Carson City:
1150 E. William Street
Carson City, NV 89701-3109
(775) 684-6101
Fax (775) 684-6110
Las Vegas:
9075 West Diablo Drive, Suite 250
Las Vegas, NV 89148
(702) 486-7210
Fax (702) 486-7206
TDD Surcharge for Assistance to Persons with Impaired Speech or Hearing
Report Form
CPC or CMRS #:
Company Name:
Company Address1:
Company Address2:
Company City:   State:  Zip:
Company Telephone:
Type of Utility:

Preparer First Name:   Last Name:
Confirmation Email:

Preparer Company:
Preparer Address1:
Preparer Address2:
Preparer City:  State:  Zip:
Preparer Telephone: