Sempra Energy Solutions, an alternative seller of natural gas, for approval of a change of name to Noble Americas Energy Solutions LLC for operations conducted under License No. G-6.
View10-1100511/01/2010Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale of changes in rates for basic network service.
View10-1100411/01/2010Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2043 to revise Tariff No. A5 to increase lifeline discounts to eligible customers.
View10-1100312/03/2010Application of Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada for authority to amend certificate CPC 2322 Sub 3 to expand its service territory to include five ranch dwellings located north of Wells in Elko County, Nevada.
View10-1100211/09/2010Application of WiMacTel Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View10-1100111/03/2010Notice by Cypress Communications Operating Company, LLC, TechInvest Holding Company, Inc., and The Broadvox Holding Company, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View10-1003510/28/2010Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 405 to revise Interruptible Agricultural Irrigation Water Pumping Schedule No. IAIWP to increase the IAIWP rate and decrease the Non-Curtailment Peak rate.
View10-1003411/15/2010Application of Sky Ranch Water Service Corp. filed under Advice Letter No. 1 to amend Discontinuance and Restoration of Service Rule No. 6 to include deferred payment options, to amend Continuity of Service Rule No. 8 to update the current outdoor watering schedule, and to amend Fire Protection Rule No. 10 to include the provisions of NRS 704.660 pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 10-03032.
View10-1003311/12/2010Notice by STi Prepaid, LLC d/b/a Telco, TGI, Telco Group, VOIP Enterprises, VOIP, Dialaround Enterprises, Dialaround, and DEI and Vivaro Corporation of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View10-1003210/26/2010Investigation and rulemaking to address reporting criteria associated with the use of financing authority pursuant to NRS 704.322 through 704.328.
View10-1003110/26/2010Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 517-E to revise Interruptible Irrigation Service Schedule No. IS-2 to increase the IS-2 rate and decrease the Non-Curtailment Peak rate.
View10-1003011/03/2010Application of Nevada Comstock Communications, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2835 Sub 1.
View10-1002910/26/2010Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 519-E for approval of a Portfolio Charge to be applicable to Newmont Mining Corporation under Rate Schedule GS-4-NG for calendar year 2011 to recover the additional costs required to meet the Nevada Portfolio Standard.
View10-1002810/22/2010Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Electric Lightwave, LLC d/b/a Integra Telecom for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View10-1002711/02/2010Application of Evercom Systems, Inc. requesting approval of a change of name to Securus Technologies, Inc. for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2407 Sub 2.
View10-1002610/21/2010Request of Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a Excel Telecommunications to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View10-1002510/25/2010Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy to establish interim base energy efficiency program rates and base energy efficiency implementation rates pursuant to NRS 704.785 and the Order issued in Docket No. 09-07016.
View10-1002410/25/2010Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy to establish interim base energy efficiency program rates and base energy efficiency implementation rates pursuant to NRS 704.785 and the Order issued in Docket No. 09-07016.
View10-1002310/19/2010Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-10-14 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce a new feature package called Frontier Business All In Feature Package available to both new and existing customers that subscribe to Frontier Business Unlimited Service and Frontier Business Essentials bundles, and grandfather the existing optional features package and Deluxe Voice Mail optional service that is available to existing customers that subscribe to Frontier Business Essentials.
View10-1002210/19/2010Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-10-13 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce a new feature package called Frontier Business All In Feature Package available to both new and existing customers that subscribe to Frontier Business Unlimited Service and Frontier Business Essentials bundles, and grandfather the existing optional features package and Deluxe Voice Mail optional service that is available to existing customers that subscribe to Frontier Business Essentials.
View10-1002110/25/2010Joint Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy to amend the 2010-2011 Annual Plan for the Wind Energy Systems Demonstration Program to issue additional capacity reservations.
View10-1002010/18/2010Petition of the Underground Service Alert of Northern California and Nevada for an Advisory Opinion regarding the interpretation of "2 Working Days" and "28 Calendar Days" as used in NRS 455.110.
View10-1001910/15/2010Report by Solix Inc. as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund regarding fiscal year 2011 assessment recommendation to maintain the minimum annual contribution and to maintain the current assessment rate on the intrastate retail revenues of all obligated providers of telecommunication services in Nevada.
View10-1001810/20/2010Application of Public Wireless, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View10-1001710/14/2010FH Ventures d/b/a The Foothills Partners (FKA MacDonald Highlands) vs. Southwest Gas Corporation. Complaint concerning extension of natural gas facilities.
View10-1001610/26/2010Notice by Associated Network Partners, Inc. and Zone Telecom, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View10-1001510/12/2010Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("NPC") for a Declaratory Order that pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 06-06007 MGM Mirage ("MGM") is obligated to pay a proportionate share of the cost incurred by NPC to serve portions of MGM’s Project CityCenter through NPC owned facilities at the Sinatra Substation.
View10-1001411/01/2010Application of Touchtone Communications Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View10-1001310/20/2010Petition of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local No. 1245 to open an investigatory docket regarding the workforce staffing and planning of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy.
View10-1001210/07/2010Notice by DeltaCom, Inc., Business Telecom, Inc., ITC^DeltaCom, Inc., and EarthLink, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View10-1001110/06/2010Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff requesting the Commission accept the stipulation regarding violation of NRS 704.865 by Blue Diamond Water Cooperative. Inc.
View10-1001010/05/2010Petition of Hamilton Solar, LLC on behalf of Carson City School District requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Generations") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Generations program with four solar facilities totaling 1,950 kilowatts.
View10-1000910/01/2010Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 7 to revise Tariff No. 2A to establish new Lifeline Service credits and replace the words "Food Stamp" with "Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)".
View10-1000810/01/2010Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 8 to revise Tariff No. 1A to establish new Lifeline Service credits and replace the words "Food Stamp" with "Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)".
View10-1000710/01/2010Annual report of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale regarding competition in its local serving area for telecommunication service pursuant to NRS 704.68867.
View10-1000610/01/2010Annual report of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink regarding competition in its local serving area for telecommunication service pursuant to NRS 704.68867.
View10-1000510/01/2010Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for a Declaratory Order regarding the application of NAC 704.8927.7, 704.8927.12(d), and 704.8891 in calculating Portfolio Energy Credits from the use of an Integrated Solar Combined Cycle solar thermal energy system.
View10-1000410/25/2010Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 13-W to revise Water Tariff No. 1-A to amend Rendering and Payments of Bills Rule No. 5 to include a description of third party processing fees pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 09-12017.
View10-1000310/25/2010Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 13-S to revise Sewer Tariff No. 1-A to amend Rendering and Payment of Bills Rule No. 5 to include a description of third party processing fees pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 09-12017.
View10-1000210/07/2010Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 10-03 to revise Tariff No. 1A to introduce Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP) System service.
View10-1000110/07/2010Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink filed under Advice Letter No. 10-02 to revise Tariff No. 1A to change the Employee’s Telephone Service description.
View10-0902810/07/2010Application of New Communications Online and Long Distance Inc. requesting approval of a change of name to Frontier Communications Online and Long Distance Inc. for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2941.
View10-0902710/07/2010Application of New Communications of the Southwest Inc. requesting approval of a change of name to Frontier Communications of the Southwest Inc. for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2 Sub 11.
View10-0902609/29/2010Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct the Anaconda Moly 230 kV Substation Expansion Project consisting of a 230kV transmission line and associated facilities to interconnect the 180 MW Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Project to the existing Anaconda Moly Substation located in Nye County, Nevada.
View10-0902509/29/2010Filing by Sempra Energy Solutions of a pending notice of change in control.
View10-0902409/27/2010Notice by Talk America, Inc. and PAETEC Holding Corp. of a transaction that will result in the indirect transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View10-0902309/24/2010Filing of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View10-0902209/24/2010Joint Petition of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada and Commnet Wireless, LLC for approval of an Interconnection and Traffic Exchange Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View10-0902109/24/2010Complaint and request for action for enforcement of a civil penalty of the Regulatory Operations Staff against Reliance Electric, Inc. for violation of the provisions of Chapter 455 of the Nevada Revised Statutes.
View10-0902010/01/2010Application of HBH Operations, LLC for authority to provide liquefied petroleum gas service to MacDonald Highlands residential sub-division in Henderson, Nevada.
View10-0901910/04/2010Petition of Hamilton Solar, LLC on behalf of Humboldt County School District requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Generations") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Generations program with five solar facilities totaling 830 kilowatts.
View10-0901809/20/2010Application of IKUN Energy, LLC to voluntarily discontinue service as an alternative seller of natural gas conducted under License No. G-19.
View10-0901709/20/2010Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 12-S to revise Sewer Tariff No. 1-A to align Rule No. 14, Service Connections and Customer Facilities, with Rule No. 9, Main Extensions, and to clarify how modifications to meters and service connections will be handled.
View10-0901609/20/2010Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 12-W to revise Water Tariff No. 1-A to align Rule No. 15, Service Connections and Customer Facilities, with Rule No. 9, Main Extensions, and to clarify how modifications to meters and service connections will be handled.
View10-0901509/16/2010Application of Access2Go, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View10-0901409/16/2010Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Tennessee Telephone Service, LLC d/b/a Freedom Communications USA, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement and Amendment pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View10-0901309/16/2010Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and CCT Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a CCT Telecom for approval of an Interconnection Agreement and Amendment pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View10-0901209/16/2010Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and AirTouch Cellular d/b/a Verizon Wireless, Southwestco Wireless L.P. d/b/a Verizon Wireless, Sacramento Valley Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless and Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless for approval of Amendment No. 4 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View10-0901109/21/2010Joint application of Telekenex, Inc. ("Telekenex") and IXC Holdings, Inc. d/b/a Telekenex ("IXC") for approval of the transfer of certificate CPC 2799 Sub 2 from Telekenex to IXC and a notice of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View10-0901009/20/2010Application of Roton Technologies, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View10-0900909/20/2010Application of TiggerTech, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View10-0900809/20/2010Application of SMSCOM, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View10-0900709/10/2010Application of Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless for approval of a transfer of Eligible Telecommunications Carrier designation from WWC License, LLC to Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless.
View10-0900609/02/2010Petition of St. Francis de Sales Catholic School requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Generations") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Generations program with two 100 kilowatt solar facilities.
View10-0900509/03/2010Petition of St. Viator Catholic School requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Generations") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Generations program with a 100 kilowatt solar facility.
View10-0900409/23/2010James Riggs vs. Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada. Complaint regarding water and sewer service not being provided by Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada.
View10-0900309/01/2010Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its Energy Supply Plan Update for 2011-2012.
View10-0900209/01/2010Notice by WPTI Telecom LLC and Utility Telephone, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View10-0900109/01/2010Southwest Gas Corporation filed Advice Letter No. 463 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates effective October 1, 2010.
View10-0802809/07/2010Revised registration of WWC License, L.L.C. d/b/a Alltel for a change of name to WWC License, L.L.C. d/b/a Verizon Wireless.
View10-0802708/30/2010Petition of Our Lady of Las Vegas Catholic School requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Generations") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Generations program with a 100 kilowatt solar facility.
View10-0802608/30/2010Application of XYN Communications of Nevada, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View10-0802508/30/2010Registration of Clear Wireless LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View10-0802409/02/2010Application of Clark County to construct a new grade separated railroad crossing at Cactus Avenue over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks located in Clark County, Nevada.
View10-0802308/26/2010Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 514-E to revise Large Transmission Service Schedule GS-4 to remove Special Condition 13 listing customers who established a level of utility investment under a previous version of the schedule.
View10-0802209/10/2010Revised registration of SkyTerra LP for a change of name to LightSquared LP.
View10-0802108/26/2010Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-10-12 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce three new residential bundled services called Frontier Digital Phone State with Essentials 2 Service, Frontier Digital Phone Nationwide with Essentials 2 Service, and Frontier Digital Phone Nationwide Extra with Essentials 2 Service.
View10-0802008/26/2010Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-10-11 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce three new residential bundled services called Frontier Digital Phone State with Essentials 2 Service, Frontier Digital Phone Nationwide with Essentials 2 Service, and Frontier Digital Phone Nationwide Extra with Essentials 2 Service.
View10-0801908/25/2010Application of NextGen Communications, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View10-0801808/23/2010Application of Abengoa Solar, Inc. for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct the Lathrop Wells Solar Facility consisting of a 250 MW net parabolic trough solar power plant and associated facilities to be located in Nye County, Nevada.
View10-0801708/19/2010Notice by Norlight Telecommunications, Inc., Norlight, Inc., Q-Comm Corporation, and Windstream Corporation of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View10-0801608/18/2010Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order to Show Cause why Amargosa Estates Water Corporation should not be placed in receivership, and/or be subject to the substitution of just and reasonable rates, regulations, practices or services.
View10-0801508/18/2010Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 513-E to revise the Statement of Rates and approve the proposed rates and additions to tariff sheets required to implement the Nevada Dynamic Pricing Trial under the Advanced Service Delivery initiative.
View10-0801408/18/2010Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 402 to revise the Statement of Rates and approve the proposed rates and additions to tariff sheets required to implement the Nevada Dynamic Pricing Trial under the Advanced Service Delivery initiative.
View10-0801308/18/2010Complaint and request for action for enforcement of a civil penalty of the Regulatory Operations Staff against Underground, Inc. for violation of the provisions of Chapter 455 of the Nevada Revised Statutes.
View10-0801208/19/2010Request of TON Services Inc. d/b/a Flying J Communications to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View10-0801108/16/2010Application of TON Services Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2490 Sub 1.
View10-0801008/16/2010Registration of Software Cellular Network (North America) Ltd. d/b/a Truphone as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View10-0800908/13/2010Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 10-03 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective October 1, 2010.
View10-0800808/13/2010Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 10-03 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective October 1, 2010.
View10-0800708/13/2010Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 10-03 (G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates effective October 1, 2010.
View10-0800608/12/2010Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its 2010 Annual Demand Side Management Update Report as it relates to the Action Plan of its 2010-2029 Integrated Resource Plan.
View10-0800508/11/2010Notice by Public Communications Services, Inc. and Global Tel*Link Corporation of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View10-0800408/12/2010Petition of Faith Lutheran Junior and Senior High School requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Generations") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Generations program with a 100 kilowatt solar facility.
View10-0800308/13/2010Application of Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec Telecom, Clear Choice Communications, Excel Telecommunications, and VarTec Solutions to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2849 Sub 1.
View10-0800208/06/2010Notice by ALEC, Inc., SinglePipe Communications, Inc., and Integrated Broadband Services, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View10-0800108/17/2010Application of OPEX Communications, Inc. for approval of fictitious business name TCI Long Distance for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2380 Sub 2.
View10-0702807/30/2010Commission sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Clark County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View10-0702707/30/2010Commission sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Washoe County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View10-0702607/28/2010Investigation regarding renewable energy requests for proposals process to meet portfolio standard.
View10-0702507/28/2010Investigation regarding inter-exchange accounting protocols, transfer payment methodology procedures, and other matters related to the allocation of costs for the One Nevada Transmission Line.
View10-0702407/28/2010Investigation and rulemaking regarding revisions to the Consumer Bill of Rights regulations as impacted by aspects of Advanced Service Delivery.
View10-0702307/29/2010Application of AGL Networks, LLC requesting approval of a change of name to Zayo Fiber Solutions, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2904.
View10-0702208/04/2010Application of Shoshone Estates Water Company for authority to increase rates for water service.
View10-0702107/28/2010Notice by NewPath Networks, LLC, NewPath Networks, Inc., and Crown Castle Solutions Corp. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View10-0702007/28/2010Notice by Tri-M Communications, Inc. d/b/a TMC Communications and 5LINX Enterprises, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View10-0701907/22/2010Application of Gold Country Water Company, Inc. for authority to increase rates for water service.
View10-0701807/22/2010Notice by American Fiber Systems, Inc. and Zayo Group, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View10-0701707/20/2010Application of Crexendo Business Solutions, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View10-0701607/19/2010Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed an accident report of an incident not witnessed resulting in a fatality that occurred on July 13, 2010 when a person employed by a third party contractor engaged in conveyor belt systems maintenance possibly caught his arm in a moving coal conveyer in the coal yard at the Reid Gardner Power generating facility in Moapa, Nevada.
View10-0701507/19/2010Revised registration of WWC License L.L.C. d/b/a Alltel to update information.
View10-0701407/19/2010Annual plans of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the Solar Thermal Systems Demonstration Program for the Program Year 2011.
View10-0701307/16/2010Application of Rosemount Water Company for authority to increase rates for water service.
View10-0701207/15/2010Annual plans of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of the Solar Thermal Systems Demonstration Program for the Program Year 2010-2011.
View10-0701107/12/2010Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, Inc. to withdraw $2,610.00 from the gas service charge fund for reimbursement of expenses incurred for federal income taxes for calendar year 2009, the yearly gas leak survey, and to repair and maintain the gas system.
View10-0701007/12/2010Application of Gentry Manor Mobile Home Park to withdraw $3,000.00 from the service charge fund for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and improve the electrical system.
View10-0700907/07/2010Petition of Our Lady of Las Vegas Catholic School requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Generations") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Generations program with a 100 kilowatt solar facility.
View10-0700807/06/2010Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed an accident report of an incident resulting in a fatality that occurred on July 4, 2010 when a vehicle struck a steel utility pole at 3649 Losee Road in North Las Vegas, Nevada.
View10-0700707/06/2010Petition of Innovations International Charter School requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Generations") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Generations program with a 100 kilowatt solar facility.
View10-0700607/02/2010Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct the Harry Allen 345/230 kV Autotransformer Substation Upgrade Project which consists of a new 345/230 kV autotransformer, three new 345kV circuit breakers, a new 230 kV circuit breaker, 345 kV bus work, and associated protection and metering equipment to be located within the existing Harry Allen Substation in Clark County, Nevada.
View10-0700507/02/2010Registration of SkyTerra LP as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View10-0700407/14/2010Application of Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company to Solix, Inc. in its capacity as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund ("NUSF") for allowance of NUSF funding for the year commencing January 1, 2011.
View10-0700307/01/2010Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its 2011-2030 Triennial Integrated Resource Plan.
View10-0700207/01/2010Informational report of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy concerning its natural gas resource planning activities for the period 2011-2013.
View10-0700107/01/2010Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its 2010 Natural Gas Conservation and Energy Efficiency Plan for the period 2011-2013.
View10-0604107/06/2010Petition of Bishop Gorman High School requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Generations") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Generations program with a 100 kilowatt solar facility.
View10-0604006/30/2010Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to issue secured and unsecured long-term debt securities in an aggregate amount not to exceed $1.65 billion through the period ending December 31, 2013.
View10-0603907/08/2010Joint application of Global Crossing Telemanagement, Inc. ("GCT") and Global Crossing Local Service, Inc. ("GCLS") for approval of a transfer of control and the transfer of certificate CPC 2320 Sub 2 from GCT to GCLS.
View10-0603807/06/2010Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada and MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC for approval of Amendments No. 4 and No. 5 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View10-0603706/29/2010Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 512-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 2, Schedule Nos. LCSPP86 and LCSPP87, to adjust rates for long-term cogeneration and small power production energy and capacity rates.
View10-0603606/28/2010Application of Legent Communications Corporation d/b/a Long Distance America for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View10-0603506/25/2010Application of Mount Charleston Water Company for authority to increase rates for sewer service.
View10-0603406/25/2010Application of Mount Charleston Water Company for authority to increase rates for water service.
View10-0603306/24/2010Registration of Simple Mobile, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View10-0603206/24/2010Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink for review and approval of its 2010 Performance Incentive Plan and Performance Measurement Plan pursuant to NAC 704.680303.
View10-0603106/23/2010Filing of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View10-0603006/22/2010Application of the City of North Las Vegas to construct a new grade separated railroad crossing at North 5th Street over the I-15 and Union Pacific Railroad tracks located in Clark County, Nevada.
View10-0602906/24/2010Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink ("CenturyLink") requesting a waiver from NAC 707.020(1) to allow CenturyLink to show the surcharge associated with the program for devices for telecommunication to persons with impaired speech or hearing as a separate line item on customer bills.
View10-0602807/09/2010Application of Vanco Direct USA, LLC requesting approval of a change of name to Global Capacity Direct, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2832 Sub 1.
View10-0602706/18/2010Registration of Halo Wireless, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View10-0602607/12/2010Registration of Day Management Corp. d/b/a Day Wireless Systems as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View10-0602506/18/2010Notice of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada of a promotional campaign designed to increase utilization of Verizon's Integrated Services Digital Network Services.
View10-0602406/23/2010Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and DIGITALIPVOICE, INC. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View10-0602306/18/2010Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Cincinnati Bell Any Distance Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View10-0602206/18/2010Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Halo Wireless, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement and Amendment pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View10-0602106/16/2010Joint Petition of Nevada Tri Partners, LLC and Toll Bros., Inc. for an Order extending the terms of Rule 9 Line Extension Agreements with Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy.
View10-0602006/16/2010Petition of Cricket Communications, Inc. for arbitration of an Interconnection Agreement with Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View10-0601906/16/2010Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 293-G to revise Gas Main Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View10-0601806/16/2010Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 401 to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View10-0601706/16/2010Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 511-E to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View10-0601606/14/2010Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, Inc. to withdraw $2,233.24 from the electric service charge fund for reimbursement of expenses incurred for federal income taxes for calendar year 2009 and plastic pad lock seals for electric meters.
View10-0601507/07/2010Application of IDT America Corp. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View10-0601406/14/2010Notice by DSLnet Communications, LLC, MegaPath Inc., and CCGI Holding Corporation of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View10-0601306/10/2010Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-10-10 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to adjust the Tier IV Federal Enhanced Lifeline Credit for Tribal Lands.
View10-0601206/09/2010Petition of Black Rock Solar, Inc. on behalf of Western Nevada College requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Generations") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Generations program with a 100 kilowatt solar facility.
View10-0601106/09/2010Application of Florida Telephone Services, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2580 Sub 1.
View10-0601006/08/2010Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 462 to revise Tariff No. 7 to update the tax liability factors used to calculate the federal income tax liability associated with customer provided contributions and advances.
View10-0600906/04/2010Informational report of Southwest Gas Corporation concerning its natural gas resource planning activities.
View10-0600806/04/2010Application of Southwest Gas Corporation to establish revised Deferred Energy Account Adjustment rates; Base Tariff General Rates; Uncollectible Gas Cost Expense rates; Distribution Shrinkage rates; commodity and reservation rates; and modify the volatility mitigation program.
View10-0600706/04/2010Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink of a promotion for existing business customers to be eligible for three bill credits.
View10-0600606/03/2010Notice by Insite Connect, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View10-0600506/08/2010Informational filing by TracFone Wireless, Inc. d/b/a SafeLink Wireless of its General Terms of SafeLink Wireless Lifeline Service in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 09-10037.
View10-0600406/01/2010Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of new and revised depreciation and amortization rates for its gas operations.
View10-0600306/01/2010Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of new and revised depreciation and amortization rates for its electric operations.
View10-0600206/01/2010Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to increase its annual revenue requirement for general rates charged to all classes of gas customers and for relief properly related thereto.
View10-0600106/01/2010Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to increase its annual revenue requirement for general rates charged to all classes of electric customers and for relief properly related thereto.
View10-0502805/28/2010Southwest Gas Corporation filed Advice Letter No. 461 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates effective July 1, 2010.
View10-0502705/27/2010Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-10-09 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to change the bundle name of Frontier Digital Phone Essentials to Frontier Digital Phone 100 and to introduce a new residential bundle called Frontier Digital Phone Essentials 2.
View10-0502605/27/2010Notice by CenturyLink, Inc. and Qwest Communications International, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View10-0502506/03/2010Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink "CenturyLink" filed under Advice Letter No. 10-01 to revise CenturyLink's Local Exchange Service Guidebook to increase Lifeline Assistance discounts and replace the words "food stamps" with "Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)".
View10-0502405/27/2010Application of Syniverse Technologies, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2883 Sub 1.
View10-0502305/25/2010Joint Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for a Declaratory Order regarding the application of the expenditure cap in NRS 701B.260(4) and requesting deviation from three provisions of the regulations adopted in Docket No. 09-07014 pertaining to the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program.
View10-0502205/21/2010Application of Edgewood Water Company for authority to amend certificate CPC 958 to expand its water service territory to include approximately 262 acres of real property owned by the Nevada Division of State Lands in the portion of the Van Sickle Bi-State Park located in Douglas County, Nevada.
View10-0502105/20/2010Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 399 to revise Miscellaneous Charges Schedule No. MC to reduce the third party convenience fee charges for residential customers and separate the fee structure into differing residential and commercial fees.
View10-0502005/20/2010Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 292-G to revise Service Charges Schedule No. SC to reduce the third party convenience fee charges for residential customers and separate the fee structure into differing residential and commercial fees.
View10-0501905/21/2010Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 509-E to revise Miscellaneous Charges Schedule No. MC to reduce the third party convenience fee charges for residential customers and separate the fee structure into differing residential and commercial fees.
View10-0501805/20/2010Application of NextLight Renewable Power, LLC for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct the Boulder City Solar Project which consists of a 150 MW solar photovoltaic generating facility and approximately 2.5 miles of 230 kV transmission line to be located in Boulder City, Clark County, Nevada.
View10-0501705/20/2010Application of CIMCO Communications, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2769 Sub 1.
View10-0501605/20/2010Application of Broadwave Networks, Incorporated to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2923.
View10-0501506/01/2010Joint Petition of Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. ("Shell Energy") and the Barrick Mines for a Declaratory Order or Advisory Opinion regarding the appropriate portfolio standards applicable to Shell Energy or any successor new electric resource provider for the Barrick Mines pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 10-03029.
View10-0501405/18/2010Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink of a promotion for new residential customers establishing a new account that includes an access line.
View10-0501305/21/2010Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 400 to revise Large General Service-3 Schedule LGS-3 to reflect the Contributed Investment by Clark County Water Reclamation District for three new substations.
View10-0501205/14/2010Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 508-E to revise the Statement of Rates and approve the proposed rates and changes to tariff sheets required to implement the Nevada Dynamic Pricing Trial under the Advanced Service Delivery initiative.
View10-0501105/14/2010Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 398 to revise the Statement of Rates and approve the proposed rates and changes to tariff sheets required to implement the Nevada Dynamic Pricing Trial under the Advanced Service Delivery initiative.
View10-0501005/14/2010Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 10-02 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective July 1, 2010.
View10-0500905/14/2010Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 10-02 (G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates effective July 1, 2010.
View10-0500805/14/2010Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 10-02 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective July 1, 2010.
View10-0500705/14/2010Notice by Primus Telecommunications, Inc. regarding a pro forma intracorporate merger.
View10-0500605/14/2010Application of Nevada Division of State Parks for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct approximately 3,175 linear feet of pipeline and related facilities at the proposed Van Sickle Bi-State Park that will provide potable water service to the portion of the park located in Douglas County, Nevada, and fire protection water service to the entire park.
View10-0500505/13/2010Application of Spring Creek Utilities Co. filed under Advice Letter No. 10 to revise Connection of Service to Separate Premises and Multiple Units Rule No. 20 to amend language to clarify sewer service to separate premises and multiple units.
View10-0500405/24/2010Application of Mount Charleston Water Company filed under Advice Letter No. 1 to include in its water conservation schedule a rule regarding outside watering restrictions and to implement a deferred payment plan for water and sewer residential customers in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 08-02038.
View10-0500305/11/2010Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink of six promotions for residential and business customers.
View10-0500205/07/2010Petition of Andre Agassi Foundation for Education on behalf of Andre Agassi College Preparatory Academy requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Generations") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Generations program with two 100 kilowatt solar facilities.
View10-0500105/10/2010Notice by Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec Telecom, Clear Choice Communications, Excel Telecommunications and VarTec Solutions and Matrix Telecom, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View10-0403004/30/2010Petition of G & G Systems on behalf of The Meadows School (Lower School) requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Generations") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Generations program with a 100 kilowatt solar facility.
View10-0402904/30/2010Petition of G & G Systems on behalf of The Rainbow Dreams Academy requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Generations") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Generations program with a 100 kilowatt solar facility.
View10-0402804/30/2010Petition of G & G Systems on behalf of The Meadows School (Upper School) requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Generations") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Generations program with a 100 kilowatt solar facility.
View10-0402705/05/2010Application of Southern California Edison Company for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct the Eldorado-Ivanpah Transmission Project consisting of a 220 kV transmission line and associated upgrades to the Eldorado Substation to connect the new Ivanpah Substation in California to the existing Eldorado Substation located near Boulder City in Clark County, Nevada.
View10-0402604/29/2010Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-10-08 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to increase the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 10-03007.
View10-0402504/29/2010Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-10-07 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to increase the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 10-03007.
View10-0402404/29/2010Application of CenturyTel Fiber Company II, LLC d/b/a CenturyLink Wholesale for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View10-0402305/07/2010Petition of NextLight Renewable Power, LLC d/b/a Silver State Solar, LLC for a Declaratory Order as to whether a 50 MW photovoltaic solar electric generating facility and associated bus tie to be constructed near Primm, Nevada is exempt from the Utility Environmental Protection Act permitting requirements.
View10-0402204/29/2010Application of 321 Communications, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View10-0402105/06/2010Application of ComNet (USA) LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View10-0402004/29/2010Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Nextel of California, Inc. d/b/a Sprint, Nextel or Sprint/Nextel for approval of Amendment No. 3 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View10-0401904/29/2010Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Sprint Spectrum L.P. d/b/a Sprint, Nextel or Sprint/Nextel for approval of Amendment No. 3 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View10-0401804/27/2010Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Sprint Communications Company L.P. for approval of Amendments No. 7 and No. 8 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View10-0401704/23/2010Application of Southwest Gas Corporation ("Southwest") filed under Advice Letter No. 460 to revise Gas Tariff No. 7 to modify Schedule Nos. SG/NG-G(S), SG/NG-G(M), SG/NG-G(L), SG/NG-G(TE), SG/NG-AC, SG/NG-WP, SG/NG-EG, and SG/NG-CNG to remove provision requiring certain sales customers to annually provide notice to Southwest of their desire to remain on sales service for a three-year period or return to transportation service.
View10-0401604/19/2010Petition of Southwest Gas Corporation ("Southwest") to substitute tariff sheets to update and correct Southwest’s delivery charges and general revenues per customer amounts to reflect the revenue requirement approved by the Commission in Docket No. 09-04003.
View10-0401504/20/2010Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-10-06 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to change the bundle name of Frontier Digital Phone Essentials to Frontier Digital Phone 100 and to introduce a new residential bundle called Frontier Digital Phone Essentials 2.
View10-0401404/21/2010Petition of OPOWER, Inc. for an Advisory Opinion or a Declaratory Order permitting behavior-based energy efficiency programs to count as an energy efficiency measure as defined in NRS 704.7802.
View10-0401304/16/2010Application of Edgewood Water Company for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to allow the Nevada Division of State Parks to construct approximately 3,175 linear feet of pipeline and related facilities at the proposed Van Sickle Bi-State Park that will provide potable water service to the portion of the park located in Douglas County, Nevada, and fire protection water service to the entire park.
View10-0401204/16/2010Complaint. Clark County School District vs. Southwest Gas Corporation concerning the collection of franchise fees.
View10-0401104/16/2010Complaint. Clark County School District vs. Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy concerning the collection of franchise fees.
View10-0401004/14/2010Investigation into the Rounding Study provided by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy in Docket No. 07-12001.
View10-0400904/14/2010Notice by AGL Networks, LLC and Zayo Group, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View10-0400804/07/2010Investigation regarding the impacts of renewable energy on Nevada’s electricity rates, environment, and economic development.
View10-0400704/06/2010Notice of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada of a promotional campaign designed to increase utilization of Verizon's Integrated Services Digital Network Services.
View10-0400604/06/2010Application of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 353 to revise Network Access Line Service Schedule No. A-1 to clarify existing functionality of Caller ID service.
View10-0400504/05/2010Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 459 to revise Gas Tariff No. 7 to update delivery charges and monthly margin per customer pursuant to Order issued in Docket No. 09-04003.
View10-0400404/05/2010Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2042 to revise Tariff No. A5 to increase lifeline discounts to eligible customers.
View10-0400304/01/2010Petition of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of a Long-Term Service Agreement with Queenstake Resources USA under its Rate Schedule No. GS-4.
View10-0400204/01/2010Annual Report of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2009.
View10-0400104/01/2010Joint Petition of Central Telephone d/b/a CenturyLink and iNetworks Group, Inc. for approval of a Master Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View10-0303304/06/2010Southwest Gas Corporation filed Advice Letter No. 458 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates effective May 1, 2010.
View10-0303203/31/2010Application of Sky Ranch Water Service Corp. for authority to increase rates for water service.
View10-0303104/05/2010Application of New Communications Online and Long Distance Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View10-0303004/07/2010Petition of Hamilton Solar, LLC on behalf of Pershing County School District ("PCSD") requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Generations") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Generations program with four solar facilities totaling 300 kilowatts, and to combine and reallocate rebates currently reserved by PCSD to meet generation requirements.
View10-0302903/31/2010Annual Report of Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2009.
View10-0302803/25/2010Petition of Nevada National Guard requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program’s ("Solar Generations") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Generations program with four 100 kilowatt solar facilities, and to transfer the Solar Generations application filed for the United States Property and Fiscal Office to the Combined Support Maintenance Shop.
View10-0302703/24/2010Filing of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View10-0302603/24/2010Petition of Southwest Energy Efficiency Project requesting the Commission apply to Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to conduct a study of potential incentives for NV Energy’s energy efficiency and conservation programs.
View10-0302503/22/2010Staff report on Indian Springs Water Co., Inc. pursuant to the provisions of NAC 704.627.
View10-0302403/19/2010Status update by Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of the Solar Program pursuant to the regulations adopted in Docket No. 09-07014.
View10-0302303/18/2010Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the eighth amendment to the Action Plan of the 2008-2027 Integrated Resource Plan as it relates to the addition of an Advanced Service Delivery project and a Demand Response program to its Demand Side Plan, the postponement of the proposed Ely Energy Center indefinitely, two long-term Related Purchase Power Agreements, participation in the ON Line project, and other matters related thereto.
View10-0302203/18/2010Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy requesting a determination under NRS 704.7821 that the terms and conditions of five renewable power purchase agreements are just and reasonable and allowing a limited deviation from the requirements of NAC 704.8885.
View10-0302103/18/2010Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC for approval of Amendment No. 12 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View10-0302003/18/2010Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC for approval of Amendments No. 11 and No. 13 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View10-0301903/17/2010Registration of Conexions LLC d/b/a Conexion Wireless as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View10-0301803/17/2010Rulemaking to consider revising NAC 704.627, 704.628, and related sections of the NAC regarding inspections, reports, standards of service, and related matters for small water and sewer utilities.
View10-0301703/22/2010Notice by American Fiber Network, Inc. and New Earthshell Corporation of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View10-0301603/15/2010Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 4 to revise Standby Charge Rule No. 20 to implement payment default remedies for non-payment of delinquent bills for standby charges and provide for the purchase of replacement waste water treatment plant capacity.
View10-0301503/17/2010Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 5 to revise Standby Charge Rule No. 23 to implement payment default remedies for non-payment of delinquent bills for standby charges and provide for the purchase of replacement water storage capacity.
View10-0301403/12/2010Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 4 to revise General Water Service Schedule No. 1 to implement additional customer classes and charges for water service in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 08-06028.
View10-0301303/09/2010Geraldine Trice vs. Southwest Gas Corporation. Complaint regarding billing and disconnection disputes.
View10-0301203/09/2010Application of Vulcan Power Company (now Gradient Resources Inc.), under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Patua Geothermal Project consisting of a 60 MW binary-cycle geothermal power plant and associated facilities to be located approximately 10 miles east of Fernley in Churchill and Lyon counties, Nevada.
View10-0301103/08/2010Registration of AmeriVision Communications, Inc. d/b/a Affinity4 as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View10-0301003/03/2010Second amended application of Amargosa Valley Solar I, LLC for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct the Amargosa Solar Power Project consisting of a 536 MW solar thermal plant, related electric and water transmission facilities, wastewater septic system, and associated facilities to be located approximately 80 miles northwest of Las Vegas in Nye County, Nevada.
View10-0300903/03/2010Registration of U.S. TelePacific Corp. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View10-0300803/03/2010Notice by Global Tel*Link Corporation, GTEL Holdings, Inc., GTEL Acquisition Corp., and GTEL Holding, LLC of a series of debt financing transactions.
View10-0300703/03/2010Report by Solix Inc. as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund regarding fiscal year 2010 assessment recommendation to maintain the availability of telecommunication service in Nevada.
View10-0300603/01/2010Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy to offset the Deferred Energy Accounting Adjustment credit balance against the Deferred Base Tariff General Rate debit balance.
View10-0300503/01/2010Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy to refund deferred gas and liquid propane costs and establish a new Deferred Energy Accounting Adjustment Rate.
View10-0300403/01/2010Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy to refund deferred energy costs, establish a new Deferred Energy Accounting Adjustment Rate, reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development Charge, and reset the Renewable Energy Program Rate.
View10-0300303/01/2010Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy to refund deferred energy costs, establish a new Deferred Energy Accounting Adjustment Rate, reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development Charge, reset the Renewable Energy Program Rate, recover costs of incentives paid to customers in the air conditioning load management program, and other matters related thereto.
View10-0300203/01/2010Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and Agnostic Networks, LLC for approval of an Interconnection, Collocation and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View10-0300103/01/2010Registration of Conexions LLC d/b/a Conexion Wireless as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View10-0202803/08/2010Registration of AmericaTel Corporation d/b/a Americatel Mobile as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View10-0202702/24/2010Rulemaking to consider revising NAC 704.6502, 704.6532, and 704.6546 and related sections of the NAC regarding tax gross-up of contributions in aid of construction.
View10-0202602/17/2010Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy requesting to extend the amortization period for the Western Energy Crisis Amortization rate by one month.
View10-0202502/16/2010Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-10-05 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to clarify Frontier Digital Phone X1 bundled services includes one Flat Rate Residential Access Line in the Basic Line Bundle portion.
View10-0202402/16/2010Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-10-04 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce a state lifeline discount for all qualifying low-income residential customers.
View10-0202302/16/2010Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-10-03 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce a state lifeline discount for all qualifying low-income residential customers.
View10-0202202/16/2010Application of TDS Long Distance Corporation for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View10-0202102/16/2010Notice by Lightyear Network Solutions, LLC of a pro forma transaction resulting in a change in corporate structure.
View10-0202002/12/2010Joint Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to close the Temporary Renewable Energy Development program to new applicants.
View10-0201902/12/2010Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 10-01 (G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates effective April 1, 2010.
View10-0201802/12/2010Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 10-01 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective April 1, 2010.
View10-0201702/12/2010Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 10-01 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective April 1, 2010.
View10-0201602/11/2010Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct the Dry Lake Valley Integrated Solar Combined Cycle Project consisting of new solar thermal facilities to be integrated with two existing natural gas-fired generation stations with a nameplate capacity of approximately 120 MW to be located in the Apex Industrial Park in Clark County, Nevada.
View10-0201502/11/2010Application of the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Disability Services for approval of the State Fiscal Year 2011 budget for telecommunications services for the speech and hearing impaired.
View10-0201402/10/2010Application of iBasis Retail, Inc. d/b/a iBasis for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View10-0201302/05/2010Amended application of Spring Valley Wind LLC for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct the Spring Valley Wind-Generating Facility, a wind energy generation facility consisting of up to 75 wind turbines and ancillary facilities to be located approximately 20 miles east of Ely in White Pine County, Nevada.
View10-0201202/05/2010Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 506-E to submit avoided short term cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities pursuant to Schedule CSPP - Short-Term.
View10-0201102/05/2010Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 395 to submit avoided short term cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities pursuant to Qualifying Facilities Schedule QF-Short Term.
View10-0201002/05/2010Petition of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("SPPC") for an Order permitting deviation from NAC 704.8885(1), 704.9113 and 704.9512(1)(a) regarding a short-term energy and portfolio energy credit transaction between SPPC and Idaho Power Company.
View10-0200902/04/2010Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its 2010-2029 Triennial Integrated Resource Plan.
View10-0200802/02/2010Filing of Commnet of Nevada, LLC to replace Informational Tariff No. 1 filed in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 08-12017.
View10-0200702/02/2010Rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations in NAC Chapter 455 regarding administrative proceedings and practice before the Commission.
View10-0200602/02/2010Filing of DeltaCom, Inc. and Business Telecom, Inc. d/b/a BTI of a notice of guarantee of indebtedness.
View10-0200502/01/2010Notice by Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada of a special promotion for qualifying business customers signing a commitment for new, upgraded, or renewed service to increase utilization of its Integrated Services Digital Network Services.
View10-0200402/01/2010Application of T-NETIX Telecommunications Services, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2085 Sub 2.
View10-0200302/01/2010Application of T-NETIX, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2212 Sub 1.
View10-0200202/01/2010Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink of three promotions for residential and business customers.
View10-0200102/01/2010Annual plans of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program, the Wind Energy Systems Demonstration Program, and the Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Program for the Program Year 2010-2011.
View10-0101801/29/2010Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff to open a rulemaking docket to consider revising NAC 704.6532 regarding tax gross-up of Contributions in Aid of Construction.
View10-0101701/27/2010Investigation regarding the implementation of Section 20 of Senate Bill 358 by Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy.
View10-0101601/22/2010Complaint. Sprint Communications Company L.P., Sprint Spectrum L.P., and Nextel of California, Inc. vs. Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale to resolve a dispute pertaining to its interconnection agreements.
View10-0101502/08/2010Application of Reliant Energy Services, Inc., an alternative seller of natural gas, for approval of a change of name to RRI Energy Services, Inc. for operations conducted under License #G-2.
View10-0101401/20/2010Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the Settlement Agreement and the Large Project Service Agreement with Clark County on behalf of its Department of Aviation including provisions that deviate from Rule No. 9 and the Order issued in Docket No. 06-06007.
View10-0101301/20/2010Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-10-02 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to allow Centrex customers to purchase Frontier Business Unlimited Service.
View10-0101201/20/2010Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-10-01 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to allow Centrex customers to purchase Frontier Business Unlimited Service.
View10-0101101/19/2010Application of Commnet of Nevada, LLC to expand its designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461.
View10-0101001/19/2010Complaint and request for action for enforcement of a civil penalty of the Regulatory Operations Staff against Western States Contracting, Inc. for violation of the provisions of Chapter 455 of the Nevada Revised Statutes.
View10-0100901/12/2010Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to amend certificate CPC 613 Sub 10 to expand its service territory to include a 48 square mile area that is contiguous with its existing service territory in Clark County, Nevada.
View10-0100801/11/2010Notice by Nationwide Long Distance Service, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View10-0100701/21/2010Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale of changes to several of its tariff and catalog pages to update website location references.
View10-0100601/07/2010Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and AT&T Corp. d/b/a AT&T Advanced Solutions for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View10-0100501/06/2010Application of NHC Communications for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View10-0100401/04/2010Application of Clear Voice Telecom, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2879 Sub 2.
View10-0100301/04/2010Investigation and rulemaking to amend and/or clarify the language of NAC 703.510 regarding representation by attorneys in Commission proceedings.
View10-0100201/04/2010Staff's quarterly report regarding the oral complaints resolved pursuant to NAC 455.305 pertaining to the One-Call Program (sub-surface installations).
View10-0100101/04/2010Reports from public utilities operating in Nevada of accidents occurring during calendar year 2010 pursuant to NRS 704.190 and NAC 704.230.
View09-1202501/20/2010Revised registration of Cox TMI Wireless, L.L.C. for a change of name to Cox TMI Wireless, L.L.C. d/b/a Cox Wireless.
View09-1202412/30/2009Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and McGraw Communications, Inc. for approval of a Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-1202312/31/2009Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC d/b/a Cingular Wireless for approval of Amendment No. 2 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-1202212/30/2009Application of Edgewood Water Company filed under Advice Letter No. 3 to revise Fire Protection Rule No. 10 to address fire hydrant maintenance pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 08-07022.
View09-1202112/29/2009Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 289-G to revise Gas Main Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View09-1202012/29/2009Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 505-E to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View09-1201912/29/2009Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 394 to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View09-1201812/31/2009Application of Fairview Mobile Manor to withdraw $4,248.24 from the service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and upgrade the electrical system.
View09-1201712/30/2009Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada for authority to increase its annual revenue requirement for water service rates; decrease its annual revenue requirement for sewer service rates; implement new service classifications and modify charges, fees and provisions for water and sewer customers; approve the creation of a regulatory asset account for litigation costs; and for relief properly related thereto.
View09-1201612/24/2009Application of NextLight Renewable Power, LLC for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct the Boulder City Solar Project which consists of a 150 MW solar photovoltaic generating facility and approximately 2.5 miles of 230 kV transmission line to be located in Boulder City, Clark County, Nevada.
View09-1201512/24/2009Registration of France Telecom Corporate Solutions L.L.C. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View09-1201412/28/2009Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 11 to revise Tariff No. 1-A to add a new definition for Large-scale Correctional Facilities and specify the water and sewer rates applicable to this new category of customer.
View09-1201312/22/2009Raymond Troutt vs. Spring Creek Utilities Co. Complaint regarding whether multi-unit residential dwelling should be paying one monthly sewer charge for the entire structure, or multiple charges based upon the number of units.
View09-1201212/21/2009Southwest Gas Corporation filed Advice Letter No. 457 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates effective February 1, 2010.
View09-1201112/21/2009Filing of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View09-1201012/15/2009Notice by Nationwide Long Distance Service, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View09-1200912/14/2009Application of NHC Communications for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-1200812/11/2009Petition of Andre Agassi Foundation for Education on behalf of Andre Agassi College Preparatory Academy requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Generations") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Generations program with two 100 kilowatt solar facilities.
View09-1200712/10/2009Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada and Lightyear Network Solutions, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-1200601/06/2010Application of Star City Property Owners Association for authority to operate as a public utility providing water service to Star City Subdivision, Humboldt County, Nevada.
View09-1200512/09/2009Investigation and Rulemaking regarding the applicability of NAC 704.8885(1), 704.9113 and 704.9512(1)(a) to short-term energy and Portfolio Energy Credit transactions.
View09-1200412/08/2009Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 456 to revise Tariff No. 7 to update the tax liability factors used to calculate the federal income tax liability associated with customer provided contributions and advances.
View09-1200312/03/2009FH Ventures d/b/a The Foothills Partners (FKA MacDonald Highlands) vs. Southwest Gas Corporation. Complaint concerning extension of natural gas facilities.
View09-1200212/02/2009Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of disposition of Kings Beach Generation Facility and additional requests relating to proposed transaction.
View09-1200112/02/2009Notice by DSLnet Communications, LLC,, Inc., and MegaPath Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View09-1102412/04/2009Petition of the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education on behalf of Great Basin College requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Generations") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Generations program with a 67 kilowatt solar facility.
View09-1102311/25/2009Application of Constellation Energy Commodities Group, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue service as an alternative seller of natural gas conducted under License No. G-18.
View09-1102211/20/2009Notice by Locus Telecommunications, Inc. and KDDI America, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View09-1102111/20/2009In re request for Orders to Appear and Show Cause why Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity or Licenses should not be revoked and/or why administrative fines should not be imposed on public utilities that have not paid their annual assessment fee, their surcharge for assistance to persons with impaired speech and hearing, and/or have not filed an annual report pursuant to NRS 703.191 and NAC 704.7483 or have not paid publication charges for issued notices. In re request for Orders to Appear and Show Cause why Licenses should not be revoked and/or why administrative fines should not be imposed on Commercial Mobile Radio Service providers for failure to pay their annual licensing fee and/or their surcharge for assistance to persons with impaired speech or hearing.
View09-1102011/16/2009Application of Esbar, Inc. d/b/a Direct Communication Services to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2910.
View09-1101911/13/2009Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 09-04 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective January 1, 2010.
View09-1101811/13/2009Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 09-04 (G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates effective January 1, 2010.
View09-1101711/13/2009Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 09-04 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective January 1, 2010.
View09-1101611/13/2009Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed an accident report of an incident resulting in a fatality that occurred on October 31, 2009 when a pickup truck struck a power pole at Vista Boulevard and Alpland Lane in Sparks, Nevada.
View09-1101511/12/2009Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink and SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a AT&T Long Distance for approval of an Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-1101411/09/2009Southwest Gas Corporation ("SWG") filed a notice advising that SWG's wholly-owned and non-regulated subsidiary NPL Construction Co. entered into a joint venture with Tommis Young to form a new affiliate, IntelliChoice Energy LLC.
View09-1101311/09/2009Application of Kietzke Manor Mobile Home Park to withdraw $1,783.94 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View09-1101211/10/2009Request of Affinity Mobile, LLC d/b/a Trumpet Mobile to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View09-1101111/09/2009Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter 392 for approval of General Service Hybrid Electric Vehicle Recharge Rider - Time-of-Use Schedule GSHEVRR - TOU in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 08-12002.
View09-1101011/06/2009Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink for the Commission to overturn a denial by NeuStar, Inc., the Administrator for the North American Number Pool, to obtain additional numbering resources to operate its new switch in the Las Vegas Rate Center.
View09-1100911/06/2009Notice by NobelTel, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View09-1100811/12/2009Registration of Mitel NetSolutions, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View09-1100711/05/2009Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to establish gas cost refund rate that would mitigate the growing Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Account No. 191 credit balances.
View09-1100611/05/2009Application of Nevada Geothermal Utility Company, Inc. for approval of a revised customer service contract.
View09-1100511/04/2009Amended Application of TransWest Express LLC for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct the TransWest Express Transmission Project consisting of a 500 kV AC transmission line running from western Utah to southern Nevada and associated facilities.
View09-1100411/04/2009Investigation regarding feed-in tariffs.
View09-1100311/02/2009Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("NPC") for an Advisory Opinion or an Order permitting deviation from NAC 704.8885(1), 704.9113 and 704.9512(1)(a) regarding a specific short-term energy and Portfolio Energy Credit transaction between NPC and PacifiCorp.
View09-1100211/02/2009Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 393 to revise Interruptible Agricultural Irrigation Water Pumping Schedule No. IAIWP to increase the IAIWP rate and decrease the Peak Penalty rate.
View09-1100111/02/2009Application of Agnostic Networks, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-1003910/29/2009Request of Embarq Communications, Inc. to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View09-1003810/29/2009Notice by Global Tel*Link Corporation, GTEL Holdings, Inc., GTEL Acquisition Corp., and GTEL Holding, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View09-1003711/10/2009Application of TracFone Wireless, Inc. d/b/a SafeLink Wireless to be designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.6804 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-1003611/04/2009Application of IntelePeer, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-1003510/28/2009Application of Silver Springs Mutual Water Company for authority to amend certificate CPC 718 Sub 9 to expand its water service territory to include sections of land to the south and west of its existing service area located in Silver Springs, Lyon County, Nevada.
View09-1003410/23/2009Application of AT&T Corp. for approval of fictitious business name AT&T Advanced Solutions for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2547 Sub 3.
View09-1003310/23/2009Joint application CCT Nevada, Inc. ("CCTN") and CCT Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a CCT Telecom ("CCT") for approval of an internal corporate restructuring and the transfer of certificate CPC 2519 Sub 2 from CCTN to CCT.
View09-1003210/22/2009Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada for authority to modify certificate CPC 2692 Sub 3 to expand its water and sewer service territory to include approximately 2.166 acres of real property owned by Blue Horizons Investments, LLC located in Pahrump, Nye County, Nevada.
View09-1003110/22/2009Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Nevada Comstock Communications, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement and Amendments pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-1003010/22/2009Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and AT&T Corp. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-1002910/22/2009Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Entelegent Solutions, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-1002810/22/2009Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and iNetworks Group, Inc. for approval of a Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-1002710/22/2009Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and ACN Communication Services, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 4 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-1002610/21/2009Notice of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada of a promotional campaign designed to increase utilization of Verizon's Integrated Services Digital Network Services.
View09-1002510/21/2009Application of Tele Circuit Network Corporation for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-1002410/20/2009Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 288-G to revise Gas Main Extensions Rule No. 9 to remove the Economic Stimulus calculation reflecting an increase to the tax factor for gas distribution depreciable property.
View09-1002310/20/2009Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 391 to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to remove the Economic Stimulus calculation reflecting an increase to the tax factor for distribution depreciable property and transmission depreciable property.
View09-1002210/20/2009Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 504-E to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to remove the Economic Stimulus calculation reflecting an increase to the tax factor for distribution depreciable property and transmission depreciable property.
View09-1002110/29/2009Application of NET TALK.COM, INC. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-1002010/16/2009Application of Pay Tel Communications, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-1001910/16/2009Petition of Nevada Controls, LLC requesting a change in the regulations and tariff for the Net Metering Program as it applies to the Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Program.
View09-1001810/15/2009Petition of Nevada Controls, LLC for a Declaratory Order for authority to exceed the Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Rebate Program capacity limit for the Home Ranch 93 KW Hydro Generation Project.
View09-1001710/15/2009Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-09-13 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce a new residential bundle called Frontier Unlimited State X.
View09-1001610/15/2009Application of Comcast Phone of Nevada, LLC d/b/a Comcast Digital Phone for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-1001510/14/2009Application of Sierra Vista Mobile Home Park to withdraw $15,000.00 from the service charge fund for reimbursement of expenses incurred to remove trees encroaching utility services and for repairs to the electrical system.
View09-1001410/14/2009CIMCO Communications, Inc. ("CIMCO") and Comcast Phone of Nevada, LLC d/b/a Comcast Digital Phone ("Comcast") filed a notice regarding the transfer of customer accounts from CIMCO to Comcast.
View09-1001310/12/2009Registration of Ernest Communications, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View09-1001210/12/2009Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Matrix Telecom, Inc. (FKA Trinsic Communications, Inc.) for approval of Amendment No. 4 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-1001110/09/2009Filing of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View09-1001010/14/2009Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada and iNetworks Group, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-1000910/08/2009Rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations regarding federal pipeline safety regulations.
View09-1000810/07/2009Application of Broadview Networks, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-1000710/05/2009Application of Southern California Edison Company for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct the Eldorado-Ivanpah Transmission Project to connect the new Ivanpah Substation to its existing Eldorado Substation located in Boulder City, Nevada.
View09-1000610/05/2009Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, Inc. to withdraw $2,035.00 from the electric service charge fund for reimbursement of expenses incurred for federal income taxes for calendar years 2002 through 2007.
View09-1000510/05/2009Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, Inc. to withdraw $13,379.00 from the gas service charge fund for reimbursement of expenses incurred for federal income taxes for calendar years 2002 through 2007.
View09-1000410/05/2009Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, Inc. to withdraw $4,431.00 from the gas service charge fund for reimbursement of expenses incurred for the yearly gas leak survey, tree removal, and federal income taxes for calendar year 2008.
View09-1000310/01/2009Annual report of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq regarding competition in its local serving area for telecommunication service pursuant to NRS 704.68867.
View09-1000210/01/2009Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and Metropolitan Telecommunications of Nevada, Inc. d/b/a MetTel for approval of an Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-1000110/01/2009Annual report of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale regarding competition in its local serving area for telecommunication service pursuant to NRS 704.68867.
View09-0902509/30/2009Report by Solix Inc. as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund regarding fiscal year 2010 assessment recommendation to maintain the minimum annual contribution and the assessment rate to remain at zero on the intrastate retail revenues of all obligated providers of telecommunication services in Nevada.
View09-0902409/30/2009Southwest Gas Corporation filed Advice Letter No. 455 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates effective November 1, 2009.
View09-0902309/24/2009Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada and Entelegent Solutions, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-0902209/21/2009Registration of Telava Mobile, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View09-0902109/21/2009Registration of Total Call Mobile, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View09-0902009/17/2009Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 503-E to revise Interruptible Irrigation Service Schedule No. IS-2 to increase the IS-2 rate and decrease the Peak Penalty rate.
View09-0901909/17/2009Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and TCG Los Angeles, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-0901809/17/2009Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and AT&T Communications of Nevada, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-0901709/17/2009Application of Total Call International, Inc. d/b/a Amigos Telecom, Phone Globe Telecom, SDI Telecom, and Star International Alliance for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-0901609/17/2009Joint application Nevada Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Nevada Telephone and Excella Communications ("NUI") and BroadRiver, Inc. for approval of a transfer control and the transfer of certificate CPC 2243 Sub 5 from NUI to BroadRiver, Inc.
View09-0901509/17/2009Petition of the Nevada Commission for the Reconstruction of the V&T Railway for a Declaratory Order granting deviation from NAC 705.030(1)(b) and NAC 705.030(1)(f) regarding side clearance standards for platforms and water columns to construct passenger loading and locomotive water facilities to be located at Eastgate Siding in Carson City, Nevada.
View09-0901409/15/2009Amended Application of Searchlight Wind Energy LLC for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct the Searchlight Wind Project consisting of up to 87 turbines, two substations, overhead transmission lines, and four permanent meteorological masts to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View09-0901309/15/2009Commission sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Clark County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View09-0901209/15/2009Commission sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Washoe County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View09-0901109/14/2009Registration of Siro Wireless LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View09-0901009/16/2009Application of Tennessee Telephone Service, LLC d/b/a Freedom Communications USA, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-0900909/11/2009Application of NYNEX Long Distance Company d/b/a Verizon Enterprise Solutions requesting approval of a change of name to Verizon Enterprise Solutions LLC for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2148 Sub 4.
View09-0900809/11/2009Application of Bell Atlantic Communications, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Long Distance requesting approval of a change of name to Verizon Long Distance LLC for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2528 Sub 2.
View09-0900709/11/2009Petition of Washoe County School District on behalf of Bennett Elementary School requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Generations") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Generations program with a 90 kilowatt solar facility.
View09-0900609/14/2009Application of Nevada Geothermal Utility Company, Inc. for approval of a revised customer service contract.
View09-0900509/08/2009Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff to amend NAC 704.460 to adopt the currently effective federal pipeline safety regulations.
View09-0900409/02/2009Application of the Nevada Department of Transportation for authority to widen the existing I-15 bridge and construct a new ramp connector bridge from I-515 to northbound I-15 over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks located in the vicinity of the Las Vegas Spaghetti Bowl Interchange in Clark County, Nevada.
View09-0900309/02/2009Petition of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada to modify illustrative format of master data request for certain public utilities that furnish water and for deviation from the requirements of NAC 703.2208(5).
View09-0900209/01/2009Informational report of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy concerning its natural gas resource planning activities for 2010 to 2012.
View09-0900109/01/2009Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its Energy Supply Plan Update for 2010.
View09-0803908/31/2009Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2041 to revise Tariff No. A2 to add new language regarding fees associated with collection efforts.
View09-0803808/31/2009Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Advanced TelCom, Inc. d/b/a Integra Telecom, Eschelon Telecom of Nevada, Inc. d/b/a Integra Telecom, Sage Telecom, Inc., and Shared Communications Services, Inc. for approval of an Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-0803708/28/2009Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq requesting approval of a change of fictitious business name to Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 687 Sub 12.
View09-0803608/28/2009Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyTel requesting approval of a change of fictitious business name to CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 646 Sub 3.
View09-0803508/28/2009Application of Embarq Communications, Inc. requesting approval of a change of name to Embarq Communications, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink Communications for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2842 Sub 2.
View09-0803408/28/2009Application of CenturyTel Long Distance, LLC requesting approval of a change of name to CenturyTel Long Distance, LLC d/b/a CenturyLink Long Distance for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2427 Sub 3.
View09-0803308/28/2009Application of Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. requesting approval of a change of name to Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. d/b/a CenturyLink for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2333 Sub 2.
View09-0803208/27/2009Application of TracFone Wireless, Inc. to be designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.6804 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-0803108/27/2009Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the Distribution-Only Service Agreement with the City of Las Vegas and the Colorado River Commission.
View09-0803008/26/2009Notice by Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of a special promotion for the Elko Division for residential customers who order Frontier Digital Phone Plus bundled service.
View09-0802909/01/2009Registration of TracFone Wireless, Inc. d/b/a SafeLink Wireless as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View09-0802808/19/2009Plan of Water Conservation of Indian Springs Water Co., Inc. submitted pursuant to NRS 704.662 to 704.6624 inclusive.
View09-0802708/25/2009Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-09-12 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce a new residential bundle called Frontier Digital Phone X1.
View09-0802608/25/2009Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyTel of a promotion for existing business customers to be eligible for one bill credit.
View09-0802508/25/2009Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyTel withdrawing promotion for existing business customers to be eligible for two bill credits.
View09-0802408/24/2009Complaint. Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq vs. CommPartners, LLC for breach of interconnection and resale agreement.
View09-0802308/20/2009Application of the City of Henderson for authority to alter the existing at grade crossing at Stephanie Street to add a concrete curb, gutter, and sidewalk for pedestrian access located in Clark County, Nevada.
View09-0802208/14/2009Petition of Black Rock Solar, Inc. on behalf of Bishop Manogue Catholic High School requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Generations") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Generations program with a 100 kilowatt solar facility.
View09-0802108/14/2009Petition of Black Rock Solar, Inc. on behalf of Pyramid Lake High School requesting approval to exceed the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program's ("Solar Generations") generating capacity limit for a school facility and to submit an application to participate in the Solar Generations program with a 100 kilowatt solar facility.
View09-0802008/14/2009Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the twelfth amendment to the Action Plan of the 2007 - 2026 Integrated Resource Plan as it relates to three new renewable power purchase agreements, a related PV integration and intermittency study, a settlement agreement and related amendments to existing purchased power agreements with Ormat Nevada and various Ormat subsidiaries, and the 2010 Interim Demand Side Plan.
View09-0801908/14/2009Amended application of NextLight Renewable Power, LLC for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct a 230kV substation and a 0.3 mile 230kV transmission line to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View09-0801808/14/2009Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the seventh amendment to the Action Plan of the 2008 - 2027 Integrated Resource Plan as it relates to a settlement agreement and related amendments to existing purchased power agreements with Ormat Nevada and various Ormat subsidiaries.
View09-0801708/14/2009Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its 2009 Annual Demand Side Management Update Report as it relates to the Action Plan of its 2008-2027 Integrated Resource Plan.
View09-0801608/14/2009Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of its 2009 Natural Gas Annual Demand Side Management Update Report for Program Year 2008.
View09-0801508/12/2009Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 09-03 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective October 1, 2009.
View09-0801408/12/2009Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 09-03 (G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates effective October 1, 2009.
View09-0801308/12/2009Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 09-03 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective October 1, 2009.
View09-0801208/20/2009Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Advanced TelCom, Inc. d/b/a Integra Telecom, Eschelon Telecom of Nevada, Inc. d/b/a Integra Telecom, Nevada Comstock Communications, LLC, New Edge Network, Inc. d/b/a New Edge Networks, Shared Communications Services, Inc., Sprint Communications Company L.P., and Telecommunications of Nevada, LLC d/b/a XO Communications, LLC for approval of an Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-0801108/10/2009Informational notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale ("AT&T") that AT&T is removing the C8 access tariff for Billing and Collection Services as such services are not regulated or considered switched or special access service.
View09-0801008/20/2009Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Eschelon Telecom of Nevada, Inc. d/b/a Integra Telecom for approval of Amendments No. 9 and No. 10 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-0800908/10/2009Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Shared Communications Services, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 3 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-0800808/10/2009Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Shared Communications Services, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 2 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-0800708/10/2009Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and ALEC, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-0800608/10/2009Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Peerless Network of Nevada, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-0800508/10/2009Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and New Edge Network, Inc. d/b/a New Edge Networks for approval of Amendment No. 5 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-0800408/20/2009Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Advanced TelCom, Inc. d/b/a Integra Telecom for approval of a Physical and Virtual Collocation Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-0800308/07/2009Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyTel of a promotion for existing business customers to be eligible for two bill credits.
View09-0800208/13/2009Application of Silver Springs Mutual Water Company for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct a water treatment plant to comply with the federal rule regarding arsenic concentrations in drinking water and approximately 7,500 feet of transmission main and to install approximately 3 miles of water line to provide service to the Five Star Mobile Home Park located in Silver Springs, Lyon County, Nevada.
View09-0800108/05/2009Investigation regarding the implementation and administration of the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program, the Wind Energy Systems Demonstration Program, the Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Program, and the Renewable Energy School Pilot Program.
View09-0702608/06/2009Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and ALEC, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-0702508/06/2009Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and DIGITALIPVOICE, INC. for approval of an Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-0702407/31/2009Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority to issue $255 million of new long-term debt securities, new refinancing authority of $348.25 million, authority to restate $845 million of existing authority, and to rescind $300 million in contingent authority related to the Ely Energy Center.
View09-0702307/31/2009Notice by Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada of a special promotion for qualifying business customers signing a commitment for new, upgraded, or renewed service to increase utilization of its Integrated Services Digital Network Services Primary Rate Interface service.
View09-0702207/30/2009Notice by Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of a special promotion for the Elko Division for residential customers who order Frontier Digital Phone Plus bundled service.
View09-0702107/28/2009Application of Communication Telefonicas Latinas Corp for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-0702007/27/2009Revised registration of GreatCall, Inc. for a change of name to Great Call, Inc. d/b/a Jitterbug.
View09-0701907/27/2009Request of Omnipoint Communications, Inc. d/b/a T-Mobile to change its name as a commercial mobile radio service provider to T-Mobile West Corporation d/b/a T-Mobile.
View09-0701807/20/2009Application of Tonopah Solar Energy, LLC, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Project consisting of a nominal 110 megawatt solar thermal generating facility and new 230 kV transmission line to be located in Nye County, Nevada.
View09-0701707/16/2009Petition of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada ("UICN") for a Declaratory Order regarding the interpretation and application of UICN's Rule 12 of Water Tariff No. 1-A.
View09-0701607/15/2009Rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations regarding electric utility decoupling and other related utility matters in accordance with Senate Bill 358 (Section 11.3).
View09-0701507/15/2009Rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations regarding disposal and/or recycling of certain waste and other related utility matters in accordance with Senate Bill 358.
View09-0701407/15/2009Rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations regarding distributed generation systems, various demonstration programs, incentives, and related utility matters in accordance with Senate Bill 358.
View09-0701307/15/2009Rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations regarding low carbon intensity scenarios and other related utility matters in accordance with Senate Bill 165.
View09-0701207/15/2009Rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations regarding renewable portfolio standards, renewable energy credits, and other related utility matters in accordance with Assembly Bill 387.
View09-0701107/15/2009Rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations regarding renewable energy zones, transmission plans, renewable developer commitments, and other related utility matters in accordance with Assembly Bill 387.
View09-0701007/10/2009Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 502-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 2, Schedule Nos. LCSPP86 and LCSPP87, to adjust rates for long-term cogeneration and small power production energy and capacity rates.
View09-0700907/20/2009Registration of Cox TMI Wireless, L.L.C. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View09-0700807/07/2009Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and Budget PrePay, Inc. d/b/a Budget Phone for approval of a Master Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-0700707/01/2009Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 501-E for approval of a Portfolio Charge to be applicable to Newmont Mining Corporation taking service under Rate Schedule GS-4-NG to recover the additional cost required to meet the Nevada Portfolio Standard.
View09-0700607/01/2009Notice by SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a AT&T Long Distance that it will cease to provide business voice local exchange service in the Las Vegas, Nevada area effective November 17, 2009.
View09-0700507/01/2009Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy requesting the Commission accept their portfolio optimization strategy for 2010-2012, and make a predetermination that their strategy is prudent.
View09-0700407/01/2009Application of Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company to Solix, Inc. in its capacity as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund ("NUSF") for allowance of NUSF funding for the year commencing January 1, 2010.
View09-0700312/18/2009Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the Energy Supply Plan component of its triennial Integrated Resource Plan for the period 2010-2029.
View09-0700207/01/2009Staff report on Sky Ranch Water Service Corp. pursuant to the provisions of NAC 704.627.
View09-0700107/01/2009Staff report on Verdi Meadows Utility Company, Inc. pursuant to the provisions of NAC 704.627.
View09-0603706/30/2009Application of Utilities, Inc. of Nevada for authority to increase rates for water service.
View09-0603606/30/2009Application of Boulder City Trailer Park to withdraw $15,000.00 from the service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electric distribution system.
View09-0603506/30/2009Application of Edgewood Water Company filed under Advice Letter No. 2 to revise Tariff No. 1 to establish Temporary Fire Hydrant Metered Service Rate Schedule H-2 in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 08-09004.
View09-0603406/30/2009Rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations regarding construction permits and other related utility matters in accordance with Senate Bill 395.
View09-0603306/30/2009Rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations regarding the Solar Thermal Systems Demonstration Program and other related utility matters in accordance with Senate Bill 188.
View09-0603206/30/2009Rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations regarding the duties and responsibilities of the executive director and other related utility matters in accordance with Assembly Bill 510.
View09-0603106/30/2009Rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations regarding third party ownership of renewable energy systems and other related utility matters in accordance with Assembly Bill 186.
View09-0603006/30/2009Southwest Gas Corporation filed Advice Letter No. 454 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates effective August 1, 2009.
View09-0602906/29/2009Investigation regarding energy use by low-income customers of regulated utilities in Nevada and appropriate policy responses.
View09-0602806/29/2009Investigation regarding Nevada Power Company Line Extension Tariff, Rule No. 9, Section B.2.
View09-0602706/30/2009Application of Topaz Lake Water Co., Inc. for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct an arsenic treatment facility and approximately 1,800 feet of water transmission pipe to be located in Topaz Lake, Douglas County, Nevada.
View09-0602606/25/2009Notice by Primus Telecommunications, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View09-0602506/23/2009Application of Gentry Manor Mobile Home Park to withdraw $2,500.00 from the service charge fund for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and improve the electrical system.
View09-0602406/19/2009Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 10 to revise Irrigation Service Schedule WI-1 to incorporate an additional well to serve irrigation customers for which no other rate is specified and create a 3" irrigation service customer class.
View09-0602306/19/2009Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 287-G to revise Gas Main Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View09-0602206/19/2009Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 390 to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View09-0602106/19/2009Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 500-E to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View09-0602006/26/2009Application of Mosaic Networx LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-0601906/26/2009Application of Nexus Communications, Inc. to be designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.6804 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-0601806/16/2009Petition of Southwest Gas Corporation for a non-emergency special permit to temporarily deviate from certain state and federal pipeline safety regulations.
View09-0601706/16/2009Rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations on reporting accidents and service outages.
View09-0601606/18/2009Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to establish a revised Base Tariff General Rate pursuant to the Variable Interest Expense Recovery mechanism.
View09-0601506/15/2009Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy, under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct the One Nevada Transmission Line Project consisting of an expansion of the existing Falcon Substation, the new Robinson Summit Substation, approximately 235 miles of new 500 kV transmission line from the new Robinson Summit Substation to the existing Harry Allen Substation, and associated facilities to be located in White Pine, Lincoln, Nye, Clark, and Eureka Counties, Nevada.
View09-0601406/15/2009Application of Commerce Energy Inc. for approval of a change in ownership and corporate structure whereby all outstanding common shares of its parent company, Universal Energy Group, Ltd., will be acquired by Just Energy Income Fund.
View09-0601306/12/2009Request of OnStar Corporation d/b/a OEM Telematics Services to change its name as a commercial mobile radio service provider to OnStar, LLC.
View09-0601206/11/2009Report of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("NPC") regarding the physical gas supply for NPC's generating fleet in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 08-08030.
View09-0601106/11/2009Application of 3U Telecom Inc. requesting approval of a change of name to Telecom North America Inc. for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2715 Sub 1.
View09-0601006/10/2009Application of Velocity The Greatest Phone Company Ever, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-0600906/15/2009Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct the Mesquite Avenue Utility Line Extensions project consisting of two 1.2 million gallon water storage tanks, a pump station, two lift stations, and associated water and sewer lines to be located in Pahrump, Nye County, Nevada.
View09-0600806/08/2009Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, Inc. to withdraw $834.65 from the service charge fund for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View09-0600706/12/2009Registration of Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a Excel Telecommunications as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View09-0600606/04/2009Application of Telesphere Access, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-0600506/04/2009Joint application of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada ("Verizon"), Frontier Communications Corporation, and New Communications of the Southwest Inc. ("New Communications") for approval of a transfer of control, the transfer of certificate CPC 2 Sub 10 from Verizon to New Communications, and the designation of New Communications as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier.
View09-0600406/04/2009Notice by NextG Networks of California, Inc. d/b/a NextG Networks West, NextG Networks, Inc., and Nodes Merger Corp. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View09-0600306/03/2009Application of Startec Global Operating Company to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2238 Sub 3.
View09-0600206/01/2009Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and American Fiber Systems, Inc. for approval of a Master Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-0600106/01/2009Application of Galaxy Communications, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2256 Sub 1.
View09-0503805/28/2009Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-09-10 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff 1-B to modify the Frontier Digital Phone and Frontier Digital Phone Plus bundled services to add additional enhanced calling features, reduce the monthly recurring charge, and to introduce a credit for certain new customers.
View09-0503705/28/2009Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-09-09 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff 1-B to modify the Frontier Digital Phone and Frontier Digital Phone Plus bundled services to add additional enhanced calling features, reduce the monthly recurring charge, and to introduce a credit for certain new customers.
View09-0503605/22/2009Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 453 to revise Gas Tariff No. 6 to increase the transaction fee charged by and paid directly to the third-party vendor for payments processed using a credit card.
View09-0503505/21/2009Application of Optic Internet Protocol, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-0503405/21/2009Application of Green Acres Mobilehome Park to withdraw $4,725.07 from the meter service fee account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View09-0503305/21/2009Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-09-08 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to grandfather and rename two residential bundles and to introduce two new residential bundles called Frontier Digital Phone Essentials and Frontier UnlimitedNV.
View09-0503205/20/2009Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-09-07 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to grandfather and rename two residential bundles and to introduce two new residential bundles called Frontier Digital Phone Essentials and Frontier UnlimitedNV.
View09-0503105/20/2009Notice by Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada, d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of a special promotion for the Elko Division for residential customers who order Frontier Digital Phone Plus bundled service.
View09-0503005/20/2009Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq filed under Advice Letter No. 34 to revise Access Service Tariff No. 3B to remove obsolete provisions relating to the presubscription change charge application.
View09-0502905/21/2009Application of PacifiCorp d/b/a Rocky Mountain Power for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct the Energy Gateway South Transmission Project consisting of approximately 77 miles of 500 kV transmission line and ancillary facilities to be located in Clark and Lincoln Counties, Nevada.
View09-0502805/20/2009Application of Startec Global Operating Company to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2238 Sub 3.
View09-0502705/19/2009Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and Cox Nevada Telcom, LLC for approval of a Master Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-0502605/18/2009Application of 3U Telecom Inc. requesting approval of a change of name to Telecom North America Inc. for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2715 Sub 1.
View09-0502505/15/2009Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 09-02 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective July 1, 2009.
View09-0502405/15/2009Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 09-02 (G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates effective July 1, 2009.
View09-0502305/15/2009Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 09-02 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective July 1, 2009.
View09-0502205/15/2009Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Utility Telephone, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement and Amendments pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-0502105/14/2009Application of DIGITALIPVOICE, INC. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-0502005/18/2009Application of LDMI Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a LDMI Telecommunications and FoneTel to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2363 Sub 3.
View09-0501905/13/2009Registration of Nexus Communications, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View09-0501805/14/2009Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada for authority to modify certificate CPC 2692 Sub 3 to expand its water and sewer service territory to include approximately 120 acres of real property owned by CCA Western Properties, Inc. located in Pahrump, Nye County, Nevada.
View09-0501705/12/2009Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Advisory Opinion regarding when an exclusionary provision contained in NRS 455.110(1) applies and when, as a result, an excavator must notify the association for operators of planned excavation activities.
View09-0501605/12/2009Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff to open a rulemaking docket to consider revising the Nevada Administrative Code sections applicable to the reporting of accidents by public utilities and requiring the reporting of service outages.
View09-0501505/11/2009Application of Entelegent Solutions, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-0501405/13/2009Application of the Nevada Department of Transportation for authority to widen the existing Interstate 15 bridge over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks located in the vicinity of Mark Twain Avenue in Clark County, Nevada.
View09-0501305/18/2009Application of Comcast Business Communications, LLC d/b/a Comcast Long Distance to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2324 Sub 3.
View09-0501205/06/2009Application of Smart Dial, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-0501105/06/2009Application of Coast to Coast Long Distance, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-0501005/06/2009Petition of the Nevada Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Task Force requesting the suspension of the requirement pursuant to Section 4.2 of the Policy and Procedures for the Wind Energy Demonstration Program that all wind turbines must be listed on either the California Energy Commission or the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority program lists of certified equipment.
View09-0500905/05/2009Application of Blue Sky Long Distance, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-0500805/05/2009Application of Call Direct, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-0500705/05/2009Application of Xoom Telecommunications, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-0500605/04/2009Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, Inc. to withdraw $834.65 from the service charge fund for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and improve the electrical system.
View09-0500505/04/2009Application of First Choice Long Distance, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-0500405/04/2009Application of Bundled Rate Long Distance, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-0500305/04/2009Application of Long Distance Mart, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-0500205/01/2009Informational report of Southwest Gas Corporation concerning its natural gas resource planning activities.
View09-0500105/01/2009Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to adjust its Deferred Energy Account Adjustment rates; revise its Distribution Shrinkage rates; establish the commodity and reservation charges used to calculate transportation customer excess imbalance charges; and establish an Annual Rate Adjustment tariff provision.
View09-0402305/06/2009Application of Cozy Trailer Park to withdraw $1,472.35 from the service charge fund for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and improve the electrical system and to close the account.
View09-0402204/30/2009Notice of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq for per se relief to be excused from all obligations as a provider of last resort in regard to the property located at the northeast corner of St. Rose Parkway and Maryland Parkway in Henderson, Nevada.
View09-0402104/29/2009Regulatory Operations Staff of the Public Utilities Commission filed an accident report from Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of an incident resulting in a fatality that occurred on April 19, 2009 involving a pickup truck traveling half on the sidewalk and half on the street that struck a steel transmission pole at 4200 Block of East Russell Road in Las Vegas, Nevada.
View09-0402004/30/2009Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-09-06 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Stay Connected Seasonal Offering.
View09-0401904/30/2009Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-09-05 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Stay Connected Seasonal Offering.
View09-0401804/30/2009Notice by Global Tel*Link Corporation, GTEL Holdings, Inc., GTEL Acquisition Corp., and GTEL Holding, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View09-0401704/29/2009Application of Americatel Corporation d/b/a 1010 123 Americatel d/b/a Ametex d/b/a 1 800 3030 123 Americatel Collect requesting approval of a change of name to Americatel Corporation d/b/a 1010 123 Americatel d/b/a Ametex d/b/a Startec for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2359 Sub 3.
View09-0401604/28/2009Application of Flat Rate Long Distance, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-0401504/28/2009Application of Long Distance Depot, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-0401404/28/2009Application of Sure Connection LD, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-0401304/28/2009Application of Universal Call Plan, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-0401204/28/2009Application of Call for Less, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-0401104/28/2009Application of Connect Direct LD, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-0401004/23/2009Application of digitalIPvoice, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-0400904/17/2009Notice by Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada of a promotional campaign to increase utilization of Verizon's Integrated Services Digital Network Services.
View09-0400804/10/2009Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order requiring Wells Cargo, Inc. to Appear and Show Cause why it should not be assessed a civil penalty for violation of the provisions of Chapter 455 of the Nevada Revised Statutes.
View09-0400704/21/2009Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct the Ft. Sage Transmission Line Project consisting of approximately 49.6 miles of 345 kV transmission line between the Ft. Sage Substation and the East Tracy Substation and associated facilities to be located in Washoe and Storey Counties, Nevada.
View09-0400604/09/2009Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Budget PrePay, Inc. d/b/a Budget Phone for approval of an Interconnection Agreement and Amendments pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-0400504/09/2009Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq filed under Advice Letter No. 33 to revise Access Service Tariff No. 3B to add OC192 rate information to the Rate Summary section, correct V&H Coordinate information, and textual corrections to provide clarification.
View09-0400404/07/2009Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada and Utility Telephone, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Adoption Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-0400304/03/2009Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to increase its rates and charges for natural gas service for all classes of customers in Southern and Northern Nevada.
View09-0400204/03/2009Application of Vulcan Power Company for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct the Salt Wells Geothermal Development Project consisting of two 60 MW geothermal power plants and associated facilities to be located within federally leased acreage at Salt Wells, Nevada.
View09-0400104/02/2009Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2040 to revise Tariff No. A5 to adjust the lifeline eligibility levels pursuant to the temporary regulations adopted in Docket No. 07-06016.
View09-0304003/31/2009Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Trans National Communications International, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-0303903/31/2009Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Airespring, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-0303803/31/2009Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Commnet of Nevada, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-0303703/31/2009Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Telecommunications of Nevada, LLC d/b/a XO Communications, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-0303603/31/2009Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Matrix Telecom, Inc. (FKA Trinsic Communications, Inc.) for approval of Amendment No. 4 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-0303503/31/2009Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Telecommunications of Nevada, LLC d/b/a XO Communications, LLC for approval of an Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-0303403/31/2009Annual report of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2008.
View09-0303303/31/2009Annual Report of Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2008.
View09-0303204/07/2009Application of Meadows Trailer Park to withdraw $10,011.20 from the service charge fund for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and improve the electrical system.
View09-0303103/31/2009Southwest Gas Corporation filed Advice Letter No. 452 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates effective May 1, 2009.
View09-0303003/27/2009Report of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy on the progress of its Action Plan relative to its 2008-2027 Integrated Resource Plan.
View09-0302903/27/2009Registration of MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View09-0302803/27/2009Registration of Tennessee Telephone Service, LLC d/b/a Freedom Communications USA, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View09-0302703/30/2009Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-09-04 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to adjust the rate and remove the long distance requirement associated with the Frontier Digital Phone Essentials bundle.
View09-0302603/30/2009Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-09-03 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to adjust the rate and remove the long distance requirement associated with the Frontier Digital Phone Essentials bundle.
View09-0302503/26/2009Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order requiring Westcom, Inc. to Appear and Show Cause why it should not be assessed a civil penalty for violation of the provisions of Chapter 455 of the Nevada Revised Statutes.
View09-0302403/26/2009Application of Broadvox-CLEC, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-0302303/25/2009Application of Panther Valley Water Users Association to voluntarily discontinue water service conducted under certificate CPC 723 Sub 3.
View09-0302203/25/2009Application of the Nevada Department of Transportation for authority to alter the existing I-15 bridges over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks located in Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada.
View09-0302103/25/2009Filing of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View09-0302003/25/2009Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order requiring Western States Contracting, Inc. to Appear and Show Cause why it should not be assessed a civil penalty for violation of the provisions of Chapter 455 of the Nevada Revised Statutes.
View09-0301903/23/2009Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyTel of four promotions for residential and business customers.
View09-0301803/20/2009Application of Globalcom Inc. for approval of fictitious business name First Communications for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2698 Sub 1.
View09-0301703/19/2009Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order requiring Iron Horse Construction, Inc. to Appear and Show Cause why it should not be assessed a civil penalty for violation of the provisions of Chapter 455 of the Nevada Revised Statutes.
View09-0301603/19/2009Notice by Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada, d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of a special promotion for the Elko and Tonopah Divisions for new business customers who order Frontier Business Metro service.
View09-0301503/20/2009Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of its initial three year Conservation and Energy Efficiency Plan.
View09-0301403/18/2009Application of Reno Engineering Corporation on behalf of Tahoe Reno Industrial Center for authority to construct five at-grade railroad crossings at Britain Way, Ireland Drive, Pittsburg Drive, Denmark Drive, and Peru Drive located within the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center, Storey County, Nevada.
View09-0301303/13/2009Application of Enhanced Communications Network, Inc. for approval of fictitious business name Asian American Association Telecom Services for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2394 Sub 1.
View09-0301203/06/2009Application of Southwest Gas Company filed under Advice Letter No. 450 to revise Gas Tariff No. 6 to establish high pressure and low pressure transportation shrinkage rates in Southern Nevada in compliance with the Order issued in Docket Nos. 08-03033 and 08-05010.
View09-0301103/10/2009Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 382 to revise Net Metering Rider Schedule No. NMR and Generating Facility Interconnection Rule No. 15 in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 07-06024.
View09-0301003/10/2009Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 492-E to revise Net Metering Rider Schedule No. NMR and Generating Facility Interconnection Rule No. 15 in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 07-06024.
View09-0300903/09/2009Application of the Nevada Department of Transportation for authority to alter the existing US-395/I-580 bridge over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks located in Reno, Washoe County, Nevada.
View09-0300803/10/2009Joint Petition of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("NPC") and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy ("SPPC") for a Declaratory Order granting waivers of Commission-ordered requirements to provide certain engineering, construction, and cost estimates, certain cost analyses, and impact updates related to the proposed Ely Energy Center as part of NPC's 2009 Integrated Resource Plan ("IRP") and amendment to be filed by SPPC to its IRP.
View09-0300703/09/2009Application of the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Disability Services for approval of the State Fiscal Year 2010 budget for telecommunications services for the speech and hearing impaired.
View09-0300603/09/2009Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the sixth amendment to the Action Plan of the 2008-2027 Integrated Resource Plan for authority to construct the One Nevada Transmission Line; approval of its updated fuel and purchased power forecasts and load forecast; and other matters related thereto.
View09-0300503/09/2009Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the eleventh amendment to the Action Plan of the 2007-2026 Integrated Resource Plan for authority to construct the One Nevada Transmission Line; enter into a long-term power purchase agreement; approval of its updated fuel and purchased power forecasts and load forecast; and other matters related thereto.
View09-0300403/16/2009Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and ConnectTo Communications Inc. for approval of an Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-0300303/03/2009Application of Spring Creek Utilities Co. for approval of its 2009 Resource Plan for water and sewer services.
View09-0300203/02/2009Staff report on Shoshone Estates Water Company pursuant to the provisions of NAC 704.627.
View09-0300103/02/2009Application of Legacy Telecommunications Corporation to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2423 Sub 1.
View09-0203103/02/2009Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy to establish a new natural gas and liquid propane Deferred Energy Accounting Adjustment Rate.
View09-0203003/02/2009Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy to establish a new Deferred Energy Accounting Adjustment Rate, to reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development Charge, and to reset all of the components of the Renewable Energy Program Rates.
View09-0202902/27/2009Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy to establish a new Deferred Energy Accounting Adjustment Rate, to reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development Charge, to reset all of the components of the Renewable Energy Program Rates, and to recover costs of incentives paid to customers participating in the air conditioning load management program.
View09-0202802/27/2009Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order requiring Cedco Grading LLC to Appear and Show Cause why it should not be assessed a civil penalty for violation of the provisions of Chapter 455 of the Nevada Revised Statutes.
View09-0202702/27/2009Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order requiring Clark County Water Reclamation District to Appear and Show Cause why it should not be assessed a civil penalty for violation of the provisions of Chapter 455 of the Nevada Revised Statutes.
View09-0202602/26/2009Application of Billing Services of America, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-0202502/26/2009Rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations regarding rate applications for water and sewer utilities.
View09-0202403/04/2009Application of Commerce Energy Inc. for approval of a change in ownership and corporate structure whereby all stock of Commerce Energy Inc. was transferred to Commerce Gas and Electric Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of Universal Energy Group, Ltd.
View09-0202302/24/2009Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 286-G to revise Gas Main Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View09-0202202/24/2009Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 389 to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View09-0202102/24/2009Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 499-E to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View09-0202002/23/2009Registration of MCI Communications Services, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Business Services as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View09-0201902/20/2009Application of Gentry Place Mobile Home Park to withdraw $2,514.27 from the service charge fund for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair the electrical system.
View09-0201802/18/2009Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 449 to revise Tariff No. 6 to update the tax liability factors used to calculate the federal income tax liability associated with customer provided contributions and advances.
View09-0201702/13/2009Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 09-01 (G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates effective April 1, 2009.
View09-0201602/13/2009Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 09-01 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective April 1, 2009.
View09-0201502/13/2009Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed Notice No. 09-01 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective April 1, 2009.
View09-0201402/11/2009Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and Granite Telecommunications, LLC for approval of an Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-0201302/09/2009Revised registration of AirTouch Cellular d/b/a Verizon Wireless, Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless, Sacramento Valley Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless, and Southwestco Wireless L.P. d/b/a Verizon Wireless to update the regulatory contact person and corporate information for all Verizon Wireless entities.
View09-0201202/18/2009Application of Cypress Communications Operating Company, Inc. requesting approval of a change of name to Cypress Communications Operating Company, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2722 Sub 1 and a notice of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View09-0201102/25/2009Application of Broadwave Networks, Incorporated for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-0201002/05/2009Revised registration of WWC License L.L.C. d/b/a Alltel to update information to reflect changes due to the acquisition of Alltel Corporation by Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless.
View09-0200902/09/2009Application of BetterWorld Telecom LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-0200802/04/2009Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 496-E to submit avoided short term cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities pursuant to Qualifying Facilities Schedule CSPP-Short Term Rates.
View09-0200702/04/2009Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 386 to submit avoided short term cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities pursuant to Qualifying Facilities Schedule QF-Short Term.
View09-0200602/04/2009Joint application of Sierra Vista Service Corporation d/b/a Sierra Vista Gas Company ("Sierra Vista") and AmeriGas Propane for approval of the transfer of CPC 2570 from Sierra Vista to AmeriGas Propane.
View09-0200502/03/2009Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct the Fallon 230 kV Source Project consisting of a 230 kV transmission line approximately 19.4 miles long and the new Greenwave Substation, Carson Lake Switching Station and Pony Express Switching Station to be located in Churchill County, Nevada.
View09-0200402/03/2009Application of Dutchman Acres Water Company for authority to increase rates for water service.
View09-0200302/02/2009Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 497-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to temporarily suspend the collection of the Renewable Energy Program Rate effective April 1, 2009 until the Commission resets the rate in its 2009 Annual Deferred Energy Accounting Adjustment proceeding.
View09-0200202/02/2009Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 387 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to temporarily suspend the collection of the Renewable Energy Program Rate effective April 1, 2009 until the Commission resets the rate in its 2009 Annual Deferred Energy Accounting Adjustment proceeding.
View09-0200102/04/2009Application of Great Basin Wind, LLC for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct the New Comstock Wind Energy Project consisting of 69 wind turbines connected to a substation by approximately 20 miles of underground distribution lines, a 120 kV transmission line approximately 5 miles long, and ancillary facilities to be located in Storey and Washoe Counties, Nevada.
View09-0102901/30/2009Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale for review and modification of its 2009 Performance Measurement Plan and 2009 Performance Incentives Plan pursuant to NAC 704.6803 to 704.680315 inclusive.
View09-0102801/30/2009Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order requiring Clark County, Nevada to Appear and Show Cause why it should not be assessed a civil penalty for violation of NRS 455.130 and for the Commission to seek immediate injunctive relief from the District Court.
View09-0102701/30/2009Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order requiring Mastec North America, Inc. to Appear and Show Cause why it should not be assessed a civil penalty for violation of NRS 455.137 and for the Commission to seek immediate injunctive relief from the District Court.
View09-0102601/30/2009Application of Vanco US, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-0102501/30/2009Annual plans of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program, the Wind Energy Systems Demonstration Program, and the Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Program for the Program Year 2009-2010.
View09-0102401/30/2009Application of iNetworks Group, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-0102301/26/2009Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff ("Staff") to open a rulemaking docket to consider revising Nevada Administrative Code 704.622 which relates to rate applications for certain small water and sewer utilities prepared with the assistance of Staff.
View09-0102201/23/2009Staff report on Rosemount Water Company, Inc. pursuant to the provisions of NAC 704.627.
View09-0102101/23/2009Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 448 for approval of the Annual Rate Adjustment (ARA) Special Supplementary Tariff which sets forth the test period, filing date, and rate effective date for its annual rate adjustment.
View09-0102001/22/2009Application of Enhanced Communications Network, Inc. for approval of fictitious business name Asian American Association Telecom Services for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2394 Sub 1.
View09-0101901/22/2009Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-09-02 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce a new business bundle called Frontier Business Metro.
View09-0101801/22/2009Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-09-01 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce a new business bundle called Frontier Business Metro.
View09-0101701/27/2009Joint Petition of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada and Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View09-0101601/20/2009Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the fifth amendment to the Action Plan of the 2008 - 2027 Integrated Resource Plan as it relates to an amendment to the WSPP Confirmation with Newmont Nevada Energy Investment LLC and an amendment to the existing renewable power purchase agreements and associated portfolio credits with Homestretch Geothermal.
View09-0101501/21/2009Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for approval of the tenth amendment to the Action Plan of the 2007 - 2026 Integrated Resource Plan as it relates to amendments to renewable power purchase agreements with NGP Blue Mountain I LLC, Enel Salt Wells, LLC, and Enel Stillwater, LLC, and an amendment to the solar renewable energy credit purchase agreement with SunPower Corporation.
View09-0101401/20/2009Application of Billing Services of America, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View09-0101301/20/2009Notice by Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada of a promotional campaign to increase utilization of Verizon's Integrated Services Digital Network Services Primary Rate Interface Service.
View09-0101201/16/2009Application of Maskina Communications, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2913.
View09-0101101/15/2009Show Cause Proceeding to determine whether Spring Creek Utilities Co. should be assessed an administrative fine pursuant to NRS 703.380 for violation of NAC 703.680(7).
View09-0101001/15/2009Investigation regarding the allowance of cash working capital for water and sewer utilities as an acceptable substitute for conducting a lead lag study.
View09-0100901/13/2009Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyTel filed under Advice Letter No. 08-02A to revise Tariff No. 1 to clarify the terms and conditions for Business Unlimited Service customers with 1-10 lines.
View09-0100801/13/2009Registration of Lightyear Network Solutions, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View09-0100701/12/2009Application of Business Productivity Solutions, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2820 Sub 1.
View09-0100601/08/2009Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct approximately 0.5 miles of 500kV transmission line interconnecting the Harry Allen Generating Station with the Harry Allen Substation and associated interconnection facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View09-0100501/08/2009Application of Reno Engineering Corporation for authority to construct five new railroad crossings at Britain Way, Ireland Drive, Pittsburg Drive, Denmark Drive, and Peru Drive located in Storey County, Nevada.
View09-0100401/07/2009Investigation regarding the effectiveness of the Solar Program, including without limitation the incentive structure of the program.
View09-0100301/07/2009Investigation regarding Nevada Power Company's and Sierra Pacific Power Company's Resource Optimization Strategy.
View09-0100201/05/2009Staff's quarterly report regarding the oral complaints resolved pursuant to NAC 455.305 pertaining to the One-Call Program (sub-surface installations).
View09-0100101/05/2009Reports from public utilities operating in Nevada of accidents occurring during calendar year 2009 pursuant to NRS 704.190 and NAC 704.230.
View08-1202812/30/2008Report of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy on the North Valmy Generating Station Northern Coal Plant Expansion filed in compliance with the Order issued in Docket Nos. 08-05014 and 08-05015.
View08-1202712/31/2008Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 446 to revise Tariff No. 6 to update the tax liability factors used to calculate the federal income tax liability associated with customer provided contributions and advances.
View08-1202612/31/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 284-G to revise Gas Main Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View08-1202512/31/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 495-E to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View08-1202412/31/2008Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy filed under Advice Letter No. 385 to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View08-1202312/31/2008Southwest Gas Corporation filed Advice Letter No. 447 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates effective February 1, 2009.
View08-1202212/26/2008Request of WDIG Mobile, LLC to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View08-1202101/07/2009Application of Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct the Laughlin Substation Transmission Project which consists of a 500 kV transmission line at and between the Laughlin Substation and the Mohave Generating Station and associated facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View08-1202012/23/2008Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Charter Fiberlink NV-CCVII, LLC for approval of an Amendment and Appendices to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-1201912/23/2008Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and ACN Communication Services, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 3 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-1201812/23/2008Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Omnipoint Communications, Inc. d/b/a T-Mobile for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-1201712/24/2008Application of Commnet of Nevada, LLC to be designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.680461 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-1201612/22/2008Request of Phonetec PCS, LLC to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View08-1201512/19/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 494-E to close Outdoor Lighting Service Schedule No. OLS to new installations.
View08-1201412/18/2008Application of Vulcan Power Company for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct the Yerington to Las Vegas Transmission Line Project consisting of a 500 kV transmission line approximately 347 miles long and ancillary facilities, to be located in Lyon, Mineral, Esmeralda, Nye, and Clark Counties, Nevada.
View08-1201312/11/2008Request of WDIG Mobile, LLC to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View08-1201212/16/2008Application of IKUN Energy, LLC for a license to provide discretionary service as an alternative seller of natural gas to generating, industrial, or large commercial customers in the state of Nevada.
View08-1201112/15/2008Registration of GreatCall, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View08-1201012/05/2008Amended Application of DesertLink, LLC for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct the Harry Allen to El Dorado Project consisting of a 500 kV electrical transmission line approximately 60 miles long and related facilities to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View08-1200912/05/2008Application of Reno Engineering Corporation for authority to construct five new railroad crossings at Britain Way, Ireland Drive, Pittsburg Drive, Denmark Drive, and Peru Drive located in Storey County, Nevada.
View08-1200812/05/2008Application of Sierra Vista Service Corporation d/b/a Sierra Vista Gas Company to voluntarily discontinue liquefied petroleum gas service conducted under certificate CPC 2570.
View08-1200712/08/2008Application of Radical System Solutions Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View08-1200612/03/2008Application of Commnet of Nevada, LLC to be designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.6804 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-1200512/03/2008Joint Application of Commnet of Nevada, LLC and CC Communications for approval of the transfer of control of certain assets from CC Communications to Commnet of Nevada, LLC.
View08-1200412/03/2008Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 383 to revise its Large General Service-3 Schedule LGS-3 to set the investment amount by which the Facility Charge is calculated for the MGM Block A portion of the Project City Center development.
View08-1200312/03/2008Application of Phone1, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2811 Sub 1.
View08-1200212/01/2008Application of Nevada Power Company for authority to increase its annual revenue requirement for general rates charged to all classes of customers to recover costs of acquiring the Bighorn Power Plant, constructing the Clark Peakers, environmental retrofits, and other generating, transmission, and distribution plant additions; to reflect changes in cost of service; and for relief properly related thereto.
View08-1200112/01/2008Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and Utility Telephone, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-1102611/26/2008Application of Green Acres Mobilehome Park to withdraw $2,942.03 from the meter service fee account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View08-1102511/26/2008Notice by Vanco Direct USA, LLC and Capital Growth Acquisition, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View08-1102411/21/2008Joint application of Embarq Corporation and CenturyTel, Inc. for approval of a transaction resulting in the change of control of certain telecommunication entities including Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq which will become an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of CenturyTel, Inc.
View08-1102311/21/2008In re request for Orders to Appear and Show Cause why Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity or Licenses should not be revoked and/or why administrative fines should not be imposed on public utilities that have not paid their annual assessment fee, their surcharge for assistance to persons with impaired speech and hearing, and/or have not filed an annual report pursuant to NRS 703.191 and NAC 704.7483 or have not paid publication charges for issued notices. In re request for Orders to Appear and Show Cause why administrative fines should not be imposed on Commercial Mobile Radio Service providers for failure to pay their annual licensing fee and/or their surcharge for assistance to persons with impaired speech or hearing.
View08-1102211/20/2008Application of Globalcom Inc. for approval of fictitious business name First Communications for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2698 Sub 1.
View08-1102111/19/2008Joint Petition of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada and Sprint Communications Company L.P. for approval of a Local Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-1102011/19/2008Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-08-14 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce a new residential bundle called Frontier Digital Phone Plus.
View08-1101911/19/2008Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-08-13 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce a new residential bundle called Frontier Digital Phone Plus.
View08-1101811/18/2008Notice by Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada, d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of a special promotion for the Elko and Tonopah Divisions for business customers who order Frontier Business Essentials.
View08-1101711/17/2008Notice by TCG Los Angeles, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View08-1101611/14/2008Sierra Pacific Power Company filed Notice No. 08-04 (G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates effective January 1, 2009.
View08-1101511/14/2008Sierra Pacific Power Company filed Notice No. 08-04 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective January 1, 2009.
View08-1101411/14/2008Nevada Power Company filed Notice No. 08-04 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective January 1, 2009.
View08-1101311/14/2008Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 380 to rename Schedule AIWP, Agricultural Irrigation Water Pumping, to Schedule IAIWP, Interruptible Agricultural Irrigation Water Pumping, to establish the 2009 rate for service and modify Schedule IAIWP to the terms and conditions of service of Schedule IS-2 of Sierra Pacific Power Company.
View08-1101211/13/2008Joint Petition of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada and Ernest Communications, Inc. for approval of a Local Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-1101111/13/2008Application of Vilaire Communications to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2837 Sub 1.
View08-1101011/17/2008Registration of Commnet of Nevada, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View08-1100911/14/2008Notice by First Choice Technology, Inc. and NetLojix Telecom, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View08-1100811/12/2008Application of Alliance Global Networks LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View08-1100711/06/2008Investigation and rulemaking regarding consideration and implementation of a new State Lifeline Program for telephone service.
View08-1100611/05/2008Application of Unity Communications, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2543 Sub 1.
View08-1100511/05/2008Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2039 to revise Tariff No. A5 to correct typographical errors in rates for two Special Rate Areas.
View08-1100411/04/2008Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq ("Embarq") for permission to deviate from regulations requiring the filing of Embarq's Performance Measurement Plan and Performance Incentives Plan and for the Commission to grant a waiver to temporarily delay reporting of certain submeasures.
View08-1100311/03/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 282-G to revise Gas Main Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View08-1100211/03/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 491-E to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View08-1100111/03/2008Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 379 to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View08-1004310/30/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 490-E to revise the Statement of Rates and Interruptible Irrigation Service Schedule No. IS-2 to increase the IS-2 rate and establish the Peak Period Non-Curtailment Penalty rate.
View08-1004210/30/2008Application of Dutchman Acres Water Company for authority to amend certificate CPC 2682 to expand its water service territory to include certain real property at the southwest corner of its existing service boundary located in Pershing County, Nevada.
View08-1004110/30/2008Application of ATC Outdoor DAS, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View08-1004010/29/2008Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 378 to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to clarify the calculation of refunds to Master Planned Communities.
View08-1003910/29/2008Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-08-12 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to remove the expired Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge rate.
View08-1003810/29/2008Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-08-11 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to remove the expired Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge rate.
View08-1003711/05/2008Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyTel filed under Advice Letter No. 08-02 to revise Tariff No. 1 to introduce Business Unlimited Service to eligible business customers.
View08-1003610/27/2008Application of Level 3 Communications, LLC on behalf of WilTel Local Network, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2538 Sub 3.
View08-1003510/27/2008Application of Heritage Operating LP d/b/a Bi-State Propane to voluntarily discontinue liquefied petroleum gas service conducted under certificate CPC 2671 Sub 1.
View08-1003410/27/2008Show Cause Proceeding to determine why Wendover Gas Company should not be placed in receivership, be subject to revocation or cancellation of its Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity, and/or be subject to the substitution of just and reasonable rates, regulations, practices, or services.
View08-1003310/24/2008Filing by Charter Fiberlink NV-CCVII, LLC to update its Terms and Conditions.
View08-1003210/23/2008Application of Qwest Communications Corporation requesting approval of a change of name to Qwest Communications Company, LLC for telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 1063 Sub 4 and a notice of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View08-1003110/23/2008Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada and McGraw Communications, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-1003010/22/2008Bob Abelew vs. Sierra Pacific Power Company. Complaint regarding line extension costs.
View08-1002910/20/2008Application of Nevada Power Company for an order authorizing modification of its 2007 financing authority to issue $1.25 billion of new long-term debt securities, to allow new refinancing authority of $192.5 million, to restate $1.578 billion of existing authority, to rescind $1.0 billion in contingent authority related to the Ely Energy Center, and additional authority related thereto.
View08-1002810/20/2008Petition of Sierra Pacific Power Company to amend CPC 688 Sub 4 to reflect the addition of fictitious ("d/b/a") name NV Energy for its natural gas services.
View08-1002710/20/2008Petition of Sierra Pacific Power Company to amend CPC 685 Sub 18 to reflect the addition of fictitious ("d/b/a") name NV Energy for its electrical services.
View08-1002610/20/2008Petition of Nevada Power Company to amend CPC 613 Sub 9 to reflect the addition of fictitious ("d/b/a") name NV Energy.
View08-1002510/17/2008Application of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 352 to revise Individual Case Basis (ICB) Service Offerings Schedule No. I-1 to offer Emergency Subscriber List Service to providers of Emergency Services or Emergency Support Services.
View08-1002410/17/2008Joint application of Common Pointe Networks of Nevada, LLC and Peerless Network of Nevada, LLC for approval of the transfer of CPC 2867 Sub 1 from Common Pointe Networks of Nevada, LLC to Peerless Network of Nevada, LLC.
View08-1002310/16/2008Application of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 351 to revise Network Access Line Service Schedule No. A-1 to add a service enhancement to the Directory Assistance Service which allows the customer to search for a type of business rather than searching by business name.
View08-1002210/16/2008Application of KMC Data LLC requesting approval of a change of name to Hypercube Telecom, LLC for telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2664 Sub 2.
View08-1002110/20/2008Application of Inter-Tel NetSolutions, Inc. requesting approval of a change of name to Mitel NetSolutions, Inc. for telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 1096 Sub 2.
View08-1002010/13/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 281-G to revise Gas Tariff No. 1 to reflect the addition of fictitious (d/b/a) name "NV Energy" to the tariffs the company will be using to bill its customers.
View08-1001910/13/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 489-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to reflect the addition of fictitious (d/b/a) name "NV Energy" to the tariffs the company will be using to bill its customers.
View08-1001810/13/2008Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 377 to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to reflect the addition of fictitious (d/b/a) name "NV Energy" to the tariffs the company will be using to bill its customers.
View08-1001710/10/2008Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park , Inc. to withdraw $570.00 from the gas tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred for the yearly gas leak survey and membership to the Underground Service Alert Organization.
View08-1001610/10/2008Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, Inc. to withdraw $5,145.40 from the service charge fund for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair the electrical system and to remove and or trim trees around the power lines.
View08-1001510/13/2008Notice by Sierra Pacific Power Company that it has begun doing business as Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Advice Letter No. 281-G to reflect new d/b/a on tariff sheets pertaining to rates charged to gas customers.
View08-1001410/13/2008Notice by Sierra Pacific Power Company that it has begun doing business as Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Advice Letter No. 489-E to reflect new d/b/a on tariff sheets pertaining to rates charged to customers.
View08-1001310/13/2008Notice by Nevada Power Company that it has begun doing business as Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy and Advice Letter No. 377 to reflect new d/b/a on tariff sheets pertaining to rates charged to customers.
View08-1001210/10/2008Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order to Show Cause why Wendover Gas Company should not be placed in receivership, be subject to revocation or cancellation of its Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity and/or be subject to the substitution of just and reasonable rates, regulations, practices, or services.
View08-1001110/09/2008Application of InteraTel, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunication service conducted under certificate CPC 2862 Sub 1.
View08-1001010/16/2008Application of Central Telecom Long Distance, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View08-1000910/08/2008Application of Level 3 Communications, LLC on behalf of WilTel Local Network, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2538 Sub 3.
View08-1000810/07/2008Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-08-10 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce a new business bundle called Frontier Business Essentials.
View08-1000710/07/2008Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-08-09 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce a new business bundle called Frontier Business Essentials.
View08-1000610/07/2008Application of ALEC, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View08-1000510/06/2008Joint application of Global Crossing North American Networks, Inc. and Budget Call Long Distance, Inc. for approval of a pro forma merger and the cancellation or modification of related CPCs.
View08-1000410/02/2008Notice by Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada of a promotional campaign to increase utilization of Verizon's Integrated Services Digital Network Primary Rate Interface Access System Flat Rate Voice with DS1 Facility Service.
View08-1000310/21/2008Joint application of CF Communications, LLC (("CFC") and Telekenex, Inc. ("TEL") for approval of the transfer of certificate CPC 2799 Sub 1 from CFC to TEL and a notice of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View08-1000210/01/2008Annual report of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq regarding competition in its local serving area for telecommunication service pursuant to NRS 704.68867.
View08-1000110/01/2008Annual report of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale regarding competition in its local serving area for telecommunication service pursuant to NRS 704.68867.
View08-0902209/30/2008Staff report on Gold Country Water Company, Inc. pursuant to the provisions of NAC 704.627.
View08-0902109/30/2008Application of T-NETIX Telecommunications Services, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2085 Sub 2.
View08-0902009/30/2008Application of T-NETIX, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2212 Sub 1.
View08-0901909/30/2008Southwest Gas Corporation filed Advice Letter No. 444 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates effective November 1, 2008.
View08-0901809/26/2008Application of Total Holdings, Inc. d/b/a GTC Communications for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View08-0901709/25/2008Notice by First Communications, LLC, Xtension Services Inc., Globalcom Inc., and Renaissance Acquisition Corp. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View08-0901609/22/2008Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order to Show Cause why United Underground LLC should not be assessed a civil penalty for violation of NRS 455.110.
View08-0901509/22/2008Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyTel of a Simple Choice and Unlimited CenturyTel Long Distance service package promotion for residential customers who subscribe for a 12-month commitment.
View08-0901409/18/2008Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC for approval of a Master Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0901309/18/2008Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order to Show Cause why certain named operators, as defined by NRS 455.096, should not be fined for failure to join the Association for Operators in violation of NRS 455.120.
View08-0901209/17/2008Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 376 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to clarify guarantee language for Schedule Nos. TRS-TOU Trial Residential Service - Time-of-Use, TRM-TOU Trial Residential Service - Multi-Family - Time-of-Use, and TLRS-TOU Trial Large Residential Service - Time-of-Use.
View08-0901109/17/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 488-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to include a guarantee for Schedule Nos. OD-1-TOU Optional Domestic Service - Time-of-Use Experimental and ODM-1-TOU Optional Domestic Service Multi-Family - Time-of-Use Experimental.
View08-0901009/17/2008Notice by Global Tel*Link Corporation, GTEL Holdings, Inc., GTEL Acquisition Corp., and GTEL Merger Corp. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View08-0900909/16/2008Filing by Charter Fiberlink NV-CCVII, LLC to update its Terms and Conditions.
View08-0900809/16/2008Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and DSLnet Communications, LLC for approval of a Master Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0900709/15/2008Application of Peoples Utility Corporation for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View08-0900609/09/2008Commission sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Clark County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View08-0900509/09/2008Commission sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Washoe County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View08-0900409/10/2008Application of Edgewood Water Company for authority to increase rates for water service.
View08-0900309/03/2008Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park , Inc. to withdraw $550.00 from the gas tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred for the yearly gas leak survey and membership to the Underground Service Alert Organization.
View08-0900209/03/2008Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, Inc. to withdraw $4,643.69 from the service charge fund for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair the electrical system and to trim trees around the power lines.
View08-0900109/03/2008Investigation regarding the installation of a railroad crossing or other appropriate safety devices near the Desert Oasis High School located in Clark County, Nevada, in the Las Vegas metropolitan area.
View08-0803208/29/2008Notice by Bell Atlantic Communications, Inc. d/b/a Verizon Long Distance, NYNEX Long Distance Company d/b/a Verizon Enterprise Solutions, and Verizon New York Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View08-0803108/29/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for approval of its Energy Supply Plan Update for 2009-2010.
View08-0803008/29/2008Application of Nevada Power Company for approval of its Energy Supply Plan Update for 2009.
View08-0802908/29/2008Notice by Lightyear Network Solutions, LLC and Wherify Wireless, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View08-0802808/28/2008Joint application of Common Pointe Networks of Nevada, LLC ("CPN") and Peerless Network of Nevada, LLC ("PN") for approval of the transfer of CPC 2867 Sub 1 from CPN to PN.
View08-0802708/28/2008Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and Southwest Telephone Company for approval of a Master Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0802608/27/2008Registration of Atrium Wireless Partners, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View08-0802508/25/2008Application of Trailerdale Trailer Park to withdraw $4,866.00 from the service charge fund for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair the electrical system.
View08-0802408/22/2008Application of V & V Inc. d/b/a The Local Connection to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2685 Sub 1.
View08-0802308/21/2008Application of Maskina Communications, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View08-0802208/20/2008Application of Global Capacity Group, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View08-0802108/19/2008Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Metropolitan Telecommunications of Nevada, Inc. d/b/a MetTel for approval of Amendment No. 2 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0802008/28/2008Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and dPi-Teleconnect, L.L.C. for approval of an Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0801908/18/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for approval of the fourth amendment to the Action Plan of the 2008 - 2027 Integrated Resource Plan as it relates to the Carson Lake Geothermal Power Project.
View08-0801808/18/2008Application of Nevada Power Company for approval of the ninth amendment to the Action Plan of the 2007 - 2026 Integrated Resource Plan as it relates to the Carson Lake Geothermal Power Project.
View08-0801708/15/2008Application of Startec Global Operating Company for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View08-0801608/15/2008Sierra Pacific Power Company filed Notice No. 08-03 (G) to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates effective October 1, 2008.
View08-0801508/15/2008Sierra Pacific Power Company filed Notice No. 08-03 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective October 1, 2008.
View08-0801408/15/2008Nevada Power Company filed Notice No. 08-03 to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective October 1, 2008.
View08-0801308/15/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for approval of its 2008 Annual Natural Gas Demand Side Management Update Report in accordance with the Commission's Order issued in Docket Nos. 05-10005, 05-10006, and 05-10021.
View08-0801208/15/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for approval of its 2008 Annual Demand Side Management Update Report as it relates to the Action Plan of its 2008-2027 Integrated Resource Plan.
View08-0801108/15/2008Application of Nevada Power Company for approval of its 2008 Annual Demand Side Management Update Report as it relates to the Action Plan of its 2007-2026 Integrated Resource Plan.
View08-0801008/14/2008Complaint. Autotel vs. Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq (now Central Telephone Company d/b/a CenturyLink) for enforcement of an interconnection agreement.
View08-0800908/13/2008Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order requiring the installation of a railroad crossing or other appropriate safety devices near the Desert Oasis High School located in Clark County, Nevada, in the Las Vegas metropolitan area.
View08-0800808/13/2008Notice by Globalcom Inc. and First Communications, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View08-0800708/11/2008Regulatory Operations Staff of the Public Utilities Commission filed an accident report from Nevada Power Company of an incident resulting in a fatality that occurred on August 6, 2008 involving a car traveling at a high rate of speed that struck a steel transmission pole at 9550 W. Cheyenne in Las Vegas, Nevada.
View08-0800608/06/2008Request of PML Wireless, LLC d/b/a Purpose Mobile to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View08-0800508/05/2008Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2038 to eliminate the Equal Access Cost Recovery fee pursuant to the terms of the Supplemental Settlement Agreement approved in Docket No. 97-2010.
View08-0800408/05/2008Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and Ernest Communications, Inc. for approval of a Master Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0800308/11/2008Joint application of SBC Advanced Solutions, Inc. d/b/a AT&T Advanced Solutions and AT&T Corp. for approval of the transfer of certificate CPC 2547 Sub 2 from SBC Advanced Solutions, Inc. d/b/a AT&T Advanced Solutions to AT&T Corp. and a notice of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View08-0800208/01/2008Report of Nevada Power Company on its Life Span Analysis Process filed in compliance with the Order issued in Docket Nos. 06-11022 and 06-11023.
View08-0800108/12/2008Application of One Source Networks CLEC LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View08-0702207/30/2008Staff report on Edgewood Water Company pursuant to the provisions of NAC 704.627.
View08-0702107/28/2008Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 375 to terminate the collection of the Deferred Energy Accounting Adjustments for Periods 5 and 6 and the Solar Energy Demonstration Program rates pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 07-01022.
View08-0702007/25/2008Application of Shell Energy North America (US), Limited Partnership filed on behalf of Coral Power, L.L.C. and Coral Energy Resources, L.P. to voluntarily discontinue to operate as an alternative seller of natural gas of only discretionary service conducted under License Nos. G-15 and G-3.
View08-0701907/24/2008Application of Maskina Communications, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View08-0701807/22/2008Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and Global Connection Inc. of America for approval of a Master Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0701707/29/2008Application of Vulcan Power Company for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct 263 miles of 500 kV transmission line from the California-Nevada border north to a point where the line would divide into two 500 kV lines and continue north, one to terminate near Fernley and the other near Salt Wells, and 15 miles of 230 kV transmission line from Salt Wells to the Dixie Valley corridor crossing lands in Churchill, Lyon, Mineral, and Washoe Counties, Nevada.
View08-0701607/18/2008Broadwing Communications, LLC and Telecom Management, Inc. d/b/a Pioneer Telephone filed notice of the transfer of customers to Telecom Management, Inc. d/b/a Pioneer Telephone.
View08-0701507/18/2008Joint application of Common Pointe Networks of Nevada, LLC and Peerless Network of Nevada, LLC for approval of a pro forma corporate restructuring and the transfer of certificate CPC 2867 Sub 1 from Common Point Networks of Nevada, LLC to Peerless Network of Nevada, LLC.
View08-0701407/21/2008Application of Esbar, Inc. d/b/a Direct Communication Services for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View08-0701307/16/2008Informational notice of the Nevada Renewable Energy & Energy Conservation Task Force of the applications approved for participation in Program Year Five of the Solar Energy Systems Demonstration Program.
View08-0701207/14/2008Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 374 to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View08-0701107/14/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 280-G to revise Gas Main Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View08-0701007/14/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 485-E to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View08-0700907/14/2008Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyTel of two promotions for business customers.
View08-0700807/11/2008Application of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 350 to revise Schedule No. A-20 Integrated Services Digital Network Services - Primary Rate Interface (ISDN-PRI) to break out ISDN PRI Facility options into 3 options; clarify the termination liability on Optional Features; introduce a new Term and Volume Plan; and clarify that Fractional DS1 ISDN Originating and Terminating are Customer Premise Equipment functions.
View08-0700707/16/2008Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada for approval of its 2008 Water and Sewer System Master Plan.
View08-0700607/15/2008Application of Cascade Access, LLC for approval of fictitious business name Reliance Connects for telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2617 Sub 2.
View08-0700507/09/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct the Blackhawk Substation and Transmission Line Project which consists of a new 345 kV substation, 17 miles of new 345 kV transmission lines, and associated substation facilities at the existing East Tracy Substation located in Storey County, Nevada.
View08-0700407/09/2008Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. for authority to modify certificate CPC 2720 Sub 6 for water service and certificate CPC 2343 Sub 7 for sewer service to expand its water and sewer service territory to include approximately 3.99 acres of real property located in Pahrump, Nye County, Nevada.
View08-0700307/02/2008Application of Economy Telephone, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2891 Sub 1.
View08-0700207/01/2008Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada and PNG Telecommunications Inc. d/b/a Powernet Global Communications for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0700107/01/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 487-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to terminate the collection of the deferred energy account adjustment rate in compliance with the Order issued in Docket 06-12001.
View08-0603606/30/2008Application of Spring Creek Utilities Co. to increase rates for water and sewer service.
View08-0603507/01/2008Application of Indian Springs Water Co., Inc. for authority to increase rates for water service.
View08-0603406/30/2008Southwest Gas Corporation filed Advice Letter No. 443 to adjust Northern and Southern Nevada Base Tariff Energy Rates effective August 1, 2008.
View08-0603306/30/2008Request of TeleCommunication Systems Corporation of Maryland to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View08-0603206/30/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 486-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 2, Schedule Nos. LCSPP86 and LCSPP87, to adjust rates for long-term cogeneration and small power production energy and capacity rates.
View08-0603107/01/2008Application of Clark County to construct a new grade-separated crossing at Sunset Road under the Union Pacific Railroad mainline tracks located in Clark County, Nevada.
View08-0603006/27/2008Notice by Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada of a promotional campaign to increase utilization of Verizon's Integrated Services Digital Network Services Primary Rate Interface.
View08-0602906/27/2008Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyTel of a promotion that will waive the nonrecurring charges applicable to the installation of additional residential access lines, including additional Centrex or Key Lines.
View08-0602806/26/2008Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. for authority to increase rates for water and sewer service, increase water and sewer capacity fees, and approve tariff changes including the adoption of the new rates and charges.
View08-0602707/01/2008Application of Extreme Media Technologies, Inc. requesting approval of a change of name to Clear Voice Telecom, Inc. for telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2879 Sub 1.
View08-0602606/26/2008Application of America Net, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View08-0602506/25/2008Filing of Sierra Pacific Power Company of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View08-0602407/01/2008Joint Petition of Moapa Valley Telephone Company and Omnipoint Communications, Inc. d/b/a T-Mobile for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0602306/20/2008Investigation and rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations pertaining to Chapters 703 and 704 of the Nevada Administrative Code regarding noticing and interventions.
View08-0602206/19/2008Notice by SNIP LINK, L.L.C. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View08-0602106/18/2008Application of Constellation Energy Commodities Group, Inc. for a license to provide discretionary service as an alternative seller of natural gas to generating, industrial, or large commercial customers in the state of Nevada.
View08-0602006/23/2008Application of TTUSA Acquisition, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View08-0601906/16/2008Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 442 to modify Service Extensions Rule No. 10 to comply with the Pipeline Inspection, Protection, Enforcement, and Safety Act of 2006 that requires new and replaced residential lines to be installed with excess flow valves and to allow customers to request installation of an excess flow valve.
View08-0601806/16/2008Notice of Inmate Calling Solutions, LLC d/b/a ICSolutions of additional certificates for the use of its fictitious business name "ICSolutions" in Clark, Nye, Pershing, Lincoln, Elko, and Humboldt Counties.
View08-0601706/16/2008Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and Neutral Tandem-Nevada, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Master Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0601606/17/2008Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada and PNG Telecommunications Inc. d/b/a PowerNet Global Communications for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0601406/11/2008Notice by Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada regarding the change of name of its parent company from Citizens Communications Inc. to Frontier Communications Inc.
View08-0601306/06/2008Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 441 to revise Tariff No. 6 to update the tax liability factors used to calculate the federal income tax liability associated with customer provided contributions and advances.
View08-0601206/12/2008Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Access Point, Inc. d/b/a North Carolina Access Point, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0601106/04/2008Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Spectrotel, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement and Amendment pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0601006/04/2008Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and BullsEye Telecom, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 2 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0600906/12/2008Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Easton Telecom Services, L.L.C. for approval of Amendment No. 3 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0600806/04/2008Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Pac-West Telecomm, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 5 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0600706/11/2008Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale ("AT&T") for a Declaratory Order that AT&T is no longer required to provide customers six months in which to change their intraLATA carrier without incurring a charge.
View08-0600606/03/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 484-E to modify the Statement of Rates related to Schedule IS-2 - Interruptible Irrigation Rate to provide continuity between the tariff sheet accepted in Docket No. 08-02022, effective April 1, 2008, and the tariff sheet accepted in Docket No. 08-02027, effective March 1, 2008.
View08-0600506/03/2008Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-08-08 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce a new residential bundle called Frontier UnlimitedNV.
View08-0600406/03/2008Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-08-07 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce a new residential bundle called Frontier UnlimitedNV.
View08-0600306/03/2008Notice by U.S. South Communications, Inc. d/b/a U.S. South and d/b/a INCOMM and First Data Corporation of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View08-0600206/02/2008Notice by Common Pointe Networks of Nevada, LLC and Peerless Network of Nevada, LLC of a pro forma corporate restructuring.
View08-0600106/03/2008Application of Spring Creek Utilities Co. for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct the Project Karval Pipeline consisting of approximately 3,050 feet of water pipeline to be located in Spring Creek in Elko County, Nevada.
View08-0502306/04/2008Application of Network PTS, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2791 Sub 2.
View08-0502205/29/2008Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and Access Point, Inc. d/b/a North Carolina Access Point, Inc. for approval of a Master Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0502106/02/2008Application of Intelletrace, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View08-0502005/27/2008Application of Spring Creek Utilities Co. filed under Advice Letter No. 9 to revise Rule No. 17 Sewer Service Area and Place of Use to modify the definition of the R-1 zoning district to make it consistent with the provisions of the Elko County Code.
View08-0501905/27/2008Application of Spring Creek Utilities Co. filed under Advice Letter No. 8 to revise Rule No. 17 Water Service Area and Place of Use to modify the definition of the R-1 zoning district to make it consistent with the provisions of the Elko County Code.
View08-0501805/23/2008Filing of Sierra Pacific Power Company of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View08-0501705/23/2008Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale requesting modification of its 2006 Performance Measures Plan.
View08-0501605/22/2008Application of Sierra Vista Mobile Home Park to withdraw $2,747.00 from the service charge fund for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair the electrical system.
View08-0501505/21/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for approval of the third amendment to the Action Plan of the 2008 - 2027 Integrated Resource Plan for authorization to modify the schedule and development budget for the Ely Energy Center.
View08-0501405/21/2008Application of Nevada Power Company for approval of the eighth amendment to the Action Plan of the 2007 - 2026 Integrated Resource Plan for authorization to modify the schedule and development budget for the Ely Energy Center, acquire the Bighorn Power Plant, construct a combined cycle facility at the existing Harry Allen site, construct two transmission projects, and increase its Gas Supply Portfolio.
View08-0501305/21/2008Staff's quarterly report regarding the oral complaints resolved pursuant to NAC 455.305 pertaining to the One-Call Program (sub-surface installations).
View08-0501205/20/2008Application of Clertech.Com, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View08-0501105/16/2008Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada and Access Point, Inc. d/b/a North Carolina Access Point, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0501005/15/2008Study Results of Southwest Gas Corporation for Lost and Unaccounted for Gas submitted in compliance with the Order issued in Docket No. 07-05015.
View08-0500905/15/2008Southwest Gas Corporation informational report concerning its natural gas resource planning activities.
View08-0500805/15/2008Application of Southwest Gas Corporation to establish a revised Deferred Energy Account Adjustment rate, reset the Base Tariff General Rate pursuant to the Variable Interest Expense Recovery mechanism, and adjust other gas-related charges applicable to transportation customer service.
View08-0500705/15/2008Request of ACN Communication Services, Inc. to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View08-0500605/15/2008Application of Nevada Power Company to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective July 1, 2008.
View08-0500505/15/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates effective July 1, 2008.
View08-0500405/15/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective July 1, 2008.
View08-0500305/06/2008Registration of CTC Communications Corp. d/b/a One Communications as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View08-0500205/06/2008Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada and Access Point, Inc. d/b/a North Carolina Access Point, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0500105/02/2008Filing by Charter Fiberlink NV-CCVII, LLC to update its Terms and Conditions.
View08-0404205/01/2008Application of Southwest Gas Corporation ("Southwest") filed under Advice Letter No. 440 to revise Schedule Nos. ST-1 and NT-1 to modify operating procedures to allow notifications to customers for Operational Flow Orders to be provided electronically and/or by other means mutually acceptable to Southwest and the customer.
View08-0404104/30/2008Application of Nevada Power Company for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct supporting structures for one future 230 kV transmission line approximately 2.29 miles in length and approximately 2,700 feet of underground conduit as part of the Collman Substation Project to be located in Clark County, Nevada.
View08-0404004/30/2008Amended Agreement filed by Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada and Access Point, Inc, d/b/a North Carolina Access Point, Inc. to add the state of Nevada to an agreement that was entered into by the parties in accordance with Section 251 of the Telecommunications Action of 1996 in various states, not including Nevada.
View08-0403905/01/2008Notice by Global Connection Inc. of America and L6-Global, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View08-0403804/28/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 483-E to modify the Interruptible Irrigation Rate Schedule No. IS-2 to reflect the new Peak Period Non-Curtailment Penalty.
View08-0403704/28/2008Application of Spring Creek Utilities Co. for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct a 1,300,000 gallon water storage tank and associated site improvements to be located in Spring Creek in Elko County, Nevada.
View08-0403604/22/2008Application of McGraw Communications, Inc. for authority to amend certificate CPC 2786 Sub 1 to expand telecommunications service provided within the state of Nevada.
View08-0403504/21/2008Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 9 to revise Extension of Facilities Rule No. 9 to simplify and streamline the sewer line extension process.
View08-0403404/21/2008Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 9 to revise Extension of Facilities Rule No. 9 to simplify and streamline the water line extension process.
View08-0403304/21/2008Application of Holbrook Station LLC to withdraw $1,770.00 from the service charge fund for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair the electrical system.
View08-0403204/21/2008Joint application of Nevada Power Company and Sierra Pacific Power Company for approval of the sale and purchase of portfolio energy credits between the companies.
View08-0403104/21/2008Application of Nevada Power Company for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct a 230/138 kV transformer interconnection and associated facilities at the existing McDonald Substation located in Clark County, Nevada.
View08-0403004/16/2008Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 6 to revise Tariff No. 2A to introduce one local service bundled business and residential rate with the option to add on toll and DSL packages.
View08-0402904/16/2008Filing of Vanco Direct USA, LLC of a notice of indebtedness.
View08-0402804/11/2008Application of Tower Consulting, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View08-0402704/11/2008Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-08-06 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to include Call Waiting ID in the Frontier Digital Phone Essentials Bundle and to introduce a new residential package called Digital Phone Enhanced Feature Pack.
View08-0402604/11/2008Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-08-05 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to include Call Waiting ID in the Frontier Digital Phone Essentials Bundle and to introduce a new residential package called Digital Phone Enhanced Feature Pack.
View08-0402504/15/2008Application of Momentum Telecom, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View08-0402404/10/2008Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and CLEC, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0402304/10/2008Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Level 3 Communications, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 4 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0402204/21/2008Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Advanced TelCom, Inc. d/b/a Integra Telecom for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0402104/10/2008Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Neutral Tandem-Nevada, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 2 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0402004/15/2008Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and WilTel Local Network, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 5 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0401904/10/2008Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and WPTI Telecom LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0401804/10/2008Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Sage Telecom, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 5 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0401704/10/2008Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and dPi-Teleconnect, L.L.C. for approval of Amendment No. 2 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0401604/10/2008Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and DSLnet Communications, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 4 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0401504/10/2008Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and CommPartners, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 2 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0401404/09/2008Application of Spring Creek Utilities Co. for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct a 1,000,000 gallon water storage tank and associated site improvements to be located in Spring Creek in Elko County, Nevada.
View08-0401304/09/2008Petition of Southwest Gas Corporation requesting that the Commission release General Counsel's report/briefing memo as well as the underlying documents relied upon to support the conclusions pertaining to Docket No. 07-06046 as discussed at the March 18, 2008 agenda meeting.
View08-0401204/09/2008Notice of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of a special promotion for the Elko and Tonopah Divisions for new residential customers who order Frontier Digital Phone Essentials service.
View08-0401104/08/2008Application of Time Warner Telecom of Nevada LLC requesting approval of a change of name to tw telecom of nevada llc for telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2717 Sub 2.
View08-0401004/08/2008Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and CLEC, LLC for approval of an Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0400904/08/2008Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and BullsEye Telecom, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0400804/07/2008Notice by Sempra Energy Solutions, LLC regarding a change in ownership and corporate structure.
View08-0400704/07/2008Revised commercial mobile radio service registration of Affinity Mobile, LLC d/b/a Trumpet Mobile to provide statewide service.
View08-0400604/04/2008Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 7 to revise Tariff No. 1A to introduce a residential voice package that bundles a variety of regulated, non-regulated, and deregulated services.
View08-0400504/03/2008Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq filed under Advice Letter No. 32 to revise Access Service Tariff No. 3B to remove references to the general and/or local exchange service.
View08-0400404/02/2008Application of Nevada Power Company for approval of Amendment No. 2 to the Special Contract for the Provision of Distribution-Only Service to the Las Vegas Valley Water District and the Colorado River Commission.
View08-0400304/01/2008Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale to revise Tariff No. A2 General Regulations - Conditions of Offering to correct tariff page headers and to reflect an increase in the amount of tax levied by Fernley effective April 1, 2008.
View08-0400204/04/2008Annual Report of Nevada Power Company and Sierra Pacific Power Company on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2007.
View08-0400104/01/2008Report of Nevada Power Company on the progress of its Action Plan relative to its 2007-2026 Integrated Resource Plan.
View08-0303903/31/2008Annual Report of Coral Power, L.L.C. and Avista Energy, Inc. on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2007.
View08-0303803/31/2008Southwest Gas Corporation filed Advice Letter No. 439 to adjust Northern and Southern Base Tariff Energy Rates effective May 1, 2008.
View08-0303704/03/2008Application of Shell Energy North America (US), Limited Partnership for a license to provide discretionary service as an alternative seller of natural gas to generating, industrial, or large commercial customers in the state of Nevada.
View08-0303603/27/2008Notice by Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada of a promotional campaign to increase utilization of Verizon's Integrated Services Digital Network services.
View08-0303503/27/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for approval of the second amendment to the Action Plan of the 2008 - 2027 Integrated Resource Plan as it relates to a renewable energy agreement, continued funding of CO2 research, and a revised load forecast.
View08-0303403/26/2008Application of Nevada Power Company for approval of the seventh amendment to the Action Plan of the 2007 - 2026 Integrated Resource Plan as it relates to the construction of two new renewable energy projects, revisions to its Transmission Plan, and other matters related thereto.
View08-0303303/26/2008Investigation into the manner in which the shrinkage rate charged by Southwest Gas Corporation was developed, modified, and is currently allocated.
View08-0303203/24/2008Application of Nevada Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Nevada Telephone requesting approval of a change of fictitious business name to Nevada Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Nevada Telephone and Excella Communications for telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2243 Sub 3.
View08-0303103/24/2008Application of Network PTS, Inc. for authority to modify certificate CPC 2791 Sub 1 to include only the authority to provide alternative operator services within the state of Nevada.
View08-0303003/21/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 482-E to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View08-0302903/21/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 279-G to revise Gas Main Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View08-0302803/21/2008Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 373 to revise Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View08-0302703/20/2008Application of Spring Creek Utilities Co. for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct approximately 16,270 feet of water pipeline and a pressure reducing station to be located in Spring Creek in Elko County, Nevada.
View08-0302603/19/2008Application of Startec Global Operating Company to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2238 Sub 2.
View08-0302503/18/2008Application of Barrick Gold U.S. Inc., operator of Cortez Joint Venture d/b/a Cortez Gold Mines, to purchase energy, capacity, and/or ancillary services from a provider of new electric resources.
View08-0302403/14/2008Application of First Communications, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View08-0302303/14/2008Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada and CLEC, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0302203/13/2008Investigation to gather information on net metering issues in Nevada.
View08-0302103/13/2008Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and WilTel Local Network, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 4 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0302003/13/2008Application of Network Innovations, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View08-0301903/12/2008Request of Verizon Wireless Messaging Services, LLC d/b/a Verizon Wireless to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View08-0301803/17/2008Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and BullsEye Telecom, Inc. for approval of an Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0301703/12/2008Application of T G Power LLC for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct three 15.5 MW modular binary geothermal power units and associated facilities to be located in Elko County, Nevada.
View08-0301603/11/2008Tariff Sheet No. 13 filed by Dutchman Acres Water Company to revise Fire Protection Rule No. 10 in compliance with the Order issued in Docket 06-11034.
View08-0301503/10/2008Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 372 to revise Definitions Rule No. 1 to add the definition of abnormal risk.
View08-0301403/10/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 278-G to revise its gas tariff Definitions Rule No. 1 to modify the definition of abnormal risk.
View08-0301303/10/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 481-E to revise its electric tariff Definitions Rule No. 1 to modify the definition of abnormal risk.
View08-0301203/10/2008Joint application of Nevada Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Nevada Telephone and Nevada Telecom Solutions for approval of a Stock Purchase Agreement and authority to transfer control from Nevada Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Nevada Telephone to Nevada Telecom Solutions.
View08-0301103/10/2008Notice by Shell Energy North America, Coral Energy Resources, L.P. and Coral Power, L.L.C. of a corporate reorganization.
View08-0301003/13/2008Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and CF Communications, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement and Amendments pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0300903/10/2008Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyTel of a promotion that will waive the applicable nonrecurring charges for each access line ordered by residential customers who previously established service with another Local Exchange Carrier.
View08-0300803/07/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 478-E for approval of a Portfolio Charge to recover the additional cost required to meet the Nevada Portfolio Standard under Rate Schedule GS-4-NG.
View08-0300703/07/2008Application of South Jersey Resources Group LLC for a license to provide discretionary service as an alternative seller of natural gas to generating, industrial, or large commercial customers in the state of Nevada.
View08-0300603/06/2008Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 438 to revise Tariff No. 6 to establish the tax liability factors that will be used to calculate the federal income tax liability associated with customer provided contributions in aid of construction and advances for construction pursuant to NAC 704.6532.
View08-0300503/06/2008Application of the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Disability Services for approval of the State Fiscal Year 2009 budget for telecommunications services for the speech and hearing impaired.
View08-0300403/06/2008Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyTel filed under Advice Letter No. 08-01 to revise Tariff No. 1 to remove Select Pak/Business Assist Select.
View08-0300303/05/2008Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-08-04 for the Elko Division to correct the tariff schedule number assigned to Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) - Primary Rate Interface (PRI).
View08-0300203/05/2008Application of Nevada Power Company for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to expand and upgrade the existing Harry Allen Generation Facility by installing combined cycle power generation units and accessory structures to be known as the Harry Allen Combined Cycle Plant to be located at the Apex Industrial Park in Clark County, Nevada.
View08-0300103/03/2008Application of Silver State Communications, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2812.
View08-0204602/29/2008Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 437 to revise Tariff No. 6 to establish the tax liability factors that will be used to calculate the federal income tax liability associated with customer provided contributions in aid of construction and advances for construction pursuant to NAC 704.6532.
View08-0204502/29/2008Staff report on Indian Springs Water Co., Inc. pursuant to the provisions of NAC 704.627.
View08-0204403/06/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company to establish a new natural gas and liquid propane Deferred Energy Accounting Adjustment Rate.
View08-0204303/06/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company to establish a new Deferred Energy Accounting Adjustment Rate, recover settlement costs related to the Western Energy Crisis, implement a new Temporary Renewable Energy Development Charge, and establish a rate to recover the costs of the Solar Program, Wind Demonstration Program, and Waterpower Demonstration Program.
View08-0204203/06/2008Application of Nevada Power Company to establish a new Deferred Energy Accounting Adjustment Rate, implement a new Temporary Renewable Energy Development Charge, and establish a rate to recover the costs of the Solar Program, Wind Demonstration Program, and Waterpower Demonstration Program.
View08-0204102/29/2008Application of AGL Networks, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive supplier of telecommunication service within the state of Nevada.
View08-0204002/29/2008Notice by Startec Global Operating Company, Americatel Corporation d/b/a 1010 123 Americatel and d/b/a Ametex and d/b/a 1 800 3030 123 Americatel Collect and Platinum Equity, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View08-0203902/29/2008Staff report on Spirit Mountain Utility Company, Inc. pursuant to the provisions of NAC 704.627.
View08-0203802/29/2008Staff report on Mount Charleston Water Company pursuant to the provisions of NAC 704.627.
View08-0203702/28/2008Investigation and rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations pertaining to Nevada Administrative Code Chapter 704 regarding Resource Planning by Certain Electric Utilities, including Planning Periods, Supply Side and Demand Side Plans, Action Plans, and Amendments to Plans.
View08-0203602/27/2008Petition of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada ("UICN") for an Order acknowledging UICN's compliance with Section 9 of Senate Bill 86 through its submission of the master plan approved in Docket No. 05-12032 and approving proposed master plan filing schedule.
View08-0203502/27/2008Petition of Spring Creek Utilities Co. ("Spring Creek") for an Order acknowledging Spring Creek's compliance with Section 9 of Senate Bill 86 through its submission of the master plan approved in Docket No. 04-11031 and approving proposed master plan filing schedule.
View08-0203402/27/2008Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 8 to revise its Sewer Service Tariff to correct typographical errors and to implement tariff revisions pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 06-12023.
View08-0203302/27/2008Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 8 to revise its Water Service Tariff to correct typographical errors and to reinstate tariff schedules inadvertently deleted in Advice Letter No. 7.
View08-0203202/27/2008PNG Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a PowerNet Global Communications filed a notice regarding the transfer of customers from Global Touch Telecom, Inc. to PNG Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a PowerNet Global Communications.
View08-0203102/26/2008Application of Gold Country Water Company, Inc. for approval of a rate surcharge to fund water system improvements.
View08-0203002/29/2008Application of Gold Country Water Company, Inc. for authority to increase rates for water service to recover increased operating expenses and to implement a surcharge to fund water system improvements.
View08-0202902/25/2008Issuance of amended certificates of public convenience and necessity for authority to operate as competitive suppliers of telecommunication service pursuant to AB 518.
View08-0202802/25/2008Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada and Wholesale Carrier Services, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0202702/20/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 479-E to modify the Statement of Rates related to Schedule IS-2 - Interruptible Irrigation Rate.
View08-0202602/20/2008Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-08-03 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce a new residential bundle called Frontier Digital Phone Essentials.
View08-0202502/20/2008Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-08-02 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce a new residential bundle called Frontier Digital Phone Essentials.
View08-0202402/15/2008Staff report on Steamboat Springs Water Works, Inc. pursuant to the provisions of NAC 704.627.
View08-0202302/15/2008Application of Nevada Power Company to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective April 1, 2008.
View08-0202202/15/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective April 1, 2008.
View08-0202102/15/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company to adjust natural gas Base Tariff Energy Rates effective April 1, 2008.
View08-0202002/15/2008Notice by IBFA Acquisition Company, LLC d/b/a Farm Bureau Connection and Telava Acquisitions, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View08-0201902/15/2008Registration of PML Wireless, LLC d/b/a Purpose Mobile as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View08-0201802/13/2008Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyTel of a promotion for eligible business customers to receive discounted unlimited calling services.
View08-0201702/12/2008Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and TCG Los Angeles, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0201602/12/2008Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and AT&T Communications of Nevada, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0201502/08/2008Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and American Fiber Network, Inc. for approval of a Master Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0201402/08/2008Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and Cox Nevada Telcom, LLC for approval of an Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0201302/08/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 476-E to reflect an increase in the point-to-point transmission rates for Bonneville Power Administration pursuant to Schedule No. CSPP Short-Term Rates, Cogeneration and Small Power Production.
View08-0201202/08/2008Advice Letter No. 370 of Nevada Power Company to file avoided short term cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities pursuant to Qualifying Facilities Schedule QF-Short Term.
View08-0201102/08/2008Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-08-01 for the Elko and Tonopah Divisions to revise Access Service Schedule A-3 to correct various tariff sheet numbering and referencing errors.
View08-0201002/06/2008Broadview Networks, Inc., ATX Licensing, Inc. and A.R.C. Networks, Inc. filed notice of the transfer of customers to Broadview Networks, Inc.
View08-0200903/28/2008Application of Bolling Green Acres Inc. for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct a sewer lift station and approximately 2,329 feet of sewer force main to be located in Pahrump, Nevada.
View08-0200802/04/2008Petition of Saguaro Power Company to reopen Docket Nos. 05-5015 and 06-05018 or in the alternative to open an investigatory docket into the matter in which the shrinkage rate charged by Southwest Gas Corporation was developed, modified, and is currently allocated.
View08-0200702/04/2008Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada and Metropolitan Telecommunications of Nevada, Inc. d/b/a MetTel for approval of Amendment No. 3 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0200602/01/2008Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and AT&T Communications of Nevada, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 2 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0200502/01/2008Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and TCG Los Angeles, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 2 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0200402/01/2008Annual plans of Nevada Power Company and Sierra Pacific Power Company for approval of the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program, the Wind Energy Systems Demonstration Program, and the Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Program.
View08-0200302/01/2008Application of Nevada Power Company for approval of the sixth amendment to the Action Plan of the 2007 - 2026 Integrated Resource Plan and approval of the Ormat Settlement Agreement.
View08-0200202/01/2008Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for approval of the first amendment to the Action Plan of the 2008 - 2027 Integrated Resource Plan and approval of the Ormat Settlement Agreement.
View08-0200102/01/2008Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order to Show Cause why Nevada Utilities Inc., d/b/a Nevada Telephone and Las Vegas Telephone, Inc. should not be found in violation of NRS 703.191, 704.033, 704.330, 704.600 and 47 CFR 52.
View08-0102402/13/2008Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada and Metropolitan Telecommunications of Nevada, Inc. d/b/a MetTel for approval of Amendment No. 2 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0102301/31/2008Application of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 349A to revise Individual Case Basis (ICB) Service Offerings Schedule I-1 to implement 511 Routing Service for the Department of Transportation.
View08-0102202/13/2008Notice of Reduced Rate Long Distance LLC and Horizon Telecom, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View08-0102101/29/2008Request by Sierra Pacific Power Company to revise Schedule IS-2, Interruptible Irrigation Service, of its Electric Tariff No. 1.
View08-0102001/30/2008Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Utility Telephone, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement and Amendments pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0101901/29/2008Petition of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada for review and approval of its 2008 Carrier-to-Carrier Performance Assurance Plan.
View08-0101802/14/2008Application of Access Point, Inc. d/b/a North Carolina Access Point, Inc. for authority to amend certificate CPC 2292 to expand its authority to provide resold interexchange and resold and facilities-based basic services within the state of Nevada.
View08-0101701/25/2008Application of Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Rio Virgin Telephone & Cablevision requesting approval of a change of fictitious name to Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Reliance Connects for telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 548 Sub 1.
View08-0101601/25/2008Application of Eureka Moly, LLC for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct approximately 24.3 miles of 230 kV transmission line from the Machacek Substation to the Mount Hope Substation to be located in Eureka County, Nevada.
View08-0101501/28/2008Application of Vidafon, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View08-0101401/24/2008Notice by Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Rio Virgin Telephone & Cablevision of a promotion campaign for free installation for any person signing up for Custom Calling Features from February 1, 2008 to April 30, 2008.
View08-0101301/22/2008Application of the City of Reno for authority to upgrade an existing grade crossing to concrete; add sidewalks, curb, and gutter; upgrade safety devices; and install a new traffic signal at the crossing located south of 4th Street, two miles west of Mayberry Drive in Reno, Nevada.
View08-0101201/22/2008Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Metropolitan Telecommunications of Nevada d/b/a MetTel for approval of an Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0101101/17/2008Reports from public utilities operating in Nevada of accidents occurring during calendar year 2008 pursuant to NRS 704.190 and NAC 704.230.
View08-0101001/30/2008Joint Petition of Moapa Valley Telephone Company and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC d/b/a Cingular Wireless for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0100901/16/2008Investigation and rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations pertaining to Nevada Administrative Code Chapter 455 regarding subsurface installations, including service laterals.
View08-0100801/16/2008Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and AirTouch Cellular d/b/a Verizon Wireless for approval of Amendment No. 3 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View08-0100701/14/2008Investigation and rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations pertaining to Chapters 703 and 704 of the Nevada Administrative Code regarding general rate cases and other related utility matters in accordance with Assembly Bill No. 103.
View08-0100601/11/2008Filing by Charter Fiberlink NV-CCVII, LLC to update its Terms and Conditions.
View08-0100501/09/2008Notice by DIECA Communications, Inc. d/b/a Covad Communications Company and CCGI Holding Corporation of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View08-0100401/09/2008Application of South Jersey Resources Group LLC for a license to provide discretionary service as an alternative seller of natural gas to generating, industrial, or large commercial customers in the state of Nevada.
View08-0100301/07/2008Notice by SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a AT&T Long Distance that it will cease to provide residential local exchange telephone service in the Las Vegas, Nevada area effective March 5, 2008.
View08-0100201/04/2008Notice by the Regulatory Operations Staff of the Public Utilities Commission pursuant to NRS 704.190 and NAC 704.230-704.265 of an incident that occurred on December 27, 2007, at North Fifth Street and Deer Springs Way in North Las Vegas involving a gas main leak and fire resulting in a fatality.
View08-0100101/02/2008Complaint. Sprint Communications Company L.P., Sprint Spectrum L.P., and Nextel of California, Inc. ("Sprint") vs. Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale ("AT&T"), to resolve a dispute over AT&T's refusal to allow Sprint to port in and adopt the interconnection agreement between Sprint and BellSouth Corporation in accordance with merger commitments made by AT&T.
View07-1203012/31/2007Notice by InfoTelecom, LLC regarding the change of name of its holding company from Broadvox Holdings, LLC to InfoTelecom Holdings, LLC.
View07-1202912/28/2007Southwest Gas Corporation filed Advice Letter No. 436 to adjust Northern and Southern Base Tariff Energy Rates effective February 1, 2008.
View07-1202812/26/2007Application of Vesta Capital Partners, LP filed on behalf of Choice Energy Services, LP to voluntarily discontinue to operate as an alternative seller of natural gas of only discretionary service conducted under License No. G-10.
View07-1202712/21/2007Notice of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of a special promotion for the Elko and Tonopah Divisions for existing and new residential customers who order Digital Phone Enhanced Feature Pack service.
View07-1202612/21/2007Notice of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq ("Embarq") of a new Consumer Guidebook that is effective January 1, 2008 which includes basic network service and Lifeline service and replaces Embarq's General Customer Services Tariff No. 2B.
View07-1202512/20/2007Application of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 349 to revise Individual Case Basis (ICB) Service Offerings Schedule I-1 to implement 511 Routing Service for the Department of Transportation.
View07-1202412/19/2007Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Syniverse Technologies, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-1202312/19/2007Application of Nevada Power Company for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct transmission facilities for the Northwest Substation 230/138 kV Autotransformer Upgrade Project to be located in the northwest Las Vegas Valley, Nevada.
View07-1202201/08/2008Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and 33 certain telecommunication service providers for approval of an Amendment to their Interconnection or Resale Agreements pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-1202112/17/2007Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC for approval of Amendment Nos. 10 and 12 to their Interconnection Agreements pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-1202012/14/2007Application of Nevada Power Company for approval of the fifth amendment to the Action Plan of the 2007-2026 Integrated Resource Plan as it relates to revisions to its Demand Side Management Plan and new agreements with Las Vegas Cogeneration Limited Partnership and Dynegy Power Marketing, Inc.
View07-1201912/17/2007Notice by CTC Communications Corp., One Communications Corp., Columbia Ventures Broadband LLC and Quantum Partners LDC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View07-1201812/12/2007Application of Westpac Utilities a division of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 276-G to revise Tariff No. 1, Gas Main Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View07-1201712/12/2007Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for authority to adjust its consolidated natural gas and liquefied propane gas (LPG) Base Tariff Energy Rate on a quarterly basis between annual rate adjustment applications.
View07-1201612/12/2007Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 474-E to revise Tariff No. 1-B, Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View07-1201512/12/2007Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 368 to revise Tariff No. 1-B, Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View07-1201412/10/2007Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2037 to revise Tariff No. C19-A to reflect collocation terms, conditions, and pricing being grandfathered immediately and to sunset by February 1, 2009.
View07-1201312/19/2007Application of ConnectTo Communications Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services providing resold interexchange and resold and facilities-based basic services within the state of Nevada.
View07-1201201/02/2008Application of CF Communications, LLC requesting approval of a change of name to Telekenex, Inc. for telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2799.
View07-1201112/05/2007Application of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 348 to revise Tariff No. 4-B, Network Access Line Service Schedule No. A-1 to clarify the functionality of *69 (Automatic Call Return) Service.
View07-1201012/05/2007Notice by Primus Telecommunications, Inc. and Least Cost Routing, Inc. dba Long Distance Charges, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View07-1200912/05/2007In re request for Orders to Appear and Show Cause why Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity should not be revoked and/or why administrative fines should not be imposed on public utilities that have not paid their annual assessment fee, their surcharge for assistance to persons with impaired speech and hearing, and/or have not filed an annual report pursuant to NRS 703.191 and NAC 704.7483. In re request for Orders to Appear and Show Cause why administrative fines should not be imposed on Commercial Mobile Radio Service providers for failure to pay their annual licensing fee and/or their surcharge for assistance to persons with impaired speech and hearing.
View07-1200812/17/2007Petition of the Truckee Meadows Water Authority to open an investigatory docket into the practices and procedures of Panther Valley Water Users Association for its water operations.
View07-1200712/04/2007Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-07-16 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to include language in Rule and Regulation No. 24 clarifying that customer notices may be made by a bill message on the customer's bill or enclosed with the customer's bill.
View07-1200612/04/2007Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-07-15 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to include language in Rule and Regulation No. 24 clarifying that customer notices may be made by a bill message on the customer's bill or enclosed with the customer's bill.
View07-1200512/04/2007Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyTel of a promotion that will waive the applicable nonrecurring charges for each access line ordered by residential customers who previously established service with another Local Exchange Carrier.
View07-1200412/04/2007Application of Intandem Communications Corp to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2809.
View07-1200312/03/2007Registration of Touchtone Communications Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View07-1200212/06/2007Application of Transamerica Telecom, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2870.
View07-1200112/03/2007Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for authority to begin to recover the costs of constructing the new Tracy Combined Cycle Unit and other plant additions and costs of service through an increase of its annual revenue requirement for general rates charged to all classes of electric customers and for relief properly related thereto.
View07-1103512/04/2007Application of Spring Creek Utilities Co. filed under Advice Letter No. 7 to modify Service Connections and Consumer's Facilities Rule No. 15 to change the fees charged for water service connection.
View07-1103412/04/2007Notice by Startec Global Operating Company and Americatel Corporation of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View07-1103311/29/2007Application of Ionex Communications South, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2559.
View07-1103211/27/2007Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and MetroPCS Nevada, LLC for approval of a Commercial Mobile Radio Services Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Sections 251 and 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-1103111/26/2007Application of South Jersey Resources Group LLC for a license to provide discretionary service as an alternative seller of natural gas to generating, industrial, or large commercial customers in the state of Nevada.
View07-1103011/21/2007Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to amend certificate CPC 2627 Sub 3 to expand its natural gas service territory to areas that are contiguous to and near its existing service territory located in Lyon County, Storey County, and Washoe County, Nevada.
View07-1102911/21/2007Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 435 to revise Tariff No. 6 to establish the criteria for a customer-requested removal of unmetered gas lighting from its distribution system.
View07-1102801/03/2008Registration of Faith Communications of Nevada, Inc. d/b/a VOCE as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View07-1102711/21/2007Application of Eschelon Telecom of Nevada, Inc. for approval of fictitious business name Integra Telecom and of Advanced TelCom, Inc. d/b/a Eschelon Telecom, Inc. for approval of a change of fictitious business name to Advanced TelCom, Inc. d/b/a Integra Telecom for telecommunications services conducted under certificates CPC 2465 and 2400, respectively.
View07-1102611/21/2007Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada and Level 3 Communications, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Adoption Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-1102511/21/2007Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada and Charter Fiberlink NV-CCVII, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-1102411/20/2007Application of Dutchman Acres Water Company for authority to amend certificate CPC 2682 to expand its water service territory to include a five acre parcel adjacent to its existing service boundary located in Pershing County, Nevada.
View07-1102311/16/2007Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyTel of a promotion that will include an Emergency Line bundled with Broadband and Internet service for residential customers.
View07-1102211/16/2007Application of Broadview Networks, Inc. to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange and intraexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View07-1102111/15/2007Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective January 1, 2008.
View07-1102011/15/2007Application of Nevada Power Company to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective January 1, 2008.
View07-1101911/15/2007Application of Virtual Hipster Corporation to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2275 Sub 1.
View07-1101811/14/2007Petition of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada to eliminate the intraLATA toll equal access business office and scripting procedures approved by the Commission in Docket Nos. 96-7036, 96-2018, and 97-2010.
View07-1101712/05/2007Joint Application of Computer Network Technology Corporation (CNT) and CLEC, LLC (Bandwidth) for approval of an Asset Purchase Agreement, the transfer of certificate CPC 2794 from CNT to Bandwidth, and to expand its authority to provide facilities-based interexchange and resold and facilities-based basic telecommunications services within the state of Nevada.
View07-1101611/14/2007Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 6 to revise Tariff No. 1A to establish a Foreign Listing rate to allow customers to be listed in the alphabetical section of the directory and not have to subscribe to Flat Rate Exchange Services.
View07-1101511/30/2007Registration of OnStar Corporation d/b/a OEM Telematics Services as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View07-1101411/13/2007Application of South Jersey Resources Group LLC for a license to provide discretionary service as an alternative seller of natural gas to generating, industrial, or large commercial customers in the state of Nevada.
View07-1101311/09/2007Application of Intellicall Operator Services, Inc. d/b/a ILD filed under Advice Letter No. 11 to revise Tariff No. 1 to introduce a new Rate Plan.
View07-1101211/16/2007Application of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 347 to revise Individual Case Basis (ICB) Service Offerings Schedule I-1 to implement 211 Routing Service for United Way of Nevada and Sierra.
View07-1101111/08/2007Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and dPi-Teleconnect, L.L.C. for approval of an Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-1101011/08/2007Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and Xspedius Management Co. Switched Services, LLC and Xspedius Management Co. of Las Vegas, LLC for approval of a Memorandum of Understanding pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-1100911/08/2007Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and Universal Telecom, Inc. for approval of a Master Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-1100811/09/2007Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Liberty Telecom LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-1100711/07/2007Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Metrocall, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-1100611/07/2007Application of Dutchman Acres Water Company for authority to amend certificate CPC 2682 to expand its service territory located in Pershing County, Nevada.
View07-1100511/07/2007Petition of MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC for arbitration of an Interconnection Agreement with Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-1100411/06/2007Application of Xspedius Management Co. Switched Services, LLC requesting approval of a change of name to Time Warner Telecom of Nevada LLC for telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2717.
View07-1100311/02/2007Investigation regarding the use, maintenance, and disposition of certain gas street lamps and supply systems pursuant to rate payers' objections.
View07-1100211/02/2007Investigation and rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations pertaining to Nevada Administrative Code Chapter 704 regarding mechanisms for a public utility to recover variable interest expenses or dividends and related matters.
View07-1100111/01/2007Registration of Faith Communications, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View07-1003011/06/2007Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Infotelecom, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement and Amendments pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-1002911/06/2007Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement and Amendment No. 1 pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-1002810/31/2007Application of Time Warner Telecom of Nevada LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2594.
View07-1002710/31/2007Application of Xspedius Management Co. of Las Vegas, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2718.
View07-1002610/31/2007Application of US LEC Communications Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2707.
View07-1002510/29/2007Application of Consolidated Communications Operator Services, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2747.
View07-1002410/29/2007Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada and WPTI Telecom LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-1002310/25/2007Application of Hotline Telephone Service, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2795.
View07-1002210/22/2007Application of Working Assets Funding Service, Inc. d/b/a Working Assets Long Distance requesting approval of a change of fictitious business name to Working Assets Funding Service, Inc. d/b/a Credo Long Distance for telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 1047 Sub 1.
View07-1002110/18/2007Application of Talk America Inc. to voluntarily discontinue to provide resold basic services and to amend certificate CPC 1021 Sub 4 to include only the authority to provide resold interexchange and alternative operator services within the state of Nevada.
View07-1002010/17/2007Application of Intellicall Operator Services, Inc. d/b/a ILD filed under Advice Letter No. 10 to revise Tariff No. 1 to introduce new rate plans and surcharges.
View07-1001910/17/2007Filing by Charter Fiberlink NV-CCVII, LLC to update its Terms and Conditions.
View07-1001810/15/2007Staff report on Cherry Creek Water District, LLC pursuant to the provisions of NAC 704.627.
View07-1001710/15/2007Notice by McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc., McLeod Incorporated, and PAETEC Holding Corp. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View07-1001610/12/2007Application of IDACOMM, Inc. requesting approval of a change of name to American Fiber Systems, Inc. for telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2805.
View07-1001510/11/2007Filing by Charter Fiberlink NV-CCVII, LLC to update its Terms and Conditions.
View07-1001410/11/2007Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada for authority to modify certificate CPC 2692 Sub 3 to expand its water and sewer service territory to include 19.3 acres of real property owned by Charleston Powerline, LLC located in Pahrump, Nye County, Nevada.
View07-1001310/03/2007Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale of a new Guidebook that is effective October 1, 2007 which includes its non-regulated terms, conditions and pricing of its intrastate telecommunications services, and also corresponding changes to its tariffs and catalogs to remove such terms, conditions and pricing that are no longer regulated.
View07-1001210/08/2007Notice by American Fiber Network, Inc. and United Systems Access, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View07-1001110/03/2007Application of The El Diablo Homeowners Association, a Nevada non-profit corporation, for a limited certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide water and sewer service to the El Diablo Subdivision in Pahrump, Nye County, Nevada.
View07-1001010/05/2007Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada and Sprint Communications Company L.P. for approval of an Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-1000910/05/2007Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada and CommPartners, LLC for approval of an Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-1000810/02/2007Application of the City of North Las Vegas to construct a new grade separated crossing for Lamb Boulevard over the Union Pacific Caliente Subdivision railroad tracks west of Interstate 15 in Clark County, Nevada.
View07-1000710/02/2007Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Advisory Opinion as to whether renewable energy generation equipment may be legally rented or leased to persons located within the certificated service territories of electric public utilities within the state of Nevada.
View07-1000610/02/2007Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-07-13 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment service for business customers.
View07-1000510/08/2007Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-07-14 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment service for business customers.
View07-1000410/02/2007Notice by A.R.C. Networks, Inc., ATX Licensing, Inc., Broadview NP Acquisition Corp., and Broadview Networks Holdings, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View07-1000310/01/2007Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. for authority to modify certificate CPC 2720 Sub 6 for water service and certificate CPC 2343 Sub 7 for sewer service to expand its water and sewer service territory to include the Indian Road Subdivision located in Pahrump, Nye County, Nevada.
View07-1000210/01/2007Filing of Baldwin County Internet/DSSI Service L.L.C. to update its Terms and Conditions.
View07-1000110/23/2007Application of Coral Power, L.L.C. for a license to provide discretionary service as an alternative seller of natural gas to generating, industrial, or large commercial customers in the state of Nevada.
View07-0903010/29/2007Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of the Depreciation Study for its Northern Division, Southern Division, and Systems Allocable Plant.
View07-0902909/28/2007Southwest Gas Corporation filed Advice Letter No. 433 to adjust Northern and Southern Base Tariff Energy Rates effective November 1, 2007.
View07-0902809/28/2007Application of Western Telephone, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2810 Sub 1.
View07-0902709/28/2007Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. for approval of revised depreciation rates based on its 2007 depreciation study.
View07-0902609/28/2007Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 5 to revise Tariff No. 2A to introduce several bundled services with a variety of regulated, non-regulated, and de-regulated services.
View07-0902509/28/2007Notice by Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada of a promotional campaign to increase utilization of Verizon's Integrated Services Digital Network Primary Rate Interface service.
View07-0902409/27/2007Notice by Qwest Communications Corporation, Phoenix Telecom, Inc., and Qwest Internet Solutions, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View07-0902309/27/2007Notice of Andiamo Telecom, L.L.C. and ILD Telecommunications, Inc. regarding a transfer of assets, including operator service customer accounts.
View07-0902209/27/2007Application of Avista Energy, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue to operate as an alternative seller of natural gas of only discretionary service conducted under License No. G11.
View07-0902109/26/2007Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc., d/b/a CenturyTel of six promotions for business and residential customers.
View07-0902009/26/2007Notice of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of a special promotion for the Elko and Tonopah Divisions for existing and new residential customers who order Digital Phone Enhanced Feature Pack service.
View07-0901910/01/2007Application of Indian Springs Water Co., Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 2 to revise Water Rights Rule No. 19 to decrease the residential water dedication requirements.
View07-0901809/25/2007Application of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 346 to revise Access Service Tariff No. 3-B, Switched Access Service, to identify how the Percent Interstate Usage Factor is applied to terminating calls without originating number information.
View07-0901709/24/2007Application of Wide Voice, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold and facilities-based interexchange and basic services within the state of Nevada.
View07-0901609/19/2007Investigation into the interstate gas pipeline reservation cost allocation for determination of Sierra Pacific Power Company's base tariff energy rate.
View07-0901509/19/2007Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada and Trans National Communications International, Inc. for approval of an Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-0901410/02/2007Application of Pacific Summit Energy, LLC for a license to provide discretionary service as an alternative seller of natural gas to generating, industrial, or large commercial customers in the state of Nevada.
View07-0901309/18/2007Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 472-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to introduce Schedule GS-4-New Generation and to modify existing Incremental Pricing Schedule No. IP.
View07-0901209/18/2007Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-07-12 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce a new business bundle called Frontier Business Unlimited Service.
View07-0901109/18/2007Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-07-11 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce a new business bundle called Frontier Business Unlimited Service.
View07-0901009/17/2007Application of Silver Springs Mobile Home Park to withdraw $2,379.44 from the service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and upgrade the electrical system.
View07-0900909/18/2007Investigation regarding modification of Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy's Schedule No. IS-2.
View07-0900809/14/2007Application of Applewood Communications Corporation to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View07-0900709/14/2007Application of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 345 to revise Schedule No. A-20, Integrated Services Digital Network Services - Primary Rate Interface (ISDN-PRI) Service, to introduce ISDN PRI CentraNet Access and ISDN PRI Voice over Internet Protocol Service (VOIP).
View07-0900609/10/2007Application of Norlight, Inc. to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View07-0900509/17/2007Application of Nevada Power Company for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct the Arden Substation Expansion Project consisting of the relocation of the Arden-Magnolia, Arden-Bighorn, and Arden-Avera 230 kV transmission lines to be located in the southwest Las Vegas Valley, Nevada.
View07-0900409/07/2007Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2035 to revise Tariff No. A16 to provide updated maps of its certificated territory and to correct inadvertent errors in the legal descriptions of several counties.
View07-0900309/14/2007Application of Wholesale Carrier Services, Inc. for authority to amend certificate CPC 2713 to expand its authority to provide resold interexchange, resold and facilities-based basic and alternative operator services within the state of Nevada.
View07-0900209/05/2007Notice by AccessLine Holdings, Inc., AccessLine Communications Corporation, and Telanetix, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View07-0900109/13/2007Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and IDACOMM, Inc. for approval of a Master Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-0803208/31/2007Filing by Charter Fiberlink NV-CCVII, LLC to update its Terms and Conditions.
View07-0803109/13/2007Registration of Cause Based Commerce Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View07-0803009/13/2007Application of Cause Based Commerce Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View07-0802908/31/2007Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-07-10 to revise Access Services Tariff No. A-3 to include clarifying language for the provisioning of Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP) service.
View07-0802808/31/2007Application of Westpac Utilities a division of Sierra Pacific Power Company for authority to amend certificate CPC 688 Sub 4 to expand its natural gas service territory to areas that are contiguous with its existing service territory located in Storey County and Washoe County, Nevada.
View07-0802708/27/2007Commission sponsored Consumer Session to be held in White Pine County, Nevada.
View07-0802608/27/2007Commission sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Clark County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View07-0802508/27/2007Commission sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Washoe County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View07-0802409/06/2007Application of Inmate Calling Solutions, LLC for approval of fictitious business name ICSolutions for telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2771.
View07-0802308/23/2007Investigation regarding implementation of a green power tariff to allow customer purchase of renewable energy.
View07-0802208/23/2007Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada and Sprint Communications Company L.P. for approval of an Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-0802108/23/2007Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada and CommPartners, LLC for approval of an Amendment to an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-0802008/20/2007Application of Toquop Energy, LLC for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct a 750 MW pulverized coal-fired electric generation facility and associated facilities including a 31 mile rail line, a well field in the Tule Desert, an underground 13 mile water pipeline and a new transmission substation to be located in Lincoln County, Nevada.
View07-0801908/16/2007Application of MGEN Services Corp. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View07-0801808/15/2007Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective October 1, 2007.
View07-0801708/15/2007Application of Nevada Power Company to adjust the Base Tariff Energy Rates effective October 1, 2007.
View07-0801608/16/2007Application of Nevada Power Company for approval of its annual Demand Side Management Update Report as it relates to the three-year Action Plan of its 2007-2026 Integrated Resource Plan.
View07-0801508/15/2007Application of Excella Communications for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold and facilities-based basic services within the state of Nevada.
View07-0801408/13/2007Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and U.S. TelePacific Corp. (Nevada) for approval of an Interconnection Agreement and Amendments pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-0801308/13/2007Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Mpower Communications Corp. d/b/a TelePacific Communications for approval of an Interconnection Agreement and Amendments pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-0801208/10/2007Application of NV - CLEC LLC for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold and facilities-based interexchange and intraexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View07-0801108/09/2007Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order to Show Cause why Total Telephone Concepts, Inc. should be found in violation of NRS 704.330 and fined pursuant to NRS 704.380.
View07-0801008/15/2007Application of the City of Reno for permission to construct a pedestrian crossing over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks between Plaza Street and Commercial Row to serve the AMTRAK Station located in Reno, Washoe County, Nevada.
View07-0800908/09/2007Application of Common Pointe Networks of Nevada, LLC requesting approval of a change of name to Peerless Network of Nevada, LLC for telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2867.
View07-0800808/08/2007Application of Nevada Power Company for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct at the Clark Generating Station a new 230 kV switch station onto the new peaking Generator Block No. 1 to interconnect to the existing Faulkner-Winterwood 230 kV transmission line to be located in the central Las Vegas Valley, Nevada.
View07-0800708/08/2007Application of Meadows Park LLC to withdraw $16,750.84 from the electric service charge fund for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair the electrical system.
View07-0800608/08/2007Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order to Show Cause why Enel North America, Inc. and/or its subsidiary Enel Salt Wells, LLC should be fined for violation of the Utility Environmental Protection Act and the Commission's Compliance Order issued in Docket No. 04-4011.
View07-0800508/08/2007Petition of Sierra Pacific Power Company to open an investigatory docket regarding the accounting treatment and cost recovery mechanism for gas demand side management costs.
View07-0800408/08/2007Petition of Sierra Pacific Power Company for an Advisory Opinion regarding the accounting treatment and cost recovery mechanism for 2006-2007 gas demand side management costs.
View07-0800308/06/2007Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and Sprint Communications Company L.P. for approval of an Interim Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-0800208/03/2007Presentation by Gas Technology Institute.
View07-0800108/02/2007Application of Nevada Geothermal Utility Company, Inc. for approval of a revised service contract to replace the contract that expires December 31, 2007.
View07-0703707/31/2007Application of Spring Creek Utilities Co. for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct and upgrade approximately 18,500 linear feet of potable water transmission mains for the Spring Creek Subdivision located in Elko County, Nevada.
View07-0703607/31/2007Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-07-09 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce a new residential package called Digital Phone Enhanced Feature Pack.
View07-0703507/31/2007Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-07-08 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce a new residential package called Digital Phone Enhanced Feature Pack.
View07-0703407/31/2007Investigation and rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations regarding the order of proceedings pursuant to NAC 703.695 and petitions or other means of addressing particular requested relief pursuant to NAC Chapter 703.
View07-0703307/31/2007Application of the Nevada Commission for the Reconstruction of the V&T Railway for authority to construct two crossings for the V&T Railroad, an at grade crossing at Linehan Road and a grade separated crossing over US-50 in Lyon County and Carson City, Nevada respectively.
View07-0703207/30/2007Request of American Messaging (AM), Inc. to transfer CMRS 62 Sub 1 to American Messaging Services, LLC due to an internal corporate restructuring.
View07-0703108/03/2007Application of Oregon-Idaho Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Humboldt Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 10 to revise Tariff No. 1 to introduce Distinctive Ringing, Selective Call Screening, and Conference Calling Services.
View07-0703007/27/2007Application of Acceris Management and Acquisition LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2844.
View07-0702907/27/2007Application of New Access Communications LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2647.
View07-0702807/26/2007Application of Spring Creek Utilities Co. for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct and upgrade approximately 18,500 linear feet of potable water transmission mains for the Spring Creek Subdivision located in Elko County, Nevada.
View07-0702707/26/2007Application of the City of Henderson for permission to add a pedestrian crossing to the existing railroad crossing at Nevada State Drive located in Clark County, Nevada.
View07-0702607/26/2007Joint application of Dialaround Enterprises Inc. ("DEI") and STi Prepaid, LLC d/b/a Telco, TGI, Telco Group, VOIP Enterprises, VOIP, Dialaround Enterprises, Dialaround, and DEI ("STi ") for approval of an Asset Purchase and Contribution Agreement and the transfer of authority for telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2730 from DEI to STi.
View07-0702507/25/2007Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and TCG Los Angeles, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-0702407/25/2007Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and AT&T Communications of Nevada, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-0702307/25/2007Complaint. Energy Control Systems Inc. vs. Sierra Pacific Resources, Sierra Pacific Power Company, and Nevada Power Company for resolution of a dispute concerning Rule 16, Service Connections, Meters and Customer's Facilities.
View07-0702207/25/2007Application of Silver Springs Mobile Home Park to withdraw $2,379.44 from the service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View07-0702107/23/2007Request of TeleCommunication Systems Corporation of Maryland to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View07-0702007/23/2007Petition of Northern Nevada Industrial Electric Users to open an investigatory docket into interstate pipeline reservation cost allocation for determination of Sierra Pacific Power Company's base tariff energy rate.
View07-0701907/19/2007Request of NECC Telecom, Inc. to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View07-0701807/19/2007Notice by First Communications, LLC, Xtension Services, Inc., First Communications, Inc. and Gores FC Holdings, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View07-0701707/18/2007Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 366 to revise Tariff No. 1-B, Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to include Line Extension Allowance and Master Planned Community refunding for the Large Residential Service.
View07-0701607/18/2007Notice of Excess Energy (UK) Limited of self-certification of a qualifying facility under the Public Utilities Regulatory Policy Act (PURPA) in accordance with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) requirements.
View07-0701507/17/2007Application of Baldwin County Internet/DSSI Service, L.L.C. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold and facilities-based interexchange and intraexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View07-0701407/19/2007Application of Legacy Long Distance International, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 2 to revise Tariff No. 1 to introduce U.S. Interconnection *00 Pay Telephone Sticker Service.
View07-0701307/16/2007Application of Nevada Power Company for approval of the fourth amendment to the Action Plan of the 2007 - 2026 Integrated Resource Plan and its annual Energy Supply Plan Update.
View07-0701207/16/2007Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and Tel-West Companies d/b/a Hassle Free Phone for approval of a Master Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-0701107/16/2007Application of Fairview Mobile Manor to withdraw $18,815.91 from the service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and upgrade the electrical system.
View07-0701007/13/2007Request of American Messaging (AM), Inc. to change its name as a commercial mobile radio service provider to American Messaging Services, LLC.
View07-0700907/13/2007Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-07-07 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) - Primary Rate Interface (PRI) service.
View07-0700807/13/2007Request of Metrocall, Inc. to change its name as a commercial mobile radio service provider to USA Mobility Wireless, Inc.
View07-0700707/12/2007Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff of the Commission requesting that the Commission correct the Order issued in Docket No. 07-01011 and/or restore the cancelled Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No. 2727 of NECC Telecom, Inc.
View07-0700607/12/2007Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Utility Telephone, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-0700507/09/2007Filing by Xspedius Management Co. Switched Services, LLC to update its Terms and Conditions.
View07-0700407/09/2007Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 8 consisting of tariff pages 460, Legal Description and 47G, Map for the Trading Post Subdivision which were inadvertently not processed in Docket 01-2004.
View07-0700307/10/2007Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2028 to update the maps and legal description of its certificated territories.
View07-0700207/02/2007Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and YMax Communications Corp. for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-0700107/02/2007Application of SmartStop, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2351.
View07-0605106/29/2007Application of Edgewood Water Company for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct a treated water intertie pipeline and related facilities to be located in Stateline, Douglas County, Nevada.
View07-0605006/29/2007Sierra Pacific Power Company informational report concerning its natural gas resource planning activities.
View07-0604906/29/2007Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for approval of its 2008 to 2027 Integrated Resource Plan.
View07-0604806/29/2007Filing by Charter Fiberlink NV - CCVII, LLC to update its Terms and Conditions.
View07-0604706/29/2007Southwest Gas Corporation filed Advice Letter No. 432 to adjust Northern and Southern Base Tariff Energy Rates effective August 1, 2007.
View07-0604606/28/2007Investigation and rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations pertaining to Chapters 703 and 704 of the Nevada Administrative Code regarding establishing methods and programs for a public utility which purchases natural gas for resale that remove financial disincentives which discourage the public utility from supporting energy conservation and other related utility matters in accordance with Senate Bill 437.
View07-0604506/27/2007Notice by Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 274-G pertaining to Tariff No. 1, Gas Main Extensions Rule No. 9 to inform the Commission that the new interest rate for customer deposits has not changed the tax liability factor for advances.
View07-0604406/28/2007Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 470-E to revise Tariff No. 1, Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View07-0604306/28/2007Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 365 to revise Tariff No. 1-B, Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View07-0604206/27/2007Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 273-G to revise Gas Tariff No. 1 to change the term "Customer Charge" to "Basic Service Charge" to provide a clearer understanding of the term.
View07-0604106/28/2007Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 468-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to change the term "Customer Charge" to "Basic Service Charge" to provide a clearer understanding of the term.
View07-0604006/28/2007Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 363 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to change the term "Customer Charge" to "Basic Service Charge" to provide a clearer understanding of the term.
View07-0603906/27/2007Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 469-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 2, Schedule Nos. LCSPP86 and LCSPP87 to adjust rates for long-term cogeneration and small power production energy and capacity rates.
View07-0603806/26/2007Application of Clark County to construct an at grade crossing over the Mead Lake Branch Line of the Union Pacific Railroad at Navajo Avenue and mile post 11.58 located in Clark County, Nevada.
View07-0603706/27/2007Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and WPTI Telecom LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-0603607/02/2007Application of Adaven Management Inc. for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct a 1.8 MGD waste water lift station, 4,582 feet of waste water force main, 3,332 feet of gravity sanitary sewer, and 2,680 feet of potable water main to be located in Nye County, Nevada.
View07-0603506/22/2007Application of Nevada Power Company for authority to amend certificate CPC 613 Sub 8 to expand its service territory to provide service to an area contiguous to its existing service territory and the Silverhawk Generating Station in Clark County, Nevada.
View07-0603406/22/2007Application of Boulder City Trailer Park to withdraw $10,000.00 from the service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to upgrade the electric distribution system.
View07-0603306/21/2007Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct a new 345 kV transmission line from the existing East Tracy Substation to a new Emma Substation and to upgrade both substations located in Storey County, Nevada.
View07-0603206/19/2007Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyTel of a promotional campaign for residential customers subscribing to Simple Choice and Unlimited CenturyTel Long Distance service.
View07-0603106/18/2007Application of Greenfield Communications, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold and facilities-based basic services within the state of Nevada.
View07-0603006/18/2007Filing of DeltaCom, Inc. and Business Telecom, Inc. of a Notice of Guarantee of Indebtedness.
View07-0602906/18/2007Investigation and rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations pertaining to Chapters 703 and 704 of the Nevada Administrative Code regarding energy efficiency programs as part of the integrated resource planning process and other related utility matters in accordance with Senate Bill 437.
View07-0602806/18/2007Investigation and rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations pertaining to Chapters 703 and 704 of the Nevada Administrative Code regarding quarterly rate adjustments and annual deferred energy accounting adjustments and other related utility matters in accordance with Senate Bill 437.
View07-0602706/18/2007Investigation and rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations pertaining to Chapter 701B of the Nevada Administrative Code regarding the Renewable Energy School Pilot Program and other related utility matters in accordance with Senate Bill 437.
View07-0602606/18/2007Investigation and rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations pertaining to Chapter 701B of the Nevada Administrative Code regarding the Solar Incentive Program, Wind Demonstration, and Waterpower Demonstration programs and other related utility matters in accordance with Senate Bill 437.
View07-0602506/18/2007Investigation and rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations pertaining to Nevada Administrative Code Chapters 703 and 704 regarding railroad crossings, utility definitions, electric resource planning, and other related utility matters in accordance with Senate Bill 95.
View07-0602406/18/2007Investigation and rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations pertaining to Chapters 703 and 704 of the Nevada Administrative Code regarding prescribing the form and substance for a net metering tariff and a standard net metering contract and other related utility matters in accordance with Assembly Bill 178.
View07-0602306/18/2007Investigation and rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations pertaining to Nevada Administrative Code Chapters 703 and 704 regarding interruptible service and other related utility matters in accordance with Assembly Bill 144.
View07-0602206/18/2007Application of Desert Utilities, Inc. for authority to increase rates for water and sewer service.
View07-0602106/15/2007Application of Clark County to construct an at grade crossing over the Mead Lake Branch Line of the Union Pacific Railroad at Navajo Avenue and mile post 11.58 located in Clark County, Nevada.
View07-0602006/18/2007Application of Economy Telephone, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View07-0601906/14/2007Investigation and rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations pertaining to Chapters 703 and 704 of the Nevada Administrative Code regarding portfolio standards and other related utility matters in accordance with Assembly Bill 1.
View07-0601806/13/2007Investigation and rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations pertaining to Nevada Administrative Code Chapter 455 regarding underground excavations of utility facilities and other related utility matters in accordance with Senate Bill 396.
View07-0601706/13/2007Investigation and rulemaking to adopt, amend or repeal regulations pertaining to Nevada Administrative Code Chapter 703 regarding changes in rulemaking procedures and other related matters in accordance with Senate Bill 367.
View07-0601606/13/2007Investigation and rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations pertaining to Chapters 703 and 704 of the Nevada Administrative Code regarding a regulatory scheme intended to promote more competition in the local telephone market, establish the terms, conditions and procedures under which an incumbent local exchange carrier may be excused from its obligations as the provider of last resort, and reinstatement of those obligations, and other related utility matters in accordance with Assembly Bill 518.
View07-0601506/13/2007Investigation and rulemaking to adopt, amend or repeal regulations pertaining to Nevada Administrative Code Chapters 703 and 704 regarding water resource planning, general rate proceedings, fire hydrant maintenance and other related utility matters in accordance with Senate Bill 86.
View07-0601406/12/2007Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff ("Staff") to accept the Status Report regarding Staff's investigation into Amargosa Estates Water Company pursuant to Docket No. 02-12014.
View07-0601306/19/2007Notice by Comtel Telcom Assets LP d/b/a VarTec Telecom, Clear Choice Communications, Excel Telecommunications and VarTec Solutions of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View07-0601206/14/2007Request of AT&T on behalf of New Cingular Wireless Services of Nevada, LLC to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View07-0601106/08/2007Application of Great Basin Transmission, LLC for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct the Harry Allen to Thirtymile Project, a 500 kV electrical transmission facility and ancillary facilities to be located within Clark County, Lincoln County, Nye County and White Pine County, Nevada.
View07-0601006/08/2007Application of Budget Phone, Inc. requesting approval of a change of name to Budget PrePay, Inc. d/b/a Budget Phone for telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2696 Sub 1.
View07-0600906/08/2007Application of Truckee Geothermal No. 1 SV-01, L.L.C. for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct a new 10 MW renewable energy geothermal power plant and associated facilities to be located in Nye County, Nevada.
View07-0600806/07/2007Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale of an access line waiver promotional campaign for residential customers who have local service with a competitive local exchange carrier.
View07-0600706/07/2007Notice by Inter-Tel NetSolutions, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View07-0600606/07/2007Application of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 344 to revise Individual Case Basis (ICB) Service Offerings Schedule No. I-1 to remove text associated with ICBs which have expired.
View07-0600506/06/2007Notice by Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq of a promotional offering for business customers whose total telecom spend is $200 or more are eligible to receive additional benefits during the period June 6, 2007 through September 3, 2007.
View07-0600406/06/2007Notice by Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq that beginning June 6, 2007 and ending July 6, 2007, all service Connection Charges associated with the installation of a new residential line will be waived.
View07-0600306/04/2007Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 5 to revise Tariff No. 1A to establish rates and terms for a new E911 system which replaces the old service arrangement.
View07-0600206/01/2007Application of Nevada Power Company for Approval of Amendment No. 1 to the Special Contract for the Provision of Distribution-Only Service to the Las Vegas Valley Water District and the Colorado River Commission.
View07-0600106/01/2007Application of Nevada Power Company for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct the Centennial/Hualapai Substation consisting of a 230/12 kV, 100 MVA distribution substation and approximately one and one-half miles of a double-circuit 230 kV overhead transmission line to be located in northwest Las Vegas Valley, Nevada.
View07-0503005/30/2007Application of Verdi Meadows Utility Company, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue to provide sewer services and to amend certificate CPC 888 to include only the authority to provide water service.
View07-0502905/25/2007Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2030 to revise regulations for Custom BizSaver, an existing package offering.
View07-0502805/25/2007Petition of Nevada Power Company for approval of Amendment No. 1 to the Special Contract for the Provision of Distribution-Only Service to the Las Vegas Valley Water District and the Colorado River Commission.
View07-0502705/25/2007Application of NHC Communications for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View07-0502605/31/2007Application of IElement Telephone of Nevada, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold and facilities-based interexchange and basic services within the state of Nevada.
View07-0502505/23/2007Application of Yestel, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2858.
View07-0502405/21/2007Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and Cricket Communications, Inc. for approval of a Commercial Mobile Radio Services Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-0502305/24/2007Application of ASC Telecom, Inc. d/b/a AlternaTel to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2515 Sub 1.
View07-0502205/18/2007Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 361 to replace Schedule ORS-LM, Optional Residential Service - Load Management with Schedule OLM, Optional Load Management which will be applicable to all customers who participate in the Air Conditioning Load Management program and in conjunction with the residential and non-residential rate schedules.
View07-0502105/16/2007Filing by Budget Phone, Inc. to update its Terms and Conditions.
View07-0502005/15/2007Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for authority to close the liquid petroleum gas ("LPG") tariff to new customers, to consolidate its gas and LPG rates, to revise Gas Tariff No. 1 pursuant to the Purchased Gas Adjustment Clause and to reset the Base Tariff Energy Rate for LPG customers.
View07-0501905/15/2007Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for authority to close the liquid petroleum gas ("LPG") tariff to new customers, to consolidate its gas and LPG rates, to recover deferred energy costs and to reset the Base Tariff Energy Rate for natural gas customers.
View07-0501805/16/2007Southwest Gas Corporation informational report concerning its natural gas resource planning activities.
View07-0501705/16/2007Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale for the Commission to overturn a denial by NeuStar, Inc., the Administrator for the North American Numbering Plan, for 2,500 consecutive numbers for use in the Reno Exchange and Rate Center.
View07-0501605/18/2007Application of Insite Connect, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold and facilities-based interexchange and intraexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View07-0501505/15/2007Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to establish a revised Deferred Energy Account Adjustment rate and to reset the Base Tariff General Rate for the Variable Interest Expense Recovery mechanism.
View07-0501405/15/2007Application of Alltel Communications, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2138 Sub 2.
View07-0501305/15/2007Application of Western CLEC Corporation to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2395 Sub 1.
View07-0501205/18/2007Joint Petition of Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Rio Virgin Telephone & Cablevision and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC for approval of a Traffic Exchange Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-0501105/21/2007Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq for the Commission to overturn a denial by NeuStar, Inc., the Administrator for the North American Numbering Plan, for ten 1,000 blocks of consecutive numbers for use in the Las Vegas Rate Center.
View07-0501005/14/2007Joint Petition of Xspedius Management Co. Switched Services, LLC and Neutral Tandem-Nevada, LLC for approval of a Traffic Termination Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-0500905/11/2007Notice by Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada of a promotional campaign to increase utilization of Verizon's Business Telephone Services.
View07-0500805/10/2007Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order to Show Cause why Verdi Meadows Utility Company, Inc. should not be fined, placed in receivership pursuant to NRS 704.6676 and/or be subject to revocation or cancellation of its Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity.
View07-0500705/09/2007Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 360 to submit its Cogeneration and Small Power Production - Qualifying Facilities Schedule QF-Short Term, with no change in rates, in accordance with NAC 704.8783 which requires electric utilities to file their avoided short-term cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities.
View07-0500605/09/2007Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 467-E to revise Schedule No. CSPP Short-Term Rates, Cogeneration and Small Power Production to reflect an increase in the point-to-point transmission rates for PacifiCorp and Bonneville Power Administrative, in accordance with NAC 704.8783 which requires electric utilities to file their avoided short-term cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities.
View07-0500505/07/2007Registration of Amp'd Mobile Inc as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View07-0500405/02/2007Registration of MetroPCS Nevada, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View07-0500305/02/2007Investigation and rulemaking to adopt, amend, and/or repeal regulations regarding annual reports for regulated entities and licensing fees for alternative sellers of natural gas.
View07-0500205/01/2007Application of Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Rio Virgin Telephone & Cablevision filed under Advice Letter No. 68 to revise Tariff No. 1 to implement guidelines for the E911 surcharge imposed by the City of Mesquite.
View07-0500105/01/2007Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Airespring, Inc. for approval of a Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-0403204/30/2007Notice by Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq of two promotions for business customers.
View07-0403104/27/2007Filing by Vanco Direct USA, LLC of a notice of indebtedness.
View07-0403004/30/2007Petition of LVE Energy Partners, LLC for a Declaratory Order or in the alternative for an Advisory Opinion that the Central Energy Facilities associated with the Echelon Place are not subject to regulation by the Commission.
View07-0402904/25/2007Registration of Globalstar USA, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View07-0402804/25/2007Implementation of the January 25, 2006 District Court Order for review of Sierra Pacific Power Company's Pinon Pine project expenditures.
View07-0402704/24/2007Notice by Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq filed under Advice Letter No. 31 to introduce MultiLine Bundle, a new bundled service.
View07-0402604/24/2007Investigation and rulemaking to adopt, amend and/or repeal regulations regarding applications for permits to construct utility facilities pursuant to the Utility Environmental Protection Act.
View07-0402504/23/2007Application of Clark County for authority to eliminate three existing at grade crossings at Department of Transportation Numbers 906020S, 804035Y, and 804036F, at Railroad Milepost numbers 9.33, 9.66, and 10.08 respectively, and to construct one new at grade crossing at Whipple Avenue at Railroad Milepost 9.75 located in Clark County, Nevada.
View07-0402404/23/2007Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and Neutral Tandem-Nevada, LLC for approval of an Interconnection, Collocation and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-0402304/23/2007Notice by Trinsic Communications, Inc., Touch 1 Communications, Inc. and Matrix Telecom, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View07-0402204/19/2007Application of Kietzke Manor Mobile Home Park to withdraw $4,067.08 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View07-0402104/16/2007Application of Airespring, Inc. to amend certificate CPC 2708 to expand its authority to provide resold interexchange and resold basic services within the state of Nevada.
View07-0402004/13/2007Notice of Integra Telecom Holdings, Inc. and Eschelon Telecom, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View07-0401904/12/2007Joint application of Nevada Power Company and Sierra Pacific Power Company for approval of the sale and purchase of portfolio energy credits between the companies and approval to account for additional portfolio energy credits earned from commercial energy efficiency measures.
View07-0401804/11/2007Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff ("Staff") requesting the Commission accept the stipulation regarding Staff's investigation into a probable violation of NRS 704.865 by Pahrump Utility Company, Inc.
View07-0401704/10/2007Notice by Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq filed under Advice Letter No. 30 to eliminate the application of service connection charges when new or additional Connection Central Bundle lines are installed.
View07-0401604/19/2007Filing by Xspedius Management Co. Switched Services, LLC to update its Local Terms and Conditions to introduce the Municipal Franchise Surcharge.
View07-0401504/10/2007Filing by Xspedius Management Co. of Las Vegas, LLC to update its Access Terms and Conditions to introduce the Municipal Franchise Surcharge.
View07-0401404/10/2007Filing by Xspedius Management Co. of Las Vegas, LLC to update its Private Line Terms and Conditions to introduce the Municipal Franchise Surcharge.
View07-0401304/19/2007Application of Heritage Operating LP d/b/a Bi-State Propane ("Heritage") requesting approval of a transfer of control of Cornerstone Propane, LP d/b/a Coast Gas of Reno and certificates CPC 2670, 2671 and 2672 to Heritage.
View07-0401204/10/2007Notice by Startec Global Licensing Company, Startec Global Operating Company, Startec Global Communications Corporation and Platinum Equity, LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View07-0401104/10/2007Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 430 to modify Main Extensions Rule No. 9 and Service Extensions Rule No. 10 to revise the language regarding contributions in aid of construction.
View07-0401004/05/2007Application of Concordia Pleasant Valley, LLC for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct approximately 4,466 feet of water line and related appurtenances to be located in Pahrump, Nevada.
View07-0400904/10/2007Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-07-06 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Business Traffic Study Service for business customers in the Tonopah Division.
View07-0400804/10/2007Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-07-05 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Business Traffic Study Service for business customers in the Elko Division.
View07-0400704/03/2007Application of TeleUno, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View07-0400604/03/2007Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and 1-800-Reconnex, Inc. d/b/a USTel for approval of an Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-0400504/02/2007Nevada Power Company and Sierra Pacific Power Company Annual Report on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2006.
View07-0400404/02/2007Application of Clark County to eliminate two existing at grade crossings and to relocate one at grade crossing along the Mead Lake Branch Line north of Wells Road and south of Bowman Reservoir Road located in Clark County, Nevada.
View07-0400304/02/2007Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq filed under Advice Letter No. 29 to remove the service and equipment (SAE) codes from the tariff pages.
View07-0400204/02/2007Registration of Cascade Access, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View07-0400104/02/2007Investigation into Nevada Power Company and Sierra Pacific Power Company's plans to amend their Pro Forma Open Access Transmission Tariffs to comply with Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Order 890.
View07-0304103/30/2007Southwest Gas Corporation filed Advice Letter No. 431 to adjust the Northern and Southern Base Tariff Energy Rates effective May 1, 2007.
View07-0304003/30/2007Application of Airespring, Inc. to amend certificate CPC 2708 to expand its authority to provide resold interexchange and resold basic services within the state of Nevada.
View07-0303904/04/2007Notice by Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq filed under Advice Letter No. 28 to reduce the monthly recurring rate for Standard Home Phone II, a bundled service.
View07-0303803/30/2007Notice by Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq of a promotional campaign for new business customers subscribing to one of the following: Business Individual Line, Key Trunk, PBX Trunk and Embarq Smart Connect.
View07-0303704/03/2007Application of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 343 to revise Individual Case Basis (ICB) Service Offerings Schedule No. I-1 to implement 811 Abbreviated Dialing Service.
View07-0303603/30/2007Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale of a promotional campaign whereby Business customers who purchase Custom BizSaver will receive a $50 Visa Gift Card.
View07-0303503/28/2007Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter NV-07-04 to revise Tariff No. 1-B for the Tonopah Division to clarify the application of Business and Residence rates.
View07-0303403/28/2007Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter NV-07-03 to revise Tariff No. 1-B for the Elko Division to clarify the application of Business and Residence rates.
View07-0303304/03/2007Application of Humboldt Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 9 to revise Section III of Tariff No. 1 to introduce Caller ID Service and to remove obsolete tariff language relating to multi-party service and toll station service.
View07-0303203/28/2007Avista Energy, Inc. Annual Report on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2006.
View07-0303103/28/2007Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and CF Communications, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-0303003/27/2007Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2027 to amend its Packages Catalog to introduce The Select Feature Package Offer, a new residential access line package.
View07-0302903/27/2007Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2026 to amend its Packages Catalog to introduce Easy Rate, a new business package.
View07-0302803/27/2007Notice by Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq of a promotional campaign for business customers for the installation of EMBARQ Smart Connect service.
View07-0302703/27/2007Registration of i-wireless, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View07-0302603/29/2007Joint application of Startec Global Communications Corporation and Startec Global Operating Company requesting approval nunc pro tunc of a pro forma corporate restructuring and the transfer of authority for telecommunications services conducted under CPC 2238 Sub 1 from Startec Global Licensing Company to Startec Global Operating Company.
View07-0302503/26/2007Application of UCN, Inc. on behalf of Extelcom, Inc. d/b/a Express Tel to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 937 Sub 1.
View07-0302403/27/2007Application of Legacy Long Distance International, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 1 to revise Tariff No. 1 to increase operator service charges.
View07-0302303/21/2007Application of DelTel, Inc. requesting approval of fictitious business name AuctionFON for telecommunications services conducted under CPC 2839.
View07-0302203/20/2007Application of Pleasant Valley, LLC for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct approximately 4,466 feet of water line and related appurtenances to be located in Pahrump, Nevada.
View07-0302103/20/2007Request of Metrocall, Inc. on behalf of Arch Wireless Operating Company, Inc. to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View07-0302003/28/2007Joint Petition of Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Rio Virgin Telephone & Cablevision and Sprint Communications Company L.P. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-0301903/16/2007Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq filed under Advice Letter No. 26 to revise General Customer Services Tariff No. 2B to correct the percentage of an applicant's total household gross income that may not exceed the federally established poverty levels to qualify for Lifeline/Link-Up.
View07-0301803/16/2007Notice by Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq filed under Advice Letter No. 27 to introduce 811 Service for One Call Notification Systems.
View07-0301703/16/2007Application of Mobilitie, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing facilities-based interexchange and intraexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View07-0301603/21/2007Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyTel filed under Advice Letter No. 07-01 to establish Tariff No. 3 to introduce a new wholesale tariff to provide directory services and service charges to carriers.
View07-0301503/15/2007Rulemaking to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations regarding electronic filing and other filing requirements.
View07-0301403/21/2007Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada and Charter Fiberlink NV - CCVII, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Adoption Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-0301303/12/2007Application of UCN, Inc. on behalf of Extelcom, Inc. d/b/a Express Tel to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 937 Sub 1.
View07-0301203/12/2007Notice of Integrated Services, Inc. and Larry Gilleland of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View07-0301103/12/2007Rulemaking to amend NAC 705.160 or other associated regulations regarding standards for walkways for railroad tracks.
View07-0301003/12/2007Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 359 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to adjust the quarterly surcharge reflecting revised franchise tax rates.
View07-0300903/09/2007Notice by Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq filed under Advice Letter No. 24 to introduce Clear Solution Bundle, a new bundled service.
View07-0300803/09/2007Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embaq filed under Advice Letter No. 25 to introduce 811 Service for One Call notification systems.
View07-0300703/14/2007Application of Global Tel*Link Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 1 to replace in its entirety Confinement Services Tariff No. 2 with Confinement Services Tariff No. 2A to update rules and regulations, add new service options and to add services to be provided to the Nevada Department of Corrections.
View07-0300603/08/2007Notice by A.R.C. Networks, Inc. and Eureka Broadband Corporation of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View07-0300503/07/2007Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for authority to issue secured and unsecured long-term debt securities in an aggregate amount not to exceed $1.72 billion through the period ending December 31, 2009.
View07-0300403/07/2007Application of Nevada Power Company for authority to issue secured and unsecured long-term debt securities in an aggregate amount not to exceed $3.91 billion through the period ending December 31, 2009.
View07-0300303/07/2007Registration of Affinity Mobile, LLC d/b/a Trumpet Mobile as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View07-0300203/08/2007Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq for the Commission to overturn a denial by NeuStar, Inc., the Administrator for the North American Numbering Plan, for ten blocks of 1,000 consecutive numbers for use in the Las Vegas Rate Center.
View07-0300103/02/2007Filing by Charter Fiberlink NV - CCVII, LLC to update its Terms and Conditions.
View07-0204103/02/2007Application of Quick Tel Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services.
View07-0204002/28/2007Application of Cornerstone Propane, LP d/b/a Coast Gas of Reno requesting approval of a change of name to Heritage Operating, LP d/b/a Bi-State Propane for liquefied petroleum gas services conducted under certificates CPC 2670, 2671 and 2672.
View07-0203902/28/2007Notice by Yak Communications (America) Inc., Yaktastic Inc. and Blackbird Corporation of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View07-0203803/07/2007Application of Valley Electric Association for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct the Stirling Mountain to Northwest 230 kV Transmission Line Project consisting of approximately 36.7 miles of new overhead 230 kV transmission line to be located in unincorporated areas in Clark and Nye Counties, Nevada.
View07-0203702/28/2007Notice by Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada of a promotional campaign for Integrated Services Digital Network Services (ISDN) Primary Rate Interface (PRI), Flat Rate Term and Volume Service.
View07-0203603/01/2007Application of Broadweave Networks of Nevada, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange and resold and facilities-based basic services within the state of Nevada.
View07-0203502/26/2007Complaint. Nevada Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Nevada Telephone vs. Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq to resolve a dispute concerning carrier-to-carrier cross connection and other contract issues.
View07-0203402/22/2007Application of Mpower Communications Corp. for approval of fictitious business name TelePacific Communications for telecommunications services conducted under CPC 2068 Sub 4.
View07-0203303/02/2007Application of the Nevada Commission for the Reconstruction of the V&T Railway ("V&T") for an order exempting V&T from the requirements of NAC 705.020(1) overhead clearances standard for tunnels and NAC 705.030(1)(d) side clearances standard for tunnels within the reconstructed Tunnel No. 2 located near Silver City in Lyon County, Nevada.
View07-0203202/22/2007Application of Syniverse Technologies, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold and facilities-based interexchange and intraexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View07-0203102/20/2007Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq filed under Advice Letter No. 23 to revise General Customer Services Tariff No. 2B to grandfather two Custom Calling Packages, Clear Solution and Classics Calling Package.
View07-0203002/20/2007Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and 360networks (USA) inc. for approval of a Master Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-0202902/23/2007Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and Cox Nevada Telcom, LLC for approval of a Master Interconnection, Collocation, and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-0202802/23/2007Application of Startec Global Licensing Company requesting approval of a change of name to Startec Global Operating Company for telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2238 Sub 1.
View07-0202702/20/2007Application of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 342 to revise Tariff No. 4-B to decrease the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 06-12008.
View07-0202602/16/2007Application of the Department of Health and Human Resources Office of Disability Services for approval of the State Fiscal Year 2008 budget for telecommunications services for the speech and hearing impaired.
View07-0202502/26/2007Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 429 to revise Gas Tariff No. 6 to reinsert Footnote 3 of the Northern and Southern Nevada Statement of Rates inadvertently omitted in a previous filing.
View07-0202402/15/2007Application of Pulse Telecom LLC for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View07-0202302/23/2007Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq filed under Advice Letter No. 22 to revise General Customer Services Tariff No. 2B to clarify service connection charges associated with Custom Calling Packages.
View07-0202202/15/2007Notice by Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq of three promotions for business customers.
View07-0202102/14/2007Notice of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2023 to revise Exchange Services Schedule A5 and Discretionary Exchange Services Schedule A11 to eliminate the additional charge for Express Call Completion when making a Directory Assistance Call.
View07-0202002/14/2007Request of Network Services, LLC to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View07-0201902/13/2007Notice by Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq of a promotional campaign for residential customers to waive the first month's recurring rate for EMBARQ Dial Me! Tunes.
View07-0201802/12/2007Notice by Nevada Utilities, Inc. d/b/a Nevada Telephone and Las Vegas Telephone, Inc. and Great American Telephone regarding a management agreement.
View07-0201702/12/2007Filing by Vanco Direct USA, LLC of a notice of guarantee of indebtedness.
View07-0201602/09/2007Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2024 to revise Exchange Services Tariff No. A5 to amend its Term and Volume Discount Plan for Business Access Lines to include new options.
View07-0201502/09/2007Application of Nevada Power Company for approval of the third amendment to the Action Plan of the 2007 - 2026 Integrated Resource Plan as it relates to two renewable power purchase agreements.
View07-0201402/12/2007Request of Primus Telecommunications, Inc. to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View07-0201302/09/2007Request of MG LLC d/b/a SearsConnect to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View07-0201202/08/2007Application of TeleUno, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View07-0201102/14/2007Application of Nexcent Communications, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold and facilities-based interexchange and basic services within the state of Nevada.
View07-0201002/08/2007Application of Startec Global Licensing Company for approval of a change of name to Startec Global Operating Company for telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2238 Sub 1.
View07-0200902/08/2007Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 358 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to move the Nellis Air Force Base customer from the Large General Service - Extra Large rate schedule to the Large General Service - 3 rate schedule.
View07-0200802/07/2007Application of Infone LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2712 Sub 1.
View07-0200702/06/2007Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter 2025 to add Business Local Calling Assurance, a new business access line package to its Nevada Catalog - Packages.
View07-0200602/09/2007Application of the Nevada Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Task Force nominating applicants for participation in the Solar Energy Systems Demonstration Program in the residential, small business, schools and other public buildings categories for program year four.
View07-0200502/06/2007Application of the City of Henderson to construct a grade separated crossing for Eastgate Road over the Pioneer Chemical Industrial Spur Track east of US 95 in Clark County, Nevada.
View07-0200402/08/2007Application of Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Rio Virgin Telephone & Cablevision filed under Advice Letter No. 67 to revise Tariff No. 1 to include requirements for an Extension Station E911 Waiver.
View07-0200302/02/2007Notice by Sage Telecom, Inc. and SP Sage LLC of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View07-0200202/02/2007Application of Smokey Ridge Mobile Home Park to withdraw up to $3,773.81 from the service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system and to close the account.
View07-0200102/02/2007Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 466-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to modify Interruptible Irrigation Service Schedule IS-2 in Compliance with the Order issued in Docket Nos. 05-10003 and 05-10004.
View07-0104202/02/2007Staff's quarterly report regarding the oral complaints resolved pursuant to NAC 455.305 pertaining to the One-Call Program (sub-surface installations).
View07-0104102/01/2007Reports from public utilities operating in Nevada of accidents occurring during calendar year 2007 pursuant to NRS 704.190 and NAC 704.230.
View07-0104001/31/2007Notice by Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq of two promotions for business customers.
View07-0103901/31/2007Application of Houston Energy Services Co., L.L.C. to voluntarily discontinue to operate as an alternative seller of natural gas of only discretionary service conducted under License No. G-9.
View07-0103801/31/2007Application of Valley Electric Association for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct the Stirling to Northwest 230 kV Transmission Project to be located in southern Nevada.
View07-0103701/29/2007Registration of Affinity Mobile, LLC d/b/a Trumpet Mobile as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View07-0103601/24/2007Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for approval of the fourteenth amendment to the Action Plan of the 2005 - 2024 Integrated Resource Plan as it relates to renewable power purchase agreements.
View07-0103501/24/2007Application of Nevada Power Company for approval of the second amendment to the Action Plan of the 2007 - 2026 Integrated Resource Plan as it relates to renewable power purchase agreements, a new renewable energy program and environmental upgrades to the Clark Generation Station.
View07-0103401/26/2007Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2022 to add 811 service to its Nevada Catalog - Competitive Exchange Services.
View07-0103301/29/2007Application of Reliant Energy Wholesale Generation, LLC for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct a 26-mile 500 kV transmission line from the Reliant Energy Bighorn Electric Generating Station to the Eldorado Substation and modifications to both substations, located in southern Nevada.
View07-0103201/22/2007Application of Qwest Communications Corporation to amend certificate CPC 1063 Sub 2 to expand its authority to provide resold and facilities-based interexchange and basic services and alternative operator services within the state of Nevada.
View07-0103101/22/2007Application of Villa Sierra Mobile Home Park to withdraw $6,737.32 from the service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and improve the electrical system.
View07-0103001/19/2007Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq filed under Advice Letter No. 21 to revise General Customer Services Tariff No. 2B to remove language for vertical and horizontal coordinates.
View07-0102901/19/2007Notice by Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq of three promotional campaigns for business customers.
View07-0102801/19/2007Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct approximately 4,466 feet of waterline and related appurtenances to be located in Pahrump, Nye County, Nevada.
View07-0102701/17/2007Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and 360networks (USA) inc. for approval of a MFN Interconnection Agreement and Amendment pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-0102601/17/2007Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter NV-07-02 to revise Tariff No. 1-B for the Tonopah Division to ensure phantom traffic will be rated and billed if a residential customer line is used to terminate long distance service on the network that originates from someone other than the subscriber.
View07-0102501/17/2007Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter NV-07-01 to revise Tariff No. 1-B for the Elko Division to ensure phantom traffic will be rated and billed if a residential customer line is used to terminate long distance service on the network that originates from someone other than the subscriber.
View07-0102401/22/2007Notice by Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq filed under Advice Letter No. 19 to change the terms and conditions under which the Solutions Package Progressive Plan must be purchased.
View07-0102301/17/2007Application of Nevada Power Company for authority to recover costs incurred to achieve final resolution of claims arising out of the Western Energy Crisis.
View07-0102201/16/2007Application of Nevada Power Company to establish a new Deferred Energy Accounting Adjustment rate for Period 6 and to reset the Base Tariff Energy Rate and the Temporary Renewable Energy Development Charge for collection of projected future energy costs.
View07-0102101/16/2007Notice by OPEX Communications, Inc., Premiercom Management Company and Total Call International, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View07-0102001/16/2007Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq filed under Advice Letter No. 20 to revise General Customer Services Tariff No. 2B to clarify and standardize language for Directory Listings.
View07-0101901/11/2007Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, Inc. to withdraw $2,867.39 from the service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair the electrical system.
View07-0101801/22/2007Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park , Inc. to withdraw $400.00 from the gas tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred for the yearly gas leak survey.
View07-0101701/11/2007Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Metrocall, Inc. for approval of a Paging Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-0101601/23/2007Notice of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2021 to amend its Packages Catalog to add Mover's Residential Access Line Retention Package.
View07-0101501/19/2007Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale for the Commission to overturn a denial by NeuStar, Inc., the Administrator for the North American Numbering Plan, for one block of 1,000 consecutive numbers for use in the Reno Exchange and Rate Center.
View07-0101401/10/2007Application of Buzz Telecom, Corporation to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2726.
View07-0101301/10/2007Application of Business Options, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2096.
View07-0101201/10/2007Notice by Global Tel*Link Corporation and GTEL Holdings, Inc. of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View07-0101101/09/2007In re request for Orders to Appear and Show Cause why Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity should not be revoked for public utilities that have not paid their annual assessment fee, their surcharge for assistance to persons with impaired speech and hearing, and/or have not filed an annual report pursuant to NRS 703.191 and NAC 704.7483. In re request for Orders to Appear and Show Cause why civil penalties should not be imposed on commercial mobile radio service providers for failure to pay their annual licensing fee and/or their surcharge for assistance to persons with impaired speech and hearing.
View07-0101001/08/2007Investigation and rulemaking to amend NAC 704.150, including but not limited to the computation of carrying charges on deferred energy balances and a revision for the accumulated deferred income tax offset.
View07-0100901/08/2007Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for approval of the fourteenth amendment to the Action Plan of the 2005 - 2024 Integrated Resource Plan as it relates to renewable power purchase agreements.
View07-0100801/08/2007Application of Nevada Power Company for approval of the second amendment to the Action Plan of the 2007 - 2026 Integrated Resource Plan as it relates to renewable power purchase agreements, a new renewable energy program and environmental upgrades to the Clark Generation Station.
View07-0100701/04/2007Notice of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq filed under Advice Letter No. 18 to expand the internet speeds available with Complete Business Bundle.
View07-0100601/04/2007Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 356 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to adjust the quarterly surcharge reflecting revised franchise tax rates.
View07-0100501/03/2007Notice of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2020 to add a new residential access line package to its packages catalog.
View07-0100401/09/2007Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and AT&T Communications of Nevada, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 10 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View07-0100301/12/2007Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 271-G pertaining to Tariff No. 1, Gas Main Extensions Rule No. 9 to inform the Commission that the new interest rate for customer deposits has not changed the tax liability factor for advances.
View07-0100201/03/2007Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 465-E to revise Tariff No. 1, Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View07-0100101/12/2007Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 355 pertaining to Tariff No. 1-B, Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to inform the Commission that the new interest rate for customer deposits has not changed the tax liability factor for advances.
View06-1203201/10/2007Application of Telcentrex, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange and resold and facilities-based basic services within the state of Nevada.
View06-1203101/03/2007Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and Granite Telecommunications, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection, Collocation and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-1203001/04/2007Application of Matrix Telecom, Inc. to amend certificate CPC 994 Sub 2 to expand its authority to provide resold interexchange and resold and facilities-based basic services within the state of Nevada.
View06-1202901/04/2007Application of Miracle Communications, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View06-1202812/28/2006Southwest Gas Corporation filed Advice Letter No. 428 to adjust the Northern and Southern Base Tariff Energy Rates effective February 1, 2007.
View06-1202712/28/2006Filing of Sierra Pacific Power Company of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View06-1202601/03/2007Joint application of Galaxy Communications, Inc. ("Galaxy") and Strata Communications, LLC d/b/a Nevada Payphone ("Strata") for approval of the transfer of 100% of the common stock of Galaxy to Strata.
View06-1202512/26/2006Notice by Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq of three promotions for business customers.
View06-1202412/22/2006Application of Gates Communications, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2752.
View06-1202312/28/2006Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada to increase rates for water and sewer service.
View06-1202212/22/2006Application of Network Operator Services, Inc. to revise Tariff No. 1-B.
View06-1202112/20/2006Journal Communications, Inc., Norlight Telecommunications, Inc. and Q-Comm Corporation notice of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View06-1202012/15/2006Application of Nevada Power Company for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct the Valley Electric Interconnection project consisting of a 230 kV breaker with protective relaying equipment, approximately 1,000 feet of underground cable, 3-phase gas-insulated 230kV bus and approximately 6 miles of 230 kV line to be located in northwest Las Vegas Valley, Clark County, Nevada.
View06-1201912/15/2006Acceris Management and Acquisition LLC and New Access Communications LLC filed notice of the transfer of customers to First Communications, LLC
View06-1201812/13/2006Petition of the Attorney General's Bureau of Consumer Protection to amend NAC 704.150, including but not limited to the computation of carrying charges on deferred energy balances and a revision for the accumulated deferred income tax offset.
View06-1201712/12/2006Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2009 to revise Discretionary Exchange Services Tariff No. A11 to change the rate it charges business customers for Caller ID, a Custom Calling 2000 feature.
View06-1201612/12/2006Notice by Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq of a promotional campaign for business customers for the installation of EMBARQ Smart Connect service.
View06-1201512/18/2006Pac-West Telcomm, Inc. d/b/a Americall and Pac-West Telecomm, Inc. and Pac-West Acquisition Company LLC notice of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View06-1201412/11/2006Application of Multiline Long Distance, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View06-1201312/11/2006Application of New Rochelle Telephone Corp. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2565 Sub 1.
View06-1201212/11/2006Network Service Billing, Inc., Boyan Josic and Peter Lagergren notice of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View06-1201112/11/2006Application of Silver Star Properties, LLC to withdraw $2,556.41 from the service charge account for the Sierra Vista Mobile Home Park for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View06-1201012/07/2006First Communications, Inc., Lightyear Networks Solutions, LLC, First Communications, LLC and Xtension Services, Inc. notice of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View06-1200912/07/2006Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq filed under Advice Letter No. 17 to revise General Customer Services Tariff No. 2A to introduce 811 Service for "One Call" Notification Systems.
View06-1200812/06/2006Report by Solix Inc. as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund regarding fiscal year 2007 assessment recommendation to maintain the minimum annual contribution and to lower the assessment rate on the intrastate retail revenues of all obligated providers of telecommunications services in Nevada.
View06-1200712/04/2006Mpower Communications Corp. filed updated Terms and Conditions for intraexchange and interexchange telecommunications services within the state of Nevada.
View06-1200612/04/2006Rulemaking to adopt, amend or repeal regulations regarding petitions for leave to intervene, including NAC 703.578 through 703.600.
View06-1200512/04/2006Investigation into the appropriateness of Demand Side Management cost recovery mechanisms and incentives.
View06-1200412/04/2006Investigation regarding the modification of NAC 703.486 and other associated regulations pertaining to hearing officer procedures.
View06-1200312/01/2006Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for approval of a stipulation concerning the gas service charge account for Carefree Mobile Home Park.
View06-1200212/01/2006Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for authority to recover deferred legal and settlement costs incurred to resolve claims arising from the Western Energy Crisis.
View06-1200112/01/2006Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company to establish a new Deferred Energy Accounting Adjustment rate for Period 6, to reset the Base Tariff Energy Rate and to reset the Temporary Renewable Energy Development Charge.
View06-1104012/04/2006Application of Nevada Power Company for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct the Sinatra Substation which consists of a 230/138 kV substation, 230 kV transmission line structures and a 230 kV Arden Substation expansion to be located in the central Las Vegas Valley along the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada.
View06-1103911/30/2006Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter NV-06-08 to revise Tariff No. 1- B for the Tonopah Division to include limitation of liability language within the Custom Calling Service product offering and to correct a typographical error on the table of contents.
View06-1103811/30/2006Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter NV-06-07 to revise Tariff No. 1- B for the Elko Division to include limitation of liability language within the Custom Calling Service product offering and to correct a typographical error on the table of contents.
View06-1103711/29/2006Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2019 to amend its Packages Catalog to add a new residential access line package called Select Feature.
View06-1103611/29/2006Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2012 to revise Tariff No. A10 to grandfather its Customer Service Record on Compact Disk offering.
View06-1103511/29/2006Implementation of the October 25, 2006 District Court Order to determine an appropriate rate schedule allowing Nevada Power Company recovery of the $180 million Merrill Lynch-type contract adjustment.
View06-1103411/28/2006Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order to Show Cause why Dutchman Acres Water Company should not be fined and/or placed into receivership.
View06-1103311/28/2006Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter 354 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to eliminate the Customer Specific Facilities Charge for Nellis Air Force Base because the service location has been taken over by a private contractor.
View06-1103211/29/2006Application of Nevada Geothermal Power Company under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct the proposed Blue Mountain Geothermal Power Plant, a 37.5 MW renewable energy geothermal power plant and associated facilities to be located 25 miles west of Winnemucca, Nevada.
View06-1103111/22/2006Application of Meadows Trailer Park to withdraw $12,464.86 from the service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and improve the electrical system.
View06-1103011/21/2006Registration of NOSVA Limited Partnership d/b/a Exit Mobile as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View06-1102911/20/2006Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Advisory Opinion as to whether cooperative associations are required to obtain Utility Environmental Protection Act permits to construct utility facilities within the state of Nevada.
View06-1102811/20/2006Registration of Coast to Coast Cellular Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View06-1102711/21/2006Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and Level 3 Communications, LLC for approval of a Master Interconnection, Collocation and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-1102611/17/2006Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2018 of a change in the terms regarding customers who are eligible for the Custom BizSaver Package.
View06-1102511/27/2006Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale and Sage Telecom, Inc. for approval of Amendment Nos. 1, 2 and 3 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-1102411/17/2006Application of Epixtar Communications Corp. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2741.
View06-1102311/17/2006Application of Nevada Power Company for approval of new and revised depreciation and amortization rates.
View06-1102211/17/2006Application of Nevada Power Company for authority to increase its annual revenue requirement for general rates charged to all classes of electric customers and for relief properly related thereto.
View06-1102111/15/2006Registration of Wherify Wireless, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View06-1102011/14/2006Application of Universal Access, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2532.
View06-1101911/13/2006Notice of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq filed under Advice Letter No. 16 to reduce the monthly rate for Simple Solution, a bundled service.
View06-1101811/13/2006Notice by Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq of a promotion campaign for residential customers who subscribe to Embarq Dial Me! Tunes.
View06-1101711/13/2006Computer Network Technology Corporation, McDATA Corporation and Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. notice of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View06-1101611/16/2006Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq for authority to adjust wholesale prices for unbundled network elements.
View06-1101511/09/2006Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for approval of a long-term service agreement with Newmont USA Ltd. d/b/a Newmont Mining Corporation under Electric Tariff No. 1, Large Transmission Service Schedule No. GS-4.
View06-1101411/09/2006Notice of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and AT&T Wholesale filed under Advice Letter No. 2016 to add a new residential access line retention package to its Nevada Catalog - Packages.
View06-1101311/15/2006Application of ExteNet Systems, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold and facilities-based interexchange and intraexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View06-1101211/07/2006Filing of CommPartners, LLC to update its Terms and Conditions of Switched Access Services Offerings in the State of Nevada.
View06-1101111/08/2006IPC Network Services, Inc., IPC Acquisition Corp. and Silver Lake Partners II, L.P. notice of a transaction that will result in a transfer of control of a telecommunications company.
View06-1101011/07/2006Application of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 341 to revise Tariff No. 4-B Individual Case Basis (ICB) Service Offerings Schedule No. I-1 to provide 911 ALI Database Administration and Access Services to Douglas County.
View06-1100911/16/2006Application of the City of Reno to construct an at-grade railroad crossing to be located on the east side of North Virginia Street approximately 800 feet east of the North Virginia and Talus Way intersection located in Reno, Washoe County, Nevada.
View06-1100811/06/2006Notice by Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq, Sprint Spectrum L.P. d/b/a Sprint PCS and Nextel of California, Inc. d/b/a Nextel Communications of a Consolidation Agreement pursuant to Section 251 and 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-1100711/06/2006Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and Ymax Communications Corp. for approval of an Interconnection, Collocation and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-1100611/06/2006Joint application for Acceris Management and Acquisition LLC to acquire certain assets of Intandem Communications Corp.
View06-1100511/06/2006Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. d/b/a CenturyTel filed under Advice Letter No. 06-03 to revise Tariff No. 1 to change Facility Reservation Service to Vacation Number Reservation.
View06-1100411/20/2006Application of Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada ("Beehive") for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold and facilities-based interexchange services within the state of Nevada and resold and facilities-based basic services within the state of Nevada except those areas where Beehive has been designated as a provider of last resort of basic services.
View06-1100311/03/2006Notice of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of a special promotion for the Elko and Tonopah Divisions for eligible customers who order a Frontier Choices Tier Bundle.
View06-1100211/16/2006Application of Norstar Telecommunications, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View06-1100111/01/2006Application of IBFA Acquisition Company, LLC for approval of fictitious business name Farm Bureau Connection for telecommunications services conducted under CPC 2826.
View06-1004011/06/2006Application of Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services within the state of Nevada.
View06-1003910/31/2006Application of Universal Access, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2532.
View06-1003810/31/2006Application of Commerce Energy Inc. for a license to provide discretionary service as an alternative seller of natural gas to generating, industrial, or large commercial customers in the state of Nevada.
View06-1003710/31/2006Broadwing Communications, LLC ("Broadwing"), Broadwing Corporation and Level 3 Communications, Inc. ("Level 3") notice of the transfer of control of Broadwing to Level 3.
View06-1003610/26/2006Joint application of IDACOMM, Inc. ("IDACOMM") and American Fiber Systems, Inc. ("AFS") for approval of a proposed transaction to transfer control of IDACOMM to AFS.
View06-1003511/16/2006Petition of the Colorado River Commission and the Clean Water Coalition for an Advisory Opinion or Declaratory Order that a hydroelectric power plant to be constructed on the shore of Lake Mead in Clark County is a renewable energy system pursuant to NRS 704.7815.
View06-1003410/24/2006Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and American Messaging Services, LLC for approval of a Paging Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-1003310/24/2006Application of Qwest Interprise America, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2157 Sub 2.
View06-1003210/23/2006Yak Communications (America) Inc. ("Yak"), Yak Communications Inc. and Yaktastic Inc. notice of the transfer of control of Yak to Yaktastic Inc.
View06-1003110/30/2006Filing by Pac-West Telecomm, Inc. d/b/a Americall and Pac-West Telecomm, Inc. to update its Terms and Conditions.
View06-1003010/24/2006Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 2011 to add detariffed consumer package service uSelect 3, uSelect 6, uSelect Standard and Feature Select to its Packages Catalog.
View06-1002910/19/2006Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada ("AT&T") filed under Advice Letter No. 2010 to revise Discretionary Exchange Services Tariff No. A11 to remove uSelect 3, uSelect 6, uSelect Standard and Feature Select Packages which will be offered from AT&T's Catalog of Packages.
View06-1002810/19/2006Application of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq filed under Advice Letter No. 15 to revise General Customers Services Tariff No. 2B to clarify and standardize language for E911 Service.
View06-1002710/30/2006Application of Tribal Shout, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold and facilities-based interexchange and basic services within the state of Nevada.
View06-1002610/18/2006Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company d/b/a AT&T Nevada and Level 3 Communications, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 7 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-1002510/18/2006Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 353 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to adjust the quarterly surcharge reflecting revised franchise tax rates.
View06-1002410/17/2006Joint application of IDACOMM, Inc. and American Fiber Systems, Inc. for approval of the change in control of IDACOMM, Inc.
View06-1002310/16/2006Request of Ameritech Mobile Services, Inc. for a change of name to American Messaging (AM), Inc.
View06-1002210/16/2003Petition of Elko Heat Company ("Elko Heat") for an Order determining Elko Heat is a renewable energy system generator, the method of calculating geothermal renewable energy credits (RECs), and that Elko Heat is the owner of the RECs resulting from the provision of geothermal heat to customers.
View06-1002110/13/2006Application of Nevada Power Company for approval of the first amendment to the Action Plan of the 2007 - 2026 Integrated Resource Plan as it relates to five renewable power purchase agreements.
View06-1002010/30/2006Matrix Telecom, Inc. and Americatel Corporation d/b/a 1010 123 Americatel dba Ametex and dba 1 800 3030 123 Americatel Collect notice of a pro forma transfer of control and debt financing.
View06-1001910/24/2006Joint Petition of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada and Central Telcom Services, LLC d/b/a CentraCom Interactive for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-1001810/23/2006Application of T-NETIX Telecommunications Services, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 6 to revise Tariff No. 1 to change the prepaid calling services from a 12 month expiration period to a six month expiration period and to expand the prepaid service rate options available to confinement facilities.
View06-1001710/12/2006Investigation regarding the status of the contract between Nevada Power Company and Saguaro Power Company including any and all proposed modifications or successors to the contract.
View06-1001610/12/2006Investigation regarding the status of the contract between Nevada Power Company and Las Vegas Cogen.
View06-1001510/11/2006Petition of Cox Nevada Telcom, LLC for the Commission to overturn a denial by NeuStar, Inc., the Administrator for the North American Numbering Plan, for two blocks of 10,000 numbers for use in the Las Vegas Rate Center.
View06-1001410/10/2006Notice by Central Telephone Company, d/b/a Embarq of two promotional campaigns for business customers.
View06-1001310/10/2006DeltaCom, Inc. and Business Telecom, Inc. notice of a transaction whereby their parent company ITC^DeltaCom, Inc. will obtain additional debt financing.
View06-1001210/09/2006Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and Sprint Spectrum L.P. and Nextel of California, Inc. for approval of a Consolidation Agreement pursuant to Section 251 and 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-1001110/12/2006Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company d/b/a Embarq and SBC Long Distance, LLC d/b/a AT&T Long Distance for approval of a Master Interconnection, Collocation and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-1001010/09/2006Filing by Charter Fiberlink NV-CCVII, LLC to update its Terms and Conditions.
View06-1000910/09/2006Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 4 to revise Tariff No. 2A to introduce two new custom calling features, Simultaneous Ringing and Telemarketer Call Screening, and to offer multiple custom calling feature discounts.
View06-1000810/06/2006Notice of Central Telephone Company, d/b/a Embarg filed under Advice Letter 14 to introduce a new service for business customers, Call Forward Additional Paths.
View06-1000710/09/2006Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-06-06 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce a new residential bundle called Frontier Digital Phone Service.
View06-1000610/09/2006Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-06-05 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce a new residential bundle called Frontier Digital Phone Service.
View06-1000510/06/2006Talk America Inc. and LDMI Telecommunications, Inc., d/b/a LDMI Telecommunications and Fonetel notice of an indirect transfer of control.
View06-1000410/03/2006DSLnet Communications, LLC ("DSL") notice of the transfer of control of DSL to MDS Acquisition, Inc.
View06-1000310/03/2006Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc., d/b/a CenturyTel filed under Advice Letter 06-02 to revise Tariff No. 1 to establish a rate for providing upon request additional copies of bills to customers.
View06-1000210/02/2006Petition of Quality Utilities, Ltd. for renewal of permits issued in Docket Nos. 98-4066 and 98-4047 under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act to construct water storage, wastewater treatment and related facilities to serve the Forum Group, Ltd. development to be located in Pahrump, Nye County, Nevada.
View06-1000110/02/2006Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 4 to revise Tariff No. 1A to increase the local directory assistance charge and to offer directory assistance call completion.
View06-0903609/29/2006Southwest Gas Corporation filed Advice Letter No. 426 to adjust the Northern and Southern Base Tariff Energy Rates effective November 1, 2006.
View06-0903509/29/2006Central Telephone Company, d/b/a Embarq notice of a promotional campaign for business customers.
View06-0903410/06/2006Application of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 340 to revise Tariff No. 4-B, Integrated Services Digital Network Services - Primary Rate Interface (ISDN-PRI) Schedule No. A-20 to introduce term and volume plans and two new optional features: Tie Channel Service and Calling Line Identification with Name.
View06-0903310/10/2006Application of Amargosa Estates Water Corporation for authority to modify certificate CPC 2544 to expand its water service territory to include 11 lots in the Amargosa Estates subdivision located in Nye County, Nevada.
View06-0903210/10/2006Joint Application of Amargosa Estates Water Corporation and DS & RO Inc. for approval of the transfer of all stock and assets from JW and Georgeanne Cunningham to Diane Sears.
View06-0903109/26/2006Notice by Central Telephone Company, d/b/a Embarq filed under Advice Letter No. 13 of a new bundled service called Connection Central Bundle.
View06-0903009/29/2006Application of Transamerica Telecom, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View06-0902909/11/2006Request of NextWave Wireless Inc. to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View06-0902809/22/2006Application of Gold Country Water Company, Inc. to increase rates for water service to recover increased costs for fuel and power used for pumping in its operations.
View06-0902709/21/2006Application of Altair Enterprises, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2775.
View06-0902609/21/2006Petition of Advanced TelCom, Inc., d/b/a Eschelon Telecom, Inc. for the Commission to overturn a denial by NeuStar, Inc., the Administrator for the North American Numbering Plan, for 1,000 consecutive numbers for use in the Reno Exchange.
View06-0902509/20/2006Application of Westpac Utilities a division of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 270-G to modify Bills for Service Rule No. 5 and Discontinuance, Termination, Restoration, and Refusal of Service Rule No. 6 in accordance with the Commission rescinding the Order issued November 7, 2005 in Docket No. 05-3005.
View06-0902409/20/2006Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 463-E to modify Bills for Service Rule No. 5 and Discontinuance, Termination, Restoration, and Refusal of Service Rule No. 6 in accordance with the Commission rescinding the Order issued November 7, 2005 in Docket No. 05-3005.
View06-0902309/20/2006Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 351 to modify Bills for Service Rule No. 5 and Discontinuance, Termination, Restoration, and Refusal of Service Rule No. 6 in accordance with the Commission rescinding the Order issued November 7, 2005 in Docket No. 05-3005.
View06-0902209/20/2006Application of Nevada Geothermal Utility Company, Inc. for authority to impose a surcharge to be placed in an impound account to be used for repairs and replacements to its operating facilities.
View06-0902109/18/2006Application of Rio Virgin Telephone Company d/b/a Rio Virgin Telephone & Cablevision filed under Advice Letter No. 66 to revise General Rules and Regulations Schedule No. A-4 to change the rules for returned checks to encompass returned payments on direct deposits and credit cards.
View06-0902009/18/2006Application of Consumer Telcom, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View06-0901909/15/2006Application of SNET America, Inc. d/b/a AT&T Long Distance East for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View06-0901809/15/2006Application of Quality Utilities, Ltd. For renewal of permits issued under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act in Dockets 98-4066 and 98-4047.
View06-0901709/12/2006Commission sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Clark County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View06-0901609/12/2006Commission sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Washoe County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View06-0901509/26/2006Application of Extreme Media Technologies, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange and resold basic services within the state of Nevada.
View06-0901409/15/2006Notice by US LEC Communications Inc. ("US LEC") and PAETEC Corp. ("PAETEC") of the proposed transfer of control of US LEC from US LEC Corp. to PAETEC.
View06-0901309/11/2006Revised registration of WWC License LLC, d/b/a Cellular One for a change of name to WWC License LLC, d/b/a Alltel.
View06-0901209/08/2006Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 425 to revise Tariff No. 6 to eliminate references made to General Order Nos. 18 and 53 relating to curtailment priorities and replace them with references to the Nevada Administrative Code.
View06-0901109/08/2006Application of Gardnerville Town Water Company for authority to modify certificate CPC 926 Sub 8 to expand its water service territory to include developments for the Ashland Park Subdivision, Stodick Park Expansion, Bencor/Waterloo Lp, Robert and Rebecca Oxoby, Gardnerville Town Water Company and PMMC, Ltd. located in Douglas County, Nevada.
View06-0901009/07/2006Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T Nevada for the Commission to overturn a denial by NeuStar, Inc., the Administrator for the North American Numbering Plan, for 5,000 consecutive numbers for use in the Reno Exchange and Rate Center.
View06-0900909/07/2006Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 3 to revise Individual Case Basis (ICB) Service Offerings Schedule No. A-18 to establish Integrated Services Digital Network-Basic Rate Interface Service for Summit Media.
View06-0900809/07/2006Notice by Central Telephone Company, d/b/a Embarq filed under Advice Letter No. 12 to reduce the rate for Progressive Plan, a bundled service.
View06-0900709/07/2006Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc., d/b/a CenturyTel of a feature plan promotion for residential customers.
View06-0900609/06/2006Investigation regarding the modification of regulations concerning petitions for leave to intervene (NAC 703.578 through 703.600).
View06-0900509/06/2006Application of NewPath Networks, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing facilities-based interexchange and facilities-based intraexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View06-0900409/05/2006Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company, d/b/a Embarq and U.S. TelePacific Corp. (Nevada) for approval of an Interconnection and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0900309/01/2006Application of Gentry Manor Mobile Home Park to withdraw $9,000.00 from the tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to redesign and upgrade the electrical system.
View06-0900209/01/2006Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 424 to revise Tariff No. 6 to replace references made to General Order Nos. with references to the Nevada Administrative Code.
View06-0900109/01/2006Complaint. Autotel vs. Central Telephone Company - Nevada, d/b/a Sprint of Nevada for enforcement of an interconnection agreement.
View06-0803408/31/2006Petition of Nevada Geothermal Utility Company, Inc. for authority to impose a surcharge to be placed in an impound account to be used for repairs and major improvements of the facilities.
View06-0803308/31/2006Application of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 339 to revise Tariff No. 4-B, 911 Emergency Reporting Service Schedule No. A-14 to add Automatic Location Identification Service as an optional feature and to withdraw AEI PSAP Basic System because this customer premises equipment is obsolete and no longer offered.
View06-0803208/31/2006Application of NewPath Networks, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing facilities-based interexchange and intraexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View06-0803108/31/2006Notice by Yestel, Inc. and TTUSA Acquisition, Inc. of an Asset Purchase Agreement.
View06-0803008/28/2006Application of LEA Engineering for approval of the proposed water and sewer systems for the Longstreet Valley Estates to be located in Amargosa, Nye County, Nevada.
View06-0802908/30/2006Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T Nevada for approval of fictitious business name AT&T Wholesale for telecommunications services conducted under CPC 616 and subsequent subs.
View06-0802808/21/2006Application of C & H Mobile Home Park to voluntarily discontinue liquefied petroleum gas services conducted under certificate CPC 2571.
View06-0802708/23/2006Application of CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc., d/b/a CenturyTel filed under Advice Letter No. 06-01 to establish Schedule 21 for N11 Abbreviated Dialing Codes.
View06-0802608/18/2006Petition of Nevada Power Company for a Declaratory Order or in the alternative an Advisory Opinion concerning various aspects of the fuel supply requirements in its contract with Saguaro Power Company.
View06-0802508/18/2006Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 2006 to revise Exchange Services Tariff No. A5 to make Custom Data Service unavailable to new customers.
View06-0802408/18/2006Application of Impulse Telecom Corporation to amend certificate CPC 2765 to expand its authority as a competitive provider of telecommunications services to provide resold and facilities-based interexchange and basic services within the state of Nevada.
View06-0802308/17/2006Notice of Acceris Management and Acquisition LLC and First Communications, LLC regarding a transfer of assets, including various equipment and business customers.
View06-0802208/16/2006Application of Extreme Media Technologies for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange and resold basic services within the state of Nevada.
View06-0802108/16/2006Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T Nevada for the Commission to overturn a denial by NeuStar, Inc., the Administrator for the North American Numbering Plan, of one block of 1,000 consecutive numbers in the Fernley Exchange and Rate Center.
View06-0802008/15/2006Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for approval of its annual Demand Side Management Report as it relates to the three-year Action Plan of its 2005 - 2024 Integrated Resource Plan.
View06-0801908/21/2006Application of PNG Telecommunications Inc. for approval of fictitious business name PowerNet Global Communications and to amend certificate CPC 2177 to expand its authority as a competitive provider of telecommunications services to provide resold and facilities-based interexchange and basic services within the state of Nevada.
View06-0801808/15/2006Application of Zeus Telecommunications, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View06-0801708/15/2006Registration of KDDI America, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View06-0801608/14/2006Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company, d/b/a Embarq and ACN Communication Services, Inc. for approval of a Master Interconnection, Collocation and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0801508/14/2006Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company, d/b/a Embarq and Goor Starnet, Inc., d/b/a Stingray Communications for approval of a Master Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0801408/11/2006Notice by Central Telephone Company, d/b/a Embarq of a promotional campaign for new business customers.
View06-0801308/10/2006Notice by Xspedius Management Co. Switched Services, LLC, Xspedius Management Co. of Las Vegas, LLC, Xspedius Communications, LLC and Time Warner Telecom Inc. of an Agreement and Plan of Merger.
View06-0801208/09/2006Application of Electric Lightwave, LLC for approval of a change of name to Electric Lightwave, LLC, d/b/a Integra Telecom for operations conducted under certificate CPC 2232 Sub 1.
View06-0801108/08/2006Application of First Communications, LLC for authority to operate as competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View06-0801008/08/2006Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 350 to establish Wireless Communication Service Schedule WCS for wireless technology industries that require electric service to operate radio repeaters or other facilities.
View06-0800908/08/2006Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 462-E to establish Wireless Communication Service Schedule WCS for wireless technology industries that require electric service to operate radio repeaters or other facilities.
View06-0800808/08/2006Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 3 to revise Tariff No. 1A to introduce three new custom calling features and to offer multiple feature discounts.
View06-0800708/10/2006Application of Verizon Select Services Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 5 to revise Tariff No. 1 to increase rates for 1 800 Use the VZ Service.
View06-0800608/08/2006Complaint. Autotel vs. Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T Nevada regarding terms of their Interconnection Agreement.
View06-0800508/07/2006Notice by Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada, d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada of a Frontier Choices Tier Bundle promotion for eligible customers in the Elko and Tonopah Divisions.
View06-0800408/09/2006Application of Impulse Telecom Corporation to amend certificate CPC 2765 to expand its authority as a competitive provider of telecommunications services to provide resold and facilities-based interexchange and basic services within the state of Nevada.
View06-0800308/02/2006Application of Nevada Power Company under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct a 500/320/138 kV substation, the associated substation facilities and the modification of the existing kV transmission lines through and out of the Thunderbird Substation site located in the northeast Las Vegas valley area in the state of Nevada.
View06-0800208/01/2006Application of Nevada Power Company for authority to establish a new Temporary Renewable Energy Development charge and to reduce the currently effective Base Tariff Energy Rate by an equivalent amount.
View06-0800108/01/2006Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for authority to establish a new Temporary Renewable Energy Development charge and to reduce the currently effective Base Tariff Energy Rate by an equivalent amount.
View06-0702807/31/2006Application of Extreme Media Technologies for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services.
View06-0702707/28/2006Petition of Nevada Power Company for a Declaratory Order or in the alternative an Advisory Opinion concerning various aspects of the fuel supply requirements in its contract with Las Vegas Cogen.
View06-0702607/28/2006Application of Placer Turquoise Ridge Inc. as Operator of Turquoise Ridge Joint Venture to purchase energy, capacity and/or ancillary services from a provider of new electric resources.
View06-0702507/27/2006Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 2 to remove Voice Mail Service Schedule No. A-19 and offer it as a deregulated service, to amend Schedule No. A-6 to clarify that direct inward dialing trunk termination does not apply to ISDN-PRI Service and to correct text in Lifeline Service Schedule No. A-3 and Link Up Schedule No. A-12.
View06-0702408/10/2006Application of Southwest Telephone Company for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold and facilities-based interexchange and basic services within the state of Nevada.
View06-0702307/26/2006Notice by Central Telephone Company, d/b/a Embarq filed under Advice Letter No. 11 of a new bundled service called Standard Home Phone II.
View06-0702207/24/2006Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc., d/b/a CenturyTel of two residential promotional campaigns, Move Initiative and Winback.
View06-0702108/04/2006Application of Common Pointe Networks of Nevada, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold and facilities-based interexchange and basic services within the state of Nevada.
View06-0702007/21/2006Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T Nevada and YMax Communications Corp. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0701907/21/2006Filing of Vanco Direct USA, LLC of a Notice of Guarantee of Indebtedness.
View06-0701807/21/2006Application of Integrated Services, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View06-0701707/19/2006Filing of WWC License LLC, d/b/a Cellular One to update its informational tariff to increase the directory assistance surcharge.
View06-0701607/18/2006Notice of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 2004 to add Custom BizSaver package to its Nevada Catalog - Packages.
View06-0701507/18/2006Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 2002 to revise Tariff No. A12 to remove Custom BizSaver Package from the tariff and place the offer in the AT&T Nevada Catalog of Packages.
View06-0701407/28/2006Joint Petition of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada, d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada and Omnipoint Communications, Inc., d/b/a T-Mobile for approval of an Interconnection and Traffic Interchange Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0701307/17/2006Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company, d/b/a Embarq and Telscape Communications, Inc. for approval of a Master Interconnection, Collocation and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0701207/21/2006Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company, d/b/a Embarq and Communications Experts, Inc., d/b/a Commexx and Freshstart Telephone for approval of a Master Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0701107/17/2006Notice by Embarq of a promotional campaign for business customers.
View06-0701007/14/2006Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for approval of the thirteenth amendment to the Action Plan of the 2005 - 2024 Integrated Resource Plan, for approval of the Energy Supply Plan Update for 2007 and for a determination that the elements of the Energy Supply Plan are prudent.
View06-0700907/14/2006Application of Westpac Utilities, an operating division of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 269-G to revise Tax Adjustment Rider Schedule TAR to remove the reference to the tax implemented by the 2003 Legislative Session since it is now collected through the revenue requirement established in Docket 05-10005.
View06-0700807/13/2006Application of Verizon California Inc. d/b/a Verizon Nevada for approval of revised depreciation rates and for approval of its depreciation study.
View06-0700707/14/2006Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 423 to revise Bills for Service Rule No. 5 to increase the maximum amount of credit which may be carried forward for a customer and applied against the first billing due in the next Equal Payment Plan year.
View06-0700607/12/2006Filing by YMax Communications Corp. of its Access Tariff.
View06-0700507/11/2006Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 2003 to revise Tariff Nos. C7-A and C9-A to incorporate rate changes pursuant to NRS 704.6898 which requires that intrastate access prices charged by an electing carrier must not exceed the interstate access prices charged by such electing carrier for corresponding elements.
View06-0700407/10/2006Filing by Charter Fiberlink NV-CCVII, LLC to update its Terms and Conditions.
View06-0700307/05/2006Notice by Rio Virgin Telephone Company, d/b/a Rio Virgin Telephone & Cablevision of a promotional campaign during which free installation will be offered to any person signing up for any CLASS Feature.
View06-0700207/03/2006Application of Electric Lightwave, LLC for approval of a change of name to Electric Lightwave, LLC, d/b/a Integra Telecom for operations conducted under certificate CPC 2232 Sub 1.
View06-0700107/03/2006Application of IGI Resources, Inc. for a license to provide discretionary service as an alternative seller of natural gas to generating, industrial or large commercial customers in the state of Nevada.
View06-0605106/30/2006Application of Nevada Power Company for approval of its 2007-2026 Integrated Resource Plan.
View06-0605006/30/2006Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 460-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 2, Schedule Nos. LCSPP86 and LCSPP87 to adjust rates for long-term cogeneration and small power production energy and capacity rates.
View06-0604906/30/2006Southwest Gas Corporation filed Advice Letter No. 422 to adjust the Northern and Southern Base Tariff Energy Rates effective August 1, 2006.
View06-0604806/30/2006Notice by Accxx Communications, LLC and Telrite Corporation of an Asset Purchase Agreement.
View06-0604707/07/2006Application of Silv Communication Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View06-0604606/29/2006Application of Central Telephone Company, d/b/a Embarq filed under Advice Letter No. 10 to revise General Customer Services Tariff No. 2B to change the product names for services previously tariffed as Sprint trademarked or service marked products.
View06-0604506/29/2006Application of Humboldt Telephone Company to Solix, Inc. in its capacity as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund ("NUSF") for allowance of NUSF funding for the year commencing January 1, 2007.
View06-0604406/29/2006Application of First Choice Technology, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View06-0604306/28/2006Notice by Broadview Networks Holdings, Inc. and ATX Licensing, Inc. of an indirect transfer of control.
View06-0604206/27/2006Application of RedSquare Corporation to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2825.
View06-0604106/27/2006Notice by Norlight, Inc. of a pro forma transfer of control.
View06-0604006/27/2006Petition of the Nevada AFL-CIO to open an investigatory docket regarding the information provided to the Commission to obtain approval of the Action Plans of Nevada Power Company and Sierra Pacific Power Company as to the Solargenix solar power plant project.
View06-0603906/27/2006Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. for authority to modify certificate CPC 2343 Sub 4 for sewer service and certificate CPC 2720 Sub 3 for water service to expand its water and sewer service territory to include approximately 103 acres of real property located in Pahrump, Nye County, Nevada.
View06-0603806/22/2006Notice by Central Telephone Company, d/b/a Embarq filed under Advice Letter No. 9 to revise the termination liability charge regulations for the Solutions-Business Packages Term Discount Plan.
View06-0603706/27/2006Application of Cincinnati Bell Any Distance Inc. to revise Tariff No. 1 to increase the operator service rates.
View06-0603606/26/2006Application of Yestel, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View06-0603506/20/2006Notice by NOS Communications, Inc., NOSVA Limited Partnership and Affinity Network Incorporated of a proposed transfer of control.
View06-0603406/20/2006Investigation regarding consideration and implementation of new PURPA standards pursuant to Energy Policy Act of 2005.
View06-0603306/28/2006Application of Norlight, Inc. for approval of a change of name to Norlight Telecommunications, Inc. for telecommunications services conducted under CPC 2117.
View06-0603206/16/2006Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 268-G to revise Tariff No. 1, Gas Main Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View06-0603106/16/2006Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 459-E to revise Tariff No. 1, Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View06-0603006/16/2006Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 347 to revise Tariff No. 1-B, Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9 to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View06-0602906/16/2006Notice by Central Telephone Company, d/b/a Embarq of a promotional campaign for new business customers.
View06-0602806/16/2006Registration of KDDI America, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View06-0602706/16/2006Application of Alltel Holding Corporate Services, Inc. for approval of a change of name to Windstream Communications, Inc. for telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2848.
View06-0602606/16/2006Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc., d/b/a Verizon Nevada and Ymax Communications Corp. for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0602506/16/2006Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc., d/b/a Verizon Nevada and Ymax Communications Corp. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0602406/15/2006Filing of the Regulatory Operations Staff requesting that Crystal Clear Water Company Inc. certificates CPC 2773 Sub 1 and CPC 2773 Sub 2 be cancelled due to Lyon County's acquisition of the utility.
View06-0602306/15/2006Request of VarTec Telecom, Inc. to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View06-0602206/14/2006Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 346 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to adjust the quarterly surcharge reflecting revised franchise tax rates.
View06-0602106/14/2006Application of Palomino Water Association to voluntarily discontinue water service conducted under certificate CPC 584.
View06-0602007/06/2006Application of InteraTel, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold and facilities-based interexchange and basic services within the state of Nevada.
View06-0601906/13/2006Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc., d/b/a CenturyTel of promotion campaigns for Caller ID Plus, Custom Calling Features and for the installation of additional lines.
View06-0601806/30/2006Application of OCMC, Inc., d/b/a One Call Communications and/or Opticom to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 963 Sub 1.
View06-0601706/09/2006Rulemaking to adopt, amend or repeal regulations regarding natural gas resource planning.
View06-0601606/08/2006Registration of Embarq Communications, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View06-0601506/08/2006Notice by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc. of a promotional campaign.
View06-0601406/07/2006Application of Central Telephone Company, d/b/a Embarq filed under Advice Letter No. 8 to revise General Customer Services Tariff No. 2B to introduce a Satisfaction Guarantee Program for business customers.
View06-0601306/07/2006Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 345 to revise Definitions Rule No. 1 to eliminate confusion with the term demand.
View06-0601206/07/2006Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 458-E to revise Definitions Rule No. 1 to eliminate confusion with the term demand.
View06-0601106/06/2006Application of Nevada Power Company filed under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct a double circuit 500 kV transmission line, a 230 kV transmission line, replace a 69 kV transmission line with a 230 kV transmission line, and to construct new 500 kV and 230 kV substations at the Sunrise Generating Plant to be located within unincorporated Clark County and the City of Henderson, Nevada.
View06-0601006/12/2006Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T Nevada and Sage Telecom, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0600906/06/2006Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff to open an investigatory and rulemaking docket to consider revising the Nevada Administrative Code sections applicable to natural gas resource planning.
View06-0600806/05/2006Application of Nevada Power Company and Sierra Pacific Power Company for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct a coal fired electric generating plant located in unincorporated White Pine County, facilities associated with the plant, 500 kV and 345 kV transmission lines in White Pine, Lincoln and Clark Counties, a new substation in White Pine County, and the expansion of the Harry Allen substation in Clark County.
View06-0600706/05/2006Application of Nevada Power Company for approval of an electric line extension and service contract with MGM Mirage Design Group.
View06-0600606/05/2006Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 344 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to move the MGM Grand/Theme Park customer from Schedule LGS-X to Schedule LGS-3 at the customer's request.
View06-0600506/05/2006Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 2001 to revise Tariff No. A10 to reduce the monthly recurring rate of its Mechanized Summary Billing.
View06-0600406/05/2006Registration of Boost Mobile, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View06-0600306/02/2006Notice by Central Telephone Company, d/b/a Embarq of a promotional campaign for new business customers called Satisfaction Guarantee Program.
View06-0600206/01/2006Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T Nevada and Trans National Communications International, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0600106/02/2006Joint Petition of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada, d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, and Granite Telecommunications, LLC for approval of a Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0504005/31/2006Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for approval of the twelfth amendment to the Action Plan of the 2005 - 2024 Integrated Resource Plan as it relates to the long-term firm renewable power purchase agreement with ORNI 14 LLC for the Galena No. 3 Geothermal Power Project and for approval of the imputed debt mitigation.
View06-0503905/30/2006Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T Nevada and Network PTS, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0503805/26/2006Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 343 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to adjust the customer specific facilities charge for Circus Circus Properties under rate Schedule LGS-X Large General Service - Extra Large.
View06-0503705/26/2006Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada, d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-06-04 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Frontier Small Business Advantage bundled offerings.
View06-0503605/26/2006Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada, d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-06-03 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to introduce Frontier Small Business Advantage bundled offerings.
View06-0503505/26/2006Notice by Central Telephone Company, d/b/a Embarq filed under Advice Letter No. 7 to introduce a new service called EMBARQ Smart Connect.
View06-0503405/24/2006Application of Nevada Power Company for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct 230 kV overhead transmission lines and related structures located in unincorporated Clark County to connect the existing Magnolia-Merchant 230 kV transmission line with a planned substation to be sited within the City of Henderson, Nevada.
View06-0503305/24/2006Application of Spring Creek Utilities Co. filed under Advice Letter No. 5 to revise Tariff No. 1 to change the scheduled days on which outside watering can occur.
View06-0503205/24/2006Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 1999 to revise Tariff Nos. A6, A10 and C18 to change wireless interconnection service in accordance with the FCC ruling in CC Docket No. 01-92; FCC 05-42 and to approve several clean up and typographical changes.
View06-0503105/24/2006Consumer Complaint.
View06-0503005/24/2006Filing of Sierra Pacific Power Company of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View06-0502905/23/2006Notice by Central Telephone Company, d/b/a Embarq filed under Advice Letter No. 6 to revise Business Term Discount.
View06-0502806/01/2006Notice by Central Telephone Company, d/b/a Embarq filed under Advice Letter No. 5 to introduce Complete Business Bundle, a new bundled service.
View06-0502706/01/2006Notice by Central Telephone Company, d/b/a Embarq filed under Advice Letter No. 4 to introduce Simple Solution, a new bundled service.
View06-0502605/22/2006Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T Nevada and Nevada Utilities, Inc., d/b/a Nevada Telephone for approval of an Interconnection Agreement and Amendment pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0502505/22/2006Application of Basic Phone, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2554.
View06-0502406/01/2006Notice by Central Telephone Company, d/b/a Embarq filed under Advice Letter No. 3 to revise Vanity Listings.
View06-0502305/26/2006Application of Central Telephone Company, d/b/a Embarq filed under Advice Letter No. 2 to revise General Customer Services Tariff No. 2B to exempt installation of new Business Solutions Packages from Service Ordering Charges.
View06-0502205/18/2006Joint application of U.S. TelePacific Holdings Corp. ("U.S. Holding") and Mpower Holding Corporation ("Mpower Holding") for approval of the change of control of Mpower Communications Corp. as a result of the acquisition of Mpower Holding by U.S. Holding.
View06-0502105/17/2006Application of Nye County Department of Planning for approval of the proposed water and sewer systems for the Longstreet Valley Estates to be located in Nye County, Nevada.
View06-0502005/15/2006Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company - Nevada, d/b/a Sprint of Nevada and Impulse Telecom Corporation for approval of a Master Interconnection, Collocation and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0501905/15/2006Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to reset its Base Tariff General Rates to recover deferred interest and to adjust the average variable interest rate.
View06-0501805/15/2006Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to establish revised Deferred Energy Accounting Adjustment rates.
View06-0501705/15/2006Application of Westpac Utilities, an operating division of Sierra Pacific Power Company to revise Gas Tariff No. 1 pursuant to the Purchased Gas Adjustment Clause for authority to implement a new Liquid Petroleum Gas Deferred Energy Accounting Adjustment and Base Tariff Energy Rate.
View06-0501605/15/2006Application of Westpac Utilities, an operating division of Sierra Pacific Power Company for authority to recover deferred gas costs and to reset the Base Tariff Energy Rate.
View06-0501505/19/2006Application of, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View06-0501405/08/2006Application of KMC Telecom V, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2564.
View06-0501305/08/2006Petition of Cox Nevada Telcom, LLC for the Commission to overturn a denial by NeuStar, Inc., the Administrator for the North American Numbering Plan for assignment of a central office code and a block of numbers in the Las Vegas Rate Center.
View06-0501205/05/2006Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc., d/b/a Verizon Nevada and Ernest Communications, Inc. for approval of an Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0501105/05/2006Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc., d/b/a Verizon Nevada and Ernest Communications, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0501005/04/2006Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, Inc. to withdraw $540.00 from the gas tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred for the yearly gas leak survey, repairs to the system associated with the survey and membership to the Underground Service Alert Organization.
View06-0500905/04/2006Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, Inc. to withdraw $1,303.42 from the electric tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and upgrade the electrical system.
View06-0500805/04/2006Application of Cottonwood Mobile Home Park, Inc. to withdraw $654.02 from the electric tenant service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and upgrade the electrical system.
View06-0500705/02/2006Investigation to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of marginal cost of service studies, embedded cost of service studies, the reconciliation process and how they impact rate classes.
View06-0500605/04/2006Application of Desert Utilities, Inc. for authority to amend certificates CPC 2064 Sub 1 and CPC 1086 Sub 1 to expand its water and sewer service territory to include approximately 900 acres of real property located in Nye County, Nevada.
View06-0500505/02/2006Investigation to determine the amount of debt attributed to the non-regulated subsidiaries of Sierra Pacific Resources and how that debt is tangentially affecting the credit ratings of Nevada Power Company and Sierra Pacific Power Company.
View06-0500405/01/2006Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company - Nevada, d/b/a Sprint of Nevada and TCG Los Angeles, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0500305/01/2006Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company - Nevada, d/b/a Sprint of Nevada and AT&T Communications of Nevada, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0500205/01/2006Application of Network Operator Services, Inc. to replace Tariff No. 1 in its entirety and to introduce new rate plans.
View06-0500105/01/2006Application of Nationwide Long Distance Service, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View06-0403304/27/2006Application of ICG Telecom Group, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2331 Sub 1.
View06-0403205/01/2006Application of the City of Henderson for authority to construct an at grade 10' wide asphalt shared-use path crossing for Segment 6 of the proposed River Mountains Loop Trail over the Nevada State Railroad Museum tracks located in Henderson, Nevada.
View06-0403104/25/2006Application of Nevada Power Company for approval of the twelfth amendment to the Action Plan of the 2003 - 2022 Integrated Resource Plan as it relates to the purchase agreement for portfolio energy credits from Beowawe, LLC.
View06-0403004/25/2006Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for approval of the eleventh amendment to the Action Plan of the 2005 - 2024 Integrated Resource Plan as it relates to the purchase agreement for portfolio energy credits from the City of Sparks.
View06-0402904/24/2006Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 421 to revise Schedule Nos. ST-1 and NT-1 for Transportation of Customer-Secured Natural Gas to identify the Commodity Cost Component and the Reservation Charge Component that will be used to calculate Excess Imbalance Charges.
View06-0402804/24/2006Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company - Nevada, d/b/a Sprint of Nevada and Navigator Telecommunications, LLC. for approval of an Interconnection, Collocation and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0402704/24/2006Notice by Sprint of Nevada of a promotional campaign for new business customers.
View06-0402604/24/2006Application of O1 Communications of Nevada, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2503.
View06-0402504/21/2006Registration of TeleCommunication Systems Corporation of Maryland as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View06-0402404/21/2006Notice by Americatel Corporation, d/b/a 1010 123 Americatel, Ametex and 1 800 3030 123 Americatel Collect ("Americatel") of a stock purchase agreement whereby Platinum Equity, LLC will acquire a controlling interest in Americatel.
View06-0402304/24/2006Application of Valley Heights Homeowners' Association to operate as a public utility providing sewer service to the Valley Heights Subdivision located in Logandale, Nevada.
View06-0402204/27/2006Application of TTUSA Acquisition, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View06-0402104/24/2006Registration of Azteca Mobile, L.L.C. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View06-0402004/18/2006Application of Sprint Payphone Services, Inc. for approval of a change of name to Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. for telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2333.
View06-0401904/14/2006Complaint. Bolling Green Acres, Inc. vs. Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada requesting interpretation of the Stipulation approved in Docket No. 97-9037.
View06-0401804/11/2006Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for approval of the tenth amendment to the Action Plan of its 2005-2024 Integrated Resource Plan as it relates to Demand Side Management.
View06-0401704/17/2006Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 420 to revise its Nevada Gas Tariff No. 6 to clarify the applicability of the transportation customer shrinkage charge.
View06-0401604/14/2006Application of Telefyne Incorporated to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2781.
View06-0401504/26/2006Application of Acceris Communications Corp. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2735 Sub 2.
View06-0401404/13/2006Application of Acertion Connect, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2830.
View06-0401304/18/2006Application of Central Telephone Company - Nevada, d/b/a Sprint of Nevada for approval of a change of name to Central Telephone Company, d/b/a Embarq for telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 687 Sub 10.
View06-0401204/12/2006Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 342 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to adjust the quarterly surcharge reflecting revised franchise tax rates.
View06-0401104/12/2006Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T Nevada and Quality Telephone Inc for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0401004/10/2006Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 2 to establish Schedule No. A-18, Individual Case Basis (ICB) Service Offerings in Tariff No. 2A and to establish an ICB for the Integrated Services Digital Network-Basic Rate Interface Service for Outwest Radio Gardening Show.
View06-0400904/07/2006Application of Crystal Clear Water Company Inc. for Commission approval to issue a promissory note.
View06-0400804/07/2006Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct a 2,000,000 GPD wastewater reclamation facility and related appurtenances located in Pahrump, Nye County, Nevada.
View06-0400704/06/2006Application of Central Telephone Company - Nevada, d/b/a Sprint of Nevada for approval of a change of name.
View06-0400604/05/2006Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T Nevada and QuantumShift Communications, Inc. for approval of Amendment Nos. 2 and 3 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0400504/03/2006Joint application of Nevada Power Company ("NPC") and Sierra Pacific Power Company ("SPPC") for approval of the sale and purchase of portfolio energy credits from SPPC to NPC.
View06-0400404/03/2006Application of Basic Phone, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2554.
View06-0400304/03/2006Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company - Nevada, d/b/a Sprint of Nevada and Lightyear Network Solutions, LLC for approval of a Master Interconnection, Collocation and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0400204/03/2006Nevada Power Company and Sierra Pacific Power Company Annual Report on compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2005.
View06-0400104/03/2006Application of Sage Telecom, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange and resold and facilities-based basic services within the state of Nevada.
View06-0303803/31/2006Application of Nevada Power Company for approval of the eleventh amendment to the Action Plan of its 2003-2022 Integrated Resource Plan as it relates to Demand Side Management.
View06-0303703/31/2006Notice by Sprint of Nevada of a promotional campaign for new business customers.
View06-0303603/31/2006Filing by Avista Energy, Inc. of its Annual Report on its compliance with the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2005.
View06-0303503/30/2006Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T Nevada ("AT&T") filed under Advice Letter No. 2000 to modify its Reno Exchange Area boundary to incorporate additional sections of AT&T's certificated area into its existing Reno exchange.
View06-0303403/29/2006Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff requesting the Commission petition the District Court to appoint a receiver for Crystal Clear Water Company Inc.
View06-0303303/28/2006Notice by Sprint of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 158 to introduce a new bundled service, Progressive Plan.
View06-0303203/27/2006Application of the City of Boulder City for authority to construct an at grade 10' wide asphalt shared-use path crossing for Segment 5 of the proposed River Mountains Loop Trail over the Nevada State Railroad Museum tracks located in Boulder City, Nevada.
View06-0303103/27/2006Application of ITC^DeltaCom Communications, Inc., d/b/a ITC^DeltaCom for approval of a change of name to DeltaCom, Inc. for telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2181 Sub 1.
View06-0303003/27/2006Notice by Electric Lightwave, LLC ("ELI") and Integra Telecom Holdings, Inc. ("Integra") of a transaction whereby ELI will become a wholly owned direct subsidiary of Integra.
View06-0302903/23/2006Application of Navigator Telecommunications, LLC. to amend certificate CPC 2840 to expand its authority to provide resold interexchange and resold and facilities-based basic services within the state of Nevada.
View06-0302803/21/2006Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct a new 345 kV transmission line and a 345 kV to 25 kV electric substation and four new 345 kV transmission structures and the removal of three existing 345 kV structures along the existing Alturas 345 kV transmission line in Washoe County, Nevada.
View06-0302703/20/2006Application of Sprint Long Distance, Inc. for approval of a change of name to Embarq Communications, Inc. for telecommunications services conducted under CPC 2842.
View06-0302603/29/2006Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T Nevada and Charter Fiberlink NV-CCVII, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement and Amendments pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0302503/21/2006Application of YMax Communications Corp. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange and resold and facilities-based basic services within the state of Nevada.
View06-0302403/17/2006Registration of TON Services Inc., d/b/a Flying J Communications as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View06-0302303/15/2006Petition of MGM Mirage for a declaratory order or an advisory opinion that neither it nor Project CITYCENTER is a public utility and that providing electric power, cooling services, space or water heating services and surplus waste heat to MGM owned facilities, third party owned facilities or leased facilities are exempt from regulation by the Commission.
View06-0302203/16/2006Notice by Reduced Rate Long Distance LLC and W2Com International, LLC of an Asset Purchase Agreement.
View06-0302103/13/2006Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company - Nevada, d/b/a Sprint of Nevada and Electric Lightwave, LLC for approval of an Interim Interconnection and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0302003/15/2006Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T Nevada ("AT&T") filed under Advice Letter No. 1997 to incorporate language to clarify AT&T's liability whenever commercial power or its equivalent is required to operate service or facilities provided by AT&T at a customer's premises.
View06-0301903/22/2006Registration of WDIG Mobile, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View06-0301803/10/2006Filing of Sierra Pacific Power Company for acceptance of its Action Plan Progress Report to its three-year Action Plan relative to its 2005-2024 Integrated Resource Plan.
View06-0301703/10/2006Application of Nevada Power Company for approval of the Distribution Only Service Agreement with the Las Vegas Valley Water District and the Colorado River Commission.
View06-0301603/15/2006Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 1998 to remove references to the actual surcharge that is imposed for the enhancement of existing 911 telephone service for certain counties.
View06-0301503/10/2006Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 1996 to increase the monthly rate for a number of Custom Calling features for business customers.
View06-0301403/10/2006Notice by Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada, d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, of a special promotion for residential customers in the Elko and Tonopah Divisions
View06-0301303/09/2006Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order requiring Tumbleweed Ventures, Inc., d/b/a Dayton Valley Mobile Home Park to appear and show cause why CPC No. 287 should not be revoked.
View06-0301203/15/2006Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc., d/b/a Verizon Nevada and France Telecom Corporate Solutions L.L.C. for approval of a Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0301103/09/2006Application of Comcast Business Communications, Inc., d/b/a Comcast Long Distance for approval of a change of name to Comcast Business Communications, LLC, d/b/a Comcast Long Distance for telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2324 Sub 1.
View06-0301003/08/2006Request of Star Number, Inc. to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View06-0300903/06/2006Application of NevTEL Communications, d/b/a NevTEL to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2700.
View06-0300803/10/2006Application of Churchill County to construct an at grade crossing to be located at the Union Pacific Railroad Company Mina Branch Line on US Highway 50 Alternate near Hazen in Churchill County, Nevada.
View06-0300703/06/2006Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc., d/b/a Verizon Nevada and Covista, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 2 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0300603/08/2006Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc., d/b/a Verizon Nevada and Covista, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0300503/06/2006Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc., d/b/a Verizon Nevada and Covista, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0300403/10/2006Application of Silver Springs Mobile Home Park to withdraw $5,671.39 from the service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View06-0300303/01/2007Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order to Show Cause why Spring Creek Utilities Co. should not be found in violation of its duty to provide reasonable and adequate water service.
View06-0300203/01/2006Application of Sprint of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 157 to revise Access Service Tariff No. 3A to restructure the Presubscribed Interexchange Carrier ("PIC") charge for intraLATA PIC changes to adopt the FCC's safe harbor PIC change charges in compliance with the FCC Order in CC Docket No. 02-53.
View06-0300103/03/2006Application of Beazer Homes for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct a sewer lift station and approximately 10,344 feet of sewer force main to serve the proposed Burson Ranch residential development to be located in Pahrump, Nye County, Nevada.
View06-0204102/28/2006Application of WiMadix, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing facilities-based basic services within the state of Nevada.
View06-0204002/28/2006Petition of Macquarie District Energy, Inc. for a declaratory order or an advisory opinion that neither it nor Northwind Aladdin, LLC is a public utility and that providing chilled water, heated water and emergency back-up electric power to a new condominium project as well as to the Aladdin Hotel and Casino and the Desert Passage shopping center fall outside the jurisdiction of the Commission.
View06-0203902/27/2006Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company - Nevada, d/b/a Sprint of Nevada and Budget Phone, Inc. for approval of a Master Interconnection, Collocation and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0203802/27/2006Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company - Nevada, d/b/a Sprint of Nevada and Metropolitan Telecommunications of Nevada, Inc., d/b/a MetTel for approval of a Master Interconnection, Collocation and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0203702/22/2006Notification from Jack Maliugani, former owner of Dayton Valley Mobile Home Park, that a check in the amount of $3,522.80 which was the balance in the service charge account was mailed to Staff Counsel to forward to the new owners for deposit.
View06-0203602/24/2006Notice by CTC Communications Group, Inc., CTC Communications Corp. and Choice One Communications Inc. of a merger agreement.
View06-0203502/27/2006Application of Nevada Harvest Properties, LLC, d/b/a Dayton Valley Mobile Home Park for authority to provide liquefied petroleum gas service to Dayton Valley Mobile Home Park.
View06-0203402/23/2006Registration of ACN Communication Services, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View06-0203302/23/2006Application of Verizon California Inc., d/b/a Verizon Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 338 to revise Tariff No. 4-B to decrease the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 05-11033.
View06-0203202/22/2006Application of White Pine Energy Associates, LLC for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct electrical generation facilities and ancillary facilities to be known as the White Pine Energy Station with a capacity of up to 1,600 MW as well as one 500 kV substation and interconnection facilities, one 500 kV transmission line traversing 35 miles, and two parallel 500 kV transmission spur lines traversing between 2.5 and 6 miles to be located in White Pine County, Nevada.
View06-0203102/21/2006Application of American Long Lines, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2205.
View06-0203002/21/2006Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T Nevada and Nevada Comstock Communications, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement and Amendments pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0202902/21/2006Notice by Sprint of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 156 to remove Intellisync as an option included in Complete Business Package.
View06-0202802/17/2006Notice by Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada, d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, of a promotional campaign for the Elko and Tonopah Divisions for residential customers who move from one location to another location within the company's service area.
View06-0202702/16/2006Application of Sprint Communications Company L.P. filed under Advice Letter No. 1 to withdraw Tariff No. 2 in its entirety for PrisonFon services which are no longer offered and have no customers subscribing to them.
View06-0202602/15/2006Application of the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Disability Services for approval of the State Fiscal Year 2007 budget for telecommunications services for the speech and hearing impaired.
View06-0202502/13/2006Notice by Sprint of Nevada of a promotional campaign for new business customers.
View06-0202402/08/2006Notice by Rio Virgin Telephone Company, d/b/a Rio Virgin Telephone & Cablevision, of a promotional campaign for new subscribers to any Voice Mail Feature.
View06-0202302/09/2006Application of Custom Teleconnect, Inc. to revise Tariff No. 1-A to introduce a Nonsubscriber Service Charge and a new rate plan for institutional operator services.
View06-0202202/09/2006Application of Network PTS, Inc. to revise Tariff No. 1 to introduce a Nonsubscriber Service Charge and increase the current rate and the maximum rate for the Public Payphone Surcharge.
View06-0202102/09/2006Application of SBC Advanced Solutions, Inc. for approval of a change of name to SBC Advanced Solutions, Inc., d/b/a AT&T Advanced Solutions for operations conducted under certificate CPC 2547.
View06-0202002/03/2006Application of Lone Pine Mobile Home Park to withdraw $26,071.23 from the tenant service charge account established by the previous owners, close the account and use the monies to reimburse past tenants.
View06-0201902/08/2006Application of Amp Resources (Stillwater), LLC [now Enel Stillwater, LLC] for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct a new 26 MW geothermal power plant adjacent to the exiting Stillwater Geothermal Project located approximately 15 miles east of Fallon in Churchill County, Nevada.
View06-0201802/08/2006Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada, d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. NV-06-02 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to decrease the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 05-11033.
View06-0201702/08/2006Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada, d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-06-01 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to decrease the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 05-11033.
View06-0201602/08/2006Application of Sprint of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 155 to revise General Customer Services Tariff No. 2A to grandfather the Custom Calling Package Sprint Elite.
View06-0201502/06/2006Cingular Wireless filed a revised commercial mobile radio service registration for a change of name from Reno Cellular Telephone Company to Reno Cellular Telephone Company, d/b/a Cingular Wireless.
View06-0201402/06/2006Cingular Wireless filed a revised commercial mobile radio service registration for a change of name from AT&T Wireless Services of Nevada, Inc. to New Cingular Wireless Services of Nevada, LLC, d/b/a Cingular Wireless.
View06-0201302/06/2006Cingular Wireless filed a revised commercial mobile radio service registration for a change of name from AT&T Wireless PCS, LLC to New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, d/b/a Cingular Wireless.
View06-0201202/06/2006Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T Nevada ("AT&T") filed under Advice Letter No. 1994 to revise Tariff No. C8-A to allow AT&T to block delinquent third party vendor or affiliate charges from appearing on AT&T's bill when an end-user customer does not pay their non-deniable charges within a certain timeframe.
View06-0201102/06/2006Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. for authority to modify certificate CPC 2343 Sub 2 for sewer service and certificate CPC 2720 Sub 1 for water service to expand its water and sewer service territory to include approximately 170 acres of real property for development known as Tesora at Pahrump located in Pahrump, Nye County, Nevada.
View06-0201002/06/2006Compliance filing by Alltel Communications, Inc. (f/k/a Western Wireless Corporation) of updates in its Terms and Conditions pursuant to the Order issued in Docket 00-6003.
View06-0200902/06/2006Application of King's Row Trailer Park to withdraw $75,594.77 from its service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to upgrade and repair the electrical system.
View06-0200802/06/2006Application of MCI Communications Services, Inc. for approval of a change of name to MCI Communications Services, Inc., d/b/a Verizon Business Services for telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2084 Sub 6.
View06-0200702/06/2006Petition of Central Telephone Company - Nevada d/b/a Sprint of Nevada for review and approval of its performance incentive plan and performance measurement plan pursuant to NAC 704.680303.
View06-0200602/03/2006Application of the Nevada Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Task Force nominating applicants for participation in the Solar Energy Systems Demonstration Program in the residential, small business, schools and other public buildings categories for program year three.
View06-0200502/01/2006Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. for authority to modify certificate CPC 2343 Sub 2 for sewer service and certificate CPC 2720 Sub 1 for water service to expand its water and sewer service territory to include the Golden Valley Estates located in Pahrump, Nye County, Nevada.
View06-0200402/03/2006Application of IBFA Acquisition Company, LLC for approval of a change of name to IBFA Acquisition Company, LLC, d/b/a Farm Bureau Connection, for operations conducted under certificate CPC 2826.
View06-0200302/01/2006Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 1993 to revise Tariff No. A2 to remove references to the actual surcharge imposed for the Nevada Universal Service Fund and for the Telecommunications Fund for the Deaf and Disabled.
View06-0200202/01/2006Application of IPC Network Services, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange and resold basic services within the state of Nevada.
View06-0200102/01/2006Investigation into the practices and procedures of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada regarding its water and sewer operations.
View06-0104301/31/2006Reports from public utilities operating in Nevada of accidents occurring during calendar year 2006 pursuant to NRS 704.190 and NAC 704.230.
View06-0104201/31/2006Staff's quarterly report regarding the oral complaints resolved pursuant to NAC 455.305 pertaining to the One-Call Program (sub-surface installations).
View06-0104101/31/2006Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 457-E to submit Schedule No. CSPP, Short-Term Rates, Cogeneration and Small Power Production, with no change in rates in accordance with NAC 704.8783 which requires electric utilities to file their avoided short-term cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities.
View06-0104001/31/2006Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 341 to submit its Cogeneration and Small Power Production - Qualifying Facilities Schedule QF-Short Term, with no change in rates, in accordance with NAC 704.8783 which requires electric utilities to file their avoided short-term cost rates for purchases from Qualifying Facilities.
View06-0103901/30/2006Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, for review and modification of its performance measures plan and performance incentives plan and request for deviation from certain requirements of NAC 704.6803 to 704.680315, inclusive.
View06-0103801/31/2006Application of Bell Atlantic Communications, Inc., d/b/a Verizon Long Distance filed under Advice Letter No. 9 to revise Tariff No. 1 to clarify the language regarding late payment fees.
View06-0103701/31/2006Application of Operator Service Company, LLC to revise Tariff No. 2 to increase its operator assisted usage rates and per call service charges to match the rates charged by AT&T.
View06-0103601/30/2006Notice by Sprint of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 154 of a new competitive service, Vanity Listings, which allows a subscriber to have the assigned telephone number published in the telephone directory in upper case alpha form.
View06-0103501/25/2006Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 340 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to adjust the quarterly surcharge reflecting revised franchise tax rates.
View06-0103401/25/2006Application of MCI Communications Services, Inc. for approval of a change of name to MCI Communications Services, Inc., d/b/a Verizon Business Services, for telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2084 Sub 6.
View06-0103301/25/2006Petition of Rupert E. Park III as the authorized representative of the owners of undeveloped land located north of US Hwy 95A in Mason Valley, Nevada, to be excluded from the water service area for Crystal Clear Water Company Inc.
View06-0103201/24/2006Notice by Sprint of Nevada of a promotional campaign for new business customers.
View06-0103101/24/2006Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, and Sprint Communications Company L.P. for approval of Amendment No. 5 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0103001/23/2006Application of the Nevada Department of Transportation to construct a new grade separation on Blue Diamond Road over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks to replace the existing at-grade crossing and to construct a temporary at-grade crossing in the vicinity of Arden located in the City of Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada.
View06-0102901/23/2006Notice by New Edge Network, Inc., d/b/a New Edge Networks ("New Edge"), and EarthLink, Inc. ("EarthLink") of the proposed transfer of control of New Edge to EarthLink.
View06-0102801/23/2006Notice by KMC Data LLC ("KMC") and Hypercube, LLC ("Hypercube") of a series of transactions whereby direct ownership and control of KMC will be transferred to Hypercube.
View06-0102701/20/2006Application of Nevada Power Company for approval of the tenth amendment to the Action Plan of its 2003 and 2022 Integrated Resource Plan requesting approval of the acquisition of land and land rights for future construction of transmission expansion, and related accounting treatment.
View06-0102601/20/2006Rulemaking regarding resource plan filing requirements pertaining to the reservation of long-term firm import capacity for native load customers.
View06-0102501/20/2006Notice by BCN Telecom, Inc. of the indirect transfer of control of its parent, Telecom Acquisition Company, LLC.
View06-0102401/20/2006Application of MCI, LLC, d/b/a Verizon Business, on behalf of its subsidiary MCI Network Services, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 875 Sub 2.
View06-0102301/20/2006Application of Spring Creek Utilities Co. for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct an arsenic removal system and cinderblock building for Well # 3 located in Elko County, Nevada.
View06-0102201/19/2006Application of Communications Network Billing, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View06-0102101/19/2006Application of CenturyTel Long Distance, LLC to revise Tariff No. 1 to remove the Directory Assistance rate since Directory Assistance is not offered through its operator services.
View06-0102001/17/2006Application of Sprint of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 153 to revise General Customer Services Tariff No. 2A to expand the federal Link Up eligibility criteria to include victims of Hurricane Katrina.
View06-0101901/17/2006Petition of Central Telephone Company - Nevada, d/b/a Sprint of Nevada, for the Commission to overturn a denial by NeuStar, Inc., the Administrator for the North American Numbering Plan, of ten blocks of 1,000 consecutive numbers in the Las Vegas Rate Center.
View06-0101801/17/2006Application of Nevada Power Company for authority to issue secured or unsecured long-term debt securities in an aggregate amount not to exceed $200,000,000 through the period ending December 31, 2006.
View06-0101701/17/2006Application of Nevada Power Company to delay establishing a new temporary renewable energy development ("TRED") charge.
View06-0101601/17/2006Application of Nevada Power Company to establish a new DEAA5 rate to collect deferred energy costs and to reset the Base Tariff Energy Rate for collection of projected future energy costs.
View06-0101501/17/2006Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc., d/b/a Verizon Nevada, and Airpeak Communications, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 2 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0101401/13/2006Application of Network Communications International Corp., d/b/a 1800Call4Less to revise Tariff No. 1 to increase its operator assisted usage rates to match the rates charged by AT&T.
View06-0101301/12/2006Application of Moapa Valley Telephone Company filed under Advice Letter No. 1 to establish new local Tariff No. 2A and Access Service Tariff No. 3 to update the tariff format; remove outdated material; update the Definitions and Rules; increase the returned check charge; revise the reference for the Line Extension Schedule; and update the Lifeline and Link Up Schedules.
View06-0101201/12/2006Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, and Airpeak Communications, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 2 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View06-0101101/12/2006Application of Value-Added Communications, Inc. to revise Tariff No. 1 to eliminate the evening, night and weekend discounted rates for Inmate Calling Services.
View06-0101001/11/2006Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct a sewer lift station, 14,745 feet of sewer force main and related appurtenances to be located in Pahrump, Nye County, Nevada.
View06-0100901/06/2006Application of SBC Long Distance, LLC for approval of a change of name to SBC Long Distance, LLC, d/b/a AT&T Long Distance, for telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2745 Sub 2.
View06-0100801/05/2006Petition of Mpower Communications Corp. for an advisory opinion regarding a proposal to bill customers who receive a paper copy of their bill.
View06-0100701/05/2006Investigation of Crystal Clear Water Company ("Crystal Clear") to determine whether an interim operator should be authorized to run Crystal Clear; whether interim operator should file an application for a loan or apply for a grant for arsenic remediation; and other action, relief, or remedy as appropriate.
View06-0100601/04/2006Application of the Nevada Department of Transportation to eliminate the existing at-grade crossing and construct a grade separated overpass across the Mina Branch railroad crossing on U.S. Highway 50A approximately 1 mile east of Hazen, in Churchill County, Nevada.
View06-0100501/04/2006Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 1992 to introduce Access Line & Feature Bill Credit, a new consumer package for residential customers.
View06-0100401/03/2006Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada ("SBC"), filed under Advice Letter No. 1991 to revise Tariff No. A2 to clarify that SBC may release the non-published telephone numbers of its customers to governments and municipalities for use in their emergency alert outbound calling systems.
View06-0100301/03/2006Rulemaking to amend NAC 704.460 to adopt the federal intrastate gas pipeline safety regulations in effect as of January 1, 2006.
View06-0100201/03/2006Application of Spring Creek Utilities Co. to increase rates for water and sewer service.
View06-0100101/03/2006Application of Utilities, Inc. of Nevada to increase rates for water service.
View05-903109/30/2005Registration of Ameritech Mobile Services, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View05-903009/23/2005Application of Sprint of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 148 to revise its General Customer Services Tariff to introduce a term discount plan for Business Flat Rate Basic Access Lines, Business Key System Access Lines and PBX Trunk/Multi-Function Access Lines to all local exchanges within its serving area and to remove an expired market trial that offered a term discount plan for PBX Trunk/Multi-Function Access Lines in limited exchanges.
View05-902909/28/2005Investigation and rulemaking to amend and adopt regulations regarding an electric service provider’s compliance with the Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard.
View05-902809/28/2005Investigation and rulemaking to amend and adopt regulations regarding the requirements to be included in Renewable Portfolio Standard ("RPS") annual reports submitted by a provider of electric service and to adopt regulations regarding the requirements of the RPS Compliance Plans.
View05-902709/23/2005Application of Vilaire Communications to be designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.6804 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-902609/27/2005Petition of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada ("UICN") for a Declaratory Order regarding UICN's obligation to provide central water and sewer service to Desert View Regional Medical Center Holdings, LLC.
View05-902509/23/2005Notice by WilTel Communications, LLC ("WilTel") of a pro forma transaction whereby WilTel was merged into another wholly-owned subsidiary of WilTel's parent company.
View05-902409/21/2005Notice by Sprint of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 147 of four new services: Call Forward Busy - Customer Controlled; Call Forward Busy - Customer Programmable; Call Forward No Answer - Customer Controlled; and Call Forward No Answer - Customer Programmable.
View05-902309/21/2005Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 1982 of a new residential Call Management Package called uSelect Standard.
View05-902209/21/2005Investigation of Wendover Gas Company regarding the rates and charges; accounting and billing practices; and whether the service provided is safe and reliable.
View05-902109/19/2005Application of Comm South Companies, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2356 Sub 2.
View05-902009/15/2005Notice by Western CLEC Corporation of a change of control as a result of the acquisition of its parent company, Western Wireless Corporation, by Alltel Corporation.
View05-901909/15/2005Staff investigation into whether or not any connection moratorium should be imposed on Crystal Clear Water Company Inc. pending the completion of system improvements.
View05-901809/14/2005Notice by Sprint of Nevada of a promotional campaign for new business customers who establish a new account and subscribe to Business Local Service, Key Trunk, ISDN-BRI, ISDN-PRI, Centrex, Frame Relay, PBX Trunk or Translink under the same order.
View05-901709/12/2005Application of Nevada Power Company for approval of the Energy Supply Plan Update for year 2006 of the Action Plan of its 2003-2022 Integrated Resource Plan.
View05-901609/12/2005Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for approval of the Energy Supply Plan Update for years 2006 and 2007 of the Action Plan of its 2005-2024 Integrated Resource Plan.
View05-901509/13/2005Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 451-E to revise the Interclass Rate Rebalancing Rate paid by Barrick Goldstrike for Distribution Only Service.
View05-901409/09/2005Application of Westpac Utilities, an operating division of Sierra Pacific Power Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 261-G to revise Gas Tariff No. 1 to modify Bills for Service Rule No. 5; Discontinuance, Restoration and Refusal of Service Rule No. 6; and Deposits Rule No. 13 to comply with the Consumer Bill of Rights regulations as amended in Docket Nos. 01-3015 and 05-3005.
View05-901309/09/2005Notice by Sprint of Nevada of a promotional campaign for new residential customers who establish service in any location of its serving territory whose premises were destroyed or partially destroyed by Hurricane Katrina.
View05-901209/09/2005Application of MCI WorldCom Communications, Inc. to revise Confinement Services Tariff No. 1 to reduce interLATA and intraLATA per minute local call rates for Inmate Collect Only Service.
View05-901109/09/2005Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, and CommPartners, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement and Amendment pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-901009/08/2005Revised registration of WWC License LLC, d/b/a Cellular One, as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View05-900909/07/2005Filing by BullsEye Telecom of Nevada, LLC to revise some of the terms and conditions of service.
View05-900809/07/2005Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 333 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to modify Bills for Service Rule No. 5; Discontinuance, Restoration and Refusal of Service Rule No. 6; and Deposits Rule No. 13 to comply with the Consumer Bill of Rights regulations as amended in Docket Nos. 01-3015 and 05-3005.
View05-900709/07/2005Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 450-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 1 to modify Bills for Service Rule No. 5; Discontinuance, Restoration and Refusal of Service Rule No. 6; and Deposits Rule No. 13 to comply with the Consumer Bill of Rights regulations as amended in Docket Nos. 01-3015 and 05-3005.
View05-900609/09/2005Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada ("UICN") for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct a 100,000 GPD Wastewater Treatment Facility to be located at the site of UICN's Wastewater Treatment Plant F in Pahrump, Nevada.
View05-900509/07/2005Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 1979 to restructure Tariff No. A2 to incorporate the necessary terms and provisions of the Consumer Bill of Rights and to eliminate the sections on Promotional Campaigns and the Variable Term Payment Plan for Centrex systems.
View05-900409/06/2005Application of Central Telcom Services, LLC, d/b/a CentraCom Interactive, for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing facilities-based interexchange and facilities-based basic services within the state of Nevada.
View05-900309/06/2005Petition of MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC for the Commission to overturn a denial by NeuStar, Inc., the Administrator for the North American Numbering Plan, for two blocks of 1,000 consecutive numbers for use in the Reno, Nevada rate center.
View05-900209/06/2005Application of Teleglobe America Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2397 Sub 2.
View05-900109/01/2005Application of Verizon California Inc., d/b/a Verizon Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 336 to revise Tariff No. 3-B to remove obsolete language from the Common Carrier Line Access Service section of its Access tariff for Primary Interexchange Carrier rates, terms and conditions.
View05-804108/30/2005Application of Infotelecom, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold and facilities-based interexchange and basic services within the state of Nevada.
View05-804008/25/2005Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada, d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-05-13 to revise Tariff No. 1-B for the Tonopah Division to introduce Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment, an optional service that allows residential customers to view and/or pay their telephone bill on-line.
View05-803908/25/2005Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada, d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-05-12 to revise Tariff No. 1-B for the Elko Division to introduce Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment, an optional service that allows residential customers to view and/or pay their telephone bill on-line.
View05-803808/24/2005Application of Cheetah Wireless Technologies, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange and resold and facilities-based intraexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View05-803708/15/2005Application of, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2521
View05-803608/15/2005Application of Tralee Telephone Company, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2723.
View05-803508/24/2005Application of Claricom Networks, Inc. for approval of a change of name to Claricom Networks, LLC for telecommunications services conducted under CPC 2233 Sub 1.
View05-803408/23/2005Application of MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc. for approval of a change of name to MCI Network Services, Inc. for telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 875 Sub 1.
View05-803308/23/2005Application of KMC Telecom III LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2410 Sub 3.
View05-803208/23/2005Application of Central Telephone Company - Nevada, d/b/a Sprint of Nevada ("Central Telephone"), for approval for the change of control of Central Telephone from Sprint Nextel Corporation to LTD Holding Company.
View05-803108/22/2005Application of Switch Business Solutions, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange and resold basic services within the state of Nevada.
View05-803008/22/2005Notice by Manhattan Telecommunications Corporation, d/b/a Metropolitan Telecommunications ("MetTel"), and Business Productivity Solutions, Inc. ("BPS") of a transfer of control whereby BPS will become a direct wholly owned subsidiary of MetTel.
View05-802908/19/2005Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, and IDACOMM, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 3 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-802808/18/2005Revised registration of Verizon Wireless Messaging Services, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View05-802708/18/2005Application of Epicus, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2268 Sub 1.
View05-802608/18/2005Application of Navigator Telecommunications, LLC. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View05-802508/17/2005Revised registration of Nextel of California, Inc. to update information to reflect changes due to the merger of Sprint Corporation and Nextel Communications, Inc. (Docket No. 05-2024).
View05-802408/17/2005Revised registration of Sprint Spectrum L.P. to update information to reflect changes due to the merger of Sprint Corporation and Nextel Communications, Inc. (Docket No. 05-2024).
View05-802308/17/2005Application of MCI WorldCom Communications, Inc. for approval of a change of name to MCI Communications Services, Inc. for telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2084 Sub 4.
View05-802208/17/2005Application of Sprint Long Distance, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View05-802108/17/2005Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company - Nevada, d/b/a Sprint of Nevada, and US In Touch, Inc. for approval of a Master Interconnection, Collocation and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-802008/15/2005Application of Nevada Power Company for approval of the ninth amendment to the Action Plan of its 2003 and 2022 Integrated Resource Plan requesting approval of its annual Demand Side Management Plan.
View05-801908/15/2005Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for approval of the ninth amendment to the Action Plan of its 2005 and 2024 Integrated Resource Plan requesting approval of its annual Demand Side Management Plan.
View05-801808/12/2005Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to amend certificate CPC 2627 to expand its service territory to areas contiguous with its existing northern Nevada certificated service territory in the following communities and counties: Battle Mountain, Carlin, Carson City, Carson Valley, Dayton, Elko, Fallon, Fernley, Gardnerville, Genoa, Hazen, Incline Village, Mason, Minden, Moundhouse, Silver Springs, Stagecoach, Stateline, Washoe, Winnemucca and Yerington; and Carson City County, Churchill County, Douglas County, Elko County, Humboldt County, Lander County, Lyon County, Pershing County, Storey County and Washoe County.
View05-801708/16/2005Application of Silver Star Properties, LLC to withdraw $5,886.95 from the service charge account for the Sierra Vista Mobile Home Park for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View05-801608/12/2005Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company - Nevada, d/b/a Sprint of Nevada, and Nevada Utilities, Inc., d/b/a Nevada Telephone, for approval of a Master Interconnection, Collocation and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-801508/12/2005Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 2 to revise Water Rights Rule No. 21 to reduce the water right dedication requirements for the following residential uses: single family residential lot and mobile home estate lot; duplexes; condominiums, townhouses and apartments; and mobile home park lots and RV park units.
View05-801408/11/2005Registration of Movida Communications, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View05-801308/10/2005Application of Acceris Management and Acquisition LLC for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View05-801208/10/2005Application of King's Row Trailer Park to withdraw $5,354.69 from its service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair the electrical system.
View05-801108/10/2005Application of OCMC, Inc., d/b/a One Call Communications and OPTICOM, to revise Tariff No. 1 to introduce *22 Service which allows customers to access the company's network to place a collect call or other call requiring operator assistance by dialing a designated access code.
View05-801008/08/2005Application of Voicecom Telecommunications, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View05-800908/05/2005Application of DelTel, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View05-800808/04/2005Notice by Talk America Inc. of a transfer of control whereby LDMI Telecommunications, Inc., d/b/a LDMI Telecommunications and FoneTel, will become a wholly owned subsidiary of Talk America Inc.
View05-800708/04/2005Application of Sprint of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 146 to revise General Customer Services Tariff No. 2A to remove the following obsolete sections: Special Airport Telephone Service, University Dormitory Service, Cellular Telephone Interconnection Service and Access for Touch Four Service.
View05-800608/04/2005Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff of the Commission to open a docket to investigate Wendover Gas Company regarding rates and charges; accounting and billing practices; and whether the service provided is safe and reliable.
View05-800508/02/2005Application of the City of Reno to eliminate the shoofly track crossings at Keystone Avenue, Vine Street, Washington Street, Ralston Street, Arlington Avenue, West Street, Sierra Street, Virginia Street, Center Street and Lake Street as part of the ReTRAC Project in Reno, Nevada.
View05-800408/01/2005Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for approval of the eighth amendment to the Action Plan of its 2005-2024 Integrated Resource Plan to approve construction of the Tracy Combined Cycle Project, its designation as a Critical Facility and the proposed incentive mechanism for ratemaking purposes.
View05-800308/01/2005Filing of Sierra Pacific Power Company of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View05-800208/01/2005Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada, d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-05-11 to revise Tariff No. 1-B for the Elko Division to introduce FrontierWorks Business Connections which provides business customers a variety of bundled packages to choose from.
View05-800108/01/2005Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada, d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-05-10 to revise Tariff No. 1-B for the Tonopah Division to introduce FrontierWorks Business Connections which provides business customers a variety of bundled packages to choose from.
View05-706107/29/2005Registration of Cheetah Wireless Technologies, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View05-706007/29/2005Application of Sprint of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 145 to revise General Customer Services Tariff No. 2A to standardize the Custom Calling Services of Call Forwarding, Call Forward Busy and Call Forward No Answer with other Sprint Local Telephone Divisions and to eliminate the Enhanced Call Forwarding and Basic Call Forwarding packages.
View05-705907/29/2005Registration of Granite Telecommunications, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View05-705807/29/2005Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company - Nevada, d/b/a Sprint of Nevada, and Metrocall, Inc. for approval of a Master Paging Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-705707/29/2005Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company - Nevada, d/b/a Sprint of Nevada, and ARCH WIRELESS OPERATING COMPANY, INC. for approval of a Master Paging Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-705607/27/2005Application of Eschelon Telecom, Inc. for approval of a change of name of its newly acquired subsidiary Advanced Telcom, Inc., d/b/a Advanced Telcom Group and ATG, to Advanced TelCom, Inc., d/b/a Eschelon Telecom, Inc., for telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2400 Sub 1.
View05-705507/26/2005Notice by Sprint of Nevada of two special promotional campaigns for new business customers.
View05-705407/25/2005Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 449-E to revise Electric Tariff No. 2, Schedule Nos. LCSPP86 and LCSPP87, to adjust rates for long-term cogeneration and small power production energy and capacity rates.
View05-705307/25/2005Application of Nevada Comstock Communications, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold and facilities-based interexchange and basic services within the state of Nevada.
View05-705207/25/2005Report to the Commission by Sprint regarding telephone service outage in the Mt. Charleston area caused by an avalanche on January 9, 2005.
View05-705107/28/2005Investigation and rulemaking to assess extent of NRS changes and assess and undertake if necessary NAC changes to implement proposed interstate agreements regarding Western Interconnection electric transmission systems.
View05-705007/28/2005Investigation and rulemaking regarding energy savings and utilities’ use of energy efficiency measures to comply with the renewable energy portfolio standard, the modification of renewable energy net metering regulations and the modification and/or repeal of regulations concerning conservation of energy in residences.
View05-704907/28/2005Investigation and rulemaking regarding the review and approval of tentative and final subdivision maps and potential modification of the requirements to obtain a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for Water and Sewer Systems.
View05-704807/28/2005Investigation to review processes, theories and methodologies that may be used to establish just and reasonable rates in general rate cases.
View05-704707/28/2005Investigation and rulemaking regarding the revision of regulations concerning general rate case filings for gas companies to conform with state law.
View05-704607/28/2005Investigation and rulemaking regarding applicable regulation of county-owned telephone systems concerning the Universal Service Fund.
View05-704507/28/2005Investigation and rulemaking regarding identification marking of subsurface installations.
View05-704407/27/2005Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc. and Global Connection Inc. of America for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-704307/27/2005Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc. and Global Connection Inc. of America for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-704207/27/2005Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, and MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC for approval of Amendment Nos. 8 and 10 to their Interconnection Agreements pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-704107/28/2005Application of Intermountain Water Supply, Ltd., under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act, for a permit to construct 24 miles of water transmission pipelines, a booster station, two water demand tanks, water production wells, power lines, and related access roads to be located in Washoe County, Nevada.
View05-704007/26/2005Application of Verizon California Inc., d/b/a Verizon Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 335 to revise Tariff No. 4-B, Schedule I-1, Individual Case Basis, to provision 911 Automatic Location Identification Service to the Lyon County Sheriff.
View05-703907/26/2005Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc. and Trans National Communications International, Inc. for approval of an Amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-703807/26/2005Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc. and Trans National Communications International, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-703707/25/2005Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, and Omnipoint Communications, Inc., d/b/a T-Mobile, for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-703607/25/2005Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc. and MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC for approval of Amendment No. 4 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-703507/25/2005Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc. and MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC for approval of Amendment No. 3 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-703407/22/2005Application of Mountain Falls LLC for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct a wastewater treatment plant with a treatment capacity of 750,000 gallons per day of sewage that will be operated by Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada to serve existing and proposed residential and commercial development in the vicinity of Pahrump, Nevada.
View05-703307/21/2005Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff of the Commission for an Order to Show Cause why Indian Springs Sewage Co., Inc. should not be found in violation of NRS 704.390.
View05-703207/21/2005Application of Now Communications, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2557 Sub 1.
View05-703107/21/2005Application of Budget Phone, Inc. to be designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.6804 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-703007/20/2005Application of Pre-Paid Phones, Ltd. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2415.
View05-702907/20/2005Registration of WDT World Discount Telecommunications Co. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View05-702807/19/2005Application of Town of Ione Company for authority to operate as a public utility providing electrical service in Ione, Nevada.
View05-702707/15/2005Application of Indian Springs Water Co., Inc. to revise Tariff No. 2-A to clarify language in Water Rights Rule 19.
View05-702607/18/2005Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, and Neutral Tandem-Nevada, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-702507/15/2005Notice by Sprint of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 144 of a bill credit program for residential customers that refer an existing Sprint residential customer who subscribes to Premium Plan II, Standard Plan II or Basic Plan.
View05-702407/15/2005Notice by Sprint of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 143 of a new bundled service called Special Plan Bundle.
View05-702307/15/2005Application of Vilaire Communications for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold and facilities-based basic services within the state of Nevada.
View05-702207/13/2005Application of Cascade Access, LLC, an affiliate of Rio Virgin Telephone Company, d/b/a Rio Virgin Telephone & Cablevision ("Rio Virgin"), to amend certificate CPC 2617 to expand its authority to provide resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada and resold and facilities-based basic services in all areas of Nevada excluding the service area of Rio Virgin.
View05-702107/13/2005Application of Public Communications Services, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, to provide telecommunication services to confinement facilities within the state of Nevada.
View05-702007/14/2005Application of Network Service Billing, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View05-701907/14/2005Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 1981 to revise Tariff Nos. C6-A, C7-A and C9-A to incorporate rate changes pursuant to NRS 704.6898 which requires that intrastate access prices charged by an electing carrier must not exceed the interstate access prices charged by such electing carrier for corresponding elements.
View05-701807/12/2005Investigation and rulemaking regarding the effects and details of a Weather Normalization Adjustment Provision for Southwest Gas Corporation.
View05-701707/12/2005Notice by American Fiber Network, Inc. ("AFN") and Mobilepro Corp. of a transfer of control whereby AFN will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mobilepro Corp.
View05-701607/11/2005Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 1977 to revise Tariff No. A2 to allow a customer to request Toll Restriction service in lieu of paying a deposit which may be required to establish service or maintain existing service.
View05-701507/11/2005Application of Fish Springs Ranch, LLC for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct 38 miles of water transmission lines, one pump station, a treatment facility and water storage facilities to be located in Washoe County, Nevada.
View05-701407/11/2005Application of BullsEye Telecom of Nevada, LLC for approval of a change of name to BullsEye Telecom, Inc. for telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2751.
View05-701307/11/2005Application of BellSouth Long Distance, Inc. to amend certificate CPC 2194 to expand its authority to provide resold interexchange and resold and facilities-based basic services within the state of Nevada.
View05-701207/11/2005Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 414 to revise Bills for Service Rule No. 5 to allow customers to make payments via third party vendors that charge the customers a transaction fee.
View05-701107/08/2005Application of Verizon California Inc., d/b/a Verizon Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 334 to revise Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) Service Schedule No. A-17 to grandfather X.25/X.75 Packet, D-Packet and B-Packet Switching service since the manufacturer is discontinuing general hardware and software support.
View05-701007/07/2005Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, and MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC for approval of Amendment Nos. 7 and 9 to their Interconnection Agreements pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-700907/07/2005Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 1980 to revise Tariff No. A5 to update its Universal Lifeline Telephone Service tariff to comply with regulations adopted in Docket No. 04-8003 pertaining to Lifeline and Link-up services.
View05-700807/06/2005Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 332 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to adjust the quarterly surcharge reflecting revised franchise tax rates.
View05-700707/05/2005Application of Humboldt Telephone Company to the National Exchange Carrier Association in its capacity as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund ("NUSF") for allowance of NUSF funding for the year commencing January 1, 2006.
View05-700607/05/2005Complaint. Telecommunications of Nevada, LLC, d/b/a XO Communications, LLC ("XO"), vs. Central Telephone Company - Nevada, d/b/a Sprint of Nevada ("Sprint"), to resolve a dispute regarding Sprint billing XO for Message Provisioning and associated charges.
View05-700507/05/2005Application of City of Reno to construct an at-grade railroad crossing south of the Parr Boulevard crossing located in Washoe County, Nevada.
View05-700407/01/2005Application of Crystal Clear Water Company Inc. for authority to increase water rates.
View05-700307/01/2005Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for authority to update its electric Base Tariff Energy Rate to reflect anticipated fuel and purchased power costs.
View05-700207/01/2005Application of Westpac Utilities, an operating division of Sierra Pacific Power Company, to replace the current Base Purchase Gas Rate with a new Base Tariff Energy Rate to reflect anticipated future gas costs.
View05-700107/01/2005Application of Glenbrook Water Cooperative, Inc. to amend certificate CPC 855 Sub 2 to expand its water service territory to include one residential parcel on its northwest boundary and to remove one residential parcel in the south of its service area located in Glenbrook, Douglas County, Nevada.
View05-604006/29/2005Application of Nevada Power Company ("NPC") for authority to establish a regulatory asset account for retirement and decommissioning costs for Units 1, 2 and 3 of the Clark Generating Station; to record the costs of the interim power purchase agreement as fuel and purchased power costs; and to flow through its income statement certain incremental and decremental costs associated with NPC’s new Lenzie and Silverhawk generating plants, the retirement of Units 1, 2, and 3 of the Clark Generating Station, and the closure of the Mohave Generating Station.
View05-603906/29/2005Application of Nevada Power Company for authority to issue secured long-term debt securities in an aggregate amount not to exceed $210,000,000 through the period ending December 31, 2006.
View05-603806/29/2005Application of Nevada Power Company for approval of the eighth amendment to the Action Plan of its 2003-2022 Integrated Resource Plan to approve the acquisition of a 75 percent interest in the Silverhawk Power Plant; the related interim power purchase agreement; and cost recovery for the retirement and decommissioning of Units 1, 2 and 3 of the Clark Generating System.
View05-603706/29/2005Application of Network PTS, Inc. to amend certificate CPC 2791 to expand its authority to provide resold and facilities-based basic services and alternative operator services within the state of Nevada.
View05-603606/28/2005Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 1978 to revise Tariff No. A2 to clarify that an authorized payment location collector may charge a transaction fee for bill payments made at its payment location.
View05-603506/27/2005Application of Indian Springs Sewage Co., Inc. to voluntarily discontinue sewage service conducted under certificate CPC 670 Sub 1.
View05-603406/27/2005Notice by Red River Networks LLC ("RRN") and NOSVA Limited Partnership, d/b/a CierraCom Systems ("NOSVA"), of an asset purchase agreement whereby NOSVA will purchase substantially all of the telecommunications assets of RRN.
View05-603306/24/2005Application of Vanco Direct USA, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services providing resold intraexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View05-603206/22/2005Application of Nevada Geothermal Utility Company ("NGUC") filed under Advice Letter No. 2 to revise Rule No. 1 to permit NGUC to annualize seasonal rates for swimming pools, driveways and greenhouses over the full twelve month period.
View05-603106/22/2005Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company - Nevada, d/b/a Sprint of Nevada, and Granite Telecommunications, LLC for approval of a Master Interconnection, Collocation and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-603006/22/2005Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company - Nevada, d/b/a Sprint of Nevada, and IDACOMM, Inc. for approval of a Master Interconnection, Collocation and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-602906/21/2005Application of Verizon California Inc., d/b/a Verizon Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 333 to update Rendering and Payment of Bills Rule No. 9 to allow customers to make payments by credit card via a vendor that assesses the customers a convenience fee per transaction.
View05-602806/17/2005Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for approval of the seventh amendment to the Action Plan of its 2005-2024 Integrated Resource Plan to approve Amendment No. 1 to a previously-approved long-term energy contract for non-firm solar-powered electric energy and the associated renewable energy credits.
View05-602706/17/2005Application of Nevada Power Company for approval of the seventh amendment to the Action Plan of its 2003-2022 Integrated Resource Plan to approve Amendment No. 1 to a previously-approved long-term energy contract for non-firm solar-powered electric energy and the associated renewable energy credits.
View05-602606/17/2005Joint application of Nevada Power Company and Sierra Pacific Power Company for approval of the Amended and Restated Temporary Renewable Energy Development Trust Agreements.
View05-602506/20/2005Application of Arrival Communications of Nevada, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2569.
View05-602406/16/2005Application of the Nevada Department of Transportation to close the temporary at-grade crossing at Lake Mead Drive as part of the I-215/I-515 Interchange Project in Clark County, Nevada.
View05-602306/16/2005Application of Spectrotel, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View05-602206/16/2005Application of Utility Telephone, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold and facilities-based interexchange and basic services within the state of Nevada.
View05-602106/15/2005Application of Westpac Utilities, an operating division of Sierra Pacific Power Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 259-G to revise Tariff No. 1, Gas Main Extensions Rule No. 9, to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View05-602006/15/2005Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 447-E to revise Tariff No. 1, Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9, to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View05-601906/15/2005Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 331 to revise Tariff No. 1-B, Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9, to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View05-601806/15/2005Notice by Sprint of Nevada of a promotional campaign for new business customers who subscribe to Business Local Basic Service, Key Trunk, ISDN-BRI, ISDN-PRI, Centrex, Frame Relay, PBX Trunk or Translink.
View05-601706/13/2005Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, and Metropolitan Telecommunications of Nevada, Inc., d/b/a MetTel, for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-601606/13/2005Application of Bell Atlantic Communications, Inc., d/b/a Verizon Long Distance, filed under Advice Letter No. 8 to revise Tariff No. 1 to introduce a pay telephone surcharge and to increase operator services charges.
View05-601506/13/2005Application of Acertion Connect, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold and facilities-based interexchange and basic services within the state of Nevada.
View05-601406/10/2005Notice by A.R.C. Networks, Inc. and Eureka Broadband Corporation, d/b/a Eureka Networks, of a transfer of control and related transactions.
View05-601306/10/2005Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 1976 to revise Tariff No. A11 to increase the monthly rate for customers of its ISDN Basic Rate Interface (BRI) product, which is categorized as discretionary service.
View05-601206/10/2005Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 1975 to revise Tariff No. A11 to increase the per call rate for Local Directory Assistance Service calls that are in excess of the monthly call allowance, which is categorized as discretionary service.
View05-601106/10/2005Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 1972 to revise Tariff No. A11 to increase the monthly rate for business customers of its Caller ID product, which is categorized as discretionary service.
View05-601006/09/2005Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company and Nevada Power Company for approval of a payment processing agreement with a third party credit services company that charges customers a fee for payments of utility bills by credit card.
View05-600906/08/2005Application of Verizon California Inc., d/b/a Verizon Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 332 to revise Individual Case Basis Service Offerings Schedule No. I-1 to provide Alternate Route Capability Network Control Modem Service to Douglas County.
View05-600806/06/2005Application of Verizon California Inc., d/b/a Verizon Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 331 to revise Link-up America Program and Lifeline Telephone Service Schedule No. A-13 to reflect the requirements of the programs pursuant to FCC Order 04-87.
View05-600706/06/2005Application of Verizon California Inc., d/b/a Verizon Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 330 to revise Individual Case Basis Service Offerings Schedule No. I-1 to reflect that a new five year agreement has been negotiated with Douglas County.
View05-600606/03/2005Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada, d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-05-09 to revise Tariff No. 1B for the Tonopah Division to comply with the Consumer Bill of Rights regulations as amended in Docket No. 01-3015.
View05-600506/03/2005Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada, d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-05-08 to revise Tariff No. 1B for the Elko Division to comply with the Consumer Bill of Rights regulations as amended in Docket No. 01-3015.
View05-600406/03/2005Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 52 to revise Tariff No. 1 to establish the Toquop Exchange.
View05-600306/02/2005Application of Nevada Power Company for authority to reset the electric Base Tariff Energy Rate for collection of projected future energy costs.
View05-600206/01/2005Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 7 to amend Rule No. 3 of its Water and Sewer Tariffs to add an Interim Supplemental Application Agreement to accommodate requests to provide commitments for sewer and water service to applicants who apply for service prior to the completion of any plant expansion necessary to provide central sewer service.
View05-600106/01/2005Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 3 to revise Sewer Tariff No. 1 to implement a sewer effluent disposal facility charge.
View05-503005/31/2005Application of WWC License LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2445 Sub 1.
View05-502905/26/2005Application of Lone Pine Mobile Home Park to withdraw $4,650.00 from its service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View05-502805/31/2005Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 1 to establish a new tariff format called General Customer Services Tariff No. 1A to replace the Local Tariff; eliminate text regarding deregulated offerings and outdated material; update Definitions and Rules; revise the Line Extension Schedule; and update Lifeline and Link-up schedules.
View05-502705/27/2005Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. for authority to modify certificate CPC 2343 Sub 2 for sewer service and certificate CPC 2720 Sub 1 for water service to expand its water and sewer service territory to include approximate 230 acres of real property located in Nye County, Nevada.
View05-502605/27/2005Application of SBC Long Distance, LLC ("SBC LD") to correct the name on certificate CPC 2745 Sub 1 from SBC Long Distance, Inc. to SBC Long Distance, LLC and to cancel certificate CPC 2616 Sub 1 and consolidate the authority of the certificates under CPC 2745 Sub 1 to allow SBC LD to provide resold and facilities-based interexchange services within the state of Nevada and resold and facilities-based basic services in all areas of Nevada wherein Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, has not been designated as a provider of last resort of basic services.
View05-502505/27/2005Notice by Sprint of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 142 of a new Individual Case Basis contract service offering for Digital Call Centers.
View05-502405/26/2005Registration of Ztar mobile, Inc. as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View05-502305/25/2005Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 413 to revise Gas Tariff No. 6 to correct and clarify Definitions Rule No. 1 and to modify Bills for Service Rule No. 5 and Deposits Rule No. 13 to comply with the Consumer Bill of Rights regulations as amended in Docket No. 05-3005.
View05-502205/24/2005Application of Verizon California Inc., d/b/a Verizon Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 329 to revise Tariff No. 4-B to comply with the Consumer Bill of Rights regulations as amended in Docket No. 01-3015.
View05-502105/23/2005Application of Avista Energy, Inc. for a license to provide discretionary service as an alternative seller of natural gas to generating, industrial, or large commercial customers in the state of Nevada.
View05-502005/20/2005Complaint. Wulfenstein Development, LLC vs. Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada ("UICN") regarding the water and sewer operations of UICN.
View05-501905/20/2005Complaint. Clark and Nye County Development Corporation vs. Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada ("UICN") regarding the water and sewer operations of UICN.
View05-501805/20/2005Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada, d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-05-07 to revise Tariff No. 1-B for the Tonopah Division to incorporate the national abbreviated 811 dialing designation code to be used by the state's One Call notification system for providing advance notice of excavation activities to the owners and operators of underground facilities.
View05-501705/20/2005Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada, d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-05-06 to revise Tariff No. 1-B for the Elko Division to incorporate the national abbreviated 811 dialing designation code to be used by the state's One Call notification system for providing advance notice of excavation activities to the owners and operators of underground facilities.
View05-501605/17/2005Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for approval of the sixth amendment to the Action Plan of its 2005-2024 Integrated Resource Plan for the installation of renewable energy generation on company-owned buildings and to provide incentives for the installation of high-efficiency air conditioning for residential conservation.
View05-501505/16/2005Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to implement a new Deferred Energy Accounting Adjustment to recover deferred costs and to reset the Base Tariff Energy Rate.
View05-501405/17/2005Investigation regarding the treatment of costs of undergrounding transmission lines pursuant to mandates issued by local governments.
View05-501305/16/2005Application of 800 Response Information Services LLC for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View05-501205/13/2005Application of Westpac Utilities, an operating division of Sierra Pacific Power Company, for authority to recover deferred gas costs and to defer submission of its application to reset the current Base Purchase Gas Rate.
View05-501105/13/2005Application of Westpac Utilities, an operating division of Sierra Pacific Power Company, to revise its Gas Tariff No. 1 pursuant to the Purchased Gas Adjustment Clause for approval of a new Liquid Petroleum Gas ("LPG") Deferred Energy Accounting Adjustment and to implement a new Base Tariff Energy Rate to collect anticipated future LPG costs.
View05-501005/12/2005Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for approval of the fifth amendment to the Action Plan of its 2005-2024 Integrated Resource Plan and for approval of two long-term power purchase agreements for renewable energy and renewable energy credits.
View05-500905/12/2005Application of Beowawe Power, LLC for designation of its geothermal electric generating facility as an eligible project to participate in the Temporary Renewable Energy Development Program.
View05-500805/10/2005Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company - Nevada, d/b/a Sprint of Nevada, and Neutral Tandem-Nevada, LLC for approval of a Master Interconnection, Collocation and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-500705/10/2005Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company - Nevada, d/b/a Sprint of Nevada, and Pacific Centrex Services, Inc. for approval of a Master Interconnection, Collocation and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-500605/10/2005Notice by Sprint of Nevada of two special promotions for business customers.
View05-500505/06/2005Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc. and MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC for approval of Amendment No. 2 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-500405/05/2005Application of Verizon California Inc., d/b/a Verizon Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 328 to revise Individual Case Basis Schedule No. I-1 to provide 911 ALI Database Administration and Access Services to Douglas County.
View05-500305/03/2005Notice by Sprint of Nevada of a promotional campaign for residence customers who subscribe to a Special Plan Bundle.
View05-500205/02/2005Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 329 to revise Public Street Lighting and Traffic Control Service Schedule SL to correct the kilowatthour usage to show monthly usage rather than annual usage to match the usage shown on the tariff with the usage shown on the customers' bill.
View05-500105/02/2005Notice by Rio Virgin Telephone Company of a Voice Mail Features promotional campaign.
View05-401904/29/2005Application of Worldwide Telecommunications Inc., d/b/a Worldwide Telecom Inc., for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold and facilities-based interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View05-401804/28/2005Notice by A.R.C. Networks, Inc. and InfoHighway Communications Corporation of a transfer of control.
View05-401704/27/2005Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 1973 to revise Tariff Nos. A5 and C8 to remove all references to microfiche as a billing delivery option.
View05-401604/25/2005Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, and MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC for approval of Amendment Nos. 6 and 8 to their Interconnection Agreements pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-401504/18/2005Application of Nevada Power Company for approval of the sixth amendment to the Action Plan of its 2003-2022 Integrated Resource Plan to authorize long term power exchange.
View05-401404/18/2005Application of Nevada Power Company ("NPC") filed under Advice Letter No. 328 to implement Retail Power Exchange Schedule No. RPE to facilitate a retail power exchange transaction between NPC and a customer who is currently served or could be served by the Colorado River Commission pursuant to NRS 704.787.
View05-401304/15/2005Application of Intellicall Operator Services, Inc., d/b/a ILD ("ILD"), filed under Advice Letter No. 7 to revise Tariff No. 1 to add a new non-subscriber surcharge to be applied to in-state operator assisted calls from a coin operated telephone that are billed to a customer account that is not pre-subscribed to ILD as the primary long distance carrier and to update the regulatory contact person.
View05-401204/15/2005Notice by Sprint of Nevada of a new bundled service, Economy Bundle II A, an optional business service enrollment plan that permits the customer to receive an access line and custom calling features for a flat monthly rate.
View05-401104/14/2005Application of Neutral Tandem-Nevada, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold and facilities-based interexchange and basic services within the state of Nevada.
View05-401004/08/2005Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company - Nevada, d/b/a Sprint of Nevada, and BullsEye Telecom of Nevada, LLC for approval of a Master Interconnection, Collocation and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-400904/11/2005Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada ("UICN") filed under Advice Letter No. 6 to amend Rules 1 and 3 of its Water and Sewer Tariffs and implement Schedule IWO-1 to accommodate requests to provide interim water only service when UICN determines that it cannot immediately provide sewer service to an applicant or an applicant is eligible to install an individual sewage disposal system.
View05-400804/08/2005Joint Petition of Nevada Power Company and Sierra Pacific Power Company for a declaratory order relating to the treatment of costs of undergrounding transmission lines pursuant to mandates issued by local governments.
View05-400704/08/2005Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 1969 to introduce a new competitive service called Charter Number Service for residence and business customers.
View05-400604/07/2005Application of Matrix Telecom, Inc. to amend certificate CPC 994 Sub 1 to expand its authority to provide resold interexchange and resold basic services within the state of Nevada.
View05-400504/06/2005Registration of Unlimited Wireless PCS Inc as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View05-400404/05/2005Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada ("UICN") filed under Advice Letter No. 5 to implement Schedule ST-1 to accommodate requests for sewer service when UICN determines that it cannot immediately provide service to the applicants under Schedule SG-1.
View05-400304/01/2005Filing of Nevada Power Company's and Sierra Pacific Power Company's Annual Report regarding the Portfolio Standard for Renewable Energy for Compliance Year 2004.
View05-400204/04/2005Application of RedSquare Corporation for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services providing resold interexchange and resold and facilities-based basic services within the state of Nevada.
View05-400104/01/2005Application of IBFA Acquisition Company, LLC for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View05-303203/28/2005Application of Charleston Trailer Park to withdraw $2,488.53 from its service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system and to close the account.
View05-303103/31/2005Application of the Department of Human Resources Office of Disability Services for approval of the State Fiscal Year 2006 budget for telecommunications services for the speech and hearing impaired.
View05-303003/30/2005Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for approval of a Weather Normalization Adjustment Provision as a means of addressing weather variability issues.
View05-302903/31/2005Application of Sprint of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 140 to revise General Customer Services Tariff No. 2A to introduce Private Switch Database Service associated with Enhanced Emergency 911 Telephone Service and Reverse Notification Telephone Number Database Service, referred to as Reverse 911.
View05-302803/28/2005Application of Beehive Telephone Co., Inc., Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 7 to revise Tariff No. 1 to adjust the TDD surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 04-5031.
View05-302703/22/2005Notification from the Bureau of Consumer Protection ("BCP") of the agreement between BCP and Nevada Power Company regarding the El Paso Natural Gas Settlement and disbursement methodology.
View05-302603/22/2005Notification from the Bureau of Consumer Protection ("BCP") of the agreement between BCP and Southwest Gas Corporation regarding the El Paso Natural Gas Settlement and disbursement methodology.
View05-302503/23/2005Application of Inmate Calling Solutions, LLC to revise Tariff No. 1 to increase the Billing Cost Recovery Fee.
View05-302403/23/2005Application of Brady Power Partners and Orni 3, LLC for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct a binary power plant adjacent to the site of the existing Desert Peak Geothermal Power Plant located in Churchill County, Nevada.
View05-302303/22/2005Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, and IDACOMM, Inc. for approval of Amendment Nos. 1 and 2 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-302203/21/2005Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 327 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to adjust the quarterly surcharge reflecting revised franchise tax rates.
View05-302103/16/2005Application of Sprint of Nevada ("Sprint") filed under Advice Letter No. 139 of changes to the General Customer Services Tariff No. 2A to revise the E-Rate Program (Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Mechanism) to clarify the obligations of Sprint and the customers who seek E-Rate funding for Sprint services and products.
View05-302003/15/2005Application of Transcommunication, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2072.
View05-301903/15/2005Application of Western Telephone, Inc. to amend certificate CPC 2810 to expand its authority to provide resold interexchange, resold basic services and alternative operator services within the state of Nevada.
View05-301803/14/2005Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada, d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-05-05 to revise Bundled Services Schedule No. A-9 for the Tonopah Division to change footnotes 1 and 2 for Frontier Choices on tariff sheet 364.7.
View05-301703/14/2005Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada, d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-05-04 to revise Bundled Services Schedule No. A-10 for the Elko Division to change footnotes 1 and 2 for Frontier Choices on tariff sheet 76.8.
View05-301603/10/2005Filing of Nevada Power Company for acceptance of its Action Plan Progress Report to its three-year Action Plan relative to its 2003-2022 Integrated Resource Plan.
View05-301503/10/2005Application of MCI WorldCom Communications, Inc. to revise Confinement Services Tariff No. 1, Maximum Security Collect Service, to rename an existing offering to Non-Billable Local Exchange Company Program, to introduce the Billable Local Exchange Company Program and to increase the per minute usage rates.
View05-301403/08/2005Application of Central Telephone Company - Nevada, d/b/a Sprint of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 318 to revise General Customer Services Tariff No. 2A to expand the Las Vegas exchange boundary to include the existing Jean exchange.
View05-301303/08/2005Joint Petition of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada, d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, and Level 3 Communications, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-301203/07/2005Application of McLeodUSA Incorporated to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 900 Sub 2 issued to Access Long Distance.
View05-301103/07/2005Application of McLeodUSA Incorporated to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2441 issued to Access Switched Services, Inc.
View05-301003/07/2005Joint Petition of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada, d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, and Global Connection Inc. of America for approval of a Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-300903/07/2005Notice by Verizon Communications Inc. of the proposed acquisition of MCI, Inc.
View05-300803/04/2005Application of KMC Data LLC to amend certificate CPC 2664 to expand its authority to provide resold and facilities-based interexchange and basic services within the state of Nevada.
View05-300703/03/2005Application of Operator Service Company for approval of a change of name to Operator Service Company, LLC for operations conducted under certificate CPC 1048.
View05-300603/03/2005Notification from the Office of the District Attorney for Douglas County of the transfer of control and ownership of Sheridan Acres Water Company, Inc., d/b/a Sheridan Acres Water Company, to Douglas County.
View05-300503/03/2005Rulemaking to amend, adopt or repeal the following regulations, consisting of a portion of the Consumer Bill of Rights (NAC 704.302 to 704.390, inclusive): NAC 704.339(6) as modified by Section 10 of LCB File No. R198-01; NAC 704.375(3) and (5)(a)(1) as modified by Section 19 of LCB File No. R198-01; NAC 704.383(2) as modified by Section 21 of LCB File No. R198-01; NAC 704.390(1) and (3) as modified by Section 23 of LCB File No. R198-01; and NAC Chapter 704 as modified by Section 14 of LCB File No. R126-02.
View05-300403/02/2005Informational notice on behalf of EZ Talk Communications, L.L.C. of bankruptcy proceedings under Chapter 7 and request to cancel CPC 2281.
View05-300303/02/2005Application of Crystal Clear Water Company Inc. to revise Tariff No. 1 to update Rule No. 9 regarding water main extensions to clarify the responsibilities of the utility and the applicant requesting the extension and provide a formula to calculate reapportionment of expenses if another applicant requests service from the same main extension.
View05-300203/01/2005Petition of Macquarie District Energy, Inc. for a declaratory order or in the alternative an advisory opinion that it is not a public utility and that its activities fall outside the jurisdiction of the Commission.
View05-300103/01/2005Notice by Central Telephone Company - Nevada, d/b/a Sprint of Nevada, to introduce a new service called Non-Listed Number Service.
View05-203702/28/2005Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, of an Agreement and Plan of Merger between its parent corporation SBC Communications Inc. and AT&T Corp.
View05-203602/28/2005Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company - Nevada, d/b/a Sprint of Nevada, and COX NEVADA TELCOM, LLC for approval of a Master Interconnection and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-203502/25/2005Filing by CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc., d/b/a CenturyTel, of notice of a promotional campaign.
View05-203402/25/2005Application of I-Link Communications, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2162 Sub 1.
View05-203302/25/2005Application of Spirit Mountain Utility Company, Inc. for authority to impose a rate surcharge to fund a water pressure system improvements project.
View05-203202/28/2005Application of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act to amend UEPA No. 315 issued in Docket No. 01-5023 to increase the size of the water storage tank from 500,000 gallons to 750,000 gallons to be located in Pahrump, Nye County, Nevada.
View05-203102/24/2005Complaint. DIECA Communications, Inc., d/b/a Covad Communications Company ("Covad"), vs. Central Telephone Company - Nevada, d/b/a Sprint of Nevada ("Sprint"), for Sprint's refusal to allow Covad to opt into an existing Interconnection Agreement approved by the Commission.
View05-203002/24/2005Incident report filed by the Staff of the Public Utilities Commission in response to notice pursuant to NRS 704.190 from Nevada Power Company of notification an employee's death occurring on 2/23/05 when the employee hit a slippery section of roadway and lost control of the company vehicle he was driving.
View05-202902/23/2005Application of the City of Reno for authority to install proper safety features at the at-grade railroad crossing located on Echo Avenue in Reno, Nevada.
View05-202802/24/2005Application of Verizon California Inc., d/b/a Verizon Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 327 to revise Tariff No. 4-B to increase the Nevada Universal Service Fund surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 04-11053.
View05-202702/23/2005Application of Desert Utilities, Inc. to revise Water Rights Rule No. 21 which governs the dedication of water rights to the utility and the issuance of will serve commitments.
View05-202602/23/2005Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, and SBC Advanced Solutions, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-202502/23/2005Rulemaking to amend NAC 704.460 to adopt the currently effective federal pipeline safety regulations.
View05-202402/18/2005Notice by Central Telephone Company - Nevada, d/b/a Sprint of Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.329 of a merger agreement between Sprint Corporation and Nextel Communications, Inc.
View05-202302/18/2005Notice by SBC Internet Services, Inc. of its intent to request numbering resources for the Reno rate center from the North American Numbering Plan Administrator.
View05-202202/18/2005Complaint. Autotel vs. Central Telephone Company - Nevada, d/b/a Sprint of Nevada, for enforcement of an interconnection agreement.
View05-202102/15/2005Application of AmeriVision Communications, Inc. ("AmeriVision") for approval of the transfer of control of AmeriVision to Nonprofit and Affinity Marketing, Inc. and for a change of name to AmeriVision Communications, Inc., d/b/a LifeLine Communications, for operations conducted under certificate CPC 2078.
View05-202002/15/2005Joint application of Desert Utilities, Inc. ("Desert Utilities") and Pahrump Utility Holdings, LLC ("Pahrump Utility") for approval for Desert Utilities to transfer all issued and outstanding stock to Pahrump Utility.
View05-201902/11/2005Application of DCT Telecom Group, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View05-201802/10/2005Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada, d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-05-03 to revise Tariff No. A-3 to remove outdated language referring to the Statewide Service Fund from the intrastate access tariff.
View05-201702/09/2005Investigation regarding issues related to the reservation of capacity on electric transmission facilities in Nevada.
View05-201602/09/2005Application of Verizon California Inc., d/b/a Verizon Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 326 to revise Access Service Tariff No. 3-B to withdraw Frame Relay Service speeds of 56 kilobits per second ("Kbps") and 128 Kbps.
View05-201502/09/2005Application of the Nevada Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Task Force nominating for participation in the Solar Energy Systems Demonstration Program applications for new projects and amendments to previously approved projects for program year one and applications for program year two.
View05-201402/08/2005Application of Talk America Inc. to revise Tariff No. 1 to implement the Nevada Universal Service Fund surcharge and pay telephone surcharge.
View05-201302/04/2005Application of Gardnerville Town Water Company for authority to modify certificate CPC 926 Sub 7 to expand its water service territory to include property owned by the Virginia Ranch Development Corporation located in Douglas County, Nevada.
View05-201202/04/2005Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, to reclassify Business Subscriber Access Services which are currently classified as a Basic Service to Competitive Services in its Reno and Carson City exchanges only.
View05-201102/04/2005Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 1966 to revise Tariff No. C5-A to include an expedite order charge for Digital Signal, Level 3 orders to bill additional labor charges when expedited service is requested that requires overtime or irregular work days.
View05-201002/04/2005Application of Sprint of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No.136 to revise Tariff No. 2A to update the Lifeline qualifers in accordance with new regulations established by the FCC Guidelines.
View05-200902/03/2005Application of Phone1, Inc. to revise Tariff No. 1 to increase the maximum operator assisted per minute and per call rates, increase the pay telephone surcharge and to introduce toll free access operator services.
View05-200802/03/2005Application of Dutchman Acres Water Company filed under Advice Letter No. 2 to revise Tariff No. 1 to increase the late charge fee applied to delinquent accounts.
View05-200702/03/2005Application of Dutchman Acres Water Company ("Dutchman Acres") filed under Advice Letter No. 1 to revise Fire Protection Rule No. 10 to allow Dutchman Acres to maintain the fire hydrants.
View05-200602/03/2005Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff to amend NAC 704.460 to adopt the current effective federal pipeline safety regulations.
View05-200502/02/2005Filing by Rio Virgin Telephone Company of a Custom Calling Features promotional campaign.
View05-200402/02/2005Filing by Sprint of Nevada of notice of a promotional campaign for new business customers.
View05-200302/02/2005Application of ATX Licensing, Inc. for authority, nunc pro tunc, to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View05-200202/02/2005Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order to Show Cause why Indian Springs Water Company should not be found in violation of its tariff.
View05-200102/01/2005Application of Concert Communications Sales LLC for approval of a change of name to BT Communications Sales LLC for telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2446.
View05-1203912/29/2005Request of Pacific Bell Wireless, LLC, d/b/a Cingular Wireless and Nevada Bell Wireless, to cancel its commercial mobile radio service registration.
View05-1203812/29/2005Joint application of VarTec Telecom, Inc., d/b/a VarTec Telecom and Clear Choice Communications, Excel Telecommunications, Inc., VarTec Solutions, Inc. and Comtel Telcom Assets LP for approval of an asset transfer whereby Comtel Telcom Assets LP, d/b/a VarTec Telecom, Clear Choice Communications, Excel Telecommunications, and VarTec Solutions, will be granted the authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange and resold and facilities-based basic services within the State of Nevada.
View05-1203712/28/2005Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 1990 to revise Tariff No. C13-A regarding charges for Presubscribed Interexchange Carrier changes pursuant to NRS 704.6898 which requires that intrastate access prices charged by an electing carrier must not exceed the interstate access prices charged for applicable rate elements.
View05-1203612/28/2005Application of the Forum Group for approval of the proposed water and sewer systems for the St. Thomas Place development to be located in Nye County, Nevada.
View05-1203512/27/2005Notice by Sprint of Nevada of a promotional campaign for new business customers.
View05-1203412/27/2005Application of Sprint of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 152 to revise General Customer Services Tariff No. 2A to change the language in the Table of Contents to correctly reflect the tariff.
View05-1203312/27/2005Application of Nevada Utilities, Inc., d/b/a Nevada Telephone, to be designated as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in the state of Nevada pursuant to NAC 704.6804 and Section 254 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-1203212/27/2005Petition of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada for approval of the 2005 Water System and Sewer System Master Plan.
View05-1203112/22/2005Application of Alltel Holding Corporate Services, Inc. for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View05-1203012/21/2005Application of Inmate Calling Solutions, LLC to revise Tariff No. 1 to increase the billing cost recovery fee.
View05-1202912/20/2005Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff to open an investigatory docket into the practices and procedures of Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada for its water and sewer operations.
View05-1202812/16/2005Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company to delay establishing a new temporary renewable energy development ("TRED") charge.
View05-1202712/19/2005Application of the Regulatory Operations Staff for authority to impose a surcharge to fund arsenic remediation for Crystal Clear Water Company Inc.
View05-1202612/19/2005Application of the Regulatory Operations Staff for investigation of Crystal Clear Water Company Inc. for Interim Operator and authority for Interim Operator to make a State Revolving Fund application to fund arsenic remediation.
View05-1202512/19/2005Notice by Telecommunications of Nevada, LLC, d/b/a XO Communications, LLC, of a pro forma internal corporate reorganization.
View05-1202412/19/2005Notice by Horizon Telecom, Inc. ("Horizon") of the transfer of control of Horizon from Debbie Secrest to Robert Sorrentino.
View05-1202312/19/2005Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct a 1,220,000 gallon water storage tank, pump station, approximately 1,870 feet of water line and related appurtenances to be located in Pahrump, Nye County, Nevada.
View05-1202212/16/2005Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc., d/b/a Verizon Nevada, and MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC for approval of Amendment No. 3 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-1202112/15/2005Application of Evercom Systems, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 3 to revise Tariff No. 1 to increase the Bill Statement Fee.
View05-1202012/15/2005Application of T-NETIX Telecommunications Services, Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 5 to revise Tariff No. 1 to increase the Bill Statement Fee.
View05-1201912/15/2005Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc., d/b/a Verizon Nevada, and MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC, as successor to Brooks Fiber Communications of Nevada Inc., for approval of Amendment No. 3 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-1201812/14/2005Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, and Camarato Distributing, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-1201712/13/2005Application of Volume Telecom, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2818.
View05-1201612/13/2005Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 1989 to increase the monthly rate for ISDN Basic Rate Interface (BRI) service.
View05-1201512/13/2005Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct a 2,700,000 gallon water storage tank, pump station, approximately 6,518 feet of water line and related appurtenances to be located in Pahrump, Nye County, Nevada.
View05-1201412/12/2005Notice by Sprint of Nevada to expand eligibility of the currently effective promotional campaign for new business customers to include Sprint Long Distance, Inc.
View05-1201312/12/2005Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 1985 to eliminate the residential call allowance for local Directory Assistance service and to increase the price of a direct-dialed call to Directory Assistance.
View05-1201212/12/2005Application of Westpac Utilities, an operating division of Sierra Pacific Power Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 265-G to revise Tariff No. 1, Gas Main Extensions Rule No. 9, to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View05-1201112/12/2005Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 456-E to revise Tariff No. 1, Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9, to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View05-1201012/12/2005Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 338 to revise Tariff No. 1-B, Electric Line Extensions Rule No. 9, to adjust the rate used in the taxability of the line extension calculations.
View05-1200912/09/2005Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, for approval of a change of name to Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a AT&T Nevada, for operations conducted under certificate CPC 616 and subsequent subs.
View05-1200812/08/2005Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for approval of a long-term service agreement with Turquoise Ridge Joint Venture pursuant to its electric Large Transmission Service Schedule No. GS-4.
View05-1200712/07/2005Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc., d/b/a Verizon Nevada, and CommPartners, LLC for approval of an amendment to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-1200612/07/2005Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc., d/b/a Verizon Nevada, and CommPartners, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-1200512/05/2005Joint application of VarTec Telecom, Inc., Excel Telecommunications, Inc., VarTec Solutions, Inc., and Comtel Telcom Assets LP for approval of an asset sale transaction.
View05-1200412/02/2005Notice by Advantage Telecommunications, Corp. ("ATC") of the transfer of control of ATC from Sonya Bly to Robert Sorrentino.
View05-1200312/02/2005Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 1988 to introduce Military Reconnection Package, a new consumer package service available to military reservists who seek reconnection of their residential telephone service after returning from overseas military duty.
View05-1200212/01/2005Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. for authority to modify certificate CPC 2343 Sub 2 for sewer service and certificate CPC 2720 Sub 1 for water service to expand its water and sewer service territory to include approximate 1,159.07 acres of real property located in Nye County, Nevada.
View05-1200112/01/2005Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company to establish a new DEAA5 rate to collect deferred energy costs and to reset the Base Tariff Energy Rate for collection of projected future energy costs.
View05-1103611/30/2005Complaint. Pac-West Telecomm, Inc., d/b/a Americall and Pac-West Telecomm, Inc. ("Pac-West"), vs. Nevada Utilities, Inc., d/b/a Nevada Telephone ("Nevada Telephone"), regarding Nevada Telephone's blocking of calls directed to Pac-West's network.
View05-1103511/30/2005Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, and Level 3 Communications, LLC for approval of Amendment No. 6 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-1103411/30/2005Application of Inter-Tel NetSolutions, Inc. to amend certificate CPC 1096 to expand its authority to provide resold interexchange and resold basic services within the state of Nevada.
View05-1103311/29/2005Report filed by the National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc., as Administrator of the Nevada Universal Service Fund ("NUSF"), setting forth the estimated amount of funding required to support the NUSF during fiscal year 2006 and recommending the establishment of an annual contribution minimum and the percentage rate to be applied to the intrastate retail revenues of all obligated providers of telecommunications services in Nevada.
View05-1103211/28/2005Compliance filing by Alltel Communications, Inc. (f/k/a Western Wireless Corporation) of changes in rate plans pursuant to the Order issued in Docket 00-6003.
View05-1103111/28/2005Complaint. Nevada Utilities, Inc., d/b/a Nevada Telephone, vs. Pac-West Telecomm, Inc., d/b/a Americall and Pac-West Telecomm, Inc., concerning failure to negotiate reasonable interconnection and inter-carrier compensation rates.
View05-1103011/22/2005Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc., currently authorized by CPC 2343 Sub 2 to provide sewer service and CPC 2720 Sub 1 to provide water service, for authority to expand its water and sewer service territory to include the Pleasant Valley development located in Pahrump, Nye County, Nevada.
View05-1102911/23/2005Notice by Telscape Communications, Inc. ("Telscape") of a pending sale by TSG Capital Fund III, LP of controlling shares of stock in Telscape to Scorpion Capital Partners, L.P.
View05-1102811/23/2005Application of Verizon California Inc., d/b/a Verizon Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 337 to revise Integrated Services Digital Network Services - Primary Rate Interface (ISDN-PRI) Schedule No. A-20 to add PRI Station Detail Billing.
View05-1102711/21/2005Application of Trailerdale Trailer Park to withdraw $4,857.31 from the service charge account for reimbursement of expenses incurred to repair and maintain the electrical system.
View05-1102611/21/2005Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff of the Commission to open an investigatory docket to determine whether the Commission's approval of the long-term power purchase agreement between Nevada Power Company and Las Vegas Cogeneration II LLC should be rescinded or any other action the Commission deems appropriate.
View05-1102511/18/2005In re request for Orders to Appear and Show Cause why Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity should not be revoked for public utilities that have not paid their annual assessment fee, their surcharge for assistance to persons with impaired speech and hearing, and/or have not filed an annual report pursuant to NRS 703.191 and NAC 704.7483. In re request for Orders to Appear and Show Cause why civil penalties should not be imposed on commercial mobile radio service providers for failure to pay their annual licensing fee and/or their surcharge for assistance to persons with impaired speech and hearing.
View05-1102411/17/2005Notice by Protel Advantage, Inc. of a proposed transfer of majority shareholder.
View05-1102311/17/2005Application of the Nevada Department of Corrections for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct a wood fired biomass generation facility to be located at the Northern Nevada Correctional Center in Carson City, Nevada.
View05-1102211/15/2005Application of Southwest Gas Corporation for authority to implement quarterly Base Tariff Energy Rate adjustments based on recorded natural gas costs.
View05-1102111/14/2005Notice by Level 3 Communications, LLC ("Level 3") and WilTel Communications Group, LLC of an indirect transfer of control whereby Level 3 will acquire 100 percent of the equity of WilTel Communications, LLC and WilTel Local Network, LLC.
View05-1102011/14/2005Application of American Farm Bureau, d/b/a The Farm Bureau Connection, to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2392.
View05-1101911/15/2005Notice by Sprint of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 151 to reduce the monthly rate for Special Plan Bundle, a competitive service.
View05-1101811/14/2005Application of Pahrump Utility Company, Inc. for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct a 2,000,000 GPD wastewater reclamation facility and related appurtenances located in Pahrump, Nye County, Nevada.
View05-1101711/10/2005Application of the Nevada Department of Transportation for authority to eliminate the existing at-grade crossing and construct a grade separation over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks at Craig Road in North Las Vegas, Nevada.
View05-1101611/10/2005Registration of Helio LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View05-1101511/10/2005Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 1986 to introduce Custom BizSaver, a new business bundle.
View05-1101411/10/2005Notice by Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 1984 of a new discretionary business package, Feature Select, a Call Management Package consisting of five selectable custom calling features.
View05-1101311/09/2005Petition of the Nevada Commission for the Reconstruction of the V&T Railway ("V&T") for a declaratory order or an advisory opinion regarding V&T's proposed deviation from walkway standards for US Hwy 50 bridge and to confirm V&T’s small business exemption under NAC 705.187 from the provisions of NAC 705.160 through 705.181 which establish walkway standards alongside track for V&T's reconstruction of the historic Virginia and Truckee Railroad from Gold Hill, Nevada to Carson City, Nevada.
View05-1101211/08/2005Notice by PAETEC Communications, Inc. ("PAETEC") and American Long Lines, Inc. ("AMLL") of a proposed transaction whereby AMLL will merge into PAETEC.
View05-1101111/07/2005Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company - Nevada, d/b/a Sprint of Nevada, and RedSquare Corporation for approval of a Master Interconnection, Collocation and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-1101011/07/2005Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company - Nevada, d/b/a Sprint of Nevada, and DIECA Communications, Inc., d/b/a Covad Communications Company, for approval of a Master Interconnection, Collocation and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-1100911/08/2005Application of Phone1, Inc. to revise Tariff No. 1 to introduce new rate plans for operator services, a non-subscriber service charge, and a bill statement fee and to delete references to services not regulated or not offered by the company.
View05-1100811/04/2005Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, and Vilaire Communications for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-1100711/04/2005Application of Westpac Utilities, an operating division of Sierra Pacific Power Company to amend certificate CPC 688 Sub 2 to expand its certificated northern Nevada gas service territory by annexing contiguous areas located in Storey County and Lyon County, Nevada.
View05-1100611/04/2005Commission sponsored letters to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and Commodity Futures Trading Commission regarding volatile natural gas prices.
View05-1100511/03/2005Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 337 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to adjust the quarterly surcharge reflecting revised franchise tax rates.
View05-1100411/03/2005Application of Southwest Gas Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 415 to close Street and Outdoor Lighting Gas Service Schedule Nos. SG-33 and NG-30 to new applicants for service.
View05-1100311/02/2005Registration of Mobile ESPN, LLC as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View05-1100211/02/2005Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, and Trinsic Communications, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 2 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-1100111/02/2005Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, and SBC Advanced Solutions, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-105201/31/2005Reports from public utilities operating in Nevada of accidents occurring during calendar year 2005 pursuant to NRS 704.190 and NAC 704.230.
View05-105101/31/2005Staff's quarterly report regarding the oral complaints resolved pursuant to NAC 455.305 pertaining to the One-Call Program (sub-surface installations).
View05-105001/31/2005Application of Teligent Services, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2367 Sub 1.
View05-104901/31/2005Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 1970 to revise Tariff Nos. C2-A and C13-A to adopt changes to the Additional Labor and Miscellaneous Charges section pursuant to NRS 704.6898 which requires that the intrastate access prices charged by an electing carrier must not exceed the interstate access prices charged for corresponding elements.
View05-104801/31/2005Application of Inmate Calling Solutions, LLC to revise Tariff No. 1 to add Prepaid Institutional Calling Services, to introduce a monthly billing cost recovery fee to be applied when collect calls are billed through the customer's local exchange carrier and minor text changes to revise section numbering.
View05-104701/27/2005Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company - Nevada, d/b/a Sprint of Nevada, and AT&T Communications of Nevada, Inc. for approval of a Master Interconnection and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-104601/28/2005Application of Westpac Utilities, an operating division of Sierra Pacific Power Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 256-G to revise the applicability section of the Purchase Gas Adjustment Provision of Gas Tariff No. 1 to comply with the Order in Docket No. 03-11015.
View05-104501/28/2005Notice of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 1971 to revise Tariff No. A5 to decrease the residential call allowance from 3 calls to 1 call per month for local directory assistance service.
View05-104401/26/2005Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 1968 to revise Tariff Nos. A-2 and A-5 to change the location of the text addressing employee concession service for current and retired employees and to delete certain information regarding the service.
View05-104301/26/2005Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, and Z-Tel Communications, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-104201/26/2005Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, and Nextel of California, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 2 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-104101/26/2005Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 1967 to revise Tariff No. A-2 to increase the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 04-11053.
View05-104001/26/2005Application of National Brands, Inc., d/b/a Sharenet Communications Company, filed under Advice Letter No. 6 to revise Tariff No. 1 to introduce a pay telephone surcharge.
View05-103901/25/2005Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff for an Order to Show Cause why Hazel June Yancey on behalf of Wildes Manor Mobile Home Park should not be found in violation of NRS 704.940 and 704.960.
View05-103801/24/2005Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, and US In Touch, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-103701/21/2005Application of Choice Energy Services, LP for a license to provide discretionary service as an alternative seller of natural gas to generating, industrial, or large commercial customers in the state of Nevada.
View05-103601/21/2005Application of Custom Teleconnect, Inc. to revise Tariff No. 1-A to increase the maximum operator assisted per minute rate, increase the pay telephone service charge and introduce a second operator services rate plan.
View05-103501/21/2005Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada, d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-05-02 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to increase the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge for the Tonopah Division pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 04-11053.
View05-103401/21/2005Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada, d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-05-01 to revise Tariff No. 1-B to increase the Nevada Universal Service Fund Surcharge for the Elko Division pursuant to the Order issued in Docket No. 04-11053.
View05-103301/19/2005Joint Petition of Central Telephone Company - Nevada, d/b/a Sprint of Nevada, and Pac-West Telecomm, Inc., d/b/a Americall and Pac-West Telecomm, Inc., for approval of a Master Interconnection, Collocation and Resale Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-103201/19/2005Application of Bell Atlantic Communications, Inc., d/b/a Verizon Long Distance, to revise Tariff No. 1 to increase the operator services maximum per call charges and the operator services maximum per minute usage charges to reflect the current maximum rates on file for AT&T.
View05-103101/18/2005Staff's quarterly report regarding the oral complaints resolved pursuant to NAC 455.305 pertaining to the One-Call Program (sub-surface installations).
View05-103001/18/2005Proposed rulemaking to amend and adopt regulations to further define the term "renewable energy system" pursuant to NRS 704.7815.
View05-102901/14/2005Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for approval of proposed rates to recover the expenses of developing its Resource Plan, or in the alternative, approval to eliminate resource plan cost recovery pursuant to NAC 704.9485.
View05-102801/14/2005Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company to collect deferred energy expenses and to reset the Base Tariff Energy Rate to reflect anticipated future energy costs.
View05-102701/14/2005Application of the City of Reno for authority to construct ten grade-separated crossings over the Union Pacific Railroad mainline tracks at Keystone Avenue, Vine Street, Washington Street, Ralston Street, Arlington Avenue, West Street, Sierra Street, Virginia Street, Center Street and Lake Street and to remove the existing pedestrian crossing located between Ralston Street and Arlington Avenue and reconstruct the pedestrian bridge approximately 135 feet east of its present location as part of the ReTRAC Project in Reno, Nevada.
View05-102601/14/2005Application of the City of Reno for authority to construct a grade-separated crossing over the Union Pacific Railroad mainline tracks at Evans Avenue as part of the ReTRAC Project in Reno, Nevada.
View05-102501/13/2005Application of Z-Tel Communications, Inc. for approval of a change of name to Trinsic Communications, Inc. for telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2332 Sub 2.
View05-102401/13/2005Application of InfiniSys of Nevada, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2731.
View05-102301/13/2005Application of Starpower Communications, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2383.
View05-102201/11/2005Petition of Central Telephone Company - Nevada, d/b/a Sprint of Nevada, for the Commission to overturn a denial by NeuStar, Inc., the Administrator for the North American Numbering Plan, of ten blocks of 1,000 consecutive numbers in the Las Vegas Rate Center.
View05-102101/13/2004Application of Verizon Select Services Inc. filed under Advice Letter No. 4 to revise Tariff No. 1 to introduce the 1-800 Use the VZ Service.
View05-102001/13/2005Application of Qwest Communications Corporation filed under Advice Letter No. 3 to revise Tariff No. 2 to increase the per-call charge for all non-coin calls placed from a payphone.
View05-101901/10/2005Registration to revise CMRS 31 for Sacramento-Valley Limited Partnership, d/b/a Verizon Wireless, as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View05-101801/10/2005Registration to revise CMRS 29 for Southwestco Wireless, Limited Partnership, d/b/a Verizon Wireless, as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View05-101701/10/2005Registration to revise CMRS 32 for Cellco Partnership, d/b/a Verizon Wireless, as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View05-101601/10/2005Registration to revise CMRS 20 for Airtouch Cellular, d/b/a Verizon Wireless, as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View05-101501/10/2005Request of Verizon Wireless to cancel the commercial mobile radio service registration for AirTouch Cellular - Reno (CMRS 22).
View05-101401/10/2005Request of Verizon Wireless to cancel the commercial mobile radio service registration for AirTouch Cellular - Mineral (CMRS 21).
View05-101301/10/2005Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, and Airtouch Cellular for approval of Amendment Nos. 1 and 2 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-101201/12/2005Joint application of New Access Communications LLC ("New Access") and North Central Equity LLC ("North Central") for authority to transfer ownership of New Access from Jasper Holdings LLC to North Central.
View05-101101/12/2005Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, and Bullseye Telecom of Nevada, LLC for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-101001/10/2005Application of Northwest Nevada Telco, Inc., d/b/a NWNT and NNT, to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2113.
View05-100901/07/2005Application of Econodial, LLC to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2724.
View05-100801/07/2005Application of Nevada Telephone, Inc. and its parent company Nevada Utilities, Inc. to transfer certificate CPC 2243 Sub 2 from Nevada Telephone, Inc. to Nevada Utilities, Inc., d/b/a Nevada Telephone.
View05-100701/11/2005Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 444-E to submit Cogeneration and Small Power Production Short-Term Rates Schedule No. CSPP, with no change in rates, in accordance with NAC 704.8783 which requires each utility to file annually its short-term avoided costs for purchases from Qualifying Facilities.
View05-100601/11/2005Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 326 to submit Cogeneration and Small Power Production - Qualifying Facilities Schedule QF-Short Term, with no change in rates, in accordance with NAC 704.8783 which requires each utility to file annually its short-term avoided costs for purchases from Qualifying Facilities.
View05-100501/05/2005Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 1964 to revise Tariff No. A-5 to incorporate changes to existing employee concession tariffs for management employees.
View05-100401/04/2005Application of Nevada Power Company for approval of the first amendment to the Distribution-Only Service Agreement entered into by Nevada Power Company, the Southern Nevada Water Authority and the Colorado River Commission.
View05-1003810/31/2005Filing of Sierra Pacific Power Company of changes in rates within its Gas Tariff Schedule No. INGR pursuant to NAC 704.522 and NAC 704.526.
View05-1003710/31/2005Notice by McLeodUSA Telecommunications Services, Inc. of a consensual Chapter 11 financial restructuring that will change the capital structure of its ultimate parent company, McLeodUSA Incorporated.
View05-1003610/31/2005Filing by Cox Nevada Telcom, LLC of its Terms and Conditions and Access Tariff.
View05-1003510/24/2005Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for authority under the provisions of the Utility Environmental Protection Act for a permit to construct at the existing Tracy Station, a new 345 kV electric substation; a 345 kV transmission interconnection; and a 514 MW combined cycle generating unit to be located in Washoe County and Storey County, Nevada.
View05-1003410/26/2005Filing by Sprint of Nevada of notice of a promotional campaign for new business customers.
View05-1003310/25/2005Filing by Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada ("SBC"), of notice of a promotional campaign for new residential customers who currently have local service with a competitive local exchange carrier and establish local service with SBC and purchase a uSelect feature package.
View05-1003210/25/2005Filing by Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada ("SBC"), of notice of a promotional campaign for new residential customers who currently have local service with a competitive local exchange carrier and establish local service with SBC.
View05-1003110/25/2005Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, and Advanced TelCom, Inc., d/b/a Eschelon Telecom, Inc., for approval of Amendment No. 2 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-1003010/24/2005Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company ("SPPC") for approval of an electric general service agreement with Fish Springs Ranch LLC ("Fish Springs") and methodologies to refund Fish Springs part of the construction costs for new transmission and distribution facilities once subsequent SPPC customers take service from those facilities.
View05-100301/03/2005Filing by Sprint of Nevada of notice of a promotional campaign for new residence customers.
View05-1002910/24/2005Filing by BullsEye Telecom, Inc., f/k/a BullsEye Telecom of Nevada, LLC, to replace its informational terms and conditions to reflect the company's new name.
View05-1002810/24/2005Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc., d/b/a Verizon Nevada, and Southern Telcom Network, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 1 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-1002710/24/2005Joint Petition of Verizon California Inc., d/b/a Verizon Nevada, and Southern Telcom Network, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-1002610/24/2005Petition of the Regulatory Operations Staff of the Commission for an advisory opinion as to whether the Dixie Valley Power Plant/Caithness Dixie Valley, LLC qualifies for Nevada Renewable Energy Credits for its station load.
View05-1002510/21/2005Application of Nevada Power Company for authority to issue secured or unsecured long-term debt securities in an aggregate amount not to exceed $1,780,000,000 through the period ending December 31, 2007.
View05-1002410/21/2005Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for authority to issue secured or unsecured long-term debt securities in an aggregate amount not to exceed $1,360,000,000 through the period ending December 31, 2007.
View05-1002310/20/2005Joint application of Utilities, Inc. ("UI") and Hydro Star, LLC ("Hydro Star") for approval of a transaction in which Hydro Star will acquire Nuon Global Solutions USA, Inc.'s common stock ownership in UI that owns Sky Ranch Water Service Corp.; Spring Creek Utilities Co.; Utilities, Inc. of Central Nevada and Utilities, Inc. of Nevada.
View05-1002210/20/2005Notice by Sprint of Nevada filed under Advice Letter No. 150 of a new bundled service called Complete Business Package.
View05-1002110/19/2005Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company on behalf of its gas operating division, Westpac Utilities, for approval of its three year Action Plan for the Demand Side Management Programs.
View05-1002010/18/2005Application of Claricom Networks, Inc. to voluntarily discontinue telecommunications services conducted under certificate CPC 2233 Sub 1.
View05-100201/03/2005Registration of Consumer Cellular, Incorporated as a commercial mobile radio service provider.
View05-1001910/19/2005Application of Nevada Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 335 to modify Net Metering Rider Schedule No. NMR to comply with the provisions enacted by Assembly Bill 236 of the 2005 State of Nevada Legislature.
View05-1001810/19/2005Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company filed under Advice Letter No. 454-E to modify Net Metering Rider Schedule No. NMR to comply with the provisions enacted by Assembly Bill 236 of the 2005 State of Nevada Legislature.
View05-1001710/18/2005Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, and Eschelon Telecom of Nevada, Inc. for approval of Amendment No. 7 to their Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-1001610/17/2005Application of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. 1983 to revise Tariff Nos. C2-A, C5-A, C7-A and C8-A to reduce the negotiated installation interval for DS-3 access service to be consistent with the interstate installation interval included in its FCC #1 tariff pursuant to NRS 704.6898 which requires that intrastate access prices charged by an electing carrier must not exceed the interstate access prices charged for applicable rate elements, remove duplicate language and make minor clerical corrections.
View05-1001510/14/2005In re Commission sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Washoe County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View05-1001410/14/2005In re Commission sponsored Consumer Session to be held in Clark County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS 704.069(2).
View05-1001310/11/2005Application of MCI Communications Services, Inc. to modify certificate CPC 2084 Sub 5 to amend its authority to provide resold and facilities-based interexchange and resold basic services, alternative operator services and telecommunication services to confinement facilities within the state of Nevada.
View05-1001210/10/2005Notice by Claricom Networks, Inc. ("Claricom") of the pending transfer of all interests of Claricom and ultimate merger with and into Matrix Telecom, Inc.
View05-1001110/07/2005Application of Asia Talk Telecom, Inc., d/b/a HelloCom Inc., for authority to operate as a competitive provider of telecommunications services, providing resold interexchange services within the state of Nevada.
View05-1001010/07/2005Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada, d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-05-15 for the Tonopah Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to incorporate recent Lifeline and Link-up regulation changes adopted by the Commission in Docket No. 04-8003.
View05-100101/03/2005Application of T-NETIX Telecommunications Services, Inc. to revise Tariff No. 1 to increase the monthly billing cost recovery fee that is applied to a customer's local exchange carrier's bill each month in which collect calls from confinement facilities are billed.
View05-1000910/07/2005Application of Citizens Telecommunications Company of Nevada, d/b/a Frontier Communications of Nevada, filed under Advice Letter No. NV-05-14 for the Elko Division to revise Tariff No. 1-B to incorporate recent Lifeline and Link-up regulation changes adopted by the Commission in Docket No. 04-8003.
View05-1000810/06/2005Notice by Sprint of Nevada filed under Advice Letter 149 to revise General Customer Services Tariff 2A to increase the rate for Sprint Personal Messenger Service.
View05-1000710/03/2005Joint application of Nevada Power Company and Sierra Pacific Power Company for approval of the purchase agreement for the sale and purchase of renewable energy credits between the companies.
View05-1000610/03/2005Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for approval of new and revised depreciation rates for natural gas operations based on its 2005 depreciation study.
View05-1000510/03/2005Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for authority to increase its annual revenue requirement for general rates charged to all classes of gas customers and for relief properly related thereto.
View05-1000410/03/2005Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for approval of new and revised depreciation rates for electric operations based on its 2005 depreciation study.
View05-1000310/03/2005Application of Sierra Pacific Power Company for authority to increase its annual revenue requirement for general rates charged to all classes of electric customers and for relief properly related thereto.
View05-1000210/03/2005Joint Petition of Nevada Bell Telephone Company, d/b/a SBC Nevada, and Ernest Communications, Inc. for approval of an Interconnection Agreement pursuant to Section 252 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
View05-1000110/03/2005Application of Lincoln County Telephone System, Inc. for approval of revised depreciation rates based on its 2005 depreciation study.